blob: f5cee5a435707c96bdf40cadf0ad8cb9327c6da7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 The Android Open Source Project
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef SkXfermodePriv_DEFINED
#define SkXfermodePriv_DEFINED
#include "SkBlendMode.h"
#include "SkColor.h"
#include "SkFlattenable.h"
class GrFragmentProcessor;
class GrTexture;
class GrXPFactory;
class SkRasterPipeline;
class SkString;
struct SkArithmeticParams;
struct SkPM4f;
typedef SkPM4f (*SkXfermodeProc4f)(const SkPM4f& src, const SkPM4f& dst);
/** \class SkXfermode
* SkXfermode is the base class for objects that are called to implement custom
* "transfer-modes" in the drawing pipeline. The static function Create(Modes)
* can be called to return an instance of any of the predefined subclasses as
* specified in the Modes enum. When an SkXfermode is assigned to an SkPaint,
* then objects drawn with that paint have the xfermode applied.
* All subclasses are required to be reentrant-safe : it must be legal to share
* the same instance between several threads.
class SK_API SkXfermode : public SkFlattenable {
virtual void xfer32(SkPMColor dst[], const SkPMColor src[], int count,
const SkAlpha aa[]) const;
/** List of predefined xfermodes.
The algebra for the modes uses the following symbols:
Sa, Sc - source alpha and color
Da, Dc - destination alpha and color (before compositing)
[a, c] - Resulting (alpha, color) values
For these equations, the colors are in premultiplied state.
If no xfermode is specified, kSrcOver is assumed.
enum Mode {
kClear_Mode, //!< [0, 0]
kSrc_Mode, //!< [Sa, Sc]
kDst_Mode, //!< [Da, Dc]
kSrcOver_Mode, //!< [Sa + Da * (1 - Sa), Sc + Dc * (1 - Sa)]
kDstOver_Mode, //!< [Da + Sa * (1 - Da), Dc + Sc * (1 - Da)]
kSrcIn_Mode, //!< [Sa * Da, Sc * Da]
kDstIn_Mode, //!< [Da * Sa, Dc * Sa]
kSrcOut_Mode, //!< [Sa * (1 - Da), Sc * (1 - Da)]
kDstOut_Mode, //!< [Da * (1 - Sa), Dc * (1 - Sa)]
kSrcATop_Mode, //!< [Da, Sc * Da + Dc * (1 - Sa)]
kDstATop_Mode, //!< [Sa, Dc * Sa + Sc * (1 - Da)]
kXor_Mode, //!< [Sa + Da - 2 * Sa * Da, Sc * (1 - Da) + Dc * (1 - Sa)]
kPlus_Mode, //!< [Sa + Da, Sc + Dc]
kModulate_Mode, // multiplies all components (= alpha and color)
// Following blend modes are defined in the CSS Compositing standard:
kLastCoeffMode = kScreen_Mode,
kLastSeparableMode = kMultiply_Mode,
kLastMode = kLuminosity_Mode
* Gets the name of the Mode as a string.
static const char* ModeName(Mode);
static const char* ModeName(SkBlendMode mode) {
return ModeName(Mode(mode));
* If the xfermode is one of the modes in the Mode enum, then asMode()
* returns true and sets (if not null) mode accordingly. Otherwise it
* returns false and ignores the mode parameter.
virtual bool asMode(Mode* mode) const;
* The same as calling xfermode->asMode(mode), except that this also checks
* if the xfermode is NULL, and if so, treats it as kSrcOver_Mode.
static bool AsMode(const SkXfermode*, Mode* mode);
static bool AsMode(const sk_sp<SkXfermode>& xfer, Mode* mode) {
return AsMode(xfer.get(), mode);
* Returns true if the xfermode claims to be the specified Mode. This works
* correctly even if the xfermode is NULL (which equates to kSrcOver.) Thus
* you can say this without checking for a null...
* If (SkXfermode::IsMode(paint.getXfermode(),
* SkXfermode::kDstOver_Mode)) {
* ...
* }
static bool IsMode(const SkXfermode* xfer, Mode mode);
static bool IsMode(const sk_sp<SkXfermode>& xfer, Mode mode) {
return IsMode(xfer.get(), mode);
/** Return an SkXfermode object for the specified mode.
static sk_sp<SkXfermode> Make(SkBlendMode);
static sk_sp<SkXfermode> Make(Mode m) { return Make((SkBlendMode)m); }
* Skia maintains global xfermode objects corresponding to each BlendMode. This returns a
* ptr to that global xfermode (or null if the mode is srcover). Thus the caller may use
* the returned ptr, but it should leave its refcnt untouched.
static SkXfermode* Peek(SkBlendMode mode) {
sk_sp<SkXfermode> xfer = Make(mode);
if (!xfer) {
SkASSERT(SkBlendMode::kSrcOver == mode);
return nullptr;
return xfer.get();
SkBlendMode blend() const {
Mode mode;
return (SkBlendMode)mode;
static SkXfermodeProc GetProc(SkBlendMode);
static SkXfermodeProc4f GetProc4f(SkBlendMode);
* Returns whether or not the xfer mode can support treating coverage as alpha
virtual bool supportsCoverageAsAlpha() const;
* The same as calling xfermode->supportsCoverageAsAlpha(), except that this also checks if
* the xfermode is NULL, and if so, treats it as kSrcOver_Mode.
static bool SupportsCoverageAsAlpha(const SkXfermode* xfer);
static bool SupportsCoverageAsAlpha(const sk_sp<SkXfermode>& xfer) {
return SupportsCoverageAsAlpha(xfer.get());
enum SrcColorOpacity {
// The src color is known to be opaque (alpha == 255)
kOpaque_SrcColorOpacity = 0,
// The src color is known to be fully transparent (color == 0)
kTransparentBlack_SrcColorOpacity = 1,
// The src alpha is known to be fully transparent (alpha == 0)
kTransparentAlpha_SrcColorOpacity = 2,
// The src color opacity is unknown
kUnknown_SrcColorOpacity = 3
* Returns whether or not the result of the draw with the xfer mode will be opaque or not. The
* input to this call is an enum describing known information about the opacity of the src color
* that will be given to the xfer mode.
virtual bool isOpaque(SrcColorOpacity opacityType) const;
* The same as calling xfermode->isOpaque(...), except that this also checks if
* the xfermode is NULL, and if so, treats it as kSrcOver_Mode.
static bool IsOpaque(const SkXfermode* xfer, SrcColorOpacity opacityType);
static bool IsOpaque(const sk_sp<SkXfermode>& xfer, SrcColorOpacity opacityType) {
return IsOpaque(xfer.get(), opacityType);
static bool IsOpaque(SkBlendMode, SrcColorOpacity);
/** Used by the SkXfermodeImageFilter to blend two colors via a GrFragmentProcessor.
The input to the returned FP is the src color. The dst color is
provided by the dst param which becomes a child FP of the returned FP.
It is legal for the function to return a null output. This indicates that
the output of the blend is simply the src color.
virtual sk_sp<GrFragmentProcessor> makeFragmentProcessorForImageFilter(
sk_sp<GrFragmentProcessor> dst) const;
/** A subclass must implement this factory function to work with the GPU backend.
The xfermode will return a factory for which the caller will get a ref. It is up
to the caller to install it. XferProcessors cannot use a background texture.
virtual const GrXPFactory* asXPFactory() const;
enum D32Flags {
kSrcIsOpaque_D32Flag = 1 << 0,
kSrcIsSingle_D32Flag = 1 << 1,
kDstIsSRGB_D32Flag = 1 << 2,
typedef void (*D32Proc)(SkBlendMode, uint32_t dst[], const SkPM4f src[],
int count, const SkAlpha coverage[]);
static D32Proc GetD32Proc(SkBlendMode, uint32_t flags);
enum F16Flags {
kSrcIsOpaque_F16Flag = 1 << 0,
kSrcIsSingle_F16Flag = 1 << 1,
typedef void (*F16Proc)(SkBlendMode, uint64_t dst[], const SkPM4f src[], int count,
const SkAlpha coverage[]);
static F16Proc GetF16Proc(SkBlendMode, uint32_t flags);
enum LCDFlags {
kSrcIsOpaque_LCDFlag = 1 << 0, // else src(s) may have alpha < 1
kSrcIsSingle_LCDFlag = 1 << 1, // else src[count]
kDstIsSRGB_LCDFlag = 1 << 2, // else l32 or f16
typedef void (*LCD32Proc)(uint32_t* dst, const SkPM4f* src, int count, const uint16_t lcd[]);
typedef void (*LCDF16Proc)(uint64_t* dst, const SkPM4f* src, int count, const uint16_t lcd[]);
static LCD32Proc GetLCD32Proc(uint32_t flags);
static LCDF16Proc GetLCDF16Proc(uint32_t) { return nullptr; }
virtual bool isArithmetic(SkArithmeticParams*) const { return false; }
SkXfermode() {}
/** The default implementation of xfer32/xfer16/xferA8 in turn call this
method, 1 color at a time (upscaled to a SkPMColor). The default
implementation of this method just returns dst. If performance is
important, your subclass should override xfer32/xfer16/xferA8 directly.
This method will not be called directly by the client, so it need not
be implemented if your subclass has overridden xfer32/xfer16/xferA8
virtual SkPMColor xferColor(SkPMColor src, SkPMColor dst) const;
enum {
kModeCount = kLastMode + 1
typedef SkFlattenable INHERITED;