blob: b648c1340cd0994bc6ce5870419cb5a5b223fed2 [file] [log] [blame]
/ Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Peter Dimov and Multi Media Ltd.
/ Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Peter Dimov
/ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
/ accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[section:implementation Implementation]
[section Files]
* [@../../../../boost/mem_fn.hpp boost/mem_fn.hpp] (main header)
* [@../../../../boost/bind/mem_fn_cc.hpp boost/bind/mem_fn_cc.hpp] (used by `mem_fn.hpp`, do not include directly)
* [@../../../../boost/bind/mem_fn_vw.hpp boost/bind/mem_fn_vw.hpp] (used by `mem_fn.hpp`, do not include directly)
* [@../../../../boost/bind/mem_fn_template.hpp boost/bind/mem_fn_template.hpp] (used by `mem_fn.hpp`, do not include directly)
* [@../../test/mem_fn_test.cpp libs/bind/test/mem_fn_test.cpp] (test)
* [@../../test/mem_fn_derived_test.cpp libs/bind/test/mem_fn_derived_test.cpp] (test with derived objects)
* [@../../test/mem_fn_fastcall_test.cpp libs/bind/test/mem_fn_fastcall_test.cpp] (test for `__fastcall`)
* [@../../test/mem_fn_stdcall_test.cpp libs/bind/test/mem_fn_stdcall_test.cpp] (test for `__stdcall`)
* [@../../test/mem_fn_void_test.cpp libs/bind/test/mem_fn_void_test.cpp] (test for `void` returns)
[section Dependencies]
* [@boost:/libs/config/config.htm Boost.Config]
[section Number of Arguments]
This implementation supports member functions with up to eight arguments. This
is not an inherent limitation of the design, but an implementation detail.
[section:stdcall `__stdcall`, `__cdecl`, and `__fastcall` Support]
Some platforms allow several types of member functions that differ by their
calling convention (the rules by which the function is invoked: how are
arguments passed, how is the return value handled, and who cleans up the stack
- if any.)
For example, Windows API functions and COM interface member functions use a
calling convention known as `__stdcall`. Borland VCL components use
`__fastcall`. UDK, the component model of, uses `__cdecl`.
To use `mem_fn` with `__stdcall` member functions, `#define` the macro
`BOOST_MEM_FN_ENABLE_STDCALL` before including `<boost/mem_fn.hpp>`.
To use `mem_fn` with `__fastcall` member functions, `#define` the macro
`BOOST_MEM_FN_ENABLE_FASTCALL` before including `<boost/mem_fn.hpp>`.
To use `mem_fn` with `__cdecl` member functions, `#define` the macro
`BOOST_MEM_FN_ENABLE_CDECL` before including `<boost/mem_fn.hpp>`.
[*It is best to define these macros in the project options, via `-D` on the
command line, or as the first line in the translation unit (.cpp file) where
`mem_fn` is used.] Not following this rule can lead to obscure errors when a
header includes `mem_fn.hpp` before the macro has been defined.
/[Note:/ this is a non-portable extension. It is not part of the interface./]/
/[Note:/ Some compilers provide only minimal support for the `__stdcall` keyword./]/