blob: 35dba27344f6664553acf984aaaa54a9b7a04d91 [file] [log] [blame]
* See LICENSE file in distribution for copyright and licensing information.
package org.yaml.snakeyaml;
import java.util.Map;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.emitter.Emitter;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.error.YAMLException;
* @see <a href="">PyYAML</a> for more information
public class DumperOptions {
* YAML provides a rich set of scalar styles. Block scalar styles include
* the literal style and the folded style; flow scalar styles include the
* plain style and two quoted styles, the single-quoted style and the
* double-quoted style. These styles offer a range of trade-offs between
* expressive power and readability.
* @see
public enum ScalarStyle {
DOUBLE_QUOTED(new Character('"')), SINGLE_QUOTED(new Character('\'')), LITERAL(
new Character('|')), FOLDED(new Character('>')), PLAIN(null);
private Character styleChar;
private ScalarStyle(Character style) {
this.styleChar = style;
public Character getChar() {
return styleChar;
public String toString() {
return "Scalar style: '" + styleChar + "'";
* Block styles use indentation to denote nesting and scope within the
* document. In contrast, flow styles rely on explicit indicators to denote
* nesting and scope.
* @see Node Styles (
public enum FlowStyle {
FLOW(Boolean.TRUE), BLOCK(Boolean.FALSE), AUTO(null);
private Boolean styleBoolean;
private FlowStyle(Boolean flowStyle) {
styleBoolean = flowStyle;
public Boolean getStyleBoolean() {
return styleBoolean;
public String toString() {
return "Flow style: '" + styleBoolean + "'";
* Platform dependent line break.
public enum LineBreak {
WIN("\r\n"), MAC("\r"), UNIX("\n");
private String lineBreak;
private LineBreak(String lineBreak) {
this.lineBreak = lineBreak;
public String getString() {
return lineBreak;
public String toString() {
return "Line break: " + name();
public static LineBreak getPlatformLineBreak() {
String platformLineBreak = System.getProperty("line.separator");
for (LineBreak lb : values()) {
if (lb.lineBreak.equals(platformLineBreak)) {
return lb;
return LineBreak.UNIX;
* Specification version. Currently supported 1.0 and 1.1
public enum Version {
V1_0(new Integer[] { 1, 0 }), V1_1(new Integer[] { 1, 1 });
private Integer[] version;
private Version(Integer[] version) {
this.version = version;
public Integer[] getArray() {
return version;
public String toString() {
return "Version: " + version[0] + "." + version[1];
private ScalarStyle defaultStyle = ScalarStyle.PLAIN;
private FlowStyle defaultFlowStyle = FlowStyle.AUTO;
private boolean canonical = false;
private boolean allowUnicode = true;
private int indent = 2;
private int bestWidth = 80;
private LineBreak lineBreak = LineBreak.UNIX;
private boolean explicitStart = false;
private boolean explicitEnd = false;
private String explicitRoot = null;
private Version version = null;
private Map<String, String> tags = null;
public boolean isAllowUnicode() {
return allowUnicode;
* Specify whether to emit non-ASCII printable Unicode characters (to
* support ASCII terminals). The default value is true.
* @param allowUnicode
* if allowUnicode is false then all non-ASCII characters are
* escaped
public void setAllowUnicode(boolean allowUnicode) {
this.allowUnicode = allowUnicode;
public ScalarStyle getDefaultScalarStyle() {
return defaultStyle;
* Set default style for scalars. See YAML 1.1 specification, 2.3 Scalars
* (
* @param defaultStyle
* set the style for all scalars
public void setDefaultScalarStyle(ScalarStyle defaultStyle) {
if (defaultStyle == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Use ScalarStyle enum.");
this.defaultStyle = defaultStyle;
public void setIndent(int indent) {
if (indent < Emitter.MIN_INDENT) {
throw new YAMLException("Indent must be at least " + Emitter.MIN_INDENT);
if (indent > Emitter.MAX_INDENT) {
throw new YAMLException("Indent must be at most " + Emitter.MAX_INDENT);
this.indent = indent;
public int getIndent() {
return this.indent;
public void setVersion(Version version) {
this.version = version;
public Version getVersion() {
return this.version;
* Force the emitter to produce a canonical YAML document.
* @param canonical
* true produce canonical YAML document
* @return
public void setCanonical(boolean canonical) {
this.canonical = canonical;
public boolean isCanonical() {
return this.canonical;
* Specify the preferred width to emit scalars. When the scalar
* representation takes more then the preferred with the scalar will be
* split into a few lines. The default is 80.
* @param bestWidth
* the preferred with for scalars.
public void setWidth(int bestWidth) {
this.bestWidth = bestWidth;
public int getWidth() {
return this.bestWidth;
public LineBreak getLineBreak() {
return lineBreak;
public void setDefaultFlowStyle(FlowStyle defaultFlowStyle) {
if (defaultFlowStyle == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Use FlowStyle enum.");
this.defaultFlowStyle = defaultFlowStyle;
public FlowStyle getDefaultFlowStyle() {
return defaultFlowStyle;
public String getExplicitRoot() {
return explicitRoot;
* @param expRoot
* tag to be used for the root node. (JavaBeans may use
* ",2002:map")
public void setExplicitRoot(String expRoot) {
if (expRoot == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Root tag must be specified.");
this.explicitRoot = expRoot;
* Specify the line break to separate the lines. It is platform specific:
* Windows - "\r\n", MacOS - "\r", Linux - "\n". The default value is the
* one for Linux.
public void setLineBreak(LineBreak lineBreak) {
if (lineBreak == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Specify line break.");
this.lineBreak = lineBreak;
public boolean isExplicitStart() {
return explicitStart;
public void setExplicitStart(boolean explicitStart) {
this.explicitStart = explicitStart;
public boolean isExplicitEnd() {
return explicitEnd;
public void setExplicitEnd(boolean explicitEnd) {
this.explicitEnd = explicitEnd;
public Map<String, String> getTags() {
return tags;
public void setTags(Map<String, String> tags) {
this.tags = tags;