[scudo] Early exit from the case can't do page release.

There are heuristics to avoid marking blocks if there's little chance
to release pages. So far, those logics only exist in block-marking
section and we didn't leverage the results of those logics. For example,
in a round of releaseToOS try, we know it's still 128 KB away from the
release threshold. In the next round of releaseToOS, we can early exit
if the number of pushed bytes is smaller than 128 KB without looping
each memory group. This CL adds this heuristic and has reduced amount of
time in checking the status of each memory group.

This CL only applies this heuristic on SizeClassAllocator64.
SizeClassAllocator32 has a smaller region/group size and has little
impact on the default value.

Reviewed By: cferris

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D146312

GitOrigin-RevId: fb8d894f23c5e805f0c87d89fb9d6c0eed3a0e72
Change-Id: I489017ee065b679082593e9507b627131a6d74db
diff --git a/standalone/primary64.h b/standalone/primary64.h
index 1cb6d02..bca5ab8 100644
--- a/standalone/primary64.h
+++ b/standalone/primary64.h
@@ -64,32 +64,8 @@
   void init(s32 ReleaseToOsInterval) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
     DCHECK(isAligned(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(this), alignof(ThisT)));
-    DCHECK_EQ(PrimaryBase, 0U);
-    // Reserve the space required for the Primary.
-    PrimaryBase = reinterpret_cast<uptr>(map(
-        nullptr, PrimarySize, "scudo:primary_reserve", MAP_NOACCESS, &Data));
-    u32 Seed;
-    const u64 Time = getMonotonicTimeFast();
-    if (!getRandom(reinterpret_cast<void *>(&Seed), sizeof(Seed)))
-      Seed = static_cast<u32>(Time ^ (PrimaryBase >> 12));
     const uptr PageSize = getPageSizeCached();
-    for (uptr I = 0; I < NumClasses; I++) {
-      RegionInfo *Region = getRegionInfo(I);
-      // The actual start of a region is offset by a random number of pages
-      // when PrimaryEnableRandomOffset is set.
-      Region->RegionBeg = (PrimaryBase + (I << Config::PrimaryRegionSizeLog)) +
-                          (Config::PrimaryEnableRandomOffset
-                               ? ((getRandomModN(&Seed, 16) + 1) * PageSize)
-                               : 0);
-      Region->RandState = getRandomU32(&Seed);
-      Region->ReleaseInfo.LastReleaseAtNs = Time;
-    }
-    shuffle(RegionInfoArray, NumClasses, &Seed);
-    setOption(Option::ReleaseInterval, static_cast<sptr>(ReleaseToOsInterval));
     const uptr GroupSize = (1U << GroupSizeLog);
     const uptr PagesInGroup = GroupSize / PageSize;
     const uptr MinSizeClass = getSizeByClassId(1);
@@ -126,6 +102,37 @@
     // use its size of in-use blocks as a heuristic.
     SmallerBlockReleasePageDelta =
         PagesInGroup * (1 + MinSizeClass / 16U) / 100;
+    DCHECK_EQ(PrimaryBase, 0U);
+    // Reserve the space required for the Primary.
+    PrimaryBase = reinterpret_cast<uptr>(map(
+        nullptr, PrimarySize, "scudo:primary_reserve", MAP_NOACCESS, &Data));
+    u32 Seed;
+    const u64 Time = getMonotonicTimeFast();
+    if (!getRandom(reinterpret_cast<void *>(&Seed), sizeof(Seed)))
+      Seed = static_cast<u32>(Time ^ (PrimaryBase >> 12));
+    for (uptr I = 0; I < NumClasses; I++) {
+      RegionInfo *Region = getRegionInfo(I);
+      // The actual start of a region is offset by a random number of pages
+      // when PrimaryEnableRandomOffset is set.
+      Region->RegionBeg = (PrimaryBase + (I << Config::PrimaryRegionSizeLog)) +
+                          (Config::PrimaryEnableRandomOffset
+                               ? ((getRandomModN(&Seed, 16) + 1) * PageSize)
+                               : 0);
+      Region->RandState = getRandomU32(&Seed);
+      // Releasing small blocks is expensive, set a higher threshold to avoid
+      // frequent page releases.
+      if (isSmallBlock(getSizeByClassId(I)))
+        Region->TryReleaseThreshold = PageSize * SmallerBlockReleasePageDelta;
+      else
+        Region->TryReleaseThreshold = PageSize;
+      Region->ReleaseInfo.LastReleaseAtNs = Time;
+    }
+    shuffle(RegionInfoArray, NumClasses, &Seed);
+    setOption(Option::ReleaseInterval, static_cast<sptr>(ReleaseToOsInterval));
   void unmapTestOnly() NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
@@ -440,6 +447,8 @@
     uptr MappedUser GUARDED_BY(Mutex) = 0;
     // Bytes allocated for user memory.
     uptr AllocatedUser GUARDED_BY(Mutex) = 0;
+    // The minimum size of pushed blocks to trigger page release.
+    uptr TryReleaseThreshold GUARDED_BY(Mutex) = 0;
     MapPlatformData Data GUARDED_BY(Mutex) = {};
     ReleaseToOsInfo ReleaseInfo GUARDED_BY(Mutex) = {};
     bool Exhausted GUARDED_BY(Mutex) = false;
@@ -486,6 +495,11 @@
     return Base + (CompactPtrGroupBase << CompactPtrScale);
+  ALWAYS_INLINE static bool isSmallBlock(uptr BlockSize) {
+    const uptr PageSize = getPageSizeCached();
+    return BlockSize < PageSize / 16U;
+  }
   // Push the blocks to their batch group. The layout will be like,
   // FreeList - > BG -> BG -> BG
@@ -823,14 +837,15 @@
       return 0; // Nothing new to release.
     const bool CheckDensity =
-        BlockSize < PageSize / 16U && ReleaseType != ReleaseToOS::ForceAll;
+        isSmallBlock(BlockSize) && ReleaseType != ReleaseToOS::ForceAll;
     // Releasing smaller blocks is expensive, so we want to make sure that a
     // significant amount of bytes are free, and that there has been a good
     // amount of batches pushed to the freelist before attempting to release.
     if (CheckDensity) {
       if (ReleaseType == ReleaseToOS::Normal &&
-          BytesPushed < Region->AllocatedUser / 16U)
+          BytesPushed < Region->TryReleaseThreshold) {
         return 0;
+      }
     if (ReleaseType == ReleaseToOS::Normal) {
@@ -865,11 +880,18 @@
     // of groups.
     uptr NumberOfBatchGroups = Region->FreeList.size();
+    // We are examining each group and will take the minimum distance to the
+    // release threshold as the next Region::TryReleaseThreshold(). Note that if
+    // the size of free blocks has reached the release threshold, the distance
+    // to the next release will be PageSize * SmallerBlockReleasePageDelta. See
+    // the comment on `SmallerBlockReleasePageDelta` for more details.
+    uptr MinDistToThreshold = GroupSize;
     for (BatchGroup *BG = Region->FreeList.front(), *Prev = nullptr;
          BG != nullptr;) {
       const uptr PushedBytesDelta =
-          BG->PushedBlocks - BG->PushedBlocksAtLastCheckpoint;
-      if (PushedBytesDelta * BlockSize < PageSize) {
+          (BG->PushedBlocks - BG->PushedBlocksAtLastCheckpoint) * BlockSize;
+      if (PushedBytesDelta < PageSize) {
         Prev = BG;
         BG = BG->Next;
@@ -913,16 +935,38 @@
       // that this heuristic only applies when all the spaces in a BatchGroup
       // are allocated.
       if (CheckDensity) {
-        const bool HighDensity = (BytesInBG * 100U) / AllocatedGroupSize >=
-                                 (100U - 1U - BlockSize / 16U);
+        const uptr ReleaseThreshold =
+            (AllocatedGroupSize * (100 - 1U - BlockSize / 16U)) / 100U;
+        const bool HighDensity = BytesInBG >= ReleaseThreshold;
         const bool MayHaveReleasedAll = NumBlocks >= (GroupSize / BlockSize);
         // If all blocks in the group are released, we will do range marking
         // which is fast. Otherwise, we will wait until we have accumulated
         // a certain amount of free memory.
         const bool ReachReleaseDelta =
-            MayHaveReleasedAll ? true
-                               : PushedBytesDelta * BlockSize >=
-                                     PageSize * SmallerBlockReleasePageDelta;
+            MayHaveReleasedAll
+                ? true
+                : PushedBytesDelta >= PageSize * SmallerBlockReleasePageDelta;
+        if (!HighDensity) {
+          DCHECK_LE(BytesInBG, ReleaseThreshold);
+          // The following is the usage of a memroy group,
+          //
+          //     BytesInBG             ReleaseThreshold
+          //  /             \                 v
+          //  +---+---------------------------+-----+
+          //  |   |         |                 |     |
+          //  +---+---------------------------+-----+
+          //       \        /                       ^
+          //    PushedBytesDelta                 GroupEnd
+          MinDistToThreshold =
+              Min(MinDistToThreshold,
+                  ReleaseThreshold - BytesInBG + PushedBytesDelta);
+        } else {
+          // If it reaches high density at this round, the next time we will try
+          // to release is based on SmallerBlockReleasePageDelta
+          MinDistToThreshold =
+              Min(MinDistToThreshold, PageSize * SmallerBlockReleasePageDelta);
+        }
         if (!HighDensity || !ReachReleaseDelta) {
           Prev = BG;
@@ -976,6 +1020,16 @@
+    // Only small blocks have the adaptive `TryReleaseThreshold`.
+    if (isSmallBlock(BlockSize)) {
+      // If the MinDistToThreshold is not updated, that means each memory group
+      // may have only pushed less than a page size. In that case, just set it
+      // back to normal.
+      if (MinDistToThreshold == GroupSize)
+        MinDistToThreshold = PageSize * SmallerBlockReleasePageDelta;
+      Region->TryReleaseThreshold = MinDistToThreshold;
+    }
     if (GroupToRelease.empty())
       return 0;