blob: c41eb260569a7f6fca3122fabcee03a592c5d9ae [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/graphite/Caps.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ContextUtils.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/FactoryFunctions.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/KeyContext.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/KeyHelpers.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/PaintParamsKey.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/Precompile.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/PrecompileBasePriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/graphite/ShaderCodeDictionary.h"
namespace skgpu::graphite {
sk_sp<PrecompileShader> PrecompileShader::makeWithLocalMatrix() {
if (this->priv().isALocalMatrixShader()) {
// SkShader::makeWithLocalMatrix collapses chains of localMatrix shaders so we need to
// follow suit here
return sk_ref_sp(this);
return PrecompileShaders::LocalMatrix(sk_ref_sp(this));
sk_sp<PrecompileShader> PrecompileShader::makeWithColorFilter(sk_sp<PrecompileColorFilter> cf) {
if (!cf) {
return sk_ref_sp(this);
return PrecompileShaders::ColorFilter(sk_ref_sp(this), std::move(cf));
int PaintOptions::numShaderCombinations() const {
int numShaderCombinations = 0;
for (const sk_sp<PrecompileShader>& s : fShaderOptions) {
numShaderCombinations += s->numCombinations();
// If no shader option is specified we will add a solid color shader option
return numShaderCombinations ? numShaderCombinations : 1;
int PaintOptions::numMaskFilterCombinations() const {
int numMaskFilterCombinations = 0;
for (const sk_sp<PrecompileMaskFilter>& mf : fMaskFilterOptions) {
numMaskFilterCombinations += mf->numCombinations();
// If no mask filter options are specified we will use the geometry's coverage
return numMaskFilterCombinations ? numMaskFilterCombinations : 1;
int PaintOptions::numColorFilterCombinations() const {
int numColorFilterCombinations = 0;
for (const sk_sp<PrecompileColorFilter>& cf : fColorFilterOptions) {
numColorFilterCombinations += cf->numCombinations();
// If no color filter options are specified we will use the unmodified result color
return numColorFilterCombinations ? numColorFilterCombinations : 1;
int PaintOptions::numBlendModeCombinations() const {
bool bmBased = false;
int numBlendCombos = 0;
for (auto b: fBlenderOptions) {
if (b->asBlendMode().has_value()) {
bmBased = true;
} else {
numBlendCombos += b->numChildCombinations();
if (bmBased || !numBlendCombos) {
// If numBlendCombos is zero we will fallback to kSrcOver blending
return numBlendCombos;
int PaintOptions::numCombinations() const {
// TODO: we need to handle ImageFilters separately
return this->numShaderCombinations() *
this->numMaskFilterCombinations() *
this->numColorFilterCombinations() *
DstReadRequirement get_dst_read_req(const Caps* caps,
Coverage coverage,
SkSpan<const sk_sp<PrecompileBlender>> options,
int desiredOption) {
for (const sk_sp<PrecompileBlender>& option : options) {
if (desiredOption < option->numCombinations()) {
return GetDstReadRequirement(caps, option->asBlendMode(), coverage);
desiredOption -= option->numCombinations();
return GetDstReadRequirement(caps, SkBlendMode::kSrcOver, coverage);
void PaintOptions::addPaintColorToKey(const KeyContext& keyContext,
PaintParamsKeyBuilder* keyBuilder,
int desiredShaderCombination) const {
if (!fShaderOptions.empty()) {
PrecompileBase::AddToKey(keyContext, keyBuilder, fShaderOptions, desiredShaderCombination);
} else {
SolidColorShaderBlock::BeginBlock(keyContext, keyBuilder, /* gatherer= */ nullptr,
{1, 0, 0, 1});
void PaintOptions::createKey(const KeyContext& keyContext,
int desiredCombination,
PaintParamsKeyBuilder* keyBuilder,
bool addPrimitiveBlender,
Coverage coverage) const {
SkASSERT(desiredCombination < this->numCombinations());
const int numBlendModeCombos = this->numBlendModeCombinations();
const int numColorFilterCombinations = this->numColorFilterCombinations();
const int numMaskFilterCombinations = this->numMaskFilterCombinations();
const int desiredBlendCombination = desiredCombination % numBlendModeCombos;
int remainingCombinations = desiredCombination / numBlendModeCombos;
const int desiredColorFilterCombination = remainingCombinations % numColorFilterCombinations;
remainingCombinations /= numColorFilterCombinations;
const int desiredMaskFilterCombination = remainingCombinations % numMaskFilterCombinations;
remainingCombinations /= numMaskFilterCombinations;
const int desiredShaderCombination = remainingCombinations;
SkASSERT(desiredShaderCombination < this->numShaderCombinations());
// TODO: eliminate this block for the Paint's color when it isn't needed
SolidColorShaderBlock::BeginBlock(keyContext, keyBuilder, /* gatherer= */ nullptr,
{1, 0, 0, 1});
DstReadRequirement dstReadReq = get_dst_read_req(
keyContext.caps(), coverage, fBlenderOptions, desiredBlendCombination);
bool needsDstSample = dstReadReq == DstReadRequirement::kTextureCopy ||
dstReadReq == DstReadRequirement::kTextureSample;
if (needsDstSample) {
/* gatherer= */ nullptr,
/* dstTexture= */ nullptr,
/* dstOffset= */ {0, 0});
} else if (dstReadReq == DstReadRequirement::kFramebufferFetch) {
DstReadFetchBlock::BeginBlock(keyContext, keyBuilder, /* gatherer= */ nullptr);
this->addPaintColorToKey(keyContext, keyBuilder, desiredShaderCombination);
if (addPrimitiveBlender) {
BlendShaderBlock::BeginBlock(keyContext, keyBuilder, /* gatherer= */ nullptr);
// src -- prior output
PriorOutputBlock::BeginBlock(keyContext, keyBuilder, /* gatherer= */ nullptr);
// dst -- primitive color
PrimitiveColorBlock::BeginBlock(keyContext, keyBuilder, /* gatherer= */ nullptr);
// blender -- shader based blending
// TODO: Support runtime blenders for primitive blending in the precompile API.
// In the meantime, assume for now that we're using a coefficient blend mode here.
SkSpan<const float> coeffs = skgpu::GetPorterDuffBlendConstants(SkBlendMode::kSrcOver);
CoeffBlenderBlock::BeginBlock(keyContext, keyBuilder, /* gatherer= */ nullptr, coeffs);
keyBuilder->endBlock(); // BlendShaderBlock
PrecompileBase::AddToKey(keyContext, keyBuilder, fMaskFilterOptions,
PrecompileBase::AddToKey(keyContext, keyBuilder, fColorFilterOptions,
sk_sp<PrecompileBlender> blender =
PrecompileBase::SelectOption(fBlenderOptions, desiredBlendCombination);
std::optional<SkBlendMode> finalBlendMode = blender ? blender->asBlendMode()
: SkBlendMode::kSrcOver;
if (dstReadReq != DstReadRequirement::kNone) {
BlendShaderBlock::BeginBlock(keyContext, keyBuilder, /* gatherer= */ nullptr);
// src -- prior output
PriorOutputBlock::BeginBlock(keyContext, keyBuilder, /* gatherer= */ nullptr);
// dst -- surface color
DstColorBlock::BeginBlock(keyContext, keyBuilder, /* gatherer= */ nullptr);
// blender -- shader based blending
PrecompileBase::AddToKey(keyContext, keyBuilder, fBlenderOptions, desiredBlendCombination);
keyBuilder->endBlock(); // BlendShaderBlock
finalBlendMode = SkBlendMode::kSrc;
BuiltInCodeSnippetID fixedFuncBlendModeID = static_cast<BuiltInCodeSnippetID>(
kFixedFunctionBlendModeIDOffset + static_cast<int>(*finalBlendMode));
void PaintOptions::buildCombinations(
const KeyContext& keyContext,
bool addPrimitiveBlender,
Coverage coverage,
const std::function<void(UniquePaintParamsID)>& processCombination) const {
PaintParamsKeyBuilder builder(keyContext.dict());
int numCombinations = this->numCombinations();
for (int i = 0; i < numCombinations; ++i) {
this->createKey(keyContext, i, &builder, addPrimitiveBlender, coverage);
// The 'findOrCreate' calls lockAsKey on builder and then destroys the returned
// PaintParamsKey. This serves to reset the builder.
UniquePaintParamsID paintID = keyContext.dict()->findOrCreate(&builder);
} // namespace skgpu::graphite