blob: 49100ac648d6e4b47b7dfc60400a7f62643c8b43 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2012-2021 Antony Polukhin
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
# file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
import testing ;
import feature ;
import os ;
# Variable that contains all the stuff required for linking together <rtti>on and <rtti>off
# Making own `nortti` that is link compatible.
# We explicitly define BOOST_NO_RTTI because it sometimes can not be detected by build system.
nortti = <toolset>gcc:<cxxflags>"-fno-rtti -DBOOST_NO_RTTI -DBOOST_NO_TYPEID" <toolset>clang:<cxxflags>"-fno-rtti -DBOOST_NO_RTTI -DBOOST_NO_TYPEID" <toolset>intel:<cxxflags>"-fno-rtti -DBOOST_NO_RTTI -DBOOST_NO_TYPEID" <toolset>darwin:<cxxflags>"-fno-rtti -DBOOST_NO_RTTI -DBOOST_NO_TYPEID" <toolset>msvc:<cxxflags>"/GR-" ;
norttidefines = <toolset>gcc:<cxxflags>"-DBOOST_NO_RTTI -DBOOST_NO_TYPEID" <toolset>clang:<cxxflags>"-DBOOST_NO_RTTI -DBOOST_NO_TYPEID" <toolset>intel:<cxxflags>"-DBOOST_NO_RTTI -DBOOST_NO_TYPEID" <toolset>darwin:<cxxflags>"-DBOOST_NO_RTTI -DBOOST_NO_TYPEID" <toolset>msvc:<cxxflags>"-DBOOST_NO_RTTI" ;
# Making libraries that CANNOT work between rtti-on/rtti-off modules
obj test_lib_nortti-obj : test_lib.cpp : <link>shared <rtti>off $(norttidefines) ;
obj test_lib_anonymous_nortti-obj : test_lib_anonymous.cpp : <link>shared <rtti>off $(norttidefines) ;
lib test_lib_nortti : test_lib_nortti-obj : <link>shared <rtti>off $(norttidefines) ;
lib test_lib_anonymous_nortti : test_lib_anonymous_nortti-obj : <link>shared <rtti>off $(norttidefines) ;
obj test_lib_rtti-obj : test_lib.cpp : <link>shared ;
obj test_lib_anonymous_rtti-obj : test_lib_anonymous.cpp : <link>shared ;
lib test_lib_rtti : test_lib_rtti-obj : <link>shared ;
lib test_lib_anonymous_rtti : test_lib_anonymous_rtti-obj : <link>shared ;
# Making libraries that can work between rtti-on/rtti-off modules
obj test_lib_nortti_compat-obj : test_lib.cpp : <link>shared $(nortti) $(compat) ;
obj test_lib_rtti_compat-obj : test_lib.cpp : <link>shared $(nortti) $(compat) ;
lib test_lib_nortti_compat : test_lib_nortti_compat-obj : <link>shared $(nortti) $(compat) ;
lib test_lib_rtti_compat : test_lib_rtti_compat-obj : <link>shared $(nortti) $(compat) ;
exe testing_crossmodule_anonymous_no_rtti : testing_crossmodule_anonymous.cpp test_lib_anonymous_nortti : <rtti>off $(norttidefines) ;
test-suite type_index
[ run type_index_test.cpp ]
[ run type_index_runtime_cast_test.cpp ]
[ run type_index_constexpr_test.cpp ]
[ run type_index_test.cpp : : : <rtti>off $(norttidefines) : type_index_test_no_rtti ]
[ run ctti_print_name.cpp : : : <test-info>always_show_run_output ]
[ run testing_crossmodule.cpp test_lib_rtti ]
[ run testing_crossmodule.cpp test_lib_nortti : : : <rtti>off $(norttidefines) : testing_crossmodule_no_rtti ]
[ run testing_crossmodule_anonymous.cpp test_lib_anonymous_rtti : : : <test-info>always_show_run_output ]
[ run compare_ctti_stl.cpp ]
[ run track_13621.cpp ]
[ compile-fail type_index_test_ctti_copy_fail.cpp ]
[ compile-fail type_index_test_ctti_construct_fail.cpp ]
[ compile type_index_test_ctti_alignment.cpp ]
# Mixing RTTI on and off
# MSVC sometimes overrides the /GR-, without `detect_missmatch` this test may link.
# TODO: Disabled on MSVC. Enable again when there'll be an understanding of how to write this test correctly wor MSVC.
[ link-fail testing_crossmodule.cpp test_lib_rtti : $(nortti) <toolset>msvc:<build>no : link_fail_nortti_rtti ]
[ link-fail testing_crossmodule.cpp test_lib_nortti : <toolset>msvc:<build>no : link_fail_rtti_nortti ]
[ run testing_crossmodule.cpp test_lib_rtti_compat : : : $(nortti) $(compat) : testing_crossmodule_nortti_rtti_compat ]
[ run testing_crossmodule.cpp test_lib_nortti_compat : : : $(compat) : testing_crossmodule_rtti_nortti_compat ]
# Assuring that examples compile and run. Adding sources from `examples` directory to the `type_index` test suite.
for local p in [ glob ../examples/*.cpp ]
# RTTI on
type_index += [ run $(p) ] ;
# RTTI off
local target_name = $(p[1]:B)_no_rtti ;
if $(target_name) != "table_of_names_no_rtti"
type_index += [ run $(p) : : : <rtti>off $(norttidefines) : $(target_name) ] ;