blob: 72a994e8f6a7407fd122faedb881bde96d187be6 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2018 Glen Joseph Fernandes
Distributed under the Boost Software License,
Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
or copy at
[section:detected_or detected_or]
template<class Default, template<class...> class Op, class... Args>
using detected_or = __below;
template<class Default, template<class...> class Op, class... Args>
using detected_or_t = typename detected_or<Default, Op, Args...>::type;
__alias An unspecified type with two public member type definitions:
* `value_t` is __true_type if `Op<Args...>` is a valid template-id, otherwise
* `type` is `Op<Args...>` if it is a valid template-id, otherwise `Default`
__std_paper [@ N4502]
__compat Requires C++11 variadic templates and C++11 template aliases.
__header `#include <boost/type_traits/detected_or.hpp>`
Suppose we wish to declare a type that represents the difference between two values of type T, it should be
T::difference_type if such a type exists, or std::ptrdiff_t otherwise:
template<class T>
using difference_t = typename T::difference_type;
template<class T>
using difference_type = boost::detected_or_t<std::ptrdiff_t, difference_t, T>;
Now the type `difference_type<T>` gives us what we need.
See also: __is_detected, __is_detected_convertible, __is_detected_exact.