blob: 3e4e5a7f821cd8b73009a829f4778d281781c479 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef tessellate_PatchWriter_DEFINED
#define tessellate_PatchWriter_DEFINED
#include "include/private/SkColorData.h"
#include "src/gpu/GrVertexChunkArray.h"
#include "src/gpu/tessellate/Tessellation.h"
#include "src/gpu/tessellate/WangsFormula.h"
namespace skgpu {
// Writes out tessellation patches, formatted with their specific attribs, to a GPU buffer.
class PatchWriter {
using VectorXform = wangs_formula::VectorXform;
PatchWriter(GrMeshDrawTarget* target,
GrVertexChunkArray* vertexChunkArray,
PatchAttribs attribs,
int maxTessellationSegments,
int initialAllocCount)
: fAttribs(attribs)
, fMaxSegments_pow2(pow2(maxTessellationSegments))
, fMaxSegments_pow4(pow2(fMaxSegments_pow2))
, fChunker(target, vertexChunkArray, PatchStride(attribs), initialAllocCount) {
// For fans or strokes, the minimum required segment count is 1 (making either a triangle
// with the fan point, or a stroked line). Otherwise, we need 2 segments to represent
// triangles purely from the tessellated vertices.
fCurrMinSegments_pow4 = (attribs & PatchAttribs::kFanPoint ||
attribs & PatchAttribs::kJoinControlPoint) ? 1.f : 16.f; // 2^4
~PatchWriter() {
// finishStrokeContour() should have been called before this was deleted (or never used).
SkASSERT(!fHasDeferredPatch && !fHasJoinControlPoint);
PatchAttribs attribs() const { return fAttribs; }
// Fast log2 of minimum required # of segments per tracked Wang's formula calculations.
int requiredResolveLevel() const {
return wangs_formula::nextlog16(fCurrMinSegments_pow4); // log16(n^4) == log2(n)
// Fast minimum required # of segments from tracked Wang's formula calculations.
int requiredFixedSegments() const {
return SkScalarCeilToInt(wangs_formula::root4(fCurrMinSegments_pow4));
// Updates the stroke's join control point that will be written out with each patch. This is
// automatically adjusted when appending various geometries (e.g. Conic/Cubic), but sometimes
// must be set explicitly.
// PatchAttribs::kJoinControlPoint must be enabled.
void updateJoinControlPointAttrib(SkPoint lastControlPoint) {
SkASSERT(fAttribs & PatchAttribs::kJoinControlPoint && lastControlPoint.isFinite());
fJoinControlPointAttrib = lastControlPoint;
fHasJoinControlPoint = true;
// Completes a closed contour of a stroke by rewriting a deferred patch with now-available
// join control point information. Automatically resets the join control point attribute.
// PatchAttribs::kJoinControlPoint must be enabled.
void writeDeferredStrokePatch() {
SkASSERT(fAttribs & PatchAttribs::kJoinControlPoint);
if (fHasDeferredPatch) {
// Overwrite join control point with updated value, which is the first attribute
// after the 4 control points.
memcpy(SkTAddOffset<void>(fDeferredPatchStorage, 4 * sizeof(SkPoint)),
&fJoinControlPointAttrib, sizeof(SkPoint));
if (VertexWriter vw = fChunker.appendVertex()) {
vw << VertexWriter::Array<char>(fDeferredPatchStorage, fChunker.stride());
fHasDeferredPatch = false;
fHasJoinControlPoint = false;
// TODO: These are only used by StrokeHardwareTessellator and ideally its patch writing logic
// should be simplified like StrokeFixedCountTessellator's, and then this can go away.
void resetJoinControlPointAttrib() {
SkASSERT(fAttribs & PatchAttribs::kJoinControlPoint);
// Should have already been written or caller should manually defer
fHasJoinControlPoint = false;
SkPoint joinControlPoint() const { return fJoinControlPointAttrib; }
bool hasJoinControlPoint() const { return fHasJoinControlPoint; }
// Updates the fan point that will be written out with each patch (i.e., the point that wedges
// fan around).
// PatchAttribs::kFanPoint must be enabled.
void updateFanPointAttrib(SkPoint fanPoint) {
SkASSERT(fAttribs & PatchAttribs::kFanPoint);
fFanPointAttrib = fanPoint;
// Updates the stroke params that are written out with each patch.
// PatchAttribs::kStrokeParams must be enabled.
void updateStrokeParamsAttrib(StrokeParams strokeParams) {
SkASSERT(fAttribs & PatchAttribs::kStrokeParams);
fStrokeParamsAttrib = strokeParams;
// Updates the color that will be written out with each patch.
// PatchAttribs::kColor must be enabled.
void updateColorAttrib(const SkPMColor4f& color) {
SkASSERT(fAttribs & PatchAttribs::kColor);
fColorAttrib.set(color, fAttribs & PatchAttribs::kWideColorIfEnabled);
* writeX functions for supported patch geometry types. Every geometric type is converted to an
* equivalent cubic or conic, so this will always write at minimum 8 floats for the four control
* points (cubic) or three control points and {w, inf} (conics). The PatchWriter additionally
* writes the current values of all attributes enabled in its PatchAttribs flags.
// Writes four control points manually prepared.
// TODO: Only used by StrokeHardwareTessellator
AI void writeHwPatch(const SkPoint p[4]) {
float4 p0p1 = float4::Load(p);
float4 p2p3 = float4::Load(p + 2);
this->writePatch(p0p1.lo, p0p1.hi, p2p3.lo, p2p3.hi, /*unused*/0.f);
// Write a cubic curve with its four control points.
AI void writeCubic(float2 p0, float2 p1, float2 p2, float2 p3,
const VectorXform& shaderXform,
float precision = kTessellationPrecision) {
float n4 = wangs_formula::cubic_pow4(precision, p0, p1, p2, p3, shaderXform);
if (this->writesCurvesOnly()) {
if (n4 <= 1.f) {
// This cubic only needs one segment (e.g. a line) but we're not filling space with
// fans or stroking, so nothing actually needs to be drawn.
if (this->updateRequiredSegments(n4)) {
this->writeCubicPatch(p0, p1, p2, p3);
} else {
int numPatches = SkScalarCeilToInt(wangs_formula::root4(
std::min(n4, pow4(kMaxTessellationSegmentsPerCurve)) / fMaxSegments_pow4));
this->chopAndWriteCubics(p0, p1, p2, p3, numPatches);
AI void writeCubic(const SkPoint pts[4],
const VectorXform& shaderXform,
float precision = kTessellationPrecision) {
float4 p0p1 = float4::Load(pts);
float4 p2p3 = float4::Load(pts + 2);
this->writeCubic(p0p1.lo, p0p1.hi, p2p3.lo, p2p3.hi, shaderXform, precision);
// Write a conic curve with three control points and 'w', with the last coord of the last
// control point signaling a conic by being set to infinity.
AI void writeConic(float2 p0, float2 p1, float2 p2, float w,
const VectorXform& shaderXform,
float precision = kTessellationPrecision) {
float n2 = wangs_formula::conic_pow2(precision, p0, p1, p2, w, shaderXform);
if (this->writesCurvesOnly()) {
if (n2 <= 1.f) {
// This conic only needs one segment (e.g. a line) but we're not filling space with
// fans or stroking, so nothing actually needs to be drawn.
if (this->updateRequiredSegments(n2*n2)) {
this->writeConicPatch(p0, p1, p2, w);
} else {
int numPatches = SkScalarCeilToInt(sqrtf(
std::min(n2, pow2(kMaxTessellationSegmentsPerCurve)) / fMaxSegments_pow2));
this->chopAndWriteConics(p0, p1, p2, w, numPatches);
AI void writeConic(const SkPoint pts[3], float w,
const VectorXform& shaderXform,
float precision = kTessellationPrecision) {
w, shaderXform, precision);
// Write a quadratic curve that automatically converts its three control points into an
// equivalent cubic.
AI void writeQuadratic(float2 p0, float2 p1, float2 p2,
const VectorXform& shaderXform,
float precision = kTessellationPrecision) {
float n4 = wangs_formula::quadratic_pow4(precision, p0, p1, p2, shaderXform);
if (this->writesCurvesOnly()) {
if (n4 <= 1.f) {
// This quad only needs one segment (e.g. a line) but we're not filling space with
// fans or stroking, so nothing actually needs to be drawn.
if (this->updateRequiredSegments(n4)) {
this->writeQuadPatch(p0, p1, p2);
} else {
int numPatches = SkScalarCeilToInt(wangs_formula::root4(
std::min(n4, pow4(kMaxTessellationSegmentsPerCurve)) / fMaxSegments_pow4));
this->chopAndWriteQuads(p0, p1, p2, numPatches);
AI void writeQuadratic(const SkPoint pts[3],
const VectorXform& shaderXform,
float precision = kTessellationPrecision) {
shaderXform, precision);
// Write a line that is automatically converted into an equivalent cubic.
AI void writeLine(float4 p0p1) {
// No chopping needed, and should have been reset to 1 segment if using writeLine
SkASSERT(fCurrMinSegments_pow4 >= 1.f);
this->writeCubicPatch(p0p1.lo, (p0p1.zwxy() - p0p1) * (1/3.f) + p0p1, p0p1.hi);
AI void writeLine(float2 p0, float2 p1) { this->writeLine({p0, p1}); }
AI void writeLine(SkPoint p0, SkPoint p1) {
this->writeLine(skvx::bit_pun<float2>(p0), skvx::bit_pun<float2>(p1));
// Write a triangle by setting it to a conic with w=Inf, and using a distinct
// explicit curve type for when inf isn't supported in shaders.
AI void writeTriangle(float2 p0, float2 p1, float2 p2) {
// No chopping needed, and should have been reset to 2 segments if using writeTriangle.
SkASSERT(fCurrMinSegments_pow4 >= (2*2*2*2));
this->writePatch(p0, p1, p2, {SK_FloatInfinity, SK_FloatInfinity},
AI void writeTriangle(SkPoint p0, SkPoint p1, SkPoint p2) {
// Writes a circle used for round caps and joins in stroking, encoded as a cubic with
// identical control points and an empty join.
AI void writeCircle(SkPoint p) {
// This does not use writePatch() because it uses its own location as the join attribute
// value instead of fJoinControlPointAttrib and never defers.
SkASSERT(fAttribs & PatchAttribs::kJoinControlPoint);
if (VertexWriter vw = fChunker.appendVertex()) {
vw << VertexWriter::Repeat<4>(p); // p0,p1,p2,p3 = p -> 4 copies
this->emitPatchAttribs(std::move(vw), p, kCubicCurveType);
template <typename T>
static VertexWriter::Conditional<T> If(bool c, const T& v) { return VertexWriter::If(c,v); }
AI void emitPatchAttribs(VertexWriter vertexWriter,
SkPoint joinControlPoint,
float explicitCurveType) {
vertexWriter << If((fAttribs & PatchAttribs::kJoinControlPoint), joinControlPoint)
<< If((fAttribs & PatchAttribs::kFanPoint), fFanPointAttrib)
<< If((fAttribs & PatchAttribs::kStrokeParams), fStrokeParamsAttrib)
<< If((fAttribs & PatchAttribs::kColor), fColorAttrib)
<< If((fAttribs & PatchAttribs::kExplicitCurveType), explicitCurveType);
AI void writePatch(float2 p0, float2 p1, float2 p2, float2 p3, float explicitCurveType) {
const bool defer = (fAttribs & PatchAttribs::kJoinControlPoint) &&
SkASSERT(!defer || !fHasDeferredPatch);
SkASSERT(fChunker.stride() <= kMaxStride);
VertexWriter vw = defer ? VertexWriter{fDeferredPatchStorage, fChunker.stride()}
: fChunker.appendVertex();
fHasDeferredPatch |= defer;
if (vw) {
vw << p0 << p1 << p2 << p3;
// NOTE: fJoinControlPointAttrib will contain NaN if we're writing to a deferred
// patch. If that's the case, correct data will overwrite it when the contour is
// closed (this is fine since a deferred patch writes to CPU memory instead of
// directly to the GPU buffer).
this->emitPatchAttribs(std::move(vw), fJoinControlPointAttrib, explicitCurveType);
// Automatically update join control point for next patch.
if (fAttribs & PatchAttribs::kJoinControlPoint) {
fHasJoinControlPoint = true;
if (explicitCurveType == kCubicCurveType && any(p3 != p2)) {
// p2 is control point defining the tangent vector into the next patch.;
} else if (any(p2 != p1)) {
// p1 is the control point defining the tangent vector.;
} else {
// p0 is the control point defining the tangent vector.;
// Helpers that normalize curves to a generic patch, but does no other work.
AI void writeCubicPatch(float2 p0, float2 p1, float2 p2, float2 p3) {
this->writePatch(p0, p1, p2, p3, kCubicCurveType);
AI void writeCubicPatch(float2 p0, float4 p1p2, float2 p3) {
this->writeCubicPatch(p0, p1p2.lo, p1p2.hi, p3);
AI void writeQuadPatch(float2 p0, float2 p1, float2 p2) {
this->writeCubicPatch(p0, mix(float4(p0, p2), p1.xyxy(), 2/3.f), p2);
AI void writeConicPatch(float2 p0, float2 p1, float2 p2, float w) {
this->writePatch(p0, p1, p2, {w, SK_FloatInfinity}, kConicCurveType);
// Helpers that chop the curve type into 'numPatches' parametrically uniform curves. It is
// assumed that 'numPatches' is calculated such that the resulting curves require the maximum
// number of segments to draw appropriately (since the original presumably needed even more).
void chopAndWriteQuads(float2 p0, float2 p1, float2 p2, int numPatches);
void chopAndWriteConics(float2 p0, float2 p1, float2 p2, float w, int numPatches);
void chopAndWriteCubics(float2 p0, float2 p1, float2 p2, float2 p3, int numPatches);
// Returns true if curve can be written w/o needing to chop
bool updateRequiredSegments(float n4) {
if (n4 <= fMaxSegments_pow4) {
fCurrMinSegments_pow4 = std::max(n4, fCurrMinSegments_pow4);
return true;
} else {
fCurrMinSegments_pow4 = fMaxSegments_pow4;
return false;
// True if the patch writer only draws curves (presumably for filling), e.g. does not add a
// wedge fan point to help fill space, or a join control point for stroking.
bool writesCurvesOnly() const {
return !(fAttribs & (PatchAttribs::kJoinControlPoint | PatchAttribs::kFanPoint));
const PatchAttribs fAttribs;
const float fMaxSegments_pow2;
const float fMaxSegments_pow4;
float fCurrMinSegments_pow4;
GrVertexChunkBuilder fChunker;
SkPoint fJoinControlPointAttrib;
SkPoint fFanPointAttrib;
StrokeParams fStrokeParamsAttrib;
VertexColor fColorAttrib;
static constexpr size_t kMaxStride =
4 * sizeof(SkPoint) + // control points
sizeof(SkPoint) + // join control point or fan attrib point (not used at same time)
sizeof(StrokeParams) + // stroke params
4 * sizeof(uint32_t); // wide vertex color
// Only used if kJoinControlPointAttrib is set in fAttribs, in which case it holds data for
// a single patch waiting for the incoming join control point to be computed.
// Contents are valid (sans join control point) if fHasDeferredPatch is true.
char fDeferredPatchStorage[kMaxStride];
bool fHasDeferredPatch = false;
bool fHasJoinControlPoint = false;
} // namespace skgpu
#undef AI
#endif // tessellate_PatchWriter_DEFINED