Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/upstream-master' into shaderc-update-master

Pulls in the following:
2572b19 HLSL: Turn on reflection, with basic test file, to catch regressions.
6b71c40 HLSL: Remove extraneous built-in member decorations for IO structs used in non-IO situations.
86f7138 HLSL: Add string basic type and recognize string declaration grammar.
eee9d53 Track separate entry-point names and mangled names...
632f575 Merge pull request #512 from steve-lunarg/liveness-traverser
5571730 Refactor TLiveTraverser from the former reflection traverser, for future use in binding mapping.
6fccb3c Non-functional: Sweep through the stack for consistent with "main" and entry point.
142785f HLSL: Change the final syntax-error printf to go to the infoLog.
28b2814 HLSL: Fix assert: ensure flattened shadow is EvqTemporary.
5159d4f HLSL: Intercept flatten aggregates passed to a function input, and copy member-by-member.
f911500 HLSL: Non-functional; make flatten semantics be about aggregates, not just structures.
fcea302 HLSL: Fix bug in previous checkin when non-flattened objects are not simple l-values.
d2ce838 HLSL: Handle flatten for reads from flatten structs and parameter passing.
34e7ee7 HLSL: Improve setting and testing of interpolation qualifiers.
d21baed HLSL: Flatten whole-struct assigns and returns when targeting flattened I/O structs.
f8e494c HLSL: Flatten all input/output structs, regardless of stage.
7dc630f HLSL: Flatten a return struct from an entry point and assign locations after flattening.
7f70212 HLSL: return correct error when HLSL parsing fails.
315b6b9 Merge pull request #508 from amdrexu/bugfix
64b9743 SPV: Support simultaneous l-value swizzle and dynamic component selection.
deb4940 HLSL: Register all entry-point in/out as part of the interface.
b3e24e4 SPV: Fix issue #506: generalize struct deep copy to include arrays.
cd0a78a HLSL: Flatten vertex input and fragment output structures.
6295c27 Merge pull request #505 from steve-lunarg/rowmajor-fix-2a
297ae21 WIP: HLSL: Treat HLSL rows as GLSL columns.
d403229 HLSL: Report an error if SPIR-V for Vulkan wasn't selected.
a21187a Merge branch 'amdrexu-bugfix2'
4bfb32e Merge branch 'bugfix2' of into amdrexu-bugfix2
3152718 Merge pull request #503 from amdrexu/feature3
c9f3492 SPV: Use OpBitcast to implement 4 pack/unpack built-in functions.
99c4dd1 Preprocessor: UINT_MAX is translated to constant incorrectly.
cfd7ce8 HLSL: Support register(..., spaceN) for setting the descriptor set.
e3218e2 HLSL: Accept layout(...) also as a post-decl.  Issue #454.
7735b94 HLSL Non-Functional: Move to more robust capturing of postDecls into a qualifier.
b804de6 HLSL: Track binding numbers to struct instances; fixes issue #496.
58d2843 Merge pull request #498 from amdrexu/bugfix
64bcfdb Parser: Add 64-bit type conversion for specialization constant.
7d01bd6 HLSL: Handle swizzles on vectors of size 1. Addresses issue #453.
841db35 HLSL: Fix issue #442, smear and truncate shape conversions for == and !=.
07350f3 HLSL: Handle "fake" entry points, by undoing their built-in variable declarations.
9e07953 HLSL: Handle greater/less depth modes. Fixes issue #489.
a305166 HLSL: Error if funcion with return type doesn't return a value.
1a4b775 HLSL: Correct line numbers for function definitions.
4bf7155 SPV: Flatten structs for copy when they are GLSL type aliases.
31207bc Merge pull request #495 from steve-lunarg/remapper-tests-2
65564a4 Remapper: move remapper tests into the glslangtests executable.
f2b7f33 SPV: Tighten up number of struct-types declared based on decoration.
5e56423 Front-ends: Remove now defunct afterEOF and related, use scanner's instead.
830b0cc HLSL: Start location numbering with the entry-point return value.
a05d8b5 HLSL: Remove recent change to put locations on SV_TARGET*.
510d83b HLSL: Create test results for the previous commits.
335fc28 Merge branch 'dankbaker-HLSL_Semantic_Mapping'
81d4714 Merge branch 'HLSL_Semantic_Mapping' of into dankbaker-HLSL_Semantic_Mapping
a88ef39 Merge pull request #490 from KhronosGroup/hlsl-output-return
6f220c0 HLSL: Setting SV_DEPTHGREATEREQUAL and SV_DEPTHLESSEQUAL to EbvFragDepth for now
6fd31fd Merge branch 'hlsl-output-return' of into hlsl-output-return
6a70eb7 HLSL: Emulate write-to-output on return-from-entry-point, for return value.
be2f6b0 HLSL: Emulate write-to-output on return-from-entry-point, for return value.
81cd764 Non-functional: Add some missing const, related to signature selection.
1389e3e Merge pull request #488 from antiagainst/c4996-warning
424cf80 Disable C4996 (secure CRT) recommendation on Windows for strtok().
f00c245 Merge pull request #473 from steve-lunarg/remapper-tests
e3f2c8f HLSL: Include shape-changing conversions in overloaded signature selection.
26aa8a4 HLSL: Format updates and some minor adjustments to SV_ handling
90dd70f HLSL: Allow arbitrary baseType -> baseType conversion of calling arguments.
a845641 WIP: SPV Remapper: add remapper test framework
deec03c First stab at system value interpretation
4c3a7fd Merge pull request #483 from steve-lunarg/precise-fix-2
36e87d0 HLSL: add precise keyword
fcc0aa3 HLSL: Switch to generic selector, but using GLSL #version 400 rules.
ab89bbe Merge branch 'overloaded-400' of
32c169d Front-end: Warn for likely missed change in default precisions.
54571c2 Vulkan: Have desktop shaders respect precision qualifiers.
4d53564 Front-End: Non-ES trigger for processing precision qualifiers.
219b025 Non-functional: Fix commit 98f164ec488f85af5a44b701477a34e810f2deb1.
98f164e Merge pull request #461 from dankbaker/Error_Message_Fixes_for_HLSL
6577a0e Merge pull request #476 from steve-lunarg/string-literals
3de0a6d Merge pull request #477 from amdrexu/bugfix
2bbbe06 SPV: Some group invocation operations should be applied to scalars.
efe9724 HLSL: Add EHTokStringConstant, so that string attributes may be parsed
3702348 Front-end: Add a function selector under implicit type conversion.
afe6e9c HLSL and standalone, modifying Standalone to send filename as string source, and HLSL backend will use this to print a better error mesage when things fail
0a04b4d Front-end/Non-functional: Add some const/auto, useful for upcoming changes.
b9e3912 HLSL: Partially address issue #463: accept GLSL layout(...).
78a8b07 Merge pull request #471 from steve-lunarg/remapper-literal64-b
811d9f4 WIP: SPIRV remapper: allow 64 bit literals in OperandVariableLiteralId class iteration

Test: ndk/ on Linux; manually run unit tests on Windows
Change-Id: Idf45834ad75a84a8792b0ac98858796b53ede46e