blob: b424d3d7a03fea4840895ffbf29e93a4e774dd29 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Daniel James.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// clang-format off
#include "../helpers/prefix.hpp"
#include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include "../helpers/postfix.hpp"
// clang-format on
#include <boost/functional/hash/hash.hpp>
#include "../helpers/test.hpp"
#include "../helpers/count.hpp"
#include <string>
// Test that various emplace methods work with different numbers of
// arguments.
namespace emplace_tests {
// Constructible with 2 to 10 arguments
struct emplace_value : private test::counted_object
typedef int A0;
typedef std::string A1;
typedef char A2;
typedef int A3;
typedef int A4;
typedef int A5;
typedef int A6;
typedef int A7;
typedef int A8;
typedef int A9;
int arg_count;
A0 a0;
A1 a1;
A2 a2;
A3 a3;
A4 a4;
A5 a5;
A6 a6;
A7 a7;
A8 a8;
A9 a9;
emplace_value(A0 const& b0, A1 const& b1) : arg_count(2), a0(b0), a1(b1) {}
emplace_value(A0 const& b0, A1 const& b1, A2 const& b2)
: arg_count(3), a0(b0), a1(b1), a2(b2)
emplace_value(A0 const& b0, A1 const& b1, A2 const& b2, A3 const& b3)
: arg_count(4), a0(b0), a1(b1), a2(b2), a3(b3)
A0 const& b0, A1 const& b1, A2 const& b2, A3 const& b3, A4 const& b4)
: arg_count(5), a0(b0), a1(b1), a2(b2), a3(b3), a4(b4)
emplace_value(A0 const& b0, A1 const& b1, A2 const& b2, A3 const& b3,
A4 const& b4, A5 const& b5)
: arg_count(6), a0(b0), a1(b1), a2(b2), a3(b3), a4(b4), a5(b5)
emplace_value(A0 const& b0, A1 const& b1, A2 const& b2, A3 const& b3,
A4 const& b4, A5 const& b5, A6 const& b6)
: arg_count(7), a0(b0), a1(b1), a2(b2), a3(b3), a4(b4), a5(b5), a6(b6)
emplace_value(A0 const& b0, A1 const& b1, A2 const& b2, A3 const& b3,
A4 const& b4, A5 const& b5, A6 const& b6, A7 const& b7)
: arg_count(8), a0(b0), a1(b1), a2(b2), a3(b3), a4(b4), a5(b5), a6(b6),
emplace_value(A0 const& b0, A1 const& b1, A2 const& b2, A3 const& b3,
A4 const& b4, A5 const& b5, A6 const& b6, A7 const& b7, A8 const& b8)
: arg_count(9), a0(b0), a1(b1), a2(b2), a3(b3), a4(b4), a5(b5), a6(b6),
a7(b7), a8(b8)
emplace_value(A0 const& b0, A1 const& b1, A2 const& b2, A3 const& b3,
A4 const& b4, A5 const& b5, A6 const& b6, A7 const& b7, A8 const& b8,
A9 const& b9)
: arg_count(10), a0(b0), a1(b1), a2(b2), a3(b3), a4(b4), a5(b5), a6(b6),
a7(b7), a8(b8), a9(b9)
friend std::size_t hash_value(emplace_value const& x)
std::size_t r1 = 23894278u;
if (x.arg_count >= 1)
boost::hash_combine(r1, x.a0);
if (x.arg_count >= 2)
boost::hash_combine(r1, x.a1);
if (x.arg_count >= 3)
boost::hash_combine(r1, x.a2);
if (x.arg_count >= 4)
boost::hash_combine(r1, x.a3);
if (x.arg_count >= 5)
boost::hash_combine(r1, x.a4);
if (x.arg_count >= 6)
boost::hash_combine(r1, x.a5);
if (x.arg_count >= 7)
boost::hash_combine(r1, x.a6);
if (x.arg_count >= 8)
boost::hash_combine(r1, x.a7);
if (x.arg_count >= 9)
boost::hash_combine(r1, x.a8);
if (x.arg_count >= 10)
boost::hash_combine(r1, x.a9);
return r1;
friend bool operator==(emplace_value const& x, emplace_value const& y)
if (x.arg_count != y.arg_count) {
return false;
if (x.arg_count >= 1 && x.a0 != y.a0) {
return false;
if (x.arg_count >= 2 && x.a1 != y.a1) {
return false;
if (x.arg_count >= 3 && x.a2 != y.a2) {
return false;
if (x.arg_count >= 4 && x.a3 != y.a3) {
return false;
if (x.arg_count >= 5 && x.a4 != y.a4) {
return false;
if (x.arg_count >= 6 && x.a5 != y.a5) {
return false;
if (x.arg_count >= 7 && x.a6 != y.a6) {
return false;
if (x.arg_count >= 8 && x.a7 != y.a7) {
return false;
if (x.arg_count >= 9 && x.a8 != y.a8) {
return false;
if (x.arg_count >= 10 && x.a9 != y.a9) {
return false;
return true;
emplace_value(emplace_value const&);
UNORDERED_AUTO_TEST (emplace_set) {
test::check_instances check_;
typedef boost::unordered_set<emplace_value, boost::hash<emplace_value> >
typedef container::iterator iterator;
typedef std::pair<iterator, bool> return_type;
container x(10);
iterator i1;
return_type r1, r2;
// 2 args
emplace_value v1(10, "x");
r1 = x.emplace(10, std::string("x"));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 1u);
BOOST_TEST(*r1.first == v1);
BOOST_TEST(r1.first == x.find(v1));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 2);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 2);
// 3 args
emplace_value v2(3, "foo", 'a');
r1 = x.emplace(3, "foo", 'a');
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 2u);
BOOST_TEST(*r1.first == v2);
BOOST_TEST(r1.first == x.find(v2));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 4);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 4);
// 7 args with hint + duplicate
emplace_value v3(25, "something", 'z', 4, 5, 6, 7);
i1 = x.emplace_hint(r1.first, 25, "something", 'z', 4, 5, 6, 7);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 3u);
BOOST_TEST(*i1 == v3);
BOOST_TEST(i1 == x.find(v3));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 6);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 6);
r2 = x.emplace(25, "something", 'z', 4, 5, 6, 7);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 3u);
BOOST_TEST(i1 == r2.first);
// The container has to construct an object in order to check
// whether it can emplace, so there's an extra cosntruction
// here.
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 6);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 7);
// 10 args + hint duplicate
std::string s1;
emplace_value v4(10, s1, 'a', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);
r1 = x.emplace(10, s1, 'a', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 4u);
BOOST_TEST(*r1.first == v4);
BOOST_TEST(r1.first == x.find(v4));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 8);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 9);
r1.first == x.emplace_hint(r1.first, 10, "", 'a', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10));
r1.first == x.emplace_hint(r2.first, 10, "", 'a', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10));
r1.first == x.emplace_hint(x.end(), 10, "", 'a', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 8);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 12);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 4u);
BOOST_TEST(x.count(v1) == 1);
BOOST_TEST(x.count(v2) == 1);
BOOST_TEST(x.count(v3) == 1);
BOOST_TEST(x.count(v4) == 1);
UNORDERED_AUTO_TEST (emplace_multiset) {
test::check_instances check_;
typedef boost::unordered_multiset<emplace_value,
boost::hash<emplace_value> >
typedef container::iterator iterator;
container x(10);
iterator i1, i2;
// 2 args.
emplace_value v1(10, "x");
i1 = x.emplace(10, std::string("x"));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 1u);
BOOST_TEST(i1 == x.find(v1));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 2);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 2);
// 4 args + duplicate
emplace_value v2(4, "foo", 'a', 15);
i1 = x.emplace(4, "foo", 'a', 15);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 2u);
BOOST_TEST(i1 == x.find(v2));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 4);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 4);
i2 = x.emplace(4, "foo", 'a', 15);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 3u);
BOOST_TEST(i1 != i2);
BOOST_TEST(*i1 == *i2);
BOOST_TEST(x.count(*i1) == 2);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 5);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 5);
// 7 args + duplicate using hint.
emplace_value v3(7, "", 'z', 4, 5, 6, 7);
i1 = x.emplace(7, "", 'z', 4, 5, 6, 7);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 4u);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(i1->a2, 'z');
BOOST_TEST(x.count(*i1) == 1);
BOOST_TEST(i1 == x.find(v3));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 7);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 7);
i2 = x.emplace_hint(i1, 7, "", 'z', 4, 5, 6, 7);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 5u);
BOOST_TEST(*i1 == *i2);
BOOST_TEST(i1 != i2);
BOOST_TEST(x.count(*i1) == 2);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 8);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 8);
// 10 args with bad hint + duplicate
emplace_value v4(10, "", 'a', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);
i1 = x.emplace_hint(i2, 10, "", 'a', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 6u);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(i1->arg_count, 10);
BOOST_TEST(i1 == x.find(v4));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 10);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 10);
i2 = x.emplace_hint(x.end(), 10, "", 'a', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 7u);
BOOST_TEST(*i1 == *i2);
BOOST_TEST(i1 != i2);
BOOST_TEST(x.count(*i1) == 2);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 11);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 11);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.count(v1), 1u);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.count(v2), 2u);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.count(v3), 2u);
UNORDERED_AUTO_TEST (emplace_map) {
test::check_instances check_;
typedef boost::unordered_map<emplace_value, emplace_value,
boost::hash<emplace_value> >
typedef container::iterator iterator;
typedef std::pair<iterator, bool> return_type;
container x(10);
return_type r1, r2;
// 5/8 args + duplicate
emplace_value k1(5, "", 'b', 4, 5);
emplace_value m1(8, "xxx", 'z', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
r1 = x.emplace(boost::unordered::piecewise_construct,
boost::make_tuple(5, "", 'b', 4, 5),
boost::make_tuple(8, "xxx", 'z', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 1u);
BOOST_TEST(x.find(k1) == r1.first);
BOOST_TEST(x.find(k1)->second == m1);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 4);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 4);
r2 = x.emplace(boost::unordered::piecewise_construct,
boost::make_tuple(5, "", 'b', 4, 5),
boost::make_tuple(8, "xxx", 'z', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 1u);
BOOST_TEST(r1.first == r2.first);
BOOST_TEST(x.find(k1)->second == m1);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 4);
// constructions could possibly be 5 if the implementation only
// constructed the key.
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 6);
// 9/3 args + duplicates with hints, different mapped value.
emplace_value k2(9, "", 'b', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
emplace_value m2(3, "aaa", 'm');
r1 = x.emplace(boost::unordered::piecewise_construct,
boost::make_tuple(9, "", 'b', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
boost::make_tuple(3, "aaa", 'm'));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 2u);
BOOST_TEST(r1.first->first.arg_count == 9);
BOOST_TEST(r1.first->second.arg_count == 3);
BOOST_TEST(x.find(k2) == r1.first);
BOOST_TEST(x.find(k2)->second == m2);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 8);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 10);
BOOST_TEST(r1.first ==
x.emplace_hint(r1.first, boost::unordered::piecewise_construct,
boost::make_tuple(9, "", 'b', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
boost::make_tuple(15, "jkjk")));
BOOST_TEST(r1.first ==
x.emplace_hint(r2.first, boost::unordered::piecewise_construct,
boost::make_tuple(9, "", 'b', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
boost::make_tuple(275, "xxx", 'm', 6)));
BOOST_TEST(r1.first ==
x.emplace_hint(x.end(), boost::unordered::piecewise_construct,
boost::make_tuple(9, "", 'b', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
boost::make_tuple(-10, "blah blah", '\0')));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 2u);
BOOST_TEST(x.find(k2)->second == m2);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 8);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 16);
UNORDERED_AUTO_TEST (emplace_multimap) {
test::check_instances check_;
typedef boost::unordered_multimap<emplace_value, emplace_value,
boost::hash<emplace_value> >
typedef container::iterator iterator;
container x(10);
iterator i1, i2, i3, i4;
// 5/8 args + duplicate
emplace_value k1(5, "", 'b', 4, 5);
emplace_value m1(8, "xxx", 'z', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
i1 = x.emplace(boost::unordered::piecewise_construct,
boost::make_tuple(5, "", 'b', 4, 5),
boost::make_tuple(8, "xxx", 'z', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 1u);
BOOST_TEST(x.find(k1) == i1);
BOOST_TEST(x.find(k1)->second == m1);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 4);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 4);
emplace_value m1a(8, "xxx", 'z', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
i2 = x.emplace(boost::unordered::piecewise_construct,
boost::make_tuple(5, "", 'b', 4, 5),
boost::make_tuple(8, "xxx", 'z', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 2u);
BOOST_TEST(i1 != i2);
BOOST_TEST(i1->second == m1);
BOOST_TEST(i2->second == m1a);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 7);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 7);
// 9/3 args + duplicates with hints, different mapped value.
emplace_value k2(9, "", 'b', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
emplace_value m2(3, "aaa", 'm');
i1 = x.emplace(boost::unordered::piecewise_construct,
boost::make_tuple(9, "", 'b', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
boost::make_tuple(3, "aaa", 'm'));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 3u);
BOOST_TEST(i1->first.arg_count == 9);
BOOST_TEST(i1->second.arg_count == 3);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 11);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 11);
emplace_value m2a(15, "jkjk");
i2 = x.emplace_hint(i2, boost::unordered::piecewise_construct,
boost::make_tuple(9, "", 'b', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
boost::make_tuple(15, "jkjk"));
emplace_value m2b(275, "xxx", 'm', 6);
i3 = x.emplace_hint(i1, boost::unordered::piecewise_construct,
boost::make_tuple(9, "", 'b', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
boost::make_tuple(275, "xxx", 'm', 6));
emplace_value m2c(-10, "blah blah", '\0');
i4 = x.emplace_hint(x.end(), boost::unordered::piecewise_construct,
boost::make_tuple(9, "", 'b', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
boost::make_tuple(-10, "blah blah", '\0'));
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 6u);
BOOST_TEST(x.find(k2)->second == m2);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 20);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 20);
UNORDERED_AUTO_TEST (try_emplace) {
test::check_instances check_;
typedef boost::unordered_map<int, emplace_value> container;
typedef container::iterator iterator;
typedef std::pair<iterator, bool> return_type;
container x(10);
return_type r1, r2, r3;
int k1 = 3;
emplace_value m1(414, "grr");
r1 = x.try_emplace(3, 414, "grr");
BOOST_TEST(r1.first->first == k1);
BOOST_TEST(r1.first->second == m1);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 1u);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 2);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 2);
int k2 = 10;
emplace_value m2(25, "", 'z');
r2 = x.try_emplace(10, 25, std::string(""), 'z');
BOOST_TEST(r2.first->first == k2);
BOOST_TEST(r2.first->second == m2);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 2u);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 4);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 4);
BOOST_TEST(x.find(k1)->second == m1);
BOOST_TEST(x.find(k2)->second == m2);
r3 = x.try_emplace(k2, 68, "jfeoj", 'p', 49309, 2323);
BOOST_TEST(r3.first == r2.first);
BOOST_TEST(r3.first->second == m2);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 2u);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.instances(), 4);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(check_.constructions(), 4);
BOOST_TEST(r2.first == x.try_emplace(r2.first, k2, 808709, "what"));
r2.first ==
x.try_emplace(r2.first, k2, 10, "xxx", 'a', 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10));
BOOST_TEST(r2.first->second == m2);
BOOST_TEST_EQ(x.size(), 2u);