blob: 55a33ab86ccf4027e774522d633337adeb80349c [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
package saver2v1
import (
// ===== Creation Info section Saver tests =====
func TestSaver2_1SnippetSavesText(t *testing.T) {
sn := &spdx.Snippet2_1{
SnippetSPDXIdentifier: "SPDXRef-Snippet17",
SnippetFromFileSPDXIdentifier: "SPDXRef-File292",
SnippetByteRangeStart: 17,
SnippetByteRangeEnd: 209,
SnippetLineRangeStart: 3,
SnippetLineRangeEnd: 8,
SnippetLicenseConcluded: "GPL-2.0-or-later",
LicenseInfoInSnippet: []string{
SnippetLicenseComments: "this is a comment(s) about the snippet license",
SnippetCopyrightText: "Copyright (c) John Doe 20x6",
SnippetComment: "this is a snippet comment",
SnippetName: "from John's program",
// what we want to get, as a buffer of bytes
want := bytes.NewBufferString(`SnippetSPDXIdentifier: SPDXRef-Snippet17
SnippetFromFileSPDXID: SPDXRef-File292
SnippetByteRange: 17:209
SnippetLineRange: 3:8
SnippetLicenseConcluded: GPL-2.0-or-later
LicenseInfoInSnippet: GPL-2.0-or-later
LicenseInfoInSnippet: MIT
SnippetLicenseComments: this is a comment(s) about the snippet license
SnippetCopyrightText: Copyright (c) John Doe 20x6
SnippetComment: this is a snippet comment
SnippetName: from John's program
// render as buffer of bytes
var got bytes.Buffer
err := renderSnippet2_1(sn, &got)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected nil error, got %v", err)
// check that they match
c := bytes.Compare(want.Bytes(), got.Bytes())
if c != 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected %v, got %v", want.String(), got.String())
func TestSaver2_1SnippetOmitsOptionalFieldsIfEmpty(t *testing.T) {
sn := &spdx.Snippet2_1{
SnippetSPDXIdentifier: "SPDXRef-Snippet17",
SnippetFromFileSPDXIdentifier: "SPDXRef-File292",
SnippetByteRangeStart: 17,
SnippetByteRangeEnd: 209,
SnippetLicenseConcluded: "GPL-2.0-or-later",
SnippetCopyrightText: "Copyright (c) John Doe 20x6",
// what we want to get, as a buffer of bytes
want := bytes.NewBufferString(`SnippetSPDXIdentifier: SPDXRef-Snippet17
SnippetFromFileSPDXID: SPDXRef-File292
SnippetByteRange: 17:209
SnippetLicenseConcluded: GPL-2.0-or-later
SnippetCopyrightText: Copyright (c) John Doe 20x6
// render as buffer of bytes
var got bytes.Buffer
err := renderSnippet2_1(sn, &got)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected nil error, got %v", err)
// check that they match
c := bytes.Compare(want.Bytes(), got.Bytes())
if c != 0 {
t.Errorf("Expected %v, got %v", want.String(), got.String())