blob: 2c56b89fc3d90d311880e10f5f1cfa33f1cc8b80 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/core/SkOpts.h"
#include "src/core/SkRasterPipelineUtils.h"
void SkRasterPipelineUtils_Base::appendZeroSlotsUnmasked(float* dst, int numSlots) {
SkASSERT(numSlots >= 0);
while (numSlots > 4) {
this->appendZeroSlotsUnmasked(dst, /*numSlots=*/4);
dst += 4 * SkOpts::raster_pipeline_highp_stride;
numSlots -= 4;
SkRasterPipeline::Stage stage;
switch (numSlots) {
case 0: return;
case 1: stage = SkRasterPipeline::zero_slot_unmasked; break;
case 2: stage = SkRasterPipeline::zero_2_slots_unmasked; break;
case 3: stage = SkRasterPipeline::zero_3_slots_unmasked; break;
case 4: stage = SkRasterPipeline::zero_4_slots_unmasked; break;
this->append(stage, dst);
void SkRasterPipelineUtils_Base::appendAdjacentMultiSlotOp(SkArenaAlloc* alloc,
SkRasterPipeline::Stage baseStage,
float* dst,
const float* src,
int numSlots) {
// The source and destination must be directly next to one another.
SkASSERT(numSlots >= 0);
SkASSERT((dst + SkOpts::raster_pipeline_highp_stride * numSlots) == src);
if (numSlots > 4) {
auto ctx = alloc->make<SkRasterPipeline_CopySlotsCtx>();
ctx->dst = dst;
ctx->src = src;
this->append(baseStage, ctx);
if (numSlots > 0) {
auto specializedStage = (SkRasterPipeline::Stage)((int)baseStage + numSlots);
this->append(specializedStage, dst);
void SkRasterPipelineUtils_Base::appendAdjacentSingleSlotOp(SkRasterPipeline::Stage stage,
float* dst,
const float* src) {
// The source and destination must be directly next to one another.
SkASSERT((dst + SkOpts::raster_pipeline_highp_stride) == src);
this->append(stage, dst);
void SkRasterPipelineUtils::append(SkRasterPipeline::Stage stage, void* ctx) {
#if !defined(SKSL_STANDALONE)
fPipeline->append(stage, ctx);