blob: f15152e9f950323883fbddb6e5828f481d2ff33c [file] [log] [blame]
cc_library {
name: "libsonivox",
srcs: [
// not using these modules
cflags: [
// not using these options
// "-D_IMA_DECODER", // (needed for IMA-ADPCM wave files)
local_include_dirs: [
export_include_dirs: ["include"],
shared_libs: [
arch: {
arm: {
instruction_set: "arm",
srcs: [
asflags: [
// In order to use #include instead of .include
cflags: [
// .s files not ported for Clang assembler yet.
clang_asflags: ["-no-integrated-as"],
arm64: {
// .s files not ported for Clang assembler yet.
clang_asflags: ["-no-integrated-as"],