blob: c9d946834f93686b480ad9db62ac8f9ad9d4f6bf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/core/SkImageFilterTypes.h"
#include "include/core/SkAlphaType.h"
#include "include/core/SkBlendMode.h"
#include "include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "include/core/SkColorType.h"
#include "include/core/SkImage.h"
#include "include/core/SkImageInfo.h"
#include "include/core/SkPaint.h"
#include "include/core/SkPicture.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "include/core/SkShader.h"
#include "include/private/base/SkFloatingPoint.h"
#include "src/core/SkImageFilter_Base.h"
#include "src/core/SkMatrixPriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkRectPriv.h"
#include "src/core/SkSpecialSurface.h"
#include "src/effects/colorfilters/SkColorFilterBase.h"
#include "include/effects/SkRuntimeEffect.h"
#include "src/core/SkRuntimeEffectPriv.h"
#include <algorithm>
namespace skif {
namespace {
// This exists to cover up issues where infinite precision would produce integers but float
// math produces values just larger/smaller than an int and roundOut/In on bounds would produce
// nearly a full pixel error. One such case is where the caller has produced
// near integer CTM and uses integer crop rects that would grab an extra row/column of the
// input image when using a strict roundOut.
static constexpr float kRoundEpsilon = 1e-3f;
// If m is epsilon within the form [1 0 tx], this returns true and sets out to [tx, ty]
// [0 1 ty]
// [0 0 1 ]
// TODO: Use this in decomposeCTM() (and possibly extend it to support is_nearly_scale_translate)
// to be a little more forgiving on matrix types during layer configuration.
bool is_nearly_integer_translation(const LayerSpace<SkMatrix>& m,
LayerSpace<SkIPoint>* out=nullptr) {
float tx = SkScalarRoundToScalar(sk_ieee_float_divide(m.rc(0,2), m.rc(2,2)));
float ty = SkScalarRoundToScalar(sk_ieee_float_divide(m.rc(1,2), m.rc(2,2)));
SkMatrix expected = SkMatrix::MakeAll(1.f, 0.f, tx,
0.f, 1.f, ty,
0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
if (!SkScalarNearlyEqual(expected.get(i), m.get(i), kRoundEpsilon)) {
return false;
if (out) {
*out = LayerSpace<SkIPoint>({(int) tx, (int) ty});
return true;
// Assumes 'image' is decal-tiled, so everything outside the image bounds but inside dstBounds is
// transparent black, in which case the returned special image may be smaller than dstBounds.
// If 'clampSrcIfDisjoint' is true and the image bounds do not overlap with dstBounds, the closest
// edge/corner pixels of the image will be extracted, assuming it will be tiled with kClamp.
std::pair<sk_sp<SkSpecialImage>, LayerSpace<SkIPoint>> extract_subset(
const SkSpecialImage* image,
LayerSpace<SkIPoint> origin,
const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& dstBounds,
bool clampSrcIfDisjoint=false) {
LayerSpace<SkIRect> imageBounds(SkIRect::MakeXYWH(origin.x(), origin.y(),
image->width(), image->height()));
if (!imageBounds.intersect(dstBounds)) {
if (clampSrcIfDisjoint) {
auto edge = SkRectPriv::ClosestDisjointEdge(SkIRect(imageBounds), SkIRect(dstBounds));
imageBounds = LayerSpace<SkIRect>(edge);
} else {
return {nullptr, {}};
// Offset the image subset directly to avoid issues negating (origin). With the prior
// intersection (bounds - origin) will be >= 0, but (bounds + (-origin)) may not, (e.g.
// origin is INT_MIN).
SkIRect subset = { imageBounds.left() - origin.x(), - origin.y(),
imageBounds.right() - origin.x(),
imageBounds.bottom() - origin.y() };
SkASSERT(subset.fLeft >= 0 && subset.fTop >= 0 &&
subset.fRight <= image->width() && subset.fBottom <= image->height());
return {image->makeSubset(subset), imageBounds.topLeft()};
void decompose_transform(const SkMatrix& transform, SkPoint representativePoint,
SkMatrix* postScaling, SkMatrix* scaling) {
SkSize scale;
if (transform.decomposeScale(&scale, postScaling)) {
*scaling = SkMatrix::Scale(scale.fWidth, scale.fHeight);
} else {
// Perspective, which has a non-uniform scaling effect on the filter. Pick a single scale
// factor that best matches where the filter will be evaluated.
SkScalar approxScale = SkMatrixPriv::DifferentialAreaScale(transform, representativePoint);
if (SkScalarIsFinite(approxScale) && !SkScalarNearlyZero(approxScale)) {
// Now take the sqrt to go from an area scale factor to a scaling per X and Y
approxScale = SkScalarSqrt(approxScale);
} else {
// The point was behind the W = 0 plane, so don't factor out any scale.
approxScale = 1.f;
*postScaling = transform;
postScaling->preScale(SkScalarInvert(approxScale), SkScalarInvert(approxScale));
*scaling = SkMatrix::Scale(approxScale, approxScale);
std::optional<LayerSpace<SkMatrix>> periodic_axis_transform(
SkTileMode tileMode,
const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& crop,
const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& output) {
if (tileMode == SkTileMode::kClamp || tileMode == SkTileMode::kDecal) {
// Not periodic
return {};
// Calculate normalized periodic coordinates of 'output' relative to the 'crop' being tiled.
const float invW = 1.f / crop.width();
const float invH = 1.f / crop.height();
SkRect normalizedTileCoords = SkRect::MakeLTRB((output.left() - crop.left()) * invW,
( - * invH,
(output.right() - crop.left()) * invW,
(output.bottom() - * invH);
SkIRect period = RoundOut(normalizedTileCoords);
if (period.fRight - period.fLeft <= 1 && period.fBottom - period.fTop <= 1) {
// The tiling pattern won't be visible, so we can draw the image without tiling and an
// adjusted transform.
SkMatrix periodicTransform = SkMatrix::Translate(-crop.left(),;
if (tileMode == SkTileMode::kMirror) {
// Flip image when in odd periods on each axis.
if ((int) period.fLeft % 2 != 0) {
periodicTransform.postScale(-1.f, 1.f);
periodicTransform.postTranslate(crop.width(), 0.f);
if ((int) period.fTop % 2 != 0) {
periodicTransform.postScale(1.f, -1.f);
periodicTransform.postTranslate(0.f, crop.height());
// Now translate by periods and make relative to crop's top left again
periodicTransform.postTranslate(period.fLeft * crop.width(), period.fTop * crop.height());
return LayerSpace<SkMatrix>(periodicTransform);
} else {
// Both low and high edges of the crop would be visible in 'output', or a mirrored
// boundary is visible in 'output'. Just keep the periodic tiling.
return {};
// Returns true if decal tiling an image with 'imageBounds' subject to 'transform', limited to
// the un-transformed 'sampleBounds' would exhibit significantly different visual quality from
// drawing the image with clamp tiling and limited geometrically to 'imageBounds'.
// Non-nearest-neighbor sampling across the image boundary with decal tiling introduces transparency
// If the transform's scale factor is near identity, the width of this transparent interpolation is
// visually consistent with the 1px anti-aliased edge produced by a SkCanvas::drawImage operation.
// If the scale factor is non-identity, the transparent ramp can get progressively smaller or larger
// as the relative size of a texel changes vs. the pixel size. While technically expected of decal
// tiling, it produces inconsistent rendering vs. when the transformed image is resolved to the
// actual layer resolution and then sampled by an image filter shader.
bool decal_tiling_differs_from_aa(const LayerSpace<SkMatrix> transform,
const LayerSpace<SkIRect> imageBounds,
const LayerSpace<SkIRect> sampleBounds,
const SkSamplingOptions& sampling) {
static constexpr SkSamplingOptions kNearestNeighbor = {};
static constexpr SkSize kHalfPixel = {0.5f, 0.5f};
static constexpr SkSize kCubicRadius = {1.5f, 1.5f};
if (sampling == kNearestNeighbor) {
// There's no interpolating between two samples, so the size of texels doesn't matter.
return false;
LayerSpace<SkSize> expectedSampleRadius{sampling.useCubic ? kCubicRadius : kHalfPixel};
LayerSpace<SkSize> sampleRadius = transform.mapSize(expectedSampleRadius);
LayerSpace<SkRect> bufferedSampleBounds{sampleBounds};
// First inset by half a pixel to account for where the dst sample coords actually are
// Then outset by the mapped radius
// If the sample bounds (including implicit samples from interpolation) are contained by the
// transformed 'imageBounds', then the sampling would not access texels outside the image bounds
if (SkRectPriv::QuadContainsRect(SkMatrix(transform),
SkIRect(bufferedSampleBounds.roundOut()))) {
return false;
// The decal sampling would be visible, but we only care if the width of the interpolation is
// significantly different from an identity-scale.
return !SkScalarNearlyEqual(sampleRadius.width(), expectedSampleRadius.width(), 0.1f) ||
!SkScalarNearlyEqual(sampleRadius.height(), expectedSampleRadius.height(), 0.1f);
// The returned shader includes the transform as a local matrix.
sk_sp<SkShader> apply_decal(
const LayerSpace<SkMatrix>& transform,
sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> image,
const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& sampleBounds,
const SkSamplingOptions& sampling) {
LayerSpace<SkIRect> imageBounds{image->dimensions()};
if (!decal_tiling_differs_from_aa(transform, imageBounds, sampleBounds, sampling)) {
// Decal the image as part of its sampling and apply the full transform afterwards
return image->asShader(SkTileMode::kDecal, sampling, SkMatrix(transform));
// Otherwise we need to apply the decal in a coordinate space that matches the resolution of
// the layer space. If the transform preserves rectangles, map the image bounds by the transform
// so we can apply it before we evaluate the shader. Otherwise decompose the transform into
// a non-scaling post-decal transform and a scaling pre-decal transform.
const SkMatrix& m(transform);
SkMatrix postDecal, preDecal;
if (m.rectStaysRect()) {
postDecal = SkMatrix::I();
preDecal = m;
} else {
auto representativePoint = LayerSpace<SkRect>(imageBounds).center();
decompose_transform(m, SkPoint(representativePoint), &postDecal, &preDecal);
// TODO(skbug:12784) - As part of fully supporting subsets in image shaders, it probably makes
// sense to share the subset tiling logic that's in GrTextureEffect as dedicated SkShaders.
// Graphite can then add those to its program as-needed vs. always doing shader-based tiling,
// and CPU can have raster-pipeline tiling applied more flexibly than at the bitmap level. At
// that point, this effect is redundant and can be replaced with the decal-subset shader.
static const SkRuntimeEffect* effect = SkMakeRuntimeEffect(SkRuntimeEffect::MakeForShader,
"uniform shader image;"
"uniform float4 decalBounds;"
"half4 main(float2 coord) {"
"half4 d = half4(decalBounds - coord.xyxy) * half4(-1, -1, 1, 1);"
"d = saturate(d + 0.5);"
"return (d.x*d.y*d.z*d.w) * image.eval(coord);"
SkRuntimeShaderBuilder builder(sk_ref_sp(effect));
builder.child("image") = image->asShader(SkTileMode::kClamp, sampling, preDecal);
builder.uniform("decalBounds") = preDecal.mapRect(SkRect::Make(SkIRect(imageBounds)));
sk_sp<SkShader> decalShader = builder.makeShader();
if (decalShader && !postDecal.isIdentity()) {
decalShader = decalShader->makeWithLocalMatrix(postDecal);
return decalShader;
// AutoSurface manages an SkSpecialSurface and canvas state to draw to a layer-space bounding box,
// and then snap it into a FilterResult. It provides operators to be used directly as a canvas,
// assuming surface creation succeeded. Usage:
// AutoSurface surface{ctx, dstBounds, renderInParameterSpace}; // if true, concats layer matrix
// if (surface) {
// surface->drawFoo(...);
// }
// return surface.snap(); // Automatically handles failed allocations
class AutoSurface {
AutoSurface(const Context& ctx,
const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& dstBounds,
bool renderInParameterSpace,
const SkSurfaceProps* props = nullptr)
: fSurface(nullptr)
, fDstBounds(dstBounds) {
// We don't intersect by ctx.desiredOutput() and only use the Context to make the surface.
// It is assumed the caller has already accounted for the desired output, or it's a
// situation where the desired output shouldn't apply (e.g. this surface will be transformed
// to align with the actual desired output via FilterResult metadata).
fSurface = ctx.makeSurface(SkISize(fDstBounds.size()), props);
if (!fSurface) {
// Configure the canvas
SkCanvas* canvas = fSurface->getCanvas();
// GPU-backed special surfaces don't reset their contents.
canvas->translate(-fDstBounds.left(),; // dst's origin adjustment
if (renderInParameterSpace) {
explicit operator bool() const { return SkToBool(fSurface); }
SkCanvas* canvas() { SkASSERT(fSurface); return fSurface->getCanvas(); }
SkCanvas* operator->() { SkASSERT(fSurface); return fSurface->getCanvas(); }
// NOTE: This pair is equivalent to a FilterResult but we keep it this way for use by resolve(),
// which wants them separate while the legacy imageAndOffset() function is around.
std::pair<sk_sp<SkSpecialImage>, LayerSpace<SkIPoint>> snap() {
if (fSurface) {
return {fSurface->makeImageSnapshot(), fDstBounds.topLeft()};
} else {
return {nullptr, {}};
sk_sp<SkSpecialSurface> fSurface;
LayerSpace<SkIRect> fDstBounds;
} // anonymous namespace
Context Context::MakeRaster(const ContextInfo& info) {
// TODO (skbug:14286): Remove this forcing to 8888. Many legacy image filters only support
// N32 on CPU, but once they are implemented in terms of draws and SkSL they will support
// all color types, like the GPU backends.
ContextInfo n32 = info;
n32.fColorType = kN32_SkColorType;
auto makeSurfaceCallback = [](const SkImageInfo& imageInfo,
const SkSurfaceProps* props) {
return SkSpecialSurface::MakeRaster(imageInfo, *props);
return Context(n32, nullptr, makeSurfaceCallback);
sk_sp<SkSpecialSurface> Context::makeSurface(const SkISize& size,
const SkSurfaceProps* props) const {
if (!props) {
props = &fInfo.fSurfaceProps;
SkImageInfo imageInfo = SkImageInfo::Make(size,
return fMakeSurfaceDelegate(imageInfo, props);
// Mapping
SkIRect RoundOut(SkRect r) { return r.makeInset(kRoundEpsilon, kRoundEpsilon).roundOut(); }
SkIRect RoundIn(SkRect r) { return r.makeOutset(kRoundEpsilon, kRoundEpsilon).roundIn(); }
bool Mapping::decomposeCTM(const SkMatrix& ctm, const SkImageFilter* filter,
const skif::ParameterSpace<SkPoint>& representativePt) {
SkMatrix remainder, layer;
using MatrixCapability = SkImageFilter_Base::MatrixCapability;
MatrixCapability capability =
filter ? as_IFB(filter)->getCTMCapability() : MatrixCapability::kComplex;
if (capability == MatrixCapability::kTranslate) {
// Apply the entire CTM post-filtering
remainder = ctm;
layer = SkMatrix::I();
} else if (ctm.isScaleTranslate() || capability == MatrixCapability::kComplex) {
// Either layer space can be anything (kComplex) - or - it can be scale+translate, and the
// ctm is. In both cases, the layer space can be equivalent to device space.
remainder = SkMatrix::I();
layer = ctm;
} else {
// This case implies some amount of sampling post-filtering, either due to skew or rotation
// in the original matrix. As such, keep the layer matrix as simple as possible.
decompose_transform(ctm, SkPoint(representativePt), &remainder, &layer);
SkMatrix invRemainder;
if (!remainder.invert(&invRemainder)) {
// Under floating point arithmetic, it's possible to decompose an invertible matrix into
// a scaling matrix and a remainder and have the remainder be non-invertible. Generally
// when this happens the scale factors are so large and the matrix so ill-conditioned that
// it's unlikely that any drawing would be reasonable, so failing to make a layer is okay.
return false;
} else {
fParamToLayerMatrix = layer;
fLayerToDevMatrix = remainder;
fDevToLayerMatrix = invRemainder;
return true;
bool Mapping::adjustLayerSpace(const SkMatrix& layer) {
SkMatrix invLayer;
if (!layer.invert(&invLayer)) {
return false;
return true;
// Instantiate map specializations for the 6 geometric types used during filtering
SkRect Mapping::map<SkRect>(const SkRect& geom, const SkMatrix& matrix) {
return geom.isEmpty() ? SkRect::MakeEmpty() : matrix.mapRect(geom);
SkIRect Mapping::map<SkIRect>(const SkIRect& geom, const SkMatrix& matrix) {
if (geom.isEmpty()) {
return SkIRect::MakeEmpty();
// Unfortunately, there is a range of integer values such that we have 1px precision as an int,
// but less precision as a float. This can lead to non-empty SkIRects becoming empty simply
// because of float casting. If we're already dealing with a float rect or having a float
// output, that's what we're stuck with; but if we are starting form an irect and desiring an
// SkIRect output, we go through efforts to preserve the 1px precision for simple transforms.
if (matrix.isScaleTranslate()) {
double l = (double)matrix.getScaleX()*geom.fLeft + (double)matrix.getTranslateX();
double r = (double)matrix.getScaleX()*geom.fRight + (double)matrix.getTranslateX();
double t = (double)matrix.getScaleY()*geom.fTop + (double)matrix.getTranslateY();
double b = (double)matrix.getScaleY()*geom.fBottom + (double)matrix.getTranslateY();
return {sk_double_saturate2int(sk_double_floor(std::min(l, r) + kRoundEpsilon)),
sk_double_saturate2int(sk_double_floor(std::min(t, b) + kRoundEpsilon)),
sk_double_saturate2int(sk_double_ceil(std::max(l, r) - kRoundEpsilon)),
sk_double_saturate2int(sk_double_ceil(std::max(t, b) - kRoundEpsilon))};
} else {
return RoundOut(matrix.mapRect(SkRect::Make(geom)));
SkIPoint Mapping::map<SkIPoint>(const SkIPoint& geom, const SkMatrix& matrix) {
SkPoint p = SkPoint::Make(SkIntToScalar(geom.fX), SkIntToScalar(geom.fY));
matrix.mapPoints(&p, 1);
return SkIPoint::Make(SkScalarRoundToInt(p.fX), SkScalarRoundToInt(p.fY));
SkPoint Mapping::map<SkPoint>(const SkPoint& geom, const SkMatrix& matrix) {
SkPoint p;
matrix.mapPoints(&p, &geom, 1);
return p;
Vector Mapping::map<Vector>(const Vector& geom, const SkMatrix& matrix) {
SkVector v = SkVector::Make(geom.fX, geom.fY);
matrix.mapVectors(&v, 1);
return Vector{v};
IVector Mapping::map<IVector>(const IVector& geom, const SkMatrix& matrix) {
SkVector v = SkVector::Make(SkIntToScalar(geom.fX), SkIntToScalar(geom.fY));
matrix.mapVectors(&v, 1);
return IVector(SkScalarRoundToInt(v.fX), SkScalarRoundToInt(v.fY));
// Sizes are also treated as non-positioned values (although this assumption breaks down if there's
// perspective). Unlike vectors, we treat input sizes as specifying lengths of the local X and Y
// axes and return the lengths of those mapped axes.
SkSize Mapping::map<SkSize>(const SkSize& geom, const SkMatrix& matrix) {
if (matrix.isScaleTranslate()) {
// This is equivalent to mapping the two basis vectors and calculating their lengths.
SkVector sizes = matrix.mapVector(geom.fWidth, geom.fHeight);
return {SkScalarAbs(sizes.fX), SkScalarAbs(sizes.fY)};
SkVector xAxis = matrix.mapVector(geom.fWidth, 0.f);
SkVector yAxis = matrix.mapVector(0.f, geom.fHeight);
return {xAxis.length(), yAxis.length()};
SkISize Mapping::map<SkISize>(const SkISize& geom, const SkMatrix& matrix) {
SkSize size = map(SkSize::Make(geom), matrix);
return SkISize::Make(SkScalarCeilToInt(size.fWidth - kRoundEpsilon),
SkScalarCeilToInt(size.fHeight - kRoundEpsilon));
SkMatrix Mapping::map<SkMatrix>(const SkMatrix& m, const SkMatrix& matrix) {
// If 'matrix' maps from the C1 coord space to the C2 coord space, and 'm' is a transform that
// operates on, and outputs to, the C1 coord space, we want to return a new matrix that is
// equivalent to 'm' that operates on and outputs to C2. This is the same as mapping the input
// from C2 to C1 (matrix^-1), then transforming by 'm', and then mapping from C1 to C2 (matrix).
SkMatrix inv;
return inv;
// LayerSpace<T>
// Match rounding tolerances of SkRects to SkIRects
LayerSpace<SkISize> LayerSpace<SkSize>::round() const {
return LayerSpace<SkISize>(fData.toRound());
LayerSpace<SkISize> LayerSpace<SkSize>::ceil() const {
return LayerSpace<SkISize>({SkScalarCeilToInt(fData.fWidth - kRoundEpsilon),
SkScalarCeilToInt(fData.fHeight - kRoundEpsilon)});
LayerSpace<SkISize> LayerSpace<SkSize>::floor() const {
return LayerSpace<SkISize>({SkScalarFloorToInt(fData.fWidth + kRoundEpsilon),
SkScalarFloorToInt(fData.fHeight + kRoundEpsilon)});
LayerSpace<SkRect> LayerSpace<SkMatrix>::mapRect(const LayerSpace<SkRect>& r) const {
return LayerSpace<SkRect>(Mapping::map(SkRect(r), fData));
// Effectively mapRect(SkRect).roundOut() but more accurate when the underlying matrix or
// SkIRect has large floating point values.
LayerSpace<SkIRect> LayerSpace<SkMatrix>::mapRect(const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& r) const {
return LayerSpace<SkIRect>(Mapping::map(SkIRect(r), fData));
LayerSpace<SkPoint> LayerSpace<SkMatrix>::mapPoint(const LayerSpace<SkPoint>& p) const {
return LayerSpace<SkPoint>(Mapping::map(SkPoint(p), fData));
LayerSpace<Vector> LayerSpace<SkMatrix>::mapVector(const LayerSpace<Vector>& v) const {
return LayerSpace<Vector>(Mapping::map(Vector(v), fData));
LayerSpace<SkSize> LayerSpace<SkMatrix>::mapSize(const LayerSpace<SkSize>& s) const {
return LayerSpace<SkSize>(Mapping::map(SkSize(s), fData));
bool LayerSpace<SkMatrix>::inverseMapRect(const LayerSpace<SkRect>& r,
LayerSpace<SkRect>* out) const {
SkRect mapped;
if (r.isEmpty()) {
// An empty input always inverse maps to an empty rect "successfully"
*out = LayerSpace<SkRect>::Empty();
return true;
} else if (SkMatrixPriv::InverseMapRect(fData, &mapped, SkRect(r))) {
*out = LayerSpace<SkRect>(mapped);
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool LayerSpace<SkMatrix>::inverseMapRect(const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& rect,
LayerSpace<SkIRect>* out) const {
if (rect.isEmpty()) {
// An empty input always inverse maps to an empty rect "successfully"
*out = LayerSpace<SkIRect>::Empty();
return true;
} else if (fData.isScaleTranslate()) { // Specialized inverse of 1px-preserving map<SkIRect>
// A scale-translate matrix with a 0 scale factor is not invertible.
if (fData.getScaleX() == 0.f || fData.getScaleY() == 0.f) {
return false;
double l = (rect.left() - (double)fData.getTranslateX()) / (double)fData.getScaleX();
double r = (rect.right() - (double)fData.getTranslateX()) / (double)fData.getScaleX();
double t = ( - (double)fData.getTranslateY()) / (double)fData.getScaleY();
double b = (rect.bottom() - (double)fData.getTranslateY()) / (double)fData.getScaleY();
SkIRect mapped{sk_double_saturate2int(sk_double_floor(std::min(l, r) + kRoundEpsilon)),
sk_double_saturate2int(sk_double_floor(std::min(t, b) + kRoundEpsilon)),
sk_double_saturate2int(sk_double_ceil(std::max(l, r) - kRoundEpsilon)),
sk_double_saturate2int(sk_double_ceil(std::max(t, b) - kRoundEpsilon))};
*out = LayerSpace<SkIRect>(mapped);
return true;
} else {
SkRect mapped;
if (SkMatrixPriv::InverseMapRect(fData, &mapped, SkRect::Make(SkIRect(rect)))) {
*out = LayerSpace<SkRect>(mapped).roundOut();
return true;
return false;
// FilterResult
sk_sp<SkSpecialImage> FilterResult::imageAndOffset(const Context& ctx, SkIPoint* offset) const {
auto [image, origin] = this->resolve(ctx, fLayerBounds);
*offset = SkIPoint(origin);
return image;
bool FilterResult::modifiesPixelsBeyondImage(const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& dstBounds) const {
// If there is no transparency-affecting color filter and it's just decal tiling, it doesn't
// matter how the image geometry overlaps with the dst bounds.
if (!(fColorFilter && as_CFB(fColorFilter)->affectsTransparentBlack()) &&
fTileMode == SkTileMode::kDecal) {
return false;
// If the base image completely covers the render bounds then the effects of tiling won't be
// visible and it doesn't matter if any color filter affects transparent black.
if (SkRectPriv::QuadContainsRect(SkMatrix(fTransform),
SkIRect(dstBounds))) {
return false;
// Otherwise tiling or transparency-affecting color filters will modify the pixels beyond
// the image bounds that are still within render bounds.
return true;
bool FilterResult::isCropped(const LayerSpace<SkMatrix>& xtraTransform,
const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& dstBounds) const {
// Tiling and color-filtering can completely fill 'fLayerBounds' in which case its edge is
// a transition from possibly non-transparent to definitely transparent color.
bool fillsLayerBounds = this->modifiesPixelsBeyondImage(dstBounds);
if (!fillsLayerBounds) {
// When that's not the case, 'fLayerBounds' may still be important if it crops the
// edges of the original transformed image itself.
LayerSpace<SkIRect> imageBounds =
fillsLayerBounds = !fLayerBounds.contains(imageBounds);
if (fillsLayerBounds) {
// Some content (either the image itself, or tiling/color-filtering) can produce
// non-transparent output beyond 'fLayerBounds'. 'fLayerBounds' can only be ignored if the
// desired output is completely contained within it (i.e. the edges of 'fLayerBounds' are
// not visible).
// NOTE: For the identity transform, this is equal to !fLayerBounds.contains(dstBounds)
return !SkRectPriv::QuadContainsRect(SkMatrix(xtraTransform),
} else {
// No part of the sampled and color-filtered image would produce non-transparent pixels
// outside of 'fLayerBounds' so 'fLayerBounds' can be ignored.
return false;
void FilterResult::updateTileMode(const Context& ctx, SkTileMode tileMode) {
if (fImage) {
fTileMode = tileMode;
if (tileMode != SkTileMode::kDecal) {
fLayerBounds = ctx.desiredOutput();
FilterResult FilterResult::applyCrop(const Context& ctx,
const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& crop,
SkTileMode tileMode) const {
static const LayerSpace<SkMatrix> kIdentity{SkMatrix::I()};
if (crop.isEmpty() || ctx.desiredOutput().isEmpty()) {
// An empty crop cannot be anything other than fully transparent
return {};
// First, determine how this image's layer bounds interact with the crop rect, which determines
// the portion of 'crop' that could have non-transparent content.
LayerSpace<SkIRect> cropContent = crop;
if (!fImage ||
!cropContent.intersect(fLayerBounds)) {
// The pixels within 'crop' would be fully transparent, and tiling won't change that.
return {};
// Second, determine the subset of 'crop' that is relevant to ctx.desiredOutput().
LayerSpace<SkIRect> fittedCrop = crop;
if (tileMode == SkTileMode::kDecal || tileMode == SkTileMode::kClamp) {
// For both decal/clamp, we only care about the pixels within crop that are in the desired
// output, unless we are clamping and have to preserve edge pixels when there's no overlap.
if (!fittedCrop.intersect(ctx.desiredOutput())) {
if (tileMode == SkTileMode::kDecal) {
// The desired output would be filled with transparent black.
fittedCrop = LayerSpace<SkIRect>::Empty();
} else {
// We just need the closest row/column/corner of 'crop' to the desired output.
auto edge = SkRectPriv::ClosestDisjointEdge(SkIRect(crop),
fittedCrop = LayerSpace<SkIRect>(edge);
// Third, check if there's overlap with the known non-transparent cropped content and what's
// used to tile the desired output. If not, the image is known to be empty. This modifies
// 'cropContent' and not 'fittedCrop' so that any transparent padding remains if we have to
// apply repeat/mirror tiling to the original geometry.
if (!cropContent.intersect(fittedCrop)) {
return {};
// Fourth, a periodic tiling that covers the output with a single instance of the image can be
// simplified to just a transform.
auto periodicTransform = periodic_axis_transform(tileMode, fittedCrop, ctx.desiredOutput());
if (periodicTransform) {
return this->applyTransform(ctx, *periodicTransform, FilterResult::kDefaultSampling);
bool preserveTransparencyInCrop = false;
if (tileMode == SkTileMode::kDecal) {
// We can reduce the crop dimensions to what's non-transparent
fittedCrop = cropContent;
} else if (fittedCrop.contains(ctx.desiredOutput())) {
tileMode = SkTileMode::kDecal;
fittedCrop = ctx.desiredOutput();
} else if (!cropContent.contains(fittedCrop)) {
// There is transparency in fittedCrop that must be resolved in order to maintain the new
// tiling geometry.
preserveTransparencyInCrop = true;
if (fTileMode == SkTileMode::kDecal && tileMode == SkTileMode::kClamp) {
// include 1px buffer for transparency from original kDecal tiling
cropContent.outset(skif::LayerSpace<SkISize>({1, 1}));
} // Otherwise cropContent == fittedCrop
// Fifth, when the transform is an integer translation, any prior tiling and the new tiling
// can sometimes be addressed analytically without producing a new image. Moving the crop into
// the image dimensions allows future operations like applying a transform or color filter to
// be composed without rendering a new image since there will not be an intervening crop.
const bool doubleClamp = fTileMode == SkTileMode::kClamp && tileMode == SkTileMode::kClamp;
LayerSpace<SkIPoint> origin;
if (!preserveTransparencyInCrop &&
is_nearly_integer_translation(fTransform, &origin) &&
(doubleClamp || !this->modifiesPixelsBeyondImage(fittedCrop))) {
// Since the transform is axis-aligned, the tile mode can be applied to the original
// image pre-transformation and still be consistent with the 'crop' geometry. When the
// original tile mode is decal, extract_subset is always valid. When the original mode is
// mirror/repeat, !modifiesPixelsBeyondImage() ensures that 'fittedCrop' is contained within
// the base image bounds, so extract_subset is valid. When the original mode is clamp
// and the new mode is not clamp, that is also the case. When both modes are clamp, we have
// to consider how 'fittedCrop' intersects (or doesn't) with the base image bounds.
FilterResult restrictedOutput =
extract_subset(fImage.get(), origin, fittedCrop, doubleClamp);
// This does not rely on resolve() to call extract_subset() because it will still render a
// new image if there's a color filter. As such, we have to preserve the current color
// filter on the new FilterResult.
restrictedOutput.fColorFilter = fColorFilter;
restrictedOutput.updateTileMode(ctx, tileMode);
return restrictedOutput;
} else if (tileMode == SkTileMode::kDecal) {
// A decal crop can always be applied as the final operation by adjusting layer bounds, and
// does not modify any prior tile mode.
FilterResult restrictedOutput = *this;
restrictedOutput.fLayerBounds = fittedCrop;
return restrictedOutput;
} else {
// There is a non-trivial transform to the image data that must be applied before the
// non-decal tilemode is meant to be applied to the axis-aligned 'crop'.
FilterResult tiled = this->resolve(ctx, fittedCrop, true);
tiled.updateTileMode(ctx, tileMode);
return tiled;
FilterResult FilterResult::applyColorFilter(const Context& ctx,
sk_sp<SkColorFilter> colorFilter) const {
static const LayerSpace<SkMatrix> kIdentity{SkMatrix::I()};
// A null filter is the identity, so it should have been caught during image filter DAG creation
if (ctx.desiredOutput().isEmpty()) {
return {};
// Color filters are applied after the transform and image sampling, but before the fLayerBounds
// crop. We can compose 'colorFilter' with any previously applied color filter regardless
// of the transform/sample state, so long as it respects the effect of the current crop.
LayerSpace<SkIRect> newLayerBounds = fLayerBounds;
if (as_CFB(colorFilter)->affectsTransparentBlack()) {
if (!fImage || !newLayerBounds.intersect(ctx.desiredOutput())) {
// The current image's intersection with the desired output is fully transparent, but
// the new color filter converts that into a non-transparent color. The desired output
// is filled with this color, but use a 1x1 surface and clamp tiling.
AutoSurface surface{ctx,
1, 1)},
if (surface) {
SkPaint paint;
paint.setColor4f(SkColors::kTransparent, /*colorSpace=*/nullptr);
FilterResult solidColor = surface.snap();
solidColor.updateTileMode(ctx, SkTileMode::kClamp);
return solidColor;
if (this->isCropped(kIdentity, ctx.desiredOutput())) {
// Since 'colorFilter' modifies transparent black, the new result's layer bounds must
// be the desired output. But if the current image is cropped we need to resolve the
// image to avoid losing the effect of the current 'fLayerBounds'.
newLayerBounds.outset(LayerSpace<SkISize>({1, 1}));
FilterResult filtered = this->resolve(ctx, newLayerBounds,
filtered.fColorFilter = std::move(colorFilter);
filtered.updateTileMode(ctx, SkTileMode::kClamp);
return filtered;
// otherwise we can fill out to the desired output without worrying about losing the crop.
newLayerBounds = ctx.desiredOutput();
} else {
if (!fImage || !newLayerBounds.intersect(ctx.desiredOutput())) {
// The color filter does not modify transparent black, so it remains transparent
return {};
// otherwise a non-transparent affecting color filter can always be lifted before any crop
// because it does not change the "shape" of the prior FilterResult.
// If we got here we can compose the new color filter with the previous filter and the prior
// layer bounds are either soft-cropped to the desired output, or we fill out the desired output
// when the new color filter affects transparent black. We don't check if the entire composed
// filter affects transparent black because earlier floods are restricted by the layer bounds.
FilterResult filtered = *this;
filtered.fLayerBounds = newLayerBounds;
filtered.fColorFilter = SkColorFilters::Compose(std::move(colorFilter), fColorFilter);
return filtered;
static bool compatible_sampling(const SkSamplingOptions& currentSampling,
bool currentXformWontAffectNearest,
SkSamplingOptions* nextSampling,
bool nextXformWontAffectNearest) {
// Both transforms could perform non-trivial sampling, but if they are similar enough we
// assume performing one non-trivial sampling operation with the concatenated transform will
// not be visually distinguishable from sampling twice.
// TODO(michaelludwig): For now ignore mipmap policy, SkSpecialImages are not supposed to be
// drawn with mipmapping, and the majority of filter steps produce images that are at the
// proper scale and do not define mip levels. The main exception is the ::Image() filter
// leaf but that doesn't use this system yet.
if (currentSampling.isAniso() && nextSampling->isAniso()) {
// Assume we can get away with one sampling at the highest anisotropy level
*nextSampling = SkSamplingOptions::Aniso(std::max(currentSampling.maxAniso,
return true;
} else if (currentSampling.isAniso() && nextSampling->filter == SkFilterMode::kLinear) {
// Assume we can get away with the current anisotropic filter since the next is linear
*nextSampling = currentSampling;
return true;
} else if (nextSampling->isAniso() && currentSampling.filter == SkFilterMode::kLinear) {
// Mirror of the above, assume we can just get away with next's anisotropic filter
return true;
} else if (currentSampling.useCubic && (nextSampling->filter == SkFilterMode::kLinear ||
(nextSampling->useCubic &&
currentSampling.cubic.B == nextSampling->cubic.B &&
currentSampling.cubic.C == nextSampling->cubic.C))) {
// Assume we can get away with the current bicubic filter, since the next is the same
// or a bilerp that can be upgraded.
*nextSampling = currentSampling;
return true;
} else if (nextSampling->useCubic && currentSampling.filter == SkFilterMode::kLinear) {
// Mirror of the above, assume we can just get away with next's cubic resampler
return true;
} else if (currentSampling.filter == SkFilterMode::kLinear &&
nextSampling->filter == SkFilterMode::kLinear) {
// Assume we can get away with a single bilerp vs. the two
return true;
} else if (nextSampling->filter == SkFilterMode::kNearest && currentXformWontAffectNearest) {
// The next transform and nearest-neighbor filtering isn't impacted by the current transform
SkASSERT(currentSampling.filter == SkFilterMode::kLinear);
return true;
} else if (currentSampling.filter == SkFilterMode::kNearest && nextXformWontAffectNearest) {
// The next transform doesn't change the nearest-neighbor filtering of the current transform
SkASSERT(nextSampling->filter == SkFilterMode::kLinear);
*nextSampling = currentSampling;
return true;
} else {
// The current or next sampling is nearest neighbor, and will produce visible texels
// oriented with the current transform; assume this is a desired effect and preserve it.
return false;
FilterResult FilterResult::applyTransform(const Context& ctx,
const LayerSpace<SkMatrix> &transform,
const SkSamplingOptions &sampling) const {
if (!fImage || ctx.desiredOutput().isEmpty()) {
// Transformed transparent black remains transparent black.
return {};
// Extract the sampling options that matter based on the current and next transforms.
// We make sure the new sampling is bilerp (default) if the new transform doesn't matter
// (and assert that the current is bilerp if its transform didn't matter). Bilerp can be
// maximally combined, so simplifies the logic in compatible_sampling().
const bool currentXformIsInteger = is_nearly_integer_translation(fTransform);
const bool nextXformIsInteger = is_nearly_integer_translation(transform);
SkASSERT(!currentXformIsInteger || fSamplingOptions == kDefaultSampling);
SkSamplingOptions nextSampling = nextXformIsInteger ? kDefaultSampling : sampling;
// Determine if the image is being visibly cropped by the layer bounds, in which case we can't
// merge this transform with any previous transform (unless the new transform is an integer
// translation in which case any visible edge is aligned with the desired output and can be
// resolved by intersecting the transformed layer bounds and the output bounds).
bool isCropped = !nextXformIsInteger && this->isCropped(transform, ctx.desiredOutput());
FilterResult transformed;
if (!isCropped && compatible_sampling(fSamplingOptions, currentXformIsInteger,
&nextSampling, nextXformIsInteger)) {
// We can concat transforms and 'nextSampling' will be either fSamplingOptions,
// sampling, or a merged combination depending on the two transforms in play.
transformed = *this;
} else {
// We'll have to resolve this FilterResult first before 'transform' and 'sampling' can be
// correctly evaluated. 'nextSampling' will always be 'sampling'.
LayerSpace<SkIRect> tightBounds;
if (transform.inverseMapRect(ctx.desiredOutput(), &tightBounds)) {
transformed = this->resolve(ctx, tightBounds);
if (!transformed.fImage) {
// Transform not invertible or resolve failed to create an image
return {};
transformed.fSamplingOptions = nextSampling;
// Rebuild the layer bounds and then restrict to the current desired output. The original value
// of fLayerBounds includes the image mapped by the original fTransform as well as any
// accumulated soft crops from desired outputs of prior stages. To prevent discarding that info,
// we map fLayerBounds by the additional transform, instead of re-mapping the image bounds.
transformed.fLayerBounds = transform.mapRect(transformed.fLayerBounds);
if (!transformed.fLayerBounds.intersect(ctx.desiredOutput())) {
// The transformed output doesn't touch the desired, so it would just be transparent black.
// TODO: This intersection only applies when the tile mode is kDecal.
return {};
return transformed;
std::pair<sk_sp<SkSpecialImage>, LayerSpace<SkIPoint>> FilterResult::resolve(
const Context& ctx,
LayerSpace<SkIRect> dstBounds,
bool preserveTransparency) const {
// The layer bounds is the final clip, so it can always be used to restrict 'dstBounds'. Even
// if there's a non-decal tile mode or transparent-black affecting color filter, those floods
// are restricted to fLayerBounds.
if (!fImage || (!preserveTransparency && !dstBounds.intersect(fLayerBounds))) {
return {nullptr, {}};
// If we have any extra effect to apply, there's no point in trying to extract a subset.
const bool subsetCompatible = !fColorFilter &&
fTileMode == SkTileMode::kDecal &&
// TODO(michaelludwig): If we get to the point where all filter results track bounds in
// floating point, then we can extend this case to any S+T transform.
LayerSpace<SkIPoint> origin;
if (subsetCompatible && is_nearly_integer_translation(fTransform, &origin)) {
return extract_subset(fImage.get(), origin, dstBounds);
} // else fall through and attempt a draw
// Don't use context properties to avoid DMSAA on internal stages of filter evaluation.
SkSurfaceProps props = {};
AutoSurface surface{ctx, dstBounds, /*renderInParameterSpace=*/false, &props};
if (surface) {
this->draw(surface.canvas(), dstBounds);
return surface.snap();
void FilterResult::draw(SkCanvas* canvas, const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& dstBounds) const {
if (!fImage) {
// When this is called by resolve(), the surface and canvas matrix are such that this clip is
// trivially a no-op, but including the clip means draw() works correctly in other scenarios.
SkPaint paint;
// If we are an integer translate, the default bilinear sampling *should* be equivalent to
// nearest-neighbor. Going through the direct image-drawing path tends to detect this
// and reduce sampling automatically. When we have to use an image shader, this isn't
// detected and some GPUs' linear filtering doesn't exactly match nearest-neighbor and can
// lead to leaks beyond the image's subset. Detect and reduce sampling explicitly.
SkSamplingOptions sampling = fSamplingOptions;
if (sampling == kDefaultSampling && is_nearly_integer_translation(fTransform)) {
sampling = {};
if (this->modifiesPixelsBeyondImage(dstBounds)) {
if (fTileMode == SkTileMode::kDecal) {
// apply_decal consumes the transform, so we don't modify the canvas
paint.setShader(apply_decal(fTransform, fImage, fLayerBounds, sampling));
} else
// For clamp/repeat/mirror, tiling at the layer resolution vs. resolving the image to
// the layer resolution and then tiling produces much more compatible results than
// decal would, so just always use a simple shader. If we don't have SkSL to let us use
// apply_decal, this might introduce some distortion if there was a deferred transform
// with a high scale factor, but this is a rare scenario.
paint.setShader(fImage->asShader(fTileMode, sampling, SkMatrix(fTransform)));
// Fill the canvas with the shader, relying on it to do the transform
} else {
canvas->concat(SkMatrix(fTransform)); // src's origin is embedded in fTransform
fImage->draw(canvas, 0.f, 0.f, sampling, &paint);
sk_sp<SkShader> FilterResult::asShader(const Context& ctx,
const SkSamplingOptions& xtraSampling,
SkEnumBitMask<ShaderFlags> flags,
const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& sampleBounds) const {
if (!fImage) {
return nullptr;
// Even if flags don't force resolving the filter result to an axis-aligned image, if the
// extra sampling to be applied is not compatible with the accumulated transform and sampling,
// or if the logical image is cropped by the layer bounds, the FilterResult will need to be
// resolved to an image before we wrap it as an SkShader. When checking if cropped, we use the
// FilterResult's layer bounds instead of the context's desired output, assuming that the layer
// bounds reflect the bounds of the coords a parent shader will pass to eval().
const bool currentXformIsInteger = is_nearly_integer_translation(fTransform);
const bool nextXformIsInteger =
!(flags & ShaderFlags::kNonLinearSampling) &&
(!(flags & ShaderFlags::kSampleInParameterSpace) ||
SkSamplingOptions sampling = xtraSampling;
const bool needsResolve =
flags & ShaderFlags::kForceResolveInputs ||
!compatible_sampling(fSamplingOptions, currentXformIsInteger,
&sampling, nextXformIsInteger) ||
this->isCropped(LayerSpace<SkMatrix>(SkMatrix::I()), sampleBounds);
// Downgrade to nearest-neighbor if the sequence of sampling doesn't do anything
if (sampling == kDefaultSampling && nextXformIsInteger &&
(needsResolve || currentXformIsInteger)) {
sampling = {};
sk_sp<SkShader> shader;
if (needsResolve) {
// The resolve takes care of fTransform (sans origin), fTileMode, fColorFilter, and
// fLayerBounds
auto [pixels, origin] = this->resolve(ctx, fLayerBounds);
if (pixels) {
shader = pixels->asShader(SkTileMode::kDecal, sampling,
SkMatrix::Translate(origin.x(), origin.y()));
} else {
// Since we didn't need to resolve, we know the content being sampled isn't cropped by
// fLayerBounds. fTransform and fColorFilter are handled in the shader directly.
if (fTileMode == SkTileMode::kDecal) {
shader = apply_decal(fTransform, fImage, sampleBounds, sampling);
} else
shader = fImage->asShader(fTileMode, sampling, SkMatrix(fTransform));
if (shader && fColorFilter) {
shader = shader->makeWithColorFilter(fColorFilter);
if (shader && (flags & ShaderFlags::kSampleInParameterSpace)) {
// The FilterResult is meant to be sampled in layer space, but the shader this is feeding
// into is being sampled in parameter space. Add the inverse of the layerMatrix() (i.e.
// layer to parameter space) as a local matrix to convert from the parameter-space coords
// of the outer shader to the layer-space coords of the FilterResult).
SkMatrix layerToParam;
if (!ctx.mapping().layerMatrix().invert(&layerToParam)) {
return nullptr;
shader = shader->makeWithLocalMatrix(layerToParam);
return shader;
FilterResult FilterResult::MakeFromPicture(const Context& ctx,
sk_sp<SkPicture> pic,
ParameterSpace<SkRect> cullRect) {
if (!pic) {
return {};
LayerSpace<SkIRect> dstBounds = ctx.mapping().paramToLayer(cullRect).roundOut();
if (!dstBounds.intersect(ctx.desiredOutput())) {
return {};
// Given the standard usage of the picture image filter (i.e., to render content at a fixed
// resolution that, most likely, differs from the screen's) disable LCD text by removing any
// knowledge of the pixel geometry.
// TODO: Should we just generally do this for layers with image filters? Or can we preserve it
// for layers that are still axis-aligned?
SkSurfaceProps props = ctx.surfaceProps().cloneWithPixelGeometry(kUnknown_SkPixelGeometry);
AutoSurface surface{ctx, dstBounds, /*renderInParameterSpace=*/true, &props};
if (surface) {
return surface.snap();
FilterResult FilterResult::MakeFromShader(const Context& ctx,
sk_sp<SkShader> shader,
bool dither) {
if (!shader) {
return {};
AutoSurface surface{ctx, ctx.desiredOutput(), /*renderInParameterSpace=*/true};
if (surface) {
SkPaint paint;
return surface.snap();
FilterResult FilterResult::MakeFromImage(const Context& ctx,
sk_sp<SkImage> image,
const SkRect& srcRect,
const ParameterSpace<SkRect>& dstRect,
const SkSamplingOptions& sampling) {
if (!image) {
return {};
// Check for direct conversion to an SkSpecialImage and then FilterResult. Eventually this
// whole function should be replaceable with:
// FilterResult(fImage, fSrcRect, fDstRect).applyTransform(mapping.layerMatrix(), fSampling);
SkIRect srcSubset = RoundOut(srcRect);
if (SkRect::Make(srcSubset) == srcRect) {
// Construct an SkSpecialImage from the subset directly instead of drawing.
auto specialImage = SkSpecialImage::MakeFromImage(
ctx.getContext(), srcSubset, std::move(image), ctx.surfaceProps());
// Treat the srcRect's top left as "layer" space since we are folding the src->dst transform
// and the param->layer transform into a single transform step.
skif::FilterResult subset{std::move(specialImage),
SkMatrix transform = SkMatrix::Concat(ctx.mapping().layerMatrix(),
SkMatrix::RectToRect(srcRect, SkRect(dstRect)));
return subset.applyTransform(ctx, skif::LayerSpace<SkMatrix>(transform), sampling);
// For now, draw the src->dst subset of image into a new image.
LayerSpace<SkIRect> dstBounds = ctx.mapping().paramToLayer(dstRect).roundOut();
if (!dstBounds.intersect(ctx.desiredOutput())) {
return {};
AutoSurface surface{ctx, dstBounds, /*renderInParameterSpace=*/true};
if (surface) {
SkPaint paint;
surface->drawImageRect(image, srcRect, SkRect(dstRect), sampling, &paint,
return surface.snap();
// FilterResult::Builder
FilterResult::Builder::Builder(const Context& context) : fContext(context) {}
FilterResult::Builder::~Builder() = default;
SkSpan<sk_sp<SkShader>> FilterResult::Builder::createInputShaders(
SkEnumBitMask<ShaderFlags> flags,
const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& outputBounds) {
for (const SampledFilterResult& input : fInputs) {
// Assume the input shader will be evaluated once per pixel in the output unless otherwise
// specified when the FilterResult was added to the builder.
auto sampleBounds = input.fSampleBounds ? *input.fSampleBounds : outputBounds;
fContext, input.fSampling, flags | input.fFlags, sampleBounds));
return SkSpan<sk_sp<SkShader>>(fInputShaders);
LayerSpace<SkIRect> FilterResult::Builder::outputBounds(
SkEnumBitMask<ShaderFlags> flags,
std::optional<LayerSpace<SkIRect>> explicitOutput) const {
// Explicit bounds should only be provided if-and-only-if kExplicitOutputBounds flag is set.
SkASSERT(explicitOutput.has_value() == (flags & ShaderFlags::kExplicitOutputBounds));
LayerSpace<SkIRect> output = LayerSpace<SkIRect>::Empty();
if (flags & ShaderFlags::kExplicitOutputBounds) {
output = *explicitOutput;
} else if (flags & ShaderFlags::kOutputFillsInputUnion) {
// The union of all inputs' layer bounds
if (fInputs.size() > 0) {
output = fInputs[0].fImage.layerBounds();
for (int i = 1; i < fInputs.size(); ++i) {
} else {
// Pessimistically assume output fills the full desired bounds
output = fContext.desiredOutput();
// Intersect against desired output now since a Builder never has to produce an image larger
// than its context's desired output.
if (!output.intersect(fContext.desiredOutput())) {
return LayerSpace<SkIRect>::Empty();
return output;
FilterResult FilterResult::Builder::drawShader(sk_sp<SkShader> shader,
SkEnumBitMask<ShaderFlags> flags,
const LayerSpace<SkIRect>& outputBounds) const {
SkASSERT(!outputBounds.isEmpty()); // Should have been rejected before we created shaders
if (!shader) {
return {};
AutoSurface surface{fContext, outputBounds, flags & ShaderFlags::kSampleInParameterSpace};
if (surface) {
SkPaint paint;
return surface.snap();
FilterResult FilterResult::Builder::merge() {
if (fInputs.empty()) {
return {};
} else if (fInputs.size() == 1) {
SkASSERT(!fInputs[0].fSampleBounds.has_value() &&
fInputs[0].fSampling == kDefaultSampling &&
fInputs[0].fFlags == ShaderFlags::kNone);
return fInputs[0].fImage;
const LayerSpace<SkIRect> outputBounds =
this->outputBounds(ShaderFlags::kOutputFillsInputUnion, std::nullopt);
AutoSurface surface{fContext, outputBounds, /*renderInParameterSpace=*/false};
if (surface) {
for (const SampledFilterResult& input : fInputs) {
SkASSERT(!input.fSampleBounds.has_value() &&
input.fSampling == kDefaultSampling &&
input.fFlags == ShaderFlags::kNone);
input.fImage.draw(surface.canvas(), outputBounds);
return surface.snap();
} // end namespace skif