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Copyright 2017 Peter Dimov
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
# shared_array (deprecated)
:idprefix: shared_array_
NOTE: This facility is deprecated because a `shared_ptr` to `T[]` or `T[N]`
is now available, and is superior in every regard.
## Description
The `shared_array` class template stores a pointer to a dynamically allocated
array. (Dynamically allocated array are allocated with the C++ `new[]`
expression.) The object pointed to is guaranteed to be deleted when the last
`shared_array` pointing to it is destroyed or reset.
Every `shared_array` meets the _CopyConstructible_ and _Assignable_
requirements of the {cpp} Standard Library, and so can be used in standard
library containers. Comparison operators are supplied so that shared_array
works with the standard library's associative containers.
Normally, a `shared_array` cannot correctly hold a pointer to an object that
has been allocated with the non-array form of `new`. See `shared_ptr` for that
Because the implementation uses reference counting, cycles of `shared_array`
instances will not be reclaimed. For example, if `main` holds a shared_array
to `A`, which directly or indirectly holds a shared_array back to `A`, the use
count of `A` will be 2. Destruction of the original `shared_array` will leave
`A` dangling with a use count of 1.
A `shared_ptr` to a `std::vector` is an alternative to a `shared_array` that
is a bit heavier duty but far more flexible.
The class template is parameterized on `T`, the type of the object pointed to.
`shared_array` and most of its member functions place no requirements on `T`;
it is allowed to be an incomplete type, or `void`. Member functions that do
place additional requirements (constructors, reset) are explicitly documented
## Synopsis
namespace boost {
template<class T> class shared_array {
typedef T element_type;
explicit shared_array(T* p = 0);
template<class D> shared_array(T* p, D d);
shared_array(const shared_array& v) noexcept;
~shared_array() noexcept;
shared_array& operator=(const shared_array& v) noexcept;
void reset(T* p = 0);
template<class D> void reset(T* p, D d);
T& operator[](std::ptrdiff_t n) const noexcept;
T* get() const noexcept;
bool unique() const noexcept;
long use_count() const noexcept;
explicit operator bool() const noexcept;
void swap(shared_array<T>& v) noexcept;
template<class T> bool
operator==(const shared_array<T>& a, const shared_array<T>& b) noexcept;
template<class T> bool
operator!=(const shared_array<T>& a, const shared_array<T>& b) noexcept;
template<class T> bool
operator<(const shared_array<T>& a, const shared_array<T>& b) noexcept;
template<class T>
void swap(shared_array<T>& a, shared_array<T>& b) noexcept;
## Members
### element_type
typedef T element_type;
Type:: Provides the type of the stored pointer.
### Constructors
explicit shared_array(T* p = 0);
* {blank}
Effects:: Constructs a `shared_array`, storing a copy of `p`, which must be a
pointer to an array that was allocated via a C++ `new[]` expression or be 0.
Afterwards, the use count is 1 (even if `p == 0`; see `~shared_array`).
Requires:: `T` is a complete type.
Throws:: `std::bad_alloc`. If an exception is thrown, `delete[] p` is called.
template<class D> shared_array(T* p, D d);
* {blank}
Effects:: Constructs a `shared_array`, storing a copy of `p` and of `d`.
Afterwards, the use count is 1. When the the time comes to delete the array
pointed to by `p`, the object `d` is used in the statement `d(p)`.
* `T` is a complete type.
* The copy constructor and destructor of `D` must not throw.
* Invoking the object `d` with parameter `p` must not throw.
Throws:: `std::bad_alloc`. If an exception is thrown, `d(p)` is called.
shared_array(const shared_array& v) noexcept;
* {blank}
Effects:: Constructs a `shared_array`, as if by storing a copy of the pointer
stored in `v`. Afterwards, the use count for all copies is 1 more than the
initial use count.
Requires:: `T` is a complete type.
### Destructor
~shared_array() noexcept;
* {blank}
Effects:: Decrements the use count. Then, if the use count is 0, deletes the
array pointed to by the stored pointer. Note that `delete[]` on a pointer with
a value of 0 is harmless.
### Assignment
shared_array& operator=(const shared_array& v) noexcept;
* {blank}
Effects:: Constructs a new `shared_array` as described above, then replaces
this `shared_array` with the new one, destroying the replaced object.
Requires:: `T` is a complete type.
Returns:: `*this`.
### reset
void reset(T* p = 0);
* {blank}
Effects:: Constructs a new `shared_array` as described above, then replaces
this `shared_array` with the new one, destroying the replaced object.
Requires:: `T` is a complete type.
Throws:: `std::bad_alloc`. If an exception is thrown, `delete[] p` is called.
template<class D> void reset(T* p, D d);
* {blank}
Effects:: Constructs a new `shared_array` as described above, then replaces
this `shared_array` with the new one, destroying the replaced object.
* `T` is a complete type.
* The copy constructor of `D` must not throw.
Throws:: `std::bad_alloc`. If an exception is thrown, `d(p)` is called.
### Indexing
T& operator[](std::ptrdiff_t n) const noexcept;
Returns:: A reference to element `n` of the array pointed to by the stored
pointer. Behavior is undefined and almost certainly undesirable if the stored
pointer is 0, or if `n` is less than 0 or is greater than or equal to the
number of elements in the array.
Requires:: `T` is a complete type.
### get
T* get() const noexcept;
* {blank}
Returns:: The stored pointer.
### unique
bool unique() const noexcept;
* {blank}
Returns:: `true` if no other `shared_array` is sharing ownership of the
stored pointer, `false` otherwise.
### use_count
long use_count() const noexcept;
* {blank}
Returns:: The number of `shared_array` objects sharing ownership of the
stored pointer.
### Conversions
explicit operator bool() const noexcept;
* {blank}
Returns:: `get() != 0`.
Requires:: `T` is a complete type.
### swap
void swap(shared_array<T>& b) noexcept;
* {blank}
Effects:: Exchanges the contents of the two smart pointers.
## Free Functions
### Comparison
template<class T> bool
operator==(const shared_array<T>& a, const shared_array<T>& b) noexcept;
template<class T> bool
operator!=(const shared_array<T>& a, const shared_array<T>& b) noexcept;
template<class T> bool
operator<(const shared_array<T>& a, const shared_array<T>& b) noexcept;
* {blank}
Returns:: The result of comparing the stored pointers of the two smart
NOTE: The `operator<` overload is provided to define an ordering so that
`shared_array` objects can be used in associative containers such as
`std::map`. The implementation uses `std::less<T*>` to perform the comparison.
This ensures that the comparison is handled correctly, since the standard
mandates that relational operations on pointers are unspecified (5.9
[expr.rel] paragraph 2) but `std::less` on pointers is well-defined (20.3.3
[lib.comparisons] paragraph 8).
### swap
template<class T>
void swap(shared_array<T>& a, shared_array<T>& b) noexcept;
* {blank}
Returns:: `a.swap(b)`.
Requires:: `T` is a complete type.