blob: 1bd4d91949df7d574cea9d39b55c686d087a9e80 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <machine/cpu-features.h>
#include "SkBitmapProcState.h"
#include "SkColorPriv.h"
#include "SkUtils.h"
#if __ARM_ARCH__ >= 5 && !defined(SK_CPU_BENDIAN)
void S16_D16_nofilter_DX_arm(const SkBitmapProcState& s,
const uint32_t* SK_RESTRICT xy,
int count, uint16_t* SK_RESTRICT colors) {
SkASSERT(count > 0 && colors != NULL);
SkASSERT(s.fInvType <= (SkMatrix::kTranslate_Mask | SkMatrix::kScale_Mask));
SkASSERT(s.fDoFilter == false);
const uint16_t* SK_RESTRICT srcAddr = (const uint16_t*)s.fBitmap->getPixels();
// buffer is y32, x16, x16, x16, x16, x16
// bump srcAddr to the proper row, since we're told Y never changes
SkASSERT((unsigned)xy[0] < (unsigned)s.fBitmap->height());
srcAddr = (const uint16_t*)((const char*)srcAddr +
xy[0] * s.fBitmap->rowBytes());
uint16_t src;
if (1 == s.fBitmap->width()) {
src = srcAddr[0];
uint16_t dstValue = src;
sk_memset16(colors, dstValue, count);
} else {
int i;
const uint16_t* SK_RESTRICT xx = (const uint16_t*)(xy + 1);
if((count >> 2) > 0) {
asm volatile (
"mov r8, %[count], lsr #2 \n\t" // shift down count so we iterate in fours
"1: \n\t"
"subs r8, r8, #1 \n\t" // decrement loop counter
"ldrh r4, [%[xx]], #2 \n\t" // load xx value, update ptr
"ldrh r5, [%[xx]], #2 \n\t" // load xx value, update ptr
"ldrh r6, [%[xx]], #2 \n\t" // load xx value, update ptr
"add r4, r4, r4 \n\t" // double offset for half word addressing
"ldrh r7, [%[xx]], #2 \n\t" // load xx value, update ptr
"add r5, r5, r5 \n\t" // double offset for half word addressing
"ldrh r4, [%[srcAddr], r4] \n\t" // load value from srcAddr[*xx]
"add r6, r6, r6 \n\t" // double offset for half word addressing
"ldrh r5, [%[srcAddr], r5] \n\t" // load value from srcAddr[*xx]
"add r7, r7, r7 \n\t" // double offset for half word addressing
"ldrh r6, [%[srcAddr], r6] \n\t" // load value from srcAddr[*xx]
"ldrh r7, [%[srcAddr], r7] \n\t" // load value from srcAddr[*xx]
"strh r4, [%[colors]], #2 \n\t" // store value to colors, update ptr
"strh r5, [%[colors]], #2 \n\t" // store value to colors, update ptr
"strh r6, [%[colors]], #2 \n\t" // store value to colors, update ptr
"strh r7, [%[colors]], #2 \n\t" // store value to colors, update ptr
"bgt 1b \n\t" // branch if loop counter > 0
: [count] "+r" (count), [xx] "+r" (xx), [srcAddr] "+r" (srcAddr), [colors] "+r" (colors)
: "cc", "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "r8"
for (i = (count & 3); i > 0; --i) {
SkASSERT(*xx < (unsigned)s.fBitmap->width());
src = srcAddr[*xx++]; *colors++ = src;
#endif //__ARM_ARCH__ >= 5 && !defined(SK_CPU_BENDIAN)
#if defined(__ARM_HAVE_NEON) && !defined(SK_CPU_BENDIAN)
void S16_D16_filter_DX_arm(const SkBitmapProcState& s,
const uint32_t* SK_RESTRICT xy,
int count, uint16_t* SK_RESTRICT colors)
SkASSERT(count > 0 && colors != NULL);
const char* SK_RESTRICT srcAddr = (const char*)s.fBitmap->getPixels();
unsigned rb = s.fBitmap->rowBytes();
unsigned subY;
const uint16_t* SK_RESTRICT row0;
const uint16_t* SK_RESTRICT row1;
unsigned int rowgap;
const uint32_t c7ffe = 0x7ffe;
// setup row ptrs and update proc_table
uint32_t XY = *xy++;
unsigned y0 = XY >> 14;
row0 = (const uint16_t*)(srcAddr + (y0 >> 4) * rb);
row1 = (const uint16_t*)(srcAddr + (XY & 0x3FFF) * rb);
rowgap = (unsigned int)row1 - (unsigned int)row0;
subY = y0 & 0xF;
unsigned int count4 = ((count >> 2) << 4) | subY;
count &= 3;
asm volatile (
"and r4, %[count4], #0xF \n\t" // mask off subY
"vmov.u16 d2[0], r4 \n\t" // move subY to Neon
"rsb r4, r4, #16 \n\t" // r4 = 16-subY
"vmov.u16 d2[1], r4 \n\t" // move 16-subY to Neon
"movs %[count4], %[count4], lsr #4 \n\t" // shift count down, lose subY
"vmov.u16 d3, #16 \n\t" // create constant
"vmov.u16 q2, #31 \n\t" // set up blue mask
"beq 2f \n\t" // if count4 == 0, exit
"1: \n\t"
"ldmia %[xy]!, {r4, r5, r6, r7} \n\t" // load four xy values
// xy = [ x0:14 | subX:4 | x1:14 ]
// extract subX for iter 0-3
"vmov d0, r4, r5 \n\t" // move xy to Neon, iter 0-1
"vmov d1, r6, r7 \n\t" // move xy to Neon, iter 2-3
// Load 16 pixels for four filter iterations from memory.
// Because the source pixels are potentially scattered, each lane
// of each vector is loaded separately. Also, the X sub pixel
// offset is extracted.
// iter 0
"mov r8, r4, lsr #18 \n\t" // extract x0
"and r4, %[c7ffe], r4, lsl #1 \n\t" // extract x1 and make byte offset
"add r8, %[row0], r8, lsl #1 \n\t" // calculate address of row0[x0]
"add r4, %[row0], r4 \n\t" // calculate address of row0[x1]
"vld1.u16 {d16[0]}, [r8], %[rowgap] \n\t" // load row0[x0] and move ptr to row1
"vld1.u16 {d17[0]}, [r4], %[rowgap] \n\t" // load row0[x1] and move ptr to row1
"vld1.u16 {d18[0]}, [r8] \n\t" // load row1[x0]
"vld1.u16 {d19[0]}, [r4] \n\t" // load row1[x1]
// iter 1
"mov r8, r5, lsr #18 \n\t" // extract x0
"and r5, %[c7ffe], r5, lsl #1 \n\t" // extract x1 and make byte offset
"add r8, %[row0], r8, lsl #1 \n\t" // calculate address of row0[x0]
"add r5, %[row0], r5 \n\t" // calculate address of row0[x1]
"vld1.u16 {d16[1]}, [r8], %[rowgap] \n\t" // load row0[x0] and move ptr to row1
"vld1.u16 {d17[1]}, [r5], %[rowgap] \n\t" // load row0[x1] and move ptr to row1
"vld1.u16 {d18[1]}, [r8] \n\t" // load row1[x0]
"vld1.u16 {d19[1]}, [r5] \n\t" // load row1[x1]
"vshrn.u32 d0, q0, #2 \n\t" // shift right subX by 2 and narrow
// iter 2
"mov r8, r6, lsr #18 \n\t" // extract x0
"and r6, %[c7ffe], r6, lsl #1 \n\t" // extract x1 and make byte offset
"add r8, %[row0], r8, lsl #1 \n\t" // calculate address of row0[x0]
"add r6, %[row0], r6 \n\t" // calculate address of row0[x1]
"vld1.u16 {d16[2]}, [r8], %[rowgap] \n\t" // load row0[x0] and move ptr to row1
"vld1.u16 {d17[2]}, [r6], %[rowgap] \n\t" // load row0[x1] and move ptr to row1
"vld1.u16 {d18[2]}, [r8] \n\t" // load row1[x0]
"vld1.u16 {d19[2]}, [r6] \n\t" // load row1[x1]
"vshr.u16 d0, d0, #12 \n\t" // shift right subX to bottom 4 bits
// iter 3
"mov r8, r7, lsr #18 \n\t" // extract x0
"and r7, %[c7ffe], r7, lsl #1 \n\t" // extract x1 and make byte offset
"add r8, %[row0], r8, lsl #1 \n\t" // calculate address of row0[x0]
"add r7, %[row0], r7 \n\t" // calculate address of row0[x1]
"vld1.u16 {d16[3]}, [r8], %[rowgap] \n\t" // load row0[x0] and move ptr to row1
"vld1.u16 {d17[3]}, [r7], %[rowgap] \n\t" // load row0[x1] and move ptr to row1
"vld1.u16 {d18[3]}, [r8] \n\t" // load row1[x0]
"vld1.u16 {d19[3]}, [r7] \n\t" // load row1[x1]
// Registers d16-d19 now contain pixels a00-a11 for 4 iterations:
// d16 = [ a00_3 | a00_2 | a00_1 | a00_0 ]
// d17 = [ a01_3 | a01_2 | a01_1 | a01_0 ]
// d18 = [ a10_3 | a10_2 | a10_1 | a10_0 ]
// d19 = [ a11_3 | a11_2 | a11_1 | a11_0 ]
// Extract RGB channels from each 565 pixel.
"vshl.i16 q11, q8, #5 \n\t" // shift greens to top of each lane
"vand q12, q8, q2 \n\t" // mask blues
"vshr.u16 q10, q8, #11 \n\t" // shift reds to bottom of each lane
"vshr.u16 q11, q11, #10 \n\t" // shift greens to bottom of each lane
"vshl.i16 q14, q9, #5 \n\t" // shift greens to top of each lane
"vand q15, q9, q2 \n\t" // mask blues
"vshr.u16 q13, q9, #11 \n\t" // shift reds to bottom of each lane
"vshr.u16 q14, q14, #10 \n\t" // shift greens to bottom of each lane
// There are now six Q regs, containing
// q10 = [ a01r3 | a01r2 | a01r1 | a01r0 | a00r3 | a00r2 | a00r1 | a00r0 ]
// q11 = [ a01g3 | a01g2 | a01g1 | a01g0 | a00g3 | a00g2 | a00g1 | a00g0 ]
// q12 = [ a01b3 | a01b2 | a01b1 | a01b0 | a00b3 | a00b2 | a00b1 | a00b0 ]
// q13 = [ a11r3 | a11r2 | a11r1 | a11r0 | a01r3 | a01r2 | a01r1 | a01r0 ]
// q14 = [ a11g3 | a11g2 | a11g1 | a11g0 | a01g3 | a01g2 | a01g1 | a01g0 ]
// q15 = [ a11b3 | a11b2 | a11b1 | a11b0 | a01b3 | a01b2 | a01b1 | a01b0 ]
// where aXXyZ: XX = pixel position, y = colour channel, Z = iteration
// d0 = subX, d1 = 16-subX
// d2[0] = subY, d2[1] = 16-subY
// d3 = 16, q2(d4d5) = 31
// The filter:
// | |
// ---- a00 ---- a01 ----> * (16-y)
// | |
// -----a10 ---- a11 ----> * y
// | |
// V V
// * (16-x) * x
// result = (a00.(16-y).(16-x) + a01.(16-y).x + a10.(16-x).y + a11.x.y) >> 8
"vsub.u16 d1, d3, d0 \n\t" // calculate 16-subX
// multiply top pixel pair by (16-y)
"vmul.i16 q10, q10, d2[1] \n\t" // top reds multiplied by (16-y)
"vmul.i16 q11, q11, d2[1] \n\t" // top greens multiplied by (16-y)
"vmul.i16 q12, q12, d2[1] \n\t" // top blues multiplied by (16-y)
// multiply bottom pixel pair by y
"vmul.i16 q13, q13, d2[0] \n\t" // bottom reds multiplied by y
"vmul.i16 q14, q14, d2[0] \n\t" // bottom greens multiplied by y
"vmul.i16 q15, q15, d2[0] \n\t" // bottom blues multiplied by y
// mul/acc left pixels by (16-x)
"vmul.i16 d16, d20, d1 \n\t" // resultr = a00r * (16-x)
"vmul.i16 d17, d22, d1 \n\t" // resultg = a00g * (16-x)
"vmul.i16 d18, d24, d1 \n\t" // resultb = a00b * (16-x)
"vmla.i16 d16, d26, d1 \n\t" // resultr += a00r * (16-x)
"vmla.i16 d17, d28, d1 \n\t" // resultg += a00g * (16-x)
"vmla.i16 d18, d30, d1 \n\t" // resultb += a00b * (16-x)
// mul/acc right pixels by x
"vmla.i16 d16, d21, d0 \n\t" // resultr += a01r * x
"vmla.i16 d17, d23, d0 \n\t" // resultg += a01g * x
"vmla.i16 d18, d25, d0 \n\t" // resultb += a01b * x
"vmla.i16 d16, d27, d0 \n\t" // resultr += a11r * x
"vmla.i16 d17, d29, d0 \n\t" // resultg += a11g * x
"vmla.i16 d18, d31, d0 \n\t" // resultb += a11b * x
"subs %[count4], %[count4], #1 \n\t" // decrement counter
// shift results down 8 bits
"vshr.u16 q8, q8, #8 \n\t" // resultr >>= 8, resultg >>=8
"vshr.u16 d18, d18, #8 \n\t" // resultb >>= 8
// put rgb into 565
"vsli.i16 d18, d17, #5 \n\t" // shift greens into blues
"vsli.i16 d18, d16, #11 \n\t" // shift reds into greens and blues
"vst1.i16 {d18}, [%[colors]]! \n\t" // store result
"bgt 1b \n\t" // if counter > 0, loop
"2: \n\t" // exit
: [xy] "+r" (xy), [count4] "+r" (count4), [colors] "+r" (colors)
: [row0] "r" (row0), [rowgap] "r" (rowgap), [c7ffe] "r" (c7ffe)
: "cc", "memory", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "r8", "d0", "d1", "d2", "d3", "d4", "d5", "d6", "d7", "d16", "d17", "d18", "d19", "d20", "d21", "d22", "d23", "d24", "d25", "d26", "d27", "d28", "d29", "d30", "d31"
while (count != 0) {
uint32_t XX = *xy++; // x0:14 | subX:4 | x1:14
unsigned x0 = XX >> 14;
unsigned x1 = XX & 0x3FFF;
unsigned subX = x0 & 0xF;
x0 >>= 4;
uint32_t a00 = SkExpand_rgb_16(row0[x0]);
uint32_t a01 = SkExpand_rgb_16(row0[x1]);
uint32_t a10 = SkExpand_rgb_16(row1[x0]);
uint32_t a11 = SkExpand_rgb_16(row1[x1]);
int xy = subX * subY >> 3;
uint32_t c = a00 * (32 - 2*subY - 2*subX + xy) +
a01 * (2*subX - xy) +
a10 * (2*subY - xy) +
a11 * xy;
*colors++ = SkCompact_rgb_16(c>>5);
#endif //defined(__ARM_HAVE_NEON) && !defined(SK_CPU_BENDIAN)
#if __ARM_ARCH__ >= 6 && !defined(SK_CPU_BENDIAN)
void SI8_D16_nofilter_DX_arm(const SkBitmapProcState& s,
const uint32_t* SK_RESTRICT xy,
int count, uint16_t* SK_RESTRICT colors) {
SkASSERT(count > 0 && colors != NULL);
SkASSERT(s.fInvType <= (SkMatrix::kTranslate_Mask | SkMatrix::kScale_Mask));
SkASSERT(s.fDoFilter == false);
const uint16_t* SK_RESTRICT table = s.fBitmap->getColorTable()->lock16BitCache();
const uint8_t* SK_RESTRICT srcAddr = (const uint8_t*)s.fBitmap->getPixels();
// buffer is y32, x16, x16, x16, x16, x16
// bump srcAddr to the proper row, since we're told Y never changes
SkASSERT((unsigned)xy[0] < (unsigned)s.fBitmap->height());
srcAddr = (const uint8_t*)((const char*)srcAddr +
xy[0] * s.fBitmap->rowBytes());
uint8_t src;
if (1 == s.fBitmap->width()) {
src = srcAddr[0];
uint16_t dstValue = table[src];
sk_memset16(colors, dstValue, count);
} else {
int i;
int count8 = count >> 3;
const uint16_t* SK_RESTRICT xx = (const uint16_t*)(xy + 1);
asm volatile (
"cmp %[count8], #0 \n\t" // compare loop counter with 0
"beq 2f \n\t" // if loop counter == 0, exit
"1: \n\t"
"ldmia %[xx]!, {r5, r7, r9, r11} \n\t" // load ptrs to pixels 0-7
"subs %[count8], %[count8], #1 \n\t" // decrement loop counter
"uxth r4, r5 \n\t" // extract ptr 0
"mov r5, r5, lsr #16 \n\t" // extract ptr 1
"uxth r6, r7 \n\t" // extract ptr 2
"mov r7, r7, lsr #16 \n\t" // extract ptr 3
"ldrb r4, [%[srcAddr], r4] \n\t" // load pixel 0 from image
"uxth r8, r9 \n\t" // extract ptr 4
"ldrb r5, [%[srcAddr], r5] \n\t" // load pixel 1 from image
"mov r9, r9, lsr #16 \n\t" // extract ptr 5
"ldrb r6, [%[srcAddr], r6] \n\t" // load pixel 2 from image
"uxth r10, r11 \n\t" // extract ptr 6
"ldrb r7, [%[srcAddr], r7] \n\t" // load pixel 3 from image
"mov r11, r11, lsr #16 \n\t" // extract ptr 7
"ldrb r8, [%[srcAddr], r8] \n\t" // load pixel 4 from image
"add r4, r4, r4 \n\t" // double pixel 0 for RGB565 lookup
"ldrb r9, [%[srcAddr], r9] \n\t" // load pixel 5 from image
"add r5, r5, r5 \n\t" // double pixel 1 for RGB565 lookup
"ldrb r10, [%[srcAddr], r10] \n\t" // load pixel 6 from image
"add r6, r6, r6 \n\t" // double pixel 2 for RGB565 lookup
"ldrb r11, [%[srcAddr], r11] \n\t" // load pixel 7 from image
"add r7, r7, r7 \n\t" // double pixel 3 for RGB565 lookup
"ldrh r4, [%[table], r4] \n\t" // load pixel 0 RGB565 from colmap
"add r8, r8, r8 \n\t" // double pixel 4 for RGB565 lookup
"ldrh r5, [%[table], r5] \n\t" // load pixel 1 RGB565 from colmap
"add r9, r9, r9 \n\t" // double pixel 5 for RGB565 lookup
"ldrh r6, [%[table], r6] \n\t" // load pixel 2 RGB565 from colmap
"add r10, r10, r10 \n\t" // double pixel 6 for RGB565 lookup
"ldrh r7, [%[table], r7] \n\t" // load pixel 3 RGB565 from colmap
"add r11, r11, r11 \n\t" // double pixel 7 for RGB565 lookup
"ldrh r8, [%[table], r8] \n\t" // load pixel 4 RGB565 from colmap
"ldrh r9, [%[table], r9] \n\t" // load pixel 5 RGB565 from colmap
"ldrh r10, [%[table], r10] \n\t" // load pixel 6 RGB565 from colmap
"ldrh r11, [%[table], r11] \n\t" // load pixel 7 RGB565 from colmap
"pkhbt r5, r4, r5, lsl #16 \n\t" // pack pixels 0 and 1
"pkhbt r6, r6, r7, lsl #16 \n\t" // pack pixels 2 and 3
"pkhbt r8, r8, r9, lsl #16 \n\t" // pack pixels 4 and 5
"pkhbt r10, r10, r11, lsl #16 \n\t" // pack pixels 6 and 7
"stmia %[colors]!, {r5, r6, r8, r10} \n\t" // store last 8 pixels
"bgt 1b \n\t" // loop if counter > 0
"2: \n\t"
: [xx] "+r" (xx), [count8] "+r" (count8), [colors] "+r" (colors)
: [table] "r" (table), [srcAddr] "r" (srcAddr)
: "memory", "cc", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11"
for (i = (count & 7); i > 0; --i) {
src = srcAddr[*xx++]; *colors++ = table[src];
void SI8_opaque_D32_nofilter_DX_arm(const SkBitmapProcState& s,
const uint32_t* SK_RESTRICT xy,
int count, SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT colors) {
SkASSERT(count > 0 && colors != NULL);
SkASSERT(s.fInvType <= (SkMatrix::kTranslate_Mask | SkMatrix::kScale_Mask));
SkASSERT(s.fDoFilter == false);
const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT table = s.fBitmap->getColorTable()->lockColors();
const uint8_t* SK_RESTRICT srcAddr = (const uint8_t*)s.fBitmap->getPixels();
// buffer is y32, x16, x16, x16, x16, x16
// bump srcAddr to the proper row, since we're told Y never changes
SkASSERT((unsigned)xy[0] < (unsigned)s.fBitmap->height());
srcAddr = (const uint8_t*)((const char*)srcAddr + xy[0] * s.fBitmap->rowBytes());
if (1 == s.fBitmap->width()) {
uint8_t src = srcAddr[0];
SkPMColor dstValue = table[src];
sk_memset32(colors, dstValue, count);
} else {
const uint16_t* xx = (const uint16_t*)(xy + 1);
asm volatile (
"subs %[count], %[count], #8 \n\t" // decrement count by 8, set flags
"blt 2f \n\t" // if count < 0, branch to singles
"1: \n\t" // eights loop
"ldmia %[xx]!, {r5, r7, r9, r11} \n\t" // load ptrs to pixels 0-7
"uxth r4, r5 \n\t" // extract ptr 0
"mov r5, r5, lsr #16 \n\t" // extract ptr 1
"uxth r6, r7 \n\t" // extract ptr 2
"mov r7, r7, lsr #16 \n\t" // extract ptr 3
"ldrb r4, [%[srcAddr], r4] \n\t" // load pixel 0 from image
"uxth r8, r9 \n\t" // extract ptr 4
"ldrb r5, [%[srcAddr], r5] \n\t" // load pixel 1 from image
"mov r9, r9, lsr #16 \n\t" // extract ptr 5
"ldrb r6, [%[srcAddr], r6] \n\t" // load pixel 2 from image
"uxth r10, r11 \n\t" // extract ptr 6
"ldrb r7, [%[srcAddr], r7] \n\t" // load pixel 3 from image
"mov r11, r11, lsr #16 \n\t" // extract ptr 7
"ldrb r8, [%[srcAddr], r8] \n\t" // load pixel 4 from image
"ldrb r9, [%[srcAddr], r9] \n\t" // load pixel 5 from image
"ldrb r10, [%[srcAddr], r10] \n\t" // load pixel 6 from image
"ldrb r11, [%[srcAddr], r11] \n\t" // load pixel 7 from image
"ldr r4, [%[table], r4, lsl #2] \n\t" // load pixel 0 SkPMColor from colmap
"ldr r5, [%[table], r5, lsl #2] \n\t" // load pixel 1 SkPMColor from colmap
"ldr r6, [%[table], r6, lsl #2] \n\t" // load pixel 2 SkPMColor from colmap
"ldr r7, [%[table], r7, lsl #2] \n\t" // load pixel 3 SkPMColor from colmap
"ldr r8, [%[table], r8, lsl #2] \n\t" // load pixel 4 SkPMColor from colmap
"ldr r9, [%[table], r9, lsl #2] \n\t" // load pixel 5 SkPMColor from colmap
"ldr r10, [%[table], r10, lsl #2] \n\t" // load pixel 6 SkPMColor from colmap
"ldr r11, [%[table], r11, lsl #2] \n\t" // load pixel 7 SkPMColor from colmap
"subs %[count], %[count], #8 \n\t" // decrement loop counter
"stmia %[colors]!, {r4-r11} \n\t" // store 8 pixels
"bge 1b \n\t" // loop if counter >= 0
"2: \n\t"
"adds %[count], %[count], #8 \n\t" // fix up counter, set flags
"beq 4f \n\t" // if count == 0, branch to exit
"3: \n\t" // singles loop
"ldrh r4, [%[xx]], #2 \n\t" // load pixel ptr
"subs %[count], %[count], #1 \n\t" // decrement loop counter
"ldrb r5, [%[srcAddr], r4] \n\t" // load pixel from image
"ldr r6, [%[table], r5, lsl #2] \n\t" // load SkPMColor from colmap
"str r6, [%[colors]], #4 \n\t" // store pixel, update ptr
"bne 3b \n\t" // loop if counter != 0
"4: \n\t" // exit
: [xx] "+r" (xx), [count] "+r" (count), [colors] "+r" (colors)
: [table] "r" (table), [srcAddr] "r" (srcAddr)
: "memory", "cc", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11"
#endif //__ARM_ARCH__ >= 6 && !defined(SK_CPU_BENDIAN)
#if defined(__ARM_HAVE_NEON) && !defined(SK_CPU_BENDIAN)
static inline void Filter_32_direct(unsigned x, unsigned y,
SkPMColor a00, SkPMColor a01,
SkPMColor a10, SkPMColor a11,
SkPMColor *dst) {
asm volatile(
"vdup.8 d0, %[y] \n\t" // duplicate y into d0
"vmov.u8 d16, #16 \n\t" // set up constant in d16
"vsub.u8 d1, d16, d0 \n\t" // d1 = 16-y
"vdup.32 d4, %[a00] \n\t" // duplicate a00 into d4
"vdup.32 d5, %[a10] \n\t" // duplicate a10 into d5
"vmov.32 d4[1], %[a01] \n\t" // set top of d4 to a01
"vmov.32 d5[1], %[a11] \n\t" // set top of d5 to a11
"vmull.u8 q3, d4, d1 \n\t" // q3 = [a01|a00] * (16-y)
"vmull.u8 q0, d5, d0 \n\t" // q0 = [a11|a10] * y
"vdup.16 d5, %[x] \n\t" // duplicate x into d5
"vmov.u16 d16, #16 \n\t" // set up constant in d16
"vsub.u16 d3, d16, d5 \n\t" // d3 = 16-x
"vmul.i16 d4, d7, d5 \n\t" // d4 = a01 * x
"vmla.i16 d4, d1, d5 \n\t" // d4 += a11 * x
"vmla.i16 d4, d6, d3 \n\t" // d4 += a00 * (16-x)
"vmla.i16 d4, d0, d3 \n\t" // d4 += a10 * (16-x)
"vshrn.i16 d0, q2, #8 \n\t" // shift down result by 8
"vst1.32 {d0[0]}, [%[dst]] \n\t" // store result
: [x] "r" (x), [y] "r" (y), [a00] "r" (a00), [a01] "r" (a01), [a10] "r" (a10), [a11] "r" (a11), [dst] "r" (dst)
: "cc", "memory", "r4", "d0", "d1", "d2", "d3", "d4", "d5", "d6", "d7", "d16"
static inline void Filter_32_direct_alpha(unsigned x, unsigned y,
SkPMColor a00, SkPMColor a01,
SkPMColor a10, SkPMColor a11,
SkPMColor *dst, uint16_t scale) {
asm volatile(
"vdup.8 d0, %[y] \n\t" // duplicate y into d0
"vmov.u8 d16, #16 \n\t" // set up constant in d16
"vsub.u8 d1, d16, d0 \n\t" // d1 = 16-y
"vdup.32 d4, %[a00] \n\t" // duplicate a00 into d4
"vdup.32 d5, %[a10] \n\t" // duplicate a10 into d5
"vmov.32 d4[1], %[a01] \n\t" // set top of d4 to a01
"vmov.32 d5[1], %[a11] \n\t" // set top of d5 to a11
"vmull.u8 q3, d4, d1 \n\t" // q3 = [a01|a00] * (16-y)
"vmull.u8 q0, d5, d0 \n\t" // q0 = [a11|a10] * y
"vdup.16 d5, %[x] \n\t" // duplicate x into d5
"vmov.u16 d16, #16 \n\t" // set up constant in d16
"vsub.u16 d3, d16, d5 \n\t" // d3 = 16-x
"vmul.i16 d4, d7, d5 \n\t" // d4 = a01 * x
"vmla.i16 d4, d1, d5 \n\t" // d4 += a11 * x
"vmla.i16 d4, d6, d3 \n\t" // d4 += a00 * (16-x)
"vmla.i16 d4, d0, d3 \n\t" // d4 += a10 * (16-x)
"vdup.16 d3, %[scale] \n\t" // duplicate scale into d3
"vshr.u16 d4, d4, #8 \n\t" // shift down result by 8
"vmul.i16 d4, d4, d3 \n\t" // multiply result by scale
"vshrn.i16 d0, q2, #8 \n\t" // shift down result by 8
"vst1.32 {d0[0]}, [%[dst]] \n\t" // store result
: [x] "r" (x), [y] "r" (y), [a00] "r" (a00), [a01] "r" (a01), [a10] "r" (a10), [a11] "r" (a11), [dst] "r" (dst), [scale] "r" (scale)
: "cc", "memory", "r4", "d0", "d1", "d2", "d3", "d4", "d5", "d6", "d7", "d16"
void SI8_opaque_D32_filter_DX_arm(const SkBitmapProcState& s,
const uint32_t* SK_RESTRICT xy,
int count, SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT colors) {
SkASSERT(count > 0 && colors != NULL);
const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT table = s.fBitmap->getColorTable()->lockColors();
const char* SK_RESTRICT srcAddr = (const char*)s.fBitmap->getPixels();
unsigned rb = s.fBitmap->rowBytes();
unsigned subY;
const uint8_t* SK_RESTRICT row0;
const uint8_t* SK_RESTRICT row1;
// setup row ptrs and update proc_table
uint32_t XY = *xy++;
unsigned y0 = XY >> 14;
row0 = (const uint8_t*)(srcAddr + (y0 >> 4) * rb);
row1 = (const uint8_t*)(srcAddr + (XY & 0x3FFF) * rb);
subY = y0 & 0xF;
do {
uint32_t XX = *xy++; // x0:14 | 4 | x1:14
unsigned x0 = XX >> 14;
unsigned x1 = XX & 0x3FFF;
unsigned subX = x0 & 0xF;
x0 >>= 4;
Filter_32_direct(subX, subY, table[row0[x0]],
table[row1[x1]], colors);
} while (--count != 0);
void SI8_opaque_D32_filter_DXDY_arm(const SkBitmapProcState& s,
const uint32_t* SK_RESTRICT xy,
int count, SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT colors) {
SkASSERT(count > 0 && colors != NULL);
const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT table = s.fBitmap->getColorTable()->lockColors();
const char* SK_RESTRICT srcAddr = (const char*)s.fBitmap->getPixels();
int rb = s.fBitmap->rowBytes();
do {
uint32_t data = *xy++;
unsigned y0 = data >> 14;
unsigned y1 = data & 0x3FFF;
unsigned subY = y0 & 0xF;
y0 >>= 4;
data = *xy++;
unsigned x0 = data >> 14;
unsigned x1 = data & 0x3FFF;
unsigned subX = x0 & 0xF;
x0 >>= 4;
const uint8_t* SK_RESTRICT row0 = (const uint8_t*)(srcAddr + y0 * rb);
const uint8_t* SK_RESTRICT row1 = (const uint8_t*)(srcAddr + y1 * rb);
Filter_32_direct(subX, subY, table[row0[x0]],
table[row1[x1]], colors);
} while (--count != 0);
void SI8_alpha_D32_filter_DX_arm(const SkBitmapProcState& s,
const uint32_t* SK_RESTRICT xy,
int count, SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT colors) {
SkASSERT(count > 0 && colors != NULL);
unsigned scale = s.fAlphaScale;
const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT table = s.fBitmap->getColorTable()->lockColors();
const char* SK_RESTRICT srcAddr = (const char*)s.fBitmap->getPixels();
unsigned rb = s.fBitmap->rowBytes();
unsigned subY;
const uint8_t* SK_RESTRICT row0;
const uint8_t* SK_RESTRICT row1;
// setup row ptrs and update proc_table
uint32_t XY = *xy++;
unsigned y0 = XY >> 14;
row0 = (const uint8_t*)(srcAddr + (y0 >> 4) * rb);
row1 = (const uint8_t*)(srcAddr + (XY & 0x3FFF) * rb);
subY = y0 & 0xF;
do {
uint32_t XX = *xy++; // x0:14 | 4 | x1:14
unsigned x0 = XX >> 14;
unsigned x1 = XX & 0x3FFF;
unsigned subX = x0 & 0xF;
x0 >>= 4;
Filter_32_direct_alpha(subX, subY, table[row0[x0]],
table[row1[x1]], colors, scale);
} while (--count != 0);
void SI8_alpha_D32_filter_DXDY_arm(const SkBitmapProcState& s,
const uint32_t* SK_RESTRICT xy,
int count, SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT colors) {
SkASSERT(count > 0 && colors != NULL);
unsigned scale = s.fAlphaScale;
const SkPMColor* SK_RESTRICT table = s.fBitmap->getColorTable()->lockColors();
const char* SK_RESTRICT srcAddr = (const char*)s.fBitmap->getPixels();
int rb = s.fBitmap->rowBytes();
do {
uint32_t data = *xy++;
unsigned y0 = data >> 14;
unsigned y1 = data & 0x3FFF;
unsigned subY = y0 & 0xF;
y0 >>= 4;
data = *xy++;
unsigned x0 = data >> 14;
unsigned x1 = data & 0x3FFF;
unsigned subX = x0 & 0xF;
x0 >>= 4;
const uint8_t* SK_RESTRICT row0 = (const uint8_t*)(srcAddr + y0 * rb);
const uint8_t* SK_RESTRICT row1 = (const uint8_t*)(srcAddr + y1 * rb);
Filter_32_direct_alpha(subX, subY, table[row0[x0]],
table[row1[x1]], colors, scale);
} while (--count != 0);
#endif //defined(__ARM_HAVE_NEON) && !defined(SK_CPU_BENDIAN)
/* If we replace a sampleproc, then we null-out the associated shaderproc,
otherwise the shader won't even look at the matrix/sampler
void SkBitmapProcState::platformProcs() {
bool doFilter = fDoFilter;
bool isOpaque = 256 == fAlphaScale;
bool justDx = false;
if (fInvType <= (SkMatrix::kTranslate_Mask | SkMatrix::kScale_Mask)) {
justDx = true;
switch (fBitmap->config()) {
case SkBitmap::kRGB_565_Config:
#if defined(__ARM_HAVE_NEON) && !defined(SK_CPU_BENDIAN)
if (justDx && doFilter) {
fSampleProc16 = S16_D16_filter_DX_arm;
fShaderProc16 = NULL;
#if __ARM_ARCH__ >= 5 && !defined(SK_CPU_BENDIAN)
if (justDx && !doFilter) {
fSampleProc16 = S16_D16_nofilter_DX_arm;
fShaderProc16 = NULL;
break; // k565
case SkBitmap::kIndex8_Config:
#if __ARM_ARCH__ >= 6 && !defined(SK_CPU_BENDIAN)
if (justDx && !doFilter) {
#if 0 /* crashing on android device */
fSampleProc16 = SI8_D16_nofilter_DX_arm;
fShaderProc16 = NULL;
if (isOpaque) {
fSampleProc32 = SI8_opaque_D32_nofilter_DX_arm;
fShaderProc32 = NULL;
#if defined(__ARM_HAVE_NEON) && !defined(SK_CPU_BENDIAN)
if (doFilter) {
if (isOpaque) {
if (justDx) {
fSampleProc32 = SI8_opaque_D32_filter_DX_arm;
} else {
fSampleProc32 = SI8_opaque_D32_filter_DXDY_arm;
} else { // !isOpaque
if (justDx) {
fSampleProc32 = SI8_alpha_D32_filter_DX_arm;
} else {
fSampleProc32 = SI8_alpha_D32_filter_DXDY_arm;
fShaderProc32 = NULL;
break; // kIndex8