blob: d413aafc111fe9749cd4423263e44764fa51213a [file] [log] [blame]
// (C) Copyright Tobias Schwinger
// Use modification and distribution are subject to the boost Software License,
// Version 1.0. (See
// Reimplementation of the Boost result_of utility (see [Gregor01] and
// [Gregor02]).
// Detailed description
// ====================
// This example implements the functionality of the Boost result_of utility.
// Because of FunctionTypes we get away without repetitive code and the Boost
// Preprocessor library.
// Bibliography
// ============
// [Gregor01] Gregor, D. The Boost result_of utility
// [Gregor02] Gregor, D. A uniform method for computing function object return
// types (revision 1)
#include <boost/function_types/result_type.hpp>
#include <boost/function_types/is_callable_builtin.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/eval_if.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/has_xxx.hpp>
namespace example
namespace ft = boost::function_types;
namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
template<typename F> struct result_of;
namespace detail
template<typename F>
struct result_type_member
typedef typename F::result_type type;
template<typename F, typename Desc>
struct result_member_template
typedef typename F::template result<Desc>::type type;
template<typename F>
struct result_member_template< F, F(void) >
typedef void type;
template<typename F, typename Desc>
struct result_of_impl
: mpl::eval_if
< ft::is_callable_builtin<F>
, ft::result_type<F>
, mpl::eval_if
< has_result_type<F>
, result_type_member<F>
, result_member_template<F,Desc>
> >
{ };
template<typename Desc>
struct result_of
: detail::result_of_impl< typename ft::result_type<Desc>::type, Desc >
{ };