blob: a21b6c5de6619db8b3d225adf913bc6160801cba [file] [log] [blame]
// (C) Copyright John Maddock 2000.
// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
// Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include "test.hpp"
namespace boost{
namespace detail{
BOOST_CHECK_INTEGRAL_CONSTANT(expression, expected_value)
expression: an integral constant expression to check.
expected_value: the value expected.
template <long test_value>
struct integral_constant
static long value() { return test_value; }
template <class T, class U>
bool tt_compare(T found, U expected)
{ return static_cast<U>(found) == expected; }
#define BOOST_CHECK_INTEGRAL_CONSTANT(expression, expected_value)\
if(!::boost::detail::tt_compare(::boost::detail::integral_constant<(int)(expression)>::value(), (int)expression)){\
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(false, "The expression: \"" << BOOST_STRINGIZE(expression) << "\" had differing values depending upon whether it was used as an integral constant expression or not");\
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(true, "Validating Integral Constant Expression: \"" << BOOST_STRINGIZE(expression) << "\"");\
if(!::boost::detail::tt_compare((int)expression, expected_value))\
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(false, "The expression: \"" << BOOST_STRINGIZE(expression) << "\" had an invalid value (found " << ::boost::detail::integral_constant<(int)(expression)>::value() << ", expected " << expected_value << ")" )
BOOST_CHECK_SOFT_INTEGRAL_CONSTANT(expression, expected_value, alternate_value)
expression: an integral constant expression to check.
expected_value: the value expected.
alternate_value: an alternative value that results is a warning not a failure if found.
#define BOOST_CHECK_SOFT_INTEGRAL_CONSTANT(expression, expected_value, alternate_value)\
if(!::boost::detail::tt_compare(::boost::detail::integral_constant<(int)(expression)>::value(), (int)expression)){\
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(false, "The expression: \"" << BOOST_STRINGIZE(expression) << "\" had differing values depending upon whether it was used as an integral constant expression or not");\
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(true, "Validating Integral Constant Expression: \"" << BOOST_STRINGIZE(expression) << "\"");\
if(!::boost::detail::tt_compare((int)expression, expected_value))\
if(!::boost::detail::tt_compare((int)expression, alternate_value))\
BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(false, "The expression: \"" << BOOST_STRINGIZE(expression) << "\" had an invalid value (found " << ::boost::detail::integral_constant<(int)(expression)>::value() << ", expected " << expected_value << ")" );\
BOOST_WARN_MESSAGE(false, "<note>The expression: \"" << BOOST_STRINGIZE(expression) << "\" did not have the value we wish it to have (found " << ::boost::detail::integral_constant<(int)(expression)>::value() << ", expected " << expected_value << ")</note>" );\