Demonstrate parsing error with structs and arrays.

The fuzzer detected a serious parsing error; a struct containing a
vardecl with multiple declarations would interpret arrays incorrectly.
An array would be applied to ALL variables in the decl after its initial
appearance. That is, `int w, x[10], y, z;` would be interpreted as
`int w, x[10], y[10], z[10];`. The fuzzer caught this by putting two
arrayed variables in a row; the second variable was interpreted as a
nested array, which led to an assertion.

This CL contains a simple hand-written test case demonstrating the bug,
with the fix coming in a followup.

Change-Id: I42d7372ba77fa1528ae24eb8c29a2e5903784139
Bug: oss-fuzz:37622
Commit-Queue: John Stiles <>
Auto-Submit: John Stiles <>
Reviewed-by: Brian Osman <>
10 files changed