blob: f08b47c4c72c66bca0c0f57149d57b1d54e1f542 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import static;
import static java.util.Comparator.comparingInt;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Random;
* Implementation of the {@link CuckooFilterTable} using the semi-sorting bucket compression scheme
* in the original paper by Fan et al ( -
* see section 5.2.
* <p>The main idea behind the compression algorithm is that the order of the fingerprints in each
* bucket is irrelevant - that is, the fingerprints in each bucket forms a multiset. For fingerprint
* length f and bucket capacity b, the possible number of multisets of b fingerprints of f bits each
* is given by C(2^f + b - 1, b), where C denotes binomial coefficient. In particular, we can encode
* each bucket with ceil(log2(C(2^f + b - 1, b))) bits. On the other hand, naively encoding the
* fingerprints will take b * f bits. Thus, it is theoretically possible to save b * f -
* ceil(log2(C(2^f + b - 1, b))) bits per bucket (note that this is not information theoretically
* tight because the distribution of the multisets is not uniform).
* <p>For performance reason, this only supports a table with bucket capacity of size 4 and
* fingerprint length >= 4 - in many cases this is not a limitation because, for many practical
* applications, bucket capacity of size 4 yields the optimal cuckoo filter size and fingerprint
* length < 4 will never achieve good enough false positive rate.
* <p>Compared to the {@link UncompressedCuckooFilterTable}, this implementation can save 1 bit per
* element, at the cost of slower filter operations by a constant factor (asymptotically, it is the
* same as the uncompressed one). Note that for bucket capacity of size 4, saving 1 bit per element
* is "optimal" up to rounding down, as the function 4 * f - ceil(log2(C(2^f + 3, 4))) < 5 for
* reasonable values of f. However, this also incurs an additional fixed space overhead, so for
* smaller filter the extra saving of 1 bit per element may not be worth it.
final class SemiSortedCuckooFilterTable implements CuckooFilterTable {
// Implementation type of the table, to be encoded in the serialization.
public static final int TABLE_TYPE = 1;
// Table containing all sorted 4 bit partial fingerprints of length 4 (16 bits) by its index.
private static final short[] SORTED_PARTIAL_FINGERPRINTS = computeSortedPartialFingerprints();
private static final ImmutableMap<Short, Short> SORTED_PARTIAL_FINGERPRINTS_INDEX =
private final CuckooFilterConfig.Size size;
private final Random random;
private final CuckooFilterArray cuckooFilterArray;
* Creates a new uncompressed cuckoo filter table of the given size.
* <p>Uses the given source of {@code random} to choose the replaced fingerprint in {@code
* insertWithReplacement} method.
public SemiSortedCuckooFilterTable(CuckooFilterConfig.Size size, Random random) {
this.size = size;
size.bucketCapacity() == 4,
"SemiSortedCuckooFilterTable only supports bucket capacity of 4.");
size.fingerprintLength() >= 4,
"SemiSortedCuckooFilterTable only supports fingerprint length >= 4.");
this.random = random;
// bucketCapacity == 4 and fingerprintLength <= 64, so we can assume that it will always fit
// into a long.
cuckooFilterArray =
new CuckooFilterArray(
(long) size.bucketCount() * size.bucketCapacity(), size.fingerprintLength() - 1);
/** Creates {@link SemiSortedCuckooFilterTable} from {@link SerializedCuckooFilterTable}. */
public SemiSortedCuckooFilterTable(CuckooFilterConfig.Size size, byte[] bitArray, Random random) {
this.size = size;
this.random = random;
cuckooFilterArray =
new CuckooFilterArray(
(long) size.bucketCount() * size.bucketCapacity(),
size.fingerprintLength() - 1,
public Optional<Long> insertWithReplacement(int bucketIndex, long fingerprint) {
long[] fingerprints = decodeBucket(bucketIndex);
for (int i = 0; i < size.bucketCapacity(); i++) {
if (fingerprints[i] == EMPTY_SLOT) {
fingerprints[i] = fingerprint;
encodeAndPut(bucketIndex, fingerprints);
return Optional.empty();
int replacedSlotIndex = random.nextInt(size.bucketCapacity());
long replacedFingerprint = fingerprints[replacedSlotIndex];
fingerprints[replacedSlotIndex] = fingerprint;
encodeAndPut(bucketIndex, fingerprints);
return Optional.of(replacedFingerprint);
public boolean contains(int bucketIndex, long fingerprint) {
long[] fingerprints = decodeBucket(bucketIndex);
for (long fingerprintInBucket : fingerprints) {
if (fingerprintInBucket == fingerprint) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean delete(int bucketIndex, long fingerprint) {
long[] fingerprints = decodeBucket(bucketIndex);
for (int i = 0; i < fingerprints.length; i++) {
if (fingerprints[i] == fingerprint) {
fingerprints[i] = EMPTY_SLOT;
encodeAndPut(bucketIndex, fingerprints);
return true;
return false;
public boolean isFull(int bucketIndex) {
return !contains(bucketIndex, CuckooFilterTable.EMPTY_SLOT);
public CuckooFilterConfig.Size size() {
return size;
public SerializedCuckooFilterTable serialize() {
byte[] serializedArray = cuckooFilterArray.toByteArray();
// The first 16 bytes specifies the implementation type and the size of the table (defined by
// tuple (type, bucketCount,
// bucketCapacity, fingerprintLength)).
// Rest is the bit array.
ByteBuffer encoded = ByteBuffer.allocate(16 + serializedArray.length);
return SerializedCuckooFilterTable.createFromByteArray(
private long toArrayIndex(int bucketIndex, int slotIndex) {
return (long) bucketIndex * size.bucketCapacity() + slotIndex;
// TODO: Check if encoding/decoding needs to be optimized.
// Decodes fingerprints at bucketIndex.
private long[] decodeBucket(int bucketIndex) {
int encodedSortedPartialFingerintsIndex = 0;
long[] fingerprintPrefixes = new long[size.bucketCapacity()];
for (int i = 0; i < size.bucketCapacity(); i++) {
long arrayIndex = toArrayIndex(bucketIndex, i);
long n = cuckooFilterArray.getAsLong(arrayIndex);
encodedSortedPartialFingerintsIndex <<= 3;
encodedSortedPartialFingerintsIndex |= (int) (n & 0x7);
fingerprintPrefixes[i] = n >>> 3;
int encodedSortedPartialFingerprints =
long[] fingerprints = new long[size.bucketCapacity()];
for (int i = size.bucketCapacity() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
fingerprints[i] = (fingerprintPrefixes[i] << 4) | (encodedSortedPartialFingerprints & 0xF);
encodedSortedPartialFingerprints >>>= 4;
return fingerprints;
* Encode fingerprints and put them to bucketIndex.
* <p>Encoding works as follows.
* <p>Suppose each fingerprint is logically f bits. First, sort the fingerprints by the least
* significant 4 bits. Let's call the most significant f - 4 bits of the fingerprints as the
* fingerprint prefixes. The least significant 4 bits of the fingerprints will be the partial
* fingerprints, which will be encoded according to the SORTED_PARTIAL_FINGEPRRINTS_INDEX map as a
* 12 bit value. Partition the encoded 12 bit value into four 3 bit chunks. Group each of the f -
* 4 bit prefixes with each 3 bit chunk (f - 1 bits total) and insert it as a cuckoo filter array
* element.
private void encodeAndPut(int bucketIndex, long[] fingerprints) {
long[] fingerprintPrefixes = new long[size.bucketCapacity()];
int[] partialFingerprints = new int[size.bucketCapacity()];
for (int i = 0; i < size.bucketCapacity(); i++) {
fingerprintPrefixes[i] = fingerprints[i] >>> 4;
partialFingerprints[i] = (int) (fingerprints[i] & 0xF);
Integer[] indices = {0, 1, 2, 3};
Arrays.sort(indices, comparingInt((Integer i) -> partialFingerprints[i]));
short encodedSortedPartialFingerprints =
((partialFingerprints[indices[0]] << 12)
| (partialFingerprints[indices[1]] << 8)
| (partialFingerprints[indices[2]] << 4)
| partialFingerprints[indices[3]]);
int encodedSortedPartialFingerprintsIndex =
for (int i = size.bucketCapacity() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
long arrayIndex = toArrayIndex(bucketIndex, i);
(fingerprintPrefixes[indices[i]] << 3) | (encodedSortedPartialFingerprintsIndex & 0x7));
encodedSortedPartialFingerprintsIndex >>>= 3;
private static short[] computeSortedPartialFingerprints() {
// (2^4 + 3 choose 4) = 3876 counts the number of multisets of size 4, with each element in
// [0, 16).
short[] sortedPartialFingerprints = new short[3876];
final short fingerprintUpperBound = 16;
int i = 0;
for (short a = 0; a < fingerprintUpperBound; a++) {
for (short b = a; b < fingerprintUpperBound; b++) {
for (short c = b; c < fingerprintUpperBound; c++) {
for (short d = c; d < fingerprintUpperBound; d++) {
sortedPartialFingerprints[i] = (short) ((a << 12) | (b << 8) | (c << 4) | d);
return sortedPartialFingerprints;
private static ImmutableMap<Short, Short> computeSortedPartialFingerprintsIndex(
short[] sortedPartialFingerprints) {
ImmutableMap.Builder<Short, Short> map = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (short i = 0; i < sortedPartialFingerprints.length; i++) {
map.put(sortedPartialFingerprints[i], i);
return map.buildOrThrow();