blob: e145497f67106760812ba369f1f6248998a46aa8 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2018 Peter Dimov
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
# Revision History
## Changes in Boost 1.75
* The platform-specific headers `windows_error.hpp`, `linux_error.hpp`,
and `cygwin_error.hpp` emit deprecation messages and are slated for
* The old names for `generic_category()` and `system_category()` emit
deprecation messages and are slated for removal.
* `error_condition::failed` is deprecated and is slated for removal.
`operator bool()` for `error_condition` has been reverted to its old
meaning of `value() != 0`. This is done for compatibility with
`std::error_condition` as the next release is expected to improve
interoperability with `<system_error>` even further. _Note that this
does not affect_ `error_code::failed`, which is still alive and well.
* The overload of `error_condition::message` that takes a buffer is
deprecated and is slated for removal, for the same reasons. _Note that
this does not affect_ `error_code::message`.
## Changes in Boost 1.74
* `operator bool()` now returns `failed()` instead of `value() != 0`.
## Changes in Boost 1.69
* Boost.System is now header-only. A stub library is still built for
compatibility, but linking to it is no longer necessary.
* Even more functions have been marked `constexpr`.
* The destructor of `error_category` is now protected and no longer
virtual. This is a _potentially breaking change_ but its impact
is expected to be limited.
* `error_category` now has a constructor that accepts a 64 bit identifier,
enabling distinct category objects to compare equal.
* The constructors of `error_category` are now protected.
* A non-allocating, nonthrowing overload of `message` has been added.
* A virtual function `failed` has been added, allowing categories for
which success is not synonymous with 0.
* The deprecated `boost::system::throws` object has been removed.
* `boost::throws()` is now deprecated and its use is discouraged.
* The constructor of `system_error` taking a single `error_code` argument
is now explicit.
* `system_error::code()` now returns by value.
## Changes in Boost 1.68
On a {cpp}14 compiler, many Boost.System functions and member functions
are now `constexpr`, and `error_code` and `error_condition` are literal
In addition to enabling use in constant expressions (and `constexpr`
functions), this significantly improves the quality of the generated code.
As a result of this change, however, now using Boost.System from {cpp}14
or {cpp}17 code requires that the library be also built with {cpp}14 or
above. This is the default on GCC 6 and newer, but not on GCC 5 or Clang.
One can build Boost for {cpp}14 by passing the `cxxstd=14` option to `b2`.
(Previous versions allowed code built against any {cpp} standard to link
with Boost.System built against any {cpp} standard. In 1.68, code using
any {cpp} standard can link with Boost.System built with {cpp}14 or above,
but if Boost.System is built with {cpp}11 or below, only code also built
with {cpp}11 and below can link to it successfully.)
## Changes in Boost 1.65
On a {cpp}11 compiler, Boost.System now provides implicit conversions
from `boost::system::error_category`, `error_code`, and `error_condition`
to their standard equivalents from `<system_error>`.
This allows libraries to expose a {cpp}11 interface and report errors
via `std::error_code` even when using Boost.System, directly or through a
dependency such as Boost.ASIO.