blob: e8e2849d09ecb900fc8b112e7a5fb7f9a2862038 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import java.util.Map;
* Specification for the cuckoo filter.
* <p>This class is immutable.
// TODO: Handle serialization.
public final class CuckooFilterConfig {
private final Size size;
private final HashFunction hashFunction;
private final Strategy strategy;
private final boolean useSpaceOptimization;
private CuckooFilterConfig(
Size size, HashFunction hashFunction, Strategy strategy, boolean useSpaceOptimization) {
this.size = size;
this.hashFunction = hashFunction;
this.strategy = strategy;
this.useSpaceOptimization = useSpaceOptimization;
public Size size() {
return size;
public HashFunction hashFunction() {
return hashFunction;
public Strategy strategy() {
return strategy;
public boolean useSpaceOptimization() {
return useSpaceOptimization;
public static Builder newBuilder() {
return new Builder();
/** Builder for the {@link CuckooFilterConfig}. */
public static class Builder {
private Size size;
private HashFunction hashFunction;
private Strategy strategy;
private boolean useSpaceOptimization;
private Builder() {}
public Builder setSize(Size size) {
this.size = size;
return this;
public Builder setHashFunction(HashFunction hashFunction) {
this.hashFunction = hashFunction;
return this;
public Builder setStrategy(Strategy strategy) {
this.strategy = strategy;
return this;
* Whether to use space optimized filter representation (if possible).
* <p>Setting this field to {@code true} does not guarantee the optimization algorithm to always
* apply - it is best effort.
* <p>In general, using this may result in slower filter operations, and incurs an additional
* fixed space overhead. Thus, it is possible for the "optimized" version of the filter to
* actually take more space than the non optimized one.
public Builder setUseSpaceOptimization(boolean useSpaceOptimization) {
this.useSpaceOptimization = useSpaceOptimization;
return this;
* Builds {@link CuckooFilterConfig}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the required parameters are not set.
public CuckooFilterConfig build() {
checkArgument(size != null, "Size must be set.");
checkArgument(hashFunction != null, "Hash function must be set.");
checkArgument(strategy != null, "Strategy must be set.");
return new CuckooFilterConfig(size, hashFunction, strategy, useSpaceOptimization);
* Specification of the cuckoo filter size.
* <p>A cuckoo filter's size can be defined as a tuple (bucketCount, bucketCapacity,
* fingeprintLength); this means that there are bucketCount number of buckets, where each bucket
* can store up to bucketCapacity fingerprints, and each fingerprint is of length
* fingerprintLength bits.
* <p>All fields are required and must be set explicitly.
* <p>This class is immutable.
public static class Size {
private static final int MAX_BUCKET_CAPACITY = 128;
private static final int MAX_FINGERPRINT_LENGTH = 64;
/** Empirical load by the bucket capacity. */
private static final ImmutableMap<Integer, Double> APPROX_LOAD_BY_BUCKET_CAPACITY =
ImmutableMap.<Integer, Double>builder()
.put(2, 0.85)
.put(3, 0.91)
.put(4, 0.95)
.put(5, 0.96)
.put(6, 0.97)
.put(7, 0.98)
.put(8, 0.98)
private final int bucketCount;
private final int bucketCapacity;
private final int fingerprintLength;
private Size(int bucketCount, int bucketCapacity, int fingerprintLength) {
this.bucketCount = bucketCount;
this.bucketCapacity = bucketCapacity;
this.fingerprintLength = fingerprintLength;
* Automatically computes a reasonably efficient cuckoo filter {@link Size} that ensures (with
* high probability) storing up to {@code elementsCountUpperBound} elements (with high
* probability) with the given {@code targetFalsePositiveRate}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code targetFalsePositiveRate} is not in range [0, 1] or
* {@code elementsCountUpperBound} is <= 0, or a suitable cuckoo filter size could not be
* computed based on the given input.
public static Size computeEfficientSize(
double targetFalsePositiveRate, long elementsCountUpperBound) {
0 < targetFalsePositiveRate && targetFalsePositiveRate < 1,
"targetFalsePositiveRate must be in range (0, 1): %s given.",
elementsCountUpperBound > 0,
"elementsCountUpperBound must be > 0: %s given.",
long bestCuckooFilterSizeInBits = -1;
int bestBucketCount = 0;
int bestBucketCapacity = 0;
int bestFingerprintLength = 0;
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : APPROX_LOAD_BY_BUCKET_CAPACITY.entrySet()) {
int bucketCapacity = entry.getKey();
double load = entry.getValue();
int fingerprintLength =
(int) Math.ceil(-log2(targetFalsePositiveRate) + log2(bucketCapacity) + 1);
long bucketCount = (long) Math.ceil(elementsCountUpperBound / (bucketCapacity * load));
// The computed size is invalid if fingerprint length is larger than max length or the
// bucket count that is larger than max integer.
if (fingerprintLength > MAX_FINGERPRINT_LENGTH || bucketCount >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
long totalBits = bucketCount * bucketCapacity * fingerprintLength;
if (bestCuckooFilterSizeInBits == -1 || bestCuckooFilterSizeInBits > totalBits) {
bestCuckooFilterSizeInBits = totalBits;
bestBucketCount = (int) bucketCount;
bestBucketCapacity = bucketCapacity;
bestFingerprintLength = fingerprintLength;
bestCuckooFilterSizeInBits != -1,
"Could not compute suitable cuckoo filter size based on the given input. Either the"
+ " target false positive rate is too low, or the computed size is too big.");
return Size.newBuilder()
public static Builder newBuilder() {
return new Builder();
/** Returns the total number of buckets in the cuckoo filter. */
public int bucketCount() {
return bucketCount;
/** Returns the maximum number of fingerprints each bucket can hold. */
public int bucketCapacity() {
return bucketCapacity;
/** Returns the length of the fingerprint in bits. */
public int fingerprintLength() {
return fingerprintLength;
/** Builder for the {@link Size}. */
public static class Builder {
private int bucketCount;
private int bucketCapacity;
private int fingerprintLength;
private Builder() {}
* Sets the number of buckets in the cuckoo filter.
* <p>{@code bucketCount} must be > 0.
public Builder setBucketCount(int bucketCount) {
this.bucketCount = bucketCount;
return this;
* Sets the maximum number of fingerprints each bucket can hold.
* <p>{@code bucketCapacity} must be in range (0, {@value #MAX_BUCKET_CAPACITY}].
public Builder setBucketCapacity(int bucketCapacity) {
this.bucketCapacity = bucketCapacity;
return this;
* Sets the length of each fingerprint in bits.
* <p>{@code fingerprintLength} must be in range (0, {@value #MAX_FINGERPRINT_LENGTH}].
public Builder setFingerprintLength(int fingerprintLength) {
this.fingerprintLength = fingerprintLength;
return this;
* Builds {@link Size}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the configured parameters are invalid.
public Size build() {
checkArgument(bucketCount > 0, "bucketCount must be > 0: %s given instead.", bucketCount);
0 < bucketCapacity && bucketCapacity <= MAX_BUCKET_CAPACITY,
"bucketCapacity must be in range (0, %s]: %s given instead.",
0 < fingerprintLength && fingerprintLength <= MAX_FINGERPRINT_LENGTH,
"fingerprintLength must be in range (0, %s]: %s given instead.",
return new Size(bucketCount, bucketCapacity, fingerprintLength);
private static double log2(double x) {
return Math.log(x) / Math.log(2);
/** Hash function for transforming an arbitrary type element to a {@link HashCode}. */
public interface HashFunction {
/** Hashes given {@code element} to a {@link HashCode}, using the given {@code funnel}. */
<T> HashCode hash(T element, Funnel<? super T> funnel);
* Strategy for computing fingerprints and where these fingerprints belong in the cuckoo filter
* table.
public interface Strategy {
* Computes the fingerprint value given the element's {@code hash} output from {@link
* HashFunction}.
* <p>The returned value should be in range (0, 2^{@code fingerprintLength}). Otherwise, the
* behavior of the cuckoo filter is undefined. Note that the interval is an open interval, so 0
* and 2^{@code fingerprintLength} are not included.
long computeFingerprint(HashCode hash, int fingerprintLength);
* Computes one of the bucket indices given the element's {@code hash} output from {@link
* HashFunction} and {@code bucketCount} of the cuckoo filter.
* <p>The returned value should be in range [0, {@code bucketCount}). Otherwise, the behavior of
* the cuckoo filter is undefined.
int computeBucketIndex(HashCode hash, int bucketCount);
* Computes the element's other bucket index given the element's {@code fingerprint} value and
* its initial {@code bucketIndex}.
* <p>{@code hashFunction} corresponds to the {@link HashFunction} that was supplied when the
* config was constructed. Depending on the implementation, {@code hashFunction} may or may not
* be used.
* <p>The returned value should be in range [0, {@code bucketCount}), and the method needs to be
* an involution with respect to {@code bucketIndex}. That is, with other parameters fixed, the
* method needs to satisfy <b>bucketIndex =
* computeOtherBucketIndex(computeOtherBucketIndex(bucketIndex))</b> for all valid
* <b>bucketIndex</b>. Note that other parameters are omitted for brevity. If these properties
* don't hold, the behavior of the cuckoo filter is undefined.
int computeOtherBucketIndex(
long fingerprint, int bucketIndex, int bucketCount, HashFunction hashFunction);
* Maximum number of replacements to be made during insertion, before declaring that the
* insertion has failed.
* <p>If not overridden, set to 500 as a default.
default int maxReplacementCount() {
return 500;