Merge commit 'ab8eb607750208066e2d57eff6a34dbaf05f5ada' (v2021.4) into update-shaderc

ab8eb607 Finalize SPIRV-Tools v2021.4
21e3f681 Update SPIRV-Headers (#4628)
b014238e Allow WorkgroupSize on variables for Kernels (#4627)
352a4112 Fix handling of OpPhi in convert-relaxed-to-half (#4618)
c72c4542 Clarify how to update DEPS (#4626)
6f9fa480 Update DEPS (#4625)
2bd46c5c Update CHANGES
339d4475 Improve decoration validation (#4490)
1589720e spirv-opt: create OpDecorate for OpMemberDecorate in desc-sroa (#4617)
6b073f89 Run the wasm build on push and pull_request (#4614)
66ef7cb6 Remove publish-to-npm step for Wasm build (#4610)
d645ea27 Update CHANGES, README for WebAssembly build (#4609)
0d001300 Add Wasm build (#3752)
1082de6b Handle overflowing id in merge return (#4606)
97d44956 Avoid bitwise and in boolean expression (#4603)
e3c70981 In generated cmake config file for SPIRV-Tools only access cmake target, if present (#4590)
e3a373f2 Make cxx exceptions controllable  (#4591)
c194bb2a spirv-val Update LocalSizeId VUID (#4602)
6c7885db Change branch handling in ADCE to fix errors (#4596)
bd5bf754 Fix Linker generator ID (#4601)
791f5b46 Only validate workgroup layout for explicit workgroup memory (#4542)
2feb7074 Avoid confusing short-circuiting (#3404)
7c5b17d3 Update passes to handle function declarations (#4599)
b2ba019b Delete decorations before replaces uses in dead branch elim (#4598)
3291b695 Do not fold snegate feeding sdiv. (#4600)
d997c83b Add spirv-opt pass to replace descriptor accesses based on variable indices (#4574)
d78c1c4c Make IsLocalVar in ADCE work at any time. (NFC) (#4595)
8c91f14a Add libFuzzer target for spirv-fuzz (#4434)
17a5bacf Handle missing execution modes for limitation check (#4594)
7326b494 opt: set upper bits of spec constant according to spec (#4589)
f3fbd98f opt/spec_constants: fix bit pattern width checks. (#4588)
0f3bc1d9 Fix i386 build issues related to random generation (#4586)
001604bd Generate constants directly in CreateDebugInlinedAt (#4572)
7a7a6903 README: Remove appveyor build badge. (#4584)
4578db3c README: Update tested versions of compilers (#4579)
387cae47 Opt passes should apply to the exported functions (#4554)
35fd0e17 Consider 0xffffffff offset as missing (#4564)
06ebc480 Account for strided components in arrays (#4575)
10343e53 Remove Appveyor CI, update README (#4578)
3e6a8530 Mark DebugInfoNone as live in ADCE when DebugInfo present (#4568)
e6e77dbd Enable OpConstFunctionPointerINTEL outside function (#4576)
5ed637ca Fix output of SPIR-V version in diagnostic (#4562)
d31218c5 Use max enum instead of static array of legal values (#4571)
0292d6b1 Update SPIRV-Headers (#4573)
6dd73728 Fix merge-block assertions with debugInfo (#4563)
e4349dd8 Fix CI failure (#4570)
b4699574 Avoid bugprone-move-forwarding-reference warning in Clang (#4560)
0c4deebc Include a maximum value for spv_target_env (#4559)
63a39123 Fix ConstantManager to not run AnalyzeInstDefUse if DefUse not valid (#4557)
2d12367c Stop consuming input in fuzzers to select target environment (#4544)
eeb973f5 More ADCE refactoring (#4548)
9529d3c2 Avoid implicit fallthrough, by duplicating code (#4556)
24476c2e spirv-opt: Don't eliminate dead members from StructuredBuffer (#4553)
3234daad Do not assume there are execution modes (#4555)
ba4b390c Suppress protobuf warning (#4551)
c3adcb03 Adce refactor (NFC) (#4547)
19dc86c4 Handle NonSemantic.Shader Debug[No]Line (#4530)
f125452c Fix inst_buff_addr_check to handle struct loads (#4489)
134d763f GN: Fix build for debuginfo codegen. (#4536)
1d48824b Update SPIRV-Headers (#4543)
a6c5056d Fix checks for offset in nested structs (#4531)
0f450875 Fix UBSan error in spirv-dis fuzzer (#4517)
59f51bb4 Fix extract with out-of-bounds index (#4529)
1454c95d spirv-opt: Switch from Vulkan.DebugInfo to Shader.DebugInfo (#4493)
4ac8e5e5 Add preserve_interface mode to aggressive_dead_code_elim (#4520)
9e65f054 spirv-fuzz: Account for differing signedness in WrapVectorSynonym (#4414)
36ff1353 spirv-opt: Avoid integer overflow during constant folding (#4511)
cb6c6691 Roll external/googletest/ b7d472f12..955c7f837 (111 commits) (#4521)
846b032b Fix infinite loop in validation (#4523)
bf463fe3 Fix UBSan kokoro config (#4522)
5efeaad3 Fix bad order of checks in atomic validation (#4524)
8865b202 Handle out-of-bounds accesses in VDCE (#4518)
4f4f7603 Change validator boolean tests to avoid asserts (#4503)
912460e4 Fix infinite loop in GetBlockDepth (#4519)
013b1f3d Fix validation message for cooperative matrix column type (#4502)
2a938fcf Add UBSan kokoro configuration (#4512)
c16224c6 Add some missing switch validation (#4507)
92868b8f spirv-val: Fix ubsan error (#4505)
4db6b8dc Remove environment features that are never used (#4491)
7e860e38 fix parsing of bad binary exponents in hex floats (#4501)
789de0dc Adjust build for fuzzer targets to support OSS-Fuzz (#4498)
0c09258e Set threshold for reduce-load-size pass (#4499)
bd3a271c Handle exported functions in ADCE (#4495)
702e6af3 Only add `-DSPIRV_CHECK_CONTEXT` for Debug builds (#4496)
b8fce5f9 spirv-lint: Add lint based on divergence analysis (#4488)
ee307736 Add a feature for allowing LocalSizeId (#4492)
2a5cc342 Start SPIRV-Tools v2021.4

Testing: on Linux
Change-Id: I77625ccdd970e7a44530215d1dc2e5fb9502dd3b
diff --git a/.appveyor.yml b/.appveyor.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a4cca0..0000000
--- a/.appveyor.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# Windows Build Configuration for AppVeyor
-# version format
-version: "{build}"
-# The most recent compiler gives the most interesting new results.
-# Put it first so we get its feedback first.
-  - Visual Studio 2017
-  #- Visual Studio 2013
-  - x64
-  - Debug
-  #- Release
-  only:
-    - master
-# Travis advances the master-tot tag to current top of the tree after
-# each push into the master branch, because it relies on that tag to
-# upload build artifacts to the master-tot release. This will cause
-# double testing for each push on Appveyor: one for the push, one for
-# the tag advance. Disable testing tags.
-skip_tags: true
-clone_depth: 1
-  fast_finish: true # Show final status immediately if a test fails.
-  #exclude:
-  #  - os: Visual Studio 2013
-  #    configuration: Debug
-# scripts that run after cloning repository
-  # Install ninja
-  - set NINJA_URL=""
-  - appveyor DownloadFile %NINJA_URL% -FileName
-  - 7z x -oC:\ninja > nul
-  - set PATH=C:\ninja;C:\Python36;%PATH%
-  - git clone --depth=1 external/spirv-headers
-  - git clone external/googletest
-  - cd external && cd googletest && git reset --hard 1fb1bb23bb8418dc73a5a9a82bbed31dc610fec7 && cd .. && cd ..
-  - git clone --depth=1 external/effcee
-  - git clone --depth=1 external/re2
-  # Set path and environment variables for the current Visual Studio version
-  - if "%APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE%"=="Visual Studio 2013" (call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64)
-  - if "%APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE%"=="Visual Studio 2017" (call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64)
-  parallel: true  # enable MSBuild parallel builds
-  verbosity: minimal
-  - mkdir build && cd build
-  - ninja install
-  - ctest -C %CONFIGURATION% --output-on-failure --timeout 310
-  # Zip build artifacts for uploading and deploying
-  - cd install
-  - 7z a SPIRV-Tools-master-windows-"%PLATFORM%"-"%CONFIGURATION%".zip *\*
-  - path: build\install\*.zip
-    name: artifacts-zip
-  - provider: GitHub
-    auth_token:
-      secure: TMfcScKzzFIm1YgeV/PwCRXFDCw8Xm0wY2Vb2FU6WKlbzb5eUITTpr6I5vHPnAxS
-    release: master-tot
-    description: "Continuous build of the latest master branch by Appveyor and Travis CI"
-    artifact: artifacts-zip
-    draft: false
-    prerelease: false
-    force_update: true
-    on:
-      branch: master
-      APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2017
diff --git a/.github/workflows/wasm.yml b/.github/workflows/wasm.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9a9c5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/wasm.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+name: Wasm Build
+on: [ push, pull_request ]
+  build:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+      - name: Build web
+        run: docker-compose up
+      - name: Run tests
+        run: node test/wasm/test.js
diff --git a/ b/
index 2bd72ae..bc748e5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
 		source/opt/debug_info_manager.cpp \
 		source/opt/def_use_manager.cpp \
 		source/opt/desc_sroa.cpp \
+		source/opt/desc_sroa_util.cpp \
 		source/opt/dominator_analysis.cpp \
 		source/opt/dominator_tree.cpp \
 		source/opt/eliminate_dead_constant_pass.cpp \
@@ -157,6 +158,7 @@
 		source/opt/relax_float_ops_pass.cpp \
 		source/opt/remove_duplicates_pass.cpp \
 		source/opt/remove_unused_interface_variables_pass.cpp \
+		source/opt/replace_desc_array_access_using_var_index.cpp \
 		source/opt/replace_invalid_opc.cpp \
 		source/opt/scalar_analysis.cpp \
 		source/opt/scalar_analysis_simplification.cpp \
@@ -184,7 +186,7 @@
 define gen_spvtools_grammar_tables
 $(call generate-file-dir,$(1)/
@@ -216,7 +218,7 @@
 	$(1)/ \
 	$(1)/ \
 	$(1)/ \
-	$(1)/ \
+	$(1)/ \
 	$(1)/ \
 	$(1)/ \
 	$(1)/ \
@@ -246,7 +248,7 @@
 # We generate language-specific headers for DebugInfo and OpenCL.DebugInfo.100
 $(eval $(call gen_spvtools_lang_headers,$(SPVTOOLS_OUT_PATH),DebugInfo,$(SPV_DEBUGINFO_GRAMMAR)))
 $(eval $(call gen_spvtools_lang_headers,$(SPVTOOLS_OUT_PATH),OpenCLDebugInfo100,$(SPV_CLDEBUGINFO100_GRAMMAR)))
-$(eval $(call gen_spvtools_lang_headers,$(SPVTOOLS_OUT_PATH),NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100,$(SPV_VKDEBUGINFO100_GRAMMAR)))
+$(eval $(call gen_spvtools_lang_headers,$(SPVTOOLS_OUT_PATH),NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100,$(SPV_VKDEBUGINFO100_GRAMMAR)))
 define gen_spvtools_vendor_tables
@@ -261,22 +263,10 @@
 		@echo "[$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)] Vendor extended instruction set: $(2) tables <= grammar"
 $(LOCAL_PATH)/source/ext_inst.cpp: $(1)/$(2)
-define gen_spvtools_vendor_tables_local
-$(call generate-file-dir,$(1)/$(2)
-$(1)/$(2) : \
-        $(LOCAL_PATH)/utils/ \
-        $(LOCAL_PATH)/source/extinst.$(2).grammar.json
-		@$(HOST_PYTHON) $(LOCAL_PATH)/utils/ \
-		    --extinst-vendor-grammar=$(LOCAL_PATH)/source/extinst.$(2).grammar.json \
-		    --vendor-insts-output=$(1)/$(2) \
-		    --vendor-operand-kind-prefix=$(3)
-		@echo "[$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)] Vendor extended instruction set: $(2) tables <= grammar"
-$(LOCAL_PATH)/source/ext_inst.cpp: $(1)/$(2)
 # Vendor and debug extended instruction sets, with grammars from SPIRV-Tools source tree.
 $(eval $(call gen_spvtools_vendor_tables,$(SPVTOOLS_OUT_PATH),debuginfo,""))
 $(eval $(call gen_spvtools_vendor_tables,$(SPVTOOLS_OUT_PATH),opencl.debuginfo.100,"CLDEBUG100_"))
-$(eval $(call gen_spvtools_vendor_tables_local,$(SPVTOOLS_OUT_PATH),nonsemantic.vulkan.debuginfo.100,"VKDEBUG100_"))
+$(eval $(call gen_spvtools_vendor_tables,$(SPVTOOLS_OUT_PATH),nonsemantic.shader.debuginfo.100,"SHDEBUG100_"))
 $(eval $(call gen_spvtools_vendor_tables,$(SPVTOOLS_OUT_PATH),spv-amd-gcn-shader,""))
 $(eval $(call gen_spvtools_vendor_tables,$(SPVTOOLS_OUT_PATH),spv-amd-shader-ballot,""))
 $(eval $(call gen_spvtools_vendor_tables,$(SPVTOOLS_OUT_PATH),spv-amd-shader-explicit-vertex-parameter,""))
diff --git a/BUILD.bazel b/BUILD.bazel
index 68e612a..b2031de 100644
--- a/BUILD.bazel
+++ b/BUILD.bazel
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
-    "generate_vendor_tables_local",
@@ -62,7 +61,7 @@
 generate_vendor_tables("opencl.debuginfo.100", "CLDEBUG100_")
-generate_vendor_tables_local("nonsemantic.vulkan.debuginfo.100", "VKDEBUG100_")
+generate_vendor_tables("nonsemantic.shader.debuginfo.100", "SHDEBUG100_")
@@ -70,7 +69,7 @@
 generate_extinst_lang_headers("OpenCLDebugInfo100", CLDEBUGINFO100_GRAMMAR_JSON_FILE)
-generate_extinst_lang_headers("NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100", VKDEBUGINFO100_GRAMMAR_JSON_FILE)
+generate_extinst_lang_headers("NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100", SHDEBUGINFO100_GRAMMAR_JSON_FILE)
     name = "generate_registry_tables",
@@ -108,14 +107,14 @@
-        ":gen_extinst_lang_headers_NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100",
+        ":gen_extinst_lang_headers_NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100",
-        ":gen_vendor_tables_nonsemantic_vulkan_debuginfo_100",
+        ":gen_vendor_tables_nonsemantic_shader_debuginfo_100",
diff --git a/ b/
index 20fdeed..309d513 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -225,29 +225,6 @@
-template("spvtools_vendor_table_local") {
-  assert(defined(, "Need name in $target_name generation.")
-  action("spvtools_vendor_tables_" + target_name) {
-    script = "utils/"
-    name =
-    extinst_vendor_grammar = "source/extinst.${name}.grammar.json"
-    extinst_file = "${target_gen_dir}/${name}"
-    args = [
-      "--extinst-vendor-grammar",
-      rebase_path(extinst_vendor_grammar, root_build_dir),
-      "--vendor-insts-output",
-      rebase_path(extinst_file, root_build_dir),
-      "--vendor-operand-kind-prefix",
-      invoker.operand_kind_prefix,
-    ]
-    inputs = [ extinst_vendor_grammar ]
-    outputs = [ extinst_file ]
-  }
 action("spvtools_generators_inc") {
   script = "utils/"
@@ -300,8 +277,8 @@
   grammar_file = "${spirv_headers}/include/spirv/unified1/extinst.opencl.debuginfo.100.grammar.json"
 spvtools_language_header("vkdebuginfo100") {
-  name = "NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100"
-  grammar_file = "source/extinst.nonsemantic.vulkan.debuginfo.100.grammar.json"
+  name = "NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100"
+  grammar_file = "${spirv_headers}/include/spirv/unified1/extinst.nonsemantic.shader.debuginfo.100.grammar.json"
 spvtools_vendor_tables = [
@@ -333,13 +310,12 @@
+  [
+    "nonsemantic.shader.debuginfo.100",
+    "SHDEBUG100_",
+  ],
-spvtools_vendor_tables_local = [ [
-      "nonsemantic.vulkan.debuginfo.100",
-      "VKDEBUG100_",
-    ] ]
 foreach(table_def, spvtools_vendor_tables) {
   spvtools_vendor_table(table_def[0]) {
     name = table_def[0]
@@ -347,13 +323,6 @@
-foreach(table_def, spvtools_vendor_tables_local) {
-  spvtools_vendor_table_local(table_def[0]) {
-    name = table_def[0]
-    operand_kind_prefix = table_def[1]
-  }
 config("spvtools_public_config") {
   include_dirs = [ "include" ]
@@ -421,10 +390,6 @@
     target_name = table_def[0]
     deps += [ ":spvtools_vendor_tables_$target_name" ]
-  foreach(table_def, spvtools_vendor_tables_local) {
-    target_name = table_def[0]
-    deps += [ ":spvtools_vendor_tables_$target_name" ]
-  }
   sources = [
@@ -610,14 +575,14 @@
-    "source/opt/convert_to_sampled_image_pass.cpp",
-    "source/opt/convert_to_sampled_image_pass.h",
+    "source/opt/convert_to_sampled_image_pass.cpp",
+    "source/opt/convert_to_sampled_image_pass.h",
-    "source/opt/dataflow.h",
+    "source/opt/dataflow.h",
@@ -632,6 +597,8 @@
+    "source/opt/desc_sroa_util.cpp",
+    "source/opt/desc_sroa_util.h",
@@ -751,6 +718,8 @@
+    "source/opt/replace_desc_array_access_using_var_index.cpp",
+    "source/opt/replace_desc_array_access_using_var_index.h",
diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index 44c4927..ee232b6 100644
@@ -1,5 +1,19 @@
 Revision history for SPIRV-Tools
+v2021.4 2021-11-11
+  - General
+    - Add a WebAssembly build (#3752)
+    - Make cxx exceptions controllable (#4591)
+  - Validator
+    - Improve decoration validation (#4490)
+  - Optimizer
+    - Add spirv-opt pass to replace descriptor accesses based on variable indices (#4574)
+    - Do not fold snegate feeding sdiv (#4600)
+    - Handle overflowing id in merge return (#4606)
+  - Fuzzer
+    - Add libFuzzer target for spirv-fuzz (#4434)
+  - Linter
 v2021.3 2021-08-24
  - General
     - Initial support for SPV_KHR_integer_dot_product (#4327)
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 1223172..70caf85 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -84,6 +84,8 @@
 option(SPIRV_BUILD_FUZZER "Build spirv-fuzz" OFF)
+set(SPIRV_LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE_LINK_OPTIONS "" CACHE STRING "Used by OSS-Fuzz to control, via link options, which fuzzing engine should be used")
 option(SPIRV_BUILD_LIBFUZZER_TARGETS "Build libFuzzer targets" OFF)
 option(SPIRV_WERROR "Enable error on warning" ON)
@@ -162,6 +164,7 @@
 #   Note this target provides no API stability guarantees.
 # Ideally, all of these will go away - see
+option(ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS_ON_MSVC "Build SPIRV-TOOLS with c++ exceptions enabled in MSVC" ON)
 option(SPIRV_TOOLS_BUILD_STATIC "Build ${SPIRV_TOOLS}-static target. ${SPIRV_TOOLS} will alias to ${SPIRV_TOOLS}-static or ${SPIRV_TOOLS}-shared based on BUILD_SHARED_LIBS" ON)
@@ -213,7 +216,9 @@
   if (MSVC)
     # Specify /EHs for exception handling. This makes using SPIRV-Tools as
     # dependencies in other projects easier.
-    target_compile_options(${TARGET} PRIVATE /EHs)
+      target_compile_options(${TARGET} PRIVATE /EHs)
+    endif()
   # For MinGW cross compile, statically link to the C++ runtime.
@@ -294,7 +299,7 @@
 # Turn off if they take too long.
 option(SPIRV_CHECK_CONTEXT "In a debug build, check if the IR context is in a valid state." ON)
-  add_definitions(-DSPIRV_CHECK_CONTEXT)
+  add_compile_options($<$<CONFIG:Debug>:-DSPIRV_CHECK_CONTEXT>)
 # Precompiled header macro. Parameters are source file list and filename for pch cpp file.
diff --git a/DEPS b/DEPS
index 92c67e0..2aaf11f 100644
--- a/DEPS
+++ b/DEPS
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
 vars = {
   'github': '',
-  'effcee_revision': '2ec8f8738118cc483b67c04a759fee53496c5659',
-  'googletest_revision': 'b7d472f1225c5a64943821d8483fecb469d3f382',
-  're2_revision': 'f8e389f3acdc2517562924239e2a188037393683',
-  'spirv_headers_revision': 'e71feddb3f17c5586ff7f4cfb5ed1258b800574b',
+  'effcee_revision': 'ddf5e2bb92957dc8a12c5392f8495333d6844133',
+  'googletest_revision': 'bf0701daa9f5b30e5882e2f8f9a5280bcba87e77',
+  're2_revision': '4244cd1cb492fa1d10986ec67f862964c073f844',
+  'spirv_headers_revision': '814e728b30ddd0f4509233099a3ad96fd4318c07',
 deps = {
diff --git a/ b/
index 9230fd1..14db1e7 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 ## Downloads
-[![Build status](](
 <img alt="Linux" src="kokoro/img/linux.png" width="20px" height="20px" hspace="2px"/>[![Linux Build Status](](
 <img alt="MacOS" src="kokoro/img/macos.png" width="20px" height="20px" hspace="2px"/>[![MacOS Build Status](](
 <img alt="Windows" src="kokoro/img/windows.png" width="20px" height="20px" hspace="2px"/>[![Windows Build Status](](
@@ -53,7 +52,7 @@
 Releases are not directly related to releases (or versions) of
 Releases of SPIRV-Tools are tested against the version of SPIRV-Headers listed
-in the DEPS file.
+in the [DEPS](DEPS) file.
 The release generally uses the most recent compatible version of SPIRV-Headers
 available at the time of release.
 No version of SPIRV-Headers other than the one listed in the DEPS file is
@@ -256,6 +255,34 @@
 We intend to maintain a linear history on the GitHub `master` branch.
+### Getting the source
+Example of getting sources, assuming SPIRV-Tools is configured as a standalone project:
+    git clone   spirv-tools
+    cd spirv-tools
+    # Check out sources for dependencies, at versions known to work together,
+    # as listed in the DEPS file.
+    python3 utils/git-sync-deps
+For some kinds of development, you may need the latest sources from the third-party projects:
+    git clone spirv-tools/external/spirv-headers
+    git clone          spirv-tools/external/googletest
+    git clone              spirv-tools/external/effcee
+    git clone                 spirv-tools/external/re2
+#### Dependency on Effcee
+Some tests depend on the [Effcee][effcee] library for stateful matching.
+Effcee itself depends on [RE2][re2].
+* If SPIRV-Tools is configured as part of a larger project that already uses
+  Effcee, then that project should include Effcee before SPIRV-Tools.
+* Otherwise, SPIRV-Tools expects Effcee sources to appear in `external/effcee`
+  and RE2 sources to appear in `external/re2`.
 ### Source code organization
 * `example`: demo code of using SPIRV-Tools APIs
@@ -274,14 +301,6 @@
 * `test/`: Tests, using the [googletest][googletest] framework
 * `tools/`: Command line executables
-Example of getting sources, assuming SPIRV-Tools is configured as a standalone project:
-    git clone   spirv-tools
-    git clone spirv-tools/external/spirv-headers
-    git clone          spirv-tools/external/googletest
-    git clone              spirv-tools/external/effcee
-    git clone                 spirv-tools/external/re2
 ### Tests
 The project contains a number of tests, used to drive development
@@ -295,46 +314,12 @@
   `googletest` source into the `<spirv-dir>/external/googletest` directory before
   configuring and building the project.
-*Note*: You must use a version of googletest that includes
-[a fix][googletest-pull-612] for [googletest issue 610][googletest-issue-610].
-The fix is included on the googletest master branch any time after 2015-11-10.
-In particular, googletest must be newer than version 1.7.0.
-### Dependency on Effcee
-Some tests depend on the [Effcee][effcee] library for stateful matching.
-Effcee itself depends on [RE2][re2].
-* If SPIRV-Tools is configured as part of a larger project that already uses
-  Effcee, then that project should include Effcee before SPIRV-Tools.
-* Otherwise, SPIRV-Tools expects Effcee sources to appear in `external/effcee`
-  and RE2 sources to appear in `external/re2`.
 ## Build
-Instead of building manually, you can also download the binaries for your
-platform directly from the [master-tot release][master-tot-release] on GitHub.
-Those binaries are automatically uploaded by the buildbots after successful
-testing and they always reflect the current top of the tree of the master
+*Note*: Prebuilt binaries are available from the [downloads](docs/ page.
-In order to build the code, you first need to sync the external repositories
-that it depends on. Assume that `<spirv-dir>` is the root directory of the
-checked out code:
-cd <spirv-dir>
-git clone external/spirv-headers
-git clone external/effcee
-git clone external/re2
-git clone external/googletest # optional
-The script `utils/git-sync-deps` can be used to checkout and/or update the
-contents of the repos under `external/` instead of manually maintaining them.
+First [get the sources](#getting-the-source).
+Then build using CMake, Bazel, Android ndk-build, or the Emscripten SDK.
 ### Build using CMake
 You can build the project using [CMake][cmake]:
@@ -379,6 +364,30 @@
 cd <spirv-dir>
 bazel build :all
+### Build a node.js package using Emscripten
+The SPIRV-Tools core library can be built to a WebAssembly [node.js](
+module. The resulting `SpirvTools` WebAssembly module only exports methods to
+assemble and disassemble SPIR-V modules.
+First, make sure you have the [Emscripten SDK](
+cd <spirv-dir>
+The resulting node package, with JavaScript and TypeScript bindings, is
+written to `<spirv-dir>/out/web`.
+Note: This builds the package locally. It does *not* publish it to [npm](
+To test the result:
+node ./test/wasm/test.js
 ### Tools you'll need
@@ -392,15 +401,17 @@
 - [Bazel]( (optional): if building the source with Bazel,
 you need to install Bazel Version 0.29.1 on your machine. Other versions may
 also work, but are not verified.
+- [Emscripten SDK]( (optional): if building the
+  WebAssembly module.
 SPIRV-Tools is regularly tested with the following compilers:
 On Linux
-- GCC version 4.8.5
-- Clang version 3.8
+- GCC version 9.3
+- Clang version 10.0
 On MacOS
-- AppleClang 10.0
+- AppleClang 11.0
 On Windows
 - Visual Studio 2015
@@ -435,7 +446,7 @@
 `/D_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL=0` on Windows, you can disable checked iterators and
 iterator debugging.
-### Android
+### Android ndk-build
 SPIR-V Tools supports building static libraries `libSPIRV-Tools.a` and
 `libSPIRV-Tools-opt.a` for Android:
@@ -456,11 +467,12 @@
 ### Updating DEPS
-Occasionally the entries in DEPS will need to be updated. This is done on demand
-when there is a request to do this, often due to downstream breakages. There is
-a script `utils/` provided, which will generate a patch with the
-updated DEPS values. This will still need to be tested in your checkout to
-confirm that there are no integration issues that need to be resolved.
+Occasionally the entries in [DEPS](DEPS) will need to be updated. This is done on
+demand when there is a request to do this, often due to downstream breakages.
+To update `DEPS`, run `utils/` and confirm that tests pass.
+The script requires Chromium's
 ## Library
@@ -743,4 +755,3 @@
diff --git a/build_defs.bzl b/build_defs.bzl
index 519fa19..b2cd41b 100644
--- a/build_defs.bzl
+++ b/build_defs.bzl
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 DEBUGINFO_GRAMMAR_JSON_FILE = "@spirv_headers//:spirv_ext_inst_debuginfo_grammar_unified1"
 CLDEBUGINFO100_GRAMMAR_JSON_FILE = "@spirv_headers//:spirv_ext_inst_opencl_debuginfo_100_grammar_unified1"
-VKDEBUGINFO100_GRAMMAR_JSON_FILE = "source/extinst.nonsemantic.vulkan.debuginfo.100.grammar.json"
+SHDEBUGINFO100_GRAMMAR_JSON_FILE = "@spirv_headers//:spirv_ext_inst_nonsemantic_shader_debuginfo_100_grammar_unified1"
 def generate_core_tables(version = None):
     if not version:
@@ -165,28 +165,6 @@
         visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-def generate_vendor_tables_local(extension, operand_kind_prefix = ""):
-    if not extension:
-        fail("Must specify extension", "extension")
-    extension_rule = extension.replace("-", "_").replace(".", "_")
-    grammars = ["source/extinst.{}.grammar.json".format(extension)]
-    outs = ["{}".format(extension)]
-    prefices = [operand_kind_prefix]
-    fmtargs = grammars + outs + prefices
-    native.genrule(
-        name = "gen_vendor_tables_" + extension_rule,
-        srcs = grammars,
-        outs = outs,
-        cmd = (
-            "$(location :generate_grammar_tables) " +
-            "--extinst-vendor-grammar=$(location {0}) " +
-            "--vendor-insts-output=$(location {1}) " +
-            "--vendor-operand-kind-prefix={2}"
-        ).format(*fmtargs),
-        tools = [":generate_grammar_tables"],
-        visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
-    )
 def generate_extinst_lang_headers(name, grammar = None):
     if not grammar:
         fail("Must specify grammar", "grammar")
diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb6d114
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+version: "3"
+  build:
+    image: emscripten/emsdk:2.0.2
+    environment:
+    working_dir: /app
+    command: ./source/wasm/
+    volumes:
+      - ./:/app
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 9c7d856..168937a 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -1,14 +1,28 @@
 # Downloads
-Download the latest builds.
-## Release
+## Latest builds
+Download the latest builds of the [master]( branch.
+### Release build
 | Windows | Linux | MacOS |
 | --- | --- | --- |
 | [MSVC 2017]( | [clang]( | [clang]( |
 | | [gcc]( | |
-## Debug
+### Debug build
 | Windows | Linux | MacOS |
 | --- | --- | --- |
 | [MSVC 2017]( | [clang]( | [clang]( |
 | | [gcc]( | |
+## Vulkan SDK
+SPIRV-Tools is published as part of the [LunarG Vulkan SDK](
+The Vulkan SDK is updated approximately every six weeks.
+## Android NDK
+SPIRV-Tools host executables, and library sources are published as
+part of the [Android NDK](
diff --git a/include/spirv-tools/libspirv.h b/include/spirv-tools/libspirv.h
index 999589e..8df14f5 100644
--- a/include/spirv-tools/libspirv.h
+++ b/include/spirv-tools/libspirv.h
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
   // Multiple distinct extended instruction set types could return this
   // value, if they are prefixed with NonSemantic. and are otherwise
@@ -516,6 +516,7 @@
   SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_5,  // SPIR-V 1.5 latest revision, no other restrictions.
   SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_2,     // Vulkan 1.2 latest revision.
+  SPV_ENV_MAX             // Keep this as the last enum value.
 } spv_target_env;
 // SPIR-V Validator can be parameterized with the following Universal Limits.
@@ -659,6 +660,11 @@
 SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvValidatorOptionsSetSkipBlockLayout(
     spv_validator_options options, bool val);
+// Records whether or not the validator should allow the LocalSizeId
+// decoration where the environment otherwise would not allow it.
+SPIRV_TOOLS_EXPORT void spvValidatorOptionsSetAllowLocalSizeId(
+    spv_validator_options options, bool val);
 // Creates an optimizer options object with default options. Returns a valid
 // options object. The object remains valid until it is passed into
 // |spvOptimizerOptionsDestroy|.
diff --git a/include/spirv-tools/libspirv.hpp b/include/spirv-tools/libspirv.hpp
index 0c31a18..8dfb46b 100644
--- a/include/spirv-tools/libspirv.hpp
+++ b/include/spirv-tools/libspirv.hpp
@@ -115,6 +115,12 @@
     spvValidatorOptionsSetSkipBlockLayout(options_, val);
+  // Enables LocalSizeId decorations where the environment would not otherwise
+  // allow them.
+  void SetAllowLocalSizeId(bool val) {
+    spvValidatorOptionsSetAllowLocalSizeId(options_, val);
+  }
   // Records whether or not the validator should relax the rules on pointer
   // usage in logical addressing mode.
diff --git a/include/spirv-tools/linter.hpp b/include/spirv-tools/linter.hpp
index 57d1b4e..52ed5a4 100644
--- a/include/spirv-tools/linter.hpp
+++ b/include/spirv-tools/linter.hpp
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
   void SetMessageConsumer(MessageConsumer consumer);
   // Returns a reference to the registered message consumer.
-  const MessageConsumer& consumer() const;
+  const MessageConsumer& Consumer() const;
   bool Run(const uint32_t* binary, size_t binary_size);
diff --git a/include/spirv-tools/optimizer.hpp b/include/spirv-tools/optimizer.hpp
index b1442dc..21059cb 100644
--- a/include/spirv-tools/optimizer.hpp
+++ b/include/spirv-tools/optimizer.hpp
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 namespace opt {
 class Pass;
 struct DescriptorSetAndBinding;
+}  // namespace opt
 // C++ interface for SPIR-V optimization functionalities. It wraps the context
 // (including target environment and the corresponding SPIR-V grammar) and
@@ -514,7 +514,12 @@
 // Conversion, which tends to cause cycles of dead code to be left after
 // Store/Load elimination passes are completed. These cycles cannot be
 // eliminated with standard dead code elimination.
-Optimizer::PassToken CreateAggressiveDCEPass();
+// If |preserve_interface| is true, all non-io variables in the entry point
+// interface are considered live and are not eliminated. This mode is needed
+// by GPU-Assisted validation instrumentation, where a change in the interface
+// is not allowed.
+Optimizer::PassToken CreateAggressiveDCEPass(bool preserve_interface = false);
 // Creates a remove-unused-interface-variables pass.
 // Removes variables referenced on the |OpEntryPoint| instruction that are not
@@ -701,8 +706,11 @@
 // Create a pass to reduce the size of loads.
 // This pass looks for loads of structures where only a few of its members are
 // used.  It replaces the loads feeding an OpExtract with an OpAccessChain and
-// a load of the specific elements.
-Optimizer::PassToken CreateReduceLoadSizePass();
+// a load of the specific elements.  The parameter is a threshold to determine
+// whether we have to replace the load or not.  If the ratio of the used
+// components of the load is less than the threshold, we replace the load.
+Optimizer::PassToken CreateReduceLoadSizePass(
+    double load_replacement_threshold = 0.9);
 // Create a pass to combine chained access chains.
 // This pass looks for access chains fed by other access chains and combines
@@ -825,6 +833,13 @@
 //   inclusive.
 Optimizer::PassToken CreateGraphicsRobustAccessPass();
+// Create a pass to replace a descriptor access using variable index.
+// This pass replaces every access using a variable index to array variable
+// |desc| that has a DescriptorSet and Binding decorations with a constant
+// element of the array. In order to replace the access using a variable index
+// with the constant element, it uses a switch statement.
+Optimizer::PassToken CreateReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndexPass();
 // Create descriptor scalar replacement pass.
 // This pass replaces every array variable |desc| that has a DescriptorSet and
 // Binding decorations with a new variable for each element of the array.
diff --git a/kokoro/linux-clang-ubsan/ b/kokoro/linux-clang-ubsan/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b5941e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kokoro/linux-clang-ubsan/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Google LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Linux Build Script.
+# Fail on any error.
+set -e
+# Display commands being run.
+set -x
+source $SCRIPT_DIR/../scripts/linux/ UBSAN clang cmake
diff --git a/kokoro/linux-clang-ubsan/continuous.cfg b/kokoro/linux-clang-ubsan/continuous.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb5535e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kokoro/linux-clang-ubsan/continuous.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Google LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Continuous build configuration.
+build_file: "SPIRV-Tools/kokoro/linux-clang-ubsan/"
diff --git a/kokoro/linux-clang-ubsan/presubmit.cfg b/kokoro/linux-clang-ubsan/presubmit.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..029c74a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kokoro/linux-clang-ubsan/presubmit.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Google LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Presubmit build configuration.
+build_file: "SPIRV-Tools/kokoro/linux-clang-ubsan/"
diff --git a/kokoro/scripts/linux/ b/kokoro/scripts/linux/
index c6bbe95..8f76803 100755
--- a/kokoro/scripts/linux/
+++ b/kokoro/scripts/linux/
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
   using ninja-1.10.0
   # Possible configurations are:
   if [ $CONFIG = "RELEASE" ] || [ $CONFIG = "RELEASE_MINGW" ]; then
@@ -69,6 +69,13 @@
   if [ $CONFIG = "ASAN" ]; then
     [ $COMPILER = "clang" ] || { echo "$CONFIG requires clang"; exit 1; }
+  elif [ $CONFIG = "UBSAN" ]; then
+    # UBSan requires RTTI, and by default UBSan does not exit when errors are
+    # encountered - additional compiler options are required to force this.
+    # The -DSPIRV_USE_SANITIZER=undefined option instructs SPIR-V Tools to be
+    # built with UBSan enabled.
+    ADDITIONAL_CMAKE_FLAGS="-DSPIRV_USE_SANITIZER=undefined -DENABLE_RTTI=ON -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-fno-sanitize-recover=all -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-fno-sanitize-recover=all"
+    [ $COMPILER = "clang" ] || { echo "$CONFIG requires clang"; exit 1; }
   elif [ $CONFIG = "COVERAGE" ]; then
diff --git a/source/CMakeLists.txt b/source/CMakeLists.txt
index 6530f06..331ff67 100644
--- a/source/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/source/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -20,10 +20,7 @@
 # Pull in grammar files that have migrated to SPIRV-Headers
 set(DEBUGINFO_GRAMMAR_JSON_FILE "${SPIRV_HEADER_INCLUDE_DIR}/spirv/unified1/extinst.debuginfo.grammar.json")
 set(CLDEBUGINFO100_GRAMMAR_JSON_FILE "${SPIRV_HEADER_INCLUDE_DIR}/spirv/unified1/extinst.opencl.debuginfo.100.grammar.json")
-# For now, assume the NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo grammar file is in the current directory.
-# It will later migrate to SPIRV-Headers.
-set(VKDEBUGINFO100_GRAMMAR_JSON_FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/extinst.nonsemantic.vulkan.debuginfo.100.grammar.json")
+set(VKDEBUGINFO100_GRAMMAR_JSON_FILE "${SPIRV_HEADER_INCLUDE_DIR}/spirv/unified1/extinst.nonsemantic.shader.debuginfo.100.grammar.json")
 # macro() definitions are used in the following because we need to append .inc
 # file paths into some global lists (*_CPP_DEPENDS). And those global lists are
@@ -154,11 +151,11 @@
 spvtools_vendor_tables("spv-amd-shader-ballot" "spv-amd-sb" "")
 spvtools_vendor_tables("debuginfo" "debuginfo" "")
 spvtools_vendor_tables("opencl.debuginfo.100" "cldi100" "CLDEBUG100_")
-spvtools_vendor_tables("nonsemantic.vulkan.debuginfo.100" "vkdi100" "VKDEBUG100_")
+spvtools_vendor_tables("nonsemantic.shader.debuginfo.100" "shdi100" "SHDEBUG100_")
 spvtools_vendor_tables("nonsemantic.clspvreflection" "clspvreflection" "")
 spvtools_extinst_lang_headers("DebugInfo" ${DEBUGINFO_GRAMMAR_JSON_FILE})
 spvtools_extinst_lang_headers("OpenCLDebugInfo100" ${CLDEBUGINFO100_GRAMMAR_JSON_FILE})
-spvtools_extinst_lang_headers("NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100" ${VKDEBUGINFO100_GRAMMAR_JSON_FILE})
+spvtools_extinst_lang_headers("NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100" ${VKDEBUGINFO100_GRAMMAR_JSON_FILE})
 spvtools_vimsyntax("unified1" "1.0")
 add_custom_target(spirv-tools-vimsyntax DEPENDS ${VIMSYNTAX_FILE})
@@ -431,8 +428,10 @@
   # Special config file for root library compared to other libs.
   file(WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${SPIRV_TOOLS}Config.cmake
+    "if(TARGET ${SPIRV_TOOLS})\n"
+    "endif()\n")
diff --git a/source/binary.cpp b/source/binary.cpp
index 090cccf..93d5da7 100644
--- a/source/binary.cpp
+++ b/source/binary.cpp
@@ -507,7 +507,8 @@
       assert(SpvOpSpecConstantOp == opcode);
-      if (grammar_.lookupSpecConstantOpcode(SpvOp(word))) {
+      if (word > static_cast<uint32_t>(SpvOp::SpvOpMax) ||
+          grammar_.lookupSpecConstantOpcode(SpvOp(word))) {
         return diagnostic()
                << "Invalid " << spvOperandTypeStr(type) << ": " << word;
diff --git a/source/common_debug_info.h b/source/common_debug_info.h
index 0ae85aa..ffa5d34 100644
--- a/source/common_debug_info.h
+++ b/source/common_debug_info.h
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
 // This enum defines the known common set of instructions that are the same
-// between OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 and NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100.
-// note that NonSemantic.DebugInfo.100 instructions can still have slightly
+// between OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 and NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100.
+// Note that NonSemantic.Shader.* instructions can still have slightly
 // different encoding, as it does not use literals anywhere and only constants.
 enum CommonDebugInfoInstructions {
   CommonDebugInfoDebugInfoNone = 0,
diff --git a/source/ext_inst.cpp b/source/ext_inst.cpp
index 8246c20..812053e 100644
--- a/source/ext_inst.cpp
+++ b/source/ext_inst.cpp
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 #include ""
 #include ""
 #include ""
-#include ""
+#include ""
 #include ""
 #include ""
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@
      ARRAY_SIZE(opencl_debuginfo_100_entries), opencl_debuginfo_100_entries},
-     ARRAY_SIZE(nonsemantic_vulkan_debuginfo_100_entries),
-     nonsemantic_vulkan_debuginfo_100_entries},
+     ARRAY_SIZE(nonsemantic_shader_debuginfo_100_entries),
+     nonsemantic_shader_debuginfo_100_entries},
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@
   if (!strcmp("OpenCL.DebugInfo.100", name)) {
-  if (!strcmp("NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100", name)) {
+  if (!strcmp("NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100", name)) {
   if (!strncmp("NonSemantic.ClspvReflection.", name, 28)) {
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
 bool spvExtInstIsNonSemantic(const spv_ext_inst_type_t type) {
     return true;
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
 bool spvExtInstIsDebugInfo(const spv_ext_inst_type_t type) {
     return true;
diff --git a/source/extinst.nonsemantic.vulkan.debuginfo.100.grammar.json b/source/extinst.nonsemantic.vulkan.debuginfo.100.grammar.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d7914d..0000000
--- a/source/extinst.nonsemantic.vulkan.debuginfo.100.grammar.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,638 +0,0 @@
-  "copyright" : [
-    "Copyright (c) 2018 The Khronos Group Inc.",
-    "",
-    "Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy",
-    "of this software and/or associated documentation files (the \"Materials\"),",
-    "to deal in the Materials without restriction, including without limitation",
-    "the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,",
-    "and/or sell copies of the Materials, and to permit persons to whom the",
-    "Materials are furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:",
-    "",
-    "The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in",
-    "all copies or substantial portions of the Materials.",
-    "",
-    "",
-  ],
-  "version" : 100,
-  "revision" : 2,
-  "instructions" : [
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugInfoNone",
-      "opcode" : 0
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugCompilationUnit",
-      "opcode" : 1,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Version'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'DWARF Version'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Source'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Language'" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugTypeBasic",
-      "opcode" : 2,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Name'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Size'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Encoding'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Flags'" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugTypePointer",
-      "opcode" : 3,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Base Type'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Storage Class'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Flags'" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugTypeQualifier",
-      "opcode" : 4,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Base Type'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Type Qualifier'" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugTypeArray",
-      "opcode" : 5,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Base Type'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Component Counts'", "quantifier" : "*" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugTypeVector",
-      "opcode" : 6,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Base Type'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Component Count'" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugTypedef",
-      "opcode" : 7,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Name'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Base Type'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Source'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Line'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Column'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Parent'" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugTypeFunction",
-      "opcode" : 8,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Flags'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Return Type'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Parameter Types'", "quantifier" : "*" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugTypeEnum",
-      "opcode" : 9,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Name'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Underlying Type'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Source'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Line'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Column'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Parent'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Size'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Flags'" },
-        { "kind" : "PairIdRefIdRef", "name" : "'Value, Name, Value, Name, ...'", "quantifier" : "*" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugTypeComposite",
-      "opcode" : 10,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Name'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Tag'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Source'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Line'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Column'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Parent'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Linkage Name'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Size'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Flags'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Members'", "quantifier" : "*" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugTypeMember",
-      "opcode" : 11,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Name'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Type'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Source'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Line'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Column'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Offset'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Size'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Flags'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Value'", "quantifier" : "?" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugTypeInheritance",
-      "opcode" : 12,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Parent'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Offset'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Size'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Flags'" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugTypePtrToMember",
-      "opcode" : 13,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Member Type'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Parent'" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugTypeTemplate",
-      "opcode" : 14,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Target'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Parameters'", "quantifier" : "*" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugTypeTemplateParameter",
-      "opcode" : 15,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Name'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Actual Type'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Value'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Source'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Line'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Column'" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugTypeTemplateTemplateParameter",
-      "opcode" : 16,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Name'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Template Name'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Source'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Line'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Column'" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugTypeTemplateParameterPack",
-      "opcode" : 17,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Name'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Source'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Line'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Column'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Template Parameters'", "quantifier" : "*" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugGlobalVariable",
-      "opcode" : 18,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Name'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Type'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Source'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Line'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Column'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Parent'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Linkage Name'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Variable'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Flags'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Static Member Declaration'", "quantifier" : "?" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugFunctionDeclaration",
-      "opcode" : 19,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Name'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Type'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Source'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Line'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Column'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Parent'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Linkage Name'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Flags'" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugFunction",
-      "opcode" : 20,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Name'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Type'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Source'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Line'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Column'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Parent'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Linkage Name'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Flags'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Scope Line'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Declaration'", "quantifier" : "?" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugLexicalBlock",
-      "opcode" : 21,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Source'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Line'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Column'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Parent'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Name'", "quantifier" : "?" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugLexicalBlockDiscriminator",
-      "opcode" : 22,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Source'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Discriminator'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Parent'" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugScope",
-      "opcode" : 23,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Scope'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Inlined At'", "quantifier" : "?" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugNoScope",
-      "opcode" : 24
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugInlinedAt",
-      "opcode" : 25,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Line'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Scope'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Inlined'", "quantifier" : "?" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugLocalVariable",
-      "opcode" : 26,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Name'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Type'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Source'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Line'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Column'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Parent'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Flags'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Arg Number'", "quantifier" : "?" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugInlinedVariable",
-      "opcode" : 27,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Variable'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Inlined'" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugDeclare",
-      "opcode" : 28,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Local Variable'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Variable'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Expression'" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugValue",
-      "opcode" : 29,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Local Variable'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Value'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Expression'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Indexes'", "quantifier" : "*" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugOperation",
-      "opcode" : 30,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'OpCode'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Operands ...'", "quantifier" : "*" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugExpression",
-      "opcode" : 31,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Operands ...'", "quantifier" : "*" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugMacroDef",
-      "opcode" : 32,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Source'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Line'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Name'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Value'", "quantifier" : "?" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugMacroUndef",
-      "opcode" : 33,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Source'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Line'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Macro'" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugImportedEntity",
-      "opcode" : 34,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Name'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Tag'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Source'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Entity'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Line'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Column'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Parent'" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugSource",
-      "opcode" : 35,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'File'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Text'", "quantifier" : "?" }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "opname" : "DebugFunctionDefinition",
-      "opcode" : 101,
-      "operands" : [
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Function'" },
-        { "kind" : "IdRef", "name" : "'Definition'" }
-      ]
-    }
-  ],
-  "operand_kinds" : [
-    {
-      "category" : "BitEnum",
-      "kind" : "DebugInfoFlags",
-      "enumerants" : [
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "FlagIsProtected",
-          "value" : "0x01"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "FlagIsPrivate",
-          "value" : "0x02"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "FlagIsPublic",
-          "value" : "0x03"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "FlagIsLocal",
-          "value" : "0x04"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "FlagIsDefinition",
-          "value" : "0x08"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "FlagFwdDecl",
-          "value" : "0x10"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "FlagArtificial",
-          "value" : "0x20"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "FlagExplicit",
-          "value" : "0x40"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "FlagPrototyped",
-          "value" : "0x80"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "FlagObjectPointer",
-          "value" : "0x100"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "FlagStaticMember",
-          "value" : "0x200"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "FlagIndirectVariable",
-          "value" : "0x400"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "FlagLValueReference",
-          "value" : "0x800"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "FlagRValueReference",
-          "value" : "0x1000"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "FlagIsOptimized",
-          "value" : "0x2000"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "FlagIsEnumClass",
-          "value" : "0x4000"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "FlagTypePassByValue",
-          "value" : "0x8000"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "FlagTypePassByReference",
-          "value" : "0x10000"
-        }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "category" : "ValueEnum",
-      "kind" : "DebugBaseTypeAttributeEncoding",
-      "enumerants" : [
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "Unspecified",
-          "value" : "0"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "Address",
-          "value" : "1"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "Boolean",
-          "value" : "2"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "Float",
-          "value" : "3"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "Signed",
-          "value" : "4"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "SignedChar",
-          "value" : "5"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "Unsigned",
-          "value" : "6"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "UnsignedChar",
-          "value" : "7"
-        }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "category" : "ValueEnum",
-      "kind" : "DebugCompositeType",
-      "enumerants" : [
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "Class",
-          "value" : "0"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "Structure",
-          "value" : "1"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "Union",
-          "value" : "2"
-        }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "category" : "ValueEnum",
-      "kind" : "DebugTypeQualifier",
-      "enumerants" : [
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "ConstType",
-          "value" : "0"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "VolatileType",
-          "value" : "1"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "RestrictType",
-          "value" : "2"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "AtomicType",
-          "value" : "3"
-        }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "category" : "ValueEnum",
-      "kind" : "DebugOperation",
-      "enumerants" : [
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "Deref",
-          "value" : "0"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "Plus",
-          "value" : "1"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "Minus",
-          "value" : "2"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "PlusUconst",
-          "value" : "3",
-          "parameters" : [
-             { "kind" : "IdRef" }
-          ]
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "BitPiece",
-          "value" : "4",
-          "parameters" : [
-             { "kind" : "IdRef" },
-             { "kind" : "IdRef" }
-          ]
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "Swap",
-          "value" : "5"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "Xderef",
-          "value" : "6"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "StackValue",
-          "value" : "7"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "Constu",
-          "value" : "8",
-          "parameters" : [
-             { "kind" : "IdRef" }
-          ]
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "Fragment",
-          "value" : "9",
-          "parameters" : [
-             { "kind" : "IdRef" },
-             { "kind" : "IdRef" }
-          ]
-        }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "category" : "ValueEnum",
-      "kind" : "DebugImportedEntity",
-      "enumerants" : [
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "ImportedModule",
-          "value" : "0"
-        },
-        {
-          "enumerant" : "ImportedDeclaration",
-          "value" : "1"
-	}
-      ]
-    }
-  ]
diff --git a/source/fuzz/fuzzer_pass_apply_id_synonyms.cpp b/source/fuzz/fuzzer_pass_apply_id_synonyms.cpp
index 8965c15..5c3b86b 100644
--- a/source/fuzz/fuzzer_pass_apply_id_synonyms.cpp
+++ b/source/fuzz/fuzzer_pass_apply_id_synonyms.cpp
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
       GetIRContext(), base_object_type_id_2, dd2.index());
   assert(type_id_1 && type_id_2 && "Data descriptors have invalid types");
-  return TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
+  return fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(
       GetIRContext(), opcode, use_in_operand_index, type_id_1, type_id_2);
diff --git a/source/fuzz/fuzzer_pass_wrap_vector_synonym.cpp b/source/fuzz/fuzzer_pass_wrap_vector_synonym.cpp
index 37c93b3..35adcfe 100644
--- a/source/fuzz/fuzzer_pass_wrap_vector_synonym.cpp
+++ b/source/fuzz/fuzzer_pass_wrap_vector_synonym.cpp
@@ -55,21 +55,12 @@
                 SpvOpCompositeConstruct, instruction_iterator)) {
-        // Get the scalar type represented by the targeted instruction id.
-        uint32_t operand_type_id = instruction_iterator->type_id();
-        // Get a random vector size from 2 to 4.
-        uint32_t vector_size = GetFuzzerContext()->GetWidthOfWrappingVector();
-        // Randomly choose a position that target ids should be placed at.
-        // The position is in range [0, n - 1], where n is the size of the
-        // vector.
-        uint32_t position =
-            GetFuzzerContext()->GetRandomIndexForWrappingVector(vector_size);
-        // Target ids are the two scalar ids from the original instruction.
-        uint32_t target_id1 = instruction_iterator->GetSingleWordInOperand(0);
-        uint32_t target_id2 = instruction_iterator->GetSingleWordInOperand(1);
+        // Get the scalar operands from the original instruction.
+        opt::Instruction* operand1 = GetIRContext()->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(
+            instruction_iterator->GetSingleWordInOperand(0));
+        opt::Instruction* operand2 = GetIRContext()->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(
+            instruction_iterator->GetSingleWordInOperand(1));
         // We need to be able to make a synonym of the scalar operation's result
         // id, as well as the operand ids (for example, they cannot be
@@ -80,16 +71,23 @@
         if (!fuzzerutil::CanMakeSynonymOf(
-                GetIRContext(), *GetTransformationContext(),
-                *GetIRContext()->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(target_id1))) {
+                GetIRContext(), *GetTransformationContext(), *operand1)) {
         if (!fuzzerutil::CanMakeSynonymOf(
-                GetIRContext(), *GetTransformationContext(),
-                *GetIRContext()->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(target_id2))) {
+                GetIRContext(), *GetTransformationContext(), *operand2)) {
+        // Get a random vector size from 2 to 4.
+        uint32_t vector_size = GetFuzzerContext()->GetWidthOfWrappingVector();
+        // Randomly choose a position that target ids should be placed at.
+        // The position is in range [0, n - 1], where n is the size of the
+        // vector.
+        uint32_t position =
+            GetFuzzerContext()->GetRandomIndexForWrappingVector(vector_size);
         // Stores the ids of scalar constants.
         std::vector<uint32_t> vec1_components;
         std::vector<uint32_t> vec2_components;
@@ -97,33 +95,42 @@
         // Populate components based on vector type and size.
         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < vector_size; ++i) {
           if (i == position) {
-            vec1_components.emplace_back(target_id1);
-            vec2_components.emplace_back(target_id2);
+            vec1_components.emplace_back(operand1->result_id());
+            vec2_components.emplace_back(operand2->result_id());
           } else {
-                FindOrCreateZeroConstant(operand_type_id, true));
+                FindOrCreateZeroConstant(operand1->type_id(), true));
-                FindOrCreateZeroConstant(operand_type_id, true));
+                FindOrCreateZeroConstant(operand2->type_id(), true));
         // Add two OpCompositeConstruct to the module with result id returned.
-        const uint32_t vector_type_id =
-            FindOrCreateVectorType(operand_type_id, vector_size);
+        // The added vectors may have different types, for instance if the
+        // scalar instruction operates on integers with differing sign.
         // Add the first OpCompositeConstruct that wraps the id of the first
         // operand.
         uint32_t result_id1 = GetFuzzerContext()->GetFreshId();
-            vector_type_id, vec1_components, instruction_descriptor,
-            result_id1));
+            FindOrCreateVectorType(operand1->type_id(), vector_size),
+            vec1_components, instruction_descriptor, result_id1));
         // Add the second OpCompositeConstruct that wraps the id of the second
         // operand.
         uint32_t result_id2 = GetFuzzerContext()->GetFreshId();
-            vector_type_id, vec2_components, instruction_descriptor,
-            result_id2));
+            FindOrCreateVectorType(operand2->type_id(), vector_size),
+            vec2_components, instruction_descriptor, result_id2));
+        // The result of the vector instruction that
+        // TransformationWrapVectorSynonym will create should be a vector of the
+        // right size, with the scalar instruction's result type as its element
+        // type. This can be distinct from the types of the operands, if the
+        // scalar instruction adds two signed integers and stores the result in
+        // an unsigned id, for example. A transformation is applied to add the
+        // right type to the module.
+        FindOrCreateVectorType(instruction_iterator->type_id(), vector_size);
         // Apply transformation to do vector operation and add synonym between
         // the result vector id and the id of the original instruction.
diff --git a/source/fuzz/fuzzer_util.cpp b/source/fuzz/fuzzer_util.cpp
index ea7cde7..1d368a9 100644
--- a/source/fuzz/fuzzer_util.cpp
+++ b/source/fuzz/fuzzer_util.cpp
@@ -2018,6 +2018,93 @@
+// TODO( Add all
+//  opcodes that are agnostic to signedness of operands to function.
+//  This is not exhaustive yet.
+bool IsAgnosticToSignednessOfOperand(SpvOp opcode,
+                                     uint32_t use_in_operand_index) {
+  switch (opcode) {
+    case SpvOpSNegate:
+    case SpvOpNot:
+    case SpvOpIAdd:
+    case SpvOpISub:
+    case SpvOpIMul:
+    case SpvOpSDiv:
+    case SpvOpSRem:
+    case SpvOpSMod:
+    case SpvOpShiftRightLogical:
+    case SpvOpShiftRightArithmetic:
+    case SpvOpShiftLeftLogical:
+    case SpvOpBitwiseOr:
+    case SpvOpBitwiseXor:
+    case SpvOpBitwiseAnd:
+    case SpvOpIEqual:
+    case SpvOpINotEqual:
+    case SpvOpULessThan:
+    case SpvOpSLessThan:
+    case SpvOpUGreaterThan:
+    case SpvOpSGreaterThan:
+    case SpvOpULessThanEqual:
+    case SpvOpSLessThanEqual:
+    case SpvOpUGreaterThanEqual:
+    case SpvOpSGreaterThanEqual:
+      return true;
+    case SpvOpAtomicStore:
+    case SpvOpAtomicExchange:
+    case SpvOpAtomicIAdd:
+    case SpvOpAtomicISub:
+    case SpvOpAtomicSMin:
+    case SpvOpAtomicUMin:
+    case SpvOpAtomicSMax:
+    case SpvOpAtomicUMax:
+    case SpvOpAtomicAnd:
+    case SpvOpAtomicOr:
+    case SpvOpAtomicXor:
+    case SpvOpAtomicFAddEXT:  // Capability AtomicFloat32AddEXT,
+      // AtomicFloat64AddEXT.
+      assert(use_in_operand_index != 0 &&
+             "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
+      return use_in_operand_index == 1 || use_in_operand_index == 2;
+    case SpvOpAtomicCompareExchange:
+    case SpvOpAtomicCompareExchangeWeak:  // Capability Kernel.
+      assert(use_in_operand_index != 0 &&
+             "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
+      return use_in_operand_index >= 1 && use_in_operand_index <= 3;
+    case SpvOpAtomicLoad:
+    case SpvOpAtomicIIncrement:
+    case SpvOpAtomicIDecrement:
+    case SpvOpAtomicFlagTestAndSet:  // Capability Kernel.
+    case SpvOpAtomicFlagClear:       // Capability Kernel.
+      assert(use_in_operand_index != 0 &&
+             "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
+      return use_in_operand_index >= 1;
+    case SpvOpAccessChain:
+      // The signedness of indices does not matter.
+      return use_in_operand_index > 0;
+    default:
+      // Conservatively assume that the id cannot be swapped in other
+      // instructions.
+      return false;
+  }
+bool TypesAreCompatible(opt::IRContext* ir_context, SpvOp opcode,
+                        uint32_t use_in_operand_index, uint32_t type_id_1,
+                        uint32_t type_id_2) {
+  assert(ir_context->get_type_mgr()->GetType(type_id_1) &&
+         ir_context->get_type_mgr()->GetType(type_id_2) &&
+         "Type ids are invalid");
+  return type_id_1 == type_id_2 ||
+         (IsAgnosticToSignednessOfOperand(opcode, use_in_operand_index) &&
+          fuzzerutil::TypesAreEqualUpToSign(ir_context, type_id_1, type_id_2));
 }  // namespace fuzzerutil
 }  // namespace fuzz
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/source/fuzz/fuzzer_util.h b/source/fuzz/fuzzer_util.h
index e4697a1..54aa14a 100644
--- a/source/fuzz/fuzzer_util.h
+++ b/source/fuzz/fuzzer_util.h
@@ -604,6 +604,21 @@
 opt::Module::iterator GetFunctionIterator(opt::IRContext* ir_context,
                                           uint32_t function_id);
+// Returns true if the instruction with opcode |opcode| does not change its
+// behaviour depending on the signedness of the operand at
+// |use_in_operand_index|.
+// Assumes that the operand must be the id of an integer scalar or vector.
+bool IsAgnosticToSignednessOfOperand(SpvOp opcode,
+                                     uint32_t use_in_operand_index);
+// Returns true if |type_id_1| and |type_id_2| represent compatible types
+// given the context of the instruction with |opcode| (i.e. we can replace
+// an operand of |opcode| of the first type with an id of the second type
+// and vice-versa).
+bool TypesAreCompatible(opt::IRContext* ir_context, SpvOp opcode,
+                        uint32_t use_in_operand_index, uint32_t type_id_1,
+                        uint32_t type_id_2);
 }  // namespace fuzzerutil
 }  // namespace fuzz
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/source/fuzz/protobufs/spirvfuzz_protobufs.h b/source/fuzz/protobufs/spirvfuzz_protobufs.h
index 429f341..46c2188 100644
--- a/source/fuzz/protobufs/spirvfuzz_protobufs.h
+++ b/source/fuzz/protobufs/spirvfuzz_protobufs.h
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 #if defined(__clang__)
 #pragma clang diagnostic push
 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-warning-option"  // Must come first
+#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreserved-identifier"
 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow"
 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wsuggest-destructor-override"
 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
diff --git a/source/fuzz/transformation_replace_id_with_synonym.cpp b/source/fuzz/transformation_replace_id_with_synonym.cpp
index 1455531..8d21d23 100644
--- a/source/fuzz/transformation_replace_id_with_synonym.cpp
+++ b/source/fuzz/transformation_replace_id_with_synonym.cpp
@@ -65,9 +65,10 @@
   // If the id of interest and the synonym are scalar or vector integer
   // constants with different signedness, their use can only be swapped if the
   // instruction is agnostic to the signedness of the operand.
-  if (!TypesAreCompatible(ir_context, use_instruction->opcode(),
-                          message_.id_use_descriptor().in_operand_index(),
-                          type_id_of_interest, type_id_synonym)) {
+  if (!fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(
+          ir_context, use_instruction->opcode(),
+          message_.id_use_descriptor().in_operand_index(), type_id_of_interest,
+          type_id_synonym)) {
     return false;
@@ -109,93 +110,6 @@
   return result;
-// TODO( Add all
-//  opcodes that are agnostic to signedness of operands to function.
-//  This is not exhaustive yet.
-bool TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::IsAgnosticToSignednessOfOperand(
-    SpvOp opcode, uint32_t use_in_operand_index) {
-  switch (opcode) {
-    case SpvOpSNegate:
-    case SpvOpNot:
-    case SpvOpIAdd:
-    case SpvOpISub:
-    case SpvOpIMul:
-    case SpvOpSDiv:
-    case SpvOpSRem:
-    case SpvOpSMod:
-    case SpvOpShiftRightLogical:
-    case SpvOpShiftRightArithmetic:
-    case SpvOpShiftLeftLogical:
-    case SpvOpBitwiseOr:
-    case SpvOpBitwiseXor:
-    case SpvOpBitwiseAnd:
-    case SpvOpIEqual:
-    case SpvOpINotEqual:
-    case SpvOpULessThan:
-    case SpvOpSLessThan:
-    case SpvOpUGreaterThan:
-    case SpvOpSGreaterThan:
-    case SpvOpULessThanEqual:
-    case SpvOpSLessThanEqual:
-    case SpvOpUGreaterThanEqual:
-    case SpvOpSGreaterThanEqual:
-      return true;
-    case SpvOpAtomicStore:
-    case SpvOpAtomicExchange:
-    case SpvOpAtomicIAdd:
-    case SpvOpAtomicISub:
-    case SpvOpAtomicSMin:
-    case SpvOpAtomicUMin:
-    case SpvOpAtomicSMax:
-    case SpvOpAtomicUMax:
-    case SpvOpAtomicAnd:
-    case SpvOpAtomicOr:
-    case SpvOpAtomicXor:
-    case SpvOpAtomicFAddEXT:  // Capability AtomicFloat32AddEXT,
-                              // AtomicFloat64AddEXT.
-      assert(use_in_operand_index != 0 &&
-             "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
-      return use_in_operand_index == 1 || use_in_operand_index == 2;
-    case SpvOpAtomicCompareExchange:
-    case SpvOpAtomicCompareExchangeWeak:  // Capability Kernel.
-      assert(use_in_operand_index != 0 &&
-             "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
-      return use_in_operand_index >= 1 && use_in_operand_index <= 3;
-    case SpvOpAtomicLoad:
-    case SpvOpAtomicIIncrement:
-    case SpvOpAtomicIDecrement:
-    case SpvOpAtomicFlagTestAndSet:  // Capability Kernel.
-    case SpvOpAtomicFlagClear:       // Capability Kernel.
-      assert(use_in_operand_index != 0 &&
-             "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
-      return use_in_operand_index >= 1;
-    case SpvOpAccessChain:
-      // The signedness of indices does not matter.
-      return use_in_operand_index > 0;
-    default:
-      // Conservatively assume that the id cannot be swapped in other
-      // instructions.
-      return false;
-  }
-bool TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-    opt::IRContext* ir_context, SpvOp opcode, uint32_t use_in_operand_index,
-    uint32_t type_id_1, uint32_t type_id_2) {
-  assert(ir_context->get_type_mgr()->GetType(type_id_1) &&
-         ir_context->get_type_mgr()->GetType(type_id_2) &&
-         "Type ids are invalid");
-  return type_id_1 == type_id_2 ||
-         (IsAgnosticToSignednessOfOperand(opcode, use_in_operand_index) &&
-          fuzzerutil::TypesAreEqualUpToSign(ir_context, type_id_1, type_id_2));
 std::unordered_set<uint32_t> TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::GetFreshIds()
     const {
   return std::unordered_set<uint32_t>();
diff --git a/source/fuzz/transformation_replace_id_with_synonym.h b/source/fuzz/transformation_replace_id_with_synonym.h
index 1ac636b..4570fce 100644
--- a/source/fuzz/transformation_replace_id_with_synonym.h
+++ b/source/fuzz/transformation_replace_id_with_synonym.h
@@ -52,22 +52,7 @@
   protobufs::Transformation ToMessage() const override;
-  // Returns true if |type_id_1| and |type_id_2| represent compatible types
-  // given the context of the instruction with |opcode| (i.e. we can replace
-  // an operand of |opcode| of the first type with an id of the second type
-  // and vice-versa).
-  static bool TypesAreCompatible(opt::IRContext* ir_context, SpvOp opcode,
-                                 uint32_t use_in_operand_index,
-                                 uint32_t type_id_1, uint32_t type_id_2);
-  // Returns true if the instruction with opcode |opcode| does not change its
-  // behaviour depending on the signedness of the operand at
-  // |use_in_operand_index|.
-  // Assumes that the operand must be the id of an integer scalar or vector.
-  static bool IsAgnosticToSignednessOfOperand(SpvOp opcode,
-                                              uint32_t use_in_operand_index);
   protobufs::TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym message_;
diff --git a/source/fuzz/transformation_wrap_vector_synonym.cpp b/source/fuzz/transformation_wrap_vector_synonym.cpp
index d0eddd4..490bcd7 100644
--- a/source/fuzz/transformation_wrap_vector_synonym.cpp
+++ b/source/fuzz/transformation_wrap_vector_synonym.cpp
@@ -70,16 +70,29 @@
     return false;
-  // The 2 vectors must be the same valid vector type.
+  // The 2 vectors must have compatible vector types.
   auto vec1_type_id = vec1->type_id();
   auto vec2_type_id = vec2->type_id();
-  if (vec1_type_id != vec2_type_id) {
+  for (auto operand_index : {0, 1}) {
+    if (!fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(ir_context, instruction->opcode(),
+                                        operand_index, vec1_type_id,
+                                        vec2_type_id)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  auto vec1_type = ir_context->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(vec1_type_id);
+  if (vec1_type->opcode() != SpvOpTypeVector) {
     return false;
-  if (ir_context->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(vec1_type_id)->opcode() !=
-      SpvOpTypeVector) {
+  // A suitable vector for the result type of the new vector instruction must
+  // exist in the module. This is a vector of the right length, whose element
+  // type matches the result type of the scalar instruction.
+  uint32_t vector_size = vec1_type->GetSingleWordInOperand(1);
+  if (!fuzzerutil::MaybeGetVectorType(ir_context, instruction->type_id(),
+                                      vector_size)) {
     return false;
@@ -124,9 +137,11 @@
   // Make a new arithmetic instruction: %fresh_id = OpXX %type_id %result_id1
   // %result_id2.
-  auto vec_type_id = ir_context->get_def_use_mgr()
-                         ->GetDef(message_.vector_operand1())
-                         ->type_id();
+  auto vector_operand_type = ir_context->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(
+      fuzzerutil::GetTypeId(ir_context, message_.vector_operand1()));
+  uint32_t vector_size = vector_operand_type->GetSingleWordInOperand(1);
+  auto vec_type_id = fuzzerutil::MaybeGetVectorType(
+      ir_context, instruction->type_id(), vector_size);
   auto new_instruction = MakeUnique<opt::Instruction>(
       ir_context, instruction->opcode(), vec_type_id, message_.fresh_id(),
diff --git a/source/fuzz/transformation_wrap_vector_synonym.h b/source/fuzz/transformation_wrap_vector_synonym.h
index 008211a..94437fe 100644
--- a/source/fuzz/transformation_wrap_vector_synonym.h
+++ b/source/fuzz/transformation_wrap_vector_synonym.h
@@ -38,11 +38,14 @@
   //   two vector operands.
   // - |fresh_id| is an unused id that will be used as a result id of the
   //   created instruction.
-  // - |vector_operand1| and |vector_operand2| must have the same vector type
-  //   that is supported by this transformation.
+  // - |vector_operand1| and |vector_operand2| must have compatible vector types
+  //   that are supported by this transformation.
   // - |pos| is an index of the operands of |instruction_id| in the
   //   |vector_operand1| and |vector_operand2|. It must be less than the size
   //   of those vector operands.
+  // - A vector type with the same width as the types of the vector operands,
+  //   and element type matching the type of |instruction_id|, must exist in the
+  //   module.
   bool IsApplicable(
       opt::IRContext* ir_context,
       const TransformationContext& transformation_context) const override;
diff --git a/source/link/linker.cpp b/source/link/linker.cpp
index 8da4a98..c5ca562 100644
--- a/source/link/linker.cpp
+++ b/source/link/linker.cpp
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 #include "source/opt/pass_manager.h"
 #include "source/opt/remove_duplicates_pass.h"
 #include "source/opt/type_manager.h"
+#include "source/spirv_constant.h"
 #include "source/spirv_target_env.h"
 #include "source/util/make_unique.h"
 #include "spirv-tools/libspirv.hpp"
@@ -207,7 +208,7 @@
   header->magic_number = SpvMagicNumber;
   header->version = version;
-  header->generator = 17u;
   header->bound = max_id_bound;
   header->reserved = 0u;
diff --git a/source/lint/CMakeLists.txt b/source/lint/CMakeLists.txt
index f9cae28..1feae3f 100644
--- a/source/lint/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/source/lint/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -13,9 +13,11 @@
 # limitations under the License.
+  lints.h
+  lint_divergent_derivatives.cpp
diff --git a/source/lint/lint_divergent_derivatives.cpp b/source/lint/lint_divergent_derivatives.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..512847b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/lint/lint_divergent_derivatives.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2021 Google LLC.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <cassert>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include "source/diagnostic.h"
+#include "source/lint/divergence_analysis.h"
+#include "source/lint/lints.h"
+#include "source/opt/basic_block.h"
+#include "source/opt/cfg.h"
+#include "source/opt/control_dependence.h"
+#include "source/opt/def_use_manager.h"
+#include "source/opt/dominator_analysis.h"
+#include "source/opt/instruction.h"
+#include "source/opt/ir_context.h"
+#include "spirv-tools/libspirv.h"
+#include "spirv/unified1/spirv.h"
+namespace spvtools {
+namespace lint {
+namespace lints {
+namespace {
+// Returns the %name[id], where `name` is the first name associated with the
+// given id, or just %id if one is not found.
+std::string GetFriendlyName(opt::IRContext* context, uint32_t id) {
+  auto names = context->GetNames(id);
+  std::stringstream ss;
+  ss << "%";
+  if (names.empty()) {
+    ss << id;
+  } else {
+    opt::Instruction* inst_name = names.begin()->second;
+    if (inst_name->opcode() == SpvOpName) {
+      ss << names.begin()->second->GetInOperand(0).AsString();
+      ss << "[" << id << "]";
+    } else {
+      ss << id;
+    }
+  }
+  return ss.str();
+bool InstructionHasDerivative(const opt::Instruction& inst) {
+  static const SpvOp derivative_opcodes[] = {
+      // Implicit derivatives.
+      SpvOpImageSampleImplicitLod,
+      SpvOpImageSampleDrefImplicitLod,
+      SpvOpImageSampleProjImplicitLod,
+      SpvOpImageSampleProjDrefImplicitLod,
+      SpvOpImageSparseSampleImplicitLod,
+      SpvOpImageSparseSampleDrefImplicitLod,
+      SpvOpImageSparseSampleProjImplicitLod,
+      SpvOpImageSparseSampleProjDrefImplicitLod,
+      // Explicit derivatives.
+      SpvOpDPdx,
+      SpvOpDPdy,
+      SpvOpFwidth,
+      SpvOpDPdxFine,
+      SpvOpDPdyFine,
+      SpvOpFwidthFine,
+      SpvOpDPdxCoarse,
+      SpvOpDPdyCoarse,
+      SpvOpFwidthCoarse,
+  };
+  return std::find(std::begin(derivative_opcodes), std::end(derivative_opcodes),
+                   inst.opcode()) != std::end(derivative_opcodes);
+spvtools::DiagnosticStream Warn(opt::IRContext* context,
+                                opt::Instruction* inst) {
+  if (inst == nullptr) {
+    return DiagnosticStream({0, 0, 0}, context->consumer(), "", SPV_WARNING);
+  } else {
+    // TODO(kuhar): Use line numbers based on debug info.
+    return DiagnosticStream(
+        {0, 0, 0}, context->consumer(),
+        SPV_WARNING);
+  }
+void PrintDivergenceFlow(opt::IRContext* context, DivergenceAnalysis div,
+                         uint32_t id) {
+  opt::analysis::DefUseManager* def_use = context->get_def_use_mgr();
+  opt::CFG* cfg = context->cfg();
+  while (id != 0) {
+    bool is_block = def_use->GetDef(id)->opcode() == SpvOpLabel;
+    if (is_block) {
+      Warn(context, nullptr)
+          << "block " << GetFriendlyName(context, id) << " is divergent";
+      uint32_t source = div.GetDivergenceSource(id);
+      // Skip intermediate blocks.
+      while (source != 0 && def_use->GetDef(source)->opcode() == SpvOpLabel) {
+        id = source;
+        source = div.GetDivergenceSource(id);
+      }
+      if (source == 0) break;
+      spvtools::opt::Instruction* branch =
+          cfg->block(div.GetDivergenceDependenceSource(id))->terminator();
+      Warn(context, branch)
+          << "because it depends on a conditional branch on divergent value "
+          << GetFriendlyName(context, source) << "";
+      id = source;
+    } else {
+      Warn(context, nullptr)
+          << "value " << GetFriendlyName(context, id) << " is divergent";
+      uint32_t source = div.GetDivergenceSource(id);
+      opt::Instruction* def = def_use->GetDef(id);
+      opt::Instruction* source_def =
+          source == 0 ? nullptr : def_use->GetDef(source);
+      // First print data -> data dependencies.
+      while (source != 0 && source_def->opcode() != SpvOpLabel) {
+        Warn(context, def_use->GetDef(id))
+            << "because " << GetFriendlyName(context, id) << " uses value "
+            << GetFriendlyName(context, source)
+            << "in its definition, which is divergent";
+        id = source;
+        def = source_def;
+        source = div.GetDivergenceSource(id);
+        source_def = def_use->GetDef(source);
+      }
+      if (source == 0) {
+        Warn(context, def) << "because it has a divergent definition";
+        break;
+      }
+      Warn(context, def) << "because it is conditionally set in block "
+                         << GetFriendlyName(context, source);
+      id = source;
+    }
+  }
+}  // namespace
+bool CheckDivergentDerivatives(opt::IRContext* context) {
+  DivergenceAnalysis div(*context);
+  for (opt::Function& func : *context->module()) {
+    div.Run(&func);
+    for (const opt::BasicBlock& bb : func) {
+      for (const opt::Instruction& inst : bb) {
+        if (InstructionHasDerivative(inst) &&
+            div.GetDivergenceLevel( >
+                DivergenceAnalysis::DivergenceLevel::kPartiallyUniform) {
+          Warn(context, nullptr)
+              << "derivative with divergent control flow"
+              << " located in block " << GetFriendlyName(context,;
+          PrintDivergenceFlow(context, div,;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+}  // namespace lints
+}  // namespace lint
+}  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/source/lint/linter.cpp b/source/lint/linter.cpp
index 0f84795..e4ed04e 100644
--- a/source/lint/linter.cpp
+++ b/source/lint/linter.cpp
@@ -14,6 +14,13 @@
 #include "spirv-tools/linter.hpp"
+#include "source/lint/lints.h"
+#include "source/opt/build_module.h"
+#include "source/opt/ir_context.h"
+#include "spirv-tools/libspirv.h"
+#include "spirv-tools/libspirv.hpp"
+#include "spirv/unified1/spirv.h"
 namespace spvtools {
 struct Linter::Impl {
@@ -32,20 +39,22 @@
 Linter::~Linter() {}
 void Linter::SetMessageConsumer(MessageConsumer consumer) {
-  impl_->message_consumer = consumer;
+  impl_->message_consumer = std::move(consumer);
-const MessageConsumer& Linter::consumer() const {
+const MessageConsumer& Linter::Consumer() const {
   return impl_->message_consumer;
 bool Linter::Run(const uint32_t* binary, size_t binary_size) {
-  (void)binary;
-  (void)binary_size;
+  std::unique_ptr<opt::IRContext> context =
+      BuildModule(SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_2, Consumer(), binary, binary_size);
+  if (context == nullptr) return false;
-  consumer()(SPV_MSG_INFO, "", {0, 0, 0}, "Hello, world!");
+  bool result = true;
+  result &= lint::lints::CheckDivergentDerivatives(context.get());
-  return true;
+  return result;
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/source/lint/lints.h b/source/lint/lints.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1995d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/lint/lints.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2021 Google LLC.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "source/opt/ir_context.h"
+namespace spvtools {
+namespace lint {
+// All of the functions in this namespace output to the error consumer in the
+// |context| argument and return |true| if no errors are found. They do not
+// modify the IR.
+namespace lints {
+bool CheckDivergentDerivatives(opt::IRContext* context);
+}  // namespace lints
+}  // namespace lint
+}  // namespace spvtools
+#endif  // SOURCE_LINT_LINTS_H_
diff --git a/source/operand.cpp b/source/operand.cpp
index bff36a2..6d83e81 100644
--- a/source/operand.cpp
+++ b/source/operand.cpp
@@ -579,8 +579,8 @@
 std::function<bool(unsigned)> spvDbgInfoExtOperandCanBeForwardDeclaredFunction(
     spv_ext_inst_type_t ext_type, uint32_t key) {
   // The Vulkan debug info extended instruction set is non-semantic so allows no
-  // forward references ever.
+  // forward references ever
     return [](unsigned) { return false; };
diff --git a/source/opt/CMakeLists.txt b/source/opt/CMakeLists.txt
index 63af5c1..7d522fb 100644
--- a/source/opt/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/source/opt/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
+  desc_sroa_util.h
@@ -100,6 +101,7 @@
+  replace_desc_array_access_using_var_index.h
@@ -148,6 +150,7 @@
+  desc_sroa_util.cpp
@@ -205,6 +208,7 @@
+  replace_desc_array_access_using_var_index.cpp
diff --git a/source/opt/aggressive_dead_code_elim_pass.cpp b/source/opt/aggressive_dead_code_elim_pass.cpp
index 90d30e9..0b54d5e 100644
--- a/source/opt/aggressive_dead_code_elim_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/aggressive_dead_code_elim_pass.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
 // Copyright (c) 2017 Valve Corporation
 // Copyright (c) 2017 LunarG Inc.
-// Copyright (c) 2018 Google LLC
+// Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Google LLC
 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 #include "source/cfa.h"
 #include "source/latest_version_glsl_std_450_header.h"
 #include "source/opt/eliminate_dead_functions_util.h"
+#include "source/opt/ir_builder.h"
 #include "source/opt/iterator.h"
 #include "source/opt/reflect.h"
 #include "source/spirv_constant.h"
@@ -35,10 +36,10 @@
 const uint32_t kTypePointerStorageClassInIdx = 0;
 const uint32_t kEntryPointFunctionIdInIdx = 1;
 const uint32_t kSelectionMergeMergeBlockIdInIdx = 0;
-const uint32_t kLoopMergeMergeBlockIdInIdx = 0;
 const uint32_t kLoopMergeContinueBlockIdInIdx = 1;
 const uint32_t kCopyMemoryTargetAddrInIdx = 0;
 const uint32_t kCopyMemorySourceAddrInIdx = 1;
+const uint32_t kLoadSourceAddrInIdx = 0;
 const uint32_t kDebugDeclareOperandVariableIndex = 5;
 const uint32_t kGlobalVariableVariableIndex = 12;
@@ -96,16 +97,21 @@
-bool AggressiveDCEPass::IsLocalVar(uint32_t varId) {
+bool AggressiveDCEPass::IsLocalVar(uint32_t varId, Function* func) {
   if (IsVarOfStorage(varId, SpvStorageClassFunction)) {
     return true;
-  if (!private_like_local_) {
+  if (!IsVarOfStorage(varId, SpvStorageClassPrivate) &&
+      !IsVarOfStorage(varId, SpvStorageClassWorkgroup)) {
     return false;
-  return IsVarOfStorage(varId, SpvStorageClassPrivate) ||
-         IsVarOfStorage(varId, SpvStorageClassWorkgroup);
+  // For a variable in the Private or WorkGroup storage class, the variable will
+  // get a new instance for every call to an entry point.  If the entry point
+  // does not have a call, then no other function can read or write to that
+  // instance of the variable.
+  return IsEntryPointWithNoCalls(func);
 void AggressiveDCEPass::AddStores(Function* func, uint32_t ptrId) {
@@ -145,15 +151,19 @@
     if (extensions_allowlist_.find(extName) == extensions_allowlist_.end())
       return false;
-  return true;
-bool AggressiveDCEPass::IsDead(Instruction* inst) {
-  if (IsLive(inst)) return false;
-  if ((inst->IsBranch() || inst->opcode() == SpvOpUnreachable) &&
-      !IsStructuredHeader(context()->get_instr_block(inst), nullptr, nullptr,
-                          nullptr))
-    return false;
+  // Only allow NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100, we cannot safely optimise
+  // around unknown extended instruction sets even if they are non-semantic
+  for (auto& inst : context()->module()->ext_inst_imports()) {
+    assert(inst.opcode() == SpvOpExtInstImport &&
+           "Expecting an import of an extension's instruction set.");
+    const char* extension_name =
+        reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&inst.GetInOperand(0).words[0]);
+    if (0 == std::strncmp(extension_name, "NonSemantic.", 12) &&
+        0 != std::strncmp(extension_name, "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100",
+                          32)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
   return true;
@@ -173,12 +183,12 @@
     return dead;
-  return IsDead(tInst);
+  return !IsLive(tInst);
 void AggressiveDCEPass::ProcessLoad(Function* func, uint32_t varId) {
   // Only process locals
-  if (!IsLocalVar(varId)) return;
+  if (!IsLocalVar(varId, func)) return;
   // Return if already processed
   if (live_local_vars_.find(varId) != live_local_vars_.end()) return;
   // Mark all stores to varId as live
@@ -187,66 +197,6 @@
-bool AggressiveDCEPass::IsStructuredHeader(BasicBlock* bp,
-                                           Instruction** mergeInst,
-                                           Instruction** branchInst,
-                                           uint32_t* mergeBlockId) {
-  if (!bp) return false;
-  Instruction* mi = bp->GetMergeInst();
-  if (mi == nullptr) return false;
-  Instruction* bri = &*bp->tail();
-  if (branchInst != nullptr) *branchInst = bri;
-  if (mergeInst != nullptr) *mergeInst = mi;
-  if (mergeBlockId != nullptr) *mergeBlockId = mi->GetSingleWordInOperand(0);
-  return true;
-void AggressiveDCEPass::ComputeBlock2HeaderMaps(
-    std::list<BasicBlock*>& structuredOrder) {
-  block2headerBranch_.clear();
-  header2nextHeaderBranch_.clear();
-  branch2merge_.clear();
-  structured_order_index_.clear();
-  std::stack<Instruction*> currentHeaderBranch;
-  currentHeaderBranch.push(nullptr);
-  uint32_t currentMergeBlockId = 0;
-  uint32_t index = 0;
-  for (auto bi = structuredOrder.begin(); bi != structuredOrder.end();
-       ++bi, ++index) {
-    structured_order_index_[*bi] = index;
-    // If this block is the merge block of the current control construct,
-    // we are leaving the current construct so we must update state
-    if ((*bi)->id() == currentMergeBlockId) {
-      currentHeaderBranch.pop();
-      Instruction* chb =;
-      if (chb != nullptr)
-        currentMergeBlockId = branch2merge_[chb]->GetSingleWordInOperand(0);
-    }
-    Instruction* mergeInst;
-    Instruction* branchInst;
-    uint32_t mergeBlockId;
-    bool is_header =
-        IsStructuredHeader(*bi, &mergeInst, &branchInst, &mergeBlockId);
-    // Map header block to next enclosing header.
-    if (is_header) header2nextHeaderBranch_[*bi] =;
-    // If this is a loop header, update state first so the block will map to
-    // itself.
-    if (is_header && mergeInst->opcode() == SpvOpLoopMerge) {
-      currentHeaderBranch.push(branchInst);
-      branch2merge_[branchInst] = mergeInst;
-      currentMergeBlockId = mergeBlockId;
-    }
-    // Map the block to the current construct.
-    block2headerBranch_[*bi] =;
-    // If this is an if header, update state so following blocks map to the if.
-    if (is_header && mergeInst->opcode() == SpvOpSelectionMerge) {
-      currentHeaderBranch.push(branchInst);
-      branch2merge_[branchInst] = mergeInst;
-      currentMergeBlockId = mergeBlockId;
-    }
-  }
 void AggressiveDCEPass::AddBranch(uint32_t labelId, BasicBlock* bp) {
   std::unique_ptr<Instruction> newBranch(
       new Instruction(context(), SpvOpBranch, 0, 0,
@@ -262,23 +212,18 @@
          mergeInst->opcode() == SpvOpLoopMerge);
   BasicBlock* header = context()->get_instr_block(mergeInst);
-  uint32_t headerIndex = structured_order_index_[header];
   const uint32_t mergeId = mergeInst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0);
-  BasicBlock* merge = context()->get_instr_block(mergeId);
-  uint32_t mergeIndex = structured_order_index_[merge];
-  get_def_use_mgr()->ForEachUser(
-      mergeId, [headerIndex, mergeIndex, this](Instruction* user) {
-        if (!user->IsBranch()) return;
-        BasicBlock* block = context()->get_instr_block(user);
-        uint32_t index = structured_order_index_[block];
-        if (headerIndex < index && index < mergeIndex) {
-          // This is a break from the loop.
-          AddToWorklist(user);
-          // Add branch's merge if there is one.
-          Instruction* userMerge = branch2merge_[user];
-          if (userMerge != nullptr) AddToWorklist(userMerge);
-        }
-      });
+  get_def_use_mgr()->ForEachUser(mergeId, [header, this](Instruction* user) {
+    if (!user->IsBranch()) return;
+    BasicBlock* block = context()->get_instr_block(user);
+    if (BlockIsInConstruct(header, block)) {
+      // This is a break from the loop.
+      AddToWorklist(user);
+      // Add branch's merge if there is one.
+      Instruction* userMerge = GetMergeInstruction(user);
+      if (userMerge != nullptr) AddToWorklist(userMerge);
+    }
+  });
   if (mergeInst->opcode() != SpvOpLoopMerge) {
@@ -292,7 +237,7 @@
     if (op == SpvOpBranchConditional || op == SpvOpSwitch) {
       // A conditional branch or switch can only be a continue if it does not
       // have a merge instruction or its merge block is not the continue block.
-      Instruction* hdrMerge = branch2merge_[user];
+      Instruction* hdrMerge = GetMergeInstruction(user);
       if (hdrMerge != nullptr && hdrMerge->opcode() == SpvOpSelectionMerge) {
         uint32_t hdrMergeId =
@@ -304,9 +249,9 @@
       // An unconditional branch can only be a continue if it is not
       // branching to its own merge block.
       BasicBlock* blk = context()->get_instr_block(user);
-      Instruction* hdrBranch = block2headerBranch_[blk];
+      Instruction* hdrBranch = GetHeaderBranch(blk);
       if (hdrBranch == nullptr) return;
-      Instruction* hdrMerge = branch2merge_[hdrBranch];
+      Instruction* hdrMerge = GetMergeInstruction(hdrBranch);
       if (hdrMerge->opcode() == SpvOpLoopMerge) return;
       uint32_t hdrMergeId =
@@ -319,253 +264,36 @@
 bool AggressiveDCEPass::AggressiveDCE(Function* func) {
-  // Mark function parameters as live.
-  AddToWorklist(&func->DefInst());
-  func->ForEachParam(
-      [this](const Instruction* param) {
-        AddToWorklist(const_cast<Instruction*>(param));
-      },
-      false);
-  // Compute map from block to controlling conditional branch
-  std::list<BasicBlock*> structuredOrder;
-  cfg()->ComputeStructuredOrder(func, &*func->begin(), &structuredOrder);
-  ComputeBlock2HeaderMaps(structuredOrder);
-  bool modified = false;
-  // Add instructions with external side effects to worklist. Also add branches
-  // EXCEPT those immediately contained in an "if" selection construct or a loop
-  // or continue construct.
-  // TODO(greg-lunarg): Handle Frexp, Modf more optimally
-  call_in_func_ = false;
-  func_is_entry_point_ = false;
-  private_stores_.clear();
+  std::list<BasicBlock*> structured_order;
+  cfg()->ComputeStructuredOrder(func, &*func->begin(), &structured_order);
-  // Stacks to keep track of when we are inside an if- or loop-construct.
-  // When immediately inside an if- or loop-construct, we do not initially
-  // mark branches live. All other branches must be marked live.
-  std::stack<bool> assume_branches_live;
-  std::stack<uint32_t> currentMergeBlockId;
-  // Push sentinel values on stack for when outside of any control flow.
-  assume_branches_live.push(true);
-  currentMergeBlockId.push(0);
-  for (auto bi = structuredOrder.begin(); bi != structuredOrder.end(); ++bi) {
-    // If exiting if or loop, update stacks
-    if ((*bi)->id() == {
-      assume_branches_live.pop();
-      currentMergeBlockId.pop();
-    }
-    for (auto ii = (*bi)->begin(); ii != (*bi)->end(); ++ii) {
-      SpvOp op = ii->opcode();
-      switch (op) {
-        case SpvOpStore: {
-          uint32_t varId;
-          (void)GetPtr(&*ii, &varId);
-          // Mark stores as live if their variable is not function scope
-          // and is not private scope. Remember private stores for possible
-          // later inclusion.  We cannot call IsLocalVar at this point because
-          // private_like_local_ has not been set yet.
-          if (IsVarOfStorage(varId, SpvStorageClassPrivate) ||
-              IsVarOfStorage(varId, SpvStorageClassWorkgroup))
-            private_stores_.push_back(&*ii);
-          else if (!IsVarOfStorage(varId, SpvStorageClassFunction))
-            AddToWorklist(&*ii);
-        } break;
-        case SpvOpCopyMemory:
-        case SpvOpCopyMemorySized: {
-          uint32_t varId;
-          (void)GetPtr(ii->GetSingleWordInOperand(kCopyMemoryTargetAddrInIdx),
-                       &varId);
-          if (IsVarOfStorage(varId, SpvStorageClassPrivate) ||
-              IsVarOfStorage(varId, SpvStorageClassWorkgroup))
-            private_stores_.push_back(&*ii);
-          else if (!IsVarOfStorage(varId, SpvStorageClassFunction))
-            AddToWorklist(&*ii);
-        } break;
-        case SpvOpLoopMerge: {
-          assume_branches_live.push(false);
-          currentMergeBlockId.push(
-              ii->GetSingleWordInOperand(kLoopMergeMergeBlockIdInIdx));
-        } break;
-        case SpvOpSelectionMerge: {
-          assume_branches_live.push(false);
-          currentMergeBlockId.push(
-              ii->GetSingleWordInOperand(kSelectionMergeMergeBlockIdInIdx));
-        } break;
-        case SpvOpSwitch:
-        case SpvOpBranch:
-        case SpvOpBranchConditional:
-        case SpvOpUnreachable: {
-          if ( {
-            AddToWorklist(&*ii);
-          }
-        } break;
-        default: {
-          // Function calls, atomics, function params, function returns, etc.
-          // TODO(greg-lunarg): function calls live only if write to non-local
-          if (!ii->IsOpcodeSafeToDelete()) {
-            AddToWorklist(&*ii);
-          }
-          // Remember function calls
-          if (op == SpvOpFunctionCall) call_in_func_ = true;
-        } break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // See if current function is an entry point
-  for (auto& ei : get_module()->entry_points()) {
-    if (ei.GetSingleWordInOperand(kEntryPointFunctionIdInIdx) ==
-        func->result_id()) {
-      func_is_entry_point_ = true;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  // If the current function is an entry point and has no function calls,
-  // we can optimize private variables as locals
-  private_like_local_ = func_is_entry_point_ && !call_in_func_;
-  // If privates are not like local, add their stores to worklist
-  if (!private_like_local_)
-    for (auto& ps : private_stores_) AddToWorklist(ps);
-  // Perform closure on live instruction set.
-  while (!worklist_.empty()) {
-    Instruction* liveInst = worklist_.front();
-    // Add all operand instructions if not already live
-    liveInst->ForEachInId([&liveInst, this](const uint32_t* iid) {
-      Instruction* inInst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(*iid);
-      // Do not add label if an operand of a branch. This is not needed
-      // as part of live code discovery and can create false live code,
-      // for example, the branch to a header of a loop.
-      if (inInst->opcode() == SpvOpLabel && liveInst->IsBranch()) return;
-      AddToWorklist(inInst);
-    });
-    if (liveInst->type_id() != 0) {
-      AddToWorklist(get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(liveInst->type_id()));
-    }
-    // If in a structured if or loop construct, add the controlling
-    // conditional branch and its merge.
-    BasicBlock* blk = context()->get_instr_block(liveInst);
-    Instruction* branchInst = block2headerBranch_[blk];
-    if (branchInst != nullptr) {
-      AddToWorklist(branchInst);
-      Instruction* mergeInst = branch2merge_[branchInst];
-      AddToWorklist(mergeInst);
-    }
-    // If the block is a header, add the next outermost controlling
-    // conditional branch and its merge.
-    Instruction* nextBranchInst = header2nextHeaderBranch_[blk];
-    if (nextBranchInst != nullptr) {
-      AddToWorklist(nextBranchInst);
-      Instruction* mergeInst = branch2merge_[nextBranchInst];
-      AddToWorklist(mergeInst);
-    }
-    // If local load, add all variable's stores if variable not already live
-    if (liveInst->opcode() == SpvOpLoad || liveInst->IsAtomicWithLoad()) {
-      uint32_t varId;
-      (void)GetPtr(liveInst, &varId);
-      if (varId != 0) {
-        ProcessLoad(func, varId);
-      }
-      // Process memory copies like loads
-    } else if (liveInst->opcode() == SpvOpCopyMemory ||
-               liveInst->opcode() == SpvOpCopyMemorySized) {
-      uint32_t varId;
-      (void)GetPtr(liveInst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kCopyMemorySourceAddrInIdx),
-                   &varId);
-      if (varId != 0) {
-        ProcessLoad(func, varId);
-      }
-      // If DebugDeclare, process as load of variable
-    } else if (liveInst->GetCommonDebugOpcode() ==
-               CommonDebugInfoDebugDeclare) {
-      uint32_t varId =
-          liveInst->GetSingleWordOperand(kDebugDeclareOperandVariableIndex);
-      ProcessLoad(func, varId);
-      // If DebugValue with Deref, process as load of variable
-    } else if (liveInst->GetCommonDebugOpcode() == CommonDebugInfoDebugValue) {
-      uint32_t varId = context()
-                           ->get_debug_info_mgr()
-                           ->GetVariableIdOfDebugValueUsedForDeclare(liveInst);
-      if (varId != 0) ProcessLoad(func, varId);
-      // If merge, add other branches that are part of its control structure
-    } else if (liveInst->opcode() == SpvOpLoopMerge ||
-               liveInst->opcode() == SpvOpSelectionMerge) {
-      AddBreaksAndContinuesToWorklist(liveInst);
-      // If function call, treat as if it loads from all pointer arguments
-    } else if (liveInst->opcode() == SpvOpFunctionCall) {
-      liveInst->ForEachInId([this, func](const uint32_t* iid) {
-        // Skip non-ptr args
-        if (!IsPtr(*iid)) return;
-        uint32_t varId;
-        (void)GetPtr(*iid, &varId);
-        ProcessLoad(func, varId);
-      });
-      // If function parameter, treat as if it's result id is loaded from
-    } else if (liveInst->opcode() == SpvOpFunctionParameter) {
-      ProcessLoad(func, liveInst->result_id());
-      // We treat an OpImageTexelPointer as a load of the pointer, and
-      // that value is manipulated to get the result.
-    } else if (liveInst->opcode() == SpvOpImageTexelPointer) {
-      uint32_t varId;
-      (void)GetPtr(liveInst, &varId);
-      if (varId != 0) {
-        ProcessLoad(func, varId);
-      }
-    }
+  InitializeWorkList(func, structured_order);
+  ProcessWorkList(func);
+  return KillDeadInstructions(func, structured_order);
-    // Add OpDecorateId instructions that apply to this instruction to the work
-    // list.  We use the decoration manager to look through the group
-    // decorations to get to the OpDecorate* instructions themselves.
-    auto decorations =
-        get_decoration_mgr()->GetDecorationsFor(liveInst->result_id(), false);
-    for (Instruction* dec : decorations) {
-      // We only care about OpDecorateId instructions because the are the only
-      // decorations that will reference an id that will have to be kept live
-      // because of that use.
-      if (dec->opcode() != SpvOpDecorateId) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      if (dec->GetSingleWordInOperand(1) ==
-          SpvDecorationHlslCounterBufferGOOGLE) {
-        // These decorations should not force the use id to be live.  It will be
-        // removed if either the target or the in operand are dead.
-        continue;
-      }
-      AddToWorklist(dec);
-    }
-    // Add DebugScope and DebugInlinedAt for |liveInst| to the work list.
-    if (liveInst->GetDebugScope().GetLexicalScope() != kNoDebugScope) {
-      auto* scope = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(
-          liveInst->GetDebugScope().GetLexicalScope());
-      AddToWorklist(scope);
-    }
-    if (liveInst->GetDebugInlinedAt() != kNoInlinedAt) {
-      auto* inlined_at =
-          get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(liveInst->GetDebugInlinedAt());
-      AddToWorklist(inlined_at);
-    }
-    worklist_.pop();
-  }
-  // Kill dead instructions and remember dead blocks
-  for (auto bi = structuredOrder.begin(); bi != structuredOrder.end();) {
-    uint32_t mergeBlockId = 0;
-    (*bi)->ForEachInst([this, &modified, &mergeBlockId](Instruction* inst) {
-      if (!IsDead(inst)) return;
+bool AggressiveDCEPass::KillDeadInstructions(
+    const Function* func, std::list<BasicBlock*>& structured_order) {
+  bool modified = false;
+  for (auto bi = structured_order.begin(); bi != structured_order.end();) {
+    uint32_t merge_block_id = 0;
+    (*bi)->ForEachInst([this, &modified, &merge_block_id](Instruction* inst) {
+      if (IsLive(inst)) return;
       if (inst->opcode() == SpvOpLabel) return;
       // If dead instruction is selection merge, remember merge block
       // for new branch at end of block
       if (inst->opcode() == SpvOpSelectionMerge ||
           inst->opcode() == SpvOpLoopMerge)
-        mergeBlockId = inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0);
+        merge_block_id = inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0);
       modified = true;
     // If a structured if or loop was deleted, add a branch to its merge
     // block, and traverse to the merge block and continue processing there.
     // We know the block still exists because the label is not deleted.
-    if (mergeBlockId != 0) {
-      AddBranch(mergeBlockId, *bi);
-      for (++bi; (*bi)->id() != mergeBlockId; ++bi) {
+    if (merge_block_id != 0) {
+      AddBranch(merge_block_id, *bi);
+      for (++bi; (*bi)->id() != merge_block_id; ++bi) {
       auto merge_terminator = (*bi)->terminator();
@@ -588,13 +316,252 @@
     } else {
+      Instruction* inst = (*bi)->terminator();
+      if (!IsLive(inst)) {
+        // If the terminator is not live, this block has no live instructions,
+        // and it will be unreachable.
+        AddUnreachable(*bi);
+      }
   return modified;
+void AggressiveDCEPass::ProcessWorkList(Function* func) {
+  while (!worklist_.empty()) {
+    Instruction* live_inst = worklist_.front();
+    worklist_.pop();
+    AddOperandsToWorkList(live_inst);
+    MarkBlockAsLive(live_inst);
+    MarkLoadedVariablesAsLive(func, live_inst);
+    AddDecorationsToWorkList(live_inst);
+    AddDebugInstructionsToWorkList(live_inst);
+  }
+void AggressiveDCEPass::AddDebugInstructionsToWorkList(
+    const Instruction* inst) {
+  for (auto& line_inst : inst->dbg_line_insts()) {
+    if (line_inst.IsDebugLineInst()) {
+      AddOperandsToWorkList(&line_inst);
+    }
+  }
+  if (inst->GetDebugScope().GetLexicalScope() != kNoDebugScope) {
+    auto* scope =
+        get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(inst->GetDebugScope().GetLexicalScope());
+    AddToWorklist(scope);
+  }
+  if (inst->GetDebugInlinedAt() != kNoInlinedAt) {
+    auto* inlined_at = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(inst->GetDebugInlinedAt());
+    AddToWorklist(inlined_at);
+  }
+void AggressiveDCEPass::AddDecorationsToWorkList(const Instruction* inst) {
+  // Add OpDecorateId instructions that apply to this instruction to the work
+  // list.  We use the decoration manager to look through the group
+  // decorations to get to the OpDecorate* instructions themselves.
+  auto decorations =
+      get_decoration_mgr()->GetDecorationsFor(inst->result_id(), false);
+  for (Instruction* dec : decorations) {
+    // We only care about OpDecorateId instructions because the are the only
+    // decorations that will reference an id that will have to be kept live
+    // because of that use.
+    if (dec->opcode() != SpvOpDecorateId) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (dec->GetSingleWordInOperand(1) ==
+        SpvDecorationHlslCounterBufferGOOGLE) {
+      // These decorations should not force the use id to be live.  It will be
+      // removed if either the target or the in operand are dead.
+      continue;
+    }
+    AddToWorklist(dec);
+  }
+void AggressiveDCEPass::MarkLoadedVariablesAsLive(Function* func,
+                                                  Instruction* inst) {
+  std::vector<uint32_t> live_variables = GetLoadedVariables(inst);
+  for (uint32_t var_id : live_variables) {
+    ProcessLoad(func, var_id);
+  }
+std::vector<uint32_t> AggressiveDCEPass::GetLoadedVariables(Instruction* inst) {
+  if (inst->opcode() == SpvOpFunctionCall) {
+    return GetLoadedVariablesFromFunctionCall(inst);
+  }
+  uint32_t var_id = GetLoadedVariableFromNonFunctionCalls(inst);
+  if (var_id == 0) {
+    return {};
+  }
+  return {var_id};
+uint32_t AggressiveDCEPass::GetLoadedVariableFromNonFunctionCalls(
+    Instruction* inst) {
+  std::vector<uint32_t> live_variables;
+  if (inst->IsAtomicWithLoad()) {
+    return GetVariableId(inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kLoadSourceAddrInIdx));
+  }
+  switch (inst->opcode()) {
+    case SpvOpLoad:
+    case SpvOpImageTexelPointer:
+      return GetVariableId(inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kLoadSourceAddrInIdx));
+    case SpvOpCopyMemory:
+    case SpvOpCopyMemorySized:
+      return GetVariableId(
+          inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kCopyMemorySourceAddrInIdx));
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  switch (inst->GetCommonDebugOpcode()) {
+    case CommonDebugInfoDebugDeclare:
+      return inst->GetSingleWordOperand(kDebugDeclareOperandVariableIndex);
+    case CommonDebugInfoDebugValue: {
+      analysis::DebugInfoManager* debug_info_mgr =
+          context()->get_debug_info_mgr();
+      return debug_info_mgr->GetVariableIdOfDebugValueUsedForDeclare(inst);
+    }
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  return 0;
+std::vector<uint32_t> AggressiveDCEPass::GetLoadedVariablesFromFunctionCall(
+    const Instruction* inst) {
+  assert(inst->opcode() == SpvOpFunctionCall);
+  std::vector<uint32_t> live_variables;
+  inst->ForEachInId([this, &live_variables](const uint32_t* operand_id) {
+    if (!IsPtr(*operand_id)) return;
+    uint32_t var_id = GetVariableId(*operand_id);
+    live_variables.push_back(var_id);
+  });
+  return live_variables;
+uint32_t AggressiveDCEPass::GetVariableId(uint32_t ptr_id) {
+  assert(IsPtr(ptr_id) &&
+         "Cannot get the variable when input is not a pointer.");
+  uint32_t varId = 0;
+  (void)GetPtr(ptr_id, &varId);
+  return varId;
+void AggressiveDCEPass::MarkBlockAsLive(Instruction* inst) {
+  BasicBlock* basic_block = context()->get_instr_block(inst);
+  if (basic_block == nullptr) {
+    return;
+  }
+  // If we intend to keep this instruction, we need the block label and
+  // block terminator to have a valid block for the instruction.
+  AddToWorklist(basic_block->GetLabelInst());
+  // We need to mark the successors blocks that follow as live.  If this is
+  // header of the merge construct, the construct may be folded, but we will
+  // definitely need the merge label.  If it is not a construct, the terminator
+  // must be live, and the successor blocks will be marked as live when
+  // processing the terminator.
+  uint32_t merge_id = basic_block->MergeBlockIdIfAny();
+  if (merge_id == 0) {
+    AddToWorklist(basic_block->terminator());
+  } else {
+    AddToWorklist(context()->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(merge_id));
+  }
+  // Mark the structured control flow constructs that contains this block as
+  // live.  If |inst| is an instruction in the loop header, then it is part of
+  // the loop, so the loop construct must be live.  We exclude the label because
+  // it does not matter how many times it is executed.  This could be extended
+  // to more instructions, but we will need it for now.
+  if (inst->opcode() != SpvOpLabel)
+    MarkLoopConstructAsLiveIfLoopHeader(basic_block);
+  Instruction* next_branch_inst = GetBranchForNextHeader(basic_block);
+  if (next_branch_inst != nullptr) {
+    AddToWorklist(next_branch_inst);
+    Instruction* mergeInst = GetMergeInstruction(next_branch_inst);
+    AddToWorklist(mergeInst);
+  }
+  if (inst->opcode() == SpvOpLoopMerge ||
+      inst->opcode() == SpvOpSelectionMerge) {
+    AddBreaksAndContinuesToWorklist(inst);
+  }
+void AggressiveDCEPass::MarkLoopConstructAsLiveIfLoopHeader(
+    BasicBlock* basic_block) {
+  // If this is the header for a loop, then loop structure needs to keep as well
+  // because the loop header is also part of the loop.
+  Instruction* merge_inst = basic_block->GetLoopMergeInst();
+  if (merge_inst != nullptr) {
+    AddToWorklist(basic_block->terminator());
+    AddToWorklist(merge_inst);
+  }
+void AggressiveDCEPass::AddOperandsToWorkList(const Instruction* inst) {
+  inst->ForEachInId([this](const uint32_t* iid) {
+    Instruction* inInst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(*iid);
+    AddToWorklist(inInst);
+  });
+  if (inst->type_id() != 0) {
+    AddToWorklist(get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(inst->type_id()));
+  }
+void AggressiveDCEPass::InitializeWorkList(
+    Function* func, std::list<BasicBlock*>& structured_order) {
+  AddToWorklist(&func->DefInst());
+  MarkFunctionParameterAsLive(func);
+  MarkFirstBlockAsLive(func);
+  // Add instructions with external side effects to the worklist. Also add
+  // branches that are not attached to a structured construct.
+  // TODO(s-perron): The handling of branch seems to be adhoc.  This needs to be
+  // cleaned up.
+  for (auto& bi : structured_order) {
+    for (auto ii = bi->begin(); ii != bi->end(); ++ii) {
+      SpvOp op = ii->opcode();
+      if (ii->IsBranch()) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      switch (op) {
+        case SpvOpStore: {
+          uint32_t var_id = 0;
+          (void)GetPtr(&*ii, &var_id);
+          if (!IsLocalVar(var_id, func)) AddToWorklist(&*ii);
+        } break;
+        case SpvOpCopyMemory:
+        case SpvOpCopyMemorySized: {
+          uint32_t var_id = 0;
+          uint32_t target_addr_id =
+              ii->GetSingleWordInOperand(kCopyMemoryTargetAddrInIdx);
+          (void)GetPtr(target_addr_id, &var_id);
+          if (!IsLocalVar(var_id, func)) AddToWorklist(&*ii);
+        } break;
+        case SpvOpLoopMerge:
+        case SpvOpSelectionMerge:
+        case SpvOpUnreachable:
+          break;
+        default: {
+          // Function calls, atomics, function params, function returns, etc.
+          if (!ii->IsOpcodeSafeToDelete()) {
+            AddToWorklist(&*ii);
+          }
+        } break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
 void AggressiveDCEPass::InitializeModuleScopeLiveInstructions() {
   // Keep all execution modes.
   for (auto& exec : get_module()->execution_modes()) {
@@ -602,7 +569,8 @@
   // Keep all entry points.
   for (auto& entry : get_module()->entry_points()) {
-    if (get_module()->version() >= SPV_SPIRV_VERSION_WORD(1, 4)) {
+    if (get_module()->version() >= SPV_SPIRV_VERSION_WORD(1, 4) &&
+        !preserve_interface_) {
       // In SPIR-V 1.4 and later, entry points must list all global variables
       // used. DCE can still remove non-input/output variables and update the
       // interface list. Mark the entry point as live and inputs and outputs as
@@ -649,16 +617,25 @@
   // For each DebugInfo GlobalVariable keep all operands except the Variable.
-  // Later, if the variable is dead, we will set the operand to DebugInfoNone.
+  // Later, if the variable is killed with KillInst(), we will set the operand
+  // to DebugInfoNone. Create and save DebugInfoNone now for this possible
+  // later use. This is slightly unoptimal, but it avoids generating it during
+  // instruction killing when the module is not consistent.
+  bool debug_global_seen = false;
   for (auto& dbg : get_module()->ext_inst_debuginfo()) {
     if (dbg.GetCommonDebugOpcode() != CommonDebugInfoDebugGlobalVariable)
+    debug_global_seen = true;
     dbg.ForEachInId([this](const uint32_t* iid) {
-      Instruction* inInst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(*iid);
-      if (inInst->opcode() == SpvOpVariable) return;
-      AddToWorklist(inInst);
+      Instruction* in_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(*iid);
+      if (in_inst->opcode() == SpvOpVariable) return;
+      AddToWorklist(in_inst);
+  if (debug_global_seen) {
+    auto dbg_none = context()->get_debug_info_mgr()->GetDebugInfoNone();
+    AddToWorklist(dbg_none);
+  }
 Pass::Status AggressiveDCEPass::ProcessImpl() {
@@ -690,7 +667,7 @@
   // Process all entry point functions.
   ProcessFunction pfn = [this](Function* fp) { return AggressiveDCE(fp); };
-  modified |= context()->ProcessEntryPointCallTree(pfn);
+  modified |= context()->ProcessReachableCallTree(pfn);
   // If the decoration manager is kept live then the context will try to keep it
   // up to date.  ADCE deals with group decorations by changing the operands in
@@ -717,21 +694,20 @@
   // Cleanup all CFG including all unreachable blocks.
   ProcessFunction cleanup = [this](Function* f) { return CFGCleanup(f); };
-  modified |= context()->ProcessEntryPointCallTree(cleanup);
+  modified |= context()->ProcessReachableCallTree(cleanup);
   return modified ? Status::SuccessWithChange : Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
 bool AggressiveDCEPass::EliminateDeadFunctions() {
   // Identify live functions first. Those that are not live
-  // are dead. ADCE is disabled for non-shaders so we do not check for exported
-  // functions here.
+  // are dead.
   std::unordered_set<const Function*> live_function_set;
   ProcessFunction mark_live = [&live_function_set](Function* fp) {
     return false;
-  context()->ProcessEntryPointCallTree(mark_live);
+  context()->ProcessReachableCallTree(mark_live);
   bool modified = false;
   for (auto funcIter = get_module()->begin();
@@ -797,7 +773,7 @@
             uint32_t counter_buffer_id = annotation->GetSingleWordInOperand(2);
             Instruction* counter_buffer_inst =
-            if (IsDead(counter_buffer_inst)) {
+            if (!IsLive(counter_buffer_inst)) {
               modified = true;
@@ -812,7 +788,7 @@
         for (uint32_t i = 1; i < annotation->NumOperands();) {
           Instruction* opInst =
-          if (IsDead(opInst)) {
+          if (!IsLive(opInst)) {
             // Don't increment |i|.
             modified = true;
@@ -839,7 +815,7 @@
         for (uint32_t i = 1; i < annotation->NumOperands();) {
           Instruction* opInst =
-          if (IsDead(opInst)) {
+          if (!IsLive(opInst)) {
             // Don't increment |i|.
             annotation->RemoveOperand(i + 1);
@@ -873,13 +849,13 @@
   for (auto& dbg : get_module()->ext_inst_debuginfo()) {
-    if (!IsDead(&dbg)) continue;
+    if (IsLive(&dbg)) continue;
     // Save GlobalVariable if its variable is live, otherwise null out variable
     // index
     if (dbg.GetCommonDebugOpcode() == CommonDebugInfoDebugGlobalVariable) {
       auto var_id = dbg.GetSingleWordOperand(kGlobalVariableVariableIndex);
       Instruction* var_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(var_id);
-      if (!IsDead(var_inst)) continue;
+      if (IsLive(var_inst)) continue;
@@ -894,7 +870,7 @@
   // Since ADCE is disabled for non-shaders, we don't check for export linkage
   // attributes here.
   for (auto& val : get_module()->types_values()) {
-    if (IsDead(&val)) {
+    if (!IsLive(&val)) {
       // Save forwarded pointer if pointer is live since closure does not mark
       // this live as it does not have a result id. This is a little too
       // conservative since it is not known if the structure type that needed
@@ -902,14 +878,15 @@
       if (val.opcode() == SpvOpTypeForwardPointer) {
         uint32_t ptr_ty_id = val.GetSingleWordInOperand(0);
         Instruction* ptr_ty_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(ptr_ty_id);
-        if (!IsDead(ptr_ty_inst)) continue;
+        if (IsLive(ptr_ty_inst)) continue;
       modified = true;
-  if (get_module()->version() >= SPV_SPIRV_VERSION_WORD(1, 4)) {
+  if (get_module()->version() >= SPV_SPIRV_VERSION_WORD(1, 4) &&
+      !preserve_interface_) {
     // Remove the dead interface variables from the entry point interface list.
     for (auto& entry : get_module()->entry_points()) {
       std::vector<Operand> new_operands;
@@ -920,7 +897,7 @@
         } else {
           auto* var =
-          if (!IsDead(var)) {
+          if (IsLive(var)) {
@@ -935,8 +912,6 @@
   return modified;
-AggressiveDCEPass::AggressiveDCEPass() = default;
 Pass::Status AggressiveDCEPass::Process() {
   // Initialize extensions allowlist
@@ -998,8 +973,118 @@
+      "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info",
+Instruction* AggressiveDCEPass::GetHeaderBranch(BasicBlock* blk) {
+  if (blk == nullptr) {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  BasicBlock* header_block = GetHeaderBlock(blk);
+  if (header_block == nullptr) {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  return header_block->terminator();
+BasicBlock* AggressiveDCEPass::GetHeaderBlock(BasicBlock* blk) const {
+  if (blk == nullptr) {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  BasicBlock* header_block = nullptr;
+  if (blk->IsLoopHeader()) {
+    header_block = blk;
+  } else {
+    uint32_t header =
+        context()->GetStructuredCFGAnalysis()->ContainingConstruct(blk->id());
+    header_block = context()->get_instr_block(header);
+  }
+  return header_block;
+Instruction* AggressiveDCEPass::GetMergeInstruction(Instruction* inst) {
+  BasicBlock* bb = context()->get_instr_block(inst);
+  if (bb == nullptr) {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  return bb->GetMergeInst();
+Instruction* AggressiveDCEPass::GetBranchForNextHeader(BasicBlock* blk) {
+  if (blk == nullptr) {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  if (blk->IsLoopHeader()) {
+    uint32_t header =
+        context()->GetStructuredCFGAnalysis()->ContainingConstruct(blk->id());
+    blk = context()->get_instr_block(header);
+  }
+  return GetHeaderBranch(blk);
+void AggressiveDCEPass::MarkFunctionParameterAsLive(const Function* func) {
+  func->ForEachParam(
+      [this](const Instruction* param) {
+        AddToWorklist(const_cast<Instruction*>(param));
+      },
+      false);
+bool AggressiveDCEPass::BlockIsInConstruct(BasicBlock* header_block,
+                                           BasicBlock* bb) {
+  if (bb == nullptr || header_block == nullptr) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  uint32_t current_header = bb->id();
+  while (current_header != 0) {
+    if (current_header == header_block->id()) return true;
+    current_header = context()->GetStructuredCFGAnalysis()->ContainingConstruct(
+        current_header);
+  }
+  return false;
+bool AggressiveDCEPass::IsEntryPointWithNoCalls(Function* func) {
+  auto cached_result = entry_point_with_no_calls_cache_.find(func->result_id());
+  if (cached_result != entry_point_with_no_calls_cache_.end()) {
+    return cached_result->second;
+  }
+  bool result = IsEntryPoint(func) && !HasCall(func);
+  entry_point_with_no_calls_cache_[func->result_id()] = result;
+  return result;
+bool AggressiveDCEPass::IsEntryPoint(Function* func) {
+  for (const Instruction& entry_point : get_module()->entry_points()) {
+    uint32_t entry_point_id =
+        entry_point.GetSingleWordInOperand(kEntryPointFunctionIdInIdx);
+    if (entry_point_id == func->result_id()) {
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+bool AggressiveDCEPass::HasCall(Function* func) {
+  return !func->WhileEachInst(
+      [](Instruction* inst) { return inst->opcode() != SpvOpFunctionCall; });
+void AggressiveDCEPass::MarkFirstBlockAsLive(Function* func) {
+  BasicBlock* first_block = &*func->begin();
+  MarkBlockAsLive(first_block->GetLabelInst());
+void AggressiveDCEPass::AddUnreachable(BasicBlock*& block) {
+  InstructionBuilder builder(
+      context(), block,
+      IRContext::kAnalysisInstrToBlockMapping | IRContext::kAnalysisDefUse);
+  builder.AddUnreachable();
 }  // namespace opt
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/source/opt/aggressive_dead_code_elim_pass.h b/source/opt/aggressive_dead_code_elim_pass.h
index f02e729..1b3fd1e 100644
--- a/source/opt/aggressive_dead_code_elim_pass.h
+++ b/source/opt/aggressive_dead_code_elim_pass.h
@@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
   using GetBlocksFunction =
       std::function<std::vector<BasicBlock*>*(const BasicBlock*)>;
-  AggressiveDCEPass();
+  AggressiveDCEPass(bool preserve_interface = false)
+      : preserve_interface_(preserve_interface) {}
   const char* name() const override { return "eliminate-dead-code-aggressive"; }
   Status Process() override;
@@ -55,23 +57,26 @@
+  // Preserve entry point interface if true. All variables in interface
+  // will be marked live and will not be eliminated. This mode is needed by
+  // GPU-Assisted Validation instrumentation where a change in the interface
+  // is not allowed.
+  bool preserve_interface_;
   // Return true if |varId| is a variable of |storageClass|. |varId| must either
   // be 0 or the result of an instruction.
   bool IsVarOfStorage(uint32_t varId, uint32_t storageClass);
-  // Return true if |varId| is variable of function storage class or is
-  // private variable and privates can be optimized like locals (see
-  // privates_like_local_).
-  bool IsLocalVar(uint32_t varId);
+  // Return true if the instance of the variable |varId| can only be access in
+  // |func|.  For example, a function scope variable, or a private variable
+  // where |func| is an entry point with no function calls.
+  bool IsLocalVar(uint32_t varId, Function* func);
   // Return true if |inst| is marked live.
   bool IsLive(const Instruction* inst) const {
     return live_insts_.Get(inst->unique_id());
-  // Returns true if |inst| is dead.
-  bool IsDead(Instruction* inst);
   // Adds entry points, execution modes and workgroup size decorations to the
   // worklist for processing with the first function.
   void InitializeModuleScopeLiveInstructions();
@@ -101,18 +106,6 @@
   // If |varId| is local, mark all stores of varId as live.
   void ProcessLoad(Function* func, uint32_t varId);
-  // If |bp| is structured header block, returns true and sets |mergeInst| to
-  // the merge instruction, |branchInst| to the branch and |mergeBlockId| to the
-  // merge block if they are not nullptr.  Any of |mergeInst|, |branchInst| or
-  // |mergeBlockId| may be a null pointer.  Returns false if |bp| is a null
-  // pointer.
-  bool IsStructuredHeader(BasicBlock* bp, Instruction** mergeInst,
-                          Instruction** branchInst, uint32_t* mergeBlockId);
-  // Initialize block2headerBranch_,  header2nextHeaderBranch_, and
-  // branch2merge_ using |structuredOrder| to order blocks.
-  void ComputeBlock2HeaderMaps(std::list<BasicBlock*>& structuredOrder);
   // Add branch to |labelId| to end of block |bp|.
   void AddBranch(uint32_t labelId, BasicBlock* bp);
@@ -140,14 +133,100 @@
   Pass::Status ProcessImpl();
-  // True if current function has a call instruction contained in it
-  bool call_in_func_;
+  // Adds instructions which must be kept because of they have side-effects
+  // that ADCE cannot model to the work list.
+  void InitializeWorkList(Function* func,
+                          std::list<BasicBlock*>& structured_order);
-  // True if current function is an entry point
-  bool func_is_entry_point_;
+  // Process each instruction in the work list by marking any instruction that
+  // that it depends on as live, and adding it to the work list.  The work list
+  // will be empty at the end.
+  void ProcessWorkList(Function* func);
-  // True if current function is entry point and has no function calls.
-  bool private_like_local_;
+  // Kills any instructions in |func| that have not been marked as live.
+  bool KillDeadInstructions(const Function* func,
+                            std::list<BasicBlock*>& structured_order);
+  // Adds the instructions that define the operands of |inst| to the work list.
+  void AddOperandsToWorkList(const Instruction* inst);
+  // Marks all of the labels and branch that inst requires as live.
+  void MarkBlockAsLive(Instruction* inst);
+  // Marks any variables from which |inst| may require data as live.
+  void MarkLoadedVariablesAsLive(Function* func, Instruction* inst);
+  // Returns the id of the variable that |ptr_id| point to.  |ptr_id| must be a
+  // value whose type is a pointer.
+  uint32_t GetVariableId(uint32_t ptr_id);
+  // Returns all of the ids for the variables from which |inst| will load data.
+  std::vector<uint32_t> GetLoadedVariables(Instruction* inst);
+  // Returns all of the ids for the variables from which |inst| will load data.
+  // The opcode of |inst| must be  OpFunctionCall.
+  std::vector<uint32_t> GetLoadedVariablesFromFunctionCall(
+      const Instruction* inst);
+  // Returns the id of the variable from which |inst| will load data. |inst|
+  // must not be an OpFunctionCall.  Returns 0 if no data is read or the
+  // variable cannot be determined.  Note that in logical addressing mode the
+  // latter is not possible for function and private storage class because there
+  // cannot be variable pointers pointing to those storage classes.
+  uint32_t GetLoadedVariableFromNonFunctionCalls(Instruction* inst);
+  // Adds all decorations of |inst| to the work list.
+  void AddDecorationsToWorkList(const Instruction* inst);
+  // Adds all debug instruction associated with |inst| to the work list.
+  void AddDebugInstructionsToWorkList(const Instruction* inst);
+  // Marks all of the OpFunctionParameter instructions in |func| as live.
+  void MarkFunctionParameterAsLive(const Function* func);
+  // Returns the terminator instruction in the header for the innermost
+  // construct that contains |blk|.  Returns nullptr if no such header exists.
+  Instruction* GetHeaderBranch(BasicBlock* blk);
+  // Returns the header for the innermost construct that contains |blk|.  A loop
+  // header will be its own header.  Returns nullptr if no such header exists.
+  BasicBlock* GetHeaderBlock(BasicBlock* blk) const;
+  // Returns the same as |GetHeaderBlock| except if |blk| is a loop header it
+  // will return the header of the next enclosing construct.  Returns nullptr if
+  // no such header exists.
+  Instruction* GetBranchForNextHeader(BasicBlock* blk);
+  // Returns the merge instruction in the same basic block as |inst|.  Returns
+  // nullptr if one does not exist.
+  Instruction* GetMergeInstruction(Instruction* inst);
+  // Returns true if |bb| is in the construct with header |header_block|.
+  bool BlockIsInConstruct(BasicBlock* header_block, BasicBlock* bb);
+  // Returns true if |func| is an entry point that does not have any function
+  // calls.
+  bool IsEntryPointWithNoCalls(Function* func);
+  // Returns true if |func| is an entry point.
+  bool IsEntryPoint(Function* func);
+  // Returns true if |func| contains a function call.
+  bool HasCall(Function* func);
+  // Marks the first block, which is the entry block, in |func| as live.
+  void MarkFirstBlockAsLive(Function* func);
+  // Adds an OpUnreachable instruction at the end of |block|.
+  void AddUnreachable(BasicBlock*& block);
+  // Marks the OpLoopMerge and the terminator in |basic_block| as live if
+  // |basic_block| is a loop header.
+  void MarkLoopConstructAsLiveIfLoopHeader(BasicBlock* basic_block);
+  // The cached results for |IsEntryPointWithNoCalls|.  It maps the function's
+  // result id to the return value.
+  std::unordered_map<uint32_t, bool> entry_point_with_no_calls_cache_;
   // Live Instruction Worklist.  An instruction is added to this list
   // if it might have a side effect, either directly or indirectly.
@@ -156,27 +235,6 @@
   // building up the live instructions set |live_insts_|.
   std::queue<Instruction*> worklist_;
-  // Map from block to the branch instruction in the header of the most
-  // immediate controlling structured if or loop.  A loop header block points
-  // to its own branch instruction.  An if-selection block points to the branch
-  // of an enclosing construct's header, if one exists.
-  std::unordered_map<BasicBlock*, Instruction*> block2headerBranch_;
-  // Map from header block to the branch instruction in the header of the
-  // structured construct enclosing it.
-  // The liveness algorithm is designed to iteratively mark as live all
-  // structured constructs enclosing a live instruction.
-  std::unordered_map<BasicBlock*, Instruction*> header2nextHeaderBranch_;
-  // Maps basic block to their index in the structured order traversal.
-  std::unordered_map<BasicBlock*, uint32_t> structured_order_index_;
-  // Map from branch to its associated merge instruction, if any
-  std::unordered_map<Instruction*, Instruction*> branch2merge_;
-  // Store instructions to variables of private storage
-  std::vector<Instruction*> private_stores_;
   // Live Instructions
   utils::BitVector live_insts_;
diff --git a/source/opt/block_merge_pass.cpp b/source/opt/block_merge_pass.cpp
index 04e47f1..ef7f31f 100644
--- a/source/opt/block_merge_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/block_merge_pass.cpp
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 Pass::Status BlockMergePass::Process() {
   // Process all entry point functions.
   ProcessFunction pfn = [this](Function* fp) { return MergeBlocks(fp); };
-  bool modified = context()->ProcessEntryPointCallTree(pfn);
+  bool modified = context()->ProcessReachableCallTree(pfn);
   return modified ? Status::SuccessWithChange : Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
diff --git a/source/opt/block_merge_util.cpp b/source/opt/block_merge_util.cpp
index 15e8c6f..8ae8020 100644
--- a/source/opt/block_merge_util.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/block_merge_util.cpp
@@ -171,10 +171,17 @@
       // and OpBranchConditional.
       auto terminator = bi->terminator();
       auto& vec = terminator->dbg_line_insts();
-      auto& new_vec = merge_inst->dbg_line_insts();
-      new_vec.insert(new_vec.end(), vec.begin(), vec.end());
-      terminator->clear_dbg_line_insts();
+      if (vec.size() > 0) {
+        merge_inst->ClearDbgLineInsts();
+        auto& new_vec = merge_inst->dbg_line_insts();
+        new_vec.insert(new_vec.end(), vec.begin(), vec.end());
+        terminator->ClearDbgLineInsts();
+        for (auto& l_inst : new_vec)
+          context->get_def_use_mgr()->AnalyzeInstDefUse(&l_inst);
+      }
+      // Clear debug scope of terminator to avoid DebugScope
+      // emitted between terminator and merge.
+      terminator->SetDebugScope(DebugScope(kNoDebugScope, kNoInlinedAt));
       // Move the merge instruction to just before the terminator.
diff --git a/source/opt/ccp_pass.cpp b/source/opt/ccp_pass.cpp
index d84f13f..8b896d5 100644
--- a/source/opt/ccp_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/ccp_pass.cpp
@@ -291,6 +291,10 @@
 bool CCPPass::PropagateConstants(Function* fp) {
+  if (fp->IsDeclaration()) {
+    return false;
+  }
   // Mark function parameters as varying.
   fp->ForEachParam([this](const Instruction* inst) {
     values_[inst->result_id()] = kVaryingSSAId;
diff --git a/source/opt/combine_access_chains.cpp b/source/opt/combine_access_chains.cpp
index facfc24..142897a 100644
--- a/source/opt/combine_access_chains.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/combine_access_chains.cpp
@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@
 bool CombineAccessChains::ProcessFunction(Function& function) {
+  if (function.IsDeclaration()) {
+    return false;
+  }
   bool modified = false;
diff --git a/source/opt/compact_ids_pass.cpp b/source/opt/compact_ids_pass.cpp
index 6709153..8815b8c 100644
--- a/source/opt/compact_ids_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/compact_ids_pass.cpp
@@ -86,9 +86,12 @@
-  if (modified)
+  if (modified) {
         static_cast<uint32_t>(result_id_mapping.size() + 1));
+    // There are ids in the feature manager that could now be invalid
+    context()->ResetFeatureManager();
+  }
   return modified ? Status::SuccessWithChange : Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
diff --git a/source/opt/constants.cpp b/source/opt/constants.cpp
index a3dac5d..020e248 100644
--- a/source/opt/constants.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/constants.cpp
@@ -217,7 +217,8 @@
   auto* new_inst_ptr = new_inst.get();
   *pos = pos->InsertBefore(std::move(new_inst));
-  context()->get_def_use_mgr()->AnalyzeInstDefUse(new_inst_ptr);
+  if (context()->AreAnalysesValid(IRContext::Analysis::kAnalysisDefUse))
+    context()->get_def_use_mgr()->AnalyzeInstDefUse(new_inst_ptr);
   MapConstantToInst(new_const, new_inst_ptr);
   return new_inst_ptr;
diff --git a/source/opt/convert_to_half_pass.cpp b/source/opt/convert_to_half_pass.cpp
index 6b3b540..b127eab 100644
--- a/source/opt/convert_to_half_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/convert_to_half_pass.cpp
@@ -177,18 +177,21 @@
   return modified;
-bool ConvertToHalfPass::ProcessPhi(Instruction* inst) {
-  // Add float16 converts of any float32 operands and change type
-  // of phi to float16 equivalent. Operand converts need to be added to
-  // preceeding blocks.
+bool ConvertToHalfPass::ProcessPhi(Instruction* inst, uint32_t from_width,
+                                   uint32_t to_width) {
+  // Add converts of any float operands to to_width if they are of from_width.
+  // If converting to 16, change type of phi to float16 equivalent and remember
+  // result id. Converts need to be added to preceeding blocks.
   uint32_t ocnt = 0;
   uint32_t* prev_idp;
-  inst->ForEachInId([&ocnt, &prev_idp, this](uint32_t* idp) {
+  bool modified = false;
+  inst->ForEachInId([&ocnt, &prev_idp, &from_width, &to_width, &modified,
+                     this](uint32_t* idp) {
     if (ocnt % 2 == 0) {
       prev_idp = idp;
     } else {
       Instruction* val_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(*prev_idp);
-      if (IsFloat(val_inst, 32)) {
+      if (IsFloat(val_inst, from_width)) {
         BasicBlock* bp = context()->get_instr_block(*idp);
         auto insert_before = bp->tail();
         if (insert_before != bp->begin()) {
@@ -197,15 +200,19 @@
               insert_before->opcode() != SpvOpLoopMerge)
-        GenConvert(prev_idp, 16, &*insert_before);
+        GenConvert(prev_idp, to_width, &*insert_before);
+        modified = true;
-  inst->SetResultType(EquivFloatTypeId(inst->type_id(), 16));
-  get_def_use_mgr()->AnalyzeInstUse(inst);
-  converted_ids_.insert(inst->result_id());
-  return true;
+  if (to_width == 16u) {
+    inst->SetResultType(EquivFloatTypeId(inst->type_id(), 16u));
+    converted_ids_.insert(inst->result_id());
+    modified = true;
+  }
+  if (modified) get_def_use_mgr()->AnalyzeInstUse(inst);
+  return modified;
 bool ConvertToHalfPass::ProcessConvert(Instruction* inst) {
@@ -242,9 +249,10 @@
 bool ConvertToHalfPass::ProcessDefault(Instruction* inst) {
-  bool modified = false;
   // If non-relaxed instruction has changed operands, need to convert
   // them back to float32
+  if (inst->opcode() == SpvOpPhi) return ProcessPhi(inst, 16u, 32u);
+  bool modified = false;
   inst->ForEachInId([&inst, &modified, this](uint32_t* idp) {
     if (converted_ids_.count(*idp) == 0) return;
     uint32_t old_id = *idp;
@@ -262,7 +270,7 @@
   if (IsArithmetic(inst) && inst_relaxed)
     modified = GenHalfArith(inst);
   else if (inst->opcode() == SpvOpPhi && inst_relaxed)
-    modified = ProcessPhi(inst);
+    modified = ProcessPhi(inst, 32u, 16u);
   else if (inst->opcode() == SpvOpFConvert)
     modified = ProcessConvert(inst);
   else if (image_ops_.count(inst->opcode()) != 0)
@@ -340,7 +348,7 @@
   Pass::ProcessFunction pfn = [this](Function* fp) {
     return ProcessFunction(fp);
-  bool modified = context()->ProcessEntryPointCallTree(pfn);
+  bool modified = context()->ProcessReachableCallTree(pfn);
   // If modified, make sure module has Float16 capability
   if (modified) context()->AddCapability(SpvCapabilityFloat16);
   // Remove all RelaxedPrecision decorations from instructions and globals
diff --git a/source/opt/convert_to_half_pass.h b/source/opt/convert_to_half_pass.h
index b647dd4..c6e84d1 100644
--- a/source/opt/convert_to_half_pass.h
+++ b/source/opt/convert_to_half_pass.h
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
   bool GenHalfArith(Instruction* inst);
   // Gen code for relaxed phi |inst|
-  bool ProcessPhi(Instruction* inst);
+  bool ProcessPhi(Instruction* inst, uint32_t from_width, uint32_t to_width);
   // Gen code for relaxed convert |inst|
   bool ProcessConvert(Instruction* inst);
diff --git a/source/opt/copy_prop_arrays.cpp b/source/opt/copy_prop_arrays.cpp
index f505d8a..62ed5e7 100644
--- a/source/opt/copy_prop_arrays.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/copy_prop_arrays.cpp
@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@
 Pass::Status CopyPropagateArrays::Process() {
   bool modified = false;
   for (Function& function : *get_module()) {
+    if (function.IsDeclaration()) {
+      continue;
+    }
     BasicBlock* entry_bb = &*function.begin();
     for (auto var_inst = entry_bb->begin(); var_inst->opcode() == SpvOpVariable;
diff --git a/source/opt/dead_branch_elim_pass.cpp b/source/opt/dead_branch_elim_pass.cpp
index 0054f57..356dbcb 100644
--- a/source/opt/dead_branch_elim_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/dead_branch_elim_pass.cpp
@@ -346,6 +346,7 @@
           if (operands.size() == 4) {
             // First input data operands is at index 2.
             uint32_t replId = operands[2u].words[0];
+            context()->KillNamesAndDecorates(inst->result_id());
             context()->ReplaceAllUsesWith(inst->result_id(), replId);
             iter = context()->KillInst(&*inst);
           } else {
@@ -419,6 +420,10 @@
 bool DeadBranchElimPass::EliminateDeadBranches(Function* func) {
+  if (func->IsDeclaration()) {
+    return false;
+  }
   bool modified = false;
   std::unordered_set<BasicBlock*> live_blocks;
   modified |= MarkLiveBlocks(func, &live_blocks);
diff --git a/source/opt/dead_insert_elim_pass.cpp b/source/opt/dead_insert_elim_pass.cpp
index fb5c163..d877f0f 100644
--- a/source/opt/dead_insert_elim_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/dead_insert_elim_pass.cpp
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
   ProcessFunction pfn = [this](Function* fp) {
     return EliminateDeadInserts(fp);
-  bool modified = context()->ProcessEntryPointCallTree(pfn);
+  bool modified = context()->ProcessReachableCallTree(pfn);
   return modified ? Status::SuccessWithChange : Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
diff --git a/source/opt/debug_info_manager.cpp b/source/opt/debug_info_manager.cpp
index 2e8e132..060e0d9 100644
--- a/source/opt/debug_info_manager.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/debug_info_manager.cpp
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 #include "source/opt/ir_context.h"
-// Constants for OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 & NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100
+// Constants for OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 & NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100
 // extension instructions.
 static const uint32_t kOpLineOperandLineIndex = 1;
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
   if (setId == 0) {
     setId =
-        context()->get_feature_mgr()->GetExtInstImportId_Vulkan100DebugInfo();
+        context()->get_feature_mgr()->GetExtInstImportId_Shader100DebugInfo();
   return setId;
@@ -117,14 +117,14 @@
         fn_id_to_dbg_fn_.find(fn_id) == fn_id_to_dbg_fn_.end() &&
         "Register DebugFunction for a function that already has DebugFunction");
     fn_id_to_dbg_fn_[fn_id] = inst;
-  } else if (inst->GetVulkan100DebugOpcode() ==
-             NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugFunctionDefinition) {
+  } else if (inst->GetShader100DebugOpcode() ==
+             NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugFunctionDefinition) {
     auto fn_id = inst->GetSingleWordOperand(
     auto fn_inst = GetDbgInst(inst->GetSingleWordOperand(
-    assert(fn_inst && fn_inst->GetVulkan100DebugOpcode() ==
-                          NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugFunction);
+    assert(fn_inst && fn_inst->GetShader100DebugOpcode() ==
+                          NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugFunction);
     assert(fn_id_to_dbg_fn_.find(fn_id) == fn_id_to_dbg_fn_.end() &&
            "Register DebugFunctionDefinition for a function that already has "
@@ -146,6 +146,25 @@
+// Create new constant directly into global value area, bypassing the
+// Constant manager. This is used when the DefUse or Constant managers
+// are invalid and cannot be regenerated due to the module being in an
+// inconsistant state e.g. in the middle of significant modification
+// such as inlining. Invalidate Constant and DefUse managers if used.
+uint32_t AddNewConstInGlobals(IRContext* context, uint32_t const_value) {
+  uint32_t id = context->TakeNextId();
+  std::unique_ptr<Instruction> new_const(new Instruction(
+      context, SpvOpConstant, context->get_type_mgr()->GetUIntTypeId(), id,
+      {
+          {spv_operand_type_t::SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_TYPED_LITERAL_NUMBER,
+           {const_value}},
+      }));
+  context->module()->AddGlobalValue(std::move(new_const));
+  context->InvalidateAnalyses(IRContext::kAnalysisConstants);
+  context->InvalidateAnalyses(IRContext::kAnalysisDefUse);
+  return id;
 uint32_t DebugInfoManager::CreateDebugInlinedAt(const Instruction* line,
                                                 const DebugScope& scope) {
   uint32_t setId = GetDbgSetImportId();
@@ -155,10 +174,10 @@
   spv_operand_type_t line_number_type =
-  // In NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100, all constants are IDs of OpConstant,
+  // In NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100, all constants are IDs of OpConstant,
   // not literals.
   if (setId ==
-      context()->get_feature_mgr()->GetExtInstImportId_Vulkan100DebugInfo())
+      context()->get_feature_mgr()->GetExtInstImportId_Shader100DebugInfo())
     line_number_type = spv_operand_type_t::SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID;
   uint32_t line_number = 0;
@@ -194,10 +213,18 @@
     line_number = line->GetSingleWordOperand(kOpLineOperandLineIndex);
     // If we need the line number as an ID, generate that constant now.
+    // If Constant or DefUse managers are invalid, generate constant
+    // directly into the global value section of the module; do not
+    // use Constant manager which may attempt to invoke building of the
+    // DefUse manager which cannot be done during inlining. The extra
+    // constants that may be generated here is likely not significant
+    // and will likely be cleaned up in later passes.
     if (line_number_type == spv_operand_type_t::SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID) {
-      uint32_t line_id =
-          context()->get_constant_mgr()->GetUIntConst(line_number);
-      line_number = line_id;
+      if (!context()->AreAnalysesValid(IRContext::Analysis::kAnalysisDefUse) ||
+          !context()->AreAnalysesValid(IRContext::Analysis::kAnalysisConstants))
+        line_number = AddNewConstInGlobals(context(), line_number);
+      else
+        line_number = context()->get_constant_mgr()->GetUIntConst(line_number);
@@ -307,7 +334,7 @@
   } else {
     uint32_t deref_id = context()->get_constant_mgr()->GetUIntConst(
-        NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100Deref);
+        NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100Deref);
     deref_operation = std::unique_ptr<Instruction>(
         new Instruction(context(), SpvOpExtInst,
@@ -316,7 +343,7 @@
                             {SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID, {GetDbgSetImportId()}},
-                                 NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugOperation)}},
+                                 NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugOperation)}},
                             {SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID, {deref_id}},
@@ -574,8 +601,8 @@
 uint32_t DebugInfoManager::GetVulkanDebugOperation(Instruction* inst) {
-  assert(inst->GetVulkan100DebugOpcode() ==
-             NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugOperation &&
+  assert(inst->GetShader100DebugOpcode() ==
+             NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugOperation &&
          "inst must be Vulkan DebugOperation");
   return context()
@@ -606,7 +633,7 @@
   } else {
     uint32_t operation_const = GetVulkanDebugOperation(operation);
-    if (operation_const != NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100Deref) {
+    if (operation_const != NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100Deref) {
       return 0;
@@ -682,8 +709,8 @@
   if (inst->GetOpenCL100DebugOpcode() == OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugFunction ||
-      inst->GetVulkan100DebugOpcode() ==
-          NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugFunctionDefinition) {
+      inst->GetShader100DebugOpcode() ==
+          NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugFunctionDefinition) {
@@ -695,10 +722,10 @@
   if (deref_operation_ == nullptr &&
-      inst->GetVulkan100DebugOpcode() ==
-          NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugOperation) {
+      inst->GetShader100DebugOpcode() ==
+          NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugOperation) {
     uint32_t operation_const = GetVulkanDebugOperation(inst);
-    if (operation_const == NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100Deref) {
+    if (operation_const == NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100Deref) {
       deref_operation_ = inst;
@@ -759,8 +786,11 @@
-  auto* added_dbg_decl =
-      local_var->NextNode()->InsertBefore(std::move(new_dbg_decl));
+  // Must insert after all OpVariables in block
+  Instruction* insert_before = local_var;
+  while (insert_before->opcode() == SpvOpVariable)
+    insert_before = insert_before->NextNode();
+  auto* added_dbg_decl = insert_before->InsertBefore(std::move(new_dbg_decl));
   if (context()->AreAnalysesValid(IRContext::Analysis::kAnalysisDefUse))
   if (context()->AreAnalysesValid(
@@ -818,8 +848,8 @@
-  if (instr->GetVulkan100DebugOpcode() ==
-      NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugFunction) {
+  if (instr->GetShader100DebugOpcode() ==
+      NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugFunction) {
     auto fn_id = instr->GetSingleWordOperand(
@@ -851,11 +881,10 @@
         deref_operation_ = &*dbg_instr_itr;
       } else if (instr != &*dbg_instr_itr &&
-                 dbg_instr_itr->GetVulkan100DebugOpcode() ==
-                     NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugOperation) {
+                 dbg_instr_itr->GetShader100DebugOpcode() ==
+                     NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugOperation) {
         uint32_t operation_const = GetVulkanDebugOperation(&*dbg_instr_itr);
-        if (operation_const == NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100Deref) {
+        if (operation_const == NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100Deref) {
           deref_operation_ = &*dbg_instr_itr;
diff --git a/source/opt/debug_info_manager.h b/source/opt/debug_info_manager.h
index 679ae13..df34b30 100644
--- a/source/opt/debug_info_manager.h
+++ b/source/opt/debug_info_manager.h
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
 // A class for analyzing, managing, and creating OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 and
-// NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100 extension instructions.
+// NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100 extension instructions.
 class DebugInfoManager {
   // Constructs a debug information manager from the given |context|.
diff --git a/source/opt/decoration_manager.cpp b/source/opt/decoration_manager.cpp
index 4bf026e..2146c35 100644
--- a/source/opt/decoration_manager.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/decoration_manager.cpp
@@ -490,6 +490,14 @@
+bool DecorationManager::HasDecoration(uint32_t id, uint32_t decoration) {
+  bool has_decoration = false;
+  ForEachDecoration(id, decoration, [&has_decoration](const Instruction&) {
+    has_decoration = true;
+  });
+  return has_decoration;
 bool DecorationManager::FindDecoration(
     uint32_t id, uint32_t decoration,
     std::function<bool(const Instruction&)> f) {
diff --git a/source/opt/decoration_manager.h b/source/opt/decoration_manager.h
index b753e6b..fe78f2c 100644
--- a/source/opt/decoration_manager.h
+++ b/source/opt/decoration_manager.h
@@ -90,6 +90,10 @@
   bool AreDecorationsTheSame(const Instruction* inst1, const Instruction* inst2,
                              bool ignore_target) const;
+  // Returns whether a decoration instruction for |id| with decoration
+  // |decoration| exists or not.
+  bool HasDecoration(uint32_t id, uint32_t decoration);
   // |f| is run on each decoration instruction for |id| with decoration
   // |decoration|. Processed are all decorations which target |id| either
   // directly or indirectly by Decoration Groups.
diff --git a/source/opt/def_use_manager.cpp b/source/opt/def_use_manager.cpp
index 0ec98ca..394b9fa 100644
--- a/source/opt/def_use_manager.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/def_use_manager.cpp
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
         uint32_t use_id = inst->GetSingleWordOperand(i);
         Instruction* def = GetDef(use_id);
-        assert(def && "Definition is not registered.");
+        if (!def) assert(false && "Definition is not registered.");
         id_to_users_.insert(UserEntry(def, inst));
       } break;
@@ -71,6 +71,9 @@
 void DefUseManager::AnalyzeInstDefUse(Instruction* inst) {
+  // Analyze lines last otherwise they will be cleared when inst is
+  // cleared by preceding two calls
+  for (auto& l_inst : inst->dbg_line_insts()) AnalyzeInstDefUse(&l_inst);
 void DefUseManager::UpdateDefUse(Instruction* inst) {
@@ -224,9 +227,11 @@
   if (!module) return;
   // Analyze all the defs before any uses to catch forward references.
-      std::bind(&DefUseManager::AnalyzeInstDef, this, std::placeholders::_1));
+      std::bind(&DefUseManager::AnalyzeInstDef, this, std::placeholders::_1),
+      true);
-      std::bind(&DefUseManager::AnalyzeInstUse, this, std::placeholders::_1));
+      std::bind(&DefUseManager::AnalyzeInstUse, this, std::placeholders::_1),
+      true);
 void DefUseManager::ClearInst(Instruction* inst) {
@@ -261,6 +266,16 @@
 bool operator==(const DefUseManager& lhs, const DefUseManager& rhs) {
   if (lhs.id_to_def_ != rhs.id_to_def_) {
+    for (auto p : lhs.id_to_def_) {
+      if (rhs.id_to_def_.find(p.first) == rhs.id_to_def_.end()) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    for (auto p : rhs.id_to_def_) {
+      if (lhs.id_to_def_.find(p.first) == lhs.id_to_def_.end()) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
     return false;
diff --git a/source/opt/desc_sroa.cpp b/source/opt/desc_sroa.cpp
index 5e95006..bcbdde9 100644
--- a/source/opt/desc_sroa.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/desc_sroa.cpp
@@ -14,10 +14,19 @@
 #include "source/opt/desc_sroa.h"
+#include "source/opt/desc_sroa_util.h"
 #include "source/util/string_utils.h"
 namespace spvtools {
 namespace opt {
+namespace {
+bool IsDecorationBinding(Instruction* inst) {
+  if (inst->opcode() != SpvOpDecorate) return false;
+  return inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(1u) == SpvDecorationBinding;
+}  // namespace
 Pass::Status DescriptorScalarReplacement::Process() {
   bool modified = false;
@@ -25,7 +34,7 @@
   std::vector<Instruction*> vars_to_kill;
   for (Instruction& var : context()->types_values()) {
-    if (IsCandidate(&var)) {
+    if (descsroautil::IsDescriptorArray(context(), &var)) {
       modified = true;
       if (!ReplaceCandidate(&var)) {
         return Status::Failure;
@@ -41,72 +50,6 @@
   return (modified ? Status::SuccessWithChange : Status::SuccessWithoutChange);
-bool DescriptorScalarReplacement::IsCandidate(Instruction* var) {
-  if (var->opcode() != SpvOpVariable) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  uint32_t ptr_type_id = var->type_id();
-  Instruction* ptr_type_inst =
-      context()->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(ptr_type_id);
-  if (ptr_type_inst->opcode() != SpvOpTypePointer) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  uint32_t var_type_id = ptr_type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(1);
-  Instruction* var_type_inst =
-      context()->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(var_type_id);
-  if (var_type_inst->opcode() != SpvOpTypeArray &&
-      var_type_inst->opcode() != SpvOpTypeStruct) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  // All structures with descriptor assignments must be replaced by variables,
-  // one for each of their members - with the exceptions of buffers.
-  if (IsTypeOfStructuredBuffer(var_type_inst)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  bool has_desc_set_decoration = false;
-  context()->get_decoration_mgr()->ForEachDecoration(
-      var->result_id(), SpvDecorationDescriptorSet,
-      [&has_desc_set_decoration](const Instruction&) {
-        has_desc_set_decoration = true;
-      });
-  if (!has_desc_set_decoration) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  bool has_binding_decoration = false;
-  context()->get_decoration_mgr()->ForEachDecoration(
-      var->result_id(), SpvDecorationBinding,
-      [&has_binding_decoration](const Instruction&) {
-        has_binding_decoration = true;
-      });
-  if (!has_binding_decoration) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool DescriptorScalarReplacement::IsTypeOfStructuredBuffer(
-    const Instruction* type) const {
-  if (type->opcode() != SpvOpTypeStruct) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  // All buffers have offset decorations for members of their structure types.
-  // This is how we distinguish it from a structure of descriptors.
-  bool has_offset_decoration = false;
-  context()->get_decoration_mgr()->ForEachDecoration(
-      type->result_id(), SpvDecorationOffset,
-      [&has_offset_decoration](const Instruction&) {
-        has_offset_decoration = true;
-      });
-  return has_offset_decoration;
 bool DescriptorScalarReplacement::ReplaceCandidate(Instruction* var) {
   std::vector<Instruction*> access_chain_work_list;
   std::vector<Instruction*> load_work_list;
@@ -162,16 +105,15 @@
     return false;
-  uint32_t idx_id = use->GetSingleWordInOperand(1);
-  const analysis::Constant* idx_const =
-      context()->get_constant_mgr()->FindDeclaredConstant(idx_id);
-  if (idx_const == nullptr) {
+  const analysis::Constant* const_index =
+      descsroautil::GetAccessChainIndexAsConst(context(), use);
+  if (const_index == nullptr) {
     context()->EmitErrorMessage("Variable cannot be replaced: invalid index",
     return false;
-  uint32_t idx = idx_const->GetU32();
+  uint32_t idx = const_index->GetU32();
   uint32_t replacement_var = GetReplacementVariable(var, idx);
   if (use->NumInOperands() == 2) {
@@ -208,39 +150,12 @@
                                                              uint32_t idx) {
   auto replacement_vars = replacement_variables_.find(var);
   if (replacement_vars == replacement_variables_.end()) {
-    uint32_t ptr_type_id = var->type_id();
-    Instruction* ptr_type_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(ptr_type_id);
-    assert(ptr_type_inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypePointer &&
-           "Variable should be a pointer to an array or structure.");
-    uint32_t pointee_type_id = ptr_type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(1);
-    Instruction* pointee_type_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(pointee_type_id);
-    const bool is_array = pointee_type_inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeArray;
-    const bool is_struct = pointee_type_inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeStruct;
-    assert((is_array || is_struct) &&
-           "Variable should be a pointer to an array or structure.");
-    // For arrays, each array element should be replaced with a new replacement
-    // variable
-    if (is_array) {
-      uint32_t array_len_id = pointee_type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(1);
-      const analysis::Constant* array_len_const =
-          context()->get_constant_mgr()->FindDeclaredConstant(array_len_id);
-      assert(array_len_const != nullptr && "Array length must be a constant.");
-      uint32_t array_len = array_len_const->GetU32();
-      replacement_vars = replacement_variables_
-                             .insert({var, std::vector<uint32_t>(array_len, 0)})
-                             .first;
-    }
-    // For structures, each member should be replaced with a new replacement
-    // variable
-    if (is_struct) {
-      const uint32_t num_members = pointee_type_inst->NumInOperands();
-      replacement_vars =
-          replacement_variables_
-              .insert({var, std::vector<uint32_t>(num_members, 0)})
-              .first;
-    }
+    uint32_t number_of_elements =
+        descsroautil::GetNumberOfElementsForArrayOrStruct(context(), var);
+    replacement_vars =
+        replacement_variables_
+            .insert({var, std::vector<uint32_t>(number_of_elements, 0)})
+            .first;
   if (replacement_vars->second[idx] == 0) {
@@ -250,6 +165,74 @@
   return replacement_vars->second[idx];
+void DescriptorScalarReplacement::CopyDecorationsForNewVariable(
+    Instruction* old_var, uint32_t index, uint32_t new_var_id,
+    uint32_t new_var_ptr_type_id, const bool is_old_var_array,
+    const bool is_old_var_struct, Instruction* old_var_type) {
+  // Handle OpDecorate instructions.
+  for (auto old_decoration :
+       get_decoration_mgr()->GetDecorationsFor(old_var->result_id(), true)) {
+    uint32_t new_binding = 0;
+    if (IsDecorationBinding(old_decoration)) {
+      new_binding = GetNewBindingForElement(
+          old_decoration->GetSingleWordInOperand(2), index, new_var_ptr_type_id,
+          is_old_var_array, is_old_var_struct, old_var_type);
+    }
+    CreateNewDecorationForNewVariable(old_decoration, new_var_id, new_binding);
+  }
+  // Handle OpMemberDecorate instructions.
+  for (auto old_decoration : get_decoration_mgr()->GetDecorationsFor(
+           old_var_type->result_id(), true)) {
+    assert(old_decoration->opcode() == SpvOpMemberDecorate);
+    if (old_decoration->GetSingleWordInOperand(1u) != index) continue;
+    CreateNewDecorationForMemberDecorate(old_decoration, new_var_id);
+  }
+uint32_t DescriptorScalarReplacement::GetNewBindingForElement(
+    uint32_t old_binding, uint32_t index, uint32_t new_var_ptr_type_id,
+    const bool is_old_var_array, const bool is_old_var_struct,
+    Instruction* old_var_type) {
+  if (is_old_var_array) {
+    return old_binding + index * GetNumBindingsUsedByType(new_var_ptr_type_id);
+  }
+  if (is_old_var_struct) {
+    // The binding offset that should be added is the sum of binding
+    // numbers used by previous members of the current struct.
+    uint32_t new_binding = old_binding;
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < index; ++i) {
+      new_binding +=
+          GetNumBindingsUsedByType(old_var_type->GetSingleWordInOperand(i));
+    }
+    return new_binding;
+  }
+  return old_binding;
+void DescriptorScalarReplacement::CreateNewDecorationForNewVariable(
+    Instruction* old_decoration, uint32_t new_var_id, uint32_t new_binding) {
+  assert(old_decoration->opcode() == SpvOpDecorate);
+  std::unique_ptr<Instruction> new_decoration(old_decoration->Clone(context()));
+  new_decoration->SetInOperand(0, {new_var_id});
+  if (IsDecorationBinding(new_decoration.get())) {
+    new_decoration->SetInOperand(2, {new_binding});
+  }
+  context()->AddAnnotationInst(std::move(new_decoration));
+void DescriptorScalarReplacement::CreateNewDecorationForMemberDecorate(
+    Instruction* old_member_decoration, uint32_t new_var_id) {
+  std::vector<Operand> operands(
+      {{spv_operand_type_t::SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID, {new_var_id}}});
+  auto new_decorate_operand_begin = old_member_decoration->begin() + 2u;
+  auto new_decorate_operand_end = old_member_decoration->end();
+  operands.insert(operands.end(), new_decorate_operand_begin,
+                  new_decorate_operand_end);
+  get_decoration_mgr()->AddDecoration(SpvOpDecorate, std::move(operands));
 uint32_t DescriptorScalarReplacement::CreateReplacementVariable(
     Instruction* var, uint32_t idx) {
   // The storage class for the new variable is the same as the original.
@@ -285,33 +268,8 @@
-  // Copy all of the decorations to the new variable.  The only difference is
-  // the Binding decoration needs to be adjusted.
-  for (auto old_decoration :
-       get_decoration_mgr()->GetDecorationsFor(var->result_id(), true)) {
-    assert(old_decoration->opcode() == SpvOpDecorate);
-    std::unique_ptr<Instruction> new_decoration(
-        old_decoration->Clone(context()));
-    new_decoration->SetInOperand(0, {id});
-    uint32_t decoration = new_decoration->GetSingleWordInOperand(1u);
-    if (decoration == SpvDecorationBinding) {
-      uint32_t new_binding = new_decoration->GetSingleWordInOperand(2);
-      if (is_array) {
-        new_binding += idx * GetNumBindingsUsedByType(ptr_element_type_id);
-      }
-      if (is_struct) {
-        // The binding offset that should be added is the sum of binding numbers
-        // used by previous members of the current struct.
-        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < idx; ++i) {
-          new_binding += GetNumBindingsUsedByType(
-              pointee_type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(i));
-        }
-      }
-      new_decoration->SetInOperand(2, {new_binding});
-    }
-    context()->AddAnnotationInst(std::move(new_decoration));
-  }
+  CopyDecorationsForNewVariable(var, idx, id, ptr_element_type_id, is_array,
+                                is_struct, pointee_type_inst);
   // Create a new OpName for the replacement variable.
   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Instruction>> names_to_add;
@@ -377,7 +335,7 @@
   // The number of bindings consumed by a structure is the sum of the bindings
   // used by its members.
   if (type_inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeStruct &&
-      !IsTypeOfStructuredBuffer(type_inst)) {
+      !descsroautil::IsTypeOfStructuredBuffer(context(), type_inst)) {
     uint32_t sum = 0;
     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < type_inst->NumInOperands(); i++)
       sum += GetNumBindingsUsedByType(type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(i));
diff --git a/source/opt/desc_sroa.h b/source/opt/desc_sroa.h
index cd72fd3..fea0625 100644
--- a/source/opt/desc_sroa.h
+++ b/source/opt/desc_sroa.h
@@ -46,10 +46,6 @@
-  // Returns true if |var| is an OpVariable instruction that represents a
-  // descriptor array.  These are the variables that we want to replace.
-  bool IsCandidate(Instruction* var);
   // Replaces all references to |var| by new variables, one for each element of
   // the array |var|.  The binding for the new variables corresponding to
   // element i will be the binding of |var| plus i.  Returns true if successful.
@@ -93,10 +89,45 @@
   // bindings used by its members.
   uint32_t GetNumBindingsUsedByType(uint32_t type_id);
-  // Returns true if |type| is a type that could be used for a structured buffer
-  // as opposed to a type that would be used for a structure of resource
-  // descriptors.
-  bool IsTypeOfStructuredBuffer(const Instruction* type) const;
+  // Copy all of the decorations of variable |old_var| and make them as
+  // decorations for the new variable whose id is |new_var_id|. The new variable
+  // is supposed to replace |index|th element of |old_var|.
+  // |new_var_ptr_type_id| is the id of the pointer to the type of the new
+  // variable. |is_old_var_array| is true if |old_var| has an array type.
+  // |is_old_var_struct| is true if |old_var| has a structure type.
+  // |old_var_type| is the pointee type of |old_var|.
+  void CopyDecorationsForNewVariable(Instruction* old_var, uint32_t index,
+                                     uint32_t new_var_id,
+                                     uint32_t new_var_ptr_type_id,
+                                     const bool is_old_var_array,
+                                     const bool is_old_var_struct,
+                                     Instruction* old_var_type);
+  // Get the new binding number for a new variable that will be replaced with an
+  // |index|th element of an old variable. The old variable has |old_binding|
+  // as its binding number. |ptr_elem_type_id| the id of the pointer to the
+  // element type. |is_old_var_array| is true if the old variable has an array
+  // type. |is_old_var_struct| is true if the old variable has a structure type.
+  // |old_var_type| is the pointee type of the old variable.
+  uint32_t GetNewBindingForElement(uint32_t old_binding, uint32_t index,
+                                   uint32_t ptr_elem_type_id,
+                                   const bool is_old_var_array,
+                                   const bool is_old_var_struct,
+                                   Instruction* old_var_type);
+  // Create a new OpDecorate instruction by cloning |old_decoration|. The new
+  // OpDecorate instruction will be used for a variable whose id is
+  // |new_var_ptr_type_id|. If |old_decoration| is a decoration for a binding,
+  // the new OpDecorate instruction will have |new_binding| as its binding.
+  void CreateNewDecorationForNewVariable(Instruction* old_decoration,
+                                         uint32_t new_var_id,
+                                         uint32_t new_binding);
+  // Create a new OpDecorate instruction whose operand is the same as an
+  // OpMemberDecorate instruction |old_member_decoration| except Target operand.
+  // The Target operand of the new OpDecorate instruction will be |new_var_id|.
+  void CreateNewDecorationForMemberDecorate(Instruction* old_decoration,
+                                            uint32_t new_var_id);
   // A map from an OpVariable instruction to the set of variables that will be
   // used to replace it. The entry |replacement_variables_[var][i]| is the id of
diff --git a/source/opt/desc_sroa_util.cpp b/source/opt/desc_sroa_util.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1954e2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/opt/desc_sroa_util.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2021 Google LLC
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "source/opt/desc_sroa_util.h"
+namespace spvtools {
+namespace opt {
+namespace {
+const uint32_t kOpAccessChainInOperandIndexes = 1;
+// Returns the length of array type |type|.
+uint32_t GetLengthOfArrayType(IRContext* context, Instruction* type) {
+  assert(type->opcode() == SpvOpTypeArray && "type must be array");
+  uint32_t length_id = type->GetSingleWordInOperand(1);
+  const analysis::Constant* length_const =
+      context->get_constant_mgr()->FindDeclaredConstant(length_id);
+  assert(length_const != nullptr);
+  return length_const->GetU32();
+}  // namespace
+namespace descsroautil {
+bool IsDescriptorArray(IRContext* context, Instruction* var) {
+  if (var->opcode() != SpvOpVariable) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  uint32_t ptr_type_id = var->type_id();
+  Instruction* ptr_type_inst = context->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(ptr_type_id);
+  if (ptr_type_inst->opcode() != SpvOpTypePointer) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  uint32_t var_type_id = ptr_type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(1);
+  Instruction* var_type_inst = context->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(var_type_id);
+  if (var_type_inst->opcode() != SpvOpTypeArray &&
+      var_type_inst->opcode() != SpvOpTypeStruct) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // All structures with descriptor assignments must be replaced by variables,
+  // one for each of their members - with the exceptions of buffers.
+  if (IsTypeOfStructuredBuffer(context, var_type_inst)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (!context->get_decoration_mgr()->HasDecoration(
+          var->result_id(), SpvDecorationDescriptorSet)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  return context->get_decoration_mgr()->HasDecoration(var->result_id(),
+                                                      SpvDecorationBinding);
+bool IsTypeOfStructuredBuffer(IRContext* context, const Instruction* type) {
+  if (type->opcode() != SpvOpTypeStruct) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // All buffers have offset decorations for members of their structure types.
+  // This is how we distinguish it from a structure of descriptors.
+  return context->get_decoration_mgr()->HasDecoration(type->result_id(),
+                                                      SpvDecorationOffset);
+const analysis::Constant* GetAccessChainIndexAsConst(
+    IRContext* context, Instruction* access_chain) {
+  if (access_chain->NumInOperands() <= 1) {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  uint32_t idx_id = GetFirstIndexOfAccessChain(access_chain);
+  const analysis::Constant* idx_const =
+      context->get_constant_mgr()->FindDeclaredConstant(idx_id);
+  return idx_const;
+uint32_t GetFirstIndexOfAccessChain(Instruction* access_chain) {
+  assert(access_chain->NumInOperands() > 1 &&
+         "OpAccessChain does not have Indexes operand");
+  return access_chain->GetSingleWordInOperand(kOpAccessChainInOperandIndexes);
+uint32_t GetNumberOfElementsForArrayOrStruct(IRContext* context,
+                                             Instruction* var) {
+  uint32_t ptr_type_id = var->type_id();
+  Instruction* ptr_type_inst = context->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(ptr_type_id);
+  assert(ptr_type_inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypePointer &&
+         "Variable should be a pointer to an array or structure.");
+  uint32_t pointee_type_id = ptr_type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(1);
+  Instruction* pointee_type_inst =
+      context->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(pointee_type_id);
+  if (pointee_type_inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeArray) {
+    return GetLengthOfArrayType(context, pointee_type_inst);
+  }
+  assert(pointee_type_inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeStruct &&
+         "Variable should be a pointer to an array or structure.");
+  return pointee_type_inst->NumInOperands();
+}  // namespace descsroautil
+}  // namespace opt
+}  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/source/opt/desc_sroa_util.h b/source/opt/desc_sroa_util.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f45c0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/opt/desc_sroa_util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2021 Google LLC
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "source/opt/ir_context.h"
+namespace spvtools {
+namespace opt {
+// Provides functions for the descriptor array SROA.
+namespace descsroautil {
+// Returns true if |var| is an OpVariable instruction that represents a
+// descriptor array.
+bool IsDescriptorArray(IRContext* context, Instruction* var);
+// Returns true if |type| is a type that could be used for a structured buffer
+// as opposed to a type that would be used for a structure of resource
+// descriptors.
+bool IsTypeOfStructuredBuffer(IRContext* context, const Instruction* type);
+// Returns the first index of the OpAccessChain instruction |access_chain| as
+// a constant. Returns nullptr if it is not a constant.
+const analysis::Constant* GetAccessChainIndexAsConst(IRContext* context,
+                                                     Instruction* access_chain);
+// Returns the number of elements of an OpVariable instruction |var| whose type
+// must be a pointer to an array or a struct.
+uint32_t GetNumberOfElementsForArrayOrStruct(IRContext* context,
+                                             Instruction* var);
+// Returns the first Indexes operand id of the OpAccessChain or
+// OpInBoundsAccessChain instruction |access_chain|. The access chain must have
+// at least 1 index.
+uint32_t GetFirstIndexOfAccessChain(Instruction* access_chain);
+}  // namespace descsroautil
+}  // namespace opt
+}  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/source/opt/eliminate_dead_members_pass.cpp b/source/opt/eliminate_dead_members_pass.cpp
index 173df62..a24ba8f 100644
--- a/source/opt/eliminate_dead_members_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/eliminate_dead_members_pass.cpp
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 namespace {
 const uint32_t kRemovedMember = 0xFFFFFFFF;
 const uint32_t kSpecConstOpOpcodeIdx = 0;
+constexpr uint32_t kArrayElementTypeIdx = 0;
 }  // namespace
 namespace spvtools {
@@ -64,6 +65,10 @@
+          // Ignore structured buffers as layout(offset) qualifiers cannot be
+          // applied to structure fields
+          if (inst.IsVulkanStorageBufferVariable())
+            MarkPointeeTypeAsFullUsed(inst.type_id());
@@ -136,18 +141,22 @@
 void EliminateDeadMembersPass::MarkTypeAsFullyUsed(uint32_t type_id) {
   Instruction* type_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(type_id);
   assert(type_inst != nullptr);
-  if (type_inst->opcode() != SpvOpTypeStruct) {
-    return;
-  }
-  // Mark every member of the current struct as used.
-  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < type_inst->NumInOperands(); ++i) {
-    used_members_[type_id].insert(i);
-  }
-  // Mark any sub struct as fully used.
-  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < type_inst->NumInOperands(); ++i) {
-    MarkTypeAsFullyUsed(type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(i));
+  switch (type_inst->opcode()) {
+    case SpvOpTypeStruct:
+      // Mark every member and its type as fully used.
+      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < type_inst->NumInOperands(); ++i) {
+        used_members_[type_id].insert(i);
+        MarkTypeAsFullyUsed(type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(i));
+      }
+      break;
+    case SpvOpTypeArray:
+    case SpvOpTypeRuntimeArray:
+      MarkTypeAsFullyUsed(
+          type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kArrayElementTypeIdx));
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
diff --git a/source/opt/feature_manager.cpp b/source/opt/feature_manager.cpp
index db3abdd..39a4a34 100644
--- a/source/opt/feature_manager.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/feature_manager.cpp
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@
   extinst_importid_GLSLstd450_ = module->GetExtInstImportId("GLSL.std.450");
   extinst_importid_OpenCL100DebugInfo_ =
-  extinst_importid_Vulkan100DebugInfo_ =
-      module->GetExtInstImportId("NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100");
+  extinst_importid_Shader100DebugInfo_ =
+      module->GetExtInstImportId("NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100");
 bool operator==(const FeatureManager& a, const FeatureManager& b) {
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@
     return false;
-  if (a.extinst_importid_Vulkan100DebugInfo_ !=
-      b.extinst_importid_Vulkan100DebugInfo_) {
+  if (a.extinst_importid_Shader100DebugInfo_ !=
+      b.extinst_importid_Shader100DebugInfo_) {
     return false;
diff --git a/source/opt/feature_manager.h b/source/opt/feature_manager.h
index 4720c6d..68c8e9a 100644
--- a/source/opt/feature_manager.h
+++ b/source/opt/feature_manager.h
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
     return extinst_importid_OpenCL100DebugInfo_;
-  uint32_t GetExtInstImportId_Vulkan100DebugInfo() const {
-    return extinst_importid_Vulkan100DebugInfo_;
+  uint32_t GetExtInstImportId_Shader100DebugInfo() const {
+    return extinst_importid_Shader100DebugInfo_;
   friend bool operator==(const FeatureManager& a, const FeatureManager& b);
@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@
   // for performance.
   uint32_t extinst_importid_OpenCL100DebugInfo_ = 0;
-  // Common NonSemanticVulkan100DebugInfo external instruction import ids,
+  // Common NonSemanticShader100DebugInfo external instruction import ids,
   // cached for performance.
-  uint32_t extinst_importid_Vulkan100DebugInfo_ = 0;
+  uint32_t extinst_importid_Shader100DebugInfo_ = 0;
 }  // namespace opt
diff --git a/source/opt/folding_rules.cpp b/source/opt/folding_rules.cpp
index 6ae078f..4904f18 100644
--- a/source/opt/folding_rules.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/folding_rules.cpp
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include "source/opt/folding_rules.h"
+#include <climits>
 #include <limits>
 #include <memory>
 #include <utility>
@@ -523,7 +524,8 @@
     float fval = val.getAsFloat();                                           \
     if (!IsValidResult(fval)) return 0;                                      \
     words = val.GetWords();                                                  \
-  } static_assert(true, "require extra semicolon")
+  }                                                                          \
+  static_assert(true, "require extra semicolon")
   switch (opcode) {
     case SpvOpFMul:
@@ -558,24 +560,19 @@
   uint32_t width = type->AsInteger()->width();
   assert(width == 32 || width == 64);
   std::vector<uint32_t> words;
-#define FOLD_OP(op)                                        \
-  if (width == 64) {                                       \
-    if (type->IsSigned()) {                                \
-      int64_t val = input1->GetS64() op input2->GetS64();  \
-      words = ExtractInts(static_cast<uint64_t>(val));     \
-    } else {                                               \
-      uint64_t val = input1->GetU64() op input2->GetU64(); \
-      words = ExtractInts(val);                            \
-    }                                                      \
-  } else {                                                 \
-    if (type->IsSigned()) {                                \
-      int32_t val = input1->GetS32() op input2->GetS32();  \
-      words.push_back(static_cast<uint32_t>(val));         \
-    } else {                                               \
-      uint32_t val = input1->GetU32() op input2->GetU32(); \
-      words.push_back(val);                                \
-    }                                                      \
-  } static_assert(true, "require extra semicalon")
+  // Regardless of the sign of the constant, folding is performed on an unsigned
+  // interpretation of the constant data. This avoids signed integer overflow
+  // while folding, and works because sign is irrelevant for the IAdd, ISub and
+  // IMul instructions.
+#define FOLD_OP(op)                                      \
+  if (width == 64) {                                     \
+    uint64_t val = input1->GetU64() op input2->GetU64(); \
+    words = ExtractInts(val);                            \
+  } else {                                               \
+    uint32_t val = input1->GetU32() op input2->GetU32(); \
+    words.push_back(val);                                \
+  }                                                      \
+  static_assert(true, "require extra semicolon")
   switch (opcode) {
     case SpvOpIMul:
@@ -971,25 +968,17 @@
 FoldingRule MergeDivNegateArithmetic() {
   return [](IRContext* context, Instruction* inst,
             const std::vector<const analysis::Constant*>& constants) {
-    assert(inst->opcode() == SpvOpFDiv || inst->opcode() == SpvOpSDiv);
+    assert(inst->opcode() == SpvOpFDiv);
     analysis::ConstantManager* const_mgr = context->get_constant_mgr();
-    const analysis::Type* type =
-        context->get_type_mgr()->GetType(inst->type_id());
-    bool uses_float = HasFloatingPoint(type);
-    if (uses_float && !inst->IsFloatingPointFoldingAllowed()) return false;
-    uint32_t width = ElementWidth(type);
-    if (width != 32 && width != 64) return false;
+    if (!inst->IsFloatingPointFoldingAllowed()) return false;
     const analysis::Constant* const_input1 = ConstInput(constants);
     if (!const_input1) return false;
     Instruction* other_inst = NonConstInput(context, constants[0], inst);
-    if (uses_float && !other_inst->IsFloatingPointFoldingAllowed())
-      return false;
+    if (!other_inst->IsFloatingPointFoldingAllowed()) return false;
     bool first_is_variable = constants[0] == nullptr;
-    if (other_inst->opcode() == SpvOpFNegate ||
-        other_inst->opcode() == SpvOpSNegate) {
+    if (other_inst->opcode() == SpvOpFNegate) {
       uint32_t neg_id = NegateConstant(const_mgr, const_input1);
       if (first_is_variable) {
@@ -1467,90 +1456,121 @@
-FoldingRule CompositeConstructFeedingExtract() {
-  return [](IRContext* context, Instruction* inst,
-            const std::vector<const analysis::Constant*>&) {
-    // If the input to an OpCompositeExtract is an OpCompositeConstruct,
-    // then we can simply use the appropriate element in the construction.
-    assert(inst->opcode() == SpvOpCompositeExtract &&
-           "Wrong opcode.  Should be OpCompositeExtract.");
-    analysis::DefUseManager* def_use_mgr = context->get_def_use_mgr();
-    analysis::TypeManager* type_mgr = context->get_type_mgr();
+// Returns the number of elements that the |index|th in operand in |inst|
+// contributes to the result of |inst|.  |inst| must be an
+// OpCompositeConstructInstruction.
+uint32_t GetNumOfElementsContributedByOperand(IRContext* context,
+                                              const Instruction* inst,
+                                              uint32_t index) {
+  assert(inst->opcode() == SpvOpCompositeConstruct);
+  analysis::DefUseManager* def_use_mgr = context->get_def_use_mgr();
+  analysis::TypeManager* type_mgr = context->get_type_mgr();
-    // If there are no index operands, then this rule cannot do anything.
-    if (inst->NumInOperands() <= 1) {
-      return false;
-    }
+  analysis::Vector* result_type =
+      type_mgr->GetType(inst->type_id())->AsVector();
+  if (result_type == nullptr) {
+    // If the result of the OpCompositeConstruct is not a vector then every
+    // operands corresponds to a single element in the result.
+    return 1;
+  }
-    uint32_t cid = inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kExtractCompositeIdInIdx);
-    Instruction* cinst = def_use_mgr->GetDef(cid);
+  // If the result type is a vector then the operands are either scalars or
+  // vectors. If it is a scalar, then it corresponds to a single element.  If it
+  // is a vector, then each element in the vector will be an element in the
+  // result.
+  uint32_t id = inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(index);
+  Instruction* def = def_use_mgr->GetDef(id);
+  analysis::Vector* type = type_mgr->GetType(def->type_id())->AsVector();
+  if (type == nullptr) {
+    return 1;
+  }
+  return type->element_count();
-    if (cinst->opcode() != SpvOpCompositeConstruct) {
-      return false;
-    }
+// Returns the in-operands for an OpCompositeExtract instruction that are needed
+// to extract the |result_index|th element in the result of |inst| without using
+// the result of |inst|. Returns the empty vector if |result_index| is
+// out-of-bounds. |inst| must be an |OpCompositeConstruct| instruction.
+std::vector<Operand> GetExtractOperandsForElementOfCompositeConstruct(
+    IRContext* context, const Instruction* inst, uint32_t result_index) {
+  assert(inst->opcode() == SpvOpCompositeConstruct);
+  analysis::DefUseManager* def_use_mgr = context->get_def_use_mgr();
+  analysis::TypeManager* type_mgr = context->get_type_mgr();
-    std::vector<Operand> operands;
-    analysis::Type* composite_type = type_mgr->GetType(cinst->type_id());
-    if (composite_type->AsVector() == nullptr) {
-      // Get the element being extracted from the OpCompositeConstruct
-      // Since it is not a vector, it is simple to extract the single element.
-      uint32_t element_index = inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(1);
-      uint32_t element_id = cinst->GetSingleWordInOperand(element_index);
-      operands.push_back({SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID, {element_id}});
+  analysis::Type* result_type = type_mgr->GetType(inst->type_id());
+  if (result_type->AsVector() == nullptr) {
+    uint32_t id = inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(result_index);
+    return {Operand(SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID, {id})};
+  }
-      // Add the remaining indices for extraction.
-      for (uint32_t i = 2; i < inst->NumInOperands(); ++i) {
-        operands.push_back({SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_LITERAL_INTEGER,
-                            {inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(i)}});
+  // If the result type is a vector, then vector operands are concatenated.
+  uint32_t total_element_count = 0;
+  for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < inst->NumInOperands(); ++idx) {
+    uint32_t element_count =
+        GetNumOfElementsContributedByOperand(context, inst, idx);
+    total_element_count += element_count;
+    if (result_index < total_element_count) {
+      std::vector<Operand> operands;
+      uint32_t id = inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(idx);
+      Instruction* operand_def = def_use_mgr->GetDef(id);
+      analysis::Type* operand_type = type_mgr->GetType(operand_def->type_id());
+      operands.push_back({SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID, {id}});
+      if (operand_type->AsVector()) {
+        uint32_t start_index_of_id = total_element_count - element_count;
+        uint32_t index_into_id = result_index - start_index_of_id;
+        operands.push_back({SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_LITERAL_INTEGER, {index_into_id}});
-    } else {
-      // With vectors we have to handle the case where it is concatenating
-      // vectors.
-      assert(inst->NumInOperands() == 2 &&
-             "Expecting a vector of scalar values.");
-      uint32_t element_index = inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(1);
-      for (uint32_t construct_index = 0;
-           construct_index < cinst->NumInOperands(); ++construct_index) {
-        uint32_t element_id = cinst->GetSingleWordInOperand(construct_index);
-        Instruction* element_def = def_use_mgr->GetDef(element_id);
-        analysis::Vector* element_type =
-            type_mgr->GetType(element_def->type_id())->AsVector();
-        if (element_type) {
-          uint32_t vector_size = element_type->element_count();
-          if (vector_size <= element_index) {
-            // The element we want comes after this vector.
-            element_index -= vector_size;
-          } else {
-            // We want an element of this vector.
-            operands.push_back({SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID, {element_id}});
-            operands.push_back(
-                {SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_LITERAL_INTEGER, {element_index}});
-            break;
-          }
-        } else {
-          if (element_index == 0) {
-            // This is a scalar, and we this is the element we are extracting.
-            operands.push_back({SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID, {element_id}});
-            break;
-          } else {
-            // Skip over this scalar value.
-            --element_index;
-          }
-        }
-      }
+      return operands;
+  }
+  return {};
+bool CompositeConstructFeedingExtract(
+    IRContext* context, Instruction* inst,
+    const std::vector<const analysis::Constant*>&) {
+  // If the input to an OpCompositeExtract is an OpCompositeConstruct,
+  // then we can simply use the appropriate element in the construction.
+  assert(inst->opcode() == SpvOpCompositeExtract &&
+         "Wrong opcode.  Should be OpCompositeExtract.");
+  analysis::DefUseManager* def_use_mgr = context->get_def_use_mgr();
+  // If there are no index operands, then this rule cannot do anything.
+  if (inst->NumInOperands() <= 1) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  uint32_t cid = inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kExtractCompositeIdInIdx);
+  Instruction* cinst = def_use_mgr->GetDef(cid);
+  if (cinst->opcode() != SpvOpCompositeConstruct) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  uint32_t index_into_result = inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(1);
+  std::vector<Operand> operands =
+      GetExtractOperandsForElementOfCompositeConstruct(context, cinst,
+                                                       index_into_result);
+  if (operands.empty()) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  // Add the remaining indices for extraction.
+  for (uint32_t i = 2; i < inst->NumInOperands(); ++i) {
+    operands.push_back(
+        {SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_LITERAL_INTEGER, {inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(i)}});
+  }
+  if (operands.size() == 1) {
     // If there were no extra indices, then we have the final object.  No need
-    // to extract even more.
-    if (operands.size() == 1) {
-      inst->SetOpcode(SpvOpCopyObject);
-    }
+    // to extract any more.
+    inst->SetOpcode(SpvOpCopyObject);
+  }
-    inst->SetInOperands(std::move(operands));
-    return true;
-  };
+  inst->SetInOperands(std::move(operands));
+  return true;
 // If the OpCompositeConstruct is simply putting back together elements that
@@ -2509,7 +2529,7 @@
-  rules_[SpvOpCompositeExtract].push_back(CompositeConstructFeedingExtract());
+  rules_[SpvOpCompositeExtract].push_back(CompositeConstructFeedingExtract);
@@ -2561,8 +2581,6 @@
-  rules_[SpvOpSDiv].push_back(MergeDivNegateArithmetic());
diff --git a/source/opt/function.h b/source/opt/function.h
index 9e1c727..917bf58 100644
--- a/source/opt/function.h
+++ b/source/opt/function.h
@@ -177,6 +177,9 @@
   // debuggers.
   void Dump() const;
+  // Returns true is a function declaration and not a function definition.
+  bool IsDeclaration() { return begin() == end(); }
   // The OpFunction instruction that begins the definition of this function.
   std::unique_ptr<Instruction> def_inst_;
diff --git a/source/opt/if_conversion.cpp b/source/opt/if_conversion.cpp
index 4284069..4920661 100644
--- a/source/opt/if_conversion.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/if_conversion.cpp
@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@
         Instruction* select = builder.AddSelect(phi->type_id(), condition,
+        context()->get_def_use_mgr()->AnalyzeInstDefUse(select);
         context()->ReplaceAllUsesWith(phi->result_id(), select->result_id());
diff --git a/source/opt/inline_exhaustive_pass.cpp b/source/opt/inline_exhaustive_pass.cpp
index f24f744..bef4501 100644
--- a/source/opt/inline_exhaustive_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/inline_exhaustive_pass.cpp
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
     status = CombineStatus(status, InlineExhaustive(fp));
     return false;
-  context()->ProcessEntryPointCallTree(pfn);
+  context()->ProcessReachableCallTree(pfn);
   return status;
diff --git a/source/opt/inline_opaque_pass.cpp b/source/opt/inline_opaque_pass.cpp
index 6ccaf90..fe9c679 100644
--- a/source/opt/inline_opaque_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/inline_opaque_pass.cpp
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
     status = CombineStatus(status, InlineOpaque(fp));
     return false;
-  context()->ProcessEntryPointCallTree(pfn);
+  context()->ProcessReachableCallTree(pfn);
   return status;
diff --git a/source/opt/inline_pass.cpp b/source/opt/inline_pass.cpp
index a6bdaaf..2cc3125 100644
--- a/source/opt/inline_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/inline_pass.cpp
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
                       {{spv_operand_type_t::SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID, {ptr_id}},
                        {spv_operand_type_t::SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID, {val_id}}}));
   if (line_inst != nullptr) {
-    newStore->dbg_line_insts().push_back(*line_inst);
+    newStore->AddDebugLine(line_inst);
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
       new Instruction(context(), SpvOpLoad, type_id, resultId,
                       {{spv_operand_type_t::SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID, {ptr_id}}}));
   if (line_inst != nullptr) {
-    newLoad->dbg_line_insts().push_back(*line_inst);
+    newLoad->AddDebugLine(line_inst);
@@ -405,8 +405,8 @@
   while (callee_inst_itr != callee_first_block->end()) {
     // Don't inline function definition links, the calling function is not a
     // definition.
-    if (callee_inst_itr->GetVulkan100DebugOpcode() ==
-        NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugFunctionDefinition) {
+    if (callee_inst_itr->GetShader100DebugOpcode() ==
+        NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugFunctionDefinition) {
@@ -441,6 +441,11 @@
     auto tail_inst_itr = callee_block_itr->end();
     for (auto inst_itr = callee_block_itr->begin(); inst_itr != tail_inst_itr;
          ++inst_itr) {
+      // Don't inline function definition links, the calling function is not a
+      // definition
+      if (inst_itr->GetShader100DebugOpcode() ==
+          NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugFunctionDefinition)
+        continue;
       if (!InlineSingleInstruction(
               callee2caller, new_blk_ptr.get(), &*inst_itr,
diff --git a/source/opt/inst_buff_addr_check_pass.cpp b/source/opt/inst_buff_addr_check_pass.cpp
index 06acc7e..e2336d3 100644
--- a/source/opt/inst_buff_addr_check_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/inst_buff_addr_check_pass.cpp
@@ -130,13 +130,48 @@
+uint32_t InstBuffAddrCheckPass::GetTypeAlignment(uint32_t type_id) {
+  Instruction* type_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(type_id);
+  switch (type_inst->opcode()) {
+    case SpvOpTypeFloat:
+    case SpvOpTypeInt:
+    case SpvOpTypeVector:
+      return GetTypeLength(type_id);
+    case SpvOpTypeMatrix:
+      return GetTypeAlignment(type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0));
+    case SpvOpTypeArray:
+    case SpvOpTypeRuntimeArray:
+      return GetTypeAlignment(type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0));
+    case SpvOpTypeStruct: {
+      uint32_t max = 0;
+      type_inst->ForEachInId([&max, this](const uint32_t* iid) {
+        uint32_t alignment = GetTypeAlignment(*iid);
+        max = (alignment > max) ? alignment : max;
+      });
+      return max;
+    }
+    case SpvOpTypePointer:
+      assert(type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0) ==
+                 SpvStorageClassPhysicalStorageBufferEXT &&
+             "unexpected pointer type");
+      return 8u;
+    default:
+      assert(false && "unexpected type");
+      return 0;
+  }
 uint32_t InstBuffAddrCheckPass::GetTypeLength(uint32_t type_id) {
   Instruction* type_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(type_id);
   switch (type_inst->opcode()) {
     case SpvOpTypeFloat:
     case SpvOpTypeInt:
       return type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0) / 8u;
-    case SpvOpTypeVector:
+    case SpvOpTypeVector: {
+      uint32_t raw_cnt = type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(1);
+      uint32_t adj_cnt = (raw_cnt == 3u) ? 4u : raw_cnt;
+      return adj_cnt * GetTypeLength(type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0));
+    }
     case SpvOpTypeMatrix:
       return type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(1) *
@@ -145,8 +180,29 @@
                  SpvStorageClassPhysicalStorageBufferEXT &&
              "unexpected pointer type");
       return 8u;
+    case SpvOpTypeArray: {
+      uint32_t const_id = type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(1);
+      Instruction* const_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(const_id);
+      uint32_t cnt = const_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0);
+      return cnt * GetTypeLength(type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0));
+    }
+    case SpvOpTypeStruct: {
+      uint32_t len = 0;
+      type_inst->ForEachInId([&len, this](const uint32_t* iid) {
+        // Align struct length
+        uint32_t alignment = GetTypeAlignment(*iid);
+        uint32_t mod = len % alignment;
+        uint32_t diff = (mod != 0) ? alignment - mod : 0;
+        len += diff;
+        // Increment struct length by component length
+        uint32_t comp_len = GetTypeLength(*iid);
+        len += comp_len;
+      });
+      return len;
+    }
+    case SpvOpTypeRuntimeArray:
-      assert(false && "unexpected buffer reference type");
+      assert(false && "unexpected type");
       return 0;
diff --git a/source/opt/inst_buff_addr_check_pass.h b/source/opt/inst_buff_addr_check_pass.h
index ec7bb68..a823223 100644
--- a/source/opt/inst_buff_addr_check_pass.h
+++ b/source/opt/inst_buff_addr_check_pass.h
@@ -28,7 +28,9 @@
 // external design of this class may change as the layer evolves.
 class InstBuffAddrCheckPass : public InstrumentPass {
-  // Preferred interface
+  // For test harness only
+  InstBuffAddrCheckPass() : InstrumentPass(7, 23, kInstValidationIdBuffAddr) {}
+  // For all other interfaces
   InstBuffAddrCheckPass(uint32_t desc_set, uint32_t shader_id)
       : InstrumentPass(desc_set, shader_id, kInstValidationIdBuffAddr) {}
@@ -40,8 +42,12 @@
   const char* name() const override { return "inst-bindless-check-pass"; }
-  // Return byte length of type |type_id|. Must be int, float, vector, matrix
-  // or physical pointer.
+  // Return byte alignment of type |type_id|. Must be int, float, vector,
+  // matrix, struct, array or physical pointer. Uses std430 alignment.
+  uint32_t GetTypeAlignment(uint32_t type_id);
+  // Return byte length of type |type_id|. Must be int, float, vector, matrix,
+  // struct, array or physical pointer. Uses std430 alignment and sizes.
   uint32_t GetTypeLength(uint32_t type_id);
   // Add |type_id| param to |input_func| and add id to |param_vec|.
diff --git a/source/opt/instruction.cpp b/source/opt/instruction.cpp
index 577c0a6..2461e41 100644
--- a/source/opt/instruction.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/instruction.cpp
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 #include <initializer_list>
-#include "NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100.h"
 #include "OpenCLDebugInfo100.h"
 #include "source/disassemble.h"
 #include "source/opt/fold.h"
@@ -31,9 +30,10 @@
 const uint32_t kTypeImageDimIndex = 1;
 const uint32_t kLoadBaseIndex = 0;
 const uint32_t kPointerTypeStorageClassIndex = 0;
+const uint32_t kVariableStorageClassIndex = 0;
 const uint32_t kTypeImageSampledIndex = 5;
-// Constants for OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 / NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100
+// Constants for OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 / NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100
 // extension instructions.
 const uint32_t kExtInstSetIdInIdx = 0;
 const uint32_t kExtInstInstructionInIdx = 1;
@@ -74,8 +74,6 @@
       dbg_scope_(kNoDebugScope, kNoInlinedAt) {
-  assert((!IsDebugLineInst(opcode_) || dbg_line.empty()) &&
-         "Op(No)Line attaching to Op(No)Line found");
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < inst.num_operands; ++i) {
     const auto& current_payload = inst.operands[i];
     std::vector<uint32_t> words(
@@ -83,6 +81,8 @@
         inst.words + current_payload.offset + current_payload.num_words);
     operands_.emplace_back(current_payload.type, std::move(words));
+  assert((!IsLineInst() || dbg_line.empty()) &&
+         "Op(No)Line attaching to Op(No)Line found");
 Instruction::Instruction(IRContext* c, const spv_parsed_instruction_t& inst,
@@ -159,6 +159,10 @@
   clone->unique_id_ = c->TakeNextUniqueId();
   clone->operands_ = operands_;
   clone->dbg_line_insts_ = dbg_line_insts_;
+  for (auto& i : clone->dbg_line_insts_) {
+    i.unique_id_ = c->TakeNextUniqueId();
+    if (i.IsDebugLineInst()) i.SetResultId(c->TakeNextId());
+  }
   clone->dbg_scope_ = dbg_scope_;
   return clone;
@@ -400,6 +404,21 @@
   return false;
+bool Instruction::IsVulkanStorageBufferVariable() const {
+  if (opcode() != SpvOpVariable) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  uint32_t storage_class = GetSingleWordInOperand(kVariableStorageClassIndex);
+  if (storage_class == SpvStorageClassStorageBuffer ||
+      storage_class == SpvStorageClassUniform) {
+    Instruction* var_type = context()->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(type_id());
+    return var_type != nullptr && var_type->IsVulkanStorageBuffer();
+  }
+  return false;
 bool Instruction::IsVulkanUniformBuffer() const {
   if (opcode() != SpvOpTypePointer) {
     return false;
@@ -512,7 +531,7 @@
   for (auto& i : dbg_line_insts_) {
-  if (!IsDebugLineInst(opcode()) &&
+  if (!IsLineInst() &&
       context()->AreAnalysesValid(IRContext::kAnalysisDebugInfo)) {
@@ -523,24 +542,61 @@
   for (auto& i : dbg_line_insts_) {
-  if (!IsDebugLineInst(opcode()) &&
+  if (!IsLineInst() &&
       context()->AreAnalysesValid(IRContext::kAnalysisDebugInfo)) {
+void Instruction::ClearDbgLineInsts() {
+  if (context()->AreAnalysesValid(IRContext::kAnalysisDefUse)) {
+    auto def_use_mgr = context()->get_def_use_mgr();
+    for (auto& l_inst : dbg_line_insts_) def_use_mgr->ClearInst(&l_inst);
+  }
+  clear_dbg_line_insts();
 void Instruction::UpdateDebugInfoFrom(const Instruction* from) {
   if (from == nullptr) return;
-  clear_dbg_line_insts();
+  ClearDbgLineInsts();
   if (!from->dbg_line_insts().empty())
-    dbg_line_insts().push_back(from->dbg_line_insts().back());
+    AddDebugLine(&from->dbg_line_insts().back());
-  if (!IsDebugLineInst(opcode()) &&
+  if (!IsLineInst() &&
       context()->AreAnalysesValid(IRContext::kAnalysisDebugInfo)) {
+void Instruction::AddDebugLine(const Instruction* inst) {
+  dbg_line_insts_.push_back(*inst);
+  dbg_line_insts_.back().unique_id_ = context()->TakeNextUniqueId();
+  if (inst->IsDebugLineInst())
+    dbg_line_insts_.back().SetResultId(context_->TakeNextId());
+  if (context()->AreAnalysesValid(IRContext::kAnalysisDefUse))
+    context()->get_def_use_mgr()->AnalyzeInstDefUse(&dbg_line_insts_.back());
+bool Instruction::IsDebugLineInst() const {
+  NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100Instructions ext_opt = GetShader100DebugOpcode();
+  return ((ext_opt == NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugLine) ||
+          (ext_opt == NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugNoLine));
+bool Instruction::IsLineInst() const { return IsLine() || IsNoLine(); }
+bool Instruction::IsLine() const {
+  if (opcode() == SpvOpLine) return true;
+  NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100Instructions ext_opt = GetShader100DebugOpcode();
+  return ext_opt == NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugLine;
+bool Instruction::IsNoLine() const {
+  if (opcode() == SpvOpNoLine) return true;
+  NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100Instructions ext_opt = GetShader100DebugOpcode();
+  return ext_opt == NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugNoLine;
 Instruction* Instruction::InsertBefore(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>&& inst) {
   return inst.release();
@@ -624,22 +680,22 @@
-NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100Instructions Instruction::GetVulkan100DebugOpcode()
+NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100Instructions Instruction::GetShader100DebugOpcode()
     const {
   if (opcode() != SpvOpExtInst) {
-    return NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100InstructionsMax;
+    return NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100InstructionsMax;
-  if (!context()->get_feature_mgr()->GetExtInstImportId_Vulkan100DebugInfo()) {
-    return NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100InstructionsMax;
+  if (!context()->get_feature_mgr()->GetExtInstImportId_Shader100DebugInfo()) {
+    return NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100InstructionsMax;
   if (GetSingleWordInOperand(kExtInstSetIdInIdx) !=
-      context()->get_feature_mgr()->GetExtInstImportId_Vulkan100DebugInfo()) {
-    return NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100InstructionsMax;
+      context()->get_feature_mgr()->GetExtInstImportId_Shader100DebugInfo()) {
+    return NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100InstructionsMax;
-  return NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100Instructions(
+  return NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100Instructions(
@@ -650,16 +706,16 @@
   const uint32_t opencl_set_id =
-  const uint32_t vulkan_set_id =
-      context()->get_feature_mgr()->GetExtInstImportId_Vulkan100DebugInfo();
+  const uint32_t shader_set_id =
+      context()->get_feature_mgr()->GetExtInstImportId_Shader100DebugInfo();
-  if (!opencl_set_id && !vulkan_set_id) {
+  if (!opencl_set_id && !shader_set_id) {
     return CommonDebugInfoInstructionsMax;
   const uint32_t used_set_id = GetSingleWordInOperand(kExtInstSetIdInIdx);
-  if (used_set_id != opencl_set_id && used_set_id != vulkan_set_id) {
+  if (used_set_id != opencl_set_id && used_set_id != shader_set_id) {
     return CommonDebugInfoInstructionsMax;
diff --git a/source/opt/instruction.h b/source/opt/instruction.h
index 7cdfc44..ce568f6 100644
--- a/source/opt/instruction.h
+++ b/source/opt/instruction.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 #include <utility>
 #include <vector>
-#include "NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100.h"
+#include "NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100.h"
 #include "OpenCLDebugInfo100.h"
 #include "source/common_debug_info.h"
 #include "source/latest_version_glsl_std_450_header.h"
@@ -252,11 +252,6 @@
   // Clear line-related debug instructions attached to this instruction.
   void clear_dbg_line_insts() { dbg_line_insts_.clear(); }
-  // Set line-related debug instructions.
-  void set_dbg_line_insts(const std::vector<Instruction>& lines) {
-    dbg_line_insts_ = lines;
-  }
   // Same semantics as in the base class except the list the InstructionList
   // containing |pos| will now assume ownership of |this|.
   // inline void MoveBefore(Instruction* pos);
@@ -306,8 +301,21 @@
   // Sets DebugScope.
   inline void SetDebugScope(const DebugScope& scope);
   inline const DebugScope& GetDebugScope() const { return dbg_scope_; }
+  // Add debug line inst. Renew result id if Debug[No]Line
+  void AddDebugLine(const Instruction* inst);
   // Updates DebugInlinedAt of DebugScope and OpLine.
   void UpdateDebugInlinedAt(uint32_t new_inlined_at);
+  // Clear line-related debug instructions attached to this instruction
+  // along with def-use entries.
+  void ClearDbgLineInsts();
+  // Return true if Shader100:Debug[No]Line
+  bool IsDebugLineInst() const;
+  // Return true if Op[No]Line or Shader100:Debug[No]Line
+  bool IsLineInst() const;
+  // Return true if OpLine or Shader100:DebugLine
+  bool IsLine() const;
+  // Return true if OpNoLine or Shader100:DebugNoLine
+  bool IsNoLine() const;
   inline uint32_t GetDebugInlinedAt() const {
     return dbg_scope_.GetInlinedAt();
@@ -456,6 +464,10 @@
   // storage buffer.
   bool IsVulkanStorageBuffer() const;
+  // Returns true if the instruction defines a variable in StorageBuffer or
+  // Uniform storage class with a pointer type that points to a storage buffer.
+  bool IsVulkanStorageBufferVariable() const;
   // Returns true if the instruction defines a pointer type that points to a
   // uniform buffer.
   bool IsVulkanUniformBuffer() const;
@@ -552,13 +564,13 @@
   // OpenCLDebugInfo100InstructionsMax.
   OpenCLDebugInfo100Instructions GetOpenCL100DebugOpcode() const;
-  // Returns debug opcode of a NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100 instruction. If
-  // it is not a NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100 instruction, just returns
-  // NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100InstructionsMax.
-  NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100Instructions GetVulkan100DebugOpcode() const;
+  // Returns debug opcode of an NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100 instruction. If
+  // it is not an NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100 instruction, just return
+  // NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100InstructionsMax.
+  NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100Instructions GetShader100DebugOpcode() const;
   // Returns debug opcode of an OpenCL.100.DebugInfo or
-  // NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100 instruction. Since these overlap, we
+  // NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100 instruction. Since these overlap, we
   // return the OpenCLDebugInfo code
   CommonDebugInfoInstructions GetCommonDebugOpcode() const;
@@ -566,10 +578,11 @@
   bool IsOpenCL100DebugInstr() const {
     return GetOpenCL100DebugOpcode() != OpenCLDebugInfo100InstructionsMax;
-  // Returns true if it is a NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100 instruction.
-  bool IsVulkan100DebugInstr() const {
-    return GetVulkan100DebugOpcode() !=
-           NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100InstructionsMax;
+  // Returns true if it is an NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100 instruction.
+  bool IsShader100DebugInstr() const {
+    return GetShader100DebugOpcode() !=
+           NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100InstructionsMax;
   bool IsCommonDebugInstr() const {
     return GetCommonDebugOpcode() != CommonDebugInfoInstructionsMax;
@@ -608,9 +621,9 @@
   uint32_t unique_id_;  // Unique instruction id
   // All logical operands, including result type id and result id.
   OperandList operands_;
-  // Opline and OpNoLine instructions preceding this instruction. Note that for
-  // Instructions representing OpLine or OpNonLine itself, this field should be
-  // empty.
+  // Op[No]Line or Debug[No]Line instructions preceding this instruction. Note
+  // that for Instructions representing Op[No]Line or Debug[No]Line themselves,
+  // this field should be empty.
   std::vector<Instruction> dbg_line_insts_;
   // DebugScope that wraps this instruction.
diff --git a/source/opt/ir_builder.h b/source/opt/ir_builder.h
index fe5feff..4433cf0 100644
--- a/source/opt/ir_builder.h
+++ b/source/opt/ir_builder.h
@@ -359,8 +359,9 @@
     return AddInstruction(std::move(select));
-  // Adds a signed int32 constant to the binary.
-  // The |value| parameter is the constant value to be added.
+  // Returns a pointer to the definition of a signed 32-bit integer constant
+  // with the given value. Returns |nullptr| if the constant does not exist and
+  // cannot be created.
   Instruction* GetSintConstant(int32_t value) {
     return GetIntConstant<int32_t>(value, true);
@@ -381,21 +382,24 @@
                         GetContext()->TakeNextId(), ops));
     return AddInstruction(std::move(construct));
-  // Adds an unsigned int32 constant to the binary.
-  // The |value| parameter is the constant value to be added.
+  // Returns a pointer to the definition of an unsigned 32-bit integer constant
+  // with the given value. Returns |nullptr| if the constant does not exist and
+  // cannot be created.
   Instruction* GetUintConstant(uint32_t value) {
     return GetIntConstant<uint32_t>(value, false);
   uint32_t GetUintConstantId(uint32_t value) {
     Instruction* uint_inst = GetUintConstant(value);
-    return uint_inst->result_id();
+    return (uint_inst != nullptr ? uint_inst->result_id() : 0);
   // Adds either a signed or unsigned 32 bit integer constant to the binary
-  // depedning on the |sign|. If |sign| is true then the value is added as a
+  // depending on the |sign|. If |sign| is true then the value is added as a
   // signed constant otherwise as an unsigned constant. If |sign| is false the
-  // value must not be a negative number.
+  // value must not be a negative number.  Returns false if the constant does
+  // not exists and could be be created.
   template <typename T>
   Instruction* GetIntConstant(T value, bool sign) {
     // Assert that we are not trying to store a negative number in an unsigned
@@ -411,6 +415,10 @@
     uint32_t type_id =
+    if (type_id == 0) {
+      return nullptr;
+    }
     // Get the memory managed type so that it is safe to be stored by
     // GetConstant.
     analysis::Type* rebuilt_type =
diff --git a/source/opt/ir_context.cpp b/source/opt/ir_context.cpp
index 9087346..612a831 100644
--- a/source/opt/ir_context.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/ir_context.cpp
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 static const int kEntryPointInterfaceInIdx = 3;
 static const int kEntryPointFunctionIdInIdx = 1;
-// Constants for OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 / NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100
+// Constants for OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 / NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100
 // extension instructions.
 static const uint32_t kDebugFunctionOperandFunctionIndex = 13;
 static const uint32_t kDebugGlobalVariableOperandVariableIndex = 11;
@@ -171,7 +171,9 @@
   if (AreAnalysesValid(kAnalysisDefUse)) {
-    get_def_use_mgr()->ClearInst(inst);
+    analysis::DefUseManager* def_use_mgr = get_def_use_mgr();
+    def_use_mgr->ClearInst(inst);
+    for (auto& l_inst : inst->dbg_line_insts()) def_use_mgr->ClearInst(&l_inst);
   if (AreAnalysesValid(kAnalysisInstrToBlockMapping)) {
@@ -218,6 +220,8 @@
 void IRContext::CollectNonSemanticTree(
     Instruction* inst, std::unordered_set<Instruction*>* to_kill) {
   if (!inst->HasResultId()) return;
+  // Debug[No]Line result id is not used, so we are done
+  if (inst->IsDebugLineInst()) return;
   std::vector<Instruction*> work_list;
   std::unordered_set<Instruction*> seen;
@@ -930,7 +934,7 @@
   while (line_inst != nullptr) {  // Stop at the beginning of the basic block.
     if (!line_inst->dbg_line_insts().empty()) {
       line_inst = &line_inst->dbg_line_insts().back();
-      if (line_inst->opcode() == SpvOpNoLine) {
+      if (line_inst->IsNoLine()) {
         line_inst = nullptr;
diff --git a/source/opt/ir_context.h b/source/opt/ir_context.h
index 3b89d85..6585347 100644
--- a/source/opt/ir_context.h
+++ b/source/opt/ir_context.h
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@
         module_(new Module()),
+        feature_mgr_(nullptr),
@@ -116,6 +117,7 @@
+        feature_mgr_(nullptr),
@@ -769,6 +771,8 @@
   // The instruction decoration manager for |module_|.
   std::unique_ptr<analysis::DecorationManager> decoration_mgr_;
+  // The feature manager for |module_|.
   std::unique_ptr<FeatureManager> feature_mgr_;
   // A map from instructions to the basic block they belong to. This mapping is
diff --git a/source/opt/ir_loader.cpp b/source/opt/ir_loader.cpp
index bfdd59b..a82b530 100644
--- a/source/opt/ir_loader.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/ir_loader.cpp
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
 #include <utility>
 #include "DebugInfo.h"
-#include "NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100.h"
 #include "OpenCLDebugInfo100.h"
 #include "source/ext_inst.h"
+#include "source/opt/ir_context.h"
 #include "source/opt/log.h"
 #include "source/opt/reflect.h"
 #include "source/util/make_unique.h"
@@ -38,25 +38,37 @@
       last_dbg_scope_(kNoDebugScope, kNoInlinedAt) {}
+bool IsLineInst(const spv_parsed_instruction_t* inst) {
+  const auto opcode = static_cast<SpvOp>(inst->opcode);
+  if (IsOpLineInst(opcode)) return true;
+  if (opcode != SpvOpExtInst) return false;
+  if (inst->ext_inst_type != SPV_EXT_INST_TYPE_NONSEMANTIC_SHADER_DEBUGINFO_100)
+    return false;
+  const uint32_t ext_inst_index = inst->words[kExtInstSetIndex];
+  const NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100Instructions ext_inst_key =
+      NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100Instructions(ext_inst_index);
+  return ext_inst_key == NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugLine ||
+         ext_inst_key == NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugNoLine;
 bool IrLoader::AddInstruction(const spv_parsed_instruction_t* inst) {
-  const auto opcode = static_cast<SpvOp>(inst->opcode);
-  if (IsDebugLineInst(opcode)) {
+  if (IsLineInst(inst)) {
-    dbg_line_info_.push_back(
-        Instruction(module()->context(), *inst, last_dbg_scope_));
+    dbg_line_info_.emplace_back(module()->context(), *inst, last_dbg_scope_);
     return true;
   // If it is a DebugScope or DebugNoScope of debug extension, we do not
   // create a new instruction, but simply keep the information in
   // struct DebugScope.
+  const auto opcode = static_cast<SpvOp>(inst->opcode);
   if (opcode == SpvOpExtInst && spvExtInstIsDebugInfo(inst->ext_inst_type)) {
     const uint32_t ext_inst_index = inst->words[kExtInstSetIndex];
     if (inst->ext_inst_type == SPV_EXT_INST_TYPE_OPENCL_DEBUGINFO_100 ||
         inst->ext_inst_type ==
       const CommonDebugInfoInstructions ext_inst_key =
       if (ext_inst_key == CommonDebugInfoDebugScope) {
@@ -97,14 +109,20 @@
       new Instruction(module()->context(), *inst, std::move(dbg_line_info_)));
   if (!spv_inst->dbg_line_insts().empty()) {
     if (extra_line_tracking_ &&
-        (spv_inst->dbg_line_insts().back().opcode() != SpvOpNoLine)) {
+        (!spv_inst->dbg_line_insts().back().IsNoLine())) {
       last_line_inst_ = std::unique_ptr<Instruction>(
+      if (last_line_inst_->IsDebugLineInst())
+        last_line_inst_->SetResultId(module()->context()->TakeNextId());
   } else if (last_line_inst_ != nullptr) {
+    last_line_inst_ = std::unique_ptr<Instruction>(
+        spv_inst->dbg_line_insts().back().Clone(module()->context()));
+    if (last_line_inst_->IsDebugLineInst())
+      last_line_inst_->SetResultId(module()->context()->TakeNextId());
   const char* src = source_.c_str();
@@ -243,15 +261,15 @@
         } else if (inst->ext_inst_type ==
-          const NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100Instructions ext_inst_key =
-              NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100Instructions(ext_inst_index);
+          const NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100Instructions ext_inst_key =
+              NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100Instructions(ext_inst_index);
           switch (ext_inst_key) {
-            case NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugDeclare:
-            case NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugValue:
-            case NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugScope:
-            case NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugNoScope:
-            case NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugFunctionDefinition: {
+            case NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugDeclare:
+            case NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugValue:
+            case NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugScope:
+            case NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugNoScope:
+            case NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugFunctionDefinition: {
               if (block_ == nullptr) {  // Inside function but outside blocks
                 Errorf(consumer_, src, loc,
                        "Debug info extension instruction found inside function "
diff --git a/source/opt/iterator.h b/source/opt/iterator.h
index 2280582..847e1bb 100644
--- a/source/opt/iterator.h
+++ b/source/opt/iterator.h
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
 template <typename IteratorType>
 inline IteratorRange<IteratorType> make_range(IteratorType&& begin,
                                               IteratorType&& end) {
-  return {std::move(begin), std::move(end)};
+  return {std::forward<IteratorType>(begin), std::forward<IteratorType>(end)};
 // Returns a (begin, end) iterator pair for the given container.
diff --git a/source/opt/local_access_chain_convert_pass.cpp b/source/opt/local_access_chain_convert_pass.cpp
index e8dbdfc..da9ba8c 100644
--- a/source/opt/local_access_chain_convert_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/local_access_chain_convert_pass.cpp
@@ -333,6 +333,20 @@
     if (extensions_allowlist_.find(extName) == extensions_allowlist_.end())
       return false;
+  // only allow NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100, we cannot safely optimise
+  // around unknown extended
+  // instruction sets even if they are non-semantic
+  for (auto& inst : context()->module()->ext_inst_imports()) {
+    assert(inst.opcode() == SpvOpExtInstImport &&
+           "Expecting an import of an extension's instruction set.");
+    const char* extension_name =
+        reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&inst.GetInOperand(0).words[0]);
+    if (0 == std::strncmp(extension_name, "NonSemantic.", 12) &&
+        0 != std::strncmp(extension_name, "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100",
+                          32)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
   return true;
@@ -421,6 +435,7 @@
+      "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info",
diff --git a/source/opt/local_single_block_elim_pass.cpp b/source/opt/local_single_block_elim_pass.cpp
index a742e3b..5fd4f65 100644
--- a/source/opt/local_single_block_elim_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/local_single_block_elim_pass.cpp
@@ -188,6 +188,20 @@
     if (extensions_allowlist_.find(extName) == extensions_allowlist_.end())
       return false;
+  // only allow NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100, we cannot safely optimise
+  // around unknown extended
+  // instruction sets even if they are non-semantic
+  for (auto& inst : context()->module()->ext_inst_imports()) {
+    assert(inst.opcode() == SpvOpExtInstImport &&
+           "Expecting an import of an extension's instruction set.");
+    const char* extension_name =
+        reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&inst.GetInOperand(0).words[0]);
+    if (0 == std::strncmp(extension_name, "NonSemantic.", 12) &&
+        0 != std::strncmp(extension_name, "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100",
+                          32)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
   return true;
@@ -209,7 +223,7 @@
     return LocalSingleBlockLoadStoreElim(fp);
-  bool modified = context()->ProcessEntryPointCallTree(pfn);
+  bool modified = context()->ProcessReachableCallTree(pfn);
   return modified ? Status::SuccessWithChange : Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
@@ -273,6 +287,7 @@
+      "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info",
diff --git a/source/opt/local_single_store_elim_pass.cpp b/source/opt/local_single_store_elim_pass.cpp
index 9701d10..051bcad 100644
--- a/source/opt/local_single_store_elim_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/local_single_store_elim_pass.cpp
@@ -53,6 +53,20 @@
     if (extensions_allowlist_.find(extName) == extensions_allowlist_.end())
       return false;
+  // only allow NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100, we cannot safely optimise
+  // around unknown extended
+  // instruction sets even if they are non-semantic
+  for (auto& inst : context()->module()->ext_inst_imports()) {
+    assert(inst.opcode() == SpvOpExtInstImport &&
+           "Expecting an import of an extension's instruction set.");
+    const char* extension_name =
+        reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&inst.GetInOperand(0).words[0]);
+    if (0 == std::strncmp(extension_name, "NonSemantic.", 12) &&
+        0 != std::strncmp(extension_name, "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100",
+                          32)) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
   return true;
@@ -67,7 +81,7 @@
   ProcessFunction pfn = [this](Function* fp) {
     return LocalSingleStoreElim(fp);
-  bool modified = context()->ProcessEntryPointCallTree(pfn);
+  bool modified = context()->ProcessReachableCallTree(pfn);
   return modified ? Status::SuccessWithChange : Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
@@ -126,6 +140,7 @@
+      "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info",
 bool LocalSingleStoreElimPass::ProcessVariable(Instruction* var_inst) {
diff --git a/source/opt/loop_unroller.cpp b/source/opt/loop_unroller.cpp
index df68bd2..aff191f 100644
--- a/source/opt/loop_unroller.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/loop_unroller.cpp
@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@
   Instruction* new_branch = builder.AddBranch(new_target);
-  new_branch->set_dbg_line_insts(lines);
+  if (!lines.empty()) new_branch->AddDebugLine(&lines.back());
@@ -873,6 +873,10 @@
   for (Instruction& inst : *basic_block) {
+    // Do def/use analysis on new lines
+    for (auto& line : inst.dbg_line_insts())
+      def_use_mgr->AnalyzeInstDefUse(&line);
     uint32_t old_id = inst.result_id();
     // Ignore stores etc.
@@ -1098,6 +1102,10 @@
 Pass::Status LoopUnroller::Process() {
   bool changed = false;
   for (Function& f : *context()->module()) {
+    if (f.IsDeclaration()) {
+      continue;
+    }
     LoopDescriptor* LD = context()->GetLoopDescriptor(&f);
     for (Loop& loop : *LD) {
       LoopUtils loop_utils{context(), &loop};
diff --git a/source/opt/mem_pass.cpp b/source/opt/mem_pass.cpp
index 72442a9..ca4889b 100644
--- a/source/opt/mem_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/mem_pass.cpp
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@
   const SpvOp op = ptrInst->opcode();
   if (op == SpvOpVariable || IsNonPtrAccessChain(op)) return true;
-  if (op != SpvOpFunctionParameter) return false;
   const uint32_t varTypeId = ptrInst->type_id();
+  if (varTypeId == 0) return false;
   const Instruction* varTypeInst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(varTypeId);
   return varTypeInst->opcode() == SpvOpTypePointer;
diff --git a/source/opt/merge_return_pass.cpp b/source/opt/merge_return_pass.cpp
index f160104..a962a7c 100644
--- a/source/opt/merge_return_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/merge_return_pass.cpp
@@ -111,7 +111,9 @@
-  AddSingleCaseSwitchAroundFunction();
+  if (!AddSingleCaseSwitchAroundFunction()) {
+    return false;
+  }
   std::list<BasicBlock*> order;
   cfg()->ComputeStructuredOrder(function, &*function->begin(), &order);
@@ -770,7 +772,7 @@
   list->insert(pos, new_element);
-void MergeReturnPass::AddSingleCaseSwitchAroundFunction() {
+bool MergeReturnPass::AddSingleCaseSwitchAroundFunction() {
@@ -778,7 +780,10 @@
-  CreateSingleCaseSwitch(final_return_block_);
+  if (!CreateSingleCaseSwitch(final_return_block_)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  return true;
 BasicBlock* MergeReturnPass::CreateContinueTarget(uint32_t header_label_id) {
@@ -813,7 +818,7 @@
   return new_block;
-void MergeReturnPass::CreateSingleCaseSwitch(BasicBlock* merge_target) {
+bool MergeReturnPass::CreateSingleCaseSwitch(BasicBlock* merge_target) {
   // Insert the switch before any code is run.  We have to split the entry
   // block to make sure the OpVariable instructions remain in the entry block.
   BasicBlock* start_block = &*function_->begin();
@@ -830,13 +835,17 @@
       context(), start_block,
       IRContext::kAnalysisDefUse | IRContext::kAnalysisInstrToBlockMapping);
-  builder.AddSwitch(builder.GetUintConstantId(0u), old_block->id(), {},
-                    merge_target->id());
+  uint32_t const_zero_id = builder.GetUintConstantId(0u);
+  if (const_zero_id == 0) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  builder.AddSwitch(const_zero_id, old_block->id(), {}, merge_target->id());
   if (context()->AreAnalysesValid(IRContext::kAnalysisCFG)) {
+  return true;
 bool MergeReturnPass::HasNontrivialUnreachableBlocks(Function* function) {
diff --git a/source/opt/merge_return_pass.h b/source/opt/merge_return_pass.h
index 06a3e7b..4096ce7 100644
--- a/source/opt/merge_return_pass.h
+++ b/source/opt/merge_return_pass.h
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
   // current function where the switch and case value are both zero and the
   // default is the merge block. Returns after the switch is executed. Sets
   // |final_return_block_|.
-  void AddSingleCaseSwitchAroundFunction();
+  bool AddSingleCaseSwitchAroundFunction();
   // Creates a new basic block that branches to |header_label_id|.  Returns the
   // new basic block.  The block will be the second last basic block in the
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@
   // Creates a one case switch around the executable code of the function with
   // |merge_target| as the merge node.
-  void CreateSingleCaseSwitch(BasicBlock* merge_target);
+  bool CreateSingleCaseSwitch(BasicBlock* merge_target);
   // Returns true if |function| has an unreachable block that is not a continue
   // target that simply branches back to the header, or a merge block containing
diff --git a/source/opt/module.cpp b/source/opt/module.cpp
index 6585012..f97defb 100644
--- a/source/opt/module.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/module.cpp
@@ -151,16 +151,15 @@
                      this](const Instruction* i) {
     // Skip emitting line instructions between merge and branch instructions.
     auto opcode = i->opcode();
-    if (between_merge_and_branch &&
-        (opcode == SpvOpLine || opcode == SpvOpNoLine)) {
+    if (between_merge_and_branch && i->IsLineInst()) {
     between_merge_and_branch = false;
     if (last_line_inst != nullptr) {
-      // If the current instruction is OpLine and it is the same with
-      // the last line instruction that is still effective (can be applied
+      // If the current instruction is OpLine or DebugLine and it is the same
+      // as the last line instruction that is still effective (can be applied
       // to the next instruction), we skip writing the current instruction.
-      if (opcode == SpvOpLine) {
+      if (i->IsLine()) {
         uint32_t operand_index = 0;
         if (last_line_inst->WhileEachInOperand(
                 [&operand_index, i](const uint32_t* word) {
@@ -169,11 +168,22 @@
                 })) {
-      } else if (opcode != SpvOpNoLine && i->dbg_line_insts().empty()) {
+      } else if (!i->IsNoLine() && i->dbg_line_insts().empty()) {
         // If the current instruction does not have the line information,
         // the last line information is not effective any more. Emit OpNoLine
-        // to specify it.
-        binary->push_back((1 << 16) | static_cast<uint16_t>(SpvOpNoLine));
+        // or DebugNoLine to specify it.
+        uint32_t shader_set_id = context()
+                                     ->get_feature_mgr()
+                                     ->GetExtInstImportId_Shader100DebugInfo();
+        if (shader_set_id != 0) {
+          binary->push_back((5 << 16) | static_cast<uint16_t>(SpvOpExtInst));
+          binary->push_back(context()->get_type_mgr()->GetVoidTypeId());
+          binary->push_back(context()->TakeNextId());
+          binary->push_back(shader_set_id);
+          binary->push_back(NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugNoLine);
+        } else {
+          binary->push_back((1 << 16) | static_cast<uint16_t>(SpvOpNoLine));
+        }
         last_line_inst = nullptr;
@@ -181,7 +191,7 @@
     if (opcode == SpvOpLabel) {
       between_label_and_phi_var = true;
     } else if (opcode != SpvOpVariable && opcode != SpvOpPhi &&
-               opcode != SpvOpLine && opcode != SpvOpNoLine) {
+               !spvtools::opt::IsOpLineInst(opcode)) {
       between_label_and_phi_var = false;
@@ -190,7 +200,7 @@
       if (scope != last_scope) {
         // Can only emit nonsemantic instructions after all phi instructions
         // in a block so don't emit scope instructions before phi instructions
-        // for Vulkan.NonSemantic.DebugInfo.100.
+        // for NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100.
         if (!between_label_and_phi_var ||
@@ -206,18 +216,19 @@
     // Update the last line instruction.
-    if (spvOpcodeIsBlockTerminator(opcode) || opcode == SpvOpNoLine) {
+    if (spvOpcodeIsBlockTerminator(opcode) || i->IsNoLine()) {
       last_line_inst = nullptr;
     } else if (opcode == SpvOpLoopMerge || opcode == SpvOpSelectionMerge) {
       between_merge_and_branch = true;
       last_line_inst = nullptr;
-    } else if (opcode == SpvOpLine) {
+    } else if (i->IsLine()) {
       last_line_inst = i;
   ForEachInst(write_inst, true);
-  // We create new instructions for DebugScope. The bound must be updated.
+  // We create new instructions for DebugScope and DebugNoLine. The bound must
+  // be updated.
   binary->data()[bound_idx] = header_.bound;
diff --git a/source/opt/module.h b/source/opt/module.h
index 43b55ae..0360b7d 100644
--- a/source/opt/module.h
+++ b/source/opt/module.h
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
   inline void AddDebug3Inst(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> d);
   // Appends a debug info extension (OpenCL.DebugInfo.100,
-  // NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100, or DebugInfo) instruction to this module.
+  // NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100, or DebugInfo) instruction to this module.
   inline void AddExtInstDebugInfo(std::unique_ptr<Instruction> d);
   // Appends an annotation instruction to this module.
diff --git a/source/opt/optimizer.cpp b/source/opt/optimizer.cpp
index 858c95e..e74db26 100644
--- a/source/opt/optimizer.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/optimizer.cpp
@@ -320,6 +320,8 @@
   } else if (pass_name == "convert-local-access-chains") {
+  } else if (pass_name == "replace-desc-array-access-using-var-index") {
+    RegisterPass(CreateReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndexPass());
   } else if (pass_name == "descriptor-scalar-replacement") {
   } else if (pass_name == "eliminate-dead-code-aggressive") {
@@ -385,7 +387,23 @@
   } else if (pass_name == "loop-invariant-code-motion") {
   } else if (pass_name == "reduce-load-size") {
-    RegisterPass(CreateReduceLoadSizePass());
+    if (pass_args.size() == 0) {
+      RegisterPass(CreateReduceLoadSizePass());
+    } else {
+      double load_replacement_threshold = 0.9;
+      if (pass_args.find_first_not_of(".0123456789") == std::string::npos) {
+        load_replacement_threshold = atof(pass_args.c_str());
+      }
+      if (load_replacement_threshold >= 0) {
+        RegisterPass(CreateReduceLoadSizePass(load_replacement_threshold));
+      } else {
+        Error(consumer(), nullptr, {},
+              "--reduce-load-size must have no arguments or a non-negative "
+              "double argument");
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
   } else if (pass_name == "redundancy-elimination") {
   } else if (pass_name == "private-to-local") {
@@ -401,22 +419,22 @@
-    RegisterPass(CreateAggressiveDCEPass());
+    RegisterPass(CreateAggressiveDCEPass(true));
   } else if (pass_name == "inst-desc-idx-check") {
     RegisterPass(CreateInstBindlessCheckPass(7, 23, true, true));
-    RegisterPass(CreateAggressiveDCEPass());
+    RegisterPass(CreateAggressiveDCEPass(true));
   } else if (pass_name == "inst-buff-oob-check") {
     RegisterPass(CreateInstBindlessCheckPass(7, 23, false, false, true, true));
-    RegisterPass(CreateAggressiveDCEPass());
+    RegisterPass(CreateAggressiveDCEPass(true));
   } else if (pass_name == "inst-buff-addr-check") {
     RegisterPass(CreateInstBuffAddrCheckPass(7, 23));
-    RegisterPass(CreateAggressiveDCEPass());
+    RegisterPass(CreateAggressiveDCEPass(true));
   } else if (pass_name == "convert-relaxed-to-half") {
   } else if (pass_name == "relax-float-ops") {
@@ -746,9 +764,9 @@
-Optimizer::PassToken CreateAggressiveDCEPass() {
+Optimizer::PassToken CreateAggressiveDCEPass(bool preserve_interface) {
   return MakeUnique<Optimizer::PassToken::Impl>(
-      MakeUnique<opt::AggressiveDCEPass>());
+      MakeUnique<opt::AggressiveDCEPass>(preserve_interface));
 Optimizer::PassToken CreateRemoveUnusedInterfaceVariablesPass() {
@@ -879,9 +897,10 @@
   return MakeUnique<Optimizer::PassToken::Impl>(MakeUnique<opt::VectorDCE>());
-Optimizer::PassToken CreateReduceLoadSizePass() {
+Optimizer::PassToken CreateReduceLoadSizePass(
+    double load_replacement_threshold) {
   return MakeUnique<Optimizer::PassToken::Impl>(
-      MakeUnique<opt::ReduceLoadSize>());
+      MakeUnique<opt::ReduceLoadSize>(load_replacement_threshold));
 Optimizer::PassToken CreateCombineAccessChainsPass() {
@@ -941,6 +960,11 @@
+Optimizer::PassToken CreateReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndexPass() {
+  return MakeUnique<Optimizer::PassToken::Impl>(
+      MakeUnique<opt::ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex>());
 Optimizer::PassToken CreateDescriptorScalarReplacementPass() {
   return MakeUnique<Optimizer::PassToken::Impl>(
diff --git a/source/opt/pass.cpp b/source/opt/pass.cpp
index 09b78af..017aad1 100644
--- a/source/opt/pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/pass.cpp
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
   if (status == Status::SuccessWithChange) {
-  assert((status == Status::Failure || ctx->IsConsistent()) &&
-         "An analysis in the context is out of date.");
+  if (!(status == Status::Failure || ctx->IsConsistent()))
+    assert(false && "An analysis in the context is out of date.");
   return status;
diff --git a/source/opt/passes.h b/source/opt/passes.h
index da837f2..f3c30d5 100644
--- a/source/opt/passes.h
+++ b/source/opt/passes.h
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
 #include "source/opt/relax_float_ops_pass.h"
 #include "source/opt/remove_duplicates_pass.h"
 #include "source/opt/remove_unused_interface_variables_pass.h"
+#include "source/opt/replace_desc_array_access_using_var_index.h"
 #include "source/opt/replace_invalid_opc.h"
 #include "source/opt/scalar_replacement_pass.h"
 #include "source/opt/set_spec_constant_default_value_pass.h"
diff --git a/source/opt/reduce_load_size.cpp b/source/opt/reduce_load_size.cpp
index 87d2c4c..e9b8087 100644
--- a/source/opt/reduce_load_size.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/reduce_load_size.cpp
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
 const uint32_t kExtractCompositeIdInIdx = 0;
 const uint32_t kVariableStorageClassInIdx = 0;
 const uint32_t kLoadPointerInIdx = 0;
-const double kThreshold = 0.9;
 }  // namespace
@@ -151,6 +150,8 @@
   bool should_replace = false;
   if (all_elements_used) {
     should_replace = false;
+  } else if (1.0 <= replacement_threshold_) {
+    should_replace = true;
   } else {
     analysis::ConstantManager* const_mgr = context()->get_constant_mgr();
     analysis::TypeManager* type_mgr = context()->get_type_mgr();
@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@
     double percent_used = static_cast<double>(elements_used.size()) /
-    should_replace = (percent_used < kThreshold);
+    should_replace = (percent_used < replacement_threshold_);
   should_replace_cache_[op_inst->result_id()] = should_replace;
diff --git a/source/opt/reduce_load_size.h b/source/opt/reduce_load_size.h
index ccac49b..b323845 100644
--- a/source/opt/reduce_load_size.h
+++ b/source/opt/reduce_load_size.h
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
 // See optimizer.hpp for documentation.
 class ReduceLoadSize : public Pass {
+  explicit ReduceLoadSize(double replacement_threshold)
+      : replacement_threshold_(replacement_threshold) {}
   const char* name() const override { return "reduce-load-size"; }
   Status Process() override;
@@ -54,6 +57,11 @@
   // on the load feeding |inst|.
   bool ShouldReplaceExtract(Instruction* inst);
+  // Threshold to determine whether we have to replace the load or not. If the
+  // ratio of the used components of the load is less than the threshold, we
+  // replace the load.
+  double replacement_threshold_;
   // Maps the result id of an OpLoad instruction to the result of whether or
   // not the OpCompositeExtract that use the id should be replaced.
   std::unordered_map<uint32_t, bool> should_replace_cache_;
diff --git a/source/opt/redundancy_elimination.cpp b/source/opt/redundancy_elimination.cpp
index 362e54d..398225b 100644
--- a/source/opt/redundancy_elimination.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/redundancy_elimination.cpp
@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@
   ValueNumberTable vnTable(context());
   for (auto& func : *get_module()) {
+    if (func.IsDeclaration()) {
+      continue;
+    }
     // Build the dominator tree for this function. It is how the code is
     // traversed.
     DominatorTree& dom_tree =
diff --git a/source/opt/reflect.h b/source/opt/reflect.h
index c7d46df..c2ffb0b 100644
--- a/source/opt/reflect.h
+++ b/source/opt/reflect.h
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 inline bool IsDebug3Inst(SpvOp opcode) {
   return opcode == SpvOpModuleProcessed;
-inline bool IsDebugLineInst(SpvOp opcode) {
+inline bool IsOpLineInst(SpvOp opcode) {
   return opcode == SpvOpLine || opcode == SpvOpNoLine;
 inline bool IsAnnotationInst(SpvOp opcode) {
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@
          opcode == SpvOpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV;
 inline bool IsConstantInst(SpvOp opcode) {
-  return opcode >= SpvOpConstantTrue && opcode <= SpvOpSpecConstantOp;
+  return (opcode >= SpvOpConstantTrue && opcode <= SpvOpSpecConstantOp) ||
+         opcode == SpvOpConstantFunctionPointerINTEL;
 inline bool IsCompileTimeConstantInst(SpvOp opcode) {
   return opcode >= SpvOpConstantTrue && opcode <= SpvOpConstantNull;
diff --git a/source/opt/relax_float_ops_pass.cpp b/source/opt/relax_float_ops_pass.cpp
index 73f16dd..3fcf879 100644
--- a/source/opt/relax_float_ops_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/relax_float_ops_pass.cpp
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
   Pass::ProcessFunction pfn = [this](Function* fp) {
     return ProcessFunction(fp);
-  bool modified = context()->ProcessEntryPointCallTree(pfn);
+  bool modified = context()->ProcessReachableCallTree(pfn);
   return modified ? Status::SuccessWithChange : Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
diff --git a/source/opt/replace_desc_array_access_using_var_index.cpp b/source/opt/replace_desc_array_access_using_var_index.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1082e67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/opt/replace_desc_array_access_using_var_index.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2021 Google LLC
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "source/opt/replace_desc_array_access_using_var_index.h"
+#include "source/opt/desc_sroa_util.h"
+#include "source/opt/ir_builder.h"
+#include "source/util/string_utils.h"
+namespace spvtools {
+namespace opt {
+namespace {
+const uint32_t kOpAccessChainInOperandIndexes = 1;
+const uint32_t kOpTypePointerInOperandType = 1;
+const uint32_t kOpTypeArrayInOperandType = 0;
+const uint32_t kOpTypeStructInOperandMember = 0;
+IRContext::Analysis kAnalysisDefUseAndInstrToBlockMapping =
+    IRContext::kAnalysisDefUse | IRContext::kAnalysisInstrToBlockMapping;
+uint32_t GetValueWithKeyExistenceCheck(
+    uint32_t key, const std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t>& map) {
+  auto itr = map.find(key);
+  assert(itr != map.end() && "Key does not exist");
+  return itr->second;
+}  // namespace
+Pass::Status ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex::Process() {
+  Status status = Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
+  for (Instruction& var : context()->types_values()) {
+    if (descsroautil::IsDescriptorArray(context(), &var)) {
+      if (ReplaceVariableAccessesWithConstantElements(&var))
+        status = Status::SuccessWithChange;
+    }
+  }
+  return status;
+bool ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex::
+    ReplaceVariableAccessesWithConstantElements(Instruction* var) const {
+  std::vector<Instruction*> work_list;
+  get_def_use_mgr()->ForEachUser(var, [&work_list](Instruction* use) {
+    switch (use->opcode()) {
+      case SpvOpAccessChain:
+      case SpvOpInBoundsAccessChain:
+        work_list.push_back(use);
+        break;
+      default:
+        break;
+    }
+  });
+  bool updated = false;
+  for (Instruction* access_chain : work_list) {
+    if (descsroautil::GetAccessChainIndexAsConst(context(), access_chain) ==
+        nullptr) {
+      ReplaceAccessChain(var, access_chain);
+      updated = true;
+    }
+  }
+  // Note that we do not consider OpLoad and OpCompositeExtract because
+  // OpCompositeExtract always has constant literals for indices.
+  return updated;
+void ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex::ReplaceAccessChain(
+    Instruction* var, Instruction* access_chain) const {
+  uint32_t number_of_elements =
+      descsroautil::GetNumberOfElementsForArrayOrStruct(context(), var);
+  assert(number_of_elements != 0 && "Number of element is 0");
+  if (number_of_elements == 1) {
+    UseConstIndexForAccessChain(access_chain, 0);
+    get_def_use_mgr()->AnalyzeInstUse(access_chain);
+    return;
+  }
+  ReplaceUsersOfAccessChain(access_chain, number_of_elements);
+void ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex::ReplaceUsersOfAccessChain(
+    Instruction* access_chain, uint32_t number_of_elements) const {
+  std::vector<Instruction*> final_users;
+  CollectRecursiveUsersWithConcreteType(access_chain, &final_users);
+  for (auto* inst : final_users) {
+    std::deque<Instruction*> insts_to_be_cloned =
+        CollectRequiredImageInsts(inst);
+    ReplaceNonUniformAccessWithSwitchCase(
+        inst, access_chain, number_of_elements, insts_to_be_cloned);
+  }
+void ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex::CollectRecursiveUsersWithConcreteType(
+    Instruction* access_chain, std::vector<Instruction*>* final_users) const {
+  std::queue<Instruction*> work_list;
+  work_list.push(access_chain);
+  while (!work_list.empty()) {
+    auto* inst_from_work_list = work_list.front();
+    work_list.pop();
+    get_def_use_mgr()->ForEachUser(
+        inst_from_work_list, [this, final_users, &work_list](Instruction* use) {
+          // TODO: Support Boolean type as well.
+          if (!use->HasResultId() || IsConcreteType(use->type_id())) {
+            final_users->push_back(use);
+          } else {
+            work_list.push(use);
+          }
+        });
+  }
+    Instruction* user_of_image_insts) const {
+  std::unordered_set<uint32_t> seen_inst_ids;
+  std::queue<Instruction*> work_list;
+  auto decision_to_include_operand = [this, &seen_inst_ids,
+                                      &work_list](uint32_t* idp) {
+    if (!seen_inst_ids.insert(*idp).second) return;
+    Instruction* operand = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(*idp);
+    if (context()->get_instr_block(operand) != nullptr &&
+        HasImageOrImagePtrType(operand)) {
+      work_list.push(operand);
+    }
+  };
+  std::deque<Instruction*> required_image_insts;
+  required_image_insts.push_front(user_of_image_insts);
+  user_of_image_insts->ForEachInId(decision_to_include_operand);
+  while (!work_list.empty()) {
+    auto* inst_from_work_list = work_list.front();
+    work_list.pop();
+    required_image_insts.push_front(inst_from_work_list);
+    inst_from_work_list->ForEachInId(decision_to_include_operand);
+  }
+  return required_image_insts;
+bool ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex::HasImageOrImagePtrType(
+    const Instruction* inst) const {
+  assert(inst != nullptr && inst->type_id() != 0 && "Invalid instruction");
+  return IsImageOrImagePtrType(get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(inst->type_id()));
+bool ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex::IsImageOrImagePtrType(
+    const Instruction* type_inst) const {
+  if (type_inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeImage ||
+      type_inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeSampler ||
+      type_inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeSampledImage) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (type_inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypePointer) {
+    Instruction* pointee_type_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(
+        type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kOpTypePointerInOperandType));
+    return IsImageOrImagePtrType(pointee_type_inst);
+  }
+  if (type_inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeArray) {
+    Instruction* element_type_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(
+        type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kOpTypeArrayInOperandType));
+    return IsImageOrImagePtrType(element_type_inst);
+  }
+  if (type_inst->opcode() != SpvOpTypeStruct) return false;
+  for (uint32_t in_operand_idx = kOpTypeStructInOperandMember;
+       in_operand_idx < type_inst->NumInOperands(); ++in_operand_idx) {
+    Instruction* member_type_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(
+        type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(kOpTypeStructInOperandMember));
+    if (IsImageOrImagePtrType(member_type_inst)) return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+bool ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex::IsConcreteType(
+    uint32_t type_id) const {
+  Instruction* type_inst = get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(type_id);
+  if (type_inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeInt ||
+      type_inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeFloat) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (type_inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeVector ||
+      type_inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeMatrix ||
+      type_inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeArray) {
+    return IsConcreteType(type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0));
+  }
+  if (type_inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeStruct) {
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < type_inst->NumInOperands(); ++i) {
+      if (!IsConcreteType(type_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(i))) return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+BasicBlock* ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex::CreateCaseBlock(
+    Instruction* access_chain, uint32_t element_index,
+    const std::deque<Instruction*>& insts_to_be_cloned,
+    uint32_t branch_target_id,
+    std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t>* old_ids_to_new_ids) const {
+  auto* case_block = CreateNewBlock();
+  AddConstElementAccessToCaseBlock(case_block, access_chain, element_index,
+                                   old_ids_to_new_ids);
+  CloneInstsToBlock(case_block, access_chain, insts_to_be_cloned,
+                    old_ids_to_new_ids);
+  AddBranchToBlock(case_block, branch_target_id);
+  UseNewIdsInBlock(case_block, *old_ids_to_new_ids);
+  return case_block;
+void ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex::CloneInstsToBlock(
+    BasicBlock* block, Instruction* inst_to_skip_cloning,
+    const std::deque<Instruction*>& insts_to_be_cloned,
+    std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t>* old_ids_to_new_ids) const {
+  for (auto* inst_to_be_cloned : insts_to_be_cloned) {
+    if (inst_to_be_cloned == inst_to_skip_cloning) continue;
+    std::unique_ptr<Instruction> clone(inst_to_be_cloned->Clone(context()));
+    if (inst_to_be_cloned->HasResultId()) {
+      uint32_t new_id = context()->TakeNextId();
+      clone->SetResultId(new_id);
+      (*old_ids_to_new_ids)[inst_to_be_cloned->result_id()] = new_id;
+    }
+    get_def_use_mgr()->AnalyzeInstDefUse(clone.get());
+    context()->set_instr_block(clone.get(), block);
+    block->AddInstruction(std::move(clone));
+  }
+void ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex::UseNewIdsInBlock(
+    BasicBlock* block,
+    const std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t>& old_ids_to_new_ids) const {
+  for (auto block_itr = block->begin(); block_itr != block->end();
+       ++block_itr) {
+    (&*block_itr)->ForEachInId([&old_ids_to_new_ids](uint32_t* idp) {
+      auto old_ids_to_new_ids_itr = old_ids_to_new_ids.find(*idp);
+      if (old_ids_to_new_ids_itr == old_ids_to_new_ids.end()) return;
+      *idp = old_ids_to_new_ids_itr->second;
+    });
+    get_def_use_mgr()->AnalyzeInstUse(&*block_itr);
+  }
+void ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex::ReplaceNonUniformAccessWithSwitchCase(
+    Instruction* access_chain_final_user, Instruction* access_chain,
+    uint32_t number_of_elements,
+    const std::deque<Instruction*>& insts_to_be_cloned) const {
+  // Create merge block and add terminator
+  auto* block = context()->get_instr_block(access_chain_final_user);
+  auto* merge_block = SeparateInstructionsIntoNewBlock(
+      block, access_chain_final_user->NextNode());
+  auto* function = block->GetParent();
+  // Add case blocks
+  std::vector<uint32_t> phi_operands;
+  std::vector<uint32_t> case_block_ids;
+  for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < number_of_elements; ++idx) {
+    std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> old_ids_to_new_ids_for_cloned_insts;
+    std::unique_ptr<BasicBlock> case_block(CreateCaseBlock(
+        access_chain, idx, insts_to_be_cloned, merge_block->id(),
+        &old_ids_to_new_ids_for_cloned_insts));
+    case_block_ids.push_back(case_block->id());
+    function->InsertBasicBlockBefore(std::move(case_block), merge_block);
+    // Keep the operand for OpPhi
+    if (!access_chain_final_user->HasResultId()) continue;
+    uint32_t phi_operand =
+        GetValueWithKeyExistenceCheck(access_chain_final_user->result_id(),
+                                      old_ids_to_new_ids_for_cloned_insts);
+    phi_operands.push_back(phi_operand);
+  }
+  // Create default block
+  std::unique_ptr<BasicBlock> default_block(
+      CreateDefaultBlock(access_chain_final_user->HasResultId(), &phi_operands,
+                         merge_block->id()));
+  uint32_t default_block_id = default_block->id();
+  function->InsertBasicBlockBefore(std::move(default_block), merge_block);
+  // Create OpSwitch
+  uint32_t access_chain_index_var_id =
+      descsroautil::GetFirstIndexOfAccessChain(access_chain);
+  AddSwitchForAccessChain(block, access_chain_index_var_id, default_block_id,
+                          merge_block->id(), case_block_ids);
+  // Create phi instructions
+  if (!phi_operands.empty()) {
+    uint32_t phi_id = CreatePhiInstruction(merge_block, phi_operands,
+                                           case_block_ids, default_block_id);
+    context()->ReplaceAllUsesWith(access_chain_final_user->result_id(), phi_id);
+  }
+  // Replace OpPhi incoming block operand that uses |block| with |merge_block|
+  ReplacePhiIncomingBlock(block->id(), merge_block->id());
+    BasicBlock* block, Instruction* separation_begin_inst) const {
+  auto separation_begin = block->begin();
+  while (separation_begin != block->end() &&
+         &*separation_begin != separation_begin_inst) {
+    ++separation_begin;
+  }
+  return block->SplitBasicBlock(context(), context()->TakeNextId(),
+                                separation_begin);
+BasicBlock* ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex::CreateNewBlock() const {
+  auto* new_block = new BasicBlock(std::unique_ptr<Instruction>(
+      new Instruction(context(), SpvOpLabel, 0, context()->TakeNextId(), {})));
+  get_def_use_mgr()->AnalyzeInstDefUse(new_block->GetLabelInst());
+  context()->set_instr_block(new_block->GetLabelInst(), new_block);
+  return new_block;
+void ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex::UseConstIndexForAccessChain(
+    Instruction* access_chain, uint32_t const_element_idx) const {
+  uint32_t const_element_idx_id =
+      context()->get_constant_mgr()->GetUIntConst(const_element_idx);
+  access_chain->SetInOperand(kOpAccessChainInOperandIndexes,
+                             {const_element_idx_id});
+void ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex::AddConstElementAccessToCaseBlock(
+    BasicBlock* case_block, Instruction* access_chain,
+    uint32_t const_element_idx,
+    std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t>* old_ids_to_new_ids) const {
+  std::unique_ptr<Instruction> access_clone(access_chain->Clone(context()));
+  UseConstIndexForAccessChain(access_clone.get(), const_element_idx);
+  uint32_t new_access_id = context()->TakeNextId();
+  (*old_ids_to_new_ids)[access_clone->result_id()] = new_access_id;
+  access_clone->SetResultId(new_access_id);
+  get_def_use_mgr()->AnalyzeInstDefUse(access_clone.get());
+  context()->set_instr_block(access_clone.get(), case_block);
+  case_block->AddInstruction(std::move(access_clone));
+void ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex::AddBranchToBlock(
+    BasicBlock* parent_block, uint32_t branch_destination) const {
+  InstructionBuilder builder{context(), parent_block,
+                             kAnalysisDefUseAndInstrToBlockMapping};
+  builder.AddBranch(branch_destination);
+BasicBlock* ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex::CreateDefaultBlock(
+    bool null_const_for_phi_is_needed, std::vector<uint32_t>* phi_operands,
+    uint32_t merge_block_id) const {
+  auto* default_block = CreateNewBlock();
+  AddBranchToBlock(default_block, merge_block_id);
+  if (!null_const_for_phi_is_needed) return default_block;
+  // Create null value for OpPhi
+  Instruction* inst = context()->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef((*phi_operands)[0]);
+  auto* null_const_inst = GetConstNull(inst->type_id());
+  phi_operands->push_back(null_const_inst->result_id());
+  return default_block;
+Instruction* ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex::GetConstNull(
+    uint32_t type_id) const {
+  assert(type_id != 0 && "Result type is expected");
+  auto* type = context()->get_type_mgr()->GetType(type_id);
+  auto* null_const = context()->get_constant_mgr()->GetConstant(type, {});
+  return context()->get_constant_mgr()->GetDefiningInstruction(null_const);
+void ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex::AddSwitchForAccessChain(
+    BasicBlock* parent_block, uint32_t access_chain_index_var_id,
+    uint32_t default_id, uint32_t merge_id,
+    const std::vector<uint32_t>& case_block_ids) const {
+  InstructionBuilder builder{context(), parent_block,
+                             kAnalysisDefUseAndInstrToBlockMapping};
+  std::vector<std::pair<Operand::OperandData, uint32_t>> cases;
+  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < static_cast<uint32_t>(case_block_ids.size()); ++i) {
+    cases.emplace_back(Operand::OperandData{i}, case_block_ids[i]);
+  }
+  builder.AddSwitch(access_chain_index_var_id, default_id, cases, merge_id);
+uint32_t ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex::CreatePhiInstruction(
+    BasicBlock* parent_block, const std::vector<uint32_t>& phi_operands,
+    const std::vector<uint32_t>& case_block_ids,
+    uint32_t default_block_id) const {
+  std::vector<uint32_t> incomings;
+  assert(case_block_ids.size() + 1 == phi_operands.size() &&
+         "Number of Phi operands must be exactly 1 bigger than the one of case "
+         "blocks");
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < case_block_ids.size(); ++i) {
+    incomings.push_back(phi_operands[i]);
+    incomings.push_back(case_block_ids[i]);
+  }
+  incomings.push_back(phi_operands.back());
+  incomings.push_back(default_block_id);
+  InstructionBuilder builder{context(), &*parent_block->begin(),
+                             kAnalysisDefUseAndInstrToBlockMapping};
+  uint32_t phi_result_type_id =
+      context()->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(phi_operands[0])->type_id();
+  auto* phi = builder.AddPhi(phi_result_type_id, incomings);
+  return phi->result_id();
+void ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex::ReplacePhiIncomingBlock(
+    uint32_t old_incoming_block_id, uint32_t new_incoming_block_id) const {
+  context()->ReplaceAllUsesWithPredicate(
+      old_incoming_block_id, new_incoming_block_id,
+      [](Instruction* use) { return use->opcode() == SpvOpPhi; });
+}  // namespace opt
+}  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/source/opt/replace_desc_array_access_using_var_index.h b/source/opt/replace_desc_array_access_using_var_index.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e18222c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/opt/replace_desc_array_access_using_var_index.h
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2021 Google LLC
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <memory>
+#include <queue>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <vector>
+#include "source/opt/function.h"
+#include "source/opt/pass.h"
+#include "source/opt/type_manager.h"
+namespace spvtools {
+namespace opt {
+// See optimizer.hpp for documentation.
+class ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex : public Pass {
+ public:
+  ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex() {}
+  const char* name() const override {
+    return "replace-desc-array-access-using-var-index";
+  }
+  Status Process() override;
+  IRContext::Analysis GetPreservedAnalyses() override {
+    return IRContext::kAnalysisDefUse |
+           IRContext::kAnalysisInstrToBlockMapping |
+           IRContext::kAnalysisConstants | IRContext::kAnalysisTypes;
+  }
+ private:
+  // Replaces all acceses to |var| using variable indices with constant
+  // elements of the array |var|. Creates switch-case statements to determine
+  // the value of the variable index for all the possible cases. Returns
+  // whether replacement is done or not.
+  bool ReplaceVariableAccessesWithConstantElements(Instruction* var) const;
+  // Replaces the OpAccessChain or OpInBoundsAccessChain instruction |use| that
+  // uses the descriptor variable |var| with the OpAccessChain or
+  // OpInBoundsAccessChain instruction with a constant Indexes operand.
+  void ReplaceAccessChain(Instruction* var, Instruction* use) const;
+  // Updates the first Indexes operand of the OpAccessChain or
+  // OpInBoundsAccessChain instruction |access_chain| to let it use a constant
+  // index |const_element_idx|.
+  void UseConstIndexForAccessChain(Instruction* access_chain,
+                                   uint32_t const_element_idx) const;
+  // Replaces users of the OpAccessChain or OpInBoundsAccessChain instruction
+  // |access_chain| that accesses an array descriptor variable using variable
+  // indices with constant elements. |number_of_elements| is the number
+  // of array elements.
+  void ReplaceUsersOfAccessChain(Instruction* access_chain,
+                                 uint32_t number_of_elements) const;
+  // Puts all the recursive users of |access_chain| with concrete result types
+  // or the ones without result it in |final_users|.
+  void CollectRecursiveUsersWithConcreteType(
+      Instruction* access_chain, std::vector<Instruction*>* final_users) const;
+  // Recursively collects the operands of |user_of_image_insts| (and operands
+  // of the operands) whose result types are images/samplers or pointers/array/
+  // struct of them and returns them.
+  std::deque<Instruction*> CollectRequiredImageInsts(
+      Instruction* user_of_image_insts) const;
+  // Returns whether result type of |inst| is an image/sampler/pointer of image
+  // or sampler or not.
+  bool HasImageOrImagePtrType(const Instruction* inst) const;
+  // Returns whether |type_inst| is an image/sampler or pointer/array/struct of
+  // image or sampler or not.
+  bool IsImageOrImagePtrType(const Instruction* type_inst) const;
+  // Returns whether the type with |type_id| is a concrete type or not.
+  bool IsConcreteType(uint32_t type_id) const;
+  // Replaces the non-uniform access to a descriptor variable
+  // |access_chain_final_user| with OpSwitch instruction and case blocks. Each
+  // case block will contain a clone of |access_chain| and clones of
+  // |non_uniform_accesses_to_clone| that are recursively used by
+  // |access_chain_final_user|. The clone of |access_chain| (or
+  // OpInBoundsAccessChain) will have a constant index for its first index. The
+  // OpSwitch instruction will have the cases for the variable index of
+  // |access_chain| from 0 to |number_of_elements| - 1.
+  void ReplaceNonUniformAccessWithSwitchCase(
+      Instruction* access_chain_final_user, Instruction* access_chain,
+      uint32_t number_of_elements,
+      const std::deque<Instruction*>& non_uniform_accesses_to_clone) const;
+  // Creates and returns a new basic block that contains all instructions of
+  // |block| after |separation_begin_inst|. The new basic block is added to the
+  // function in this method.
+  BasicBlock* SeparateInstructionsIntoNewBlock(
+      BasicBlock* block, Instruction* separation_begin_inst) const;
+  // Creates and returns a new block.
+  BasicBlock* CreateNewBlock() const;
+  // Returns the first operand id of the OpAccessChain or OpInBoundsAccessChain
+  // instruction |access_chain|.
+  uint32_t GetFirstIndexOfAccessChain(Instruction* access_chain) const;
+  // Adds a clone of the OpAccessChain or OpInBoundsAccessChain instruction
+  // |access_chain| to |case_block|. The clone of |access_chain| will use
+  // |const_element_idx| for its first index. |old_ids_to_new_ids| keeps the
+  // mapping from the result id of |access_chain| to the result of its clone.
+  void AddConstElementAccessToCaseBlock(
+      BasicBlock* case_block, Instruction* access_chain,
+      uint32_t const_element_idx,
+      std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t>* old_ids_to_new_ids) const;
+  // Clones all instructions in |insts_to_be_cloned| and put them to |block|.
+  // |old_ids_to_new_ids| keeps the mapping from the result id of each
+  // instruction of |insts_to_be_cloned| to the result of their clones.
+  void CloneInstsToBlock(
+      BasicBlock* block, Instruction* inst_to_skip_cloning,
+      const std::deque<Instruction*>& insts_to_be_cloned,
+      std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t>* old_ids_to_new_ids) const;
+  // Adds OpBranch to |branch_destination| at the end of |parent_block|.
+  void AddBranchToBlock(BasicBlock* parent_block,
+                        uint32_t branch_destination) const;
+  // Replaces in-operands of all instructions in the basic block |block| using
+  // |old_ids_to_new_ids|. It conducts the replacement only if the in-operand
+  // id is a key of |old_ids_to_new_ids|.
+  void UseNewIdsInBlock(
+      BasicBlock* block,
+      const std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t>& old_ids_to_new_ids) const;
+  // Creates a case block for |element_index| case. It adds clones of
+  // |insts_to_be_cloned| and a clone of |access_chain| with |element_index| as
+  // its first index. The termination instruction of the created case block will
+  // be a branch to |branch_target_id|. Puts old ids to new ids map for the
+  // cloned instructions in |old_ids_to_new_ids|.
+  BasicBlock* CreateCaseBlock(
+      Instruction* access_chain, uint32_t element_index,
+      const std::deque<Instruction*>& insts_to_be_cloned,
+      uint32_t branch_target_id,
+      std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t>* old_ids_to_new_ids) const;
+  // Creates a default block for switch-case statement that has only a single
+  // instruction OpBranch whose target is a basic block with |merge_block_id|.
+  // If |null_const_for_phi_is_needed| is true, gets or creates a default null
+  // constant value for a phi instruction whose operands are |phi_operands| and
+  // puts it in |phi_operands|.
+  BasicBlock* CreateDefaultBlock(bool null_const_for_phi_is_needed,
+                                 std::vector<uint32_t>* phi_operands,
+                                 uint32_t merge_block_id) const;
+  // Creates and adds an OpSwitch used for the selection of OpAccessChain whose
+  // first Indexes operand is |access_chain_index_var_id|. The OpSwitch will be
+  // added at the end of |parent_block|. It will jump to |default_id| for the
+  // default case and jumps to one of case blocks whoes ids are |case_block_ids|
+  // if |access_chain_index_var_id| matches the case number. |merge_id| is the
+  // merge block id.
+  void AddSwitchForAccessChain(
+      BasicBlock* parent_block, uint32_t access_chain_index_var_id,
+      uint32_t default_id, uint32_t merge_id,
+      const std::vector<uint32_t>& case_block_ids) const;
+  // Creates a phi instruction with |phi_operands| as values and
+  // |case_block_ids| and |default_block_id| as incoming blocks. The size of
+  // |phi_operands| must be exactly 1 larger than the size of |case_block_ids|.
+  // The last element of |phi_operands| will be used for |default_block_id|. It
+  // adds the phi instruction to the beginning of |parent_block|.
+  uint32_t CreatePhiInstruction(BasicBlock* parent_block,
+                                const std::vector<uint32_t>& phi_operands,
+                                const std::vector<uint32_t>& case_block_ids,
+                                uint32_t default_block_id) const;
+  // Replaces the incoming block operand of OpPhi instructions with
+  // |new_incoming_block_id| if the incoming block operand is
+  // |old_incoming_block_id|.
+  void ReplacePhiIncomingBlock(uint32_t old_incoming_block_id,
+                               uint32_t new_incoming_block_id) const;
+  // Create an OpConstantNull instruction whose result type id is |type_id|.
+  Instruction* GetConstNull(uint32_t type_id) const;
+}  // namespace opt
+}  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/source/opt/replace_invalid_opc.cpp b/source/opt/replace_invalid_opc.cpp
index 38b7539..e3b9d3e 100644
--- a/source/opt/replace_invalid_opc.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/replace_invalid_opc.cpp
@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@
       [model, &modified, &last_line_dbg_inst, this](Instruction* inst) {
         // Track the debug information so we can have a meaningful message.
-        if (inst->opcode() == SpvOpLabel || inst->opcode() == SpvOpNoLine) {
+        if (inst->opcode() == SpvOpLabel || inst->IsNoLine()) {
           last_line_dbg_inst = nullptr;
-        } else if (inst->opcode() == SpvOpLine) {
+        } else if (inst->IsLine()) {
           last_line_dbg_inst = inst;
@@ -100,8 +100,18 @@
             ReplaceInstruction(inst, nullptr, 0, 0);
           } else {
             // Get the name of the source file.
-            Instruction* file_name = context()->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(
-                last_line_dbg_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0));
+            uint32_t file_name_id = 0;
+            if (last_line_dbg_inst->opcode() == SpvOpLine) {
+              file_name_id = last_line_dbg_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(0);
+            } else {  // Shader100::DebugLine
+              uint32_t debug_source_id =
+                  last_line_dbg_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(2);
+              Instruction* debug_source_inst =
+                  context()->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(debug_source_id);
+              file_name_id = debug_source_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(2);
+            }
+            Instruction* file_name =
+                context()->get_def_use_mgr()->GetDef(file_name_id);
             const char* source = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(
diff --git a/source/opt/scalar_replacement_pass.cpp b/source/opt/scalar_replacement_pass.cpp
index 8adca7b..4d6a7aa 100644
--- a/source/opt/scalar_replacement_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/scalar_replacement_pass.cpp
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 static const uint32_t kDebugValueOperandValueIndex = 5;
 static const uint32_t kDebugValueOperandExpressionIndex = 6;
+static const uint32_t kDebugDeclareOperandVariableIndex = 5;
 namespace spvtools {
 namespace opt {
@@ -34,6 +35,10 @@
 Pass::Status ScalarReplacementPass::Process() {
   Status status = Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
   for (auto& f : *get_module()) {
+    if (f.IsDeclaration()) {
+      continue;
+    }
     Status functionStatus = ProcessFunction(&f);
     if (functionStatus == Status::Failure)
       return functionStatus;
@@ -172,10 +177,14 @@
   // Add DebugValue instruction with Indexes operand and Deref operation.
   int32_t idx = 0;
   for (const auto* var : replacements) {
+    Instruction* insert_before = var->NextNode();
+    while (insert_before->opcode() == SpvOpVariable)
+      insert_before = insert_before->NextNode();
+    assert(insert_before != nullptr && "unexpected end of list");
     Instruction* added_dbg_value =
             dbg_decl, /*value_id=*/var->result_id(),
-            /*insert_before=*/var->NextNode(), /*scope_and_line=*/dbg_decl);
+            /*insert_before=*/insert_before, /*scope_and_line=*/dbg_decl);
     if (added_dbg_value == nullptr) return false;
@@ -864,6 +873,11 @@
           case SpvOpImageTexelPointer:
             if (!CheckImageTexelPointer(index)) ok = false;
+          case SpvOpExtInst:
+            if (user->GetCommonDebugOpcode() != CommonDebugInfoDebugDeclare ||
+                !CheckDebugDeclare(index))
+              ok = false;
+            break;
             ok = false;
@@ -894,6 +908,12 @@
     return false;
   return true;
+bool ScalarReplacementPass::CheckDebugDeclare(uint32_t index) const {
+  if (index != kDebugDeclareOperandVariableIndex) return false;
+  return true;
 bool ScalarReplacementPass::IsLargerThanSizeLimit(uint64_t length) const {
   if (max_num_elements_ == 0) {
     return false;
diff --git a/source/opt/scalar_replacement_pass.h b/source/opt/scalar_replacement_pass.h
index 9e9f073..0928830 100644
--- a/source/opt/scalar_replacement_pass.h
+++ b/source/opt/scalar_replacement_pass.h
@@ -142,6 +142,9 @@
   // of |inst| and the store is not to volatile memory.
   bool CheckStore(const Instruction* inst, uint32_t index) const;
+  // Returns true if the DebugDeclare can be scalarized at |index|.
+  bool CheckDebugDeclare(uint32_t index) const;
   // Returns true if |index| is the pointer operand of an OpImageTexelPointer
   // instruction.
   bool CheckImageTexelPointer(uint32_t index) const;
diff --git a/source/opt/set_spec_constant_default_value_pass.cpp b/source/opt/set_spec_constant_default_value_pass.cpp
index 4c8d116..4def2b0 100644
--- a/source/opt/set_spec_constant_default_value_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/set_spec_constant_default_value_pass.cpp
@@ -85,6 +85,10 @@
 //   with 0x1, which represents a 'true'.
 //   If all words in the bit pattern are zero, returns a bit pattern with 0x0,
 //   which represents a 'false'.
+// For integer and floating point types narrower than 32 bits, the upper bits
+// in the input bit pattern are ignored.  Instead the upper bits are set
+// according to SPIR-V literal requirements: sign extend a signed integer, and
+// otherwise set the upper bits to zero.
 std::vector<uint32_t> ParseDefaultValueBitPattern(
     const std::vector<uint32_t>& input_bit_pattern,
     const analysis::Type* type) {
@@ -98,12 +102,33 @@
     return result;
   } else if (const auto* IT = type->AsInteger()) {
-    if (IT->width() == input_bit_pattern.size() * sizeof(uint32_t) * 8) {
-      return std::vector<uint32_t>(input_bit_pattern);
+    const auto width = IT->width();
+    assert(width > 0);
+    const auto adjusted_width = std::max(32u, width);
+    if (adjusted_width == input_bit_pattern.size() * sizeof(uint32_t) * 8) {
+      result = std::vector<uint32_t>(input_bit_pattern);
+      if (width < 32) {
+        const uint32_t high_active_bit = (1u << width) >> 1;
+        if (IT->IsSigned() && (high_active_bit & result[0])) {
+          // Sign extend.  This overwrites the sign bit again, but that's ok.
+          result[0] = result[0] | ~(high_active_bit - 1);
+        } else {
+          // Upper bits must be zero.
+          result[0] = result[0] & ((1u << width) - 1);
+        }
+      }
+      return result;
   } else if (const auto* FT = type->AsFloat()) {
-    if (FT->width() == input_bit_pattern.size() * sizeof(uint32_t) * 8) {
-      return std::vector<uint32_t>(input_bit_pattern);
+    const auto width = FT->width();
+    const auto adjusted_width = std::max(32u, width);
+    if (adjusted_width == input_bit_pattern.size() * sizeof(uint32_t) * 8) {
+      result = std::vector<uint32_t>(input_bit_pattern);
+      if (width < 32) {
+        // Upper bits must be zero.
+        result[0] = result[0] & ((1u << width) - 1);
+      }
+      return result;
diff --git a/source/opt/simplification_pass.cpp b/source/opt/simplification_pass.cpp
index 319ceec..43ec15f 100644
--- a/source/opt/simplification_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/simplification_pass.cpp
@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@
 bool SimplificationPass::SimplifyFunction(Function* function) {
+  if (function->IsDeclaration()) {
+    return false;
+  }
   bool modified = false;
   // Phase 1: Traverse all instructions in dominance order.
   // The second phase will only be on the instructions whose inputs have changed
diff --git a/source/opt/ssa_rewrite_pass.cpp b/source/opt/ssa_rewrite_pass.cpp
index 81770d7..29ab612 100644
--- a/source/opt/ssa_rewrite_pass.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/ssa_rewrite_pass.cpp
@@ -753,6 +753,9 @@
 Pass::Status SSARewritePass::Process() {
   Status status = Status::SuccessWithoutChange;
   for (auto& fn : *get_module()) {
+    if (fn.IsDeclaration()) {
+      continue;
+    }
     status =
         CombineStatus(status, SSARewriter(this).RewriteFunctionIntoSSA(&fn));
     // Kill DebugDeclares for target variables.
diff --git a/source/opt/vector_dce.cpp b/source/opt/vector_dce.cpp
index 3c9f944..28d94a0 100644
--- a/source/opt/vector_dce.cpp
+++ b/source/opt/vector_dce.cpp
@@ -110,7 +110,11 @@
     if (current_inst->NumInOperands() < 2) {
       new_item.components = live_elements;
     } else {
-      new_item.components.Set(current_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(1));
+      uint32_t element_index = current_inst->GetSingleWordInOperand(1);
+      uint32_t item_size = GetVectorComponentCount(operand_inst->type_id());
+      if (element_index < item_size) {
+        new_item.components.Set(element_index);
+      }
     AddItemToWorkListIfNeeded(new_item, live_components, work_list);
@@ -176,10 +180,10 @@
   second_operand.instruction =
-  analysis::TypeManager* type_mgr = context()->get_type_mgr();
-  analysis::Vector* first_type =
-      type_mgr->GetType(first_operand.instruction->type_id())->AsVector();
-  uint32_t size_of_first_operand = first_type->element_count();
+  uint32_t size_of_first_operand =
+      GetVectorComponentCount(first_operand.instruction->type_id());
+  uint32_t size_of_second_operand =
+      GetVectorComponentCount(second_operand.instruction->type_id());
   for (uint32_t in_op = 2; in_op < current_item.instruction->NumInOperands();
        ++in_op) {
@@ -187,7 +191,7 @@
     if (current_item.components.Get(in_op - 2)) {
       if (index < size_of_first_operand) {
-      } else {
+      } else if (index - size_of_first_operand < size_of_second_operand) {
         second_operand.components.Set(index - size_of_first_operand);
@@ -202,7 +206,6 @@
     VectorDCE::LiveComponentMap* live_components,
     std::vector<VectorDCE::WorkListItem>* work_list) {
   analysis::DefUseManager* def_use_mgr = context()->get_def_use_mgr();
-  analysis::TypeManager* type_mgr = context()->get_type_mgr();
   uint32_t current_component = 0;
   Instruction* current_inst = work_item.instruction;
@@ -223,8 +226,7 @@
       WorkListItem new_work_item;
       new_work_item.instruction = op_inst;
-      uint32_t op_vector_size =
-          type_mgr->GetType(op_inst->type_id())->AsVector()->element_count();
+      uint32_t op_vector_size = GetVectorComponentCount(op_inst->type_id());
       for (uint32_t op_vector_idx = 0; op_vector_idx < op_vector_size;
            op_vector_idx++, current_component++) {
@@ -297,6 +299,18 @@
+uint32_t VectorDCE::GetVectorComponentCount(uint32_t type_id) {
+  assert(type_id != 0 &&
+         "Trying to get the vector element count, but the type id is 0");
+  analysis::TypeManager* type_mgr = context()->get_type_mgr();
+  const analysis::Type* type = type_mgr->GetType(type_id);
+  const analysis::Vector* vector_type = type->AsVector();
+  assert(
+      vector_type &&
+      "Trying to get the vector element count, but the type is not a vector");
+  return vector_type->element_count();
 bool VectorDCE::RewriteInstructions(
     Function* function, const VectorDCE::LiveComponentMap& live_components) {
   bool modified = false;
diff --git a/source/opt/vector_dce.h b/source/opt/vector_dce.h
index 0df9aee..4d30b92 100644
--- a/source/opt/vector_dce.h
+++ b/source/opt/vector_dce.h
@@ -94,12 +94,15 @@
   // Returns true if the result of |inst| is a vector or a scalar.
   bool HasVectorOrScalarResult(const Instruction* inst) const;
-  // Returns true if the result of |inst| is a scalar.
+  // Returns true if the result of |inst| is a vector.
   bool HasVectorResult(const Instruction* inst) const;
-  // Returns true if the result of |inst| is a vector.
+  // Returns true if the result of |inst| is a scalar.
   bool HasScalarResult(const Instruction* inst) const;
+  // Returns the number of elements in the vector type with id |type_id|.
+  uint32_t GetVectorComponentCount(uint32_t type_id);
   // Adds |work_item| to |work_list| if it is not already live according to
   // |live_components|.  |live_components| is updated to indicate that
   // |work_item| is now live.
diff --git a/source/spirv_constant.h b/source/spirv_constant.h
index 39771cc..8636806 100644
--- a/source/spirv_constant.h
+++ b/source/spirv_constant.h
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@
 } spv_generator_t;
diff --git a/source/spirv_target_env.cpp b/source/spirv_target_env.cpp
index f20ebb4..187ab61 100644
--- a/source/spirv_target_env.cpp
+++ b/source/spirv_target_env.cpp
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
     case SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_1:
       return "SPIR-V 1.3 (under Vulkan 1.1 semantics)";
     case SPV_ENV_WEBGPU_0:
-      assert(false);
+      assert(false && "Deprecated target environment value.");
     case SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4:
       return "SPIR-V 1.4";
@@ -72,6 +72,9 @@
       return "SPIR-V 1.5";
     case SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_2:
       return "SPIR-V 1.5 (under Vulkan 1.2 semantics)";
+    case SPV_ENV_MAX:
+      assert(false && "Invalid target environment value.");
+      break;
   return "";
@@ -102,7 +105,7 @@
     case SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_1:
       return SPV_SPIRV_VERSION_WORD(1, 3);
     case SPV_ENV_WEBGPU_0:
-      assert(false);
+      assert(false && "Deprecated target environment value.");
     case SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4:
     case SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_1_SPIRV_1_4:
@@ -110,6 +113,9 @@
     case SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_5:
     case SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_2:
       return SPV_SPIRV_VERSION_WORD(1, 5);
+    case SPV_ENV_MAX:
+      assert(false && "Invalid target environment value.");
+      break;
   return SPV_SPIRV_VERSION_WORD(0, 0);
@@ -212,7 +218,10 @@
     case SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_2:
       return true;
     case SPV_ENV_WEBGPU_0:
-      assert(false);
+      assert(false && "Deprecated target environment value.");
+      break;
+    case SPV_ENV_MAX:
+      assert(false && "Invalid target environment value.");
   return false;
@@ -246,7 +255,10 @@
     case SPV_ENV_OPENCL_2_2:
       return true;
     case SPV_ENV_WEBGPU_0:
-      assert(false);
+      assert(false && "Deprecated target environment value.");
+      break;
+    case SPV_ENV_MAX:
+      assert(false && "Invalid target environment value.");
   return false;
@@ -280,7 +292,43 @@
     case SPV_ENV_OPENGL_4_5:
       return true;
     case SPV_ENV_WEBGPU_0:
-      assert(false);
+      assert(false && "Deprecated target environment value.");
+      break;
+    case SPV_ENV_MAX:
+      assert(false && "Invalid target environment value.");
+      break;
+  }
+  return false;
+bool spvIsValidEnv(spv_target_env env) {
+  switch (env) {
+    case SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_0:
+    case SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0:
+    case SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1:
+    case SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_2:
+    case SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3:
+    case SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_1:
+    case SPV_ENV_OPENCL_1_2:
+    case SPV_ENV_OPENCL_2_0:
+    case SPV_ENV_OPENCL_2_1:
+    case SPV_ENV_OPENCL_2_2:
+    case SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4:
+    case SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_1_SPIRV_1_4:
+    case SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_5:
+    case SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_2:
+    case SPV_ENV_OPENGL_4_0:
+    case SPV_ENV_OPENGL_4_1:
+    case SPV_ENV_OPENGL_4_2:
+    case SPV_ENV_OPENGL_4_3:
+    case SPV_ENV_OPENGL_4_5:
+      return true;
+    case SPV_ENV_WEBGPU_0:
+    case SPV_ENV_MAX:
   return false;
@@ -320,7 +368,10 @@
       return "Universal";
     case SPV_ENV_WEBGPU_0:
-      assert(false);
+      assert(false && "Deprecated target environment value.");
+      break;
+    case SPV_ENV_MAX:
+      assert(false && "Invalid target environment value.");
   return "Unknown";
diff --git a/source/spirv_target_env.h b/source/spirv_target_env.h
index a804d61..cc06dec 100644
--- a/source/spirv_target_env.h
+++ b/source/spirv_target_env.h
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
 // Returns true if |env| is an OPENGL environment, false otherwise.
 bool spvIsOpenGLEnv(spv_target_env env);
+// Returns true if |env| is an implemented/valid environment, false otherwise.
+bool spvIsValidEnv(spv_target_env env);
 // Returns the version number for the given SPIR-V target environment.
 uint32_t spvVersionForTargetEnv(spv_target_env env);
diff --git a/source/spirv_validator_options.cpp b/source/spirv_validator_options.cpp
index 2716cca..e5b1eec 100644
--- a/source/spirv_validator_options.cpp
+++ b/source/spirv_validator_options.cpp
@@ -120,3 +120,8 @@
                                            bool val) {
   options->skip_block_layout = val;
+void spvValidatorOptionsSetAllowLocalSizeId(spv_validator_options options,
+                                            bool val) {
+  options->allow_localsizeid = val;
diff --git a/source/spirv_validator_options.h b/source/spirv_validator_options.h
index baaa535..a357c03 100644
--- a/source/spirv_validator_options.h
+++ b/source/spirv_validator_options.h
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
+        allow_localsizeid(false),
         before_hlsl_legalization(false) {}
   validator_universal_limits_t universal_limits_;
@@ -57,6 +58,7 @@
   bool scalar_block_layout;
   bool workgroup_scalar_block_layout;
   bool skip_block_layout;
+  bool allow_localsizeid;
   bool before_hlsl_legalization;
diff --git a/source/text_handler.cpp b/source/text_handler.cpp
index c31f34a..46b9845 100644
--- a/source/text_handler.cpp
+++ b/source/text_handler.cpp
@@ -120,7 +120,8 @@
         case '\n':
         case '\r':
           if (escaping || quoting) break;
-        // Fall through.
+          word->assign(text->str + start_index, text->str + position->index);
+          return SPV_SUCCESS;
         case '\0': {  // NOTE: End of word found!
           word->assign(text->str + start_index, text->str + position->index);
           return SPV_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/source/util/hex_float.h b/source/util/hex_float.h
index cfc40fa..be28eae 100644
--- a/source/util/hex_float.h
+++ b/source/util/hex_float.h
@@ -1005,6 +1005,9 @@
     next_char = is.peek();
+  // Finished reading the part preceding any '.' or 'p'.
   bits_written = false;
   while (seen_dot && !seen_p) {
     // Handle only fractional parts now.
@@ -1037,11 +1040,16 @@
     next_char = is.peek();
+  // Finished reading the part preceding 'p'.
+  // In hex floats syntax, the binary exponent is required.
   bool seen_sign = false;
   int8_t exponent_sign = 1;
+  bool seen_written_exponent_digits = false;
   int_type written_exponent = 0;
   while (true) {
-    if ((next_char == '-' || next_char == '+')) {
+    if (!seen_written_exponent_digits &&
+        (next_char == '-' || next_char == '+')) {
       if (seen_sign) {
         return is;
@@ -1049,6 +1057,7 @@
       seen_sign = true;
       exponent_sign = (next_char == '-') ? -1 : 1;
     } else if (::isdigit(next_char)) {
+      seen_written_exponent_digits = true;
       // Hex-floats express their exponent as decimal.
       written_exponent = static_cast<int_type>(written_exponent * 10);
       written_exponent =
@@ -1059,6 +1068,11 @@
     next_char = is.peek();
+  if (!seen_written_exponent_digits) {
+    // Binary exponent had no digits.
+    is.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
+    return is;
+  }
   written_exponent = static_cast<int_type>(written_exponent * exponent_sign);
   exponent = static_cast<int_type>(exponent + written_exponent);
diff --git a/source/val/construct.cpp b/source/val/construct.cpp
index 5300869..251e2bb 100644
--- a/source/val/construct.cpp
+++ b/source/val/construct.cpp
@@ -181,8 +181,9 @@
       for (auto& use : block->label()->uses()) {
         if ((use.first->opcode() == SpvOpLoopMerge ||
              use.first->opcode() == SpvOpSelectionMerge) &&
-            use.second == 1)
+            use.second == 1 && use.first->block()->dominates(*block)) {
           return use.first->block();
+        }
       return block->immediate_dominator();
diff --git a/source/val/function.cpp b/source/val/function.cpp
index 249c866..9ad68e8 100644
--- a/source/val/function.cpp
+++ b/source/val/function.cpp
@@ -308,6 +308,9 @@
   if (block_depth_.find(bb) != block_depth_.end()) {
     return block_depth_[bb];
+  // Avoid recursion. Something is wrong if the same block is encountered
+  // multiple times.
+  block_depth_[bb] = 0;
   BasicBlock* bb_dom = bb->immediate_dominator();
   if (!bb_dom || bb == bb_dom) {
diff --git a/source/val/validate_adjacency.cpp b/source/val/validate_adjacency.cpp
index 13720f0..8e6c373 100644
--- a/source/val/validate_adjacency.cpp
+++ b/source/val/validate_adjacency.cpp
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
         // NOTE: This does not apply to the non-semantic vulkan debug info.
         if (!spvExtInstIsDebugInfo(inst.ext_inst_type()) ||
             inst.ext_inst_type() ==
           adjacency_status = PHI_AND_VAR_INVALID;
diff --git a/source/val/validate_annotation.cpp b/source/val/validate_annotation.cpp
index 85d2b75..3a77552 100644
--- a/source/val/validate_annotation.cpp
+++ b/source/val/validate_annotation.cpp
@@ -138,14 +138,14 @@
       return "PerTaskNV";
     case SpvDecorationPerVertexNV:
       return "PerVertexNV";
-    case SpvDecorationNonUniformEXT:
-      return "NonUniformEXT";
-    case SpvDecorationRestrictPointerEXT:
-      return "RestrictPointerEXT";
-    case SpvDecorationAliasedPointerEXT:
-      return "AliasedPointerEXT";
-    case SpvDecorationHlslCounterBufferGOOGLE:
-      return "HlslCounterBufferGOOGLE";
+    case SpvDecorationNonUniform:
+      return "NonUniform";
+    case SpvDecorationRestrictPointer:
+      return "RestrictPointer";
+    case SpvDecorationAliasedPointer:
+      return "AliasedPointer";
+    case SpvDecorationCounterBuffer:
+      return "CounterBuffer";
     case SpvDecorationHlslSemanticGOOGLE:
       return "HlslSemanticGOOGLE";
@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@
 // Returns true if the decoration takes ID parameters.
 // TODO(dneto): This can be generated from the grammar.
-bool DecorationTakesIdParameters(uint32_t type) {
-  switch (static_cast<SpvDecoration>(type)) {
+bool DecorationTakesIdParameters(SpvDecoration type) {
+  switch (type) {
     case SpvDecorationUniformId:
     case SpvDecorationAlignmentId:
     case SpvDecorationMaxByteOffsetId:
@@ -169,17 +169,213 @@
   return false;
-spv_result_t ValidateDecorate(ValidationState_t& _, const Instruction* inst) {
-  const auto decoration = inst->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(1);
-  if (decoration == SpvDecorationSpecId) {
-    const auto target_id = inst->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(0);
-    const auto target = _.FindDef(target_id);
-    if (!target || !spvOpcodeIsScalarSpecConstant(target->opcode())) {
-      return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, inst)
-             << "OpDecorate SpecId decoration target <id> '"
-             << _.getIdName(target_id)
-             << "' is not a scalar specialization constant.";
+bool IsMemberDecorationOnly(SpvDecoration dec) {
+  switch (dec) {
+    case SpvDecorationRowMajor:
+    case SpvDecorationColMajor:
+    case SpvDecorationMatrixStride:
+      // SPIR-V spec bug? Offset is generated on variables when dealing with
+      // transform feedback.
+      // case SpvDecorationOffset:
+      return true;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  return false;
+bool IsNotMemberDecoration(SpvDecoration dec) {
+  switch (dec) {
+    case SpvDecorationSpecId:
+    case SpvDecorationBlock:
+    case SpvDecorationBufferBlock:
+    case SpvDecorationArrayStride:
+    case SpvDecorationGLSLShared:
+    case SpvDecorationGLSLPacked:
+    case SpvDecorationCPacked:
+    // TODO:
+    // glslang applies Restrict to structure members.
+    // case SpvDecorationRestrict:
+    case SpvDecorationAliased:
+    case SpvDecorationConstant:
+    case SpvDecorationUniform:
+    case SpvDecorationUniformId:
+    case SpvDecorationSaturatedConversion:
+    case SpvDecorationIndex:
+    case SpvDecorationBinding:
+    case SpvDecorationDescriptorSet:
+    case SpvDecorationFuncParamAttr:
+    case SpvDecorationFPRoundingMode:
+    case SpvDecorationFPFastMathMode:
+    case SpvDecorationLinkageAttributes:
+    case SpvDecorationNoContraction:
+    case SpvDecorationInputAttachmentIndex:
+    case SpvDecorationAlignment:
+    case SpvDecorationMaxByteOffset:
+    case SpvDecorationAlignmentId:
+    case SpvDecorationMaxByteOffsetId:
+    case SpvDecorationNoSignedWrap:
+    case SpvDecorationNoUnsignedWrap:
+    case SpvDecorationNonUniform:
+    case SpvDecorationRestrictPointer:
+    case SpvDecorationAliasedPointer:
+    case SpvDecorationCounterBuffer:
+      return true;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  return false;
+spv_result_t ValidateDecorationTarget(ValidationState_t& _, SpvDecoration dec,
+                                      const Instruction* inst,
+                                      const Instruction* target) {
+  auto fail = [&_, dec, inst, target](uint32_t vuid = 0) -> DiagnosticStream {
+    DiagnosticStream ds = std::move(
+        _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, inst)
+        << _.VkErrorID(vuid) << LogStringForDecoration(dec)
+        << " decoration on target <id> '" << _.getIdName(target->id()) << "' ");
+    return ds;
+  };
+  switch (dec) {
+    case SpvDecorationSpecId:
+      if (!spvOpcodeIsScalarSpecConstant(target->opcode())) {
+        return fail() << "must be a scalar specialization constant";
+      }
+      break;
+    case SpvDecorationBlock:
+    case SpvDecorationBufferBlock:
+    case SpvDecorationGLSLShared:
+    case SpvDecorationGLSLPacked:
+    case SpvDecorationCPacked:
+      if (target->opcode() != SpvOpTypeStruct) {
+        return fail() << "must be a structure type";
+      }
+      break;
+    case SpvDecorationArrayStride:
+      if (target->opcode() != SpvOpTypeArray &&
+          target->opcode() != SpvOpTypeRuntimeArray &&
+          target->opcode() != SpvOpTypePointer) {
+        return fail() << "must be an array or pointer type";
+      }
+      break;
+    case SpvDecorationBuiltIn:
+      if (target->opcode() != SpvOpVariable &&
+          !spvOpcodeIsConstant(target->opcode())) {
+        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
+               << "BuiltIns can only target variables, structure members or "
+                  "constants";
+      }
+      if (_.HasCapability(SpvCapabilityShader) &&
+          inst->GetOperandAs<SpvBuiltIn>(2) == SpvBuiltInWorkgroupSize) {
+        if (!spvOpcodeIsConstant(target->opcode())) {
+          return fail() << "must be a constant for WorkgroupSize";
+        }
+      } else if (target->opcode() != SpvOpVariable) {
+        return fail() << "must be a variable";
+      }
+      break;
+    case SpvDecorationNoPerspective:
+    case SpvDecorationFlat:
+    case SpvDecorationPatch:
+    case SpvDecorationCentroid:
+    case SpvDecorationSample:
+    case SpvDecorationRestrict:
+    case SpvDecorationAliased:
+    case SpvDecorationVolatile:
+    case SpvDecorationCoherent:
+    case SpvDecorationNonWritable:
+    case SpvDecorationNonReadable:
+    case SpvDecorationXfbBuffer:
+    case SpvDecorationXfbStride:
+    case SpvDecorationComponent:
+    case SpvDecorationStream:
+    case SpvDecorationRestrictPointer:
+    case SpvDecorationAliasedPointer:
+      if (target->opcode() != SpvOpVariable &&
+          target->opcode() != SpvOpFunctionParameter) {
+        return fail() << "must be a memory object declaration";
+      }
+      if (_.GetIdOpcode(target->type_id()) != SpvOpTypePointer) {
+        return fail() << "must be a pointer type";
+      }
+      break;
+    case SpvDecorationInvariant:
+    case SpvDecorationConstant:
+    case SpvDecorationLocation:
+    case SpvDecorationIndex:
+    case SpvDecorationBinding:
+    case SpvDecorationDescriptorSet:
+    case SpvDecorationInputAttachmentIndex:
+      if (target->opcode() != SpvOpVariable) {
+        return fail() << "must be a variable";
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  if (spvIsVulkanEnv(_.context()->target_env)) {
+    // The following were all checked as pointer types above.
+    SpvStorageClass sc = SpvStorageClassUniform;
+    const auto type = _.FindDef(target->type_id());
+    if (type && type->operands().size() > 2) {
+      sc = type->GetOperandAs<SpvStorageClass>(1);
+    switch (dec) {
+      case SpvDecorationLocation:
+      case SpvDecorationComponent:
+        // Location is used for input, output and ray tracing stages.
+        if (sc == SpvStorageClassStorageBuffer ||
+            sc == SpvStorageClassUniform ||
+            sc == SpvStorageClassUniformConstant ||
+            sc == SpvStorageClassWorkgroup || sc == SpvStorageClassPrivate ||
+            sc == SpvStorageClassFunction) {
+          return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, target)
+                 << LogStringForDecoration(dec)
+                 << " decoration must not be applied to this storage class";
+        }
+        break;
+      case SpvDecorationIndex:
+        if (sc != SpvStorageClassOutput) {
+          return fail() << "must be in the Output storage class";
+        }
+        break;
+      case SpvDecorationBinding:
+      case SpvDecorationDescriptorSet:
+        if (sc != SpvStorageClassStorageBuffer &&
+            sc != SpvStorageClassUniform &&
+            sc != SpvStorageClassUniformConstant) {
+          return fail() << "must be in the StorageBuffer, Uniform, or "
+                           "UniformConstant storage class";
+        }
+        break;
+      case SpvDecorationInputAttachmentIndex:
+        if (sc != SpvStorageClassUniformConstant) {
+          return fail() << "must be in the UniformConstant storage class";
+        }
+        break;
+      case SpvDecorationFlat:
+      case SpvDecorationNoPerspective:
+      case SpvDecorationCentroid:
+      case SpvDecorationSample:
+        if (sc != SpvStorageClassInput && sc != SpvStorageClassOutput) {
+          return fail(4670) << "storage class must be Input or Output";
+        }
+        break;
+      default:
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  return SPV_SUCCESS;
+spv_result_t ValidateDecorate(ValidationState_t& _, const Instruction* inst) {
+  const auto decoration = inst->GetOperandAs<SpvDecoration>(1);
+  const auto target_id = inst->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(0);
+  const auto target = _.FindDef(target_id);
+  if (!target) {
+    return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, inst) << "target is not defined";
   if (spvIsVulkanEnv(_.context()->target_env)) {
@@ -197,17 +393,34 @@
            << "Decorations taking ID parameters may not be used with "
+  if (target->opcode() != SpvOpDecorationGroup) {
+    if (IsMemberDecorationOnly(decoration)) {
+      return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, inst)
+             << LogStringForDecoration(decoration)
+             << " can only be applied to structure members";
+    }
+    if (auto error = ValidateDecorationTarget(_, decoration, inst, target)) {
+      return error;
+    }
+  }
   // TODO: Add validations for all decorations.
   return SPV_SUCCESS;
 spv_result_t ValidateDecorateId(ValidationState_t& _, const Instruction* inst) {
-  const auto decoration = inst->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(1);
+  const auto decoration = inst->GetOperandAs<SpvDecoration>(1);
   if (!DecorationTakesIdParameters(decoration)) {
     return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, inst)
            << "Decorations that don't take ID parameters may not be used with "
+  // No member decorations take id parameters, so we don't bother checking if
+  // we are using a member only decoration here.
   // TODO: Add validations for these decorations.
   // UniformId is covered elsewhere.
   return SPV_SUCCESS;
@@ -234,6 +447,13 @@
            << " members. Largest valid index is " << member_count - 1 << ".";
+  const auto decoration = inst->GetOperandAs<SpvDecoration>(2);
+  if (IsNotMemberDecoration(decoration)) {
+    return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, inst)
+           << LogStringForDecoration(decoration)
+           << " cannot be applied to structure members";
+  }
   return SPV_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/source/val/validate_atomics.cpp b/source/val/validate_atomics.cpp
index da023b8..cfa15d9 100644
--- a/source/val/validate_atomics.cpp
+++ b/source/val/validate_atomics.cpp
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
       // Can't use result_type because OpAtomicStore doesn't have a result
-      if (_.GetBitWidth(data_type) == 64 && _.IsIntScalarType(data_type) &&
+      if ( _.IsIntScalarType(data_type) &&_.GetBitWidth(data_type) == 64 &&
           !_.HasCapability(SpvCapabilityInt64Atomics)) {
         return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
                << spvOpcodeString(opcode)
diff --git a/source/val/validate_builtins.cpp b/source/val/validate_builtins.cpp
index a6e624f..57dde8a 100644
--- a/source/val/validate_builtins.cpp
+++ b/source/val/validate_builtins.cpp
@@ -3993,14 +3993,6 @@
     const Decoration& decoration, const Instruction& inst) {
   const SpvBuiltIn label = SpvBuiltIn(decoration.params()[0]);
-  // Builtins can only be applied to variables, structures or constants.
-  auto target_opcode = inst.opcode();
-  if (target_opcode != SpvOpTypeStruct && target_opcode != SpvOpVariable &&
-      !spvOpcodeIsConstant(target_opcode)) {
-    return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, &inst)
-           << "BuiltIns can only target variables, structs or constants";
-  }
   if (!spvIsVulkanEnv(_.context()->target_env)) {
     // Early return. All currently implemented rules are based on Vulkan spec.
diff --git a/source/val/validate_cfg.cpp b/source/val/validate_cfg.cpp
index 36f632a..7842e56 100644
--- a/source/val/validate_cfg.cpp
+++ b/source/val/validate_cfg.cpp
@@ -199,6 +199,18 @@
   // At least two operands (selector, default), any more than that are
   // literal/target.
+  const auto sel_type_id = _.GetOperandTypeId(inst, 0);
+  if (!_.IsIntScalarType(sel_type_id)) {
+    return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, inst)
+           << "Selector type must be OpTypeInt";
+  }
+  const auto default_label = _.FindDef(inst->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(1));
+  if (default_label->opcode() != SpvOpLabel) {
+    return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, inst)
+           << "Default must be an OpLabel instruction";
+  }
   // target operands must be OpLabel
   for (size_t i = 2; i < num_operands; i += 2) {
     // literal, id
@@ -647,9 +659,9 @@
       // Mark the upcoming blocks as seen now, but only error out if this block
       // was missing a merge instruction and both labels hadn't been seen
       // previously.
-      const bool both_unseen =
-          seen.insert(true_label).second && seen.insert(false_label).second;
-      if (!merge && both_unseen) {
+      const bool true_label_unseen = seen.insert(true_label).second;
+      const bool false_label_unseen = seen.insert(false_label).second;
+      if (!merge && true_label_unseen && false_label_unseen) {
         return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_CFG, terminator)
                << "Selection must be structured";
diff --git a/source/val/validate_decorations.cpp b/source/val/validate_decorations.cpp
index c483635..3cdb471 100644
--- a/source/val/validate_decorations.cpp
+++ b/source/val/validate_decorations.cpp
@@ -129,18 +129,30 @@
 // Returns whether the given structure is missing Offset decoration for any
 // member. Handles also nested structures.
 bool isMissingOffsetInStruct(uint32_t struct_id, ValidationState_t& vstate) {
-  std::vector<bool> hasOffset(getStructMembers(struct_id, vstate).size(),
-                              false);
-  // Check offsets of member decorations
-  for (auto& decoration : vstate.id_decorations(struct_id)) {
-    if (SpvDecorationOffset == decoration.dec_type() &&
-        Decoration::kInvalidMember != decoration.struct_member_index()) {
-      hasOffset[decoration.struct_member_index()] = true;
+  const auto* inst = vstate.FindDef(struct_id);
+  std::vector<bool> hasOffset;
+  std::vector<uint32_t> struct_members;
+  if (inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeStruct) {
+    // Check offsets of member decorations.
+    struct_members = getStructMembers(struct_id, vstate);
+    hasOffset.resize(struct_members.size(), false);
+    for (auto& decoration : vstate.id_decorations(struct_id)) {
+      if (SpvDecorationOffset == decoration.dec_type() &&
+          Decoration::kInvalidMember != decoration.struct_member_index()) {
+        // Offset 0xffffffff is not valid so ignore it for simplicity's sake.
+        if (decoration.params()[0] == 0xffffffff) return true;
+        hasOffset[decoration.struct_member_index()] = true;
+      }
+  } else if (inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeArray ||
+             inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeRuntimeArray) {
+    hasOffset.resize(1, true);
+    struct_members.push_back(inst->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(1u));
-  // Check also nested structures
+  // Look through nested structs (which may be in an array).
   bool nestedStructsMissingOffset = false;
-  for (auto id : getStructMembers(struct_id, SpvOpTypeStruct, vstate)) {
+  for (auto id : struct_members) {
     if (isMissingOffsetInStruct(id, vstate)) {
       nestedStructsMissingOffset = true;
@@ -985,7 +997,9 @@
       const bool phys_storage_buffer =
           storageClass == SpvStorageClassPhysicalStorageBufferEXT;
-      const bool workgroup = storageClass == SpvStorageClassWorkgroup;
+      const bool workgroup =
+          storageClass == SpvStorageClassWorkgroup &&
+          vstate.HasCapability(SpvCapabilityWorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayoutKHR);
       if (uniform || push_constant || storage_buffer || phys_storage_buffer ||
           workgroup) {
         const auto ptrInst = vstate.FindDef(words[1]);
diff --git a/source/val/validate_derivatives.cpp b/source/val/validate_derivatives.cpp
index 067cc96..25b941a 100644
--- a/source/val/validate_derivatives.cpp
+++ b/source/val/validate_derivatives.cpp
@@ -79,11 +79,13 @@
                                         std::string* message) {
             const auto* models = state.GetExecutionModels(entry_point->id());
             const auto* modes = state.GetExecutionModes(entry_point->id());
-            if (models->find(SpvExecutionModelGLCompute) != models->end() &&
-                modes->find(SpvExecutionModeDerivativeGroupLinearNV) ==
-                    modes->end() &&
-                modes->find(SpvExecutionModeDerivativeGroupQuadsNV) ==
-                    modes->end()) {
+            if (models &&
+                models->find(SpvExecutionModelGLCompute) != models->end() &&
+                (!modes ||
+                 (modes->find(SpvExecutionModeDerivativeGroupLinearNV) ==
+                      modes->end() &&
+                  modes->find(SpvExecutionModeDerivativeGroupQuadsNV) ==
+                      modes->end()))) {
               if (message) {
                 *message = std::string(
                                "Derivative instructions require "
diff --git a/source/val/validate_extensions.cpp b/source/val/validate_extensions.cpp
index 5ea23e1..dccbe14 100644
--- a/source/val/validate_extensions.cpp
+++ b/source/val/validate_extensions.cpp
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #include "spirv/unified1/NonSemanticClspvReflection.h"
-#include "NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100.h"
+#include "NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100.h"
 #include "OpenCLDebugInfo100.h"
 #include "source/common_debug_info.h"
 #include "source/diagnostic.h"
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
   return SPV_SUCCESS;
-// For NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100 check that the operand of a debug info
+// For NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100 check that the operand of a debug info
 // instruction |inst| at |word_index| is a result id of a 32-bit integer
 // OpConstant instruction. For OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 the parameter is a literal
 // word so cannot be validated.
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
   if (debug_inst->opcode() != SpvOpExtInst ||
       (debug_inst->ext_inst_type() != SPV_EXT_INST_TYPE_OPENCL_DEBUGINFO_100 &&
        debug_inst->ext_inst_type() !=
       !expectation(CommonDebugInfoInstructions(debug_inst->word(4)))) {
     return false;
@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@
       const spv_ext_inst_type_t ext_inst_type =
       const bool vulkanDebugInfo =
       uint32_t encoding = dbg_type->word(7);
       if (!vulkanDebugInfo || IsUint32Constant(_, encoding)) {
         auto ocl_encoding = OpenCLDebugInfo100DebugBaseTypeAttributeEncoding(
@@ -2707,7 +2707,7 @@
   } else if (ext_inst_type == SPV_EXT_INST_TYPE_OPENCL_DEBUGINFO_100 ||
              ext_inst_type ==
     if (!_.IsVoidType(result_type)) {
       return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
              << ext_inst_name() << ": "
@@ -2716,7 +2716,7 @@
     const bool vulkanDebugInfo =
     auto num_words = inst->words().size();
@@ -2965,7 +2965,7 @@
           CHECK_DEBUG_OPERAND("Source", CommonDebugInfoDebugSource, 7);
           CHECK_CONST_UINT_OPERAND("Line", 8);
           CHECK_CONST_UINT_OPERAND("Column", 9);
-          // NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo doesn't have the Parent operand
+          // NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo doesn't have the Parent operand
           if (vulkanDebugInfo) {
             CHECK_OPERAND("Offset", SpvOpConstant, 10);
             CHECK_OPERAND("Size", SpvOpConstant, 11);
@@ -3023,7 +3023,7 @@
           CHECK_OPERAND("Linkage Name", SpvOpString, 11);
           CHECK_CONST_UINT_OPERAND("Flags", 12);
           CHECK_CONST_UINT_OPERAND("Scope Line", 13);
-          // NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100 doesn't include a reference to the
+          // NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100 doesn't include a reference to the
           // OpFunction
           if (vulkanDebugInfo) {
             if (num_words == 15) {
diff --git a/source/val/validate_image.cpp b/source/val/validate_image.cpp
index e5968d0..64f6ba7 100644
--- a/source/val/validate_image.cpp
+++ b/source/val/validate_image.cpp
@@ -66,6 +66,11 @@
     case SpvImageOperandsVolatileTexelKHRMask:
     case SpvImageOperandsSignExtendMask:
     case SpvImageOperandsZeroExtendMask:
+    // TODO(jaebaek): Move this line properly after handling image offsets
+    //                operand. This line temporarily fixes CI failure that
+    //                blocks other PRs.
+    //
+    case SpvImageOperandsOffsetsMask:
       return true;
   return false;
@@ -281,13 +286,14 @@
   // the module to be invalid.
   if (mask == 0) return SPV_SUCCESS;
-  if (spvtools::utils::CountSetBits(
-          mask & (SpvImageOperandsOffsetMask | SpvImageOperandsConstOffsetMask |
-                  SpvImageOperandsConstOffsetsMask)) > 1) {
+  if (spvtools::utils::CountSetBits(mask & (SpvImageOperandsOffsetMask |
+                                            SpvImageOperandsConstOffsetMask |
+                                            SpvImageOperandsConstOffsetsMask |
+                                            SpvImageOperandsOffsetsMask)) > 1) {
     return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
            << _.VkErrorID(4662)
-           << "Image Operands Offset, ConstOffset, ConstOffsets cannot be used "
-           << "together";
+           << "Image Operands Offset, ConstOffset, ConstOffsets, Offsets "
+              "cannot be used together";
   const bool is_implicit_lod = IsImplicitLod(opcode);
@@ -620,6 +626,10 @@
     // setup.
+  if (mask & SpvImageOperandsOffsetsMask) {
+    // TODO: add validation
+  }
   return SPV_SUCCESS;
@@ -2058,11 +2068,13 @@
                                       std::string* message) {
           const auto* models = state.GetExecutionModels(entry_point->id());
           const auto* modes = state.GetExecutionModes(entry_point->id());
-          if (models->find(SpvExecutionModelGLCompute) != models->end() &&
-              modes->find(SpvExecutionModeDerivativeGroupLinearNV) ==
-                  modes->end() &&
-              modes->find(SpvExecutionModeDerivativeGroupQuadsNV) ==
-                  modes->end()) {
+          if (models &&
+              models->find(SpvExecutionModelGLCompute) != models->end() &&
+              (!modes ||
+               (modes->find(SpvExecutionModeDerivativeGroupLinearNV) ==
+                    modes->end() &&
+                modes->find(SpvExecutionModeDerivativeGroupQuadsNV) ==
+                    modes->end()))) {
             if (message) {
               *message =
diff --git a/source/val/validate_instruction.cpp b/source/val/validate_instruction.cpp
index 9d395fb..dad9867 100644
--- a/source/val/validate_instruction.cpp
+++ b/source/val/validate_instruction.cpp
@@ -318,10 +318,9 @@
     if (module_version < min_version) {
       return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_WRONG_VERSION, inst)
-             << spvOpcodeString(opcode) << " requires "
-             << spvTargetEnvDescription(
-                    static_cast<spv_target_env>(min_version))
-             << " at minimum.";
+             << spvOpcodeString(opcode) << " requires SPIR-V version "
+             << SPV_SPIRV_VERSION_MAJOR_PART(min_version) << "."
+             << SPV_SPIRV_VERSION_MINOR_PART(min_version) << " at minimum.";
   } else if (!_.HasAnyOfExtensions(exts)) {
     // Otherwise, we only error out when no enabling extensions are
diff --git a/source/val/validate_interfaces.cpp b/source/val/validate_interfaces.cpp
index d3ef538..7ccb637 100644
--- a/source/val/validate_interfaces.cpp
+++ b/source/val/validate_interfaces.cpp
@@ -199,6 +199,10 @@
           NumConsumedComponents(_, _.FindDef(type->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(1)));
       num_components *= type->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(2);
+    case SpvOpTypeArray:
+      // Skip the array.
+      return NumConsumedComponents(_,
+                                   _.FindDef(type->GetOperandAs<uint32_t>(1)));
       // This is an error that is validated elsewhere.
@@ -430,17 +434,36 @@
-      uint32_t end = (location + num_locations) * 4;
-      if (num_components != 0) {
-        start += component;
-        end = location * 4 + component + num_components;
-      }
-      for (uint32_t l = start; l < end; ++l) {
-        if (!locations->insert(l).second) {
-          return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, entry_point)
-                 << "Entry-point has conflicting " << storage_class
-                 << " location assignment at location " << l / 4
-                 << ", component " << l % 4;
+      if (member->opcode() == SpvOpTypeArray && num_components >= 1 &&
+          num_components < 4) {
+        // When an array has an element that takes less than a location in
+        // size, calculate the used locations in a strided manner.
+        for (uint32_t l = location; l < num_locations + location; ++l) {
+          for (uint32_t c = component; c < component + num_components; ++c) {
+            uint32_t check = 4 * l + c;
+            if (!locations->insert(check).second) {
+              return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, entry_point)
+                     << "Entry-point has conflicting " << storage_class
+                     << " location assignment at location " << l
+                     << ", component " << c;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        // TODO: There is a hole here is the member is an array of 3- or
+        // 4-element vectors of 64-bit types.
+        uint32_t end = (location + num_locations) * 4;
+        if (num_components != 0) {
+          start += component;
+          end = location * 4 + component + num_components;
+        }
+        for (uint32_t l = start; l < end; ++l) {
+          if (!locations->insert(l).second) {
+            return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, entry_point)
+                   << "Entry-point has conflicting " << storage_class
+                   << " location assignment at location " << l / 4
+                   << ", component " << l % 4;
+          }
diff --git a/source/val/validate_layout.cpp b/source/val/validate_layout.cpp
index e6f4fca..d582321 100644
--- a/source/val/validate_layout.cpp
+++ b/source/val/validate_layout.cpp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #include <cassert>
 #include "DebugInfo.h"
-#include "NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100.h"
+#include "NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100.h"
 #include "OpenCLDebugInfo100.h"
 #include "source/diagnostic.h"
 #include "source/opcode.h"
@@ -51,15 +51,17 @@
             local_debug_info = true;
         } else if (inst->ext_inst_type() ==
-          const NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100Instructions ext_inst_key =
-              NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100Instructions(ext_inst_index);
-          if (ext_inst_key == NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugScope ||
-              ext_inst_key == NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugNoScope ||
-              ext_inst_key == NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugDeclare ||
-              ext_inst_key == NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugValue ||
+          const NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100Instructions ext_inst_key =
+              NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100Instructions(ext_inst_index);
+          if (ext_inst_key == NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugScope ||
+              ext_inst_key == NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugNoScope ||
+              ext_inst_key == NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugDeclare ||
+              ext_inst_key == NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugValue ||
+              ext_inst_key == NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugLine ||
+              ext_inst_key == NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugNoLine ||
               ext_inst_key ==
-                  NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugFunctionDefinition) {
+                  NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugFunctionDefinition) {
             local_debug_info = true;
         } else {
@@ -256,15 +258,17 @@
               local_debug_info = true;
           } else if (inst->ext_inst_type() ==
-            const NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100Instructions ext_inst_key =
-                NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100Instructions(ext_inst_index);
-            if (ext_inst_key == NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugScope ||
-                ext_inst_key == NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugNoScope ||
-                ext_inst_key == NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugDeclare ||
-                ext_inst_key == NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugValue ||
+            const NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100Instructions ext_inst_key =
+                NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100Instructions(ext_inst_index);
+            if (ext_inst_key == NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugScope ||
+                ext_inst_key == NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugNoScope ||
+                ext_inst_key == NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugDeclare ||
+                ext_inst_key == NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugValue ||
+                ext_inst_key == NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugLine ||
+                ext_inst_key == NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugNoLine ||
                 ext_inst_key ==
-                    NonSemanticVulkanDebugInfo100DebugFunctionDefinition) {
+                    NonSemanticShaderDebugInfo100DebugFunctionDefinition) {
               local_debug_info = true;
           } else {
diff --git a/source/val/validate_mode_setting.cpp b/source/val/validate_mode_setting.cpp
index 79f82d8..9635268 100644
--- a/source/val/validate_mode_setting.cpp
+++ b/source/val/validate_mode_setting.cpp
@@ -225,14 +225,21 @@
+            if (i.opcode() == SpvOpExecutionModeId) {
+              const auto mode = i.GetOperandAs<SpvExecutionMode>(1);
+              if (mode == SpvExecutionModeLocalSizeId) {
+                ok = true;
+                break;
+              }
+            }
           if (!ok) {
             return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
-                   << _.VkErrorID(4683)
+                   << _.VkErrorID(6426)
                    << "In the Vulkan environment, GLCompute execution model "
-                      "entry points require either the LocalSize execution "
-                      "mode or an object decorated with WorkgroupSize must be "
-                      "specified.";
+                      "entry points require either the LocalSize or "
+                      "LocalSizeId execution mode or an object decorated with "
+                      "WorkgroupSize must be specified.";
@@ -429,6 +436,10 @@
     case SpvExecutionModeLocalSize:
     case SpvExecutionModeLocalSizeId:
+      if (mode == SpvExecutionModeLocalSizeId && !_.IsLocalSizeIdAllowed())
+        return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, inst)
+               << "LocalSizeId mode is not allowed by the current environment.";
       if (!std::all_of(models->begin(), models->end(),
                        [&_](const SpvExecutionModel& model) {
                          switch (model) {
diff --git a/source/val/validate_type.cpp b/source/val/validate_type.cpp
index 612fc5c..4376b52 100644
--- a/source/val/validate_type.cpp
+++ b/source/val/validate_type.cpp
@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@
   if (!cols || !_.IsIntScalarType(cols->type_id()) ||
       !spvOpcodeIsConstant(cols->opcode())) {
     return _.diag(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, inst)
-           << "OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV Cols <id> '" << _.getIdName(rows_id)
+           << "OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV Cols <id> '" << _.getIdName(cols_id)
            << "' is not a constant instruction with scalar integer type.";
diff --git a/source/val/validation_state.cpp b/source/val/validation_state.cpp
index c9ac3ae..8d1a0d3 100644
--- a/source/val/validation_state.cpp
+++ b/source/val/validation_state.cpp
@@ -175,6 +175,9 @@
+  // LocalSizeId is always allowed in non-Vulkan environments.
+  features_.env_allow_localsizeid = !spvIsVulkanEnv(env);
   // Only attempt to count if we have words, otherwise let the other validation
   // fail and generate an error.
   if (num_words > 0) {
@@ -729,19 +732,19 @@
 bool ValidationState_t::IsVoidType(uint32_t id) const {
   const Instruction* inst = FindDef(id);
-  assert(inst);
-  return inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeVoid;
+  return inst && inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeVoid;
 bool ValidationState_t::IsFloatScalarType(uint32_t id) const {
   const Instruction* inst = FindDef(id);
-  assert(inst);
-  return inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeFloat;
+  return inst && inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeFloat;
 bool ValidationState_t::IsFloatVectorType(uint32_t id) const {
   const Instruction* inst = FindDef(id);
-  assert(inst);
+  if (!inst) {
+    return false;
+  }
   if (inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeVector) {
     return IsFloatScalarType(GetComponentType(id));
@@ -752,7 +755,9 @@
 bool ValidationState_t::IsFloatScalarOrVectorType(uint32_t id) const {
   const Instruction* inst = FindDef(id);
-  assert(inst);
+  if (!inst) {
+    return false;
+  }
   if (inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeFloat) {
     return true;
@@ -767,13 +772,14 @@
 bool ValidationState_t::IsIntScalarType(uint32_t id) const {
   const Instruction* inst = FindDef(id);
-  assert(inst);
-  return inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeInt;
+  return inst && inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeInt;
 bool ValidationState_t::IsIntVectorType(uint32_t id) const {
   const Instruction* inst = FindDef(id);
-  assert(inst);
+  if (!inst) {
+    return false;
+  }
   if (inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeVector) {
     return IsIntScalarType(GetComponentType(id));
@@ -784,7 +790,9 @@
 bool ValidationState_t::IsIntScalarOrVectorType(uint32_t id) const {
   const Instruction* inst = FindDef(id);
-  assert(inst);
+  if (!inst) {
+    return false;
+  }
   if (inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeInt) {
     return true;
@@ -799,13 +807,14 @@
 bool ValidationState_t::IsUnsignedIntScalarType(uint32_t id) const {
   const Instruction* inst = FindDef(id);
-  assert(inst);
-  return inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeInt && inst->word(3) == 0;
+  return inst && inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeInt && inst->word(3) == 0;
 bool ValidationState_t::IsUnsignedIntVectorType(uint32_t id) const {
   const Instruction* inst = FindDef(id);
-  assert(inst);
+  if (!inst) {
+    return false;
+  }
   if (inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeVector) {
     return IsUnsignedIntScalarType(GetComponentType(id));
@@ -816,13 +825,14 @@
 bool ValidationState_t::IsSignedIntScalarType(uint32_t id) const {
   const Instruction* inst = FindDef(id);
-  assert(inst);
-  return inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeInt && inst->word(3) == 1;
+  return inst && inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeInt && inst->word(3) == 1;
 bool ValidationState_t::IsSignedIntVectorType(uint32_t id) const {
   const Instruction* inst = FindDef(id);
-  assert(inst);
+  if (!inst) {
+    return false;
+  }
   if (inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeVector) {
     return IsSignedIntScalarType(GetComponentType(id));
@@ -833,13 +843,14 @@
 bool ValidationState_t::IsBoolScalarType(uint32_t id) const {
   const Instruction* inst = FindDef(id);
-  assert(inst);
-  return inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeBool;
+  return inst && inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeBool;
 bool ValidationState_t::IsBoolVectorType(uint32_t id) const {
   const Instruction* inst = FindDef(id);
-  assert(inst);
+  if (!inst) {
+    return false;
+  }
   if (inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeVector) {
     return IsBoolScalarType(GetComponentType(id));
@@ -850,7 +861,9 @@
 bool ValidationState_t::IsBoolScalarOrVectorType(uint32_t id) const {
   const Instruction* inst = FindDef(id);
-  assert(inst);
+  if (!inst) {
+    return false;
+  }
   if (inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeBool) {
     return true;
@@ -865,7 +878,9 @@
 bool ValidationState_t::IsFloatMatrixType(uint32_t id) const {
   const Instruction* inst = FindDef(id);
-  assert(inst);
+  if (!inst) {
+    return false;
+  }
   if (inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeMatrix) {
     return IsFloatScalarType(GetComponentType(id));
@@ -920,8 +935,7 @@
 bool ValidationState_t::IsPointerType(uint32_t id) const {
   const Instruction* inst = FindDef(id);
-  assert(inst);
-  return inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypePointer;
+  return inst && inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypePointer;
 bool ValidationState_t::GetPointerTypeInfo(uint32_t id, uint32_t* data_type,
@@ -939,8 +953,7 @@
 bool ValidationState_t::IsCooperativeMatrixType(uint32_t id) const {
   const Instruction* inst = FindDef(id);
-  assert(inst);
-  return inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV;
+  return inst && inst->opcode() == SpvOpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV;
 bool ValidationState_t::IsFloatCooperativeMatrixType(uint32_t id) const {
@@ -1826,14 +1839,16 @@
       return VUID_WRAP(VUID-StandaloneSpirv-None-04667);
     case 4669:
       return VUID_WRAP(VUID-StandaloneSpirv-GLSLShared-04669);
+    case 4670:
+      return VUID_WRAP(VUID-StandaloneSpirv-Flat-04670);
     case 4675:
       return VUID_WRAP(VUID-StandaloneSpirv-FPRoundingMode-04675);
     case 4677:
       return VUID_WRAP(VUID-StandaloneSpirv-Invariant-04677);
     case 4682:
       return VUID_WRAP(VUID-StandaloneSpirv-OpControlBarrier-04682);
-    case 4683:
-      return VUID_WRAP(VUID-StandaloneSpirv-LocalSize-04683);
+    case 6426:
+      return VUID_WRAP(VUID-StandaloneSpirv-LocalSize-06426); // formally 04683
     case 4685:
       return VUID_WRAP(VUID-StandaloneSpirv-OpGroupNonUniformBallotBitCount-04685);
     case 4686:
diff --git a/source/val/validation_state.h b/source/val/validation_state.h
index 2fe9662..2ddfa4a 100644
--- a/source/val/validation_state.h
+++ b/source/val/validation_state.h
@@ -90,23 +90,6 @@
     // conversion opcodes
     bool use_int8_type = false;
-    // Use scalar block layout. See VK_EXT_scalar_block_layout:
-    // Defines scalar alignment:
-    // - scalar alignment equals the scalar size in bytes
-    // - array alignment is same as its element alignment
-    // - array alignment is max alignment of any of its members
-    // - vector alignment is same as component alignment
-    // - matrix alignment is same as component alignment
-    // For struct in Uniform, StorageBuffer, PushConstant:
-    // - Offset of a member is multiple of scalar alignment of that member
-    // - ArrayStride and MatrixStride are multiples of scalar alignment
-    // Members need not be listed in offset order
-    bool scalar_block_layout = false;
-    // Use scalar block layout (as defined above) for Workgroup block
-    // variables.  See VK_KHR_workgroup_memory_explicit_layout.
-    bool workgroup_scalar_block_layout = false;
     // SPIR-V 1.4 allows us to select between any two composite values
     // of the same type.
     bool select_between_composites = false;
@@ -121,6 +104,9 @@
     // SPIR-V 1.4 allows Function and Private variables to be NonWritable
     bool nonwritable_var_in_function_or_private = false;
+    // Whether LocalSizeId execution mode is allowed by the environment.
+    bool env_allow_localsizeid = false;
   ValidationState_t(const spv_const_context context,
@@ -493,6 +479,12 @@
     return features_.env_relaxed_block_layout || options()->relax_block_layout;
+  // Returns true if allowing localsizeid, either because the environment always
+  // allows it, or because it is enabled from the command-line.
+  bool IsLocalSizeIdAllowed() const {
+    return features_.env_allow_localsizeid || options()->allow_localsizeid;
+  }
   /// Sets the struct nesting depth for a given struct ID
   void set_struct_nesting_depth(uint32_t id, uint32_t depth) {
     struct_nesting_depth_[id] = depth;
diff --git a/source/wasm/ b/source/wasm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aca0f70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/wasm/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# SPIRV-Tools
+Wasm (WebAssembly) build of
+## Usage
+const spirvTools = require("spirv-tools");
+const test = async () => {
+  // Load the library
+  const spv = await spirvTools();
+  // assemble
+  const source = `
+             OpCapability Linkage 
+             OpCapability Shader 
+             OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 
+             OpSource GLSL 450 
+             OpDecorate %spec SpecId 1 
+      %int = OpTypeInt 32 1 
+     %spec = OpSpecConstant %int 0 
+    %const = OpConstant %int 42`;
+  const asResult =
+    source,
+    spv.SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3,
+  );
+  console.log(`as returned ${asResult.byteLength} bytes`);
+  // re-disassemble
+  const disResult = spv.dis(
+    asResult,
+    spv.SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3,
+  );
+  console.log("dis:\n", disResult);
diff --git a/source/wasm/ b/source/wasm/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f02ae52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/wasm/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2020 The Khronos Group Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+set -e
+echo "Detected $NUM_CORES cores for building"
+DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
+VERSION=$(sed -n '0,/^v20/ s/^v\(20[0-9.]*\).*/\1/p' $DIR/../../CHANGES).${GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER:-0}
+echo "Version: $VERSION"
+build() { 
+    type=$1
+    shift
+    args=$@
+    mkdir -p build/$type
+    pushd build/$type
+    echo $args
+    emcmake cmake \
+        -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
+        $args \
+        ../..
+    emmake make -j $(( $NUM_CORES )) SPIRV-Tools-static
+    echo Building js interface
+    emcc \
+        --bind \
+        -I../../include \
+        -std=c++11 \
+        ../../source/wasm/spirv-tools.cpp \
+        source/libSPIRV-Tools.a \
+        -o spirv-tools.js \
+        -s MODULARIZE \
+        -Oz
+    popd
+    mkdir -p out/$type
+    # copy other js files
+    cp source/wasm/spirv-tools.d.ts out/$type/
+    sed -e 's/\("version"\s*:\s*\).*/\1"'$VERSION'",/' source/wasm/package.json > out/$type/package.json
+    cp source/wasm/ out/$type/
+    cp LICENSE out/$type/
+    cp build/$type/spirv-tools.js out/$type/
+    gzip -9 -k -f out/$type/spirv-tools.js
+    if [ -e build/$type/spirv-tools.wasm ] ; then
+       cp build/$type/spirv-tools.wasm out/$type/
+       gzip -9 -k -f out/$type/spirv-tools.wasm
+    fi
+if [ ! -d external/spirv-headers ] ; then
+    echo "Fetching SPIRV-headers"
+    git clone external/spirv-headers
+echo Building ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
+build web\
+wc -c out/*/*
diff --git a/source/wasm/package.json b/source/wasm/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7827353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/wasm/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+  "name": "spirv-tools",
+  "version": "VERSION",
+  "license": "Apache-2.0",
+  "main": "spirv-tools",
+  "types": "spirv-tools.d.ts",
+  "files": [
+    "*.wasm",
+    "*.js",
+    "*.d.ts"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": ""
+  },
+  "homepage": ""
diff --git a/source/wasm/spirv-tools.cpp b/source/wasm/spirv-tools.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90407f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/wasm/spirv-tools.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020 The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "spirv-tools/libspirv.hpp"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <emscripten/bind.h>
+#include <emscripten/val.h>
+using namespace emscripten;
+void print_msg_to_stderr (spv_message_level_t, const char*,
+                          const spv_position_t&, const char* m) {
+  std::cerr << "error: " << m << std::endl;
+std::string dis(std::string const& buffer, uint32_t env, uint32_t options) {
+  spvtools::SpirvTools core(static_cast<spv_target_env>(env));
+  core.SetMessageConsumer(print_msg_to_stderr);
+  std::vector<uint32_t> spirv;
+  const uint32_t* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(;
+  spirv.assign(ptr, ptr + buffer.size() / 4);
+  std::string disassembly;
+  if (!core.Disassemble(spirv, &disassembly, options)) return "Error";
+  return disassembly;
+emscripten::val as(std::string const& source, uint32_t env, uint32_t options) {
+  spvtools::SpirvTools core(static_cast<spv_target_env>(env));
+  core.SetMessageConsumer(print_msg_to_stderr);
+  std::vector<uint32_t> spirv;
+  if (!core.Assemble(source, &spirv, options)) spirv.clear();
+  const uint8_t* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(;
+  return emscripten::val(emscripten::typed_memory_view(spirv.size() * 4,
+    ptr));
+  function("dis", &dis);
+  function("as", &as);
+  constant("SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_0", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_0));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_OPENCL_2_1", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_OPENCL_2_1));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_OPENCL_2_2", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_OPENCL_2_2));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_OPENGL_4_0", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_OPENGL_4_0));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_OPENGL_4_1", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_OPENGL_4_1));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_OPENGL_4_2", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_OPENGL_4_2));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_OPENGL_4_3", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_OPENGL_4_3));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_OPENGL_4_5", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_OPENGL_4_5));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_2", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_2));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_OPENCL_1_2", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_OPENCL_1_2));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_OPENCL_EMBEDDED_1_2", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_OPENCL_EMBEDDED_1_2));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_OPENCL_2_0", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_OPENCL_2_0));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_OPENCL_EMBEDDED_2_0", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_OPENCL_EMBEDDED_2_0));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_OPENCL_EMBEDDED_2_1", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_OPENCL_EMBEDDED_2_1));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_OPENCL_EMBEDDED_2_2", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_OPENCL_EMBEDDED_2_2));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_1", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_1));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_WEBGPU_0", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_WEBGPU_0));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_1_SPIRV_1_4", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_1_SPIRV_1_4));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_5", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_5));
+  constant("SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_2", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_2));
+  constant("SPV_BINARY_TO_TEXT_OPTION_NONE", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_BINARY_TO_TEXT_OPTION_NONE));
+  constant("SPV_TEXT_TO_BINARY_OPTION_NONE", static_cast<uint32_t>(SPV_TEXT_TO_BINARY_OPTION_NONE));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/wasm/spirv-tools.d.ts b/source/wasm/spirv-tools.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c19797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/wasm/spirv-tools.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020 The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+declare interface SpirvTools {
+  as(input: string, env: number, options: number): Uint8Array;
+  dis(input: Uint8Array, env: number, options: number): string;
+  SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_0: number;
+  SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0: number;
+  SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1: number;
+  SPV_ENV_OPENCL_2_1: number;
+  SPV_ENV_OPENCL_2_2: number;
+  SPV_ENV_OPENGL_4_0: number;
+  SPV_ENV_OPENGL_4_1: number;
+  SPV_ENV_OPENGL_4_2: number;
+  SPV_ENV_OPENGL_4_3: number;
+  SPV_ENV_OPENGL_4_5: number;
+  SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_2: number;
+  SPV_ENV_OPENCL_1_2: number;
+  SPV_ENV_OPENCL_2_0: number;
+  SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3: number;
+  SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_1: number;
+  SPV_ENV_WEBGPU_0: number;
+  SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4: number;
+  SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_1_SPIRV_1_4: number;
+  SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_5: number;
+  SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_2: number;
+export default function (): Promise<SpirvTools>;
diff --git a/test/fuzz/fuzzerutil_test.cpp b/test/fuzz/fuzzerutil_test.cpp
index 6771c40..0ad3e74 100644
--- a/test/fuzz/fuzzerutil_test.cpp
+++ b/test/fuzz/fuzzerutil_test.cpp
@@ -1549,6 +1549,259 @@
+TEST(FuzzerutilTest, TypesAreCompatible) {
+  const std::string shader = R"(
+               OpCapability Shader
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %4 "main"
+               OpExecutionMode %4 OriginUpperLeft
+               OpSource ESSL 320
+          %2 = OpTypeVoid
+          %3 = OpTypeFunction %2
+          %6 = OpTypeInt 32 1
+          %9 = OpTypeInt 32 0
+          %8 = OpTypeStruct %6
+         %10 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %8
+         %11 = OpVariable %10 StorageBuffer
+         %86 = OpTypeStruct %9
+         %87 = OpTypePointer Workgroup %86
+         %88 = OpVariable %87 Workgroup
+         %89 = OpTypePointer Workgroup %9
+         %19 = OpConstant %9 0
+         %18 = OpConstant %9 1
+         %12 = OpConstant %6 0
+         %13 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %6
+         %15 = OpConstant %6 2
+         %16 = OpConstant %6 7
+         %20 = OpConstant %9 64
+          %4 = OpFunction %2 None %3
+          %5 = OpLabel
+         %14 = OpAccessChain %13 %11 %12
+         %90 = OpAccessChain %89 %88 %19
+         %21 = OpAtomicLoad %6 %14 %15 %20
+         %22 = OpAtomicExchange %6 %14 %15 %20 %16
+         %23 = OpAtomicCompareExchange %6 %14 %15 %20 %12 %16 %15
+         %24 = OpAtomicIIncrement %6 %14 %15 %20
+         %25 = OpAtomicIDecrement %6 %14 %15 %20
+         %26 = OpAtomicIAdd %6  %14 %15 %20 %16
+         %27 = OpAtomicISub %6  %14 %15 %20 %16
+         %28 = OpAtomicSMin %6  %14 %15 %20 %16
+         %29 = OpAtomicUMin %9 %90 %15 %20 %18
+         %30 = OpAtomicSMax %6  %14 %15 %20 %15
+         %31 = OpAtomicUMax %9 %90 %15 %20 %18
+         %32 = OpAtomicAnd  %6  %14 %15 %20 %16
+         %33 = OpAtomicOr   %6  %14 %15 %20 %16
+         %34 = OpAtomicXor  %6  %14 %15 %20 %16
+               OpAtomicStore %14 %15 %20 %16
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  )";
+  const auto env = SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3;
+  const auto consumer = nullptr;
+  const auto context = BuildModule(env, consumer, shader, kFuzzAssembleOption);
+  spvtools::ValidatorOptions validator_options;
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::IsValidAndWellFormed(context.get(), validator_options,
+                                               kConsoleMessageConsumer));
+  const uint32_t int_type = 6;   // The id of OpTypeInt 32 1
+  const uint32_t uint_type = 9;  // The id of OpTypeInt 32 0
+  // OpAtomicLoad
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  ASSERT_DEATH(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicLoad, 0,
+                                              int_type, uint_type),
+               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicLoad, 1,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicLoad, 2,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  // OpAtomicExchange
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  ASSERT_DEATH(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(
+                   context.get(), SpvOpAtomicExchange, 0, int_type, uint_type),
+               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicExchange,
+                                             1, int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicExchange,
+                                             2, int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(
+      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicExchange, 3, int_type, uint_type));
+  // OpAtomicStore
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  ASSERT_DEATH(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicStore,
+                                              0, int_type, uint_type),
+               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicStore, 1,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicStore, 2,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicStore,
+                                              3, int_type, uint_type));
+  // OpAtomicCompareExchange
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+      fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicCompareExchange,
+                                     0, int_type, uint_type),
+      "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(
+      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicCompareExchange, 1, int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(
+      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicCompareExchange, 2, int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(
+      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicCompareExchange, 3, int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(
+      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicCompareExchange, 4, int_type, uint_type));
+  // OpAtomicIIncrement
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+      fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicIIncrement, 0,
+                                     int_type, uint_type),
+      "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(
+      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicIIncrement, 1, int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(
+      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicIIncrement, 2, int_type, uint_type));
+// OpAtomicIDecrement
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  ASSERT_DEATH(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicStore,
+                                              0, int_type, uint_type),
+               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicStore, 1,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicStore, 2,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+// OpAtomicIAdd
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  ASSERT_DEATH(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicIAdd, 0,
+                                              int_type, uint_type),
+               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicIAdd, 1,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicIAdd, 2,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicIAdd, 3,
+                                              int_type, uint_type));
+// OpAtomicISub
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  ASSERT_DEATH(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicISub, 0,
+                                              int_type, uint_type),
+               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicISub, 1,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicISub, 2,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicISub, 3,
+                                              int_type, uint_type));
+// OpAtomicSMin
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  ASSERT_DEATH(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicSMin, 0,
+                                              int_type, uint_type),
+               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicSMin, 1,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicSMin, 2,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicSMin, 3,
+                                              int_type, uint_type));
+// OpAtomicUMin
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  ASSERT_DEATH(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicUMin, 0,
+                                              int_type, uint_type),
+               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicUMin, 1,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicUMin, 2,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicUMin, 3,
+                                              int_type, uint_type));
+// OpAtomicSMax
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  ASSERT_DEATH(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicSMax, 0,
+                                              int_type, uint_type),
+               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicSMax, 1,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicSMax, 2,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicSMax, 3,
+                                              int_type, uint_type));
+// OpAtomicUMax
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  ASSERT_DEATH(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicUMax, 0,
+                                              int_type, uint_type),
+               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicUMax, 1,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicUMax, 2,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicUMax, 3,
+                                              int_type, uint_type));
+// OpAtomicAnd
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  ASSERT_DEATH(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicAnd, 0,
+                                              int_type, uint_type),
+               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicAnd, 1,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicAnd, 2,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicAnd, 3,
+                                              int_type, uint_type));
+// OpAtomicOr
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  ASSERT_DEATH(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicOr, 0,
+                                              int_type, uint_type),
+               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicOr, 1,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicOr, 2,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicOr, 3,
+                                              int_type, uint_type));
+// OpAtomicXor
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  ASSERT_DEATH(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicXor, 0,
+                                              int_type, uint_type),
+               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicXor, 1,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicXor, 2,
+                                             int_type, uint_type));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(fuzzerutil::TypesAreCompatible(context.get(), SpvOpAtomicXor, 3,
+                                              int_type, uint_type));
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace fuzz
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/fuzz/transformation_replace_id_with_synonym_test.cpp b/test/fuzz/transformation_replace_id_with_synonym_test.cpp
index cebce8a..b33dd48 100644
--- a/test/fuzz/transformation_replace_id_with_synonym_test.cpp
+++ b/test/fuzz/transformation_replace_id_with_synonym_test.cpp
@@ -2173,262 +2173,6 @@
   ASSERT_TRUE(IsEqual(env, after_transformation, context.get()));
-// TODO( Improve this
-//  test so that it covers more atomic operations, and enable the test once the
-//  issue is fixed.
-TEST(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonymTest, TypesAreCompatible) {
-  const std::string shader = R"(
-               OpCapability Shader
-          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
-               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
-               OpEntryPoint Fragment %4 "main"
-               OpExecutionMode %4 OriginUpperLeft
-               OpSource ESSL 320
-          %2 = OpTypeVoid
-          %3 = OpTypeFunction %2
-          %6 = OpTypeInt 32 1
-          %9 = OpTypeInt 32 0
-          %8 = OpTypeStruct %6
-         %10 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %8
-         %11 = OpVariable %10 StorageBuffer
-         %86 = OpTypeStruct %9
-         %87 = OpTypePointer Workgroup %86
-         %88 = OpVariable %87 Workgroup
-         %89 = OpTypePointer Workgroup %9
-         %19 = OpConstant %9 0
-         %18 = OpConstant %9 1
-         %12 = OpConstant %6 0
-         %13 = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %6
-         %15 = OpConstant %6 2
-         %16 = OpConstant %6 7
-         %20 = OpConstant %9 64
-          %4 = OpFunction %2 None %3
-          %5 = OpLabel
-         %14 = OpAccessChain %13 %11 %12
-         %90 = OpAccessChain %89 %88 %19
-         %21 = OpAtomicLoad %6 %14 %15 %20
-         %22 = OpAtomicExchange %6 %14 %15 %20 %16
-         %23 = OpAtomicCompareExchange %6 %14 %15 %20 %12 %16 %15
-         %24 = OpAtomicIIncrement %6 %14 %15 %20
-         %25 = OpAtomicIDecrement %6 %14 %15 %20
-         %26 = OpAtomicIAdd %6  %14 %15 %20 %16
-         %27 = OpAtomicISub %6  %14 %15 %20 %16
-         %28 = OpAtomicSMin %6  %14 %15 %20 %16
-         %29 = OpAtomicUMin %9 %90 %15 %20 %18
-         %30 = OpAtomicSMax %6  %14 %15 %20 %15
-         %31 = OpAtomicUMax %9 %90 %15 %20 %18
-         %32 = OpAtomicAnd  %6  %14 %15 %20 %16
-         %33 = OpAtomicOr   %6  %14 %15 %20 %16
-         %34 = OpAtomicXor  %6  %14 %15 %20 %16
-               OpAtomicStore %14 %15 %20 %16
-               OpReturn
-               OpFunctionEnd
-  )";
-  const auto env = SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3;
-  const auto consumer = nullptr;
-  const auto context = BuildModule(env, consumer, shader, kFuzzAssembleOption);
-  spvtools::ValidatorOptions validator_options;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::IsValidAndWellFormed(context.get(), validator_options,
-                                               kConsoleMessageConsumer));
-  const uint32_t int_type = 6;   // The id of OpTypeInt 32 1
-  const uint32_t uint_type = 9;  // The id of OpTypeInt 32 0
-  // OpAtomicLoad
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  ASSERT_DEATH(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-                   context.get(), SpvOpAtomicLoad, 0, int_type, uint_type),
-               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicLoad, 1, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicLoad, 2, int_type, uint_type));
-  // OpAtomicExchange
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  ASSERT_DEATH(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-                   context.get(), SpvOpAtomicExchange, 0, int_type, uint_type),
-               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicExchange, 1, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicExchange, 2, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_FALSE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicExchange, 3, int_type, uint_type));
-  // OpAtomicStore
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  ASSERT_DEATH(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-                   context.get(), SpvOpAtomicStore, 0, int_type, uint_type),
-               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicStore, 1, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicStore, 2, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_FALSE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicStore, 3, int_type, uint_type));
-  // OpAtomicCompareExchange
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-      TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-          context.get(), SpvOpAtomicCompareExchange, 0, int_type, uint_type),
-      "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicCompareExchange, 1, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicCompareExchange, 2, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicCompareExchange, 3, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_FALSE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicCompareExchange, 4, int_type, uint_type));
-  // OpAtomicIIncrement
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-      TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-          context.get(), SpvOpAtomicIIncrement, 0, int_type, uint_type),
-      "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicIIncrement, 1, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicIIncrement, 2, int_type, uint_type));
-// OpAtomicIDecrement
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  ASSERT_DEATH(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-                   context.get(), SpvOpAtomicStore, 0, int_type, uint_type),
-               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicStore, 1, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicStore, 2, int_type, uint_type));
-// OpAtomicIAdd
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  ASSERT_DEATH(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-                   context.get(), SpvOpAtomicIAdd, 0, int_type, uint_type),
-               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicIAdd, 1, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicIAdd, 2, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_FALSE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicIAdd, 3, int_type, uint_type));
-// OpAtomicISub
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  ASSERT_DEATH(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-                   context.get(), SpvOpAtomicISub, 0, int_type, uint_type),
-               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicISub, 1, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicISub, 2, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_FALSE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicISub, 3, int_type, uint_type));
-// OpAtomicSMin
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  ASSERT_DEATH(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-                   context.get(), SpvOpAtomicSMin, 0, int_type, uint_type),
-               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicSMin, 1, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicSMin, 2, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_FALSE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicSMin, 3, int_type, uint_type));
-// OpAtomicUMin
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  ASSERT_DEATH(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-                   context.get(), SpvOpAtomicUMin, 0, int_type, uint_type),
-               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicUMin, 1, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicUMin, 2, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_FALSE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicUMin, 3, int_type, uint_type));
-// OpAtomicSMax
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  ASSERT_DEATH(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-                   context.get(), SpvOpAtomicSMax, 0, int_type, uint_type),
-               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicSMax, 1, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicSMax, 2, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_FALSE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicSMax, 3, int_type, uint_type));
-// OpAtomicUMax
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  ASSERT_DEATH(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-                   context.get(), SpvOpAtomicUMax, 0, int_type, uint_type),
-               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicUMax, 1, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicUMax, 2, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_FALSE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicUMax, 3, int_type, uint_type));
-// OpAtomicAnd
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  ASSERT_DEATH(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-                   context.get(), SpvOpAtomicAnd, 0, int_type, uint_type),
-               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicAnd, 1, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicAnd, 2, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_FALSE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicAnd, 3, int_type, uint_type));
-// OpAtomicOr
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  ASSERT_DEATH(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-                   context.get(), SpvOpAtomicOr, 0, int_type, uint_type),
-               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicOr, 1, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicOr, 2, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_FALSE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicOr, 3, int_type, uint_type));
-// OpAtomicXor
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-  ASSERT_DEATH(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-                   context.get(), SpvOpAtomicXor, 0, int_type, uint_type),
-               "Signedness check should not occur on a pointer operand.");
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicXor, 1, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicXor, 2, int_type, uint_type));
-  ASSERT_FALSE(TransformationReplaceIdWithSynonym::TypesAreCompatible(
-      context.get(), SpvOpAtomicXor, 3, int_type, uint_type));
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace fuzz
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/fuzz/transformation_wrap_vector_synonym_test.cpp b/test/fuzz/transformation_wrap_vector_synonym_test.cpp
index dae78a5..0d1009b 100644
--- a/test/fuzz/transformation_wrap_vector_synonym_test.cpp
+++ b/test/fuzz/transformation_wrap_vector_synonym_test.cpp
@@ -1389,6 +1389,165 @@
   ASSERT_TRUE(IsEqual(env, after_transformation, context.get()));
+TEST(TransformationWrapVectorSynonym, DifferentVectorSignedness) {
+  std::string shader = R"(
+               OpCapability Shader
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %4 "main"
+               OpExecutionMode %4 OriginUpperLeft
+               OpSource ESSL 320
+          %2 = OpTypeVoid
+          %3 = OpTypeFunction %2
+          %6 = OpTypeInt 32 1
+          %7 = OpTypeVector %6 2
+          %8 = OpTypePointer Function %7
+         %10 = OpConstant %6 1
+         %11 = OpConstant %6 0
+         %12 = OpConstantComposite %7 %10 %11
+         %14 = OpTypeInt 32 0
+         %15 = OpTypeVector %14 2
+         %18 = OpConstant %14 3
+         %19 = OpConstant %14 0
+         %20 = OpConstantComposite %15 %18 %19
+         %21 = OpConstantComposite %15 %19 %18
+          %4 = OpFunction %2 None %3
+          %5 = OpLabel
+        %100 = OpIAdd %14 %10 %18
+        %101 = OpIAdd %6 %10 %18
+        %102 = OpIAdd %6 %18 %19
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  )";
+  const auto env = SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3;
+  const auto consumer = nullptr;
+  const auto context = BuildModule(env, consumer, shader, kFuzzAssembleOption);
+  spvtools::ValidatorOptions validator_options;
+  // Check context validity.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::IsValidAndWellFormed(context.get(), validator_options,
+                                               kConsoleMessageConsumer));
+  TransformationContext transformation_context(
+      MakeUnique<FactManager>(context.get()), validator_options);
+  transformation_context.GetFactManager()->AddFactDataSynonym(
+      MakeDataDescriptor(10, {}), MakeDataDescriptor(12, {0}));
+  transformation_context.GetFactManager()->AddFactDataSynonym(
+      MakeDataDescriptor(18, {}), MakeDataDescriptor(20, {0}));
+  transformation_context.GetFactManager()->AddFactDataSynonym(
+      MakeDataDescriptor(19, {}), MakeDataDescriptor(21, {0}));
+  {
+    TransformationWrapVectorSynonym transformation1(100, 12, 20, 200, 0);
+        transformation1.IsApplicable(context.get(), transformation_context));
+    ApplyAndCheckFreshIds(transformation1, context.get(),
+                          &transformation_context);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(transformation_context.GetFactManager()->IsSynonymous(
+        MakeDataDescriptor(200, {0}), MakeDataDescriptor(100, {})));
+  }
+  {
+    TransformationWrapVectorSynonym transformation2(101, 12, 20, 201, 0);
+        transformation2.IsApplicable(context.get(), transformation_context));
+    ApplyAndCheckFreshIds(transformation2, context.get(),
+                          &transformation_context);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(transformation_context.GetFactManager()->IsSynonymous(
+        MakeDataDescriptor(201, {0}), MakeDataDescriptor(101, {})));
+  }
+  {
+    TransformationWrapVectorSynonym transformation3(102, 20, 21, 202, 0);
+        transformation3.IsApplicable(context.get(), transformation_context));
+    ApplyAndCheckFreshIds(transformation3, context.get(),
+                          &transformation_context);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(transformation_context.GetFactManager()->IsSynonymous(
+        MakeDataDescriptor(202, {0}), MakeDataDescriptor(102, {})));
+  }
+  std::string after_transformation = R"(
+               OpCapability Shader
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %4 "main"
+               OpExecutionMode %4 OriginUpperLeft
+               OpSource ESSL 320
+          %2 = OpTypeVoid
+          %3 = OpTypeFunction %2
+          %6 = OpTypeInt 32 1
+          %7 = OpTypeVector %6 2
+          %8 = OpTypePointer Function %7
+         %10 = OpConstant %6 1
+         %11 = OpConstant %6 0
+         %12 = OpConstantComposite %7 %10 %11
+         %14 = OpTypeInt 32 0
+         %15 = OpTypeVector %14 2
+         %18 = OpConstant %14 3
+         %19 = OpConstant %14 0
+         %20 = OpConstantComposite %15 %18 %19
+         %21 = OpConstantComposite %15 %19 %18
+          %4 = OpFunction %2 None %3
+          %5 = OpLabel
+        %200 = OpIAdd %15 %12 %20
+        %100 = OpIAdd %14 %10 %18
+        %201 = OpIAdd %7 %12 %20
+        %101 = OpIAdd %6 %10 %18
+        %202 = OpIAdd %7 %20 %21
+        %102 = OpIAdd %6 %18 %19
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  )";
+  ASSERT_TRUE(IsEqual(env, after_transformation, context.get()));
+TEST(TransformationWrapVectorSynonym, SignednessDoesNotMatchResultType) {
+  std::string shader = R"(
+               OpCapability Shader
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %4 "main"
+               OpExecutionMode %4 OriginUpperLeft
+               OpSource ESSL 320
+          %2 = OpTypeVoid
+          %3 = OpTypeFunction %2
+          %6 = OpTypeInt 32 1
+          %7 = OpTypeVector %6 2
+          %8 = OpTypePointer Function %7
+         %10 = OpConstant %6 1
+         %11 = OpConstant %6 0
+         %12 = OpConstantComposite %7 %10 %11
+         %13 = OpConstantComposite %7 %11 %10
+         %14 = OpTypeInt 32 0
+          %4 = OpFunction %2 None %3
+          %5 = OpLabel
+        %100 = OpIAdd %14 %10 %11
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  )";
+  const auto env = SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3;
+  const auto consumer = nullptr;
+  const auto context = BuildModule(env, consumer, shader, kFuzzAssembleOption);
+  spvtools::ValidatorOptions validator_options;
+  // Check context validity.
+  ASSERT_TRUE(fuzzerutil::IsValidAndWellFormed(context.get(), validator_options,
+                                               kConsoleMessageConsumer));
+  TransformationContext transformation_context(
+      MakeUnique<FactManager>(context.get()), validator_options);
+  transformation_context.GetFactManager()->AddFactDataSynonym(
+      MakeDataDescriptor(10, {}), MakeDataDescriptor(12, {0}));
+  transformation_context.GetFactManager()->AddFactDataSynonym(
+      MakeDataDescriptor(11, {}), MakeDataDescriptor(13, {0}));
+  ASSERT_FALSE(TransformationWrapVectorSynonym(100, 12, 13, 200, 0)
+                   .IsApplicable(context.get(), transformation_context));
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace fuzz
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/fuzzers/ b/test/fuzzers/
index ec09b2b..2aef4e8 100644
--- a/test/fuzzers/
+++ b/test/fuzzers/
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
   source_set(target_name) {
     testonly = true
     sources = invoker.sources
+    sources += [ "random_generator.cpp" ]
     deps = [
diff --git a/test/fuzzers/CMakeLists.txt b/test/fuzzers/CMakeLists.txt
index 6b0926e..50c4589 100644
--- a/test/fuzzers/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/test/fuzzers/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -26,19 +26,31 @@
   set_property(TARGET ${ARG_TARGET} PROPERTY FOLDER "SPIRV-Tools libFuzzer targets")
-  target_compile_options(${ARG_TARGET} PRIVATE "-fsanitize=fuzzer")
-  target_link_options(${ARG_TARGET} PRIVATE "-fsanitize=fuzzer")
+    # This is set when the fuzzers are being built by OSS-Fuzz. In this case the
+    # variable provides the necessary linker flags, and OSS-Fuzz will take care
+    # of passing suitable compiler flags.
+  else()
+    # When the fuzzers are being built outside of OSS-Fuzz, standard libFuzzer
+    # arguments to enable fuzzing are used.
+    target_compile_options(${ARG_TARGET} PRIVATE "-fsanitize=fuzzer")
+    target_link_options(${ARG_TARGET} PRIVATE "-fsanitize=fuzzer")    
+  endif()
     message(FATAL_ERROR "The libFuzzer targets are only supported with the Clang compiler. Compiler '${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}' is not supported!")
-  add_spvtools_libfuzzer_target(TARGET spvtools_as_fuzzer SRCS spvtools_as_fuzzer.cpp LIBS ${SPIRV_TOOLS_FULL_VISIBILITY})
-  add_spvtools_libfuzzer_target(TARGET spvtools_binary_parser_fuzzer SRCS spvtools_binary_parser_fuzzer.cpp LIBS ${SPIRV_TOOLS_FULL_VISIBILITY})
-  add_spvtools_libfuzzer_target(TARGET spvtools_dis_fuzzer SRCS spvtools_dis_fuzzer.cpp LIBS ${SPIRV_TOOLS_FULL_VISIBILITY})
-  add_spvtools_libfuzzer_target(TARGET spvtools_opt_legalization_fuzzer SRCS spvtools_opt_legalization_fuzzer.cpp LIBS SPIRV-Tools-opt ${SPIRV_TOOLS_FULL_VISIBILITY})
-  add_spvtools_libfuzzer_target(TARGET spvtools_opt_performance_fuzzer SRCS spvtools_opt_performance_fuzzer.cpp LIBS SPIRV-Tools-opt ${SPIRV_TOOLS_FULL_VISIBILITY})
-  add_spvtools_libfuzzer_target(TARGET spvtools_opt_size_fuzzer SRCS spvtools_opt_size_fuzzer.cpp LIBS SPIRV-Tools-opt ${SPIRV_TOOLS_FULL_VISIBILITY})
-  add_spvtools_libfuzzer_target(TARGET spvtools_val_fuzzer SRCS spvtools_val_fuzzer.cpp LIBS ${SPIRV_TOOLS_FULL_VISIBILITY})
+  add_spvtools_libfuzzer_target(TARGET spvtools_as_fuzzer SRCS spvtools_as_fuzzer.cpp random_generator.cpp LIBS ${SPIRV_TOOLS_FULL_VISIBILITY})
+  add_spvtools_libfuzzer_target(TARGET spvtools_binary_parser_fuzzer SRCS spvtools_binary_parser_fuzzer.cpp random_generator.cpp LIBS ${SPIRV_TOOLS_FULL_VISIBILITY})
+  add_spvtools_libfuzzer_target(TARGET spvtools_dis_fuzzer SRCS spvtools_dis_fuzzer.cpp random_generator.cpp LIBS ${SPIRV_TOOLS_FULL_VISIBILITY})
+  add_spvtools_libfuzzer_target(TARGET spvtools_opt_legalization_fuzzer SRCS spvtools_opt_legalization_fuzzer.cpp random_generator.cpp LIBS SPIRV-Tools-opt ${SPIRV_TOOLS_FULL_VISIBILITY})
+  add_spvtools_libfuzzer_target(TARGET spvtools_opt_performance_fuzzer SRCS spvtools_opt_performance_fuzzer.cpp random_generator.cpp LIBS SPIRV-Tools-opt ${SPIRV_TOOLS_FULL_VISIBILITY})
+  add_spvtools_libfuzzer_target(TARGET spvtools_opt_size_fuzzer SRCS spvtools_opt_size_fuzzer.cpp random_generator.cpp LIBS SPIRV-Tools-opt ${SPIRV_TOOLS_FULL_VISIBILITY})
+  add_spvtools_libfuzzer_target(TARGET spvtools_val_fuzzer SRCS spvtools_val_fuzzer.cpp random_generator.cpp LIBS ${SPIRV_TOOLS_FULL_VISIBILITY})
+    add_spvtools_libfuzzer_target(TARGET spvtools_fuzz_fuzzer SRCS spvtools_fuzz_fuzzer.cpp random_generator.cpp LIBS SPIRV-Tools-fuzz ${SPIRV_TOOLS_FULL_VISIBILITY})
+  endif()
diff --git a/test/fuzzers/random_generator.cpp b/test/fuzzers/random_generator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..801a9ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fuzzers/random_generator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2021 Google Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "test/fuzzers/random_generator.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <array>
+#include <cassert>
+namespace spvtools {
+namespace fuzzers {
+namespace {
+/// Generate integer from uniform distribution
+/// @tparam I - integer type
+/// @param engine - random number engine to use
+/// @param lower - Lower bound of integer generated
+/// @param upper - Upper bound of integer generated
+/// @returns i, where lower <= i < upper
+template <typename I>
+I RandomUInt(std::mt19937_64* engine, I lower, I upper) {
+  assert(lower < upper && "|lower| must be stictly less than |upper|");
+  return std::uniform_int_distribution<I>(lower, upper - 1)(*engine);
+/// Helper for obtaining a seed bias value for HashCombine with a bit-width
+/// dependent on the size of size_t.
+template <int SIZE_OF_SIZE_T>
+struct HashCombineOffset {};
+/// Specialization of HashCombineOffset for size_t == 4.
+template <>
+struct HashCombineOffset<4> {
+  /// @returns the seed bias value for HashCombine()
+  static constexpr inline uint32_t value() {
+    return 0x9e3779b9;  // Fractional portion of Golden Ratio, suggested by
+                        // Linux Kernel and Knuth's Art of Computer Programming
+  }
+/// Specialization of HashCombineOffset for size_t == 8.
+template <>
+struct HashCombineOffset<8> {
+  /// @returns the seed bias value for HashCombine()
+  static constexpr inline uint64_t value() {
+    return 0x9e3779b97f4a7c16;  // Fractional portion of Golden Ratio, suggested
+                                // by Linux Kernel and Knuth's Art of Computer
+                                // Programming
+  }
+/// HashCombine "hashes" together an existing hash and hashable values.
+template <typename T>
+void HashCombine(size_t* hash, const T& value) {
+  constexpr size_t offset = HashCombineOffset<sizeof(size_t)>::value();
+  *hash ^= std::hash<T>()(value) + offset + (*hash << 6) + (*hash >> 2);
+/// Calculate the hash for the contents of a C-style data buffer
+/// @param data - pointer to buffer to be hashed
+/// @param size - number of elements in buffer
+/// @returns hash of the data in the buffer
+size_t HashBuffer(const uint8_t* data, const size_t size) {
+  size_t hash =
+      static_cast<size_t>(0xCA8945571519E991);  // seed with an arbitrary prime
+  HashCombine(&hash, size);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+    HashCombine(&hash, data[i]);
+  }
+  return hash;
+}  // namespace
+RandomGenerator::RandomGenerator(uint64_t seed) : engine_(seed) {}
+RandomGenerator::RandomGenerator(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
+  RandomGenerator(RandomGenerator::CalculateSeed(data, size));
+spv_target_env RandomGenerator::GetTargetEnv() {
+  spv_target_env result;
+  // Need to check that the generated value isn't for a deprecated target env.
+  do {
+    result = static_cast<spv_target_env>(
+        RandomUInt(&engine_, 0u, static_cast<unsigned int>(SPV_ENV_MAX)));
+  } while (!spvIsValidEnv(result));
+  return result;
+uint32_t RandomGenerator::GetUInt32(uint32_t lower, uint32_t upper) {
+  return RandomUInt(&engine_, lower, upper);
+uint32_t RandomGenerator::GetUInt32(uint32_t bound) {
+  assert(bound > 0 && "|bound| must be greater than 0");
+  return RandomUInt(&engine_, 0u, bound);
+uint64_t RandomGenerator::CalculateSeed(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
+  assert(data != nullptr && "|data| must be !nullptr");
+  // Number of bytes we want to skip at the start of data for the hash.
+  // Fewer bytes may be skipped when `size` is small.
+  // Has lower precedence than kHashDesiredMinBytes.
+  static const int64_t kHashDesiredLeadingSkipBytes = 5;
+  // Minimum number of bytes we want to use in the hash.
+  // Used for short buffers.
+  static const int64_t kHashDesiredMinBytes = 4;
+  // Maximum number of bytes we want to use in the hash.
+  static const int64_t kHashDesiredMaxBytes = 32;
+  int64_t size_i64 = static_cast<int64_t>(size);
+  int64_t hash_begin_i64 =
+      std::min(kHashDesiredLeadingSkipBytes,
+               std::max<int64_t>(size_i64 - kHashDesiredMinBytes, 0));
+  int64_t hash_end_i64 =
+      std::min(hash_begin_i64 + kHashDesiredMaxBytes, size_i64);
+  size_t hash_begin = static_cast<size_t>(hash_begin_i64);
+  size_t hash_size = static_cast<size_t>(hash_end_i64) - hash_begin;
+  return HashBuffer(data + hash_begin, hash_size);
+}  // namespace fuzzers
+}  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/fuzzers/random_generator.h b/test/fuzzers/random_generator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b121fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fuzzers/random_generator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2021 Google Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <random>
+#include "source/spirv_target_env.h"
+namespace spvtools {
+namespace fuzzers {
+/// Pseudo random generator utility class for fuzzing
+class RandomGenerator {
+ public:
+  /// @brief Initializes the internal engine
+  /// @param seed - seed value passed to engine
+  explicit RandomGenerator(uint64_t seed);
+  /// @brief Initializes the internal engine
+  /// @param data - data to calculate the seed from
+  /// @param size - size of the data
+  explicit RandomGenerator(const uint8_t* data, size_t size);
+  ~RandomGenerator() {}
+  /// Calculate a seed value based on a blob of data.
+  /// Currently hashes bytes near the front of the buffer, after skipping N
+  /// bytes.
+  /// @param data - pointer to data to base calculation off of, must be !nullptr
+  /// @param size - number of elements in |data|, must be > 0
+  static uint64_t CalculateSeed(const uint8_t* data, size_t size);
+  /// Get random valid target env.
+  spv_target_env GetTargetEnv();
+  /// Get uint32_t value from uniform distribution.
+  /// @param lower - lower bound of integer generated
+  /// @param upper - upper bound of integer generated
+  /// @returns i, where lower <= i < upper
+  uint32_t GetUInt32(uint32_t lower, uint32_t upper);
+  /// Get uint32_t value from uniform distribution.
+  /// @param bound - Upper bound of integer generated
+  /// @returns i, where 0 <= i < bound
+  uint32_t GetUInt32(uint32_t bound);
+ private:
+  std::mt19937_64 engine_;
+};  // class RandomGenerator
+}  // namespace fuzzers
+}  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/fuzzers/spvtools_as_fuzzer.cpp b/test/fuzzers/spvtools_as_fuzzer.cpp
index 8cecb05..ba3f5b9 100644
--- a/test/fuzzers/spvtools_as_fuzzer.cpp
+++ b/test/fuzzers/spvtools_as_fuzzer.cpp
@@ -18,18 +18,27 @@
 #include "source/spirv_target_env.h"
 #include "spirv-tools/libspirv.hpp"
+#include "test/fuzzers/random_generator.h"
 extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
-  if (size < sizeof(spv_target_env) + 1) return 0;
+  spv_target_env target_env = SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_0;
+  if (size > 0) {
+    spvtools::fuzzers::RandomGenerator random_gen(data, size);
+    target_env = random_gen.GetTargetEnv();
+  }
-  const spv_context context =
-      spvContextCreate(*reinterpret_cast<const spv_target_env*>(data));
-  if (context == nullptr) return 0;
-  data += sizeof(spv_target_env);
-  size -= sizeof(spv_target_env);
+  const spv_context context = spvContextCreate(target_env);
+  if (context == nullptr) {
+    return 0;
+  }
   std::vector<uint32_t> input;
+  input.resize(size >> 2);
+  size_t count = 0;
+  for (size_t i = 0; (i + 3) < size; i += 4) {
+    input[count++] = data[i] | (data[i + 1] << 8) | (data[i + 2] << 16) |
+                     (data[i + 3]) << 24;
+  }
   std::vector<char> input_str;
   size_t char_count = input.size() * sizeof(uint32_t) / sizeof(char);
diff --git a/test/fuzzers/spvtools_binary_parser_fuzzer.cpp b/test/fuzzers/spvtools_binary_parser_fuzzer.cpp
index 76ba4d9..3a97db4 100644
--- a/test/fuzzers/spvtools_binary_parser_fuzzer.cpp
+++ b/test/fuzzers/spvtools_binary_parser_fuzzer.cpp
@@ -16,16 +16,18 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include "spirv-tools/libspirv.hpp"
+#include "test/fuzzers/random_generator.h"
 extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
-  if (size < sizeof(spv_target_env) + 1) return 0;
+  if (size < 1) {
+    return 0;
+  }
-  const spv_context context =
-      spvContextCreate(*reinterpret_cast<const spv_target_env*>(data));
-  if (context == nullptr) return 0;
-  data += sizeof(spv_target_env);
-  size -= sizeof(spv_target_env);
+  spvtools::fuzzers::RandomGenerator random_gen(data, size);
+  const spv_context context = spvContextCreate(random_gen.GetTargetEnv());
+  if (context == nullptr) {
+    return 0;
+  }
   std::vector<uint32_t> input;
   input.resize(size >> 2);
diff --git a/test/fuzzers/spvtools_dis_fuzzer.cpp b/test/fuzzers/spvtools_dis_fuzzer.cpp
index ca9a52d..0cb0eff 100644
--- a/test/fuzzers/spvtools_dis_fuzzer.cpp
+++ b/test/fuzzers/spvtools_dis_fuzzer.cpp
@@ -18,16 +18,20 @@
 #include "source/spirv_target_env.h"
 #include "spirv-tools/libspirv.hpp"
+#include "test/fuzzers/random_generator.h"
 extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
-  if (size < sizeof(spv_target_env) + 1) return 0;
+  if (size < 4) {
+    // There are not enough bytes to constitute a binary that can be
+    // disassembled.
+    return 0;
+  }
-  const spv_context context =
-      spvContextCreate(*reinterpret_cast<const spv_target_env*>(data));
-  if (context == nullptr) return 0;
-  data += sizeof(spv_target_env);
-  size -= sizeof(spv_target_env);
+  spvtools::fuzzers::RandomGenerator random_gen(data, size);
+  const spv_context context = spvContextCreate(random_gen.GetTargetEnv());
+  if (context == nullptr) {
+    return 0;
+  }
   std::vector<uint32_t> input;
   input.resize(size >> 2);
diff --git a/test/fuzzers/spvtools_fuzz_fuzzer.cpp b/test/fuzzers/spvtools_fuzz_fuzzer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d43920c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fuzzers/spvtools_fuzz_fuzzer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2021 Google LLC
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <vector>
+#include "source/fuzz/fuzzer.h"
+#include "source/fuzz/pseudo_random_generator.h"
+#include "spirv-tools/libspirv.hpp"
+#include "test/fuzzers/random_generator.h"
+extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
+  if (size == 0 || (size % sizeof(uint32_t)) != 0) {
+    // An empty binary, or a binary whose size is not a multiple of word-size,
+    // cannot be valid, so can be rejected immediately.
+    return 0;
+  }
+  std::vector<uint32_t> initial_binary(size / sizeof(uint32_t));
+  memcpy(, data, size);
+  spvtools::ValidatorOptions validator_options;
+  spvtools::MessageConsumer message_consumer =
+      [](spv_message_level_t, const char*, const spv_position_t&, const char*) {
+      };
+  spvtools::fuzzers::RandomGenerator random_gen(data, size);
+  auto target_env = random_gen.GetTargetEnv();
+  std::unique_ptr<spvtools::opt::IRContext> ir_context;
+  if (!spvtools::fuzz::fuzzerutil::BuildIRContext(
+          target_env, message_consumer, initial_binary, validator_options,
+          &ir_context)) {
+    // The input is invalid - give up.
+    return 0;
+  }
+  std::vector<spvtools::fuzz::fuzzerutil::ModuleSupplier> donor_suppliers = {
+      [&initial_binary, message_consumer, target_env,
+       &validator_options]() -> std::unique_ptr<spvtools::opt::IRContext> {
+        std::unique_ptr<spvtools::opt::IRContext> result;
+        if (!spvtools::fuzz::fuzzerutil::BuildIRContext(
+                target_env, message_consumer, initial_binary, validator_options,
+                &result)) {
+          // The input was successfully parsed and validated first time around,
+          // so something is wrong if it is now invalid.
+          abort();
+        }
+        return result;
+      }};
+  uint32_t seed = random_gen.GetUInt32(std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
+  auto fuzzer_context = spvtools::MakeUnique<spvtools::fuzz::FuzzerContext>(
+      spvtools::MakeUnique<spvtools::fuzz::PseudoRandomGenerator>(seed),
+      spvtools::fuzz::FuzzerContext::GetMinFreshId(ir_context.get()), false);
+  auto transformation_context =
+      spvtools::MakeUnique<spvtools::fuzz::TransformationContext>(
+          spvtools::MakeUnique<spvtools::fuzz::FactManager>(ir_context.get()),
+          validator_options);
+  spvtools::fuzz::Fuzzer fuzzer(
+      std::move(ir_context), std::move(transformation_context),
+      std::move(fuzzer_context), message_consumer, donor_suppliers, false,
+      spvtools::fuzz::RepeatedPassStrategy::kLoopedWithRecommendations, true,
+      validator_options);
+  fuzzer.Run(0);
+  return 0;
diff --git a/test/fuzzers/spvtools_opt_legalization_fuzzer.cpp b/test/fuzzers/spvtools_opt_legalization_fuzzer.cpp
index b45a98c..6f4d7e8 100644
--- a/test/fuzzers/spvtools_opt_legalization_fuzzer.cpp
+++ b/test/fuzzers/spvtools_opt_legalization_fuzzer.cpp
@@ -16,9 +16,15 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include "spirv-tools/optimizer.hpp"
+#include "test/fuzzers/random_generator.h"
 extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
-  spvtools::Optimizer optimizer(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3);
+  if (size < 1) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  spvtools::fuzzers::RandomGenerator random_gen(data, size);
+  spvtools::Optimizer optimizer(random_gen.GetTargetEnv());
   optimizer.SetMessageConsumer([](spv_message_level_t, const char*,
                                   const spv_position_t&, const char*) {});
diff --git a/test/fuzzers/spvtools_opt_performance_fuzzer.cpp b/test/fuzzers/spvtools_opt_performance_fuzzer.cpp
index 6c3bd6a..9c47d7d 100644
--- a/test/fuzzers/spvtools_opt_performance_fuzzer.cpp
+++ b/test/fuzzers/spvtools_opt_performance_fuzzer.cpp
@@ -16,9 +16,15 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include "spirv-tools/optimizer.hpp"
+#include "test/fuzzers/random_generator.h"
 extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
-  spvtools::Optimizer optimizer(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3);
+  if (size < 1) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  spvtools::fuzzers::RandomGenerator random_gen(data, size);
+  spvtools::Optimizer optimizer(random_gen.GetTargetEnv());
   optimizer.SetMessageConsumer([](spv_message_level_t, const char*,
                                   const spv_position_t&, const char*) {});
diff --git a/test/fuzzers/spvtools_opt_size_fuzzer.cpp b/test/fuzzers/spvtools_opt_size_fuzzer.cpp
index 68c7974..10fac42 100644
--- a/test/fuzzers/spvtools_opt_size_fuzzer.cpp
+++ b/test/fuzzers/spvtools_opt_size_fuzzer.cpp
@@ -16,9 +16,15 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include "spirv-tools/optimizer.hpp"
+#include "test/fuzzers/random_generator.h"
 extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
-  spvtools::Optimizer optimizer(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3);
+  if (size < 1) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  spvtools::fuzzers::RandomGenerator random_gen(data, size);
+  spvtools::Optimizer optimizer(random_gen.GetTargetEnv());
   optimizer.SetMessageConsumer([](spv_message_level_t, const char*,
                                   const spv_position_t&, const char*) {});
diff --git a/test/fuzzers/spvtools_val_fuzzer.cpp b/test/fuzzers/spvtools_val_fuzzer.cpp
index 5dc4303..fd6396c 100644
--- a/test/fuzzers/spvtools_val_fuzzer.cpp
+++ b/test/fuzzers/spvtools_val_fuzzer.cpp
@@ -16,9 +16,15 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include "spirv-tools/libspirv.hpp"
+#include "test/fuzzers/random_generator.h"
 extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
-  spvtools::SpirvTools tools(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3);
+  if (size < 1) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  spvtools::fuzzers::RandomGenerator random_gen(data, size);
+  spvtools::SpirvTools tools(random_gen.GetTargetEnv());
   tools.SetMessageConsumer([](spv_message_level_t, const char*,
                               const spv_position_t&, const char*) {});
diff --git a/test/hex_float_test.cpp b/test/hex_float_test.cpp
index c422f75..ffdb8bd 100644
--- a/test/hex_float_test.cpp
+++ b/test/hex_float_test.cpp
@@ -1325,6 +1325,76 @@
+template <typename T>
+struct StreamParseCase {
+  StreamParseCase(const std::string& lit, bool succ, const std::string& suffix,
+                  T value)
+      : literal(lit),
+        expect_success(succ),
+        expected_suffix(suffix),
+        expected_value(HexFloat<FloatProxy<T>>(value)) {}
+  std::string literal;
+  bool expect_success;
+  std::string expected_suffix;
+  HexFloat<FloatProxy<T>> expected_value;
+template <typename T>
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const StreamParseCase<T>& fspc) {
+  os << "StreamParseCase(" << fspc.literal
+     << ", expect_succes:" << int(fspc.expect_success) << ","
+     << fspc.expected_suffix << "," << fspc.expected_value << ")";
+  return os;
+using FloatStreamParseTest = ::testing::TestWithParam<StreamParseCase<float>>;
+TEST_P(FloatStreamParseTest, Samples) {
+  std::stringstream input(GetParam().literal);
+  HexFloat<FloatProxy<float>> parsed_value(0.0f);
+  // Hex floats must be read with the stream input operator.
+  input >> parsed_value;
+  if (GetParam().expect_success) {
+    std::string suffix;
+    input >> suffix;
+    // EXPECT_EQ(suffix, GetParam().expected_suffix);
+    EXPECT_EQ(parsed_value.value().getAsFloat(),
+              GetParam().expected_value.value().getAsFloat());
+  } else {
+  }
+    HexFloatExponentMissingDigits, FloatStreamParseTest,
+    ::testing::ValuesIn(std::vector<StreamParseCase<float>>{
+        {"0x1.0p1", true, "", 2.0f},
+        {"0x1.0p1a", true, "a", 2.0f},
+        {"-0x1.0p1f", true, "f", -2.0f},
+        {"0x1.0p", false, "", 0.0f},
+        {"0x1.0pa", false, "", 0.0f},
+        {"0x1.0p!", false, "", 0.0f},
+        {"0x1.0p+", false, "", 0.0f},
+        {"0x1.0p+a", false, "", 0.0f},
+        {"0x1.0p+!", false, "", 0.0f},
+        {"0x1.0p-", false, "", 0.0f},
+        {"0x1.0p-a", false, "", 0.0f},
+        {"0x1.0p-!", false, "", 0.0f},
+        {"0x1.0p++", false, "", 0.0f},
+        {"0x1.0p+-", false, "", 0.0f},
+        {"0x1.0p-+", false, "", 0.0f},
+        {"0x1.0p--", false, "", 0.0f}}));
+    HexFloatExponentTrailingSign, FloatStreamParseTest,
+    ::testing::ValuesIn(std::vector<StreamParseCase<float>>{
+        // Don't consume a sign after the binary exponent digits.
+        {"0x1.0p1", true, "", 2.0f},
+        {"0x1.0p1+", true, "+", 2.0f},
+        {"0x1.0p1-", true, "-", 2.0f}}));
 // TODO(awoloszyn): Add fp16 tests and HexFloatTraits.
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace utils
diff --git a/test/operand_capabilities_test.cpp b/test/operand_capabilities_test.cpp
index 6f83dfe..bc0ee05 100644
--- a/test/operand_capabilities_test.cpp
+++ b/test/operand_capabilities_test.cpp
@@ -368,19 +368,6 @@
                 // clang-format on
-// See SPIR-V Section 3.15 FP Fast Math Mode
-    FPFastMathMode, EnumCapabilityTest,
-    Combine(Values(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_0, SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1),
-            ValuesIn(std::vector<EnumCapabilityCase>{
-                CASE0(FP_FAST_MATH_MODE, FPFastMathModeMaskNone),
-                CASE1(FP_FAST_MATH_MODE, FPFastMathModeNotNaNMask, Kernel),
-                CASE1(FP_FAST_MATH_MODE, FPFastMathModeNotInfMask, Kernel),
-                CASE1(FP_FAST_MATH_MODE, FPFastMathModeNSZMask, Kernel),
-                CASE1(FP_FAST_MATH_MODE, FPFastMathModeAllowRecipMask, Kernel),
-                CASE1(FP_FAST_MATH_MODE, FPFastMathModeFastMask, Kernel),
-            })));
 // See SPIR-V Section 3.17 Linkage Type
     LinkageType, EnumCapabilityTest,
diff --git a/test/opt/CMakeLists.txt b/test/opt/CMakeLists.txt
index 1129975..bc44e8d 100644
--- a/test/opt/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/test/opt/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
+       replace_desc_array_access_using_var_index_test.cpp
diff --git a/test/opt/aggressive_dead_code_elim_test.cpp b/test/opt/aggressive_dead_code_elim_test.cpp
index 5b4291d..f228c8c 100644
--- a/test/opt/aggressive_dead_code_elim_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/aggressive_dead_code_elim_test.cpp
@@ -7063,6 +7063,287 @@
   SinglePassRunAndMatch<AggressiveDCEPass>(text, true);
+TEST_F(AggressiveDCETest, ShaderDebugInfoKeepInFunctionElimStoreVar) {
+  // Verify that dead local variable tc and store eliminated but all
+  // in-function NonSemantic Shader debuginfo kept.
+  const std::string text = R"(
+               OpCapability Shader
+               OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %MainPs "MainPs" %g_tColor %g_sAniso %in_var_TEXCOORD2 %out_var_SV_Target0
+               OpExecutionMode %MainPs OriginUpperLeft
+          %7 = OpString "foo.frag"
+          %8 = OpString "PS_OUTPUT"
+          %9 = OpString "float"
+         %10 = OpString "vColor"
+         %11 = OpString "PS_INPUT"
+         %12 = OpString "vTextureCoords"
+         %13 = OpString "@type.2d.image"
+         %14 = OpString "type.2d.image"
+         %15 = OpString "Texture2D.TemplateParam"
+         %16 = OpString "src.MainPs"
+         %17 = OpString "tc"
+         %18 = OpString "ps_output"
+         %19 = OpString "i"
+         %20 = OpString "@type.sampler"
+         %21 = OpString "type.sampler"
+         %22 = OpString "g_sAniso"
+         %23 = OpString "g_tColor"
+               OpName %type_2d_image "type.2d.image"
+               OpName %g_tColor "g_tColor"
+               OpName %type_sampler "type.sampler"
+               OpName %g_sAniso "g_sAniso"
+               OpName %in_var_TEXCOORD2 "in.var.TEXCOORD2"
+               OpName %out_var_SV_Target0 "out.var.SV_Target0"
+               OpName %MainPs "MainPs"
+               OpName %PS_INPUT "PS_INPUT"
+               OpMemberName %PS_INPUT 0 "vTextureCoords"
+               OpName %param_var_i "param.var.i"
+               OpName %PS_OUTPUT "PS_OUTPUT"
+               OpMemberName %PS_OUTPUT 0 "vColor"
+               OpName %type_sampled_image "type.sampled.image"
+               OpDecorate %in_var_TEXCOORD2 Location 0
+               OpDecorate %out_var_SV_Target0 Location 0
+               OpDecorate %g_tColor DescriptorSet 0
+               OpDecorate %g_tColor Binding 0
+               OpDecorate %g_sAniso DescriptorSet 0
+               OpDecorate %g_sAniso Binding 1
+        %int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+      %int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+       %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
+    %uint_32 = OpConstant %uint 32
+      %float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%type_2d_image = OpTypeImage %float 2D 2 0 0 1 Unknown
+%_ptr_UniformConstant_type_2d_image = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %type_2d_image
+%type_sampler = OpTypeSampler
+%_ptr_UniformConstant_type_sampler = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %type_sampler
+    %v2float = OpTypeVector %float 2
+%_ptr_Input_v2float = OpTypePointer Input %v2float
+    %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+   %uint_128 = OpConstant %uint 128
+     %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
+     %uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
+     %uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2
+     %uint_3 = OpConstant %uint 3
+     %uint_4 = OpConstant %uint 4
+     %uint_5 = OpConstant %uint 5
+     %uint_7 = OpConstant %uint 7
+     %uint_8 = OpConstant %uint 8
+    %uint_10 = OpConstant %uint 10
+    %uint_11 = OpConstant %uint 11
+    %uint_12 = OpConstant %uint 12
+    %uint_14 = OpConstant %uint 14
+    %uint_15 = OpConstant %uint 15
+    %uint_16 = OpConstant %uint 16
+    %uint_17 = OpConstant %uint 17
+    %uint_19 = OpConstant %uint 19
+    %uint_20 = OpConstant %uint 20
+    %uint_21 = OpConstant %uint 21
+    %uint_25 = OpConstant %uint 25
+    %uint_29 = OpConstant %uint 29
+    %uint_30 = OpConstant %uint 30
+    %uint_35 = OpConstant %uint 35
+    %uint_41 = OpConstant %uint 41
+    %uint_48 = OpConstant %uint 48
+    %uint_53 = OpConstant %uint 53
+    %uint_64 = OpConstant %uint 64
+         %45 = OpTypeFunction %void
+   %PS_INPUT = OpTypeStruct %v2float
+%_ptr_Function_PS_INPUT = OpTypePointer Function %PS_INPUT
+  %PS_OUTPUT = OpTypeStruct %v4float
+         %47 = OpTypeFunction %PS_OUTPUT %_ptr_Function_PS_INPUT
+%_ptr_Function_PS_OUTPUT = OpTypePointer Function %PS_OUTPUT
+%_ptr_Function_v2float = OpTypePointer Function %v2float
+%type_sampled_image = OpTypeSampledImage %type_2d_image
+%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float
+   %g_tColor = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_2d_image UniformConstant
+   %g_sAniso = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_sampler UniformConstant
+%in_var_TEXCOORD2 = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v2float Input
+%out_var_SV_Target0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
+         %51 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugInfoNone
+         %52 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugExpression
+         %53 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugOperation %uint_0
+         %54 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugExpression %53
+         %55 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugSource %7
+         %56 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugCompilationUnit %uint_1 %uint_4 %55 %uint_5
+         %59 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeBasic %9 %uint_32 %uint_3 %uint_0
+         %60 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeVector %59 %uint_4
+         %58 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeMember %10 %60 %55 %uint_12 %uint_5 %uint_0 %uint_128 %uint_3
+         %57 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeComposite %8 %uint_1 %55 %uint_10 %uint_1 %56 %8 %uint_128 %uint_3 %58
+         %63 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeVector %59 %uint_2 
+         %62 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeMember %12 %63 %55 %uint_7 %uint_5 %uint_0 %uint_64 %uint_3
+         %61 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeComposite %11 %uint_1 %55 %uint_5 %uint_1 %56 %11 %uint_64 %uint_3 %62
+         %64 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeComposite %13 %uint_0 %55 %uint_0 %uint_0 %56 %14 %51 %uint_3
+         %67 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeFunction %uint_3 %57 %61
+         %68 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugFunction %16 %67 %55 %uint_15 %uint_1 %56 %16 %uint_3 %uint_16
+         %69 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLexicalBlock %55 %uint_16 %uint_1 %68
+         %70 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLocalVariable %17 %63 %55 %uint_19 %uint_12 %69 %uint_4
+         %71 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLocalVariable %18 %57 %55 %uint_17 %uint_15 %69 %uint_4
+         %72 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLocalVariable %19 %61 %55 %uint_15 %uint_29 %68 %uint_4 %uint_1
+         %73 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeComposite %20 %uint_1 %55 %uint_0 %uint_0 %56 %21 %51 %uint_3
+         %74 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugGlobalVariable %22 %73 %55 %uint_3 %uint_14 %56 %22 %g_sAniso %uint_8
+         %75 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugGlobalVariable %23 %64 %55 %uint_1 %uint_11 %56 %23 %g_tColor %uint_8
+     %MainPs = OpFunction %void None %45
+         %76 = OpLabel
+         %78 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_PS_OUTPUT Function
+         %79 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v2float Function
+         %81 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_PS_OUTPUT Function
+%param_var_i = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_PS_INPUT Function
+         %82 = OpLoad %v2float %in_var_TEXCOORD2
+         %83 = OpCompositeConstruct %PS_INPUT %82
+               OpStore %param_var_i %83
+        %112 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugFunctionDefinition %68 %MainPs
+        %109 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %68
+         %85 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugDeclare %72 %param_var_i %52
+        %110 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %69
+         %87 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugDeclare %71 %78 %52
+;CHECK: {{%\w+}} = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugFunctionDefinition %68 %MainPs
+;CHECK: {{%\w+}} = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %68
+;CHECK: {{%\w+}} = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugDeclare %72 %param_var_i %52
+;CHECK: {{%\w+}} = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %69
+;CHECK: {{%\w+}} = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugDeclare %71 %78 %52
+        %300 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLine %55 %uint_19 %uint_19 %uint_17 %uint_30
+;CHECK: {{%\w+}} = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLine %55 %uint_19 %uint_19 %uint_17 %uint_30
+         %88 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_v2float %param_var_i %int_0
+         %89 = OpLoad %v2float %88
+        %301 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLine %55 %uint_19 %uint_19 %uint_12 %uint_35
+               OpStore %79 %89
+;CHECK-NOT:    OpStore %79 %89
+        %302 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLine %55 %uint_19 %uint_19 %uint_12 %uint_35
+;CHECK: {{%\w+}} = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLine %55 %uint_19 %uint_19 %uint_12 %uint_35
+        %106 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugValue %70 %89 %52
+;CHECK: {{%\w+}} = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugValue %70 %89 %52
+        %303 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLine %55 %uint_20 %uint_20 %uint_25 %uint_32
+         %91 = OpLoad %type_2d_image %g_tColor
+        %304 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLine %55 %uint_20 %uint_20 %uint_41 %uint_48
+         %92 = OpLoad %type_sampler %g_sAniso
+        %305 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLine %55 %uint_20 %uint_20 %uint_25 %uint_53
+         %94 = OpSampledImage %type_sampled_image %91 %92
+         %95 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %94 %89 None
+        %306 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLine %55 %uint_20 %uint_20 %uint_5 %uint_53
+         %96 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_v4float %78 %int_0
+               OpStore %96 %95
+        %307 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLine %55 %uint_21 %uint_21 %uint_12 %uint_20
+         %97 = OpLoad %PS_OUTPUT %78
+        %308 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLine %55 %uint_21 %uint_21 %uint_5 %uint_20
+               OpStore %81 %97
+        %309 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugNoLine
+;CHECK: {{%\w+}} = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugNoLine
+        %111 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugNoScope
+;CHECK: {{%\w+}} = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugNoScope
+        %100 = OpCompositeExtract %v4float %97 0
+               OpStore %out_var_SV_Target0 %100
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  SetTargetEnv(SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_2);
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<AggressiveDCEPass>(text, true);
+TEST_F(AggressiveDCETest, ShaderDebugInfoGlobalDCE) {
+  // Verify that DebugGlobalVariable for eliminated private variable has
+  // variable operand replaced with DebugInfoNone.
+  const std::string text = R"(OpCapability Shader
+OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint Fragment %MainPs "MainPs" %out_var_SV_Target0 %a
+OpExecutionMode %MainPs OriginUpperLeft
+%5 = OpString "source2.hlsl"
+%24 = OpString "float"
+%29 = OpString "vColor"
+%33 = OpString "PS_OUTPUT"
+%37 = OpString "MainPs"
+%38 = OpString ""
+%42 = OpString "ps_output"
+%46 = OpString "a"
+OpName %a "a"
+OpName %out_var_SV_Target0 "out.var.SV_Target0"
+OpName %MainPs "MainPs"
+OpMemberName %PS_OUTPUT 0 "vColor"
+OpDecorate %out_var_SV_Target0 Location 0
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%8 = OpConstantNull %v4float
+%float_0 = OpConstant %float 0
+%10 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_0 %float_0 %float_0 %float_0
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%uint_32 = OpConstant %uint 32
+%_ptr_Private_v4float = OpTypePointer Private %v4float
+%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
+%uint_4 = OpConstant %uint 4
+%uint_5 = OpConstant %uint 5
+%uint_3 = OpConstant %uint 3
+%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
+%uint_128 = OpConstant %uint 128
+%uint_12 = OpConstant %uint 12
+%uint_8 = OpConstant %uint 8
+%uint_9 = OpConstant %uint 9
+%uint_10 = OpConstant %uint 10
+%uint_15 = OpConstant %uint 15
+%48 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%PS_OUTPUT = OpTypeStruct %v4float
+%54 = OpTypeFunction %PS_OUTPUT
+%_ptr_Function_PS_OUTPUT = OpTypePointer Function %PS_OUTPUT
+%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float
+%a = OpVariable %_ptr_Private_v4float Private
+;CHECK-NOT: %a = OpVariable %_ptr_Private_v4float Private
+%out_var_SV_Target0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
+;CHECK: [[dbg_none:%\w+]] = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugInfoNone
+%18 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugExpression
+%19 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugSource %5
+%20 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugCompilationUnit %uint_1 %uint_4 %19 %uint_5
+%25 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeBasic %24 %uint_32 %uint_3 %uint_0
+%28 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeVector %25 %uint_4
+%31 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeMember %29 %28 %19 %uint_5 %uint_12 %uint_0 %uint_128 %uint_3
+%34 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeComposite %33 %uint_1 %19 %uint_3 %uint_8 %20 %33 %uint_128 %uint_3 %31
+%36 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeFunction %uint_3 %34
+%39 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugFunction %37 %36 %19 %uint_8 %uint_1 %20 %38 %uint_3 %uint_9
+%41 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLexicalBlock %19 %uint_9 %uint_1 %39
+%43 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLocalVariable %42 %34 %19 %uint_10 %uint_15 %41 %uint_4
+%47 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugGlobalVariable %46 %28 %19 %uint_1 %uint_15 %20 %46 %a %uint_8
+;CHECK: %47 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugGlobalVariable %46 %28 %19 %uint_1 %uint_15 %20 %46 [[dbg_none]] %uint_8
+%MainPs = OpFunction %void None %48
+%49 = OpLabel
+%65 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_PS_OUTPUT Function
+%66 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_PS_OUTPUT Function
+OpStore %a %8
+%72 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %41
+%69 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugDeclare %43 %65 %18
+OpLine %5 11 5
+%70 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_v4float %65 %int_0
+OpStore %70 %10
+OpLine %5 12 12
+%71 = OpLoad %PS_OUTPUT %65
+OpLine %5 12 5
+OpStore %66 %71
+%73 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugNoLine
+%74 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugNoScope
+%51 = OpLoad %PS_OUTPUT %66
+%53 = OpCompositeExtract %v4float %51 0
+OpStore %out_var_SV_Target0 %53
+OpLine %5 13 1
+  SetTargetEnv(SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_2);
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<AggressiveDCEPass>(text, true);
 TEST_F(AggressiveDCETest, DebugInfoDeclareKeepsStore) {
   // Verify that local variable tc and its store are kept by DebugDeclare.
@@ -7584,11 +7865,178 @@
   SinglePassRunAndMatch<AggressiveDCEPass>(text, true);
-// TODO(greg-lunarg): Add tests to verify handling of these cases:
-//    Check that logical addressing required
-//    Check that function calls inhibit optimization
-//    Others?
+TEST_F(AggressiveDCETest, KeepExportFunctions) {
+  // All functions are reachable.  In particular, ExportedFunc and Constant are
+  // reachable because ExportedFunc is exported.  Nothing should be removed.
+  const std::vector<const char*> text = {
+      // clang-format off
+               "OpCapability Shader",
+               "OpCapability Linkage",
+               "OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450",
+               "OpEntryPoint Fragment %main \"main\"",
+               "OpName %main \"main\"",
+               "OpName %ExportedFunc \"ExportedFunc\"",
+               "OpName %Live \"Live\"",
+               "OpDecorate %ExportedFunc LinkageAttributes \"ExportedFunc\" Export",
+       "%void = OpTypeVoid",
+          "%7 = OpTypeFunction %void",
+       "%main = OpFunction %void None %7",
+         "%15 = OpLabel",
+               "OpReturn",
+               "OpFunctionEnd",
+"%ExportedFunc = OpFunction %void None %7",
+         "%19 = OpLabel",
+         "%16 = OpFunctionCall %void %Live",
+               "OpReturn",
+               "OpFunctionEnd",
+  "%Live = OpFunction %void None %7",
+         "%20 = OpLabel",
+               "OpReturn",
+               "OpFunctionEnd"
+      // clang-format on
+  };
+  std::string assembly = JoinAllInsts(text);
+  auto result = SinglePassRunAndDisassemble<AggressiveDCEPass>(
+      assembly, /* skip_nop = */ true, /* do_validation = */ false);
+  EXPECT_EQ(Pass::Status::SuccessWithoutChange, std::get<1>(result));
+  EXPECT_EQ(assembly, std::get<0>(result));
+TEST_F(AggressiveDCETest, KeepPrivateVarInExportFunctions) {
+  // The loads and stores from the private variable should not be removed
+  // because the functions are exported and could be called.
+  const std::string text = R"(OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpSource HLSL 630
+OpName %privateVar "privateVar"
+OpName %ReadPrivate "ReadPrivate"
+OpName %WritePrivate "WritePrivate"
+OpName %value "value"
+OpDecorate %ReadPrivate LinkageAttributes "ReadPrivate" Export
+OpDecorate %WritePrivate LinkageAttributes "WritePrivate" Export
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+%_ptr_Private_int = OpTypePointer Private %int
+%6 = OpTypeFunction %int
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%_ptr_Function_int = OpTypePointer Function %int
+%10 = OpTypeFunction %void %_ptr_Function_int
+%privateVar = OpVariable %_ptr_Private_int Private
+%ReadPrivate = OpFunction %int None %6
+%12 = OpLabel
+%8 = OpLoad %int %privateVar
+OpReturnValue %8
+%WritePrivate = OpFunction %void None %10
+%value = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_int
+%13 = OpLabel
+%14 = OpLoad %int %value
+OpStore %privateVar %14
+  auto result = SinglePassRunAndDisassemble<AggressiveDCEPass>(
+      text, /* skip_nop = */ true, /* do_validation = */ false);
+  EXPECT_EQ(Pass::Status::SuccessWithoutChange, std::get<1>(result));
+  EXPECT_EQ(text, std::get<0>(result));
+TEST_F(AggressiveDCETest, KeepLableNames) {
+  const std::string text = R"(OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpSource HLSL 630
+OpName %WritePrivate "WritePrivate"
+OpName %entry "entry"
+OpName %target "target"
+OpDecorate %WritePrivate LinkageAttributes "WritePrivate" Export
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%3 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%WritePrivate = OpFunction %void None %3
+%entry = OpLabel
+OpBranch %target
+%target = OpLabel
+  auto result = SinglePassRunAndDisassemble<AggressiveDCEPass>(
+      text, /* skip_nop = */ true, /* do_validation = */ false);
+  EXPECT_EQ(Pass::Status::SuccessWithoutChange, std::get<1>(result));
+  EXPECT_EQ(text, std::get<0>(result));
+TEST_F(AggressiveDCETest, PreserveInterface) {
+  // Set preserve_interface to true. Verify that unused uniform
+  // constant in entry point interface is not eliminated.
+  const std::string text = R"(OpCapability RayTracingKHR
+OpExtension "SPV_KHR_ray_tracing"
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint RayGenerationNV %2 "main" %3 %4
+OpDecorate %3 Location 0
+OpDecorate %4 DescriptorSet 2
+OpDecorate %4 Binding 0
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%6 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%_ptr_CallableDataNV_float = OpTypePointer CallableDataNV %float
+%3 = OpVariable %_ptr_CallableDataNV_float CallableDataNV
+%13 = OpTypeAccelerationStructureKHR
+%_ptr_UniformConstant_13 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %13
+%4 = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_13 UniformConstant
+%2 = OpFunction %void None %6
+%15 = OpLabel
+OpExecuteCallableKHR %uint_0 %3
+  SetTargetEnv(SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_2);
+  auto result = SinglePassRunAndDisassemble<AggressiveDCEPass>(
+      text, /* skip_nop = */ true, /* do_validation = */ false,
+      /* preserve_interface */ true);
+  EXPECT_EQ(Pass::Status::SuccessWithoutChange, std::get<1>(result));
+  EXPECT_EQ(text, std::get<0>(result));
+TEST_F(AggressiveDCETest, EmptyContinueWithConditionalBranch) {
+  const std::string text = R"(OpCapability Shader
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint Fragment %2 "main"
+OpExecutionMode %2 OriginUpperLeft
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%4 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%bool = OpTypeBool
+%false = OpConstantFalse %bool
+%2 = OpFunction %void None %4
+%9 = OpLabel
+OpBranch %10
+%10 = OpLabel
+OpLoopMerge %11 %12 None
+OpBranch %13
+%13 = OpLabel
+%12 = OpLabel
+OpBranchConditional %false %10 %10
+%11 = OpLabel
+  SetTargetEnv(SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_2);
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<AggressiveDCEPass>(text, text, false);
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace opt
diff --git a/test/opt/block_merge_test.cpp b/test/opt/block_merge_test.cpp
index 140a5c0..6903c4e 100644
--- a/test/opt/block_merge_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/block_merge_test.cpp
@@ -90,6 +90,63 @@
+TEST_F(BlockMergeTest, BlockMergeForLinkage) {
+  const std::string before =
+      R"(OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpSource HLSL 630
+OpName %main "main"
+OpName %BaseColor "BaseColor"
+OpName %bb_entry "bb.entry"
+OpName %v "v"
+OpDecorate %main LinkageAttributes "main" Export
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float
+%8 = OpTypeFunction %v4float %_ptr_Function_v4float
+%main = OpFunction %v4float None %8
+%BaseColor = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float
+%bb_entry = OpLabel
+%v = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function
+%9 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor
+OpStore %v %9
+OpBranch %10
+%10 = OpLabel
+%11 = OpLoad %v4float %v
+OpBranch %12
+%12 = OpLabel
+OpReturnValue %11
+  const std::string after =
+      R"(OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpSource HLSL 630
+OpName %main "main"
+OpName %BaseColor "BaseColor"
+OpName %bb_entry "bb.entry"
+OpName %v "v"
+OpDecorate %main LinkageAttributes "main" Export
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float
+%8 = OpTypeFunction %v4float %_ptr_Function_v4float
+%main = OpFunction %v4float None %8
+%BaseColor = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float
+%bb_entry = OpLabel
+%v = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function
+%9 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor
+OpStore %v %9
+%11 = OpLoad %v4float %v
+OpReturnValue %11
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<BlockMergePass>(before, after, true, true);
 TEST_F(BlockMergeTest, EmptyBlock) {
   // Note: SPIR-V hand edited to insert empty block
   // after two statements in main.
@@ -1038,6 +1095,112 @@
   SinglePassRunAndCheck<BlockMergePass>(spirv, spirv, true, true);
+TEST_F(BlockMergeTest, DebugMerge) {
+  // Verify merge can be done completely, cleanly and validly in presence of
+  // NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100 instructions
+  const std::string text = R"(
+; CHECK: OpLoopMerge
+; CHECK-NEXT: OpBranch
+; CHECK-NOT: OpBranch
+OpCapability Shader
+OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %in_var_COLOR %out_var_SV_TARGET
+OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
+%5 = OpString "lexblock.hlsl"
+%20 = OpString "float"
+%32 = OpString "main"
+%33 = OpString ""
+%46 = OpString "b"
+%49 = OpString "a"
+%58 = OpString "c"
+%63 = OpString "color"
+OpName %in_var_COLOR "in.var.COLOR"
+OpName %out_var_SV_TARGET "out.var.SV_TARGET"
+OpName %main "main"
+OpDecorate %in_var_COLOR Location 0
+OpDecorate %out_var_SV_TARGET Location 0
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%float_0 = OpConstant %float 0
+%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%9 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_0 %float_0 %float_0 %float_0
+%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1
+%13 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_1 %float_1 %float_1 %float_1
+%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%uint_32 = OpConstant %uint 32
+%_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float
+%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%uint_3 = OpConstant %uint 3
+%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
+%uint_4 = OpConstant %uint 4
+%uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
+%uint_5 = OpConstant %uint 5
+%uint_12 = OpConstant %uint 12
+%uint_13 = OpConstant %uint 13
+%uint_20 = OpConstant %uint 20
+%uint_15 = OpConstant %uint 15
+%uint_17 = OpConstant %uint 17
+%uint_16 = OpConstant %uint 16
+%uint_14 = OpConstant %uint 14
+%uint_10 = OpConstant %uint 10
+%65 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%in_var_COLOR = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input
+%out_var_SV_TARGET = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
+%62 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugExpression
+%22 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeBasic %20 %uint_32 %uint_3 %uint_0
+%25 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeVector %22 %uint_4
+%27 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeFunction %uint_3 %25 %25
+%28 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugSource %5
+%29 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugCompilationUnit %uint_1 %uint_4 %28 %uint_5
+%34 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugFunction %32 %27 %28 %uint_12 %uint_1 %29 %33 %uint_3 %uint_13
+%37 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLexicalBlock %28 %uint_13 %uint_1 %34
+%52 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLexicalBlock %28 %uint_15 %uint_12 %37
+%54 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLocalVariable %46 %25 %28 %uint_17 %uint_12 %52 %uint_4
+%56 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLocalVariable %49 %25 %28 %uint_16 %uint_12 %52 %uint_4
+%59 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLocalVariable %58 %25 %28 %uint_14 %uint_10 %37 %uint_4
+%64 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLocalVariable %63 %25 %28 %uint_12 %uint_20 %34 %uint_4 %uint_1
+%main = OpFunction %void None %65
+%66 = OpLabel
+%69 = OpLoad %v4float %in_var_COLOR
+%168 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugValue %64 %69 %62
+%169 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %37
+OpLine %5 14 10
+%164 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugValue %59 %9 %62
+OpLine %5 15 3
+OpBranch %150
+%150 = OpLabel
+%165 = OpPhi %v4float %9 %66 %158 %159
+%167 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugValue %59 %165 %62
+%170 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %37
+OpLine %5 15 12
+%171 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugNoScope
+OpLoopMerge %160 %159 None
+OpBranch %151
+%151 = OpLabel
+OpLine %5 16 12
+%162 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugValue %56 %9 %62
+OpLine %5 17 12
+%163 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugValue %54 %13 %62
+OpLine %5 18 15
+%158 = OpFAdd %v4float %165 %13
+OpLine %5 18 5
+%166 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugValue %59 %158 %62
+%172 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %37
+OpLine %5 19 3
+OpBranch %159
+%159 = OpLabel
+OpLine %5 19 3
+OpBranch %150
+%160 = OpLabel
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<BlockMergePass>(text, true);
 // TODO(greg-lunarg): Add tests to verify handling of these cases:
 //    More complex control flow
diff --git a/test/opt/ccp_test.cpp b/test/opt/ccp_test.cpp
index ef73435..212e051 100644
--- a/test/opt/ccp_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/ccp_test.cpp
@@ -1208,6 +1208,32 @@
   auto result = SinglePassRunAndMatch<CCPPass>(text, true);
   EXPECT_EQ(std::get<1>(result), Pass::Status::SuccessWithChange);
+TEST_F(CCPTest, FunctionDeclaration) {
+  // Make sure the pass works with a function declaration that is called.
+  const std::string text = R"(OpCapability Addresses
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpCapability Kernel
+OpCapability Int8
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "OpenCL.std"
+OpMemoryModel Physical64 OpenCL
+OpEntryPoint Kernel %2 "_Z23julia__1166_kernel_77094Bool"
+OpExecutionMode %2 ContractionOff
+OpSource Unknown 0
+OpDecorate %3 LinkageAttributes "julia_error_7712" Import
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%5 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%3 = OpFunction %void None %5
+%2 = OpFunction %void None %5
+%6 = OpLabel
+%7 = OpFunctionCall %void %3
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<CCPPass>(text, text, false);
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace opt
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/opt/combine_access_chains_test.cpp b/test/opt/combine_access_chains_test.cpp
index aed14c9..5be3ba6 100644
--- a/test/opt/combine_access_chains_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/combine_access_chains_test.cpp
@@ -768,6 +768,32 @@
   SinglePassRunAndMatch<CombineAccessChains>(text, true);
+TEST_F(CombineAccessChainsTest, FunctionDeclaration) {
+  // Make sure the pass works with a function declaration that is called.
+  const std::string text = R"(OpCapability Addresses
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpCapability Kernel
+OpCapability Int8
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "OpenCL.std"
+OpMemoryModel Physical64 OpenCL
+OpEntryPoint Kernel %2 "_Z23julia__1166_kernel_77094Bool"
+OpExecutionMode %2 ContractionOff
+OpSource Unknown 0
+OpDecorate %3 LinkageAttributes "julia_error_7712" Import
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%5 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%3 = OpFunction %void None %5
+%2 = OpFunction %void None %5
+%6 = OpLabel
+%7 = OpFunctionCall %void %3
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<CombineAccessChains>(text, text, false);
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace opt
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/opt/convert_relaxed_to_half_test.cpp b/test/opt/convert_relaxed_to_half_test.cpp
index ca6ee58..6a06de8 100644
--- a/test/opt/convert_relaxed_to_half_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/convert_relaxed_to_half_test.cpp
@@ -204,6 +204,98 @@
                                            defs_after + func_after, true, true);
+TEST_F(ConvertToHalfTest, ConvertToHalfForLinkage) {
+  const std::string before =
+      R"(OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpSource HLSL 630
+OpName %type_cbuff "type.cbuff"
+OpMemberName %type_cbuff 0 "c"
+OpName %cbuff "cbuff"
+OpName %main "main"
+OpName %BaseColor "BaseColor"
+OpName %bb_entry "bb.entry"
+OpName %v "v"
+OpDecorate %main LinkageAttributes "main" Export
+OpDecorate %cbuff DescriptorSet 0
+OpDecorate %cbuff Binding 0
+OpMemberDecorate %type_cbuff 0 Offset 0
+OpDecorate %type_cbuff Block
+OpDecorate %18 RelaxedPrecision
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%type_cbuff = OpTypeStruct %float
+%_ptr_Uniform_type_cbuff = OpTypePointer Uniform %type_cbuff
+%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float
+%9 = OpTypeFunction %v4float %_ptr_Function_v4float
+%_ptr_Uniform_float = OpTypePointer Uniform %float
+%cbuff = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_type_cbuff Uniform
+%main = OpFunction %v4float None %9
+%BaseColor = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float
+%bb_entry = OpLabel
+%v = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function
+%14 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor
+%16 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_float %cbuff %int_0
+%17 = OpLoad %float %16
+%18 = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4float %14 %17
+OpStore %v %18
+%19 = OpLoad %v4float %v
+OpReturnValue %19
+  const std::string after =
+      R"(OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpCapability Float16
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpSource HLSL 630
+OpName %type_cbuff "type.cbuff"
+OpMemberName %type_cbuff 0 "c"
+OpName %cbuff "cbuff"
+OpName %main "main"
+OpName %BaseColor "BaseColor"
+OpName %bb_entry "bb.entry"
+OpName %v "v"
+OpDecorate %main LinkageAttributes "main" Export
+OpDecorate %cbuff DescriptorSet 0
+OpDecorate %cbuff Binding 0
+OpMemberDecorate %type_cbuff 0 Offset 0
+OpDecorate %type_cbuff Block
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%type_cbuff = OpTypeStruct %float
+%_ptr_Uniform_type_cbuff = OpTypePointer Uniform %type_cbuff
+%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float
+%14 = OpTypeFunction %v4float %_ptr_Function_v4float
+%_ptr_Uniform_float = OpTypePointer Uniform %float
+%cbuff = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_type_cbuff Uniform
+%half = OpTypeFloat 16
+%v4half = OpTypeVector %half 4
+%main = OpFunction %v4float None %14
+%BaseColor = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float
+%bb_entry = OpLabel
+%v = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function
+%16 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor
+%17 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_float %cbuff %int_0
+%18 = OpLoad %float %17
+%22 = OpFConvert %v4half %16
+%23 = OpFConvert %half %18
+%7 = OpVectorTimesScalar %v4half %22 %23
+%24 = OpFConvert %v4float %7
+OpStore %v %24
+%19 = OpLoad %v4float %v
+OpReturnValue %19
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<ConvertToHalfPass>(before, after, true, true);
 TEST_F(ConvertToHalfTest, ConvertToHalfWithDrefSample) {
   // The resulting SPIR-V was processed with --relax-float-ops.
@@ -1397,6 +1489,87 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(Pass::Status::SuccessWithChange, std::get<1>(result));
+TEST_F(ConvertToHalfTest, HandleNonRelaxedPhi) {
+  // See
+  // This test is a case with a non-relaxed phi with a relaxed operand.
+  // A convert must be inserted at the end of the block associated with
+  // the operand.
+  const std::string test =
+      R"(
+; CHECK: [[fcvt:%\w+]] = OpFConvert %v3float {{%\w+}}
+; CHECK-NEXT: OpSelectionMerge {{%\w+}} None
+; CHECK: {{%\w+}} = OpPhi %v3float [[fcvt]] {{%\w+}} {{%\w+}} {{%\w+}}
+               OpCapability Shader
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %output_color
+               OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
+               OpSource GLSL 450
+               OpName %main "main"
+               OpName %MaterialParams "MaterialParams"
+               OpMemberName %MaterialParams 0 "foo"
+               OpName %materialParams "materialParams"
+               OpName %output_color "output_color"
+               OpMemberDecorate %MaterialParams 0 Offset 0
+               OpDecorate %MaterialParams Block
+               OpDecorate %materialParams DescriptorSet 0
+               OpDecorate %materialParams Binding 5
+               OpDecorate %output_color Location 0
+               OpDecorate %57 RelaxedPrecision
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+          %3 = OpTypeFunction %void
+      %float = OpTypeFloat 32
+    %v3float = OpTypeVector %float 3
+%MaterialParams = OpTypeStruct %float
+%_ptr_Uniform_MaterialParams = OpTypePointer Uniform %MaterialParams
+%materialParams = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_MaterialParams Uniform
+        %int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+      %int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+%_ptr_Uniform_float = OpTypePointer Uniform %float
+    %float_0 = OpConstant %float 0
+       %bool = OpTypeBool
+    %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
+%output_color = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
+       %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
+     %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
+%_ptr_Output_float = OpTypePointer Output %float
+     %uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
+     %uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2
+  %float_0_5 = OpConstant %float 0.5
+         %61 = OpConstantComposite %v3float %float_0_5 %float_0_5 %float_0_5
+       %main = OpFunction %void None %3
+          %5 = OpLabel
+         %55 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_float %materialParams %int_0
+         %56 = OpLoad %float %55
+         %57 = OpCompositeConstruct %v3float %56 %56 %56
+         %31 = OpFOrdGreaterThan %bool %56 %float_0
+               OpSelectionMerge %33 None
+               OpBranchConditional %31 %32 %33
+         %32 = OpLabel
+         %37 = OpFMul %v3float %57 %61
+               OpBranch %33
+         %33 = OpLabel
+         %58 = OpPhi %v3float %57 %5 %37 %32
+         %45 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Output_float %output_color %uint_0
+         %46 = OpCompositeExtract %float %58 0
+               OpStore %45 %46
+         %48 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Output_float %output_color %uint_1
+         %49 = OpCompositeExtract %float %58 1
+               OpStore %48 %49
+         %51 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Output_float %output_color %uint_2
+         %52 = OpCompositeExtract %float %58 2
+               OpStore %51 %52
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  auto result = SinglePassRunAndMatch<ConvertToHalfPass>(test, true);
+  EXPECT_EQ(Pass::Status::SuccessWithChange, std::get<1>(result));
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace opt
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/opt/copy_prop_array_test.cpp b/test/opt/copy_prop_array_test.cpp
index 72bc7f6..a4599f0 100644
--- a/test/opt/copy_prop_array_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/copy_prop_array_test.cpp
@@ -1814,6 +1814,31 @@
   SinglePassRunAndMatch<CopyPropagateArrays>(before, false);
+TEST_F(CopyPropArrayPassTest, FunctionDeclaration) {
+  // Make sure the pass works with a function declaration that is called.
+  const std::string text = R"(OpCapability Addresses
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpCapability Kernel
+OpCapability Int8
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "OpenCL.std"
+OpMemoryModel Physical64 OpenCL
+OpEntryPoint Kernel %2 "_Z23julia__1166_kernel_77094Bool"
+OpExecutionMode %2 ContractionOff
+OpSource Unknown 0
+OpDecorate %3 LinkageAttributes "julia_error_7712" Import
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%5 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%3 = OpFunction %void None %5
+%2 = OpFunction %void None %5
+%6 = OpLabel
+%7 = OpFunctionCall %void %3
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<CopyPropagateArrays>(text, text, false);
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace opt
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/opt/dead_branch_elim_test.cpp b/test/opt/dead_branch_elim_test.cpp
index f89befb..9c1ef2a 100644
--- a/test/opt/dead_branch_elim_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/dead_branch_elim_test.cpp
@@ -3403,6 +3403,71 @@
   SinglePassRunAndMatch<DeadBranchElimPass>(text, true);
+TEST_F(DeadBranchElimTest, DontTransferDecorations) {
+  // When replacing %4 with %14, we don't want %14 to inherit %4's decorations.
+  const std::string text = R"(
+; CHECK-NOT: OpDecorate {{%\w+}} RelaxedPrecision
+; CHECK: [[div:%\w+]] = OpFDiv
+; CHECK: {{%\w+}} = OpCopyObject %float [[div]]
+               OpCapability Shader
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %2 "main"
+               OpExecutionMode %2 OriginUpperLeft
+          %3 = OpString "STEVEN"
+               OpDecorate %4 RelaxedPrecision
+      %float = OpTypeFloat 32
+       %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+    %float_1 = OpConstant %float 1
+     %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
+         %10 = OpTypeFunction %void
+          %2 = OpFunction %void None %10
+         %11 = OpLabel
+               OpSelectionMerge %12 None
+               OpSwitch %uint_0 %13
+         %13 = OpLabel
+         %14 = OpFDiv %float %float_1 %float_1
+               OpLine %3 0 0
+               OpBranch %12
+         %15 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %12
+         %12 = OpLabel
+          %4 = OpPhi %float %float_1 %15 %14 %13
+         %16 = OpCopyObject %float %4
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<DeadBranchElimPass>(text, true);
+TEST_F(DeadBranchElimTest, FunctionDeclaration) {
+  // Make sure the pass works with a function declaration that is called.
+  const std::string text = R"(OpCapability Addresses
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpCapability Kernel
+OpCapability Int8
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "OpenCL.std"
+OpMemoryModel Physical64 OpenCL
+OpEntryPoint Kernel %2 "_Z23julia__1166_kernel_77094Bool"
+OpExecutionMode %2 ContractionOff
+OpSource Unknown 0
+OpDecorate %3 LinkageAttributes "julia_error_7712" Import
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%5 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%3 = OpFunction %void None %5
+%2 = OpFunction %void None %5
+%6 = OpLabel
+%7 = OpFunctionCall %void %3
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<DeadBranchElimPass>(text, text, false);
 // TODO(greg-lunarg): Add tests to verify handling of these cases:
 //    More complex control flow
diff --git a/test/opt/dead_insert_elim_test.cpp b/test/opt/dead_insert_elim_test.cpp
index 9ea948a..268e659 100644
--- a/test/opt/dead_insert_elim_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/dead_insert_elim_test.cpp
@@ -170,6 +170,72 @@
                                             after_predefs + after, true, true);
+TEST_F(DeadInsertElimTest, DeadInsertForLinkage) {
+  const std::string before =
+      R"(OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpSource HLSL 630
+OpName %main "main"
+OpName %BaseColor "BaseColor"
+OpName %bb_entry "bb.entry"
+OpName %v "v"
+OpDecorate %main LinkageAttributes "main" Export
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
+%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
+%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%float_0 = OpConstant %float 0
+%v2float = OpTypeVector %float 2
+%_ptr_Function_v2float = OpTypePointer Function %v2float
+%14 = OpTypeFunction %v2float %_ptr_Function_v2float
+%_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float
+%main = OpFunction %v2float None %14
+%BaseColor = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v2float
+%bb_entry = OpLabel
+%v = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v2float Function
+%16 = OpLoad %v2float %v
+%17 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %BaseColor %int_1
+%18 = OpLoad %float %17
+%19 = OpCompositeInsert %v2float %18 %16 0
+%20 = OpCompositeInsert %v2float %float_0 %19 0
+OpReturnValue %20
+  const std::string after =
+      R"(OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpSource HLSL 630
+OpName %main "main"
+OpName %BaseColor "BaseColor"
+OpName %bb_entry "bb.entry"
+OpName %v "v"
+OpDecorate %main LinkageAttributes "main" Export
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
+%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%float_0 = OpConstant %float 0
+%v2float = OpTypeVector %float 2
+%_ptr_Function_v2float = OpTypePointer Function %v2float
+%14 = OpTypeFunction %v2float %_ptr_Function_v2float
+%_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float
+%main = OpFunction %v2float None %14
+%BaseColor = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v2float
+%bb_entry = OpLabel
+%v = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v2float Function
+%16 = OpLoad %v2float %v
+%20 = OpCompositeInsert %v2float %float_0 %16 0
+OpReturnValue %20
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<DeadInsertElimPass>(before, after, true, true);
 TEST_F(DeadInsertElimTest, DeadInsertInChainWithPhi) {
   // Dead insert eliminated with phi in insertion chain.
diff --git a/test/opt/debug_info_manager_test.cpp b/test/opt/debug_info_manager_test.cpp
index 49407fd..e87d0be 100644
--- a/test/opt/debug_info_manager_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/debug_info_manager_test.cpp
@@ -185,6 +185,122 @@
+TEST(DebugInfoManager, CreateDebugInlinedAtWithConstantManager) {
+  // Show that CreateDebugInlinedAt will use the Constant manager to generate
+  // its line operand if the Constant and DefUse managers are valid. This is
+  // proven by checking that the id for the line operand 7 is the same as the
+  // existing constant 7.
+  //
+  // int function1() {
+  //   return 1;
+  // }
+  //
+  // void main() {
+  //   function1();
+  // }
+  const std::string text = R"(OpCapability Shader
+OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main"
+OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
+%3 = OpString "parent3.hlsl"
+%8 = OpString "int"
+%19 = OpString "function1"
+%20 = OpString ""
+%26 = OpString "main"
+OpName %main "main"
+OpName %src_main "src.main"
+OpName %bb_entry "bb.entry"
+OpName %function1 "function1"
+OpName %bb_entry_0 "bb.entry"
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
+%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%uint_32 = OpConstant %uint 32
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%uint_4 = OpConstant %uint 4
+%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
+%uint_3 = OpConstant %uint 3
+%uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
+%uint_5 = OpConstant %uint 5
+%uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2
+%uint_17 = OpConstant %uint 17
+%uint_6 = OpConstant %uint 6
+%uint_13 = OpConstant %uint 13
+%100 = OpConstant %uint 7
+%31 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%42 = OpTypeFunction %int
+%10 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeBasic %8 %uint_32 %uint_4 %uint_0
+%13 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeFunction %uint_3 %10
+%15 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugSource %3
+%16 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugCompilationUnit %uint_1 %uint_4 %15 %uint_5
+%21 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugFunction %19 %13 %15 %uint_2 %uint_1 %16 %20 %uint_3 %uint_2
+%23 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLexicalBlock %15 %uint_2 %uint_17 %21
+%25 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeFunction %uint_3 %void
+%27 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugFunction %26 %25 %15 %uint_6 %uint_1 %16 %20 %uint_3 %uint_6
+%29 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLexicalBlock %15 %uint_6 %uint_13 %27
+%main = OpFunction %void None %31
+%32 = OpLabel
+%33 = OpFunctionCall %void %src_main
+OpLine %3 8 1
+OpLine %3 6 1
+%src_main = OpFunction %void None %31
+%bb_entry = OpLabel
+%47 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %27
+%37 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugFunctionDefinition %27 %src_main
+%48 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %29
+OpLine %3 7 3
+%39 = OpFunctionCall %int %function1
+%49 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %27
+OpLine %3 8 1
+%50 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugNoScope
+OpLine %3 2 1
+%function1 = OpFunction %int None %42
+%bb_entry_0 = OpLabel
+%51 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %21
+%45 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugFunctionDefinition %21 %function1
+%52 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %23
+OpLine %3 3 3
+OpReturnValue %int_1
+%53 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugNoScope
+  )";
+  std::unique_ptr<IRContext> context =
+      BuildModule(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1, nullptr, text,
+  const uint32_t line_number = 7U;
+  Instruction line(context.get(), SpvOpLine);
+  line.SetInOperands({
+      {spv_operand_type_t::SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_ID, {5U}},
+      {spv_operand_type_t::SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_LITERAL_INTEGER, {line_number}},
+      {spv_operand_type_t::SPV_OPERAND_TYPE_LITERAL_INTEGER, {0U}},
+  });
+  DebugScope scope(29U, 0U);
+  auto db_manager = context.get()->get_debug_info_mgr();
+  auto du_manager = context.get()->get_def_use_mgr();
+  auto c_manager = context.get()->get_constant_mgr();
+  (void)du_manager;
+  (void)c_manager;
+  uint32_t inlined_at_id = db_manager->CreateDebugInlinedAt(&line, scope);
+  auto* inlined_at = db_manager->GetDebugInlinedAt(inlined_at_id);
+  EXPECT_NE(inlined_at, nullptr);
+  EXPECT_EQ(inlined_at->GetSingleWordOperand(kDebugInlinedAtOperandLineIndex),
+            100);
 TEST(DebugInfoManager, GetDebugInfoNone) {
   const std::string text = R"(
                OpCapability Shader
diff --git a/test/opt/desc_sroa_test.cpp b/test/opt/desc_sroa_test.cpp
index b35ad47..dcb625d 100644
--- a/test/opt/desc_sroa_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/desc_sroa_test.cpp
@@ -770,6 +770,69 @@
   SinglePassRunAndMatch<DescriptorScalarReplacement>(shader, true);
+TEST_F(DescriptorScalarReplacementTest, MemberDecorationForResourceStruct) {
+  // Check that an OpMemberDecorate instruction is correctly converted to a
+  // OpDecorate instruction.
+  const std::string shader = R"(
+; CHECK: OpDecorate [[t:%\w+]] DescriptorSet 0
+; CHECK: OpDecorate [[t]] Binding 0
+; CHECK: OpDecorate [[t]] RelaxedPrecision
+; CHECK: OpDecorate [[s:%\w+]] DescriptorSet 0
+; CHECK: OpDecorate [[s]] Binding 1
+               OpCapability Shader
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %PSMain "PSMain" %in_var_TEXCOORD %out_var_SV_Target
+               OpExecutionMode %PSMain OriginUpperLeft
+               OpSource HLSL 600
+               OpName %sampler2D_h "sampler2D_h"
+               OpMemberName %sampler2D_h 0 "t"
+               OpMemberName %sampler2D_h 1 "s"
+               OpName %type_2d_image "type.2d.image"
+               OpName %type_sampler "type.sampler"
+               OpName %_MainTex "_MainTex"
+               OpName %in_var_TEXCOORD "in.var.TEXCOORD"
+               OpName %out_var_SV_Target "out.var.SV_Target"
+               OpName %PSMain "PSMain"
+               OpName %type_sampled_image "type.sampled.image"
+               OpDecorate %in_var_TEXCOORD Location 0
+               OpDecorate %out_var_SV_Target Location 0
+               OpDecorate %_MainTex DescriptorSet 0
+               OpDecorate %_MainTex Binding 0
+               OpMemberDecorate %sampler2D_h 0 RelaxedPrecision
+               OpDecorate %out_var_SV_Target RelaxedPrecision
+               OpDecorate %69 RelaxedPrecision
+      %float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%type_2d_image = OpTypeImage %float 2D 2 0 0 1 Unknown
+%type_sampler = OpTypeSampler
+%sampler2D_h = OpTypeStruct %type_2d_image %type_sampler
+%_ptr_UniformConstant_sampler2D_h = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %sampler2D_h
+    %v2float = OpTypeVector %float 2
+%_ptr_Input_v2float = OpTypePointer Input %v2float
+    %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+         %35 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%type_sampled_image = OpTypeSampledImage %type_2d_image
+   %_MainTex = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_sampler2D_h UniformConstant
+%in_var_TEXCOORD = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v2float Input
+%out_var_SV_Target = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
+     %PSMain = OpFunction %void None %35
+         %43 = OpLabel
+         %44 = OpLoad %v2float %in_var_TEXCOORD
+         %57 = OpLoad %sampler2D_h %_MainTex
+         %72 = OpCompositeExtract %type_2d_image %57 0
+         %73 = OpCompositeExtract %type_sampler %57 1
+         %68 = OpSampledImage %type_sampled_image %72 %73
+         %69 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %68 %44 None
+               OpStore %out_var_SV_Target %69
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<DescriptorScalarReplacement>(shader, true);
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace opt
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/opt/eliminate_dead_member_test.cpp b/test/opt/eliminate_dead_member_test.cpp
index 7887433..e277999 100644
--- a/test/opt/eliminate_dead_member_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/eliminate_dead_member_test.cpp
@@ -626,6 +626,67 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(opt::Pass::Status::SuccessWithoutChange, std::get<1>(result));
+TEST_F(EliminateDeadMemberTest, KeepStorageBufferMembers) {
+  // Test that all members of the storage buffer struct %S are kept.
+  // No change expected.
+  const std::string text = R"(
+               OpCapability Shader
+               OpExtension "SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1"
+               OpExtension "SPV_GOOGLE_user_type"
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %PSMain "PSMain" %out_var_SV_TARGET
+               OpExecutionMode %PSMain OriginUpperLeft
+               OpSource HLSL 600
+               OpName %type_StructuredBuffer_S "type.StructuredBuffer.S"
+               OpName %S "S"
+               OpMemberName %S 0 "A"
+               OpMemberName %S 1 "B"
+               OpName %Buf "Buf"
+               OpName %out_var_SV_TARGET "out.var.SV_TARGET"
+               OpName %PSMain "PSMain"
+               OpDecorateString %out_var_SV_TARGET UserSemantic "SV_TARGET"
+               OpDecorate %out_var_SV_TARGET Location 0
+               OpDecorate %Buf DescriptorSet 0
+               OpDecorate %Buf Binding 0
+               OpMemberDecorate %S 0 Offset 0
+               OpMemberDecorate %S 1 Offset 16
+               OpDecorate %_runtimearr_S ArrayStride 32
+               OpMemberDecorate %type_StructuredBuffer_S 0 Offset 0
+               OpMemberDecorate %type_StructuredBuffer_S 0 NonWritable
+               OpDecorate %type_StructuredBuffer_S BufferBlock
+               OpDecorateString %Buf UserTypeGOOGLE "structuredbuffer"
+        %int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+      %int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+       %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
+     %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
+      %int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
+      %float = OpTypeFloat 32
+    %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+          %S = OpTypeStruct %v4float %v4float
+%_runtimearr_S = OpTypeRuntimeArray %S
+%type_StructuredBuffer_S = OpTypeStruct %_runtimearr_S
+%_ptr_Uniform_type_StructuredBuffer_S = OpTypePointer Uniform %type_StructuredBuffer_S
+%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+         %18 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%_ptr_Uniform_v4float = OpTypePointer Uniform %v4float
+        %Buf = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_type_StructuredBuffer_S Uniform
+%out_var_SV_TARGET = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
+     %PSMain = OpFunction %void None %18
+         %20 = OpLabel
+         %21 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_v4float %Buf %int_0 %uint_0 %int_1
+         %22 = OpLoad %v4float %21
+               OpStore %out_var_SV_TARGET %22
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  auto result = SinglePassRunAndDisassemble<opt::EliminateDeadMembersPass>(
+      text, /* skip_nop = */ true, /* do_validation = */ true);
+  EXPECT_EQ(opt::Pass::Status::SuccessWithoutChange, std::get<1>(result));
 TEST_F(EliminateDeadMemberTest, KeepMembersOpCopyMemory) {
   // Test that all members are kept because of an OpCopyMemory.
   // No change expected.
diff --git a/test/opt/fold_test.cpp b/test/opt/fold_test.cpp
index da5b017..0487e78 100644
--- a/test/opt/fold_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/fold_test.cpp
@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@
 %int = OpTypeInt 32 1
 %long = OpTypeInt 64 1
 %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%ulong = OpTypeInt 64 0
 %v2int = OpTypeVector %int 2
 %v4int = OpTypeVector %int 4
 %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
@@ -154,6 +155,7 @@
 %_ptr_double = OpTypePointer Function %double
 %_ptr_half = OpTypePointer Function %half
 %_ptr_long = OpTypePointer Function %long
+%_ptr_ulong = OpTypePointer Function %ulong
 %_ptr_v2int = OpTypePointer Function %v2int
 %_ptr_v4int = OpTypePointer Function %v4int
 %_ptr_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float
@@ -171,12 +173,23 @@
 %int_2 = OpConstant %int 2
 %int_3 = OpConstant %int 3
 %int_4 = OpConstant %int 4
+%int_10 = OpConstant %int 10
+%int_1073741824 = OpConstant %int 1073741824
+%int_n1 = OpConstant %int -1
 %int_n24 = OpConstant %int -24
+%int_n858993459 = OpConstant %int -858993459
 %int_min = OpConstant %int -2147483648
 %int_max = OpConstant %int 2147483647
 %long_0 = OpConstant %long 0
+%long_1 = OpConstant %long 1
 %long_2 = OpConstant %long 2
 %long_3 = OpConstant %long 3
+%long_10 = OpConstant %long 10
+%long_4611686018427387904 = OpConstant %long 4611686018427387904
+%long_n1 = OpConstant %long -1
+%long_n3689348814741910323 = OpConstant %long -3689348814741910323
+%long_min = OpConstant %long -9223372036854775808
+%long_max = OpConstant %long 9223372036854775807
 %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
 %uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
 %uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2
@@ -184,7 +197,13 @@
 %uint_4 = OpConstant %uint 4
 %uint_32 = OpConstant %uint 32
 %uint_42 = OpConstant %uint 42
+%uint_2147483649 = OpConstant %uint 2147483649
 %uint_max = OpConstant %uint 4294967295
+%ulong_0 = OpConstant %ulong 0
+%ulong_1 = OpConstant %ulong 1
+%ulong_2 = OpConstant %ulong 2
+%ulong_9223372036854775809 = OpConstant %ulong 9223372036854775809
+%ulong_max = OpConstant %ulong 18446744073709551615
 %v2int_undef = OpUndef %v2int
 %v2int_0_0 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_0 %int_0
 %v2int_1_0 = OpConstantComposite %v2int %int_1 %int_0
@@ -3589,7 +3608,19 @@
             "%4 = OpCompositeExtract %int %3 2\n" +
             "OpReturn\n" +
-        4, INT_0_ID)
+        4, INT_0_ID),
+    // Test case 15:
+    // Don't fold extract fed by construct with vector result if the index is
+    // past the last element.
+    InstructionFoldingCase<uint32_t>(
+        Header() + "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
+            "%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
+            "%2 = OpCompositeConstruct %v2int %int_0 %int_0\n" +
+            "%3 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4int %2 %100 %int_0\n" +
+            "%4 = OpCompositeExtract %int %3 4\n" +
+            "OpReturn\n" +
+            "OpFunctionEnd",
+        4, 0)
 INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(CompositeConstructFoldingTest, GeneralInstructionFoldingTest,
@@ -5572,7 +5603,109 @@
         "%5 = OpFMul %float %4 %2\n" +
         "OpReturn\n" +
-    5, true)
+    5, true),
+  // Test case 25: fold overflowing signed 32 bit imuls
+  // (x * 1073741824) * 2 = x * int_min
+  InstructionFoldingCase<bool>(
+    Header() +
+      "; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[int_min:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[int]] -2147483648\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[int]]\n" +
+      "; CHECK: %4 = OpIMul [[int]] [[ld]] [[int_min]]\n" +
+      "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
+      "%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
+      "%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
+      "%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
+      "%3 = OpIMul %int %2 %int_1073741824\n" +
+      "%4 = OpIMul %int %3 %int_2\n" +
+      "OpReturn\n" +
+      "OpFunctionEnd\n",
+    4, true),
+  // Test case 26: fold overflowing signed 64 bit imuls
+  // (x * 4611686018427387904) * 2 = x * long_min
+  InstructionFoldingCase<bool>(
+    Header() +
+      "; CHECK: [[long:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 64\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[long_min:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[long]] -9223372036854775808\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[long]]\n" +
+      "; CHECK: %4 = OpIMul [[long]] [[ld]] [[long_min]]\n" +
+      "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
+      "%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
+      "%var = OpVariable %_ptr_long Function\n" +
+      "%2 = OpLoad %long %var\n" +
+      "%3 = OpIMul %long %2 %long_4611686018427387904\n" +
+      "%4 = OpIMul %long %3 %long_2\n" +
+      "OpReturn\n" +
+      "OpFunctionEnd\n",
+    4, true),
+  // Test case 27: fold overflowing 32 bit unsigned imuls
+  // (x * 2147483649) * 2 = x * 2
+  InstructionFoldingCase<bool>(
+    Header() +
+      "; CHECK: [[uint:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[uint_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[uint]] 2\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[uint]]\n" +
+      "; CHECK: %4 = OpIMul [[uint]] [[ld]] [[uint_2]]\n" +
+      "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
+      "%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
+      "%var = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
+      "%2 = OpLoad %uint %var\n" +
+      "%3 = OpIMul %uint %2 %uint_2147483649\n" +
+      "%4 = OpIMul %uint %3 %uint_2\n" +
+      "OpReturn\n" +
+      "OpFunctionEnd\n",
+    4, true),
+  // Test case 28: fold overflowing 64 bit unsigned imuls
+  // (x * 9223372036854775809) * 2 = x * 2
+  InstructionFoldingCase<bool>(
+    Header() +
+      "; CHECK: [[ulong:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 64 0\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[ulong_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[ulong]] 2\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[ulong]]\n" +
+      "; CHECK: %4 = OpIMul [[ulong]] [[ld]] [[ulong_2]]\n" +
+      "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
+      "%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
+      "%var = OpVariable %_ptr_ulong Function\n" +
+      "%2 = OpLoad %ulong %var\n" +
+      "%3 = OpIMul %ulong %2 %ulong_9223372036854775809\n" +
+      "%4 = OpIMul %ulong %3 %ulong_2\n" +
+      "OpReturn\n" +
+      "OpFunctionEnd\n",
+    4, true),
+  // Test case 29: fold underflowing signed 32 bit imuls
+  // (x * (-858993459)) * 10 = x * 2
+  InstructionFoldingCase<bool>(
+    Header() +
+      "; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[int_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[int]] 2\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[int]]\n" +
+      "; CHECK: %4 = OpIMul [[int]] [[ld]] [[int_2]]\n" +
+      "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
+      "%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
+      "%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
+      "%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
+      "%3 = OpIMul %int %2 %int_n858993459\n" +
+      "%4 = OpIMul %int %3 %int_10\n" +
+      "OpReturn\n" +
+      "OpFunctionEnd\n",
+    4, true),
+  // Test case 30: fold underflowing signed 64 bit imuls
+  // (x * (-3689348814741910323)) * 10 = x * 2
+  InstructionFoldingCase<bool>(
+    Header() +
+      "; CHECK: [[long:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 64\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[long_2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[long]] 2\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[long]]\n" +
+      "; CHECK: %4 = OpIMul [[long]] [[ld]] [[long_2]]\n" +
+      "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
+      "%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
+      "%var = OpVariable %_ptr_long Function\n" +
+      "%2 = OpLoad %long %var\n" +
+      "%3 = OpIMul %long %2 %long_n3689348814741910323\n" +
+      "%4 = OpIMul %long %3 %long_10\n" +
+      "OpReturn\n" +
+      "OpFunctionEnd\n",
+    4, true)
 INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(MergeDivTest, MatchingInstructionFoldingTest,
@@ -5732,15 +5865,11 @@
       "OpReturn\n" +
     4, false),
-  // Test case 11: merge sdiv of snegate
-  // (-x) / 2 = x / -2
+  // Test case 11: Do not merge sdiv of snegate.  If %2 is INT_MIN, then the
+  // sign of %3 will be the same as %2.  This cannot be accounted for in OpSDiv.
+  // Specifically, (-INT_MIN) / 2 != INT_MIN / -2.
     Header() +
-      "; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" +
-      "; CHECK: OpConstant [[int]] -2147483648\n" +
-      "; CHECK: [[int_n2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[int]] -2{{[[:space:]]}}\n" +
-      "; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[int]]\n" +
-      "; CHECK: %4 = OpSDiv [[int]] [[ld]] [[int_n2]]\n" +
       "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
       "%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
       "%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
@@ -5749,16 +5878,12 @@
       "%4 = OpSDiv %int %3 %int_2\n" +
       "OpReturn\n" +
-    4, true),
-  // Test case 12: merge sdiv of snegate
-  // 2 / (-x) = -2 / x
+    4, false),
+  // Test case 12: Do not merge sdiv of snegate.  If %2 is INT_MIN, then the
+  // sign of %3 will be the same as %2.  This cannot be accounted for in OpSDiv.
+  // Specifically, 2 / (-INT_MIN) != -2 / INT_MIN.
     Header() +
-      "; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 1\n" +
-      "; CHECK: OpConstant [[int]] -2147483648\n" +
-      "; CHECK: [[int_n2:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[int]] -2{{[[:space:]]}}\n" +
-      "; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[int]]\n" +
-      "; CHECK: %4 = OpSDiv [[int]] [[int_n2]] [[ld]]\n" +
       "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
       "%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
       "%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
@@ -5767,7 +5892,7 @@
       "%4 = OpSDiv %int %int_2 %3\n" +
       "OpReturn\n" +
-    4, true),
+    4, false),
   // Test case 13: Don't merge
   // (x / {null}) / {null}
@@ -6052,6 +6177,108 @@
       "%4 = OpFAdd %float %float_2 %3\n" +
       "OpReturn\n" +
+    4, true),
+  // Test case 12: fold overflowing signed 32 bit iadds
+  // (x + int_max) + 1 = x + int_min
+  InstructionFoldingCase<bool>(
+    Header() +
+      "; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[int_min:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[int]] -2147483648\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[int]]\n" +
+      "; CHECK: %4 = OpIAdd [[int]] [[ld]] [[int_min]]\n" +
+      "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
+      "%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
+      "%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
+      "%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
+      "%3 = OpIAdd %int %2 %int_max\n" +
+      "%4 = OpIAdd %int %3 %int_1\n" +
+      "OpReturn\n" +
+      "OpFunctionEnd\n",
+    4, true),
+  // Test case 13: fold overflowing signed 64 bit iadds
+  // (x + long_max) + 1 = x + long_min
+  InstructionFoldingCase<bool>(
+    Header() +
+      "; CHECK: [[long:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 64\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[long_min:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[long]] -9223372036854775808\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[long]]\n" +
+      "; CHECK: %4 = OpIAdd [[long]] [[ld]] [[long_min]]\n" +
+      "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
+      "%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
+      "%var = OpVariable %_ptr_long Function\n" +
+      "%2 = OpLoad %long %var\n" +
+      "%3 = OpIAdd %long %2 %long_max\n" +
+      "%4 = OpIAdd %long %3 %long_1\n" +
+      "OpReturn\n" +
+      "OpFunctionEnd\n",
+    4, true),
+  // Test case 14: fold overflowing 32 bit unsigned iadds
+  // (x + uint_max) + 2 = x + 1
+  InstructionFoldingCase<bool>(
+    Header() +
+      "; CHECK: [[uint:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[uint_1:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[uint]] 1\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[uint]]\n" +
+      "; CHECK: %4 = OpIAdd [[uint]] [[ld]] [[uint_1]]\n" +
+      "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
+      "%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
+      "%var = OpVariable %_ptr_uint Function\n" +
+      "%2 = OpLoad %uint %var\n" +
+      "%3 = OpIAdd %uint %2 %uint_max\n" +
+      "%4 = OpIAdd %uint %3 %uint_2\n" +
+      "OpReturn\n" +
+      "OpFunctionEnd\n",
+    4, true),
+  // Test case 15: fold overflowing 64 bit unsigned iadds
+  // (x + ulong_max) + 2 = x + 1
+  InstructionFoldingCase<bool>(
+    Header() +
+      "; CHECK: [[ulong:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 64 0\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[ulong_1:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[ulong]] 1\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[ulong]]\n" +
+      "; CHECK: %4 = OpIAdd [[ulong]] [[ld]] [[ulong_1]]\n" +
+      "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
+      "%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
+      "%var = OpVariable %_ptr_ulong Function\n" +
+      "%2 = OpLoad %ulong %var\n" +
+      "%3 = OpIAdd %ulong %2 %ulong_max\n" +
+      "%4 = OpIAdd %ulong %3 %ulong_2\n" +
+      "OpReturn\n" +
+      "OpFunctionEnd\n",
+    4, true),
+  // Test case 16: fold underflowing signed 32 bit iadds
+  // (x + int_min) + (-1) = x + int_max
+  InstructionFoldingCase<bool>(
+    Header() +
+      "; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[int_max:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[int]] 2147483647\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[int]]\n" +
+      "; CHECK: %4 = OpIAdd [[int]] [[ld]] [[int_max]]\n" +
+      "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
+      "%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
+      "%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
+      "%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
+      "%3 = OpIAdd %int %2 %int_min\n" +
+      "%4 = OpIAdd %int %3 %int_n1\n" +
+      "OpReturn\n" +
+      "OpFunctionEnd\n",
+    4, true),
+  // Test case 17: fold underflowing signed 64 bit iadds
+  // (x + long_min) + (-1) = x + long_max
+  InstructionFoldingCase<bool>(
+    Header() +
+      "; CHECK: [[long:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 64\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[long_max:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[long]] 9223372036854775807\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[long]]\n" +
+      "; CHECK: %4 = OpIAdd [[long]] [[ld]] [[long_max]]\n" +
+      "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
+      "%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
+      "%var = OpVariable %_ptr_long Function\n" +
+      "%2 = OpLoad %long %var\n" +
+      "%3 = OpIAdd %long %2 %long_min\n" +
+      "%4 = OpIAdd %long %3 %long_n1\n" +
+      "OpReturn\n" +
+      "OpFunctionEnd\n",
     4, true)
@@ -6420,6 +6647,40 @@
       "%4 = OpISub %int %int_2 %3\n" +
       "OpReturn\n" +
+    4, true),
+  // Test case 14: fold overflowing signed 32 bit isubs
+  // (x - int_max) - 1 = x - int_min
+  InstructionFoldingCase<bool>(
+    Header() +
+      "; CHECK: [[int:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 32\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[int_min:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[int]] -2147483648\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[int]]\n" +
+      "; CHECK: %4 = OpISub [[int]] [[ld]] [[int_min]]\n" +
+      "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
+      "%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
+      "%var = OpVariable %_ptr_int Function\n" +
+      "%2 = OpLoad %int %var\n" +
+      "%3 = OpISub %int %2 %int_max\n" +
+      "%4 = OpISub %int %3 %int_1\n" +
+      "OpReturn\n" +
+      "OpFunctionEnd\n",
+    4, true),
+  // Test case 15: fold overflowing signed 64 bit isubs
+  // (x - long_max) - 1 = x - long_min
+  InstructionFoldingCase<bool>(
+    Header() +
+      "; CHECK: [[long:%\\w+]] = OpTypeInt 64\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[long_min:%\\w+]] = OpConstant [[long]] -9223372036854775808\n" +
+      "; CHECK: [[ld:%\\w+]] = OpLoad [[long]]\n" +
+      "; CHECK: %4 = OpISub [[long]] [[ld]] [[long_min]]\n" +
+      "%main = OpFunction %void None %void_func\n" +
+      "%main_lab = OpLabel\n" +
+      "%var = OpVariable %_ptr_long Function\n" +
+      "%2 = OpLoad %long %var\n" +
+      "%3 = OpISub %long %2 %long_max\n" +
+      "%4 = OpISub %long %3 %long_1\n" +
+      "OpReturn\n" +
+      "OpFunctionEnd\n",
     4, true)
diff --git a/test/opt/inline_opaque_test.cpp b/test/opt/inline_opaque_test.cpp
index 8cb8925..e4db432 100644
--- a/test/opt/inline_opaque_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/inline_opaque_test.cpp
@@ -226,6 +226,115 @@
       predefs + before + post_defs, predefs + after + post_defs, true, true);
+TEST_F(InlineOpaqueTest, InlineOpaqueForLinkage) {
+  const std::string predefs_1 =
+      R"(OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpSource HLSL 630
+OpName %main "main"
+OpName %S_t "S_t"
+OpMemberName %S_t 0 "v0"
+OpMemberName %S_t 1 "v1"
+OpMemberName %S_t 2 "smp"
+OpName %foo_struct_S_t_vf2_vf21_ "foo(struct-S_t-vf2-vf21;"
+OpName %s "s"
+OpName %outColor "outColor"
+OpName %sampler15 "sampler15"
+OpName %s0 "s0"
+OpName %texCoords "texCoords"
+OpName %param "param"
+OpDecorate %main LinkageAttributes "main" Export
+  const std::string name = R"(OpName %return_value "return_value"
+  const std::string predefs_2 = R"(OpDecorate %sampler15 DescriptorSet 0
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%13 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%v2float = OpTypeVector %float 2
+%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
+%outColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
+%18 = OpTypeImage %float 2D 0 0 0 1 Unknown
+%19 = OpTypeSampledImage %18
+%S_t = OpTypeStruct %v2float %v2float %19
+%_ptr_Function_S_t = OpTypePointer Function %S_t
+%21 = OpTypeFunction %void %_ptr_Function_S_t
+%_ptr_UniformConstant_19 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %19
+%_ptr_Function_19 = OpTypePointer Function %19
+%sampler15 = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_19 UniformConstant
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+%int_2 = OpConstant %int 2
+%_ptr_Function_v2float = OpTypePointer Function %v2float
+%_ptr_Input_v2float = OpTypePointer Input %v2float
+%texCoords = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v2float Input
+  const std::string before =
+      R"(%main = OpFunction %void None %13
+%29 = OpLabel
+%s0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_S_t Function
+%param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_S_t Function
+%30 = OpLoad %v2float %texCoords
+%31 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_v2float %s0 %int_0
+OpStore %31 %30
+%32 = OpLoad %19 %sampler15
+%33 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_19 %s0 %int_2
+OpStore %33 %32
+%34 = OpLoad %S_t %s0
+OpStore %param %34
+%return_value = OpFunctionCall %void %foo_struct_S_t_vf2_vf21_ %param
+  const std::string after =
+      R"(%main = OpFunction %void None %13
+%29 = OpLabel
+%s0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_S_t Function
+%param = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_S_t Function
+%30 = OpLoad %v2float %texCoords
+%31 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_v2float %s0 %int_0
+OpStore %31 %30
+%32 = OpLoad %19 %sampler15
+%33 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_19 %s0 %int_2
+OpStore %33 %32
+%34 = OpLoad %S_t %s0
+OpStore %param %34
+%42 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_19 %param %int_2
+%43 = OpLoad %19 %42
+%44 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_v2float %param %int_0
+%45 = OpLoad %v2float %44
+%46 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %43 %45
+OpStore %outColor %46
+  const std::string post_defs =
+      R"(%foo_struct_S_t_vf2_vf21_ = OpFunction %void None %21
+%s = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_S_t
+%35 = OpLabel
+%36 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_19 %s %int_2
+%37 = OpLoad %19 %36
+%38 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_v2float %s %int_0
+%39 = OpLoad %v2float %38
+%40 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %37 %39
+OpStore %outColor %40
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineOpaquePass>(
+      predefs_1 + name + predefs_2 + before + post_defs,
+      predefs_1 + predefs_2 + after + post_defs, true, true);
 TEST_F(InlineOpaqueTest, InlineInNonEntryPointFunction) {
   // This demonstrates opaque inlining in a function that is not
   // an entry point function (main2) but is in the call tree of an
diff --git a/test/opt/inline_test.cpp b/test/opt/inline_test.cpp
index 2939901..d22f027 100644
--- a/test/opt/inline_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/inline_test.cpp
@@ -2300,7 +2300,6 @@
 OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
 OpEntryPoint Fragment %1 "main"
 OpExecutionMode %1 OriginUpperLeft
-OpDecorate %2 DescriptorSet 439418829
 %void = OpTypeVoid
 %4 = OpTypeFunction %void
 %float = OpTypeFloat 32
@@ -2330,7 +2329,6 @@
 OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
 OpEntryPoint Fragment %1 "main"
 OpExecutionMode %1 OriginUpperLeft
-OpDecorate %2 DescriptorSet 439418829
 %void = OpTypeVoid
 %4 = OpTypeFunction %void
 %float = OpTypeFloat 32
@@ -2581,6 +2579,132 @@
   SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>(before, after, false, true);
+TEST_F(InlineTest, InlineForLinkage) {
+  const std::string before =
+      R"(OpCapability SampledBuffer
+OpCapability ImageBuffer
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpSource HLSL 630
+OpName %type_buffer_image "type.buffer.image"
+OpName %output "output"
+OpName %main "main"
+OpName %color "color"
+OpName %bb_entry "bb.entry"
+OpName %param_var_color "param.var.color"
+OpName %fn "fn"
+OpName %color_0 "color"
+OpName %bb_entry_0 "bb.entry"
+OpName %v "v"
+OpDecorate %main LinkageAttributes "main" Export
+OpDecorate %output DescriptorSet 0
+OpDecorate %output Binding 1
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%float_0_200000003 = OpConstant %float 0.200000003
+%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%6 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_0_200000003 %float_0_200000003 %float_0_200000003 %float_0_200000003
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+%type_buffer_image = OpTypeImage %float Buffer 2 0 0 2 Rgba32f
+%_ptr_UniformConstant_type_buffer_image = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %type_buffer_image
+%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float
+%11 = OpTypeFunction %float %_ptr_Function_v4float
+%_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float
+%output = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_buffer_image UniformConstant
+%main = OpFunction %float None %11
+%color = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float
+%bb_entry = OpLabel
+%param_var_color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function
+%16 = OpLoad %v4float %color
+OpStore %param_var_color %16
+%17 = OpFunctionCall %float %fn %param_var_color
+OpReturnValue %17
+%fn = OpFunction %float None %11
+%color_0 = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float
+%bb_entry_0 = OpLabel
+%v = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function
+%22 = OpLoad %v4float %color_0
+OpStore %v %22
+%23 = OpLoad %v4float %v
+%24 = OpFMul %v4float %23 %6
+OpStore %v %24
+%26 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %v %int_0
+%27 = OpLoad %float %26
+OpReturnValue %27
+      )";
+  const std::string after =
+      R"(OpCapability SampledBuffer
+OpCapability ImageBuffer
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpSource HLSL 630
+OpName %type_buffer_image "type.buffer.image"
+OpName %output "output"
+OpName %main "main"
+OpName %color "color"
+OpName %bb_entry "bb.entry"
+OpName %param_var_color "param.var.color"
+OpName %fn "fn"
+OpName %color_0 "color"
+OpName %bb_entry_0 "bb.entry"
+OpName %v "v"
+OpDecorate %main LinkageAttributes "main" Export
+OpDecorate %output DescriptorSet 0
+OpDecorate %output Binding 1
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%float_0_200000003 = OpConstant %float 0.200000003
+%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%6 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_0_200000003 %float_0_200000003 %float_0_200000003 %float_0_200000003
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+%type_buffer_image = OpTypeImage %float Buffer 2 0 0 2 Rgba32f
+%_ptr_UniformConstant_type_buffer_image = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %type_buffer_image
+%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float
+%11 = OpTypeFunction %float %_ptr_Function_v4float
+%_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float
+%output = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_buffer_image UniformConstant
+%main = OpFunction %float None %11
+%color = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float
+%bb_entry = OpLabel
+%28 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function
+%29 = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function
+%param_var_color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function
+%16 = OpLoad %v4float %color
+OpStore %param_var_color %16
+%31 = OpLoad %v4float %param_var_color
+OpStore %28 %31
+%32 = OpLoad %v4float %28
+%33 = OpFMul %v4float %32 %6
+OpStore %28 %33
+%34 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %28 %int_0
+%35 = OpLoad %float %34
+OpStore %29 %35
+%17 = OpLoad %float %29
+OpReturnValue %17
+%fn = OpFunction %float None %11
+%color_0 = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float
+%bb_entry_0 = OpLabel
+%v = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function
+%22 = OpLoad %v4float %color_0
+OpStore %v %22
+%23 = OpLoad %v4float %v
+%24 = OpFMul %v4float %23 %6
+OpStore %v %24
+%26 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Function_float %v %int_0
+%27 = OpLoad %float %26
+OpReturnValue %27
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<InlineExhaustivePass>(before, after, false, true);
 TEST_F(InlineTest, InlineFuncWithOpTerminateRayNotInContinue) {
   const std::string text =
@@ -3259,6 +3383,82 @@
   SinglePassRunAndMatch<InlineExhaustivePass>(text, true);
+TEST_F(InlineTest, ShaderDebugSimple) {
+  // Same as DebugSimple but for NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100.
+  const std::string text = R"(
+; CHECK: [[main_name:%\d+]] = OpString "main"
+; CHECK: [[foo_name:%\d+]] = OpString "foo"
+; CHECK: [[dbg_main:%\d+]] = OpExtInst %void {{%\d+}} DebugFunction [[main_name]] {{%\d+}} {{%\d+}} %uint_4 %uint_1 {{%\d+}} [[main_name]] %uint_3 %uint_4
+; CHECK: [[dbg_foo:%\d+]] = OpExtInst %void {{%\d+}} DebugFunction [[foo_name]] {{%\d+}} {{%\d+}} %uint_1 %uint_1 {{%\d+}} [[foo_name]] %uint_3 %uint_1
+; CHECK: [[foo_bb:%\d+]] = OpExtInst %void {{%\d+}} DebugLexicalBlock {{%\d+}} %uint_1 %uint_14 [[dbg_foo]]
+; CHECK: [[inlined_at:%\d+]] = OpExtInst %void {{%\d+}} DebugInlinedAt %uint_4 [[dbg_main]]
+; CHECK: [[main:%\d+]] = OpFunction %void None
+; CHECK: {{%\d+}} = OpExtInst %void {{%\d+}} DebugScope [[foo_bb]] [[inlined_at]]
+; CHECK: [[foo:%\d+]] = OpFunction %v4float None
+               OpCapability Shader
+               OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %3 %4
+               OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
+          %5 = OpString "ps.hlsl"
+               OpSource HLSL 600 %5
+          %6 = OpString "float"
+  %main_name = OpString "main"
+   %foo_name = OpString "foo"
+               OpDecorate %3 Location 0
+               OpDecorate %4 Location 0
+       %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
+     %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
+     %uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
+     %uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2
+     %uint_3 = OpConstant %uint 3
+     %uint_4 = OpConstant %uint 4
+     %uint_5 = OpConstant %uint 5
+    %uint_14 = OpConstant %uint 14
+    %uint_32 = OpConstant %uint 32
+      %float = OpTypeFloat 32
+    %float_1 = OpConstant %float 1
+    %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+         %14 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_1 %float_1 %float_1 %float_1
+%_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float
+%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+         %18 = OpTypeFunction %void
+         %19 = OpTypeFunction %v4float
+          %3 = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input
+          %4 = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
+         %20 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugSource %5
+         %21 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugCompilationUnit %uint_1 %uint_4 %20 %uint_5
+         %22 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeBasic %6 %uint_32 %uint_3 %uint_0
+         %23 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeVector %22 %uint_4
+         %24 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeFunction %uint_3 %23 %23
+         %25 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeFunction %uint_3 %23
+   %dbg_main = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugFunction %main_name %24 %20 %uint_4 %uint_1 %21 %main_name %uint_3 %uint_4
+    %dbg_foo = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugFunction %foo_name %25 %20 %uint_1 %uint_1 %21 %foo_name %uint_3 %uint_1
+         %29 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLexicalBlock %20 %uint_1 %uint_14 %dbg_foo
+       %main = OpFunction %void None %18
+         %30 = OpLabel
+%dbg_main_def = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugFunctionDefinition %dbg_main %main
+         %31 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %dbg_main
+         %32 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %foo
+         %33 = OpLoad %v4float %3
+         %34 = OpFAdd %v4float %32 %33
+               OpStore %4 %34
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+        %foo = OpFunction %v4float None %19
+         %36 = OpLabel
+%dbg_foo_def = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugFunctionDefinition %dbg_foo %foo
+         %35 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %dbg_foo
+         %37 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %29
+               OpReturnValue %14
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<InlineExhaustivePass>(text, true);
 TEST_F(InlineTest, DebugNested) {
   // When function main() calls function zoo() and function zoo() calls
   // function bar() and function bar() calls function foo(), check that
@@ -3462,6 +3662,103 @@
   SinglePassRunAndMatch<InlineExhaustivePass>(text, true);
+TEST_F(InlineTest, ShaderDebugSimpleHLSLPixelShader) {
+  // Same as DebugSimpleHLSLPixelShader but for
+  // NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100.
+  const std::string text = R"(
+; CHECK: [[dbg_main:%\d+]] = OpExtInst %void [[ext:%\d+]] DebugFunction {{%\d+}} {{%\d+}} {{%\d+}} %uint_1 %uint_1 {{%\d+}} {{%\d+}} %uint_3 %uint_1
+; CHECK: [[lex_blk:%\d+]] = OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugLexicalBlock {{%\d+}} %uint_1 %uint_47 [[dbg_main]]
+; CHECK: %main = OpFunction %void None
+; CHECK: {{%\d+}} = OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugScope [[dbg_main]]
+; CHECK: {{%\d+}} = OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugDeclare {{%\d+}} %param_var_color
+; CHECK: {{%\d+}} = OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugScope [[lex_blk]]
+; CHECK: {{%\d+}} = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLine {{%\d+}} %uint_2 %uint_2 %uint_10 %uint_10
+; CHECK: {{%\d+}} = OpLoad %v4float %param_var_color
+; CHECK: {{%\d+}} = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLine {{%\d+}} %uint_2 %uint_2 %uint_3 %uint_3
+; CHECK: OpFunctionEnd
+; CHECK: %src_main = OpFunction %v4float None
+               OpCapability Shader
+               OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %in_var_COLOR %out_var_SV_TARGET
+               OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
+          %5 = OpString "ps.hlsl"
+               OpSource HLSL 600 %5
+         %14 = OpString "#line 1 \"ps.hlsl\"
+float4 main(float4 color : COLOR) : SV_TARGET {
+  return color;
+         %17 = OpString "float"
+         %21 = OpString "src.main"
+         %24 = OpString "color"
+               OpName %in_var_COLOR "in.var.COLOR"
+               OpName %out_var_SV_TARGET "out.var.SV_TARGET"
+               OpName %main "main"
+               OpName %param_var_color "param.var.color"
+               OpName %src_main "src.main"
+               OpName %color "color"
+               OpName %bb_entry "bb.entry"
+               OpDecorate %in_var_COLOR Location 0
+               OpDecorate %out_var_SV_TARGET Location 0
+       %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
+     %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
+     %uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
+     %uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2
+     %uint_3 = OpConstant %uint 3
+     %uint_4 = OpConstant %uint 4
+     %uint_5 = OpConstant %uint 5
+    %uint_10 = OpConstant %uint 10
+    %uint_20 = OpConstant %uint 20
+    %uint_32 = OpConstant %uint 32
+    %uint_47 = OpConstant %uint 47
+      %float = OpTypeFloat 32
+    %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float
+%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+         %27 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float
+         %33 = OpTypeFunction %v4float %_ptr_Function_v4float
+%in_var_COLOR = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input
+%out_var_SV_TARGET = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
+         %13 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugExpression
+         %15 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugSource %5 %14
+         %16 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugCompilationUnit %uint_1 %uint_4 %15 %uint_5
+         %18 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeBasic %17 %uint_32 %uint_3 %uint_0
+         %19 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeVector %18 %uint_4
+         %20 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeFunction %uint_3 %19 %19
+         %22 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugFunction %21 %20 %15 %uint_1 %uint_1 %16 %21 %uint_3 %uint_1
+         %25 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLocalVariable %24 %19 %15 %uint_1 %uint_20 %22 %uint_4 %uint_0
+         %26 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLexicalBlock %15 %uint_1 %uint_47 %22
+       %main = OpFunction %void None %27
+         %28 = OpLabel
+%param_var_color = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function
+         %31 = OpLoad %v4float %in_var_COLOR
+               OpStore %param_var_color %31
+         %32 = OpFunctionCall %v4float %src_main %param_var_color
+               OpStore %out_var_SV_TARGET %32
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+   %src_main = OpFunction %v4float None %33
+      %color = OpFunctionParameter %_ptr_Function_v4float
+   %bb_entry = OpLabel
+        %140 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugFunctionDefinition %22 %src_main
+        %141 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLine %5 %uint_1 %uint_1 %uint_1 %uint_1
+         %34 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %22
+         %36 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugDeclare %25 %color %13
+         %38 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %26
+        %142 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLine %5 %uint_2 %uint_2 %uint_10 %uint_10
+         %39 = OpLoad %v4float %color
+        %143 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLine %5 %uint_2 %uint_2 %uint_3 %uint_3
+               OpReturnValue %39
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<InlineExhaustivePass>(text, true);
 TEST_F(InlineTest, DebugDeclareForCalleeFunctionParam) {
   // Check that InlinePass correctly generates DebugDeclare instructions
   // for callee function's parameters and maps them to corresponding
@@ -3937,6 +4234,105 @@
   SinglePassRunAndMatch<InlineExhaustivePass>(text, true);
+TEST_F(InlineTest, CreateConstantForInlinedAt) {
+  // This shader causes CreateDebugInlinedAt to generate a constant.
+  // Using the Constant manager would attempt to build the invalidated
+  // DefUse manager during inlining which could cause an assert because
+  // the function is in an inconsistant state. This test verifies that
+  // CreateDebugInlinedAt detects that the DefUse manager is disabled
+  // and creates a duplicate constant safely without the Constant manager.
+  //
+  // int function1() {
+  //   return 1;
+  // }
+  //
+  // void main() {
+  //   function1();
+  // }
+  const std::string text = R"(OpCapability Shader
+; CHECK: %uint_7 = OpConstant %uint 7
+; CHECK: %uint_7_0 = OpConstant %uint 7
+; CHECK: OpExtInst %void %1 DebugInlinedAt %uint_7_0
+OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main"
+OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
+%3 = OpString "parent3.hlsl"
+%8 = OpString "int"
+%19 = OpString "function1"
+%20 = OpString ""
+%26 = OpString "main"
+OpName %main "main"
+OpName %src_main "src.main"
+OpName %bb_entry "bb.entry"
+OpName %function1 "function1"
+OpName %bb_entry_0 "bb.entry"
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
+%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%uint_32 = OpConstant %uint 32
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%uint_4 = OpConstant %uint 4
+%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
+%uint_3 = OpConstant %uint 3
+%uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
+%uint_5 = OpConstant %uint 5
+%uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2
+%uint_17 = OpConstant %uint 17
+%uint_6 = OpConstant %uint 6
+%uint_13 = OpConstant %uint 13
+%uint_7 = OpConstant %uint 7
+%31 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%42 = OpTypeFunction %int
+%10 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeBasic %8 %uint_32 %uint_4 %uint_0
+%13 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeFunction %uint_3 %10
+%15 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugSource %3
+%16 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugCompilationUnit %uint_1 %uint_4 %15 %uint_5
+%21 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugFunction %19 %13 %15 %uint_2 %uint_1 %16 %20 %uint_3 %uint_2
+%23 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLexicalBlock %15 %uint_2 %uint_17 %21
+%25 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugTypeFunction %uint_3 %void
+%27 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugFunction %26 %25 %15 %uint_6 %uint_1 %16 %20 %uint_3 %uint_6
+%29 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugLexicalBlock %15 %uint_6 %uint_13 %27
+%main = OpFunction %void None %31
+%32 = OpLabel
+%33 = OpFunctionCall %void %src_main
+OpLine %3 8 1
+OpLine %3 6 1
+%src_main = OpFunction %void None %31
+%bb_entry = OpLabel
+%47 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %27
+%37 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugFunctionDefinition %27 %src_main
+%48 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %29
+OpLine %3 7 3
+%39 = OpFunctionCall %int %function1
+%49 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %27
+OpLine %3 8 1
+%50 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugNoScope
+OpLine %3 2 1
+%function1 = OpFunction %int None %42
+%bb_entry_0 = OpLabel
+%51 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %21
+%45 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugFunctionDefinition %21 %function1
+%52 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugScope %23
+OpLine %3 3 3
+OpReturnValue %int_1
+%53 = OpExtInst %void %1 DebugNoScope
+  SetTargetEnv(SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_2);
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<InlineExhaustivePass>(text, true);
 // TODO(greg-lunarg): Add tests to verify handling of these cases:
 //    Empty modules
diff --git a/test/opt/inst_buff_addr_check_test.cpp b/test/opt/inst_buff_addr_check_test.cpp
index 41ead67..95114b2 100644
--- a/test/opt/inst_buff_addr_check_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/inst_buff_addr_check_test.cpp
@@ -615,6 +615,212 @@
       true, 7u, 23u);
+TEST_F(InstBuffAddrTest, StructLoad) {
+  // #version 450
+  //   #extension GL_EXT_buffer_reference : enable
+  //   #extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 : enable
+  //   struct Test {
+  //   float a;
+  // };
+  //
+  // layout(buffer_reference, std430, buffer_reference_align = 16) buffer
+  // TestBuffer { Test test; };
+  //
+  // Test GetTest(uint64_t ptr) {
+  //   return TestBuffer(ptr).test;
+  // }
+  //
+  // void main() {
+  //   GetTest(0xe0000000);
+  // }
+  const std::string defs =
+      R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Int64
+OpCapability PhysicalStorageBufferAddresses
+; CHECK: OpExtension "SPV_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class"
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+OpMemoryModel PhysicalStorageBuffer64 GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main"
+; CHECK: OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %60 %99 %gl_FragCoord
+OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
+OpSource GLSL 450
+OpSourceExtension "GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64"
+OpSourceExtension "GL_EXT_buffer_reference"
+OpName %main "main"
+OpName %Test "Test"
+OpMemberName %Test 0 "a"
+OpName %Test_0 "Test"
+OpMemberName %Test_0 0 "a"
+OpName %TestBuffer "TestBuffer"
+OpMemberName %TestBuffer 0 "test"
+  const std::string decorates =
+      R"(
+OpMemberDecorate %Test_0 0 Offset 0
+OpMemberDecorate %TestBuffer 0 Offset 0
+OpDecorate %TestBuffer Block
+; CHECK: OpDecorate %_runtimearr_ulong ArrayStride 8
+; CHECK: OpDecorate %_struct_58 Block
+; CHECK: OpMemberDecorate %_struct_58 0 Offset 0
+; CHECK: OpDecorate %60 DescriptorSet 7
+; CHECK: OpDecorate %60 Binding 2
+; CHECK: OpDecorate %_runtimearr_uint ArrayStride 4
+; CHECK: OpDecorate %_struct_97 Block
+; CHECK: OpMemberDecorate %_struct_97 0 Offset 0
+; CHECK: OpMemberDecorate %_struct_97 1 Offset 4
+; CHECK: OpDecorate %99 DescriptorSet 7
+; CHECK: OpDecorate %99 Binding 0
+; CHECK: OpDecorate %gl_FragCoord BuiltIn FragCoord
+  const std::string globals =
+      R"(
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%3 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%ulong = OpTypeInt 64 0
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%Test = OpTypeStruct %float
+OpTypeForwardPointer %_ptr_PhysicalStorageBuffer_TestBuffer PhysicalStorageBuffer
+%Test_0 = OpTypeStruct %float
+%TestBuffer = OpTypeStruct %Test_0
+%_ptr_PhysicalStorageBuffer_TestBuffer = OpTypePointer PhysicalStorageBuffer %TestBuffer
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+%_ptr_PhysicalStorageBuffer_Test_0 = OpTypePointer PhysicalStorageBuffer %Test_0
+%ulong_18446744073172680704 = OpConstant %ulong 18446744073172680704
+; CHECK: %47 = OpTypeFunction %bool %ulong %uint
+; CHECK: %_struct_58 = OpTypeStruct %_runtimearr_ulong
+; CHECK: %60 = OpVariable %_ptr_StorageBuffer__struct_58 StorageBuffer
+; CHECK: %90 = OpTypeFunction %void %uint %uint %uint %uint
+; CHECK: %_struct_97 = OpTypeStruct %uint %_runtimearr_uint
+; CHECK: %99 = OpVariable %_ptr_StorageBuffer__struct_97 StorageBuffer
+; CHECK: %143 = OpConstantNull %Test_0
+  const std::string main =
+      R"(
+%main = OpFunction %void None %3
+%5 = OpLabel
+%37 = OpConvertUToPtr %_ptr_PhysicalStorageBuffer_TestBuffer %ulong_18446744073172680704
+%38 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_PhysicalStorageBuffer_Test_0 %37 %int_0
+%39 = OpLoad %Test_0 %38 Aligned 16
+; CHECK-NOT: %39 = OpLoad %Test_0 %38 Aligned 16
+; CHECK: %43 = OpConvertPtrToU %ulong %38
+; CHECK: %80 = OpFunctionCall %bool %45 %43 %uint_4
+; CHECK: OpSelectionMerge %81 None
+; CHECK: OpBranchConditional %80 %82 %83
+; CHECK: %82 = OpLabel
+; CHECK: %84 = OpLoad %Test_0 %38 Aligned 16
+; CHECK: OpBranch %81
+; CHECK: %83 = OpLabel
+; CHECK: %85 = OpUConvert %uint %43
+; CHECK: %87 = OpShiftRightLogical %ulong %43 %uint_32
+; CHECK: %88 = OpUConvert %uint %87
+; CHECK: %142 = OpFunctionCall %void %89 %uint_37 %uint_2 %85 %88
+; CHECK: OpBranch %81
+; CHECK: %81 = OpLabel
+; CHECK: %144 = OpPhi %Test_0 %84 %82 %143 %83
+%40 = OpCopyLogical %Test %39
+; CHECK-NOT: %40 = OpCopyLogical %Test %39
+; CHECK: %40 = OpCopyLogical %Test %144
+  const std::string output_funcs =
+      R"(
+; CHECK: %45 = OpFunction %bool None %47
+; CHECK: %48 = OpFunctionParameter %ulong
+; CHECK: %49 = OpFunctionParameter %uint
+; CHECK: %50 = OpLabel
+; CHECK: OpBranch %51
+; CHECK: %51 = OpLabel
+; CHECK: %53 = OpPhi %uint %uint_1 %50 %54 %52
+; CHECK: OpLoopMerge %56 %52 None
+; CHECK: OpBranch %52
+; CHECK: %52 = OpLabel
+; CHECK: %54 = OpIAdd %uint %53 %uint_1
+; CHECK: %63 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_StorageBuffer_ulong %60 %uint_0 %54
+; CHECK: %64 = OpLoad %ulong %63
+; CHECK: %65 = OpUGreaterThan %bool %64 %48
+; CHECK: OpBranchConditional %65 %56 %51
+; CHECK: %56 = OpLabel
+; CHECK: %66 = OpISub %uint %54 %uint_1
+; CHECK: %67 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_StorageBuffer_ulong %60 %uint_0 %66
+; CHECK: %68 = OpLoad %ulong %67
+; CHECK: %69 = OpISub %ulong %48 %68
+; CHECK: %70 = OpUConvert %ulong %49
+; CHECK: %71 = OpIAdd %ulong %69 %70
+; CHECK: %72 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_StorageBuffer_ulong %60 %uint_0 %uint_0
+; CHECK: %73 = OpLoad %ulong %72
+; CHECK: %74 = OpUConvert %uint %73
+; CHECK: %75 = OpISub %uint %66 %uint_1
+; CHECK: %76 = OpIAdd %uint %75 %74
+; CHECK: %77 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_StorageBuffer_ulong %60 %uint_0 %76
+; CHECK: %78 = OpLoad %ulong %77
+; CHECK: %79 = OpULessThanEqual %bool %71 %78
+; CHECK: OpReturnValue %79
+; CHECK: OpFunctionEnd
+; CHECK: %89 = OpFunction %void None %90
+; CHECK: %91 = OpFunctionParameter %uint
+; CHECK: %92 = OpFunctionParameter %uint
+; CHECK: %93 = OpFunctionParameter %uint
+; CHECK: %94 = OpFunctionParameter %uint
+; CHECK: %95 = OpLabel
+; CHECK: %101 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_StorageBuffer_uint %99 %uint_0
+; CHECK: %103 = OpAtomicIAdd %uint %101 %uint_4 %uint_0 %uint_10
+; CHECK: %104 = OpIAdd %uint %103 %uint_10
+; CHECK: %105 = OpArrayLength %uint %99 1
+; CHECK: %106 = OpULessThanEqual %bool %104 %105
+; CHECK: OpSelectionMerge %107 None
+; CHECK: OpBranchConditional %106 %108 %107
+; CHECK: %108 = OpLabel
+; CHECK: %109 = OpIAdd %uint %103 %uint_0
+; CHECK: %110 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_StorageBuffer_uint %99 %uint_1 %109
+; CHECK: OpStore %110 %uint_10
+; CHECK: %112 = OpIAdd %uint %103 %uint_1
+; CHECK: %113 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_StorageBuffer_uint %99 %uint_1 %112
+; CHECK: OpStore %113 %uint_23
+; CHECK: %114 = OpIAdd %uint %103 %uint_2
+; CHECK: %115 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_StorageBuffer_uint %99 %uint_1 %114
+; CHECK: OpStore %115 %91
+; CHECK: %117 = OpIAdd %uint %103 %uint_3
+; CHECK: %118 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_StorageBuffer_uint %99 %uint_1 %117
+; CHECK: OpStore %118 %uint_4
+; CHECK: %122 = OpLoad %v4float %gl_FragCoord
+; CHECK: %124 = OpBitcast %v4uint %122
+; CHECK: %125 = OpCompositeExtract %uint %124 0
+; CHECK: %126 = OpIAdd %uint %103 %uint_4
+; CHECK: %127 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_StorageBuffer_uint %99 %uint_1 %126
+; CHECK: OpStore %127 %125
+; CHECK: %128 = OpCompositeExtract %uint %124 1
+; CHECK: %130 = OpIAdd %uint %103 %uint_5
+; CHECK: %131 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_StorageBuffer_uint %99 %uint_1 %130
+; CHECK: OpStore %131 %128
+; CHECK: %133 = OpIAdd %uint %103 %uint_7
+; CHECK: %134 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_StorageBuffer_uint %99 %uint_1 %133
+; CHECK: OpStore %134 %92
+; CHECK: %136 = OpIAdd %uint %103 %uint_8
+; CHECK: %137 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_StorageBuffer_uint %99 %uint_1 %136
+; CHECK: OpStore %137 %93
+; CHECK: %139 = OpIAdd %uint %103 %uint_9
+; CHECK: %140 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_StorageBuffer_uint %99 %uint_1 %139
+; CHECK: OpStore %140 %94
+; CHECK: OpBranch %107
+; CHECK: %107 = OpLabel
+; CHECK: OpReturn
+; CHECK: OpFunctionEnd
+  SetTargetEnv(SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_2);
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<InstBuffAddrCheckPass>(
+      defs + decorates + globals + main + output_funcs, true);
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace opt
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/opt/ir_loader_test.cpp b/test/opt/ir_loader_test.cpp
index 475dd23..ccdd032 100644
--- a/test/opt/ir_loader_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/ir_loader_test.cpp
@@ -105,6 +105,22 @@
   DoRoundTripCheck("%2 = OpFunction %1 None %3\n");
+TEST(IrBuilder, RoundTripFunctionPointer) {
+  DoRoundTripCheck(
+      "OpCapability Linkage\n"
+      "OpCapability FunctionPointersINTEL\n"
+      "OpName %some_function \"some_function\"\n"
+      "OpName %ptr_to_function \"ptr_to_function\"\n"
+      "OpDecorate %some_function LinkageAttributes \"some_function\" Import\n"
+      "%float = OpTypeFloat 32\n"
+      "%4 = OpTypeFunction %float %float\n"
+      "%_ptr_Function_4 = OpTypePointer Function %4\n"
+      "%ptr_to_function = OpConstantFunctionPointerINTEL %_ptr_Function_4 "
+      "%some_function\n"
+      "%some_function = OpFunction %float Const %4\n"
+      "%6 = OpFunctionParameter %float\n"
+      "OpFunctionEnd\n");
 TEST(IrBuilder, KeepLineDebugInfo) {
   // #version 310 es
   // void main() {}
diff --git a/test/opt/local_single_block_elim.cpp b/test/opt/local_single_block_elim.cpp
index 8e1cee6..28b8a07 100644
--- a/test/opt/local_single_block_elim.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/local_single_block_elim.cpp
@@ -84,6 +84,56 @@
       predefs_before + before, predefs_before + after, true, true);
+TEST_F(LocalSingleBlockLoadStoreElimTest, LSBElimForLinkage) {
+  const std::string predefs_before =
+      R"(OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpSource HLSL 630
+OpName %main "main"
+OpName %v "v"
+OpName %BaseColor "BaseColor"
+OpName %gl_FragColor "gl_FragColor"
+OpDecorate %main LinkageAttributes "main" Export
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%7 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float
+%_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float
+%BaseColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input
+%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
+%gl_FragColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
+  const std::string before =
+      R"(%main = OpFunction %void None %7
+%13 = OpLabel
+%v = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function
+%14 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor
+OpStore %v %14
+%15 = OpLoad %v4float %v
+OpStore %gl_FragColor %15
+  const std::string after =
+      R"(%main = OpFunction %void None %7
+%13 = OpLabel
+%v = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function
+%14 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor
+OpStore %v %14
+OpStore %gl_FragColor %14
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<LocalSingleBlockLoadStoreElimPass>(
+      predefs_before + before, predefs_before + after, true, true);
 TEST_F(LocalSingleBlockLoadStoreElimTest, SimpleLoadLoadElim) {
   // #version 140
diff --git a/test/opt/local_single_store_elim_test.cpp b/test/opt/local_single_store_elim_test.cpp
index c94ff37..5d910c4 100644
--- a/test/opt/local_single_store_elim_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/local_single_store_elim_test.cpp
@@ -126,6 +126,91 @@
                                                   predefs + after, true, true);
+TEST_F(LocalSingleStoreElimTest, LSSElimForLinkage) {
+  const std::string predefs =
+      R"(OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpSource HLSL 630
+OpName %main "main"
+OpName %v "v"
+OpName %BaseColor "BaseColor"
+OpName %f "f"
+OpName %fi "fi"
+OpName %gl_FragColor "gl_FragColor"
+OpDecorate %main LinkageAttributes "main" Export
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%9 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%_ptr_Function_v4float = OpTypePointer Function %v4float
+%_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float
+%BaseColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input
+%_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float
+%_ptr_Input_float = OpTypePointer Input %float
+%fi = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_float Input
+%float_0 = OpConstant %float 0
+%bool = OpTypeBool
+%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
+%gl_FragColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
+  const std::string before =
+      R"(%main = OpFunction %void None %9
+%19 = OpLabel
+%v = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function
+%f = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function
+%20 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor
+OpStore %v %20
+%21 = OpLoad %float %fi
+OpStore %f %21
+%22 = OpLoad %float %f
+%23 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %22 %float_0
+OpSelectionMerge %24 None
+OpBranchConditional %23 %25 %24
+%25 = OpLabel
+OpStore %f %float_0
+OpBranch %24
+%24 = OpLabel
+%26 = OpLoad %v4float %v
+%27 = OpLoad %float %f
+%28 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %27 %27 %27 %27
+%29 = OpFAdd %v4float %26 %28
+OpStore %gl_FragColor %29
+  const std::string after =
+      R"(%main = OpFunction %void None %9
+%19 = OpLabel
+%v = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_v4float Function
+%f = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function
+%20 = OpLoad %v4float %BaseColor
+OpStore %v %20
+%21 = OpLoad %float %fi
+OpStore %f %21
+%22 = OpLoad %float %f
+%23 = OpFOrdLessThan %bool %22 %float_0
+OpSelectionMerge %24 None
+OpBranchConditional %23 %25 %24
+%25 = OpLabel
+OpStore %f %float_0
+OpBranch %24
+%24 = OpLabel
+%27 = OpLoad %float %f
+%28 = OpCompositeConstruct %v4float %27 %27 %27 %27
+%29 = OpFAdd %v4float %20 %28
+OpStore %gl_FragColor %29
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<LocalSingleStoreElimPass>(predefs + before,
+                                                  predefs + after, true, true);
 TEST_F(LocalSingleStoreElimTest, ThreeStores) {
   // Three stores to multiple loads of v is not optimized.
diff --git a/test/opt/local_ssa_elim_test.cpp b/test/opt/local_ssa_elim_test.cpp
index ca9aba3..4b7542f 100644
--- a/test/opt/local_ssa_elim_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/local_ssa_elim_test.cpp
@@ -2165,6 +2165,140 @@
   SinglePassRunAndMatch<SSARewritePass>(text, true);
+TEST_F(LocalSSAElimTest, ShaderDebugForLoop) {
+  const std::string text = R"(
+; CHECK: [[f_name:%\w+]] = OpString "f"
+; CHECK: [[i_name:%\w+]] = OpString "i"
+; CHECK: [[dbg_f:%\w+]] = OpExtInst %void [[ext:%\d+]] DebugLocalVariable [[f_name]]
+; CHECK: [[dbg_i:%\w+]] = OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugLocalVariable [[i_name]]
+; CHECK:      OpStore %f %float_0
+; CHECK-NEXT: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_f]] %float_0
+; CHECK-NEXT: OpStore %i %int_0
+; CHECK-NEXT: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_i]] %int_0
+; CHECK-NOT:  DebugDeclare
+; CHECK:      [[loop_head:%\w+]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK:      [[phi0:%\w+]] = OpPhi %float %float_0
+; CHECK:      [[phi1:%\w+]] = OpPhi %int %int_0
+; CHECK-NEXT: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_f]] [[phi0]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_i]] [[phi1]]
+; CHECK:      OpLoopMerge [[loop_merge:%\w+]] [[loop_cont:%\w+]] None
+; CHECK-NEXT: OpBranch [[loop_body:%\w+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: [[loop_body]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK:      OpBranchConditional {{%\w+}} [[bb:%\w+]] [[loop_merge]]
+; CHECK:      [[bb]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK:      OpStore %f [[f_val:%\w+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_f]] [[f_val]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: OpBranch [[loop_cont]]
+; CHECK:      [[loop_cont]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK:      OpStore %i [[i_val:%\w+]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_i]] [[i_val]]
+; CHECK-NEXT: OpBranch [[loop_head]]
+; CHECK:      [[loop_merge]] = OpLabel
+OpCapability Shader
+OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+%ext = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %BC %fo
+OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
+%file_name = OpString "test"
+OpSource GLSL 140
+%float_name = OpString "float"
+%main_name = OpString "main"
+%f_name = OpString "f"
+%i_name = OpString "i"
+OpName %main "main"
+OpName %f "f"
+OpName %i "i"
+OpName %BC "BC"
+OpName %fo "fo"
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%8 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%_ptr_Function_float = OpTypePointer Function %float
+%float_0 = OpConstant %float 0
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
+%uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
+%uint_3 = OpConstant %uint 3
+%uint_4 = OpConstant %uint 4
+%uint_5 = OpConstant %uint 5
+%uint_10 = OpConstant %uint 10
+%uint_32 = OpConstant %uint 32
+%_ptr_Function_int = OpTypePointer Function %int
+%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+%int_4 = OpConstant %int 4
+%bool = OpTypeBool
+%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float
+%BC = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input
+%_ptr_Input_float = OpTypePointer Input %float
+%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
+%_ptr_Output_float = OpTypePointer Output %float
+%fo = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_float Output
+%null_expr = OpExtInst %void %ext DebugExpression
+%src = OpExtInst %void %ext DebugSource %file_name
+%cu = OpExtInst %void %ext DebugCompilationUnit %uint_1 %uint_4 %src %uint_5
+%dbg_tf = OpExtInst %void %ext DebugTypeBasic %float_name %uint_32 %uint_3 %uint_0
+%dbg_v4f = OpExtInst %void %ext DebugTypeVector %dbg_tf %uint_4
+%main_ty = OpExtInst %void %ext DebugTypeFunction %uint_3 %dbg_v4f %dbg_v4f
+%dbg_main = OpExtInst %void %ext DebugFunction %main_name %main_ty %src %uint_0 %uint_0 %cu %main_name %uint_3 %uint_10
+%dbg_f = OpExtInst %void %ext DebugLocalVariable %f_name %dbg_v4f %src %uint_0 %uint_0 %dbg_main %uint_4
+%dbg_i = OpExtInst %void %ext DebugLocalVariable %i_name %dbg_v4f %src %uint_0 %uint_0 %dbg_main %uint_4
+%main = OpFunction %void None %8
+%22 = OpLabel
+%s0 = OpExtInst %void %ext DebugScope %dbg_main
+%f = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function
+%i = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_int Function
+OpStore %f %float_0
+OpStore %i %int_0
+%decl0 = OpExtInst %void %ext DebugDeclare %dbg_f %f %null_expr
+%decl1 = OpExtInst %void %ext DebugDeclare %dbg_i %i %null_expr
+OpBranch %23
+%23 = OpLabel
+%s1 = OpExtInst %void %ext DebugScope %dbg_main
+OpLoopMerge %24 %25 None
+OpBranch %26
+%26 = OpLabel
+%s2 = OpExtInst %void %ext DebugScope %dbg_main
+%27 = OpLoad %int %i
+%28 = OpSLessThan %bool %27 %int_4
+OpBranchConditional %28 %29 %24
+%29 = OpLabel
+%s3 = OpExtInst %void %ext DebugScope %dbg_main
+%30 = OpLoad %float %f
+%31 = OpLoad %int %i
+%32 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Input_float %BC %31
+%33 = OpLoad %float %32
+%34 = OpFAdd %float %30 %33
+OpStore %f %34
+OpBranch %25
+%25 = OpLabel
+%s4 = OpExtInst %void %ext DebugScope %dbg_main
+%35 = OpLoad %int %i
+%36 = OpIAdd %int %35 %int_1
+OpStore %i %36
+OpBranch %23
+%24 = OpLabel
+%s5 = OpExtInst %void %ext DebugScope %dbg_main
+%37 = OpLoad %float %f
+OpStore %fo %37
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<SSARewritePass>(text, true);
 TEST_F(LocalSSAElimTest, AddDebugValueForFunctionParameterWithPhi) {
   // Test the distribution of DebugValue for a parameter of an inlined function
   // and the visibility of Phi instruction. The ssa-rewrite pass must add
@@ -4091,6 +4225,32 @@
   SinglePassRunAndMatch<SSARewritePass>(text, true);
+TEST_F(LocalSSAElimTest, FunctionDeclaration) {
+  // Make sure the pass works with a function declaration that is called.
+  const std::string text = R"(OpCapability Addresses
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpCapability Kernel
+OpCapability Int8
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "OpenCL.std"
+OpMemoryModel Physical64 OpenCL
+OpEntryPoint Kernel %2 "_Z23julia__1166_kernel_77094Bool"
+OpExecutionMode %2 ContractionOff
+OpSource Unknown 0
+OpDecorate %3 LinkageAttributes "julia_error_7712" Import
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%5 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%3 = OpFunction %void None %5
+%2 = OpFunction %void None %5
+%6 = OpLabel
+%7 = OpFunctionCall %void %3
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<SSARewritePass>(text, text, false);
 // TODO(greg-lunarg): Add tests to verify handling of these cases:
 //    No optimization in the presence of
diff --git a/test/opt/loop_optimizations/unroll_assumptions.cpp b/test/opt/loop_optimizations/unroll_assumptions.cpp
index 0f93302..159e4a1 100644
--- a/test/opt/loop_optimizations/unroll_assumptions.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/loop_optimizations/unroll_assumptions.cpp
@@ -42,6 +42,10 @@
   Status Process() override {
     bool changed = false;
     for (Function& f : *context()->module()) {
+      if (f.IsDeclaration()) {
+        continue;
+      }
       LoopDescriptor& loop_descriptor = *context()->GetLoopDescriptor(&f);
       for (auto& loop : loop_descriptor) {
         LoopUtils loop_utils{context(), &loop};
@@ -1510,6 +1514,33 @@
   SinglePassRunAndCheck<PartialUnrollerTestPass<2>>(text, text, false);
+TEST_F(PassClassTest, FunctionDeclaration) {
+  // Make sure the pass works with a function declaration that is called.
+  const std::string text = R"(OpCapability Addresses
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpCapability Kernel
+OpCapability Int8
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "OpenCL.std"
+OpMemoryModel Physical64 OpenCL
+OpEntryPoint Kernel %2 "_Z23julia__1166_kernel_77094Bool"
+OpExecutionMode %2 ContractionOff
+OpSource Unknown 0
+OpDecorate %3 LinkageAttributes "julia_error_7712" Import
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%5 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%3 = OpFunction %void None %5
+%2 = OpFunction %void None %5
+%6 = OpLabel
+%7 = OpFunctionCall %void %3
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<LoopUnroller>(text, text, false);
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<PartialUnrollerTestPass<1>>(text, text, false);
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace opt
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/opt/loop_optimizations/unroll_simple.cpp b/test/opt/loop_optimizations/unroll_simple.cpp
index 6a3cb6e..ac0dfde 100644
--- a/test/opt/loop_optimizations/unroll_simple.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/loop_optimizations/unroll_simple.cpp
@@ -378,6 +378,185 @@
   SinglePassRunAndMatch<LoopUnroller>(text, true);
+TEST_F(PassClassTest, SimpleFullyUnrollWithShaderDebugInstructions) {
+  // We must preserve the debug information including
+  // NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100 instructions and DebugLine instructions.
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+%ext = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint Fragment %2 "main" %3
+OpExecutionMode %2 OriginUpperLeft
+OpSource GLSL 330
+%file_name = OpString "test"
+%float_name = OpString "float"
+%main_name = OpString "main"
+%f_name = OpString "f"
+%i_name = OpString "i"
+OpName %2 "main"
+OpName %5 "x"
+OpName %3 "c"
+OpDecorate %3 Location 0
+%6 = OpTypeVoid
+%7 = OpTypeFunction %6
+%8 = OpTypeInt 32 1
+%9 = OpTypePointer Function %8
+%10 = OpConstant %8 0
+%11 = OpConstant %8 4
+%12 = OpTypeBool
+%13 = OpTypeFloat 32
+%14 = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%uint_0 = OpConstant %14 0
+%uint_1 = OpConstant %14 1
+%uint_2 = OpConstant %14 2
+%uint_3 = OpConstant %14 3
+%uint_4 = OpConstant %14 4
+%uint_5 = OpConstant %14 5
+%uint_6 = OpConstant %14 6
+%uint_7 = OpConstant %14 7
+%uint_8 = OpConstant %14 8
+%uint_10 = OpConstant %14 10
+%uint_32 = OpConstant %14 32
+%15 = OpConstant %14 4
+%16 = OpTypeArray %13 %15
+%17 = OpTypePointer Function %16
+%18 = OpConstant %13 1
+%19 = OpTypePointer Function %13
+%20 = OpConstant %8 1
+%21 = OpTypeVector %13 4
+%22 = OpTypePointer Output %21
+%3 = OpVariable %22 Output
+%null_expr = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugExpression
+%deref = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugOperation %uint_0
+%deref_expr = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugExpression %deref
+%src = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugSource %file_name
+%cu = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugCompilationUnit %uint_1 %uint_4 %src %uint_5
+%dbg_tf = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugTypeBasic %float_name %uint_32 %uint_3 %uint_0
+%dbg_v4f = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugTypeVector %dbg_tf %uint_4
+%main_ty = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugTypeFunction %uint_3 %dbg_v4f %dbg_v4f
+%dbg_main = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugFunction %main_name %main_ty %src %uint_0 %uint_0 %cu %main_name %uint_3 %uint_10
+%bb = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugLexicalBlock %src %uint_0 %uint_0 %dbg_main
+%dbg_f = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugLocalVariable %f_name %dbg_v4f %src %uint_0 %uint_0 %dbg_main %uint_4
+%dbg_i = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugLocalVariable %i_name %dbg_v4f %src %uint_1 %uint_0 %bb %uint_4
+; CHECK: [[f:%\w+]] = OpString "f"
+; CHECK: [[i:%\w+]] = OpString "i"
+; CHECK: [[int_0:%\w+]] = OpConstant {{%\w+}} 0
+; CHECK: [[null_expr:%\w+]] = OpExtInst {{%\w+}} {{%\w+}} DebugExpression
+; CHECK: [[deref:%\w+]] = OpExtInst {{%\w+}} {{%\w+}} DebugOperation %uint_0
+; CHECK: [[deref_expr:%\w+]] = OpExtInst {{%\w+}} {{%\w+}} DebugExpression [[deref]]
+; CHECK: [[dbg_fn:%\w+]] = OpExtInst {{%\w+}} {{%\w+}} DebugFunction
+; CHECK: [[dbg_bb:%\w+]] = OpExtInst {{%\w+}} {{%\w+}} DebugLexicalBlock
+; CHECK: [[dbg_f:%\w+]] = OpExtInst {{%\w+}} {{%\w+}} DebugLocalVariable [[f]] {{%\w+}} {{%\w+}} %uint_0 %uint_0 [[dbg_fn]]
+; CHECK: [[dbg_i:%\w+]] = OpExtInst {{%\w+}} {{%\w+}} DebugLocalVariable [[i]] {{%\w+}} {{%\w+}} %uint_1 %uint_0 [[dbg_bb]]
+%2 = OpFunction %6 None %7
+%23 = OpLabel
+; The first block has DebugDeclare and DebugValue with Deref
+; CHECK: OpLabel
+; CHECK: %x = OpVariable %_ptr_Function__arr_float_uint_4_0 Function
+; CHECK: OpBranch
+; CHECK: OpLabel
+; CHECK: DebugScope [[dbg_fn]]
+; CHECK: DebugValue [[dbg_f]] [[int_0]] [[null_expr]]
+; CHECK: OpBranch
+; CHECK: DebugScope [[dbg_fn]]
+; CHECK: DebugLine {{%\w+}} %uint_1 %uint_1 %uint_1 %uint_1
+; CHECK: OpSLessThan
+; CHECK: DebugLine {{%\w+}} %uint_2 %uint_2 %uint_0 %uint_0
+; CHECK: OpBranch
+; CHECK: OpLabel
+; CHECK: DebugScope [[dbg_bb]]
+; CHECK: DebugDeclare [[dbg_f]] %x [[null_expr]]
+; CHECK: DebugValue [[dbg_i]] %x [[deref_expr]]
+; CHECK: DebugLine {{%\w+}} %uint_3 %uint_3 %uint_0 %uint_0
+; CHECK: DebugLine {{%\w+}} %uint_6 %uint_6 %uint_0 %uint_0
+; CHECK: [[add:%\w+]] = OpIAdd
+; CHECK: DebugValue [[dbg_f]] [[add]] [[null_expr]]
+; CHECK: DebugLine {{%\w+}} %uint_7 %uint_7 %uint_0 %uint_0
+; Other blocks do not have DebugDeclare and DebugValue with Deref
+; CHECK: DebugScope [[dbg_fn]]
+; CHECK: DebugLine {{%\w+}} %uint_1 %uint_1 %uint_1 %uint_1
+; CHECK: OpSLessThan
+; CHECK: DebugLine {{%\w+}} %uint_2 %uint_2 %uint_0 %uint_0
+; CHECK: OpBranch
+; CHECK: OpLabel
+; CHECK: DebugScope [[dbg_bb]]
+; CHECK-NOT: DebugDeclare [[dbg_f]] %x [[null_expr]]
+; CHECK-NOT: DebugValue [[dbg_i]] %x [[deref_expr]]
+; CHECK: DebugLine {{%\w+}} %uint_3 %uint_3 %uint_0 %uint_0
+; CHECK: DebugLine {{%\w+}} %uint_6 %uint_6 %uint_0 %uint_0
+; CHECK: [[add:%\w+]] = OpIAdd
+; CHECK: DebugValue [[dbg_f]] [[add]] [[null_expr]]
+; CHECK: DebugLine {{%\w+}} %uint_7 %uint_7 %uint_0 %uint_0
+; CHECK-NOT: DebugDeclare [[dbg_f]] %x [[null_expr]]
+; CHECK-NOT: DebugValue [[dbg_i]] %x [[deref_expr]]
+; CHECK: DebugScope [[dbg_fn]]
+; CHECK: DebugLine {{%\w+}} %uint_8 %uint_8 %uint_0 %uint_0
+; CHECK: OpReturn
+%5 = OpVariable %17 Function
+OpBranch %24
+%24 = OpLabel
+%35 = OpPhi %8 %10 %23 %34 %26
+%s1 = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugScope %dbg_main
+%d10 = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugLine %file_name %uint_1 %uint_1 %uint_0 %uint_0
+%value0 = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugValue %dbg_f %35 %null_expr
+OpLoopMerge %25 %26 Unroll
+OpBranch %27
+%27 = OpLabel
+%s2 = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugScope %dbg_main
+%d1 = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugLine %file_name %uint_1 %uint_1 %uint_1 %uint_1
+%29 = OpSLessThan %12 %35 %11
+%d2 = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugLine %file_name %uint_2 %uint_2 %uint_0 %uint_0
+OpBranchConditional %29 %30 %25
+%30 = OpLabel
+%s3 = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugScope %bb
+%decl0 = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugDeclare %dbg_f %5 %null_expr
+%decl1 = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugValue %dbg_i %5 %deref_expr
+%d3 = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugLine %file_name %uint_3 %uint_3 %uint_0 %uint_0
+%32 = OpAccessChain %19 %5 %35
+%d4 = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugLine %file_name %uint_4 %uint_4 %uint_0 %uint_0
+OpStore %32 %18
+%d5 = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugLine %file_name %uint_5 %uint_5 %uint_0 %uint_0
+OpBranch %26
+%26 = OpLabel
+%s4 = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugScope %dbg_main
+%d6 = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugLine %file_name %uint_6 %uint_6 %uint_0 %uint_0
+%34 = OpIAdd %8 %35 %20
+%value1 = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugValue %dbg_f %34 %null_expr
+%d7 = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugLine %file_name %uint_7 %uint_7 %uint_0 %uint_0
+OpBranch %24
+%25 = OpLabel
+%s5 = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugScope %dbg_main
+%d8 = OpExtInst %6 %ext DebugLine %file_name %uint_8 %uint_8 %uint_0 %uint_0
+  std::unique_ptr<IRContext> context =
+      BuildModule(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_1, nullptr, text,
+  Module* module = context->module();
+  EXPECT_NE(nullptr, module) << "Assembling failed for ushader:\n"
+                             << text << std::endl;
+  LoopUnroller loop_unroller;
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<LoopUnroller>(text, true);
 template <int factor>
 class PartialUnrollerTestPass : public Pass {
diff --git a/test/opt/pass_merge_return_test.cpp b/test/opt/pass_merge_return_test.cpp
index fd97efa..21960d1 100644
--- a/test/opt/pass_merge_return_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/pass_merge_return_test.cpp
@@ -2567,6 +2567,39 @@
   SinglePassRunAndMatch<MergeReturnPass>(before, true);
+TEST_F(MergeReturnPassTest, OverflowTest1) {
+  const std::string text =
+      R"(
+; CHECK: OpReturn
+; CHECK-NOT: OpReturn
+; CHECK: OpFunctionEnd
+               OpCapability ClipDistance
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %2 "main"
+               OpExecutionMode %2 OriginUpperLeft
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+          %6 = OpTypeFunction %void
+          %2 = OpFunction %void None %6
+    %4194303 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %18
+         %18 = OpLabel
+               OpLoopMerge %19 %20 None
+               OpBranch %21
+         %21 = OpLabel
+               OpReturn
+         %20 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %18
+         %19 = OpLabel
+               OpUnreachable
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  auto result =
+      SinglePassRunToBinary<MergeReturnPass>(text, /* skip_nop = */ true);
+  EXPECT_EQ(Pass::Status::Failure, std::get<1>(result));
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace opt
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/opt/reduce_load_size_test.cpp b/test/opt/reduce_load_size_test.cpp
index 7672e8f..abb5cde 100644
--- a/test/opt/reduce_load_size_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/reduce_load_size_test.cpp
@@ -17,6 +17,12 @@
 #include "test/opt/pass_fixture.h"
 #include "test/opt/pass_utils.h"
+namespace {
+const double kDefaultLoadReductionThreshold = 0.9;
+}  // namespace
 namespace spvtools {
 namespace opt {
 namespace {
@@ -104,7 +110,8 @@
-  SinglePassRunAndMatch<ReduceLoadSize>(test, false);
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<ReduceLoadSize>(test, false,
+                                        kDefaultLoadReductionThreshold);
 TEST_F(ReduceLoadSizeTest, cbuffer_load_extract_not_affected_by_debug_instr) {
@@ -202,7 +209,8 @@
-  SinglePassRunAndMatch<ReduceLoadSize>(test, false);
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<ReduceLoadSize>(test, false,
+                                        kDefaultLoadReductionThreshold);
 TEST_F(ReduceLoadSizeTest, cbuffer_load_extract_vector) {
@@ -280,7 +288,8 @@
-  SinglePassRunAndCheck<ReduceLoadSize>(test, test, true, false);
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<ReduceLoadSize>(test, test, true, false,
+                                        kDefaultLoadReductionThreshold);
 TEST_F(ReduceLoadSizeTest, cbuffer_load_5_extract) {
@@ -351,7 +360,8 @@
-  SinglePassRunAndCheck<ReduceLoadSize>(test, test, true, false);
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<ReduceLoadSize>(test, test, true, false,
+                                        kDefaultLoadReductionThreshold);
 TEST_F(ReduceLoadSizeTest, cbuffer_load_fully_used) {
@@ -416,7 +426,76 @@
-  SinglePassRunAndCheck<ReduceLoadSize>(test, test, true, false);
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<ReduceLoadSize>(test, test, true, false,
+                                        kDefaultLoadReductionThreshold);
+TEST_F(ReduceLoadSizeTest, replace_cbuffer_load_fully_used) {
+  const std::string test =
+      R"(
+               OpCapability Shader
+               OpCapability SampledBuffer
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %out_var_SV_Target0
+               OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
+               OpSource HLSL 600
+               OpName %type_MaterialInstancing_cbuffer "type.MaterialInstancing_cbuffer"
+               OpMemberName %type_MaterialInstancing_cbuffer 0 "MaterialInstancing_constants"
+               OpName %MaterialInstancing_Constants "MaterialInstancing_Constants"
+               OpMemberName %MaterialInstancing_Constants 0 "offset0"
+               OpMemberName %MaterialInstancing_Constants 1 "params"
+               OpName %InstancingParams_Constants "InstancingParams_Constants"
+               OpMemberName %InstancingParams_Constants 0 "offset1"
+               OpName %MaterialInstancing_cbuffer "MaterialInstancing_cbuffer"
+               OpName %out_var_SV_Target0 "out.var.SV_Target0"
+               OpName %main "main"
+               OpDecorate %out_var_SV_Target0 Location 0
+               OpDecorate %MaterialInstancing_cbuffer DescriptorSet 6
+               OpDecorate %MaterialInstancing_cbuffer Binding 0
+               OpMemberDecorate %InstancingParams_Constants 0 Offset 0
+               OpMemberDecorate %MaterialInstancing_Constants 0 Offset 0
+               OpMemberDecorate %MaterialInstancing_Constants 1 Offset 16
+               OpMemberDecorate %type_MaterialInstancing_cbuffer 0 Offset 0
+               OpDecorate %type_MaterialInstancing_cbuffer Block
+        %int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+      %int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+      %v4int = OpTypeVector %int 4
+%InstancingParams_Constants = OpTypeStruct %v4int
+%MaterialInstancing_Constants = OpTypeStruct %v4int %InstancingParams_Constants
+%type_MaterialInstancing_cbuffer = OpTypeStruct %MaterialInstancing_Constants
+%_ptr_Uniform_type_MaterialInstancing_cbuffer = OpTypePointer Uniform %type_MaterialInstancing_cbuffer
+%_ptr_Output_int = OpTypePointer Output %int
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+         %60 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%_ptr_Uniform_MaterialInstancing_Constants = OpTypePointer Uniform %MaterialInstancing_Constants
+%MaterialInstancing_cbuffer = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform_type_MaterialInstancing_cbuffer Uniform
+%out_var_SV_Target0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_int Output
+       %main = OpFunction %void None %60
+         %80 = OpLabel
+        %131 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Uniform_MaterialInstancing_Constants %MaterialInstancing_cbuffer %int_0
+        %132 = OpLoad %MaterialInstancing_Constants %131
+; CHECK: [[ac1:%\w+]] = OpAccessChain {{%\w+}} %MaterialInstancing_cbuffer %int_0
+; CHECK: [[ac2:%\w+]] = OpAccessChain {{%\w+}} [[ac1]] %uint_0
+; CHECK: OpLoad %v4int [[ac2]]
+; CHECK: [[ac3:%\w+]] = OpAccessChain {{%\w+}} [[ac1]] %uint_1
+; CHECK: [[ac4:%\w+]] = OpAccessChain {{%\w+}} [[ac3]] %uint_0
+; CHECK: OpLoad %v4int [[ac4]]
+        %134 = OpCompositeExtract %v4int %132 0
+        %135 = OpCompositeExtract %InstancingParams_Constants %132 1
+        %136 = OpCompositeExtract %v4int %135 0
+        %149 = OpCompositeExtract %int %134 0
+        %185 = OpCompositeExtract %int %136 0
+        %156 = OpIAdd %int %149 %185
+               OpStore %out_var_SV_Target0 %156
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  )";
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<ReduceLoadSize>(test, false, 1.1);
 }  // namespace
diff --git a/test/opt/redundancy_elimination_test.cpp b/test/opt/redundancy_elimination_test.cpp
index 474f466..28eda73 100644
--- a/test/opt/redundancy_elimination_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/redundancy_elimination_test.cpp
@@ -335,6 +335,32 @@
   SinglePassRunAndMatch<RedundancyEliminationPass>(text, false);
+TEST_F(RedundancyEliminationTest, FunctionDeclaration) {
+  // Make sure the pass works with a function declaration that is called.
+  const std::string text = R"(OpCapability Addresses
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpCapability Kernel
+OpCapability Int8
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "OpenCL.std"
+OpMemoryModel Physical64 OpenCL
+OpEntryPoint Kernel %2 "_Z23julia__1166_kernel_77094Bool"
+OpExecutionMode %2 ContractionOff
+OpSource Unknown 0
+OpDecorate %3 LinkageAttributes "julia_error_7712" Import
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%5 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%3 = OpFunction %void None %5
+%2 = OpFunction %void None %5
+%6 = OpLabel
+%7 = OpFunctionCall %void %3
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<RedundancyEliminationPass>(text, text, false);
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace opt
-}  // namespace spvtools
+}  // namespace spvtools
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/opt/relax_float_ops_test.cpp b/test/opt/relax_float_ops_test.cpp
index 14cde0b..b9cb0de 100644
--- a/test/opt/relax_float_ops_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/relax_float_ops_test.cpp
@@ -137,6 +137,86 @@
+TEST_F(RelaxFloatOpsTest, RelaxFloatOpsForLinkage) {
+  const std::string defs0 =
+      R"(OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpCapability Sampled1D
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpSource HLSL 630
+OpName %main "main"
+OpName %g_tTex1df4 "g_tTex1df4"
+OpName %g_sSamp "g_sSamp"
+OpName %i_Tex0 "i.Tex0"
+OpName %i_Tex1 "i.Tex1"
+OpName %_entryPointOutput_Color "@entryPointOutput.Color"
+OpDecorate %main LinkageAttributes "main" Export
+OpDecorate %g_tTex1df4 DescriptorSet 0
+OpDecorate %g_tTex1df4 Binding 0
+OpDecorate %g_sSamp DescriptorSet 0
+OpDecorate %g_sSamp Binding 0
+OpDecorate %i_Tex0 Location 0
+OpDecorate %i_Tex1 Location 1
+OpDecorate %_entryPointOutput_Color Location 0
+  const std::string defs1 =
+      R"(%void = OpTypeVoid
+%3 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%17 = OpTypeImage %float 1D 0 0 0 1 Unknown
+%_ptr_UniformConstant_17 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %17
+%g_tTex1df4 = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_17 UniformConstant
+%21 = OpTypeSampler
+%_ptr_UniformConstant_21 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %21
+%g_sSamp = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_21 UniformConstant
+%25 = OpTypeSampledImage %17
+%_ptr_Input_float = OpTypePointer Input %float
+%i_Tex0 = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_float Input
+%i_Tex1 = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_float Input
+%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
+%_entryPointOutput_Color = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
+%float_0_5 = OpConstant %float 0.5
+%116 = OpConstantComposite %v4float %float_0_5 %float_0_5 %float_0_5 %float_0_5
+  const std::string relax_decos =
+      R"(OpDecorate %60 RelaxedPrecision
+OpDecorate %63 RelaxedPrecision
+OpDecorate %82 RelaxedPrecision
+OpDecorate %88 RelaxedPrecision
+OpDecorate %91 RelaxedPrecision
+OpDecorate %94 RelaxedPrecision
+  const std::string func_orig =
+      R"(%main = OpFunction %void None %3
+%5 = OpLabel
+%60 = OpLoad %float %i_Tex0
+%63 = OpLoad %float %i_Tex1
+%77 = OpLoad %17 %g_tTex1df4
+%78 = OpLoad %21 %g_sSamp
+%79 = OpSampledImage %25 %77 %78
+%82 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %79 %60
+%83 = OpLoad %17 %g_tTex1df4
+%84 = OpLoad %21 %g_sSamp
+%85 = OpSampledImage %25 %83 %84
+%88 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %85 %63
+%91 = OpFAdd %v4float %82 %88
+%94 = OpFMul %v4float %91 %116
+OpStore %_entryPointOutput_Color %94
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<RelaxFloatOpsPass>(
+      defs0 + defs1 + func_orig, defs0 + relax_decos + defs1 + func_orig, true,
+      true);
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace opt
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/opt/replace_desc_array_access_using_var_index_test.cpp b/test/opt/replace_desc_array_access_using_var_index_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca62581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/opt/replace_desc_array_access_using_var_index_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2021 Google LLC
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <string>
+#include "gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "test/opt/assembly_builder.h"
+#include "test/opt/pass_fixture.h"
+#include "test/opt/pass_utils.h"
+namespace spvtools {
+namespace opt {
+namespace {
+using ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndexTest = PassTest<::testing::Test>;
+       ReplaceAccessChainToTextureArray) {
+  const std::string text = R"(
+               OpCapability Shader
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %psmain "psmain" %gl_FragCoord %in_var_INSTANCEID %out_var_SV_TARGET
+               OpExecutionMode %psmain OriginUpperLeft
+               OpSource HLSL 600
+               OpName %type_sampler "type.sampler"
+               OpName %Sampler0 "Sampler0"
+               OpName %type_2d_image "type.2d.image"
+               OpName %Tex0 "Tex0"
+               OpName %in_var_INSTANCEID "in.var.INSTANCEID"
+               OpName %out_var_SV_TARGET "out.var.SV_TARGET"
+               OpName %psmain "psmain"
+               OpName %type_sampled_image "type.sampled.image"
+               OpDecorate %gl_FragCoord BuiltIn FragCoord
+               OpDecorate %in_var_INSTANCEID Flat
+               OpDecorate %in_var_INSTANCEID Location 0
+               OpDecorate %out_var_SV_TARGET Location 0
+               OpDecorate %Sampler0 DescriptorSet 0
+               OpDecorate %Sampler0 Binding 1
+               OpDecorate %Tex0 DescriptorSet 0
+               OpDecorate %Tex0 Binding 2
+       %bool = OpTypeBool
+%type_sampler = OpTypeSampler
+%_ptr_UniformConstant_type_sampler = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %type_sampler
+       %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
+     %uint_3 = OpConstant %uint 3
+      %float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%type_2d_image = OpTypeImage %float 2D 2 0 0 0 Unknown
+%_arr_type_2d_image_uint_3 = OpTypeArray %type_2d_image %uint_3
+%_ptr_UniformConstant__arr_type_2d_image_uint_3 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %_arr_type_2d_image_uint_3
+    %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float
+%_ptr_Input_uint = OpTypePointer Input %uint
+%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+         %21 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%_ptr_UniformConstant_type_2d_image = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %type_2d_image
+    %v2float = OpTypeVector %float 2
+     %v2uint = OpTypeVector %uint 2
+     %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
+     %uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
+         %27 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_0 %uint_1
+%type_sampled_image = OpTypeSampledImage %type_2d_image
+   %Sampler0 = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_sampler UniformConstant
+       %Tex0 = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant__arr_type_2d_image_uint_3 UniformConstant
+%gl_FragCoord = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input
+%in_var_INSTANCEID = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_uint Input
+%out_var_SV_TARGET = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
+     %uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2
+         %66 = OpConstantNull %v4float
+; CHECK: [[null_value:%\w+]] = OpConstantNull %v4float
+     %psmain = OpFunction %void None %21
+         %39 = OpLabel
+         %29 = OpLoad %v4float %gl_FragCoord
+         %30 = OpLoad %uint %in_var_INSTANCEID
+         %37 = OpIEqual %bool %30 %uint_2
+               OpSelectionMerge %38 None
+               OpBranchConditional %37 %28 %40
+; CHECK: [[var_index:%\w+]] = OpLoad %uint %in_var_INSTANCEID
+; CHECK: OpSelectionMerge [[cond_branch_merge:%\w+]] None
+; CHECK: OpBranchConditional {{%\w+}} {{%\w+}} [[bb_cond_br:%\w+]]
+         %28 = OpLabel
+         %31 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_2d_image %Tex0 %30
+         %32 = OpLoad %type_2d_image %31
+               OpImageWrite %32 %27 %29
+; CHECK: OpSelectionMerge [[merge:%\w+]] None
+; CHECK: OpSwitch [[var_index]] [[default:%\w+]] 0 [[case0:%\w+]] 1 [[case1:%\w+]] 2 [[case2:%\w+]]
+; CHECK: [[case0]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: OpAccessChain
+; CHECK: OpLoad
+; CHECK: OpImageWrite
+; CHECK: OpBranch [[merge]]
+; CHECK: [[case1]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: OpAccessChain
+; CHECK: OpLoad
+; CHECK: OpImageWrite
+; CHECK: OpBranch [[merge]]
+; CHECK: [[case2]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: OpAccessChain
+; CHECK: OpLoad
+; CHECK: OpImageWrite
+; CHECK: OpBranch [[merge]]
+; CHECK: [[default]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: OpBranch [[merge]]
+; CHECK: [[merge]] = OpLabel
+         %33 = OpLoad %type_sampler %Sampler0
+         %34 = OpVectorShuffle %v2float %29 %29 0 1
+         %35 = OpSampledImage %type_sampled_image %32 %33
+         %36 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %35 %34 None
+; CHECK: OpSelectionMerge [[merge:%\w+]] None
+; CHECK: OpSwitch [[var_index]] [[default:%\w+]] 0 [[case0:%\w+]] 1 [[case1:%\w+]] 2 [[case2:%\w+]]
+; CHECK: [[case0]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: [[ac:%\w+]] = OpAccessChain %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_2d_image %Tex0 %uint_0
+; CHECK: [[sam:%\w+]] = OpLoad %type_sampler %Sampler0
+; CHECK: [[img:%\w+]] = OpLoad %type_2d_image [[ac]]
+; CHECK: [[sampledImg:%\w+]] = OpSampledImage %type_sampled_image [[img]] [[sam]]
+; CHECK: [[value0:%\w+]] = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float [[sampledImg]]
+; CHECK: OpBranch [[merge]]
+; CHECK: [[case1]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: [[ac:%\w+]] = OpAccessChain %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_2d_image %Tex0 %uint_1
+; CHECK: [[sam:%\w+]] = OpLoad %type_sampler %Sampler0
+; CHECK: [[img:%\w+]] = OpLoad %type_2d_image [[ac]]
+; CHECK: [[sampledImg:%\w+]] = OpSampledImage %type_sampled_image [[img]] [[sam]]
+; CHECK: [[value1:%\w+]] = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float [[sampledImg]]
+; CHECK: OpBranch [[merge]]
+; CHECK: [[case2]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: [[ac:%\w+]] = OpAccessChain %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_2d_image %Tex0 %uint_2
+; CHECK: [[sam:%\w+]] = OpLoad %type_sampler %Sampler0
+; CHECK: [[img:%\w+]] = OpLoad %type_2d_image [[ac]]
+; CHECK: [[sampledImg:%\w+]] = OpSampledImage %type_sampled_image [[img]] [[sam]]
+; CHECK: [[value2:%\w+]] = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float [[sampledImg]]
+; CHECK: OpBranch [[merge]]
+; CHECK: [[default]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: OpBranch [[merge]]
+; CHECK: [[merge]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: [[phi0:%\w+]] = OpPhi %v4float [[value0]] [[case0]] [[value1]] [[case1]] [[value2]] [[case2]] [[null_value]] [[default]]
+               OpBranch %38
+         %40 = OpLabel
+               OpBranch %38
+         %38 = OpLabel
+         %41 = OpPhi %v4float %36 %28 %29 %40
+; CHECK: OpBranch [[cond_branch_merge]]
+; CHECK: [[bb_cond_br]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: OpBranch [[cond_branch_merge]]
+; CHECK: [[cond_branch_merge]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: [[phi1:%\w+]] = OpPhi %v4float [[phi0]] [[merge]] {{%\w+}} [[bb_cond_br]]
+; CHECK: OpStore {{%\w+}} [[phi1]]
+               OpStore %out_var_SV_TARGET %41
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  )";
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex>(text, true);
+       ReplaceAccessChainToTextureArrayAndSamplerArray) {
+  const std::string text = R"(
+               OpCapability Shader
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %psmain "psmain" %gl_FragCoord %in_var_INSTANCEID %out_var_SV_TARGET
+               OpExecutionMode %psmain OriginUpperLeft
+               OpSource HLSL 600
+               OpName %type_sampler "type.sampler"
+               OpName %Sampler0 "Sampler0"
+               OpName %type_2d_image "type.2d.image"
+               OpName %Tex0 "Tex0"
+               OpName %in_var_INSTANCEID "in.var.INSTANCEID"
+               OpName %out_var_SV_TARGET "out.var.SV_TARGET"
+               OpName %psmain "psmain"
+               OpName %type_sampled_image "type.sampled.image"
+               OpDecorate %gl_FragCoord BuiltIn FragCoord
+               OpDecorate %in_var_INSTANCEID Flat
+               OpDecorate %in_var_INSTANCEID Location 0
+               OpDecorate %out_var_SV_TARGET Location 0
+               OpDecorate %Sampler0 DescriptorSet 0
+               OpDecorate %Sampler0 Binding 1
+               OpDecorate %Tex0 DescriptorSet 0
+               OpDecorate %Tex0 Binding 2
+%type_sampler = OpTypeSampler
+       %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
+     %uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2
+%_ptr_UniformConstant_type_sampler = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %type_sampler
+%_arr_type_sampler_uint_2 = OpTypeArray %type_sampler %uint_2
+%_ptr_UniformConstant__arr_type_sampler_uint_2 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %_arr_type_sampler_uint_2
+      %float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%type_2d_image = OpTypeImage %float 2D 2 0 0 0 Unknown
+%_arr_type_2d_image_uint_2 = OpTypeArray %type_2d_image %uint_2
+%_ptr_UniformConstant__arr_type_2d_image_uint_2 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %_arr_type_2d_image_uint_2
+    %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float
+%_ptr_Input_uint = OpTypePointer Input %uint
+%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+         %21 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%_ptr_UniformConstant_type_2d_image = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %type_2d_image
+    %v2float = OpTypeVector %float 2
+     %v2uint = OpTypeVector %uint 2
+     %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
+     %uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
+         %27 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_0 %uint_1
+%type_sampled_image = OpTypeSampledImage %type_2d_image
+   %Sampler0 = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant__arr_type_sampler_uint_2 UniformConstant
+       %Tex0 = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant__arr_type_2d_image_uint_2 UniformConstant
+%gl_FragCoord = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input
+%in_var_INSTANCEID = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_uint Input
+%out_var_SV_TARGET = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
+         %66 = OpConstantNull %v4float
+     %psmain = OpFunction %void None %21
+         %28 = OpLabel
+         %29 = OpLoad %v4float %gl_FragCoord
+         %30 = OpLoad %uint %in_var_INSTANCEID
+         %31 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_2d_image %Tex0 %30
+         %32 = OpLoad %type_2d_image %31
+               OpImageWrite %32 %27 %29
+; CHECK: [[null_value:%\w+]] = OpConstantNull %v4float
+; CHECK: [[var_index:%\w+]] = OpLoad %uint %in_var_INSTANCEID
+; CHECK: OpSelectionMerge [[merge:%\w+]] None
+; CHECK: OpSwitch [[var_index]] [[default:%\w+]] 0 [[case0:%\w+]] 1 [[case1:%\w+]]
+; CHECK: [[case0]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: OpAccessChain
+; CHECK: OpLoad
+; CHECK: OpImageWrite
+; CHECK: OpBranch [[merge]]
+; CHECK: [[case1]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: OpAccessChain
+; CHECK: OpLoad
+; CHECK: OpImageWrite
+; CHECK: OpBranch [[merge]]
+; CHECK: [[default]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: OpBranch [[merge]]
+; CHECK: [[merge]] = OpLabel
+         %33 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_sampler %Sampler0 %30
+         %37 = OpLoad %type_sampler %33
+         %34 = OpVectorShuffle %v2float %29 %29 0 1
+         %35 = OpSampledImage %type_sampled_image %32 %37
+         %36 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %35 %34 None
+; SPIR-V instructions to be replaced (will be killed by ADCE)
+; CHECK: OpSelectionMerge
+; CHECK: OpSwitch
+; CHECK: OpSelectionMerge [[merge_sampler:%\w+]] None
+; CHECK: OpSwitch [[var_index]] [[default_sampler:%\w+]] 0 [[case_sampler0:%\w+]] 1 [[case_sampler1:%\w+]]
+; CHECK: [[case_sampler0]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: OpSelectionMerge [[merge_texture0:%\w+]] None
+; CHECK: OpSwitch [[var_index]] [[default_texture:%\w+]] 0 [[case_texture0:%\w+]] 1 [[case_texture1:%\w+]]
+; CHECK: [[case_texture0]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: [[pt0:%\w+]] = OpAccessChain %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_2d_image %Tex0 %uint_0
+; CHECK: [[ps0:%\w+]] = OpAccessChain %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_sampler %Sampler0 %uint_0
+; CHECK: [[s0:%\w+]] = OpLoad %type_sampler [[ps0]]
+; CHECK: [[t0:%\w+]] = OpLoad %type_2d_image [[pt0]]
+; CHECK: [[sampledImg0:%\w+]] = OpSampledImage %type_sampled_image [[t0]] [[s0]]
+; CHECK: [[value0:%\w+]] = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float [[sampledImg0]]
+; CHECK: OpBranch [[merge_texture0]]
+; CHECK: [[case_texture1]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: [[pt1:%\w+]] = OpAccessChain %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_2d_image %Tex0 %uint_1
+; CHECK: [[ps0:%\w+]] = OpAccessChain %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_sampler %Sampler0 %uint_0
+; CHECK: [[s0:%\w+]] = OpLoad %type_sampler [[ps0]]
+; CHECK: [[t1:%\w+]] = OpLoad %type_2d_image [[pt1]]
+; CHECK: [[sampledImg1:%\w+]] = OpSampledImage %type_sampled_image [[t1]] [[s0]]
+; CHECK: [[value1:%\w+]] = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float [[sampledImg1]]
+; CHECK: OpBranch [[merge_texture0]]
+; CHECK: [[default_texture]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: OpBranch [[merge_texture0]]
+; CHECK: [[merge_texture0]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: [[phi0:%\w+]] = OpPhi %v4float [[value0]] [[case_texture0]] [[value1]] [[case_texture1]] [[null_value]] [[default_texture]]
+; CHECK: OpBranch [[merge_sampler]]
+; CHECK: [[case_sampler1]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: OpSelectionMerge [[merge_texture1:%\w+]] None
+; CHECK: OpSwitch [[var_index]] [[default_texture:%\w+]] 0 [[case_texture0:%\w+]] 1 [[case_texture1:%\w+]]
+; CHECK: [[case_texture0]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: [[pt0:%\w+]] = OpAccessChain %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_2d_image %Tex0 %uint_0
+; CHECK: [[ps1:%\w+]] = OpAccessChain %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_sampler %Sampler0 %uint_1
+; CHECK: [[s1:%\w+]] = OpLoad %type_sampler [[ps1]]
+; CHECK: [[t0:%\w+]] = OpLoad %type_2d_image [[pt0]]
+; CHECK: [[sampledImg0:%\w+]] = OpSampledImage %type_sampled_image [[t0]] [[s1]]
+; CHECK: [[value0:%\w+]] = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float [[sampledImg0]]
+; CHECK: OpBranch [[merge_texture1]]
+; CHECK: [[case_texture1]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: [[pt1:%\w+]] = OpAccessChain %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_2d_image %Tex0 %uint_1
+; CHECK: [[ps1:%\w+]] = OpAccessChain %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_sampler %Sampler0 %uint_1
+; CHECK: [[s1:%\w+]] = OpLoad %type_sampler [[ps1]]
+; CHECK: [[t1:%\w+]] = OpLoad %type_2d_image [[pt1]]
+; CHECK: [[sampledImg1:%\w+]] = OpSampledImage %type_sampled_image [[t1]] [[s1]]
+; CHECK: [[value1:%\w+]] = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float [[sampledImg1]]
+; CHECK: OpBranch [[merge_texture1]]
+; CHECK: [[default_texture]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: OpBranch [[merge_texture1]]
+; CHECK: [[merge_texture1]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: [[phi1:%\w+]] = OpPhi %v4float [[value0]] [[case_texture0]] [[value1]] [[case_texture1]] [[null_value]] [[default_texture]]
+; CHECK: [[default_sampler]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: OpBranch [[merge_sampler]]
+; CHECK: [[merge_sampler]] = OpLabel
+; CHECK: OpPhi %v4float [[phi0]] [[merge_texture0]] [[phi1]] [[merge_texture1]] [[null_value]] [[default_sampler]]
+; CHECK: OpStore
+               OpStore %out_var_SV_TARGET %36
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  )";
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex>(text, true);
+       ReplaceAccessChainToTextureArrayWithSingleElement) {
+  const std::string text = R"(
+               OpCapability Shader
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+               OpEntryPoint Fragment %psmain "psmain" %gl_FragCoord %in_var_INSTANCEID %out_var_SV_TARGET
+               OpExecutionMode %psmain OriginUpperLeft
+               OpSource HLSL 600
+               OpName %type_sampler "type.sampler"
+               OpName %Sampler0 "Sampler0"
+               OpName %type_2d_image "type.2d.image"
+               OpName %Tex0 "Tex0"
+               OpName %in_var_INSTANCEID "in.var.INSTANCEID"
+               OpName %out_var_SV_TARGET "out.var.SV_TARGET"
+               OpName %psmain "psmain"
+               OpName %type_sampled_image "type.sampled.image"
+               OpDecorate %gl_FragCoord BuiltIn FragCoord
+               OpDecorate %in_var_INSTANCEID Flat
+               OpDecorate %in_var_INSTANCEID Location 0
+               OpDecorate %out_var_SV_TARGET Location 0
+               OpDecorate %Sampler0 DescriptorSet 0
+               OpDecorate %Sampler0 Binding 1
+               OpDecorate %Tex0 DescriptorSet 0
+               OpDecorate %Tex0 Binding 2
+%type_sampler = OpTypeSampler
+%_ptr_UniformConstant_type_sampler = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %type_sampler
+       %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
+     %uint_1 = OpConstant %uint 1
+      %float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%type_2d_image = OpTypeImage %float 2D 2 0 0 0 Unknown
+%_arr_type_2d_image_uint_1 = OpTypeArray %type_2d_image %uint_1
+%_ptr_UniformConstant__arr_type_2d_image_uint_1 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %_arr_type_2d_image_uint_1
+    %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float
+%_ptr_Input_uint = OpTypePointer Input %uint
+%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+         %21 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%_ptr_UniformConstant_type_2d_image = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %type_2d_image
+    %v2float = OpTypeVector %float 2
+     %v2uint = OpTypeVector %uint 2
+     %uint_0 = OpConstant %uint 0
+         %27 = OpConstantComposite %v2uint %uint_0 %uint_1
+%type_sampled_image = OpTypeSampledImage %type_2d_image
+   %Sampler0 = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_sampler UniformConstant
+       %Tex0 = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant__arr_type_2d_image_uint_1 UniformConstant
+%gl_FragCoord = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input
+%in_var_INSTANCEID = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_uint Input
+%out_var_SV_TARGET = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
+     %uint_2 = OpConstant %uint 2
+         %66 = OpConstantNull %v4float
+     %psmain = OpFunction %void None %21
+         %28 = OpLabel
+         %29 = OpLoad %v4float %gl_FragCoord
+         %30 = OpLoad %uint %in_var_INSTANCEID
+         %31 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_2d_image %Tex0 %30
+         %32 = OpLoad %type_2d_image %31
+               OpImageWrite %32 %27 %29
+; CHECK: [[ac:%\w+]] = OpAccessChain %_ptr_UniformConstant_type_2d_image %Tex0 %uint_0
+; CHECK-NOT: OpAccessChain
+; CHECK-NOT: OpSwitch
+         %33 = OpLoad %type_sampler %Sampler0
+         %34 = OpVectorShuffle %v2float %29 %29 0 1
+         %35 = OpSampledImage %type_sampled_image %32 %33
+         %36 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %35 %34 None
+               OpStore %out_var_SV_TARGET %36
+               OpReturn
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  )";
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<ReplaceDescArrayAccessUsingVarIndex>(text, true);
+}  // namespace
+}  // namespace opt
+}  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/opt/scalar_replacement_test.cpp b/test/opt/scalar_replacement_test.cpp
index 8115f5f..8cb888c 100644
--- a/test/opt/scalar_replacement_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/scalar_replacement_test.cpp
@@ -1935,12 +1935,12 @@
 ; CHECK: [[dbg_local_var:%\w+]] = OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugLocalVariable
 ; CHECK: [[deref_expr:%\w+]] = OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugExpression [[deref]]
 ; CHECK: [[repl3:%\w+]] = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function
-; CHECK: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_local_var]] [[repl3]] [[deref_expr]] %int_3
 ; CHECK: [[repl2:%\w+]] = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function
-; CHECK: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_local_var]] [[repl2]] [[deref_expr]] %int_2
 ; CHECK: [[repl1:%\w+]] = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function
-; CHECK: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_local_var]] [[repl1]] [[deref_expr]] %int_1
 ; CHECK: [[repl0:%\w+]] = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function
+; CHECK: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_local_var]] [[repl3]] [[deref_expr]] %int_3
+; CHECK: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_local_var]] [[repl2]] [[deref_expr]] %int_2
+; CHECK: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_local_var]] [[repl1]] [[deref_expr]] %int_1
 ; CHECK: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_local_var]] [[repl0]] [[deref_expr]] %int_0
 ; CHECK-NOT: DebugDeclare
 %decl = OpExtInst %1 %ext DebugDeclare %dbg_foo %14 %null_expr
@@ -2058,10 +2058,10 @@
 ; CHECK: [[repl2:%\w+]] = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function %float_1
 ; CHECK: [[repl1:%\w+]] = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function %uint_32
 ; CHECK: [[repl3:%\w+]] = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_float Function %float_1
+; CHECK: [[repl0:%\w+]] = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function %uint_32
 ; CHECK: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_local_var]] [[repl3]] [[deref_expr]] %int_2
 ; CHECK: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_local_var]] [[repl1]] [[deref_expr]] %int_1 %int_0
 ; CHECK: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_local_var]] [[repl2]] [[deref_expr]] %int_1 %int_1
-; CHECK: [[repl0:%\w+]] = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function %uint_32
 ; CHECK: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_local_var]] [[repl0]] [[deref_expr]] %int_0
 ; CHECK-NOT: DebugDeclare
 %decl = OpExtInst %1 %ext DebugDeclare %dbg_foo %14 %null_expr
@@ -2174,12 +2174,12 @@
 ; CHECK: [[dbg_local_var:%\w+]] = OpExtInst %void [[ext:%\w+]] DebugLocalVariable
 ; CHECK: [[repl3:%\w+]] = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function
-; CHECK: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_local_var]] [[repl3]] [[deref_expr:%\w+]] %int_3
 ; CHECK: [[repl2:%\w+]] = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function
-; CHECK: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_local_var]] [[repl2]] [[deref_expr]] %int_2
 ; CHECK: [[repl1:%\w+]] = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function
-; CHECK: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_local_var]] [[repl1]] [[deref_expr]] %int_1
 ; CHECK: [[repl0:%\w+]] = OpVariable %_ptr_Function_uint Function
+; CHECK: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_local_var]] [[repl3]] [[deref_expr:%\w+]] %int_3
+; CHECK: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_local_var]] [[repl2]] [[deref_expr]] %int_2
+; CHECK: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_local_var]] [[repl1]] [[deref_expr]] %int_1
 ; CHECK: OpExtInst %void [[ext]] DebugValue [[dbg_local_var]] [[repl0]] [[deref_expr]] %int_0
 OpBranch %20
@@ -2237,6 +2237,32 @@
   SinglePassRunAndMatch<ScalarReplacementPass>(text, false);
+TEST_F(ScalarReplacementTest, FunctionDeclaration) {
+  // Make sure the pass works with a function declaration that is called.
+  const std::string text = R"(OpCapability Addresses
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpCapability Kernel
+OpCapability Int8
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "OpenCL.std"
+OpMemoryModel Physical64 OpenCL
+OpEntryPoint Kernel %2 "_Z23julia__1166_kernel_77094Bool"
+OpExecutionMode %2 ContractionOff
+OpSource Unknown 0
+OpDecorate %3 LinkageAttributes "julia_error_7712" Import
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%5 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%3 = OpFunction %void None %5
+%2 = OpFunction %void None %5
+%6 = OpLabel
+%7 = OpFunctionCall %void %3
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<ScalarReplacementPass>(text, text, false);
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace opt
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/opt/set_spec_const_default_value_test.cpp b/test/opt/set_spec_const_default_value_test.cpp
index 5e63862..f1dd50e 100644
--- a/test/opt/set_spec_const_default_value_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/set_spec_const_default_value_test.cpp
@@ -935,6 +935,98 @@
             "%2 = OpSpecConstantTrue %bool\n"
             "%3 = OpSpecConstantTrue %bool\n",
+        // 19. 16-bit signed int type.
+        {
+            // code
+            "OpDecorate %1 SpecId 100\n"
+            "OpDecorate %2 SpecId 101\n"
+            "OpDecorate %3 SpecId 102\n"
+            "%short = OpTypeInt 16 1\n"
+            "%1 = OpSpecConstant %short 10\n"
+            "%2 = OpSpecConstant %short 11\n"
+            "%3 = OpSpecConstant %short 11\n",
+            // default values
+            SpecIdToValueBitPatternMap{
+                {100, {32767}}, {101, {0xffff}}, {102, {0xffffffd6}}},
+            // expected. These are sign-extended
+            "OpDecorate %1 SpecId 100\n"
+            "OpDecorate %2 SpecId 101\n"
+            "OpDecorate %3 SpecId 102\n"
+            "%short = OpTypeInt 16 1\n"
+            "%1 = OpSpecConstant %short 32767\n"
+            "%2 = OpSpecConstant %short -1\n"
+            "%3 = OpSpecConstant %short -42\n",
+        },
+        // 20. 16-bit unsigned int type.
+        {
+            // code
+            "OpDecorate %1 SpecId 100\n"
+            "OpDecorate %2 SpecId 101\n"
+            "OpDecorate %3 SpecId 102\n"
+            "%ushort = OpTypeInt 16 0\n"
+            "%1 = OpSpecConstant %ushort 10\n"
+            "%2 = OpSpecConstant %ushort 11\n"
+            "%3 = OpSpecConstant %ushort 11\n",
+            // default values
+            SpecIdToValueBitPatternMap{
+                {100, {32767}}, {101, {0xffff}}, {102, {0xffffffd6}}},
+            // expected. Upper bits are always zero.
+            "OpDecorate %1 SpecId 100\n"
+            "OpDecorate %2 SpecId 101\n"
+            "OpDecorate %3 SpecId 102\n"
+            "%ushort = OpTypeInt 16 0\n"
+            "%1 = OpSpecConstant %ushort 32767\n"
+            "%2 = OpSpecConstant %ushort 65535\n"
+            "%3 = OpSpecConstant %ushort 65494\n",
+        },
+        // 21. 8-bit signed int type.
+        {
+            // code
+            "OpDecorate %1 SpecId 100\n"
+            "OpDecorate %2 SpecId 101\n"
+            "OpDecorate %3 SpecId 102\n"
+            "%char = OpTypeInt 8 1\n"
+            "%1 = OpSpecConstant %char 10\n"
+            "%2 = OpSpecConstant %char 11\n"
+            "%3 = OpSpecConstant %char 11\n",
+            // default values
+            SpecIdToValueBitPatternMap{
+                {100, {127}}, {101, {128}}, {102, {0xd6}}},
+            // expected. These are sign extended
+            "OpDecorate %1 SpecId 100\n"
+            "OpDecorate %2 SpecId 101\n"
+            "OpDecorate %3 SpecId 102\n"
+            "%char = OpTypeInt 8 1\n"
+            "%1 = OpSpecConstant %char 127\n"
+            "%2 = OpSpecConstant %char -128\n"
+            "%3 = OpSpecConstant %char -42\n",
+        },
+        // 22. 8-bit unsigned int type.
+        {
+            // code
+            "OpDecorate %1 SpecId 100\n"
+            "OpDecorate %2 SpecId 101\n"
+            "OpDecorate %3 SpecId 102\n"
+            "OpDecorate %4 SpecId 103\n"
+            "%uchar = OpTypeInt 8 0\n"
+            "%1 = OpSpecConstant %uchar 10\n"
+            "%2 = OpSpecConstant %uchar 11\n"
+            "%3 = OpSpecConstant %uchar 11\n"
+            "%4 = OpSpecConstant %uchar 11\n",
+            // default values
+            SpecIdToValueBitPatternMap{
+                {100, {127}}, {101, {128}}, {102, {256}}, {103, {0xffffffd6}}},
+            // expected. Upper bits are always zero.
+            "OpDecorate %1 SpecId 100\n"
+            "OpDecorate %2 SpecId 101\n"
+            "OpDecorate %3 SpecId 102\n"
+            "OpDecorate %4 SpecId 103\n"
+            "%uchar = OpTypeInt 8 0\n"
+            "%1 = OpSpecConstant %uchar 127\n"
+            "%2 = OpSpecConstant %uchar 128\n"
+            "%3 = OpSpecConstant %uchar 0\n"
+            "%4 = OpSpecConstant %uchar 214\n",
+        },
diff --git a/test/opt/simplification_test.cpp b/test/opt/simplification_test.cpp
index 7a9696e..7727f56 100644
--- a/test/opt/simplification_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/simplification_test.cpp
@@ -360,6 +360,31 @@
   SinglePassRunAndMatch<SimplificationPass>(spirv, true);
+TEST_F(SimplificationTest, FunctionDeclaration) {
+  // Make sure the pass works with a function declaration that is called.
+  const std::string text = R"(OpCapability Addresses
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpCapability Kernel
+OpCapability Int8
+%1 = OpExtInstImport "OpenCL.std"
+OpMemoryModel Physical64 OpenCL
+OpEntryPoint Kernel %2 "_Z23julia__1166_kernel_77094Bool"
+OpExecutionMode %2 ContractionOff
+OpSource Unknown 0
+OpDecorate %3 LinkageAttributes "julia_error_7712" Import
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%5 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%3 = OpFunction %void None %5
+%2 = OpFunction %void None %5
+%6 = OpLabel
+%7 = OpFunctionCall %void %3
+  SinglePassRunAndCheck<SimplificationPass>(text, text, false);
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace opt
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/opt/upgrade_memory_model_test.cpp b/test/opt/upgrade_memory_model_test.cpp
index 7f64ffd..2cd3c7d 100644
--- a/test/opt/upgrade_memory_model_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/upgrade_memory_model_test.cpp
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_variable_pointers"
 OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
 OpDecorate %param Coherent
-OpDecorate %param ArrayStride 4
+OpDecorate %ptr_int_StorageBuffer ArrayStride 4
 %void = OpTypeVoid
 %bool = OpTypeBool
 %int = OpTypeInt 32 0
diff --git a/test/opt/vector_dce_test.cpp b/test/opt/vector_dce_test.cpp
index 9bdad37..b14e225 100644
--- a/test/opt/vector_dce_test.cpp
+++ b/test/opt/vector_dce_test.cpp
@@ -1351,6 +1351,72 @@
   SinglePassRunAndMatch<VectorDCE>(text, true);
+TEST_F(VectorDCETest, OutOfBoundsExtract) {
+  // It tests that the vector DCE pass is able to handle an extract with an
+  // index that is out of bounds.
+  const std::string text = R"(
+; CHECK: [[undef:%\w+]] = OpUndef %v4float
+; CHECK: OpCompositeExtract %float [[undef]] 8
+                     OpCapability Shader
+                     OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+                     OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %OutColor
+                     OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
+                     OpDecorate %OutColor Location 0
+             %void = OpTypeVoid
+               %10 = OpTypeFunction %void
+            %float = OpTypeFloat 32
+          %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%_ptr_Output_float = OpTypePointer Output %float
+         %OutColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_float Output
+             %null = OpConstantNull %v4float
+          %float_1 = OpConstant %float 1
+             %main = OpFunction %void None %10
+               %28 = OpLabel
+               %33 = OpCompositeInsert %v4float %float_1 %null 1
+          %extract = OpCompositeExtract %float %33 8
+                     OpStore %OutColor %extract
+                     OpReturn
+                     OpFunctionEnd
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<VectorDCE>(text, false);
+TEST_F(VectorDCETest, OutOfBoundsShuffle) {
+  // It tests that the vector DCE pass is able to handle a shuffle with an
+  // index that is out of bounds.
+  const std::string text = R"(
+; CHECK: [[undef:%\w+]] = OpUndef %v4float
+; CHECK: OpVectorShuffle %v4float [[undef]] [[undef]] 9 10 11 12
+                     OpCapability Shader
+                     OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+                     OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %OutColor
+                     OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
+                     OpDecorate %OutColor Location 0
+             %void = OpTypeVoid
+               %10 = OpTypeFunction %void
+            %float = OpTypeFloat 32
+          %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
+         %OutColor = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
+             %null = OpConstantNull %v4float
+          %float_1 = OpConstant %float 1
+             %main = OpFunction %void None %10
+               %28 = OpLabel
+               %33 = OpCompositeInsert %v4float %float_1 %null 1
+          %shuffle = OpVectorShuffle %v4float %33 %33 9 10 11 12
+                     OpStore %OutColor %shuffle
+                     OpReturn
+                     OpFunctionEnd
+  SinglePassRunAndMatch<VectorDCE>(text, false);
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace opt
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/text_to_binary_test.cpp b/test/text_to_binary_test.cpp
index 57f0a6c..99d9ed6 100644
--- a/test/text_to_binary_test.cpp
+++ b/test/text_to_binary_test.cpp
@@ -247,12 +247,6 @@
         {"0x1.804p4", 0x00004e01},
-TEST(CreateContext, InvalidEnvironment) {
-  spv_target_env env;
-  std::memset(&env, 99, sizeof(env));
-  EXPECT_THAT(spvContextCreate(env), IsNull());
 TEST(CreateContext, UniversalEnvironment) {
   auto c = spvContextCreate(SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_0);
   EXPECT_THAT(c, NotNull());
diff --git a/test/val/CMakeLists.txt b/test/val/CMakeLists.txt
index 39f9a09..64eba44 100644
--- a/test/val/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/test/val/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 add_spvtools_unittest(TARGET val_abcde
+       val_annotation_test.cpp
diff --git a/test/val/val_annotation_test.cpp b/test/val/val_annotation_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..889c76c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/val/val_annotation_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,951 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2021 Google LLC
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Validation tests for decorations
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "test/test_fixture.h"
+#include "test/unit_spirv.h"
+#include "test/val/val_code_generator.h"
+#include "test/val/val_fixtures.h"
+namespace spvtools {
+namespace val {
+namespace {
+using ::testing::Combine;
+using ::testing::Eq;
+using ::testing::HasSubstr;
+using ::testing::Values;
+using DecorationTest = spvtest::ValidateBase<bool>;
+TEST_F(DecorationTest, WorkgroupSizeShader) {
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %ones BuiltIn WorkgroupSize
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%int3 = OpTypeVector %int 3
+%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
+%ones = OpConstantComposite %int3 %int_1 %int_1 %int_1
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions());
+TEST_F(DecorationTest, WorkgroupSizeKernel) {
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Kernel
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical OpenCL
+OpDecorate %var BuiltIn WorkgroupSize
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%int3 = OpTypeVector %int 3
+%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %int3
+%var = OpVariable %ptr Input
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions());
+using MemberOnlyDecorations = spvtest::ValidateBase<std::string>;
+TEST_P(MemberOnlyDecorations, MemberDecoration) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpMemberDecorate %struct 0 )" +
+                           deco + R"(
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%float2 = OpTypeVector %float 2
+%float2x2 = OpTypeMatrix %float2 2
+%struct = OpTypeStruct %float2x2
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions());
+TEST_P(MemberOnlyDecorations, Decoration) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %struct )" + deco +
+                           R"(
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%float2 = OpTypeVector %float 2
+%float2x2 = OpTypeMatrix %float2 2
+%struct = OpTypeStruct %float2x2
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("can only be applied to structure members"));
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(ValidateMemberOnlyDecorations, MemberOnlyDecorations,
+                         Values("RowMajor", "ColMajor", "MatrixStride 16"
+                                // SPIR-V spec bug?
+                                /*,"Offset 0"*/));
+using NonMemberOnlyDecorations = spvtest::ValidateBase<std::string>;
+TEST_P(NonMemberOnlyDecorations, MemberDecoration) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const auto text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Kernel
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpCapability InputAttachment
+OpCapability Addresses
+OpCapability PhysicalStorageBufferAddresses
+OpCapability ShaderNonUniform
+OpExtension "SPV_KHR_no_integer_wrap_decoration"
+OpExtension "SPV_KHR_physical_storage_buffer"
+OpExtension "SPV_GOOGLE_hlsl_functionality1"
+OpExtension "SPV_EXT_descriptor_indexing"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpMemberDecorate %struct 0 )" +
+                    deco + R"(
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%float2 = OpTypeVector %float 2
+%float2x2 = OpTypeMatrix %float2 2
+%struct = OpTypeStruct %float2x2
+  CompileSuccessfully(text, SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3);
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("cannot be applied to structure members"));
+    ValidateNonMemberOnlyDecorations, NonMemberOnlyDecorations,
+    Values("SpecId 1", "Block", "BufferBlock", "ArrayStride 4", "GLSLShared",
+           "GLSLPacked", "CPacked",
+           // TODO:
+           // glslang applies Restrict to structure members.
+           //"Restrict",
+           "Aliased", "Constant", "Uniform", "SaturatedConversion", "Index 0",
+           "Binding 0", "DescriptorSet 0", "FuncParamAttr Zext",
+           "FPRoundingMode RTE", "FPFastMathMode None",
+           "LinkageAttributes \"ext\" Import", "NoContraction",
+           "InputAttachmentIndex 0", "Alignment 4", "MaxByteOffset 4",
+           "AlignmentId %float", "MaxByteOffsetId %float", "NoSignedWrap",
+           "NoUnsignedWrap", "NonUniform", "RestrictPointer", "AliasedPointer",
+           "CounterBuffer %float"));
+using StructDecorations = spvtest::ValidateBase<std::string>;
+TEST_P(StructDecorations, Struct) {
+  const std::string deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Kernel
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %struct )" + deco +
+                           R"(
+%struct = OpTypeStruct
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions());
+TEST_P(StructDecorations, OtherType) {
+  const std::string deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Kernel
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %int )" + deco + R"(
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), HasSubstr("must be a structure type"));
+TEST_P(StructDecorations, Variable) {
+  const std::string deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Kernel
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %var )" + deco + R"(
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%ptr = OpTypePointer Private %int
+%var = OpVariable %ptr Private
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), HasSubstr("must be a structure type"));
+TEST_P(StructDecorations, FunctionParameter) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Kernel
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %func LinkageAttributes "import" Import
+OpDecorate %param )" + deco +
+                           R"(
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%fn = OpTypeFunction %void %int
+%func = OpFunction %void None %fn
+%param = OpFunctionParameter %int
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), HasSubstr("must be a structure type"));
+TEST_P(StructDecorations, Constant) {
+  const std::string deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Kernel
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %int_0 )" + deco +
+                           R"(
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%int_0 = OpConstant %int 0
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), HasSubstr("must be a structure type"));
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(ValidateStructDecorations, StructDecorations,
+                         Values("Block", "BufferBlock", "GLSLShared",
+                                "GLSLPacked", "CPacked"));
+using ArrayDecorations = spvtest::ValidateBase<std::string>;
+TEST_P(ArrayDecorations, Array) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %array )" + deco +
+                           R"(
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%int_4 = OpConstant %int 4
+%array = OpTypeArray %int %int_4
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions());
+TEST_P(ArrayDecorations, RuntimeArray) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %array )" + deco +
+                           R"(
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%array = OpTypeRuntimeArray %int
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions());
+TEST_P(ArrayDecorations, Pointer) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %ptr )" + deco + R"(
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%ptr = OpTypePointer Workgroup %int
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions());
+TEST_P(ArrayDecorations, Struct) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %struct )" + deco +
+                           R"(
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%struct = OpTypeStruct %int
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("must be an array or pointer type"));
+TEST_P(ArrayDecorations, Variable) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %var )" + deco + R"(
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%ptr = OpTypePointer Private %int
+%var = OpVariable %ptr Private
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("must be an array or pointer type"));
+TEST_P(ArrayDecorations, FunctionParameter) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %func LinkageAttributes "import" Import
+OpDecorate %param )" + deco +
+                           R"(
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%fn = OpTypeFunction %void %int
+%func = OpFunction %void None %fn
+%param = OpFunctionParameter %int
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("must be an array or pointer type"));
+TEST_P(ArrayDecorations, Constant) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %null )" + deco +
+                           R"(
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%int_4 = OpConstant %int 4
+%array = OpTypeArray %int %int_4
+%null = OpConstantNull %array
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("must be an array or pointer type"));
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(ValidateArrayDecorations, ArrayDecorations,
+                         Values("ArrayStride 4"));
+using BuiltInDecorations = spvtest::ValidateBase<std::string>;
+TEST_P(BuiltInDecorations, Variable) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %var BuiltIn )" +
+                           deco + R"(
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %int
+%var = OpVariable %ptr Input
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  if (deco != "WorkgroupSize") {
+    EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions());
+  } else {
+    EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+    EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+                HasSubstr("must be a constant for WorkgroupSize"));
+  }
+TEST_P(BuiltInDecorations, IntegerType) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %int BuiltIn )" +
+                           deco + R"(
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("BuiltIns can only target variables, structure members "
+                        "or constants"));
+TEST_P(BuiltInDecorations, FunctionParameter) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %func LinkageAttributes "import" Import
+OpDecorate %param BuiltIn )" +
+                           deco + R"(
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%fn = OpTypeFunction %void %int
+%func = OpFunction %void None %fn
+%param = OpFunctionParameter %int
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("BuiltIns can only target variables, structure members "
+                        "or constants"));
+TEST_P(BuiltInDecorations, Constant) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %const BuiltIn )" +
+                           deco + R"(
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%int3 = OpTypeVector %int 3
+%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
+%const = OpConstantComposite %int3 %int_1 %int_1 %int_1
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  if (deco == "WorkgroupSize") {
+    EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions());
+  } else {
+    EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+    EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), HasSubstr("must be a variable"));
+  }
+TEST_P(BuiltInDecorations, SpecConstant) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %const BuiltIn )" +
+                           deco + R"(
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%int3 = OpTypeVector %int 3
+%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
+%const = OpSpecConstantComposite %int3 %int_1 %int_1 %int_1
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  if (deco == "WorkgroupSize") {
+    EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions());
+  } else {
+    EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+    EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), HasSubstr("must be a variable"));
+  }
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(ValidateBuiltInDecorations, BuiltInDecorations,
+                         Values("Position", "PointSize", "VertexId",
+                                "InstanceId", "FragCoord", "FrontFacing",
+                                "NumWorkgroups", "WorkgroupSize",
+                                "LocalInvocationId", "GlobalInvocationId"));
+using MemoryObjectDecorations = spvtest::ValidateBase<std::string>;
+TEST_P(MemoryObjectDecorations, Variable) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpCapability SampleRateShading
+OpCapability TransformFeedback
+OpCapability GeometryStreams
+OpCapability Tessellation
+OpCapability PhysicalStorageBufferAddresses
+OpExtension "SPV_KHR_physical_storage_buffer"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %var )" + deco + R"(
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %float
+%var = OpVariable %ptr Input
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions());
+TEST_P(MemoryObjectDecorations, FunctionParameterGood) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpCapability SampleRateShading
+OpCapability TransformFeedback
+OpCapability GeometryStreams
+OpCapability Tessellation
+OpCapability PhysicalStorageBufferAddresses
+OpExtension "SPV_KHR_physical_storage_buffer"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %func LinkageAttributes "import" Import
+OpDecorate %param )" + deco +
+                           R"(
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %float
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%fn = OpTypeFunction %void %ptr
+%func = OpFunction %void None %fn
+%param = OpFunctionParameter %ptr
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions());
+TEST_P(MemoryObjectDecorations, FunctionParameterNotAPointer) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpCapability SampleRateShading
+OpCapability TransformFeedback
+OpCapability GeometryStreams
+OpCapability Tessellation
+OpCapability PhysicalStorageBufferAddresses
+OpExtension "SPV_KHR_physical_storage_buffer"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %func LinkageAttributes "import" Import
+OpDecorate %param )" + deco +
+                           R"(
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%fn = OpTypeFunction %void %float
+%func = OpFunction %void None %fn
+%param = OpFunctionParameter %float
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), HasSubstr("must be a pointer type"));
+TEST_P(MemoryObjectDecorations, FloatType) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpCapability SampleRateShading
+OpCapability TransformFeedback
+OpCapability GeometryStreams
+OpCapability Tessellation
+OpCapability PhysicalStorageBufferAddresses
+OpExtension "SPV_KHR_physical_storage_buffer"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %float )" + deco +
+                           R"(
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("must be a memory object declaration"));
+TEST_P(MemoryObjectDecorations, Constant) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpCapability SampleRateShading
+OpCapability TransformFeedback
+OpCapability GeometryStreams
+OpCapability Tessellation
+OpCapability PhysicalStorageBufferAddresses
+OpExtension "SPV_KHR_physical_storage_buffer"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %const )" + deco +
+                           R"(
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%const = OpConstant %float 0
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("must be a memory object declaration"));
+// NonWritable and NonReadable are covered by other tests.
+    ValidateMemoryObjectDecorations, MemoryObjectDecorations,
+    Values("NoPerspective", "Flat", "Patch", "Centroid", "Component 0",
+           "Sample", "Restrict", "Aliased", "Volatile", "Coherent", "Stream 0",
+           "XfbBuffer 1", "XfbStride 1", "AliasedPointer", "RestrictPointer"));
+using VariableDecorations = spvtest::ValidateBase<std::string>;
+TEST_P(VariableDecorations, Variable) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Kernel
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpCapability InputAttachment
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %var )" + deco + R"(
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %float
+%var = OpVariable %ptr Input
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions());
+TEST_P(VariableDecorations, FunctionParameter) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Kernel
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpCapability InputAttachment
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %func LinkageAttributes "import" Import
+OpDecorate %param )" + deco +
+                           R"(
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%fn = OpTypeFunction %void %float
+%func = OpFunction %void None %fn
+%param = OpFunctionParameter %float
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), HasSubstr("must be a variable"));
+TEST_P(VariableDecorations, FloatType) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Kernel
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpCapability InputAttachment
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %float )" + deco +
+                           R"(
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), HasSubstr("must be a variable"));
+TEST_P(VariableDecorations, Constant) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Kernel
+OpCapability Linkage
+OpCapability InputAttachment
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpDecorate %const )" + deco +
+                           R"(
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%const = OpConstant %float 0
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), HasSubstr("must be a variable"));
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(ValidateVariableDecorations, VariableDecorations,
+                         Values("Invariant", "Constant", "Location 0",
+                                "Index 0", "Binding 0", "DescriptorSet 0"));
+using VulkanIOStorageClass =
+    spvtest::ValidateBase<std::tuple<std::string, std::string>>;
+TEST_P(VulkanIOStorageClass, Invalid) {
+  const auto deco = std::get<0>(GetParam());
+  const auto sc = std::get<1>(GetParam());
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpExtension "SPV_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main"
+OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
+OpDecorate %var )" + deco + R"( 0
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%ptr = OpTypePointer )" +
+                           sc +
+                           R"( %float
+%var = OpVariable %ptr )" + sc +
+                           R"(
+%void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
+%main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
+%entry = OpLabel
+  CompileSuccessfully(text, SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0);
+      getDiagnosticString(),
+      HasSubstr("decoration must not be applied to this storage class"));
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(ValidateVulkanIOStorageClass, VulkanIOStorageClass,
+                         Combine(Values("Location", "Component"),
+                                 Values("StorageBuffer", "Uniform",
+                                        "UniformConstant", "Workgroup",
+                                        "Private")));
+using VulkanResourceStorageClass =
+    spvtest::ValidateBase<std::tuple<std::string, std::string>>;
+TEST_P(VulkanResourceStorageClass, Invalid) {
+  const auto deco = std::get<0>(GetParam());
+  const auto sc = std::get<1>(GetParam());
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main"
+OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
+OpDecorate %var )" + deco + R"( 0
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%ptr = OpTypePointer )" +
+                           sc +
+                           R"( %float
+%var = OpVariable %ptr )" + sc +
+                           R"(
+%void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
+%main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
+%entry = OpLabel
+  CompileSuccessfully(text, SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0);
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("must be in the StorageBuffer, Uniform, or "
+                        "UniformConstant storage class"));
+                         VulkanResourceStorageClass,
+                         Combine(Values("DescriptorSet", "Binding"),
+                                 Values("Private", "Input", "Output",
+                                        "Workgroup")));
+using VulkanInterpolationStorageClass = spvtest::ValidateBase<std::string>;
+TEST_P(VulkanInterpolationStorageClass, Input) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability SampleRateShading
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main"
+OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
+OpDecorate %var )" + deco + R"(
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
+%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %float
+%var = OpVariable %ptr Input
+%main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
+%entry = OpLabel
+  CompileSuccessfully(text, SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions(SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0));
+TEST_P(VulkanInterpolationStorageClass, Output) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability SampleRateShading
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint Vertex %main "main"
+OpDecorate %var )" + deco + R"(
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
+%ptr = OpTypePointer Output %float
+%var = OpVariable %ptr Output
+%main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
+%entry = OpLabel
+  CompileSuccessfully(text, SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions(SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0));
+TEST_P(VulkanInterpolationStorageClass, Private) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability SampleRateShading
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main"
+OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
+OpDecorate %var )" + deco + R"(
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
+%ptr = OpTypePointer Private %float
+%var = OpVariable %ptr Private
+%main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
+%entry = OpLabel
+  CompileSuccessfully(text, SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0);
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("storage class must be Input or Output"));
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("[VUID-StandaloneSpirv-Flat-04670"));
+TEST_P(VulkanInterpolationStorageClass, Uniform) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability SampleRateShading
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main"
+OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
+OpDecorate %var )" + deco + R"(
+OpDecorate %var Binding 0
+OpDecorate %var DescriptorSet 0
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
+%ptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %float
+%var = OpVariable %ptr Uniform
+%main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
+%entry = OpLabel
+  CompileSuccessfully(text, SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0);
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("storage class must be Input or Output"));
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("[VUID-StandaloneSpirv-Flat-04670"));
+TEST_P(VulkanInterpolationStorageClass, StorageBuffer) {
+  const auto deco = GetParam();
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability SampleRateShading
+OpExtension "SPV_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main"
+OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
+OpDecorate %var )" + deco + R"(
+OpDecorate %var Binding 0
+OpDecorate %var DescriptorSet 0
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
+%ptr = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %float
+%var = OpVariable %ptr StorageBuffer
+%main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
+%entry = OpLabel
+  CompileSuccessfully(text, SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0);
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("storage class must be Input or Output"));
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("[VUID-StandaloneSpirv-Flat-04670"));
+                         VulkanInterpolationStorageClass,
+                         Values("Flat", "NoPerspective", "Centroid", "Sample"));
+}  // namespace
+}  // namespace val
+}  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/val/val_arithmetics_test.cpp b/test/val/val_arithmetics_test.cpp
index b82fc97..856ad02 100644
--- a/test/val/val_arithmetics_test.cpp
+++ b/test/val/val_arithmetics_test.cpp
@@ -1309,6 +1309,57 @@
       HasSubstr("Cooperative matrix 'M' mismatch: CooperativeMatrixMulAddNV"));
+TEST_F(ValidateArithmetics, CoopMatComponentTypeNotScalarNumeric) {
+  const std::string types = R"(
+%bad = OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV %bool %subgroup %u32_8 %u32_8
+  CompileSuccessfully(GenerateCoopMatCode(types, "").c_str());
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV Component Type <id> "
+                        "'4[%bool]' is not a scalar numerical type."));
+TEST_F(ValidateArithmetics, CoopMatScopeNotConstantInt) {
+  const std::string types = R"(
+%bad = OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV %f16 %f32_1 %u32_8 %u32_8
+  CompileSuccessfully(GenerateCoopMatCode(types, "").c_str());
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+      getDiagnosticString(),
+      HasSubstr("OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV Scope <id> '17[%float_1]' is not a "
+                "constant instruction with scalar integer type."));
+TEST_F(ValidateArithmetics, CoopMatRowsNotConstantInt) {
+  const std::string types = R"(
+%bad = OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV %f16 %subgroup %f32_1 %u32_8
+  CompileSuccessfully(GenerateCoopMatCode(types, "").c_str());
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+      getDiagnosticString(),
+      HasSubstr("OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV Rows <id> '17[%float_1]' is not a "
+                "constant instruction with scalar integer type."));
+TEST_F(ValidateArithmetics, CoopMatColumnsNotConstantInt) {
+  const std::string types = R"(
+%bad = OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV %f16 %subgroup %u32_8 %f32_1
+  CompileSuccessfully(GenerateCoopMatCode(types, "").c_str());
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+      getDiagnosticString(),
+      HasSubstr("OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV Cols <id> '17[%float_1]' is not a "
+                "constant instruction with scalar integer type."));
 TEST_F(ValidateArithmetics, IAddCarrySuccess) {
   const std::string body = R"(
 %val1 = OpIAddCarry %struct_u32_u32 %u32_0 %u32_1
diff --git a/test/val/val_atomics_test.cpp b/test/val/val_atomics_test.cpp
index b7f6948..d1a030a 100644
--- a/test/val/val_atomics_test.cpp
+++ b/test/val/val_atomics_test.cpp
@@ -2679,6 +2679,39 @@
                         "CooperativeMatrixNV capability is present"));
+TEST_F(ValidateAtomics, IIncrementBadPointerDataType) {
+  const std::string spirv = R"(
+               OpCapability Shader
+               OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+       %uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%_ptr_Input_uint = OpTypePointer Input %uint
+     %v3uint = OpTypeVector %uint 3
+%_ptr_Input_v3uint = OpTypePointer Input %v3uint
+       %void = OpTypeVoid
+         %16 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%uint_538976288 = OpConstant %uint 538976288
+        %int = OpTypeInt 32 1
+%_runtimearr_int = OpTypeRuntimeArray %int
+  %_struct_5 = OpTypeStruct %_runtimearr_int
+%_ptr_Uniform__struct_5 = OpTypePointer Uniform %_struct_5
+          %3 = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v3uint Input
+          %7 = OpVariable %_ptr_Uniform__struct_5 Uniform
+       %8224 = OpFunction %void None %16
+      %65312 = OpLabel
+         %25 = OpAccessChain %_ptr_Input_uint %3 %uint_538976288
+         %26 = OpLoad %uint %25
+    %2097184 = OpAtomicIIncrement %int %7 %uint_538976288 %26
+               OpUnreachable
+               OpFunctionEnd
+  CompileSuccessfully(spirv);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("AtomicIIncrement: expected Pointer to point to a "
+                        "value of type Result Type"));
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace val
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/val/val_builtins_test.cpp b/test/val/val_builtins_test.cpp
index 8495264..dff9adf 100644
--- a/test/val/val_builtins_test.cpp
+++ b/test/val/val_builtins_test.cpp
@@ -2861,9 +2861,9 @@
   CompileSuccessfully(generator.Build(), SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0);
-      getDiagnosticString(),
-      HasSubstr("BuiltIns can only target variables, structs or constants"));
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("BuiltIns can only target variables, structure "
+                        "members or constants"));
 CodeGenerator GetWorkgroupSizeNotVectorGenerator() {
@@ -3482,35 +3482,6 @@
   EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), HasSubstr("is not an int scalar"));
-TEST_F(ValidateBuiltIns, GetUnderlyingTypeNoAssert) {
-  std::string spirv = R"(
-                      OpCapability Shader
-                      OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
-                      OpEntryPoint Fragment %4 "PSMa" %12 %17
-                      OpExecutionMode %4 OriginUpperLeft
-                      OpDecorate %gl_PointCoord BuiltIn PointCoord
-                      OpDecorate %12 Location 0
-                      OpDecorate %17 Location 0
-              %void = OpTypeVoid
-                 %3 = OpTypeFunction %void
-             %float = OpTypeFloat 32
-           %v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
-       %gl_PointCoord = OpTypeStruct %v4float
-       %_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float
-       %_ptr_Output_v4float = OpTypePointer Output %v4float
-                %12 = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input
-                %17 = OpVariable %_ptr_Output_v4float Output
-                 %4 = OpFunction %void None %3
-                %15 = OpLabel
-                      OpReturn
-                      OpFunctionEnd)";
-  CompileSuccessfully(spirv, SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_1);
-  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
-              HasSubstr("did not find an member index to get underlying data "
-                        "type"));
 TEST_P(ValidateVulkanSubgroupBuiltIns, InMain) {
   const char* const built_in = std::get<0>(GetParam());
   const char* const execution_model = std::get<1>(GetParam());
@@ -3781,9 +3752,9 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions());
-      getDiagnosticString(),
-      HasSubstr("BuiltIns can only target variables, structs or constants"));
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("BuiltIns can only target variables, structure members "
+                        "or constants"));
 TEST_F(ValidateBuiltIns, TargetIsVariable) {
@@ -3801,47 +3772,6 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions());
-TEST_F(ValidateBuiltIns, TargetIsStruct) {
-  const std::string text = R"(
-OpCapability Shader
-OpCapability Linkage
-OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
-OpDecorate %struct BuiltIn Position
-%struct = OpTypeStruct
-  CompileSuccessfully(text);
-  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions());
-TEST_F(ValidateBuiltIns, TargetIsConstant) {
-  const std::string text = R"(
-OpCapability Shader
-OpCapability Linkage
-OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
-OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn Position
-%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
-%int0 = OpConstant %int 0
-  CompileSuccessfully(text);
-  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions());
-TEST_F(ValidateBuiltIns, TargetIsSpecConstant) {
-  const std::string text = R"(
-OpCapability Shader
-OpCapability Linkage
-OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
-OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn Position
-%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
-%int0 = OpSpecConstant %int 0
-  CompileSuccessfully(text);
-  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions());
diff --git a/test/val/val_capability_test.cpp b/test/val/val_capability_test.cpp
index 82f8d38..c432c3c 100644
--- a/test/val/val_capability_test.cpp
+++ b/test/val/val_capability_test.cpp
@@ -1205,8 +1205,10 @@
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt RelaxedPrecision\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %var RelaxedPrecision\n"
+          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Private %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Private\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           // Block applies to struct type.
@@ -1224,93 +1226,125 @@
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt RowMajor\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpMemberDecorate %structt 0 RowMajor\n"
+          "%floatt = OpTypeFloat 32\n"
+          "%float2 = OpTypeVector %floatt 2\n"
+          "%mat2x2 = OpTypeMatrix %float2 2\n"
+          "%structt = OpTypeStruct %mat2x2\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt ColMajor\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpMemberDecorate %structt 0 ColMajor\n"
+          "%floatt = OpTypeFloat 32\n"
+          "%float2 = OpTypeVector %floatt 2\n"
+          "%mat2x2 = OpTypeMatrix %float2 2\n"
+          "%structt = OpTypeStruct %mat2x2\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt ArrayStride 1\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %array ArrayStride 4\n"
+          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%array = OpTypeRuntimeArray %intt\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt MatrixStride 1\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpMemberDecorate %structt 0 MatrixStride 8\n"
+          "%floatt = OpTypeFloat 32\n"
+          "%float2 = OpTypeVector %floatt 2\n"
+          "%mat2x2 = OpTypeMatrix %float2 2\n"
+          "%structt = OpTypeStruct %mat2x2\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt GLSLShared\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %struct GLSLShared\n"
+          "%struct = OpTypeStruct\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt GLSLPacked\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %struct GLSLPacked\n"
+          "%struct = OpTypeStruct\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt CPacked\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %struct CPacked\n"
+          "%struct = OpTypeStruct\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt NoPerspective\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %var NoPerspective\n"
+          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt Flat\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %var Flat\n"
+          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt Patch\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %var Patch\n"
+          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt Centroid\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %var Centroid\n"
+          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt Sample\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %var Sample\n"
+          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt Invariant\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %var Invariant\n"
+          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt Restrict\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %var Restrict\n"
+          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt Aliased\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %var Aliased\n"
+          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt Volatile\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %var Volatile\n"
+          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt Constant\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %var Constant\n"
+          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt Coherent\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %var Coherent\n"
+          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           // NonWritable must target something valid, such as a storage image.
@@ -1324,8 +1358,12 @@
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt NonReadable\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %var NonReadable "
+          "%float = OpTypeFloat 32 "
+          "%imstor = OpTypeImage %float 2D 0 0 0 2 Unknown "
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %imstor "
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr UniformConstant "
+          + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           // Uniform must target a non-void value.
@@ -1342,8 +1380,10 @@
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt Stream 0\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %var Stream 0\n"
+          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Output %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Output\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
@@ -1360,33 +1400,44 @@
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt Index 0\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %var Index 0\n"
+          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt Binding 0\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %var Binding 0\n"
+          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Uniform\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt DescriptorSet 0\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %var DescriptorSet 0\n"
+          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Uniform\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt Offset 0\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpMemberDecorate %structt 0 Offset 0\n"
+          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%structt = OpTypeStruct %intt\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt XfbBuffer 0\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %var XfbBuffer 0\n"
+          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Uniform\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt XfbStride 0\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %var XfbStride 0\n"
+          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Uniform\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n"
@@ -1410,8 +1461,10 @@
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n"
-          "OpDecorate %intt InputAttachmentIndex 0\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpDecorate %var InputAttachmentIndex 0\n"
+          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr UniformConstant\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n"
@@ -1471,264 +1524,300 @@
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn Position\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn Position\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 // Just mentioning PointSize, ClipDistance, or CullDistance as a BuiltIn does
 // not trigger the requirement for the associated capability.
 // See
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn PointSize\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn PointSize\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn ClipDistance\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn ClipDistance\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn CullDistance\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn CullDistance\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn VertexId\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn VertexId\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn InstanceId\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn InstanceId\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn PrimitiveId\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn PrimitiveId\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn InvocationId\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn InvocationId\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn Layer\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn Layer\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn ViewportIndex\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn ViewportIndex\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn TessLevelOuter\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn TessLevelOuter\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn TessLevelInner\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn TessLevelInner\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn TessCoord\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn TessCoord\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn PatchVertices\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn PatchVertices\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn FragCoord\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn FragCoord\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn PointCoord\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn PointCoord\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn FrontFacing\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn FrontFacing\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn SampleId\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn SampleId\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn SamplePosition\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn SamplePosition\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn SampleMask\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn SampleMask\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn FragDepth\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn FragDepth\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn HelperInvocation\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn HelperInvocation\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn VertexIndex\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn VertexIndex\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn InstanceIndex\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn InstanceIndex\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn NumWorkgroups\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn NumWorkgroups\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn WorkgroupSize\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn WorkgroupId\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn WorkgroupId\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn LocalInvocationId\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn LocalInvocationId\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn LocalInvocationIndex\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
-          AllCapabilities()),
-std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
-          "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn LocalInvocationIndex\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn WorkDim\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn WorkDim\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn GlobalSize\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn GlobalSize\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn EnqueuedWorkgroupSize\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn EnqueuedWorkgroupSize\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn GlobalOffset\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn GlobalOffset\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn GlobalLinearId\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn GlobalLinearId\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn SubgroupSize\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn SubgroupSize\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn SubgroupMaxSize\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn SubgroupMaxSize\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn NumSubgroups\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn NumSubgroups\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn NumEnqueuedSubgroups\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn NumEnqueuedSubgroups\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn SubgroupId\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn SubgroupId\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn SubgroupLocalInvocationId\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn SubgroupLocalInvocationId\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn VertexIndex\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn VertexIndex\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
           "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"compute\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn InstanceIndex\n"
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn InstanceIndex\n"
           "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %intt\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Input\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
@@ -1742,11 +1831,11 @@
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
-          "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n"
-          "OpMemberDecorate %block 0 BuiltIn PointSize\n"
-          "%f32 = OpTypeFloat 32\n"
-          "%block = OpTypeStruct %f32\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" %var\n" +
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn PointSize\n"
+          "%float = OpTypeFloat 32\n"
+          "%ptr_output_float = OpTypePointer Output %float\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr_output_float Output\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
           // Capabilities which should succeed.
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
@@ -1775,22 +1864,31 @@
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
-          "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn PointSize\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" %var\n" +
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn PointSize\n"
+          "%float = OpTypeFloat 32\n"
+          "%ptr_output_float = OpTypePointer Output %float\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr_output_float Output\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
-          "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn ClipDistance\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" %var\n" +
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn ClipDistance\n"
+          "%float = OpTypeFloat 32\n"
+          "%int = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1\n"
+          "%array = OpTypeArray %float %int_1\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Output %array\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Output\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
-          "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn CullDistance\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" %var\n" +
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn CullDistance\n"
+          "%float = OpTypeFloat 32\n"
+          "%int = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1\n"
+          "%array = OpTypeArray %float %int_1\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Output %array\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Output\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
@@ -1800,16 +1898,21 @@
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
-          "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn PointSize\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" %var\n" +
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn PointSize\n"
+          "%float = OpTypeFloat 32\n"
+          "%ptr_output_float = OpTypePointer Output %float\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr_output_float Output\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
-          "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn CullDistance\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" %var\n" +
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn CullDistance\n"
+          "%float = OpTypeFloat 32\n"
+          "%int = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1\n"
+          "%array = OpTypeArray %float %int_1\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Output %array\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Output\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
@@ -1819,16 +1922,21 @@
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
-          "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn PointSize\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" %var\n" +
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn PointSize\n"
+          "%float = OpTypeFloat 32\n"
+          "%ptr_output_float = OpTypePointer Output %float\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr_output_float Output\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
 std::make_pair(std::string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
-          "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" \n" +
-          "OpDecorate %int0 BuiltIn CullDistance\n"
-          "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
-          "%int0 = OpConstant %intt 0\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
+          "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" %var\n" +
+          "OpDecorate %var BuiltIn CullDistance\n"
+          "%float = OpTypeFloat 32\n"
+          "%int = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+          "%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1\n"
+          "%array = OpTypeArray %float %int_1\n"
+          "%ptr = OpTypePointer Output %array\n"
+          "%var = OpVariable %ptr Output\n" + std::string(kVoidFVoid),
diff --git a/test/val/val_cfg_test.cpp b/test/val/val_cfg_test.cpp
index 6ae2ee6..311cfa7 100644
--- a/test/val/val_cfg_test.cpp
+++ b/test/val/val_cfg_test.cpp
@@ -4229,6 +4229,67 @@
   ASSERT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions());
+TEST_F(ValidateCFG, StructuredSelections_RegisterBothTrueAndFalse) {
+  // In this test, we try to make a case where the false branches
+  // to %20 and %60 from blocks %10 and %50 must be registered
+  // during the validity check for sturctured selections.
+  // However, an error is caught earlier in the flow, that the
+  // branches from %100 to %20 and %60 violate dominance.
+  const std::string text = R"(
+    OpCapability Shader
+    OpMemoryModel Logical Simple
+    OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main"
+    OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
+    %void    = OpTypeVoid
+    %void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
+    %bool = OpTypeBool
+    %cond = OpUndef %bool
+    %main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
+    %1 = OpLabel
+    OpSelectionMerge %999 None
+    OpBranchConditional %cond %10 %100
+    %10 = OpLabel
+    OpSelectionMerge %30 None  ; force registration of %30
+    OpBranchConditional %cond %30 %20 ; %20 should be registered too
+    %20 = OpLabel
+    OpBranch %30
+    %30 = OpLabel ; merge for first if
+    OpBranch %50
+    %50 = OpLabel
+    OpSelectionMerge %70 None  ; force registration of %70
+    OpBranchConditional %cond %70 %60 ; %60 should be registered
+    %60 = OpLabel
+    OpBranch %70
+    %70 = OpLabel ; merge for second if
+    OpBranch %999
+    %100 = OpLabel
+    OpBranchConditional %cond %20 %60 ; should require a merge
+    %999 = OpLabel
+    OpReturn
+    OpFunctionEnd
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_NE(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("The selection construct with the selection header "
+                        "8[%8] does not dominate the merge block 10[%10]\n"));
 TEST_F(ValidateCFG, UnreachableIsStaticallyReachable) {
   const std::string text = R"(
 OpCapability Shader
@@ -4399,6 +4460,125 @@
                         "1[%BAD], but not via a structured exit"));
+TEST_F(ValidateCFG, SwitchSelectorNotAnInt) {
+  const std::string spirv = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main "main"
+OpExecutionMode %main LocalSize 1 1 1
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%float_1 = OpConstant %float 1
+%void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
+%main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
+%entry = OpLabel
+OpSelectionMerge %default None
+OpSwitch %float_1 %default
+%default = OpLabel
+  CompileSuccessfully(spirv);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("Selector type must be OpTypeInt"));
+TEST_F(ValidateCFG, SwitchDefaultNotALabel) {
+  const std::string spirv = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main "main"
+OpExecutionMode %main LocalSize 1 1 1
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
+%void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
+%main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
+%entry = OpLabel
+OpSelectionMerge %default None
+OpSwitch %int_1 %int_1
+%default = OpLabel
+  CompileSuccessfully(spirv);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("Default must be an OpLabel instruction"));
+TEST_F(ValidateCFG, BlockDepthRecursion) {
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main "main"
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%bool = OpTypeBool
+%undef = OpUndef %bool
+%void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
+%main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
+%1 = OpLabel
+OpBranch %2
+%2 = OpLabel
+OpLoopMerge %3 %4 None
+OpBranchConditional %undef %3 %4
+%4 = OpLabel
+OpBranch %2
+%3 = OpLabel
+OpBranch %5
+%5 = OpLabel
+OpSelectionMerge %2 None
+OpBranchConditional %undef %6 %7
+%6 = OpLabel
+%7 = OpLabel
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_CFG, ValidateInstructions());
+TEST_F(ValidateCFG, BadStructuredExitBackwardsMerge) {
+  const std::string spirv = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main "main"
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%bool = OpTypeBool
+%undef = OpUndef %bool
+%void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
+%main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
+%1 = OpLabel
+OpBranch %2
+%2 = OpLabel
+OpLoopMerge %4 %5 None
+OpBranchConditional %undef %4 %6
+%6 = OpLabel
+OpSelectionMerge %7 None
+OpBranchConditional %undef %8 %9
+%7 = OpLabel
+%8 = OpLabel
+OpBranch %5
+%9 = OpLabel
+OpSelectionMerge %6 None
+OpBranchConditional %undef %5 %5
+%5 = OpLabel
+OpBranch %2
+%4 = OpLabel
+  CompileSuccessfully(spirv);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_CFG, ValidateInstructions());
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace val
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/val/val_decoration_test.cpp b/test/val/val_decoration_test.cpp
index b9a413e..f2953ed 100644
--- a/test/val/val_decoration_test.cpp
+++ b/test/val/val_decoration_test.cpp
@@ -687,8 +687,7 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateAndRetrieveValidationState());
-  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
-              HasSubstr("Block decoration on a non-struct type"));
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), HasSubstr("must be a structure type"));
 TEST_F(ValidateDecorations, BlockDecoratingIntBad) {
@@ -713,8 +712,7 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateAndRetrieveValidationState());
-  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
-              HasSubstr("Block decoration on a non-struct type"));
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), HasSubstr("must be a structure type"));
 TEST_F(ValidateDecorations, BlockMissingOffsetBad) {
@@ -6129,9 +6127,7 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
-              HasSubstr("Target of NonWritable decoration must be a "
-                        "memory object declaration (a variable or a function "
-                        "parameter)\n  %label = OpLabel"));
+              HasSubstr("must be a memory object declaration"));
 TEST_F(ValidateDecorations, NonWritableTypeTargetBad) {
@@ -6140,9 +6136,7 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
-              HasSubstr("Target of NonWritable decoration must be a "
-                        "memory object declaration (a variable or a function "
-                        "parameter)\n  %void = OpTypeVoid"));
+              HasSubstr("must be a memory object declaration"));
 TEST_F(ValidateDecorations, NonWritableValueTargetBad) {
@@ -6151,9 +6145,7 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
-              HasSubstr("Target of NonWritable decoration must be a "
-                        "memory object declaration (a variable or a function "
-                        "parameter)\n  %float_0 = OpConstant %float 0"));
+              HasSubstr("must be a memory object declaration"));
 TEST_F(ValidateDecorations, NonWritableValueParamBad) {
@@ -6161,10 +6153,7 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
-  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
-              HasSubstr("Target of NonWritable decoration is invalid: must "
-                        "point to a storage image, uniform block, or storage "
-                        "buffer\n  %param_f = OpFunctionParameter %float"));
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), HasSubstr("must be a pointer type"));
 TEST_F(ValidateDecorations, NonWritablePointerParamButWrongTypeBad) {
@@ -6467,8 +6456,7 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateAndRetrieveValidationState());
-              HasSubstr("Target of Component decoration must be "
-                        "a memory object declaration"));
+              HasSubstr("must be a memory object declaration"));
 TEST_F(ValidateDecorations, ComponentDecorationBadStorageClass) {
@@ -6767,8 +6755,8 @@
-  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateAndRetrieveValidationState());
-  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), Eq(""));
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateAndRetrieveValidationState());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), HasSubstr("must be a pointer type"));
 TEST_F(ValidateDecorations, VulkanStorageBufferBlock) {
@@ -7164,9 +7152,7 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
-  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
-              HasSubstr("Location decoration can only be applied to a variable "
-                        "or member of a structure type"));
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), HasSubstr("must be a variable"));
 TEST_F(ValidateDecorations, LocationFloatBad) {
@@ -7180,9 +7166,7 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
-  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
-              HasSubstr("Location decoration can only be applied to a variable "
-                        "or member of a structure type"));
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), HasSubstr("must be a variable"));
 TEST_F(ValidateDecorations, WorkgroupSingleBlockVariable) {
@@ -7571,9 +7555,7 @@
   CompileSuccessfully(spirv, SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_4);
-      getDiagnosticString(),
-      HasSubstr("Block decoration on a non-struct type"));
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(), HasSubstr("must be a structure type"));
 TEST_F(ValidateDecorations, WorkgroupSingleBlockVariableMissingLayout) {
@@ -7791,6 +7773,70 @@
           "member 0 is a matrix with stride 3 not satisfying alignment to 4"));
+TEST_F(ValidateDecorations, MissingOffsetStructNestedInArray) {
+  const std::string spirv = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpExtension "SPV_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class"
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main "main"
+OpExecutionMode %main LocalSize 1 1 1
+OpDecorate %array ArrayStride 4
+OpDecorate %outer Block
+OpMemberDecorate %outer 0 Offset 0
+OpDecorate %var DescriptorSet 0
+OpDecorate %var Binding 0
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%int_4 = OpConstant %int 4
+%inner = OpTypeStruct %int
+%array = OpTypeArray %inner %int_4
+%outer = OpTypeStruct %array
+%ptr_ssbo_outer = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %outer
+%var = OpVariable %ptr_ssbo_outer StorageBuffer
+%void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
+%main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
+%entry = OpLabel
+  CompileSuccessfully(spirv);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("Structure id 3 decorated as Block must be explicitly "
+                        "laid out with Offset decorations"));
+TEST_F(ValidateDecorations, AllOnesOffset) {
+  const std::string spirv = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main "main"
+OpDecorate %var DescriptorSet 0
+OpDecorate %var Binding 0
+OpDecorate %outer Block
+OpMemberDecorate %outer 0 Offset 0
+OpMemberDecorate %struct 0 Offset 4294967295
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%struct = OpTypeStruct %int
+%outer = OpTypeStruct %struct
+%ptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %outer
+%var = OpVariable %ptr Uniform
+%void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
+%main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
+%entry = OpLabel
+  CompileSuccessfully(spirv);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("decorated as Block must be explicitly laid out with "
+                        "Offset decorations"));
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace val
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/val/val_derivatives_test.cpp b/test/val/val_derivatives_test.cpp
index 606abb9..0a84661 100644
--- a/test/val/val_derivatives_test.cpp
+++ b/test/val/val_derivatives_test.cpp
@@ -160,6 +160,31 @@
                         "execution model: DPdx"));
+TEST_F(ValidateDerivatives, NoExecutionModeGLCompute) {
+  const std::string spirv = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main "main"
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%float4 = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%undef = OpUndef %float4
+%void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
+%main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
+%entry = OpLabel
+%derivative = OpDPdy %float4 %undef
+  CompileSuccessfully(spirv);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("Derivative instructions require "
+                        "DerivativeGroupQuadsNV or DerivativeGroupLinearNV "
+                        "execution mode for GLCompute execution model"));
 using ValidateHalfDerivatives = spvtest::ValidateBase<std::string>;
 TEST_P(ValidateHalfDerivatives, ScalarFailure) {
diff --git a/test/val/val_ext_inst_debug_test.cpp b/test/val/val_ext_inst_debug_test.cpp
index d3b9f03..307a800 100644
--- a/test/val/val_ext_inst_debug_test.cpp
+++ b/test/val/val_ext_inst_debug_test.cpp
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
   CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCodeForDebugInfo(src, "", "", dbg_inst,
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
   const std::string constants = R"(
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
   const std::string constants = R"(
@@ -872,7 +872,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -1107,7 +1107,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -1398,7 +1398,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -1436,7 +1436,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -1466,7 +1466,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -1499,7 +1499,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -1534,7 +1534,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -1569,7 +1569,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -1610,7 +1610,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -1762,7 +1762,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -1792,7 +1792,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -1825,7 +1825,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -1858,7 +1858,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -1967,7 +1967,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -2001,7 +2001,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
   CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCodeForDebugInfo(src, constants, ss.str(),
@@ -2152,7 +2152,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -2184,7 +2184,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -2219,7 +2219,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -2349,7 +2349,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -2383,7 +2383,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
   CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCodeForDebugInfo(src, constants, ss.str(),
@@ -2705,7 +2705,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -2753,7 +2753,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
   CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCodeForDebugInfo(src, constants, ss.str(),
@@ -2822,7 +2822,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
   CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCodeForDebugInfo(src, constants, ss.str(),
@@ -3029,7 +3029,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -3069,7 +3069,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
   CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCodeForDebugInfo(src, constants, ss.str(),
@@ -3133,7 +3133,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
   CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCodeForDebugInfo(src, constants, ss.str(),
@@ -3290,7 +3290,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -3321,7 +3321,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
   CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCodeForDebugInfo(src, constants, ss.str(),
@@ -3363,7 +3363,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -3394,7 +3394,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -3505,7 +3505,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -3540,7 +3540,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
   CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCodeForDebugInfo(src, constants, ss.str(),
@@ -3736,7 +3736,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
   const std::string body = R"(
@@ -3753,7 +3753,7 @@
                OpCapability Shader
                OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-          %1 = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+          %1 = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
                OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
                OpEntryPoint Vertex %main "main" %in_var_COLOR
           %4 = OpString "test.hlsl"
@@ -3843,7 +3843,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
   const auto& param = GetParam();
@@ -3913,7 +3913,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
   CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCodeForDebugInfo("", "", dbg_inst_header,
@@ -3929,7 +3929,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
   CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCodeForDebugInfo("", "", dbg_inst_header,
@@ -4159,7 +4159,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -4198,7 +4198,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -4237,7 +4237,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -4274,7 +4274,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -4315,7 +4315,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -4522,7 +4522,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -4555,7 +4555,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -4587,7 +4587,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -4618,7 +4618,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
@@ -4652,7 +4652,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
   CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCodeForDebugInfo(src, constants, ss.str(),
@@ -4806,7 +4806,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
   const std::string body = R"(
@@ -4844,7 +4844,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
   const std::string body = R"(
@@ -4883,7 +4883,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
   const std::string body = R"(
@@ -5042,7 +5042,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
   const std::string body = R"(
@@ -5084,7 +5084,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
   const std::string body = R"(
@@ -5122,7 +5122,7 @@
   const std::string extension = R"(
 OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+%DbgExt = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
   const auto& param = GetParam();
@@ -5153,7 +5153,7 @@
   ss << R"(
                OpCapability Shader
                OpExtension "SPV_KHR_non_semantic_info"
-          %id_1 = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Vulkan.DebugInfo.100"
+          %id_1 = OpExtInstImport "NonSemantic.Shader.DebugInfo.100"
                OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
                OpEntryPoint Fragment %id_MainPs "MainPs" %id_in_var_TEXCOORD2 %id_out_var_SV_Target0
                OpExecutionMode %id_MainPs OriginUpperLeft
diff --git a/test/val/val_ext_inst_test.cpp b/test/val/val_ext_inst_test.cpp
index b014ad6..2b6df04 100644
--- a/test/val/val_ext_inst_test.cpp
+++ b/test/val/val_ext_inst_test.cpp
@@ -1580,6 +1580,19 @@
                         "number as Result Type"));
+TEST_F(ValidateExtInst, GlslStd450LdexpExpNoType) {
+  const std::string body = R"(
+%val1 = OpExtInst %f32 %extinst Ldexp %f32_1 %main_entry
+  CompileSuccessfully(GenerateShaderCode(body));
+  ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("GLSL.std.450 Ldexp: "
+                        "expected operand Exp to be a 32-bit int scalar "
+                        "or vector type"));
 TEST_F(ValidateExtInst, GlslStd450FrexpStructSuccess) {
   const std::string body = R"(
 %val1 = OpExtInst %struct_f32_u32 %extinst FrexpStruct %f32_h
diff --git a/test/val/val_id_test.cpp b/test/val/val_id_test.cpp
index dd4c952..ac05749 100644
--- a/test/val/val_id_test.cpp
+++ b/test/val/val_id_test.cpp
@@ -5524,9 +5524,9 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
-              HasSubstr("OpDecorate SpecId decoration target <id> "
-                        "'1[%uint_3]' is not a scalar specialization "
-                        "constant."));
+              HasSubstr("SpecId decoration on target <id> "
+                        "'1[%uint_3]' must be a scalar specialization "
+                        "constant"));
 TEST_F(ValidateIdWithMessage, SpecIdTargetOpSpecConstantOpBad) {
@@ -5546,8 +5546,8 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
-              HasSubstr("OpDecorate SpecId decoration target <id> '1[%1]' is "
-                        "not a scalar specialization constant."));
+              HasSubstr("SpecId decoration on target <id> '1[%1]' "
+                        "must be a scalar specialization constant"));
 TEST_F(ValidateIdWithMessage, SpecIdTargetOpSpecConstantCompositeBad) {
@@ -5566,8 +5566,8 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
-              HasSubstr("OpDecorate SpecId decoration target <id> '1[%1]' is "
-                        "not a scalar specialization constant."));
+              HasSubstr("SpecId decoration on target <id> '1[%1]' "
+                        "must be a scalar specialization constant"));
 TEST_F(ValidateIdWithMessage, SpecIdTargetGood) {
diff --git a/test/val/val_image_test.cpp b/test/val/val_image_test.cpp
index 701e35e..11b14fb 100644
--- a/test/val/val_image_test.cpp
+++ b/test/val/val_image_test.cpp
@@ -1815,9 +1815,10 @@
   ASSERT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions());
-  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
-              HasSubstr("Image Operands Offset, ConstOffset, ConstOffsets "
-                        "cannot be used together"));
+      getDiagnosticString(),
+      HasSubstr("Image Operands Offset, ConstOffset, ConstOffsets, Offsets "
+                "cannot be used together"));
 TEST_F(ValidateImage, SampleImplicitLodVulkanMoreThanOneOffset) {
@@ -1833,9 +1834,10 @@
-  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
-              HasSubstr("Image Operands Offset, ConstOffset, ConstOffsets "
-                        "cannot be used together"));
+      getDiagnosticString(),
+      HasSubstr("Image Operands Offset, ConstOffset, ConstOffsets, Offsets "
+                "cannot be used together"));
 TEST_F(ValidateImage, SampleImplicitLodMinLodWrongType) {
@@ -6061,6 +6063,42 @@
                         "R32f, R32i, or R32ui for Vulkan environment"));
+TEST_F(ValidateImage, ImageExecutionModeLimitationNoMode) {
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint GLCompute %2 " " %4
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%8 = OpTypeFunction %void
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%v4float = OpTypeVector %float 4
+%12 = OpTypeImage %float 2D 0 0 0 1 Rgba8ui
+%13 = OpTypeSampledImage %12
+%_ptr_UniformConstant_13 = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %13
+%5 = OpVariable %_ptr_UniformConstant_13 UniformConstant
+%_ptr_Input_v4float = OpTypePointer Input %v4float
+%4 = OpVariable %_ptr_Input_v4float Input
+%v2float = OpTypeVector %float 2
+%float_1_35631564en19 = OpConstant %float 1.35631564e-19
+%2 = OpFunction %void None %8
+%8224 = OpLabel
+%6 = OpLoad %13 %5
+%19 = OpLoad %v4float %4
+%20 = OpVectorShuffle %v2float %19 %19 0 1
+%21 = OpVectorTimesScalar %v2float %20 %float_1_35631564en19
+%65312 = OpImageSampleImplicitLod %v4float %6 %21
+  CompileSuccessfully(text);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_ID, ValidateInstructions());
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("ImplicitLod instructions require "
+                        "DerivativeGroupQuadsNV or DerivativeGroupLinearNV "
+                        "execution mode for GLCompute execution model"));
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace val
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/val/val_interfaces_test.cpp b/test/val/val_interfaces_test.cpp
index be13cd7..a01fc19 100644
--- a/test/val/val_interfaces_test.cpp
+++ b/test/val/val_interfaces_test.cpp
@@ -1267,10 +1267,9 @@
   CompileSuccessfully(text, SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0);
-      getDiagnosticString(),
-      HasSubstr("Index can only be applied to Fragment output variables"));
+  EXPECT_THAT(getDiagnosticString(),
+              HasSubstr("must be in the Output storage class"));
 TEST_F(ValidateInterfacesTest, VulkanLocationsArrayWithComponent) {
@@ -1410,6 +1409,68 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions(SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_2));
+TEST_F(ValidateInterfacesTest, VulkanLocationArrayWithComponent1) {
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %in
+OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
+OpDecorate %struct Block
+OpMemberDecorate %struct 0 Location 0
+OpMemberDecorate %struct 0 Component 0
+OpMemberDecorate %struct 1 Location 0
+OpMemberDecorate %struct 1 Component 1
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%int_2 = OpConstant %int 2
+%float_arr = OpTypeArray %float %int_2
+%struct = OpTypeStruct %float_arr %float_arr
+%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %struct
+%in = OpVariable %ptr Input
+%main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
+%entry = OpLabel
+  CompileSuccessfully(text, SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions(SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0));
+TEST_F(ValidateInterfacesTest, VulkanLocationArrayWithComponent2) {
+  const std::string text = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpCapability Float64
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %in
+OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft
+OpDecorate %struct Block
+OpMemberDecorate %struct 0 Location 0
+OpMemberDecorate %struct 0 Component 0
+OpMemberDecorate %struct 1 Location 0
+OpMemberDecorate %struct 1 Component 1
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
+%float = OpTypeFloat 32
+%double = OpTypeFloat 64
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%int_2 = OpConstant %int 2
+%double_arr = OpTypeArray %double %int_2
+%struct = OpTypeStruct %float %double_arr
+%ptr = OpTypePointer Input %struct
+%in = OpVariable %ptr Input
+%main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
+%entry = OpLabel
+  CompileSuccessfully(text, SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions(SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_0));
 TEST_F(ValidateInterfacesTest, DuplicateInterfaceVariableSuccess) {
   const std::string text = R"(
 OpCapability Shader
diff --git a/test/val/val_layout_test.cpp b/test/val/val_layout_test.cpp
index d34c97f..7ebd7c0 100644
--- a/test/val/val_layout_test.cpp
+++ b/test/val/val_layout_test.cpp
@@ -538,7 +538,6 @@
            OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
            OpName %void "void"
            OpModuleProcessed "this is ok in 1.1 and later"
-           OpDecorate %void Volatile ; bogus, but makes the example short
 %void    = OpTypeVoid
@@ -558,7 +557,6 @@
            OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
            OpName %void "void"
            OpModuleProcessed "this is ok in 1.1 and later"
-           OpDecorate %void Volatile ; bogus, but makes the example short
 %void    = OpTypeVoid
diff --git a/test/val/val_memory_test.cpp b/test/val/val_memory_test.cpp
index 616a88f..2a884c4 100644
--- a/test/val/val_memory_test.cpp
+++ b/test/val/val_memory_test.cpp
@@ -2344,11 +2344,12 @@
 OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
 OpEntryPoint Fragment %func "func"
 OpExecutionMode %func OriginUpperLeft
-OpDecorate %array_t Block
+OpDecorate %struct Block
 %uint_t = OpTypeInt 32 0
 %inner_array_t = OpTypeRuntimeArray %uint_t
 %array_t = OpTypeRuntimeArray %inner_array_t
-%array_ptr = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %array_t
+%struct = OpTypeStruct %array_t
+%array_ptr = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %struct
 %2 = OpVariable %array_ptr StorageBuffer
 %void = OpTypeVoid
 %func_t = OpTypeFunction %void
@@ -2504,13 +2505,14 @@
 OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
 OpEntryPoint Fragment %func "func"
 OpExecutionMode %func OriginUpperLeft
-OpDecorate %array_t Block
+OpDecorate %struct Block
 %uint_t = OpTypeInt 32 0
 %dim = OpConstant %uint_t 1
 %sampler_t = OpTypeSampler
 %inner_array_t = OpTypeRuntimeArray %uint_t
 %array_t = OpTypeRuntimeArray %inner_array_t
-%array_ptr = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %array_t
+%struct = OpTypeStruct %array_t
+%array_ptr = OpTypePointer StorageBuffer %struct
 %2 = OpVariable %array_ptr StorageBuffer
 %void = OpTypeVoid
 %func_t = OpTypeFunction %void
@@ -4372,6 +4374,29 @@
               HasSubstr("Cannot load a runtime-sized array"));
+TEST_F(ValidateMemory, Pre1p4WorkgroupMemoryBadLayoutOk) {
+  const std::string spirv = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main "main"
+OpDecorate %struct Block
+OpMemberDecorate %struct 0 Offset 0
+%void = OpTypeVoid
+%bool = OpTypeBool
+%struct = OpTypeStruct %bool
+%ptr = OpTypePointer Workgroup %struct
+%var = OpVariable %ptr Workgroup
+%void_fn = OpTypeFunction %void
+%main = OpFunction %void None %void_fn
+%entry = OpLabel
+  CompileSuccessfully(spirv);
+  EXPECT_EQ(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions());
 }  // namespace
 }  // namespace val
 }  // namespace spvtools
diff --git a/test/val/val_modes_test.cpp b/test/val/val_modes_test.cpp
index d060bb7..02a6132 100644
--- a/test/val/val_modes_test.cpp
+++ b/test/val/val_modes_test.cpp
@@ -63,12 +63,13 @@
   CompileSuccessfully(spirv, env);
   EXPECT_THAT(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions(env));
-              AnyVUID("VUID-StandaloneSpirv-LocalSize-04683"));
+              AnyVUID("VUID-StandaloneSpirv-LocalSize-06426"));
-      HasSubstr("In the Vulkan environment, GLCompute execution model entry "
-                "points require either the LocalSize execution mode or an "
-                "object decorated with WorkgroupSize must be specified."));
+      HasSubstr(
+          "In the Vulkan environment, GLCompute execution model entry "
+          "points require either the LocalSize or LocalSizeId execution mode "
+          "or an object decorated with WorkgroupSize must be specified."));
 TEST_F(ValidateMode, GLComputeNoModeVulkanWorkgroupSize) {
@@ -101,6 +102,40 @@
   EXPECT_THAT(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions(env));
+TEST_F(ValidateMode, GLComputeVulkanLocalSizeIdBad) {
+  const std::string spirv = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main "main"
+OpExecutionModeId %main LocalSizeId %int_1 %int_1 %int_1
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
+)" + kVoidFunction;
+  spv_target_env env = SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_1;  // need SPIR-V 1.2
+  CompileSuccessfully(spirv, env);
+  EXPECT_THAT(SPV_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, ValidateInstructions(env));
+      getDiagnosticString(),
+      HasSubstr("LocalSizeId mode is not allowed by the current environment."));
+TEST_F(ValidateMode, GLComputeVulkanLocalSizeIdGood) {
+  const std::string spirv = R"(
+OpCapability Shader
+OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
+OpEntryPoint GLCompute %main "main"
+OpExecutionModeId %main LocalSizeId %int_1 %int_1 %int_1
+%int = OpTypeInt 32 0
+%int_1 = OpConstant %int 1
+)" + kVoidFunction;
+  spv_target_env env = SPV_ENV_VULKAN_1_1;  // need SPIR-V 1.2
+  CompileSuccessfully(spirv, env);
+  spvValidatorOptionsSetAllowLocalSizeId(getValidatorOptions(), true);
+  EXPECT_THAT(SPV_SUCCESS, ValidateInstructions(env));
 TEST_F(ValidateMode, FragmentOriginLowerLeftVulkan) {
   const std::string spirv = R"(
 OpCapability Shader
diff --git a/test/wasm/test.js b/test/wasm/test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f0d8f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/wasm/test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020 The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+const spirvTools = require("../../out/web/spirv-tools");
+const fs = require("fs");
+const util = require("util");
+const readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile);
+const SPV_PATH = "./test/fuzzers/corpora/spv/simple.spv";
+const test = async () => {
+  const spv = await spirvTools();
+  // disassemble from file
+  const buffer = await readFile(SPV_PATH);
+  const disFileResult = spv.dis(
+    buffer,
+    spv.SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3,
+  );
+  console.log("dis from file:\n", disFileResult);
+  // assemble
+  const source = `
+             OpCapability Linkage 
+             OpCapability Shader 
+             OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 
+             OpSource GLSL 450 
+             OpDecorate %spec SpecId 1 
+      %int = OpTypeInt 32 1 
+     %spec = OpSpecConstant %int 0 
+    %const = OpConstant %int 42`;
+  const asResult =
+    source,
+    spv.SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3,
+  );
+  console.log(`as returned ${asResult.byteLength} bytes`);
+  // re-disassemble
+  const disResult = spv.dis(
+    asResult,
+    spv.SPV_ENV_UNIVERSAL_1_3,
+  );
+  console.log("dis:\n", disResult);
diff --git a/tools/opt/opt.cpp b/tools/opt/opt.cpp
index 28770cb..04f81b8 100644
--- a/tools/opt/opt.cpp
+++ b/tools/opt/opt.cpp
@@ -163,6 +163,11 @@
                around known issues with some Vulkan drivers for initialize
+  --replace-desc-array-access-using-var-index
+               Replaces accesses to descriptor arrays based on a variable index
+               with a switch that has a case for every possible value of the
+               index.)");
+  printf(R"(
                Replaces every array variable |desc| that has a DescriptorSet
                and Binding decorations with a new variable for each element of
@@ -387,9 +392,12 @@
                Change the scope of private variables that are used in a single
                function to that function.)");
-  --reduce-load-size
+  --reduce-load-size[=<threshold>]
                Replaces loads of composite objects where not every component is
-               used by loads of just the elements that are used.)");
+               used by loads of just the elements that are used.  If the ratio
+               of the used components of the load is less than the <threshold>,
+               we replace the load.  <threshold> is a double type number.  If
+               it is bigger than 1.0, we always replaces the load.)");
                Looks for instructions in the same function that compute the
diff --git a/tools/val/val.cpp b/tools/val/val.cpp
index 21a7d8f..55321da 100644
--- a/tools/val/val.cpp
+++ b/tools/val/val.cpp
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@
   --relax-struct-store             Allow store from one struct type to a
                                    different type with compatible layout and
+  --allow-localsizeid              Allow use of the LocalSizeId decoration where it would otherwise not
+                                   be allowed by the target environment.
   --before-hlsl-legalization       Allows code patterns that are intended to be
                                    fixed by spirv-opt's legalization passes.
   --version                        Display validator version information.
@@ -153,6 +155,8 @@
       } else if (0 == strcmp(cur_arg, "--skip-block-layout")) {
+      } else if (0 == strcmp(cur_arg, "--allow-localsizeid")) {
+        options.SetAllowLocalSizeId(true);
       } else if (0 == strcmp(cur_arg, "--relax-struct-store")) {
       } else if (0 == cur_arg[1]) {
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
index 7ecfdd3..f61f2a3 100755
--- a/utils/
+++ b/utils/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Copyright (c) 2019 Google Inc.
+# Copyright (c) 2021 Google LLC
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -15,7 +15,10 @@
 # Attempts to roll all entries in DEPS to tip-of-tree and create a commit.
-# Depends on roll-dep from depot_path being in PATH.
+# Depends on roll-dep from depot_tools
+# ( being in PATH.
+set -eo pipefail
@@ -44,3 +47,4 @@
 roll-dep --ignore-dirty-tree --roll-to="${spirv_headers_trunk}" "${spirv_headers_dir}"
 git rebase --interactive "${old_head}"