blob: db405c1b61ff65121c7035bd87d27437158775ef [file] [log] [blame]
*Average bit-rate VBR
-Add maximum/minimum bit-rate control for VBR
*Add "VAD-only" VBR (constant bit-rate or comfort noise)
-Get the encoder to use the rate of packet loss (more conservative pitch gains)
-No transmission when constant noise/silence
Long-term quality improvements
-Improve perceptual enhancement (including wideband)
-Improve VAD and VBR
-Packet-loss concealment
*Complete Speex RTP profile
-MIME type registration
-MS ACM wrapper
*required for 1.0
peelable stream (double codebook, higher bands, stereo)
DTX in Ogg? (painful)
LPC from spectral domain
Masking curve from Vorbis