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/ Copyright (c) 2003-2021 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
/ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
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[section:Executor1 Executor requirements]
[heading Standard executors]
Let `executor-of-impl` be the exposition-only concept
template<class E, class F>
concept executor-of-impl =
invocable<decay_t<F>&> &&
constructible_from<decay_t<F>, F> &&
move_constructible<decay_t<F>> &&
copy_constructible<E> &&
is_nothrow_copy_constructible_v<E> &&
equality_comparable<E> /* nothrow */ &&
requires(const E& e, F&& f) {
execution::execute(e, (F&&)f);
Then the `executor` and `executor_of` concepts are defined as follows:
template<class E>
concept executor =
executor-of-impl<E, execution::invocable_archetype>;
template<class E, class F>
concept executor_of =
executor<E> &&
executor-of-impl<E, F>;
Neither an executor's equality comparison nor `swap` operation shall exit via
an exception.
None of an executor type's copy constructor, destructor, equality comparison,
`swap` function, `execute` function, or associated `query` functions shall
introduce data races as a result of concurrent invocations of those functions
from different threads.
For any two (possibly const) values `x1` and `x2` of some executor type `X`,
`x1 == x2` shall return `true` only if `boost::asio::query(x1,p) == boost::asio::query(x2,p)`
for every property `p` where both `boost::asio::query(x1,p)` and `boost::asio::query(x2,p)`
are well-formed and result in a non-void type that is `equality_comparable`
(C++Std [equalitycomparable]). [inline_note The above requirements imply that `x1
== x2` returns `true` if `x1` and `x2` can be interchanged with identical
effects. An executor may conceptually contain additional properties which are
not exposed by a named property type that can be observed via `boost::asio::query`; in
this case, it is up to the concrete executor implementation to decide if these
properties affect equality. Returning `false` does not necessarily imply that
the effects are not identical.]
An executor type's destructor shall not block pending completion of the
submitted function objects. [inline_note The ability to wait for completion of
submitted function objects may be provided by the associated execution
In addition to the above requirements, types `E` and `F` model `executor_of`
only if they satisfy the requirements of the Table below.
* `e` denotes a (possibly const) executor object of type `E`,
* `cf` denotes the function object `DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(f))`
* `f` denotes a function of type `F&&` invocable as `cf()` and where
`decay_t<F>` models `move_constructible`.
The expression `execution::execute(e, f)`:
* Evaluates `DECAY_COPY(std::forward<F>(f))` on the calling thread to create
`cf` that will be invoked at most once by an execution agent.
* May block pending completion of this invocation. Synchronizes with
[intro.multithread] the invocation of `f`.
* Shall not propagate any exception thrown by the function object or any other
function submitted to the executor.
[inline_note The treatment of exceptions thrown by one-way submitted functions
is implementation-defined. The forward progress guarantee of the associated
execution agent(s) is implementation-defined.]
[heading Networking TS-style executors]
The library describes a standard set of requirements for ['executors]. A type
meeting the `Executor` requirements embodies a set of rules for determining how
submitted function objects are to be executed.
A type `X` meets the `Executor` requirements if it satisfies the requirements of
`CopyConstructible` (C++Std [copyconstructible]) and `Destructible` (C++Std
[destructible]), as well as the additional requirements listed below.
No constructor, comparison operator, copy operation, move operation, swap
operation, or member functions `context`, `on_work_started`, and
`on_work_finished` on these types shall exit via an exception.
The executor copy constructor, comparison operators, and other member functions
defined in these requirements shall not introduce data races as a result of
concurrent calls to those functions from different threads.
Let `ctx` be the execution context returned by the executor's `context()`
member function. An executor becomes ['invalid] when the first call to
`ctx.shutdown()` returns. The effect of calling `on_work_started`,
`on_work_finished`, `dispatch`, `post`, or `defer` on an invalid executor is
undefined. [inline_note The copy constructor, comparison operators, and
`context()` member function continue to remain valid until `ctx` is destroyed.]
In the table below, `x1` and `x2` denote (possibly const) values of type `X`,
`mx1` denotes an xvalue of type `X`, `f` denotes a `MoveConstructible` (C++Std
[moveconstructible]) function object callable with zero arguments, `a` denotes
a (possibly const) value of type `A` meeting the `Allocator` requirements
(C++Std [allocator.requirements]), and `u` denotes an identifier.
[table Executor requirements
[[expression] [type] [assertion/note[br]pre/post-conditions]]
[`X u(x1);`]
[Shall not exit via an exception.[br]
post: `u == x1` and
`std::addressof(u.context()) == std::addressof(x1.context()).`]
[`X u(mx1);`]
[Shall not exit via an exception.[br]
post: `u` equals the prior value of `mx1` and
`std::addressof(u.context())` equals the prior value of
[`x1 == x2`]
[ Returns `true` only if `x1` and `x2` can be interchanged with identical
effects in any of the expressions defined in these type requirements.
[inline_note Returning `false` does not necessarily imply that the effects
are not identical.][br]
`operator==` shall be reflexive, symmetric, and transitive, and shall not
exit via an exception.]
[`x1 != x2`]
[Same as `!(x1 == x2)`.]
[`execution_context&`, or `E&` where `E` is a type that satifisfies the
[link boost_asio.reference.ExecutionContext `ExecutionContext`] requirements.]
[Shall not exit via an exception.[br]
The comparison operators and member functions defined in these
requirements shall not alter the reference returned by this function.]
[Shall not exit via an exception.]
[Shall not exit via an exception.[br]
Precondition: A preceding call `x2.on_work_started()` where `x1 == x2`.]
[Effects: Creates an object `f1` initialized with
[^['DECAY_COPY]]`(forward<Func>(f))` (C++Std \[thread.decaycopy\]) in the
current thread of execution . Calls `f1()` at most once. The executor may
block forward progress of the caller until `f1()` finishes execution.[br]
Executor implementations should use the supplied allocator to allocate any
memory required to store the function object. Prior to invoking the
function object, the executor shall deallocate any memory allocated.
[inline_note Executors defined in this Technical Specification always use
the supplied allocator unless otherwise specified.][br]
Synchronization: The invocation of `dispatch` synchronizes with (C++Std
\[intro.multithread\]) the invocation of `f1`.]
[Effects: Creates an object `f1` initialized with
[^['DECAY_COPY]]`(forward<Func>(f))` in the current thread of execution.
Calls `f1()` at most once. The executor shall not block forward progress
of the caller pending completion of `f1()`.[br]
Executor implementations should use the supplied allocator to allocate any
memory required to store the function object. Prior to invoking the
function object, the executor shall deallocate any memory allocated.
[inline_note Executors defined in this Technical Specification always use
the supplied allocator unless otherwise specified.][br]
Synchronization: The invocation of `post` or `defer` synchronizes with
(C++Std \[intro.multithread\]) the invocation of `f1`.[br]
[inline_note Although the requirements placed on `defer` are identical to
`post`, the use of `post` conveys a preference that the caller ['does not]
block the first step of [^f1]'s progress, whereas `defer` conveys a
preference that the caller ['does] block the first step of [^f1]. One use
of `defer` is to convey the intention of the caller that [^f1] is a
continuation of the current call context. The executor may use this
information to optimize or otherwise adjust the way in which `f1` is