blob: eaa03425f633bd24b053b5e4c3d3641de496ddaf [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Tobias Schwinger
Use modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software
License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/fusion/functional/adapter/unfused_typed.hpp>
#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/empty_base.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/identity.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/placeholders.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/result_of.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/algorithm/iteration/fold.hpp>
namespace fusion = boost::fusion;
namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
using mpl::placeholders::_;
using boost::noncopyable;
typedef fusion::vector<> types0;
typedef fusion::vector<long &> types1;
typedef fusion::vector<long &,int,char> types3;
template <class Base = boost::mpl::empty_base>
struct test_func
: Base
template<typename T>
struct result;
template <class Self, class Seq>
struct result< Self(Seq) >
: mpl::identity<long>
{ };
template <typename Seq>
long operator()(Seq const & seq) const
long state = 0;
return fusion::fold(seq, state, fold_op());
template < typename Seq >
long operator()(Seq const & seq)
long state = 100;
return fusion::fold(seq, state, fold_op());
struct fold_op
typedef long result_type;
template <typename T>
long operator()(long value, T const & elem) const
return value + sizeof(T) * elem;
template <typename T>
long operator()(long value, T & elem) const
elem += sizeof(T);
return value;
void result_type_tests()
using boost::is_same;
typedef fusion::unfused_typed< test_func<>, types0 > t0;
BOOST_TEST(( is_same< boost::result_of< t0 () >::type, long >::value ));
typedef fusion::unfused_typed< test_func<>, types1 > t1;
BOOST_TEST(( is_same< boost::result_of< t1 (long &) >::type, long >::value ));
#if defined(BOOST_MSVC) && BOOST_MSVC < 1400
# define BOOST_TEST_NO_VC71(cond) (void)((cond)?0:1)
# define BOOST_TEST_NO_VC71(cond) BOOST_TEST(cond)
void nullary_tests()
test_func<noncopyable> f;
fusion::unfused_typed< test_func<>, types0 > unfused_func;
fusion::unfused_typed< test_func<noncopyable> &, types0 > unfused_func_ref(f);
fusion::unfused_typed< test_func<> const, types0 > unfused_func_c;
fusion::unfused_typed< test_func<>, types0 > const unfused_func_c2;
fusion::unfused_typed< test_func<noncopyable> const &, types0 > unfused_func_c_ref(f);
BOOST_TEST(unfused_func() == 100);
BOOST_TEST(unfused_func_ref() == 100);
BOOST_TEST(unfused_func_c() == 0);
BOOST_TEST(unfused_func_c2() == 0);
BOOST_TEST(unfused_func_c_ref() == 0);
void unary_tests()
test_func<noncopyable> f;
fusion::unfused_typed< test_func<>, types1 > unfused_func;
fusion::unfused_typed< test_func<noncopyable> &, types1 > unfused_func_ref(f);
fusion::unfused_typed< test_func<> const, types1 > unfused_func_c;
fusion::unfused_typed< test_func<>, types1 > const unfused_func_c2;
fusion::unfused_typed< test_func<noncopyable> const &, types1 > unfused_func_c_ref(f);
long lvalue = 1;
BOOST_TEST_NO_VC71(unfused_func(lvalue) == 100);
BOOST_TEST(lvalue == 1 + 1*sizeof(lvalue));
BOOST_TEST(unfused_func_ref(lvalue) == 100);
BOOST_TEST(lvalue == 1 + 2*sizeof(lvalue));
BOOST_TEST(unfused_func_c(lvalue) == 0);
BOOST_TEST(lvalue == 1 + 3*sizeof(lvalue));
BOOST_TEST(unfused_func_c2(lvalue) == 0);
BOOST_TEST(lvalue == 1 + 4*sizeof(lvalue));
BOOST_TEST(unfused_func_c_ref(lvalue) == 0);
BOOST_TEST(lvalue == 1 + 5*sizeof(lvalue));
void ternary_tests()
test_func<noncopyable> f;
fusion::unfused_typed< test_func<>, types3 > unfused_func;
fusion::unfused_typed< test_func<noncopyable> &, types3 > unfused_func_ref(f);
fusion::unfused_typed< test_func<> const, types3 > unfused_func_c;
fusion::unfused_typed< test_func<>, types3 > const unfused_func_c2;
fusion::unfused_typed< test_func<noncopyable> const &, types3 > unfused_func_c_ref(f);
long lvalue = 1;
static const long expected = 2*sizeof(int) + 7*sizeof(char);
BOOST_TEST_NO_VC71(unfused_func(lvalue,2,'\007') == 100 + expected);
BOOST_TEST(lvalue == 1 + 1*sizeof(lvalue));
BOOST_TEST(unfused_func_ref(lvalue,2,'\007') == 100 + expected);
BOOST_TEST(lvalue == 1 + 2*sizeof(lvalue));
BOOST_TEST(unfused_func_c(lvalue,2,'\007') == 0 + expected);
BOOST_TEST(lvalue == 1 + 3*sizeof(lvalue));
BOOST_TEST(unfused_func_c2(lvalue,2,'\007') == 0 + expected);
BOOST_TEST(lvalue == 1 + 4*sizeof(lvalue));
BOOST_TEST(unfused_func_c_ref(lvalue,2,'\007') == 0 + expected);
BOOST_TEST(lvalue == 1 + 5*sizeof(lvalue));
int main()
return boost::report_errors();