blob: c9f3f4cdfed2108c5a765c965702423c04f1d906 [file] [log] [blame]
<title>YAML 1.1 parser and emitter</title>
<author email="">Andrey Somov</author>
<release version="1.2-SNAPSHOT" date="in Mercurial" description="development">
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Introduce LineBreak.getPlatformLineBreak (2009-04-18)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Rename LineBreak.LINUX to LineBreak.UNIX (2009-04-18)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Add 'compose' methods which return Nodes to support YEdit (2009-04-17)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Refactor: rename enums in DumperOptions to make the names consistent (2009-04-07)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Refactor: use Character instead of char primitive for style in Emitter (2009-04-07)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Add possibility to parse all scalars as Strings (2009-03-30)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Merge changeset 347 from PyYAML (2009-03-30)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Respect DumperOptions with a custom Representer (2009-03-18)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Represent TAB as '\t' instead of '(9' in the error message (2009-03-17)
<release version="1.1" date="2009-03-14" description="improve performance and test coverage">
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Introduce JavaBeanParser (2009-03-14)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Introduce DumperOptions.Version enum (2009-03-13)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Introduce DumperOptions.LineBreak enum (2009-03-10)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Use byte[] for binary type. (2009-03-09)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Restore Regular Expressions in Resolver. Ragel gives only 5% performance increase.
Fix a bug in Resolver with expanded regular expressions which caused the
performance problem. (2009-03-06)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Better Spring support: it is now possible to create a constructor with a String
as the class name. (2009-03-05)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Throw an exception when the same Loader or Dumper instance is shared between
different Yaml instances. Because they are statefull it is not Thread-safe. (2009-03-05)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Add possibility to set a meaningful name for Yaml instance to be shown in toString(). (2009-03-05)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Refactor: declare classes which are not expected to be extended as final. (2009-03-04)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Refactor: use 'final' keyword to identify immutable fields. (2009-03-04)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Refactor: do not use 'final' keyword for local variables. (2009-03-04)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Fix: respect implicit resolvers with 'null' as a first character. (2009-03-02)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Refactor: use Character instead of String as a key for implicit resolvers. (2009-03-02)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Use Ragel instead of Regular Expressions for implicit types. (2009-03-02)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Fix ticket #4: java.sql.Date not handled. Thanks to Christophe Desguez (2009-02-28)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Introduce DumperOptions.DefaultFlowStyle enum (2009-02-24)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Introduce DumperOptions.DefaultScalarStyle enum (2009-02-24)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Refactor: use 'switch' with Enum instead of multiple 'if' statements to distinguish nodes (2009-02-19)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Refactor: use Enum instead of String as NodeId (2009-02-19)
<release version="1.0.1" date="2009-02-18" description="implement Enum support">
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Do not emit anchors for Enum (2009-02-18)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Enum as a JavaBean property (when the Enum class is implicitly defined) does
not need tags for both loading and dumping (2009-02-17)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Enum is emitted as a scalar node (2009-02-17)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Enum is parsed as a scalar node or as a JavaBean property (2009-02-17)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Refactor: for performance ScannerImpl.stalePossibleSimpleKeys() does not copy key Set (2009-02-10)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
By default allowUnicode=true. If it is necessary to escape Unicode use
DumperOptions.setAllowUnicode(false) (2009-02-09)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Implement allowUnicode setting (to escape Unicode characters on non UTF-8 terminals) (2009-02-09)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Add possibility to specify tags for dumping (2009-02-09)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Rename getExpRoot to getExplicitRoot to conform with
standard JavaBean naming convention (2009-02-09)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Rename explictStart and explicitEnd to standard setters to conform with
standard JavaBean naming convention (2009-02-09)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Add possibility to specify a line break (2009-02-09)
<release version="1.0" date="2009-02-06" description="final 1.0 release">
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Use LinkedHashMap for Emitter.tagPrefixes to respect the order (2009-02-06)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Use LinkedHashMap for ScannerImpl.possibleSimpleKeys to respect the key order (2009-02-05)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Add a test to prove that Yaml instances are independent and can safely be used in
multithreaded environment like for instance a Servlet container (2009-02-05)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
The mailing list is renamed to snakeyaml-core to avoid a
name conflict in Google AppEngine (2009-02-03)
<release version="1.0rc2" date="2008-01-22" description="Improve JavaBeans support">
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Provide possibility to define/eliminate the root tag for JavaBeans. Avoiding global tags
helps to exchange YAML documents with other programming languages (2009-01-21)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Arrays as JavaBens properties are properly supported (2009-01-21)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Do not emit redundant tags for JavaBeans (2009-01-20)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Respect public fields in JavaBeans (2009-01-20)
<release version="1.0rc1" date="2009-01-16" description="Construct type safe collections">
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Replace String.getBytes(Charset charset) with String.getBytes(String charsetName) because
String.getBytes(Charset charset) was introduced only in Java 6 (2009-01-16)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Replace LinkedList.pop() with removeFirst() because pop() was
introduced only in Java 6 (2009-01-16)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Replace LinkedList.push() with addFirst() because push() was
introduced only in Java 6 (2009-01-16)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Implement type safe Map as a property of custom Java class (2009-01-16)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Implement type safe List as a property of custom Java class (2009-01-15)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Construct interface does not use generics. The type information is set
to the Node (2009-01-15)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Introduce TypeDescription as a single configuration option for a custom class (2009-01-15)
<release version="0.91" date="2008-01-14" description="Support shortcut tags for custom classes">
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Add possibility to define shortcut tags for custom classes while loading (2009-01-13)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Add possibility to define shortcut tags for custom classes while dumping (2009-01-13)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Construct List as a JavaBean property. But due to erasure only standard Java
classes created (2009-01-13)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Import PyStructureTest from PyYAML (2009-01-13)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Import canonical scanner and parser from PyYAML (2009-01-12)
<release version="0.9" date="2008-01-12" description="Add possibility to define a root class for Loader">
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Finish 2.27 example from the specification (2009-01-12)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Add possibility to define a root class for Loader (2009-01-11)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Use Java Generics in the Construct interface (2009-01-11)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Use Java Generics in the Scanner interface (2009-01-08)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Create ScannerIml only in ParserImpl (2009-01-08)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Import changeset 312 from PyYAML. Fix a bug in Emitter when writing folded scalars (2009-01-07)
<release version="0.8" date="2009-01-07" description="Import changes from PyYAML 3.08">
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Add possibility to use as input. BOM must be respected. (2009-01-06)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Import Changeset 308 from PyYAML: Refactored whitespace combination
detector in the scalar analyser. (2009-01-06)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Import Changeset 313 from PyYAML: Emit an explicit document end indicator
when there is a possibility of ambiguous parsing. (2009-01-06)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Use global tags (with !!) to dump Java custom instances. (2009-01-05)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Use global tags (with !!) to load Java custom instances. (2009-01-05)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Add example of defining a custom List and Map implementations. (2009-01-04)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Fix parsing Long.MIN_VALUE: respect the sign when parsing integers. (2009-01-04)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
when constructing integers try to create the first in the following order:
Integer -> Long -> BigInteger. (2009-01-02)
<release version="0.7" date="2008-12-20" description="Improve test coverage">
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Improve test coverage for constructor package (2008-12-20)
<action dev="py4fun" type="remove">
Remove support for "value" type because it is not used (2008-12-20)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Require test coverage 95% (2008-12-19)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Improve test coverage for Nodes (2008-12-19)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Fix dumping Date and better coverage for Representer (2008-12-19)
<action dev="py4fun" type="remove">
Remove unused code based on coverage report (2008-12-19)
<action dev="py4fun" type="remove">
Tokens are 100% covered by tests (2008-12-19)
<action dev="py4fun" type="remove">
Remove old tests (2008-12-18)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Synchronized with PyYAML revision 307
<release version="0.6" date="2008-12-17" description="Documentation added">
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Many examples added to the Wiki page (2008-12-17)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Public interface is using Iterator instead of Iterable (2008-12-17)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Sort names when JavaBeans are represented (2008-12-15)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
defaultFlowStyle for Dumper is configurable in DumperOptions (2008-12-12)
<release version="0.5" date="2008-12-12" description="Import PyYAML 3.06">
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Add possibility to define an implicit resolver. {359:63190d5bcd10} (2008-12-11)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Add possibility to define an explicit constructor. {356:ccaa0df9ca98} (2008-12-11)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Java objects can be constructed from mapping (JavaBeans), from sequence (constructor)
from scalar (constructor). (2008-12-10)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
pairs tag works properly. (2008-12-08)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
omap tag works properly. (2008-12-08)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Implement possibility to define a custom Map implementation {332}. (2008-12-06)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Implement possibility to define a custom List implementation {331:72c03254c184}. (2008-12-06)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Path resolver is removed because it is not imported properly {330}. (2008-12-06)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Constructor is overwritten completely. (2008-12-06)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Implement possibility to define a custom Representer. (2008-12-01)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Support arrays of reference types. Arrays of primitives are not supported
because Arrays.asList() does not work. (2008-12-01)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Import change 300 for Emitter from PyYAML. (2008-12-01)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Fix Node identity to avoid aliases for simple types - [1, 1]. (2008-11-28)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Recursive objects can be represented (but not yet constructed) (2008-11-28)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Binary is represented back as String (2008-11-28)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Re-write Representer classes from scratch (2008-11-28)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
'null' can be a key in a map (2008-11-21)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
!!set tag is parsed properly (2008-11-21)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Single characters 'Y', 'N', 'y' and 'n' are parsed as String opposed to boolean
as it is defined in the specification. This is how it is done in PyYAML (2008-11-21)
<action dev="py4fun" type="remove">
Constructor: because Java does not have generators 'deep' is not
imported from PyYAML (2008-11-19)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Composer imported from PyYAML (2008-11-17)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Resolver.resolve() is using simple boolean argument instead of array of booleans
as in PyYAML. (2008-11-18)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Fix: 'set' type works. (2008-11-18)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Rewrite Parser from scratch. (2008-11-17)
<release version="0.4" date="2008-11-11" description="Fix issues in Scanner">
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Move constants from Yaml interface to appropriate classes (2008-11-10)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Interface change: Yaml dumpAll() methods accept Iterable (2008-11-10)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Interface change: Yaml loadAll() methods return Iterable (2008-11-10)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Scanner: copy keys to avoid java.util.ConcurrentModificationException when removing
possible simple key (2008-11-10)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Tag v0.3.1 (2008-11-08)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
MappingNode requires Map as a value and SequenceNode requires
List as a value (2008-11-08)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Marks in a Token are required (2008-11-08)
<action dev="py4fun" type="remove">
Remove prefixForward() method from Reader because it is not present
in PyYAML (2008-11-08)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Fix a deviation with PyYAML in method scanBlockScalar().
'chomping' can be null. Fix a bug in JvYaml that the trailing '\n' in a
block scalar was removed.(2008-11-07)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Fix a deviation with PyYAML in method scanDirectiveIgnoredLine().
Put '#' instead of '"'. (2008-11-07)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Restore from PyYAML the way the keys are parsed. (Restored methods are
stalePossibleSimpleKeys() and removePossibleSimpleKey().)
Fix issue (2008-11-07)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Refactor: put changed classes to 'org.yaml.snakeyaml' package. (2008-11-05)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Move all the main() methods to the corresponding test classes. (2008-11-05)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Change public interface. Rename YAML to Yaml. Remove all static methods from Yaml.
Factory and configuration must be injected at the constructor. This way is closer
to PyYAML API. (2008-11-05)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Reader as in PyYAML is implemented. BOM is properly supported (2008-11-05)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Restore Mark in Token as it is in PyYAML. Mark is not defined yet (2008-10-30)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Off-by-one in EmitterImpl.writeDoubleQuoted().
Fix issue: (2008-10-28)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Respect Unicode characters.
Fix issue: (2008-10-28)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
Respect sign for float.
Fix issue: (2008-10-28)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Binary data is represented as ByteBuffer (2008-10-27)
<action dev="py4fun" type="fix">
When parsed, a timestamp in the canonical form (i.e, 2001-12-15T02:59:43.1Z) is
interpreted as if it is in the default time zone.
Fix issue: (2008-10-27)
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Add Mark from PyYAML. It is not used yet. The JUnit test is migrated from PyYAML (2008-10-23)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Apply SnakeYAML as the name of the library (2008-10-22)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Reformat the source files (2008-10-22)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Apply LICENSE info to source files (2008-10-22)
<action dev="py4fun" type="update">
Mavenize project. Apply standard Maven folder structure (2008-10-20)
<release version="0.2.1" date="2008-10-20" description="Import JvYaml from CVS">
<action dev="py4fun" type="add">
Import project from (2008-10-20)