blob: ccebf5bb3b7d8afc0274b34bc9ff43fbc14677bc [file] [log] [blame]
// primitive_types.hpp
// Author: Lutz Bichler
// This file is part of the BMW Some/IP implementation.
// Copyright © 2013, 2014 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW).
// All rights reserved.
#include <cstdint>
namespace vsomeip {
typedef uint32_t message_id;
typedef uint16_t service_id;
typedef uint16_t method_id;
typedef uint32_t length;
typedef uint32_t request_id;
typedef uint16_t client_id;
typedef uint16_t session_id;
typedef uint8_t protocol_version;
typedef uint8_t interface_version;
typedef uint8_t flags;
typedef uint8_t event_type;
typedef uint8_t option_index;
typedef uint16_t instance_id;
typedef uint8_t major_version;
typedef uint32_t time_to_live;
typedef uint32_t minor_version;
typedef uint16_t eventgroup_id;
typedef uint32_t ipv4_address;
typedef uint8_t ipv6_address[128];
typedef uint16_t ip_port;
typedef uint16_t priority;
typedef uint16_t weight;
typedef uint32_t alive_counter;
typedef uint32_t crc;
} // namespace vsomeip