blob: 88e437d220fdf94ee942f0560d9463d3da523e93 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 Google LLC
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/private/SkShaderCodeDictionary.h"
#include "src/core/SkOpts.h"
SkShaderCodeDictionary::Entry* SkShaderCodeDictionary::makeEntry(const SkPaintParamsKey& key) {
return fArena.make([&](void *ptr) { return new(ptr) Entry(key); });
size_t SkShaderCodeDictionary::Hash::operator()(const SkPaintParamsKey& key) const {
return SkOpts::hash_fn(, key.sizeInBytes(), 0);
const SkShaderCodeDictionary::Entry* SkShaderCodeDictionary::findOrCreate(
const SkPaintParamsKey& key) {
SkAutoSpinlock lock{fSpinLock};
auto iter = fHash.find(key);
if (iter != fHash.end()) {
SkASSERT(fEntryVector[iter->second->uniqueID().asUInt()] == iter->second);
return iter->second;
Entry* newEntry = this->makeEntry(key);
fHash.insert(std::make_pair(newEntry->paintParamsKey(), newEntry));
return newEntry;
const SkShaderCodeDictionary::Entry* SkShaderCodeDictionary::lookup(
SkUniquePaintParamsID codeID) const {
if (!codeID.isValid()) {
return nullptr;
SkAutoSpinlock lock{fSpinLock};
SkASSERT(codeID.asUInt() < fEntryVector.size());
return fEntryVector[codeID.asUInt()];
SkSpan<const SkUniform> SkShaderCodeDictionary::getUniforms(CodeSnippetID id) const {
return fCodeSnippets[(int) id].fUniforms;
std::tuple<const char*, const char*> SkShaderCodeDictionary::getShaderSkSL(
CodeSnippetID id) const {
if (fCodeSnippets[(int) id].fCode) {
return { fCodeSnippets[(int) id].fName, fCodeSnippets[(int) id].fCode };
// If we're missing a code snippet just draw solid blue
return this->getShaderSkSL(CodeSnippetID::kDepthStencilOnlyDraw);
namespace {
static constexpr int kFourStopGradient = 4;
// TODO: For the sprint we unify all the gradient uniforms into a standard set of 6:
// kMaxStops colors
// kMaxStops offsets
// 2 points
// 2 radii
static constexpr int kNumGradientUniforms = 6;
static constexpr SkUniform kGradientUniforms[kNumGradientUniforms] = {
{ "colors", SkSLType::kHalf4, kFourStopGradient },
{ "offsets", SkSLType::kFloat, kFourStopGradient },
{ "point0", SkSLType::kFloat2 },
{ "point1", SkSLType::kFloat2 },
{ "radius0", SkSLType::kFloat },
{ "radius1", SkSLType::kFloat },
static const char *kLinearGradient4Name = "linear_grad_4_shader";
static const char *kLinearGradient4SkSL =
// TODO: This should use local coords
"half4 linear_grad_4_shader() {\n"
" float2 pos = sk_FragCoord.xy;\n"
" float2 delta = point1 - point0;\n"
" float2 pt = pos - point0;\n"
" float t = dot(pt, delta) / dot(delta, delta);\n"
" float4 result = colors[0];\n"
" result = mix(result, colors[1],\n"
" clamp((t-offsets[0])/(offsets[1]-offsets[0]),\n"
" 0, 1));\n"
" result = mix(result, colors[2],\n"
" clamp((t-offsets[1])/(offsets[2]-offsets[1]),\n"
" 0, 1));\n"
" result = mix(result, colors[3],\n"
" clamp((t-offsets[2])/(offsets[3]-offsets[2]),\n"
" 0, 1));\n"
" return half4(result);\n"
static constexpr int kNumSolidUniforms = 1;
static constexpr SkUniform kSolidUniforms[kNumSolidUniforms] = {
{ "color", SkSLType::kFloat4 }
static const char* kSolidColorName = "solid_shader";
static const char* kSolidColorSkSL =
"half4 solid_shader() {\n"
" return half4(color);\n"
static constexpr int kNumImageUniforms = 0;
static const char* kImageName = "image_shader";
static const char* kImageSkSL =
"half4 image_shader() {\n"
" float r = fract(abs(sk_FragCoord.x/10.0));\n"
" return half4(r, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n"
// TODO: kNone is for depth-only draws, so should actually have a fragment output type
// that only defines a [[depth]] attribute but no color calculation.
static const char* kNoneName = "none";
static const char* kNoneSkSL =
"half4 none() {\n"
" return half4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n"
} // anonymous namespace
SkShaderCodeDictionary::SkShaderCodeDictionary() {
// The 0th index is reserved as invalid
fCodeSnippets[(int) CodeSnippetID::kDepthStencilOnlyDraw] = {
{}, kNoneName, kNoneSkSL
fCodeSnippets[(int) CodeSnippetID::kSolidColorShader] = {
SkMakeSpan(kSolidUniforms, kNumSolidUniforms),
kSolidColorName, kSolidColorSkSL
fCodeSnippets[(int) CodeSnippetID::kLinearGradientShader] = {
SkMakeSpan(kGradientUniforms, kNumGradientUniforms),
kLinearGradient4Name, kLinearGradient4SkSL
fCodeSnippets[(int) CodeSnippetID::kRadialGradientShader] = {
SkMakeSpan(kGradientUniforms, kNumGradientUniforms),
kLinearGradient4Name, kLinearGradient4SkSL
fCodeSnippets[(int) CodeSnippetID::kSweepGradientShader] = {
SkMakeSpan(kGradientUniforms, kNumGradientUniforms),
kLinearGradient4Name, kLinearGradient4SkSL
fCodeSnippets[(int) CodeSnippetID::kConicalGradientShader] = {
SkMakeSpan(kGradientUniforms, kNumGradientUniforms),
kLinearGradient4Name, kLinearGradient4SkSL
fCodeSnippets[(int) CodeSnippetID::kImageShader] = {
{ nullptr, kNumImageUniforms },
kImageName, kImageSkSL
fCodeSnippets[(int) CodeSnippetID::kBlendShader] = {
{}, nullptr, nullptr
fCodeSnippets[(int) CodeSnippetID::kSimpleBlendMode] = {
{}, nullptr, nullptr