blob: 621a57f451b9c1c9fb0d5c6e2cf4bc6c98c7fbdc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/tessellate/StrokeFixedCountTessellator.h"
#include "src/core/SkGeometry.h"
#include "src/gpu/tessellate/PatchWriter.h"
#include "src/gpu/tessellate/StrokeIterator.h"
#include "src/gpu/tessellate/WangsFormula.h"
#if SK_GPU_V1
#include "src/gpu/GrMeshDrawTarget.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrOpFlushState.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrResourceProvider.h"
namespace skgpu {
namespace {
// Returns the worst-case number of edges we will need in order to draw a join of the given type.
int worst_case_edges_in_join(SkPaint::Join joinType, float numRadialSegmentsPerRadian) {
int numEdges = StrokeFixedCountTessellator::NumFixedEdgesInJoin(joinType);
if (joinType == SkPaint::kRound_Join) {
// For round joins we need to count the radial edges on our own. Account for a worst-case
// join of 180 degrees (SK_ScalarPI radians).
numEdges += std::max(SkScalarCeilToInt(numRadialSegmentsPerRadian * SK_ScalarPI) - 1, 0);
return numEdges;
int write_patches(PatchWriter&& patchWriter,
const SkMatrix& shaderMatrix,
std::array<float,2> matrixMinMaxScales,
StrokeTessellator::PathStrokeList* pathStrokeList) {
int maxEdgesInJoin = 0;
float maxRadialSegmentsPerRadian = 0;
const float matrixMaxScale = matrixMinMaxScales[1];
if (!(patchWriter.attribs() & PatchAttribs::kStrokeParams)) {
// Strokes are static. Calculate tolerances once.
const SkStrokeRec& stroke = pathStrokeList->fStroke;
float localStrokeWidth = StrokeTolerances::GetLocalStrokeWidth(,
float numRadialSegmentsPerRadian = StrokeTolerances::CalcNumRadialSegmentsPerRadian(
matrixMaxScale, localStrokeWidth);
maxEdgesInJoin = worst_case_edges_in_join(stroke.getJoin(), numRadialSegmentsPerRadian);
maxRadialSegmentsPerRadian = numRadialSegmentsPerRadian;
// Fast SIMD queue that buffers up values for "numRadialSegmentsPerRadian". Only used when we
// have dynamic stroke.
StrokeToleranceBuffer toleranceBuffer(matrixMaxScale);
// The vector xform approximates how the control points are transformed by the shader to
// more accurately compute how many *parametric* segments are needed.
wangs_formula::VectorXform shaderXform{shaderMatrix};
for (auto* pathStroke = pathStrokeList; pathStroke; pathStroke = pathStroke->fNext) {
const SkStrokeRec& stroke = pathStroke->fStroke;
if (patchWriter.attribs() & PatchAttribs::kStrokeParams) {
// Strokes are dynamic. Calculate tolerances every time.
float numRadialSegmentsPerRadian =
maxEdgesInJoin = std::max(
worst_case_edges_in_join(stroke.getJoin(), numRadialSegmentsPerRadian),
maxRadialSegmentsPerRadian = std::max(numRadialSegmentsPerRadian,
if (patchWriter.attribs() & PatchAttribs::kColor) {
StrokeIterator strokeIter(pathStroke->fPath, &pathStroke->fStroke, &shaderMatrix);
while ( {
using Verb = StrokeIterator::Verb;
const SkPoint* p = strokeIter.pts();
int numChops;
switch (strokeIter.verb()) {
case Verb::kContourFinished:
case Verb::kCircle:
// Round cap or else an empty stroke that is specified to be drawn as a circle.
case Verb::kMoveWithinContour:
// A regular kMove invalidates the previous control point; the stroke iterator
// tells us a new value to use.
case Verb::kLine:
patchWriter.writeLine(p[0], p[1]);
case Verb::kQuad:
if (ConicHasCusp(p)) {
// The cusp is always at the midtandent.
SkPoint cusp = SkEvalQuadAt(p, SkFindQuadMidTangent(p));
// A quad can only have a cusp if it's flat with a 180-degree turnaround.
patchWriter.writeLine(p[0], cusp);
patchWriter.writeLine(cusp, p[2]);
} else {
patchWriter.writeQuadratic(p, shaderXform);
case Verb::kConic:
if (ConicHasCusp(p)) {
// The cusp is always at the midtandent.
SkConic conic(p, strokeIter.w());
SkPoint cusp = conic.evalAt(conic.findMidTangent());
// A conic can only have a cusp if it's flat with a 180-degree turnaround.
patchWriter.writeLine(p[0], cusp);
patchWriter.writeLine(cusp, p[2]);
} else {
patchWriter.writeConic(p, strokeIter.w(), shaderXform);
case Verb::kCubic:
SkPoint chops[10];
float T[2];
bool areCusps;
numChops = FindCubicConvex180Chops(p, T, &areCusps);
if (numChops == 0) {
patchWriter.writeCubic(p, shaderXform);
} else if (numChops == 1) {
SkChopCubicAt(p, chops, T[0]);
if (areCusps) {
// In a perfect world, these 3 points would be be equal after chopping
// on a cusp.
chops[2] = chops[4] = chops[3];
patchWriter.writeCubic(chops, shaderXform);
patchWriter.writeCubic(chops + 3, shaderXform);
} else {
SkASSERT(numChops == 2);
SkChopCubicAt(p, chops, T[0], T[1]);
if (areCusps) {
// Two cusps are only possible if it's a flat line with two 180-degree
// turnarounds.
patchWriter.writeLine(chops[0], chops[3]);
patchWriter.writeLine(chops[3], chops[6]);
patchWriter.writeLine(chops[6], chops[9]);
} else {
patchWriter.writeCubic(chops, shaderXform);
patchWriter.writeCubic(chops + 3, shaderXform);
patchWriter.writeCubic(chops + 6, shaderXform);
// The maximum rotation we can have in a stroke is 180 degrees (SK_ScalarPI radians).
int maxRadialSegmentsInStroke =
std::max(SkScalarCeilToInt(maxRadialSegmentsPerRadian * SK_ScalarPI), 1);
int maxParametricSegmentsInStroke = patchWriter.requiredFixedSegments();
SkASSERT(maxParametricSegmentsInStroke >= 1);
// Now calculate the maximum number of edges we will need in the stroke portion of the instance.
// The first and last edges in a stroke are shared by both the parametric and radial sets of
// edges, so the total number of edges is:
// numCombinedEdges = numParametricEdges + numRadialEdges - 2
// It's also important to differentiate between the number of edges and segments in a strip:
// numSegments = numEdges - 1
// So the total number of combined edges in the stroke is:
// numEdgesInStroke = numParametricSegments + 1 + numRadialSegments + 1 - 2
// = numParametricSegments + numRadialSegments
int maxEdgesInStroke = maxRadialSegmentsInStroke + maxParametricSegmentsInStroke;
// Each triangle strip has two sections: It starts with a join then transitions to a stroke. The
// number of edges in an instance is the sum of edges from the join and stroke sections both.
// NOTE: The final join edge and the first stroke edge are co-located, however we still need to
// emit both because the join's edge is half-width and the stroke's is full-width.
return maxEdgesInJoin + maxEdgesInStroke;
} // namespace
void StrokeFixedCountTessellator::InitializeVertexIDFallbackBuffer(VertexWriter vertexWriter,
size_t bufferSize) {
SkASSERT(bufferSize % (sizeof(float) * 2) == 0);
int edgeCount = bufferSize / (sizeof(float) * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < edgeCount; ++i) {
vertexWriter << (float)i << (float)-i;
#if SK_GPU_V1
int StrokeFixedCountTessellator::prepare(GrMeshDrawTarget* target,
const SkMatrix& shaderMatrix,
std::array<float,2> matrixMinMaxScales,
PathStrokeList* pathStrokeList,
int totalCombinedStrokeVerbCnt) {
PatchWriter patchWriter(target, &fVertexChunkArray, fAttribs, kMaxParametricSegments,
fFixedEdgeCount = write_patches(std::move(patchWriter),
// Don't draw more vertices than can be indexed by a signed short. We just have to draw the line
// somewhere and this seems reasonable enough. (There are two vertices per edge, so 2^14 edges
// make 2^15 vertices.)
fFixedEdgeCount = std::min(fFixedEdgeCount, (1 << 14) - 1);
if (!target->caps().shaderCaps()->vertexIDSupport()) {
// Our shader won't be able to use sk_VertexID. Bind a fallback vertex buffer with the IDs
// in it instead.
constexpr static int kMaxVerticesInFallbackBuffer = 2048;
fFixedEdgeCount = std::min(fFixedEdgeCount, kMaxVerticesInFallbackBuffer/2);
fVertexBufferIfNoIDSupport = target->resourceProvider()->findOrMakeStaticBuffer(
kMaxVerticesInFallbackBuffer * sizeof(float),
return fFixedEdgeCount;
void StrokeFixedCountTessellator::draw(GrOpFlushState* flushState) const {
if (fVertexChunkArray.empty() || fFixedEdgeCount <= 0) {
if (!flushState->caps().shaderCaps()->vertexIDSupport() &&
!fVertexBufferIfNoIDSupport) {
for (const auto& instanceChunk : fVertexChunkArray) {
flushState->bindBuffers(nullptr, instanceChunk.fBuffer, fVertexBufferIfNoIDSupport);
fFixedEdgeCount * 2,
} // namespace skgpu