blob: 19f5023c858b563f7c675aeec39cd571f984f23a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/gpu/tessellate/GrTessellateStrokeOp.h"
#include "src/core/SkPathPriv.h"
#include "src/gpu/tessellate/GrStrokeGeometry.h"
#include "src/gpu/tessellate/GrTessellateStrokeShader.h"
static SkPath transform_path(const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, const SkPath& path) {
SkPath devPath;
// The provided matrix must be a similarity matrix for the time being. This is so we can
// bootstrap this Op on top of GrStrokeGeometry with minimal modifications.
path.transform(viewMatrix, &devPath);
return devPath;
static SkStrokeRec transform_stroke(const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, const SkStrokeRec& stroke) {
SkStrokeRec devStroke = stroke;
// kStrokeAndFill_Style is not yet supported.
SkASSERT(stroke.getStyle() == SkStrokeRec::kStroke_Style ||
stroke.getStyle() == SkStrokeRec::kHairline_Style);
float strokeWidth = (stroke.getStyle() == SkStrokeRec::kHairline_Style) ?
1 : viewMatrix.getMaxScale() * stroke.getWidth();
devStroke.setStrokeStyle(strokeWidth, /*strokeAndFill=*/false);
return devStroke;
static SkPMColor4f get_paint_constant_blended_color(const GrPaint& paint) {
SkPMColor4f constantColor;
// Patches can overlap, so until a stencil technique is implemented, the provided paints must be
// constant blended colors.
return constantColor;
GrTessellateStrokeOp::GrTessellateStrokeOp(const SkMatrix& viewMatrix, const SkPath& path,
const SkStrokeRec& stroke, GrPaint&& paint,
GrAAType aaType)
: GrDrawOp(ClassID())
, fPathStrokes(transform_path(viewMatrix, path), transform_stroke(viewMatrix, stroke))
, fNumVerbs(path.countVerbs())
, fNumPoints(path.countPoints())
, fColor(get_paint_constant_blended_color(paint))
, fAAType(aaType)
, fProcessors(std::move(paint)) {
SkASSERT(fAAType != GrAAType::kCoverage); // No mixed samples support yet.
SkStrokeRec& headStroke = fPathStrokes.head().fStroke;
if (headStroke.getJoin() == SkPaint::kMiter_Join) {
float miter = headStroke.getMiter();
if (miter <= 0) {
headStroke.setStrokeParams(headStroke.getCap(), SkPaint::kBevel_Join, 0);
} else {
fMiterLimitOrZero = miter;
SkRect devBounds = fPathStrokes.head().fPath.getBounds();
float inflationRadius = fPathStrokes.head().fStroke.getInflationRadius();
devBounds.outset(inflationRadius, inflationRadius);
this->setBounds(devBounds, HasAABloat(GrAAType::kCoverage == fAAType), IsHairline::kNo);
GrDrawOp::FixedFunctionFlags GrTessellateStrokeOp::fixedFunctionFlags() const {
auto flags = FixedFunctionFlags::kNone;
if (GrAAType::kNone != fAAType) {
flags |= FixedFunctionFlags::kUsesHWAA;
return flags;
GrProcessorSet::Analysis GrTessellateStrokeOp::finalize(const GrCaps& caps,
const GrAppliedClip* clip,
bool hasMixedSampledCoverage,
GrClampType clampType) {
return fProcessors.finalize(fColor, GrProcessorAnalysisCoverage::kNone, clip,
&GrUserStencilSettings::kUnused, hasMixedSampledCoverage, caps,
clampType, &fColor);
GrOp::CombineResult GrTessellateStrokeOp::onCombineIfPossible(GrOp* grOp,
GrRecordingContext::Arenas* arenas,
const GrCaps&) {
auto* op = grOp->cast<GrTessellateStrokeOp>();
if (fColor != op->fColor ||
fViewMatrix != op->fViewMatrix ||
fAAType != op->fAAType ||
((fMiterLimitOrZero * op->fMiterLimitOrZero != 0) && // Are both non-zero?
fMiterLimitOrZero != op->fMiterLimitOrZero) ||
fProcessors != op->fProcessors) {
return CombineResult::kCannotCombine;
fPathStrokes.concat(std::move(op->fPathStrokes), arenas->recordTimeAllocator());
if (op->fMiterLimitOrZero != 0) {
SkASSERT(fMiterLimitOrZero == 0 || fMiterLimitOrZero == op->fMiterLimitOrZero);
fMiterLimitOrZero = op->fMiterLimitOrZero;
fNumVerbs += op->fNumVerbs;
fNumPoints += op->fNumPoints;
return CombineResult::kMerged;
void GrTessellateStrokeOp::onPrePrepare(GrRecordingContext*, const GrSurfaceProxyView* writeView,
GrAppliedClip*, const GrXferProcessor::DstProxyView&) {
static SkPoint lerp(const SkPoint& a, const SkPoint& b, float T) {
SkASSERT(1 != T); // The below does not guarantee lerp(a, b, 1) === b.
return (b - a) * T + a;
static void write_line(SkPoint* patch, const SkPoint& p0, const SkPoint& p1) {
patch[0] = p0;
patch[1] = lerp(p0, p1, 1/3.f);
patch[2] = lerp(p0, p1, 2/3.f);
patch[3] = p1;
static void write_quadratic(SkPoint* patch, const SkPoint pts[]) {
patch[0] = pts[0];
patch[1] = lerp(pts[0], pts[1], 2/3.f);
patch[2] = lerp(pts[1], pts[2], 1/3.f);
patch[3] = pts[2];
static void write_loop(SkPoint* patch, const SkPoint& intersectionPoint,
const SkPoint lastControlPt, const SkPoint& nextControlPt) {
patch[0] = intersectionPoint;
patch[1] = lastControlPt;
patch[2] = nextControlPt;
patch[3] = intersectionPoint;
static void write_square_cap(SkPoint* patch, const SkPoint& endPoint,
const SkPoint controlPoint, float strokeRadius) {
SkVector v = (endPoint - controlPoint);
SkPoint capPoint = endPoint + v*strokeRadius;
// Construct a line that incorporates controlPoint so we get a water tight edge with the rest of
// the stroke. The cubic will technically step outside the cap, but we will force it to only
// have one segment, giving edges only at the endpoints.
patch[0] = endPoint;
patch[1] = controlPoint;
// Straddle the midpoint of the cap because the tessellated geometry emits a center point at
// T=.5, and we need to ensure that point stays inside the cap.
patch[2] = endPoint + capPoint - controlPoint;
patch[3] = capPoint;
void GrTessellateStrokeOp::onPrepare(GrOpFlushState* flushState) {
// Rebuild the stroke using GrStrokeGeometry.
GrStrokeGeometry strokeGeometry(flushState->caps().shaderCaps()->maxTessellationSegments(),
fNumPoints, fNumVerbs);
for (auto& [path, stroke] : fPathStrokes) {
float strokeRadius = stroke.getWidth() * .5f;
GrStrokeGeometry::InstanceTallies tallies = GrStrokeGeometry::InstanceTallies();
strokeGeometry.beginPath(stroke, strokeRadius * 2, &tallies);
SkPathVerb previousVerb = SkPathVerb::kClose;
for (auto [verb, pts, w] : SkPathPriv::Iterate(path)) {
switch (verb) {
case SkPathVerb::kMove:
if (previousVerb != SkPathVerb::kClose) {
case SkPathVerb::kClose:
case SkPathVerb::kLine:
case SkPathVerb::kQuad:
case SkPathVerb::kCubic:
case SkPathVerb::kConic:
previousVerb = verb;
if (previousVerb != SkPathVerb::kClose) {
auto vertexData = static_cast<SkPoint*>(flushState->makeVertexSpace(
sizeof(SkPoint), strokeGeometry.verbs().count() * 2 * 5, &fVertexBuffer, &fBaseVertex));
if (!vertexData) {
using Verb = GrStrokeGeometry::Verb;
// Dump GrStrokeGeometry into tessellation patches.
// This loop is only a temporary adapter for GrStrokeGeometry so we can bootstrap the
// tessellation shaders. Once the shaders are landed and tested, we will overhaul
// GrStrokeGeometry and remove this loop.
int i = 0;
const SkTArray<SkPoint, true>& pathPts = strokeGeometry.points();
auto pendingJoin = Verb::kEndContour;
SkPoint firstJoinControlPoint = {0, 0};
SkPoint lastJoinControlPoint = {0, 0};
bool hasFirstControlPoint = false;
float currStrokeRadius = 0;
auto pathStrokesIter = fPathStrokes.begin();
for (auto verb : strokeGeometry.verbs()) {
SkPoint patch[4];
float overrideNumSegments = 0;
switch (verb) {
case Verb::kBeginPath:
SkASSERT(pathStrokesIter != fPathStrokes.end());
pendingJoin = Verb::kEndContour;
firstJoinControlPoint = {0, 0};
lastJoinControlPoint = {0, 0};
hasFirstControlPoint = false;
currStrokeRadius = (*pathStrokesIter).fStroke.getWidth() * .5f;
case Verb::kRoundJoin:
case Verb::kInternalRoundJoin:
case Verb::kMiterJoin:
case Verb::kBevelJoin:
case Verb::kInternalBevelJoin:
pendingJoin = verb;
case Verb::kLinearStroke:
write_line(patch, pathPts[i], pathPts[i+1]);
case Verb::kQuadraticStroke:
write_quadratic(patch, &pathPts[i]);
i += 2;
case Verb::kCubicStroke:
memcpy(patch, &pathPts[i], sizeof(SkPoint) * 4);
i += 3;
case Verb::kRotate:
write_loop(patch, pathPts[i], pathPts[i+1], pathPts[i]*2 - pathPts[i+1]);
i += 2;
case Verb::kSquareCap: {
SkASSERT(pendingJoin == Verb::kEndContour);
write_square_cap(patch, pathPts[i], lastJoinControlPoint, currStrokeRadius);
// This cubic steps outside the cap, but if we force it to only have one segment, we
// will just get the rectangular cap.
overrideNumSegments = 1;
case Verb::kRoundCap:
// A round cap is the same thing as a 180-degree round join.
SkASSERT(pendingJoin == Verb::kEndContour);
pendingJoin = Verb::kRoundJoin;
write_loop(patch, pathPts[i], lastJoinControlPoint, lastJoinControlPoint);
case Verb::kEndContour:
// Final join
write_loop(patch, pathPts[i], firstJoinControlPoint, lastJoinControlPoint);
SkPoint c1 = (patch[1] == patch[0]) ? patch[2] : patch[1];
SkPoint c2 = (patch[2] == patch[3]) ? patch[1] : patch[2];
if (pendingJoin != Verb::kEndContour) {
vertexData[0] = patch[0];
vertexData[1] = lastJoinControlPoint;
vertexData[2] = c1;
vertexData[3] = patch[0];
switch (pendingJoin) {
case Verb::kBevelJoin:
vertexData[4].set(1, currStrokeRadius);
case Verb::kMiterJoin:
vertexData[4].set(2, currStrokeRadius);
case Verb::kRoundJoin:
vertexData[4].set(3, currStrokeRadius);
case Verb::kInternalRoundJoin:
case Verb::kInternalBevelJoin:
vertexData[4].set(4, currStrokeRadius);
vertexData += 5;
fVertexCount += 5;
pendingJoin = Verb::kEndContour;
if (verb != Verb::kRoundCap) {
if (!hasFirstControlPoint) {
firstJoinControlPoint = c1;
hasFirstControlPoint = true;
lastJoinControlPoint = c2;
if (verb == Verb::kEndContour) {
// Temporary hack for this adapter in case the next contour is a round cap.
lastJoinControlPoint = firstJoinControlPoint;
hasFirstControlPoint = false;
} else if (verb != Verb::kRotate && verb != Verb::kRoundCap) {
memcpy(vertexData, patch, sizeof(SkPoint) * 4);
vertexData[4].set(-overrideNumSegments, currStrokeRadius);
vertexData += 5;
fVertexCount += 5;
SkASSERT(pathStrokesIter == fPathStrokes.end());
SkASSERT(fVertexCount <= strokeGeometry.verbs().count() * 2 * 5);
flushState->putBackVertices(strokeGeometry.verbs().count() * 2 * 5 - fVertexCount,
void GrTessellateStrokeOp::onExecute(GrOpFlushState* flushState, const SkRect& chainBounds) {
if (!fVertexBuffer) {
GrPipeline::InitArgs initArgs;
if (GrAAType::kNone != fAAType) {
initArgs.fInputFlags |= GrPipeline::InputFlags::kHWAntialias;
SkASSERT(flushState->proxy()->numSamples() > 1); // No mixed samples yet.
SkASSERT(fAAType != GrAAType::kCoverage); // No mixed samples yet.
initArgs.fCaps = &flushState->caps();
initArgs.fDstProxyView = flushState->drawOpArgs().dstProxyView();
initArgs.fWriteSwizzle = flushState->drawOpArgs().writeSwizzle();
GrPipeline pipeline(initArgs, std::move(fProcessors), flushState->detachAppliedClip());
SkASSERT(fViewMatrix.isIdentity()); // Only identity matrices supported for now.
GrTessellateStrokeShader strokeShader(fViewMatrix, fColor, fMiterLimitOrZero);
GrPathShader::ProgramInfo programInfo(flushState->writeView(), &pipeline, &strokeShader);
flushState->bindPipelineAndScissorClip(programInfo, this->bounds() /*chainBounds??*/);
flushState->bindTextures(strokeShader, nullptr, pipeline);
flushState->bindBuffers(nullptr, nullptr, fVertexBuffer.get());
flushState->draw(fVertexCount, fBaseVertex);