blob: b37840b3b7998c43b862cdad762944774b54ae75 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Random;
* A space efficient, probabilistic multiset data structure that supports membership check,
* insertion, and deletion of the elements.
* <p>Cuckoo filter enables tradeoffs between its space efficiency and the false positive
* probability of the membership check.
* <p>See the original paper for more
* details.
* <p>This class is not thread-safe.
public final class CuckooFilter<T> {
private final CuckooFilterConfig config;
private final CuckooFilterTable table;
private final Funnel<? super T> funnel;
private final Random random;
/** Counts the total number of elements in the cuckoo filter. */
private long count;
/** Instantiates a new cuckoo filter. */
public static <T> CuckooFilter<T> createNew(CuckooFilterConfig config, Funnel<? super T> funnel) {
Random random = new Random();
CuckooFilterTable table =
CuckooFilterTable.create(config.size(), config.useSpaceOptimization(), random);
return new CuckooFilter<T>(config, table, funnel, random);
* Instantiates a cuckoo filter from serialized cuckoo filter table.
* <p>Note that {@link SerializedCuckooFilterTable} does not contain any data on {@link
* CuckooFilterConfig.HashFunction}, {@link CuckooFilterConfig.Strategy}, or {@link Funnel} used,
* so it is up to the user to supply appropriate hash function, strategy, and funnel that were
* used to generate the {@link SerializedCuckooFilterTable}.
public static <T> CuckooFilter<T> createFromSerializedTable(
SerializedCuckooFilterTable serializedTable,
CuckooFilterConfig.HashFunction hashFunction,
CuckooFilterConfig.Strategy strategy,
Funnel<? super T> funnel) {
Random random = new Random();
CuckooFilterTable table = CuckooFilterTable.createFromSerialization(serializedTable, random);
return new CuckooFilter<T>(
private CuckooFilter(
CuckooFilterConfig config, CuckooFilterTable table, Funnel<? super T> funnel, Random random) {
this.config = config;
this.table = table;
this.funnel = funnel;
this.random = random;
count = 0;
* Returns true if {@code element} is in the cuckoo filter.
* <p>By the probabilistic nature of the cuckoo filter data structure, this method may return a
* false positive result. In other words, this method may incorrectly return true for an element
* that was actually never inserted. This probability can depend on various factors, including the
* size of the cuckoo filter and the hash function used.
* <p>However, it is guaranteed that this method never returns a false negative result, as long as
* {@code delete} method is called on an element that exists in the filter. Please see {@code
* delete} method for more details.
public boolean contains(T element) {
HashCode hash = config.hashFunction().hash(element, funnel);
long fingerprint =
config.strategy().computeFingerprint(hash, config.size().fingerprintLength());
int bucketIndex = config.strategy().computeBucketIndex(hash, config.size().bucketCount());
int otherBucketIndex =
fingerprint, bucketIndex, config.size().bucketCount(), config.hashFunction());
return table.contains(bucketIndex, fingerprint)
|| table.contains(otherBucketIndex, fingerprint);
* Inserts {@code element} to the cuckoo filter, returning true if the element was inserted
* successfully.
* <p>Insertion of {@code element} will fail if there is no room for {@code element}. Note that
* even when the insertion of {@code element} fails, it is possible for another element to be
* inserted successfully. Even then, the insertion failure should be a good indicator that the
* filter is getting close to its maximum capacity.
public boolean insert(T element) {
HashCode hash = config.hashFunction().hash(element, funnel);
long fingerprint =
config.strategy().computeFingerprint(hash, config.size().fingerprintLength());
int bucketIndex = config.strategy().computeBucketIndex(hash, config.size().bucketCount());
int otherBucketIndex =
fingerprint, bucketIndex, config.size().bucketCount(), config.hashFunction());
// First attempt to insert the fingerprint to one of the two assigned buckets.
if (attemptInsertion(fingerprint, bucketIndex, otherBucketIndex)) {
return true;
// If both buckets are full, execute insertion with repeated replacements algorithm.
int startBucketIndex = (random.nextInt(2) == 0) ? bucketIndex : otherBucketIndex;
boolean inserted = insertWithRepeatedReplacements(fingerprint, startBucketIndex);
if (inserted) {
return inserted;
* Deletes {@code element} from the cuckoo filter, returning true if the element was deleted
* successfully.
* <p>It is critical for {@code delete} to be called on an already existing element. Otherwise,
* the filter may incorrectly delete a wrong element. When this happens, it is possible for {@code
* contains} method to return a false negative result.
public boolean delete(T element) {
HashCode hash = config.hashFunction().hash(element, funnel);
long fingerprint =
config.strategy().computeFingerprint(hash, config.size().fingerprintLength());
int bucketIndex = config.strategy().computeBucketIndex(hash, config.size().bucketCount());
int otherBucketIndex =
fingerprint, bucketIndex, config.size().bucketCount(), config.hashFunction());
boolean deleted =
table.delete(bucketIndex, fingerprint) || table.delete(otherBucketIndex, fingerprint);
if (deleted) {
return deleted;
/** Returns the size of the cuckoo filter. */
public CuckooFilterConfig.Size size() {
return config.size();
/** Returns the count of the elements in the cuckoo filter. */
public long count() {
return count;
* Returns the ratio of the total number of elements in the cuckoo filter and the theoretical max
* capacity.
* <p>The returned value is in range [0, 1].
public double load() {
return count / ((double) config.size().bucketCount() * config.size().bucketCapacity());
* Serializes the state of the cuckoo filter table.
* <p>Note that this method does not serialize hash function, strategy, and funnel. When
* instantiating a cuckoo filter from the returned {@link SerializedCuckooFilterTable}, it is up
* to the user to supply appropriate hash function, strategy, and funnel that were used.
public SerializedCuckooFilterTable serializeTable() {
return table.serialize();
* Attempts to insert {@code fingerprint} to one of the buckets with indices {@code bucketIndex}
* and {@code otherBucketIndex}, returning true when successful. Returns false if both buckets are
* full and the insertion failed.
private boolean attemptInsertion(long fingerprint, int bucketIndex, int otherBucketIndex) {
if (!table.isFull(bucketIndex)) {
table.insertWithReplacement(bucketIndex, fingerprint);
return true;
if (!table.isFull(otherBucketIndex)) {
table.insertWithReplacement(otherBucketIndex, fingerprint);
return true;
return false;
* Randomly traverses the cuckoo graph to find an available bucket for insertion.
* <p>At a high level, this algorithm starts at vertex {@code bucketIndex} and performs a random
* walk of length at most {@link CuckooFilterConfig.Strategy#maxReplacementCount}. If an available
* bucket is found, the algorithm "pushes" all the fingerprints (edges) that are visited (note
* that in the cuckoo graph, the edges are the fingerprints) to their alternate buckets, and make
* room for {@code fingerprint} to be inserted.
* <p>If during the random walk an available bucket is not found, the insertion fails and the
* method returns false.
* <p>Note that it is possible to deterministically find an available bucket by performing breadth
* first search in the cuckoo graph, but this is usually slower and the extra chance of successful
* insertion is negligibly small in practice.
private boolean insertWithRepeatedReplacements(long fingerprint, int bucketIndex) {
List<Integer> visitedBucketIndices = new ArrayList<>();
List<Long> replacedFingerprints = new ArrayList<>();
long currFingerprint = fingerprint;
int currBucketIndex = bucketIndex;
visitedBucketIndices.add(-1); // Just for index alignment purpose.
for (int i = 0; i < config.strategy().maxReplacementCount(); i++) {
Optional<Long> replacedFingerprint =
table.insertWithReplacement(currBucketIndex, currFingerprint);
// Found an available bucket, and the insertion is successful.
if (replacedFingerprint.isEmpty()) {
return true;
currFingerprint = replacedFingerprint.get();
currBucketIndex =
// Failed to find a bucket to insert. Reverse the replacements and declare that the insertion
// failed.
for (int i = visitedBucketIndices.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
int previousBucketIndex = visitedBucketIndices.get(i);
table.delete(previousBucketIndex, replacedFingerprints.get(i - 1));
table.insertWithReplacement(previousBucketIndex, replacedFingerprints.get(i));
return false;