blob: 31c4fe70bcb7ae556212e9c91fe07664eab5c930 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/core/SkStrikeCache.h"
#include <cctype>
#include "include/core/SkGraphics.h"
#include "include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
#include "include/core/SkTraceMemoryDump.h"
#include "include/core/SkTypeface.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkMutex.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkTemplates.h"
#include "src/core/SkGlyphBuffer.h"
#include "src/core/SkStrike.h"
#if defined(SK_GANESH)
#include "src/text/gpu/StrikeCache.h"
using namespace sktext;
bool gSkUseThreadLocalStrikeCaches_IAcknowledgeThisIsIncrediblyExperimental = false;
SkStrikeCache* SkStrikeCache::GlobalStrikeCache() {
if (gSkUseThreadLocalStrikeCaches_IAcknowledgeThisIsIncrediblyExperimental) {
static thread_local auto* cache = new SkStrikeCache;
return cache;
static auto* cache = new SkStrikeCache;
return cache;
auto SkStrikeCache::findOrCreateStrike(const SkStrikeSpec& strikeSpec) -> sk_sp<SkStrike> {
SkAutoMutexExclusive ac(fLock);
sk_sp<SkStrike> strike = this->internalFindStrikeOrNull(strikeSpec.descriptor());
if (strike == nullptr) {
strike = this->internalCreateStrike(strikeSpec);
return strike;
sk_sp<StrikeForGPU> SkStrikeCache::findOrCreateScopedStrike(const SkStrikeSpec& strikeSpec) {
return this->findOrCreateStrike(strikeSpec);
void SkStrikeCache::PurgeAll() {
void SkStrikeCache::Dump() {
SkDebugf("GlyphCache [ used budget ]\n");
SkDebugf(" bytes [ %8zu %8zu ]\n",
SkGraphics::GetFontCacheUsed(), SkGraphics::GetFontCacheLimit());
SkDebugf(" count [ %8d %8d ]\n",
SkGraphics::GetFontCacheCountUsed(), SkGraphics::GetFontCacheCountLimit());
auto visitor = [](const SkStrike& strike) {
void SkStrikeCache::DumpMemoryStatistics(SkTraceMemoryDump* dump) {
dump->dumpNumericValue(kGlyphCacheDumpName, "size", "bytes", SkGraphics::GetFontCacheUsed());
dump->dumpNumericValue(kGlyphCacheDumpName, "budget_size", "bytes",
dump->dumpNumericValue(kGlyphCacheDumpName, "glyph_count", "objects",
dump->dumpNumericValue(kGlyphCacheDumpName, "budget_glyph_count", "objects",
if (dump->getRequestedDetails() == SkTraceMemoryDump::kLight_LevelOfDetail) {
dump->setMemoryBacking(kGlyphCacheDumpName, "malloc", nullptr);
auto visitor = [&](const SkStrike& strike) {
sk_sp<SkStrike> SkStrikeCache::findStrike(const SkDescriptor& desc) {
SkAutoMutexExclusive ac(fLock);
sk_sp<SkStrike> result = this->internalFindStrikeOrNull(desc);
return result;
auto SkStrikeCache::internalFindStrikeOrNull(const SkDescriptor& desc) -> sk_sp<SkStrike> {
// Check head because it is likely the strike we are looking for.
if (fHead != nullptr && fHead->getDescriptor() == desc) { return sk_ref_sp(fHead); }
// Do the heavy search looking for the strike.
sk_sp<SkStrike>* strikeHandle = fStrikeLookup.find(desc);
if (strikeHandle == nullptr) { return nullptr; }
SkStrike* strikePtr = strikeHandle->get();
SkASSERT(strikePtr != nullptr);
if (fHead != strikePtr) {
// Make most recently used
strikePtr->fPrev->fNext = strikePtr->fNext;
if (strikePtr->fNext != nullptr) {
strikePtr->fNext->fPrev = strikePtr->fPrev;
} else {
fTail = strikePtr->fPrev;
fHead->fPrev = strikePtr;
strikePtr->fNext = fHead;
strikePtr->fPrev = nullptr;
fHead = strikePtr;
return sk_ref_sp(strikePtr);
sk_sp<SkStrike> SkStrikeCache::createStrike(
const SkStrikeSpec& strikeSpec,
SkFontMetrics* maybeMetrics,
std::unique_ptr<SkStrikePinner> pinner) {
SkAutoMutexExclusive ac(fLock);
return this->internalCreateStrike(strikeSpec, maybeMetrics, std::move(pinner));
auto SkStrikeCache::internalCreateStrike(
const SkStrikeSpec& strikeSpec,
SkFontMetrics* maybeMetrics,
std::unique_ptr<SkStrikePinner> pinner) -> sk_sp<SkStrike> {
std::unique_ptr<SkScalerContext> scaler = strikeSpec.createScalerContext();
auto strike =
sk_make_sp<SkStrike>(this, strikeSpec, std::move(scaler), maybeMetrics, std::move(pinner));
return strike;
void SkStrikeCache::purgeAll() {
SkAutoMutexExclusive ac(fLock);
size_t SkStrikeCache::getTotalMemoryUsed() const {
SkAutoMutexExclusive ac(fLock);
return fTotalMemoryUsed;
int SkStrikeCache::getCacheCountUsed() const {
SkAutoMutexExclusive ac(fLock);
return fCacheCount;
int SkStrikeCache::getCacheCountLimit() const {
SkAutoMutexExclusive ac(fLock);
return fCacheCountLimit;
size_t SkStrikeCache::setCacheSizeLimit(size_t newLimit) {
SkAutoMutexExclusive ac(fLock);
size_t prevLimit = fCacheSizeLimit;
fCacheSizeLimit = newLimit;
return prevLimit;
size_t SkStrikeCache::getCacheSizeLimit() const {
SkAutoMutexExclusive ac(fLock);
return fCacheSizeLimit;
int SkStrikeCache::setCacheCountLimit(int newCount) {
if (newCount < 0) {
newCount = 0;
SkAutoMutexExclusive ac(fLock);
int prevCount = fCacheCountLimit;
fCacheCountLimit = newCount;
return prevCount;
void SkStrikeCache::forEachStrike(std::function<void(const SkStrike&)> visitor) const {
SkAutoMutexExclusive ac(fLock);
for (SkStrike* strike = fHead; strike != nullptr; strike = strike->fNext) {
size_t SkStrikeCache::internalPurge(size_t minBytesNeeded) {
size_t bytesNeeded = 0;
if (fTotalMemoryUsed > fCacheSizeLimit) {
bytesNeeded = fTotalMemoryUsed - fCacheSizeLimit;
bytesNeeded = std::max(bytesNeeded, minBytesNeeded);
if (bytesNeeded) {
// no small purges!
bytesNeeded = std::max(bytesNeeded, fTotalMemoryUsed >> 2);
int countNeeded = 0;
if (fCacheCount > fCacheCountLimit) {
countNeeded = fCacheCount - fCacheCountLimit;
// no small purges!
countNeeded = std::max(countNeeded, fCacheCount >> 2);
// early exit
if (!countNeeded && !bytesNeeded) {
return 0;
size_t bytesFreed = 0;
int countFreed = 0;
// Start at the tail and proceed backwards deleting; the list is in LRU
// order, with unimportant entries at the tail.
SkStrike* strike = fTail;
while (strike != nullptr && (bytesFreed < bytesNeeded || countFreed < countNeeded)) {
SkStrike* prev = strike->fPrev;
// Only delete if the strike is not pinned.
if (strike->fPinner == nullptr || strike->fPinner->canDelete()) {
bytesFreed += strike->fMemoryUsed;
countFreed += 1;
strike = prev;
if (countFreed) {
SkDebugf("purging %dK from font cache [%d entries]\n",
(int)(bytesFreed >> 10), countFreed);
return bytesFreed;
void SkStrikeCache::internalAttachToHead(sk_sp<SkStrike> strike) {
SkASSERT(fStrikeLookup.find(strike->getDescriptor()) == nullptr);
SkStrike* strikePtr = strike.get();
SkASSERT(nullptr == strikePtr->fPrev && nullptr == strikePtr->fNext);
fCacheCount += 1;
fTotalMemoryUsed += strikePtr->fMemoryUsed;
if (fHead != nullptr) {
fHead->fPrev = strikePtr;
strikePtr->fNext = fHead;
if (fTail == nullptr) {
fTail = strikePtr;
fHead = strikePtr; // Transfer ownership of strike to the cache list.
void SkStrikeCache::internalRemoveStrike(SkStrike* strike) {
SkASSERT(fCacheCount > 0);
fCacheCount -= 1;
fTotalMemoryUsed -= strike->fMemoryUsed;
if (strike->fPrev) {
strike->fPrev->fNext = strike->fNext;
} else {
fHead = strike->fNext;
if (strike->fNext) {
strike->fNext->fPrev = strike->fPrev;
} else {
fTail = strike->fPrev;
strike->fPrev = strike->fNext = nullptr;
strike->fRemoved = true;
void SkStrikeCache::validate() const {
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
size_t computedBytes = 0;
int computedCount = 0;
const SkStrike* strike = fHead;
while (strike != nullptr) {
computedBytes += strike->fMemoryUsed;
computedCount += 1;
SkASSERT(fStrikeLookup.findOrNull(strike->getDescriptor()) != nullptr);
strike = strike->fNext;
if (fCacheCount != computedCount) {
SkDebugf("fCacheCount: %d, computedCount: %d", fCacheCount, computedCount);
SK_ABORT("fCacheCount != computedCount");
if (fTotalMemoryUsed != computedBytes) {
SkDebugf("fTotalMemoryUsed: %zu, computedBytes: %zu", fTotalMemoryUsed, computedBytes);
SK_ABORT("fTotalMemoryUsed == computedBytes");
const SkDescriptor& SkStrikeCache::StrikeTraits::GetKey(const sk_sp<SkStrike>& strike) {
return strike->getDescriptor();
uint32_t SkStrikeCache::StrikeTraits::Hash(const SkDescriptor& descriptor) {
return descriptor.getChecksum();