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Adding new protocols
Adding new protocol (or more correctly: a new *layer*) in Scapy is very easy. All the magic is in the fields. If the
fields you need are already there and the protocol is not too brain-damaged,
this should be a matter of minutes.
Simple example
A layer is a subclass of the ``Packet`` class. All the logic behind layer manipulation
is hold by the ``Packet`` class and will be inherited.
A simple layer is compounded by a list of fields that will be either concatenated
when assembling the layer or dissected one by one when disassembling a string.
The list of fields is held in an attribute named ``fields_desc``. Each field is an instance
of a field class::
class Disney(Packet):
name = "DisneyPacket "
fields_desc=[ ShortField("mickey",5),
XByteField("minnie",3) ,
IntEnumField("donald" , 1 ,
{ 1: "happy", 2: "cool" , 3: "angry" } ) ]
In this example, our layer has three fields. The first one is an 2 byte integer
field named ``mickey`` and whose default value is 5. The second one is a 1 byte
integer field named ``minnie`` and whose default value is 3. The difference between
a vanilla ``ByteField`` and a ``XByteField`` is only the fact that the preferred human
representation of the field’s value is in hexadecimal. The last field is a 4 byte
integer field named ``donald``. It is different from a vanilla ``IntField`` by the fact
that some of the possible values of the field have literate representations. For
example, if it is worth 3, the value will be displayed as angry. Moreover, if the
"cool" value is assigned to this field, it will understand that it has to take the
value 2.
If your protocol is as simple as this, it is ready to use::
>>> d=Disney(mickey=1)
>>> ls(d)
mickey : ShortField = 1 (5)
minnie : XByteField = 3 (3)
donald : IntEnumField = 1 (1)
###[ Disney Packet ]###
mickey= 1
minnie= 0x3
donald= happy
>>> d.donald="cool"
>>> raw(d)
>>> Disney( )
<Disney mickey=1 minnie=0x3 donald=cool |>
This chapter explains how to build a new protocol within Scapy. There are two main objectives:
* Dissecting: this is done when a packet is received (from the network or a file) and should be converted to Scapy’s internals.
* Building: When one wants to send such a new packet, some stuff needs to be adjusted automatically in it.
Before digging into dissection itself, let us look at how packets are
>>> p = IP()/TCP()/"AAAA"
>>> p
<IP frag=0 proto=TCP |<TCP |<Raw load='AAAA' |>>>
>>> p.summary()
'IP / TCP > S / Raw'
We are interested in 2 "inside" fields of the class ``Packet``:
* ``p.underlayer``
* ``p.payload``
And here is the main "trick". You do not care about packets, only
about layers, stacked one after the other.
One can easily access a layer by its name: ``p[TCP]`` returns the ``TCP``
and followings layers. This is a shortcut for ``p.getlayer(TCP)``.
.. note::
There is an optional argument (``nb``) which returns the ``nb`` th layer of required protocol.
Let's put everything together now, playing with the ``TCP`` layer::
>>> tcp=p[TCP]
>>> tcp.underlayer
<IP frag=0 proto=TCP |<TCP |<Raw load='AAAA' |>>>
>>> tcp.payload
<Raw load='AAAA' |>
As expected, ``tcp.underlayer`` points to the beginning of our IP packet,
and ``tcp.payload`` to its payload.
Building a new layer
.. index::
single: Layer
VERY EASY! A layer is mainly a list of fields. Let's look at ``UDP`` definition::
class UDP(Packet):
name = "UDP"
fields_desc = [ ShortEnumField("sport", 53, UDP_SERVICES),
ShortEnumField("dport", 53, UDP_SERVICES),
ShortField("len", None),
XShortField("chksum", None), ]
And you are done! There are many fields already defined for
convenience, look at the doc``^W`` sources as Phil would say.
So, defining a layer is simply gathering fields in a list. The goal is
here to provide the efficient default values for each field so the
user does not have to give them when he builds a packet.
The main mechanism is based on the ``Field`` structure. Always keep in
mind that a layer is just a little more than a list of fields, but not
much more.
So, to understanding how layers are working, one needs to look quickly
at how the fields are handled.
Manipulating packets == manipulating its fields
.. index::
single: i2h()
single: i2m()
single: m2i()
A field should be considered in different states:
- ``i`` (nternal) : this is the way Scapy manipulates it.
- ``m`` (achine) : this is where the truth is, that is the layer as it is
on the network.
- ``h`` (uman) : how the packet is displayed to our human eyes.
This explains the mysterious methods ``i2h()``, ``i2m()``, ``m2i()`` and so on
available in each field: they are conversion from one state to
another, adapted to a specific use.
Other special functions:
- ``any2i()`` guess the input representation and returns the internal one.
- ``i2repr()`` a nicer ``i2h()``
However, all these are "low level" functions. The functions adding or
extracting a field to the current layer are:
- ``addfield(self, pkt, s, val)``: copy the network representation of
field ``val`` (belonging to layer ``pkt``) to the raw string packet ``s``::
class StrFixedLenField(StrField):
def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
return s+struct.pack("%is"%self.length,self.i2m(pkt, val))
- ``getfield(self, pkt, s)``: extract from the raw packet ``s`` the field
value belonging to layer ``pkt``. It returns a list, the 1st element
is the raw packet string after having removed the extracted field,
the second one is the extracted field itself in internal
class StrFixedLenField(StrField):
def getfield(self, pkt, s):
return s[self.length:], self.m2i(pkt,s[:self.length])
When defining your own layer, you usually just need to define some
``*2*()`` methods, and sometimes also the ``addfield()`` and ``getfield()``.
Example: variable length quantities
There is way to represent integers on a variable length quantity often
used in protocols, for instance when dealing with signal processing
(e.g. MIDI).
Each byte of the number is coded with the MSB set to 1, except the
last byte. For instance, 0x123456 will be coded as 0xC8E856::
def vlenq2str(l):
s = []
s.append( hex(l & 0x7F) )
l = l >> 7
while l>0:
s.append( hex(0x80 | (l & 0x7F) ) )
l = l >> 7
return "".join(chr(int(x, 16)) for x in s)
def str2vlenq(s=""):
i = l = 0
while i<len(s) and ord(s[i]) & 0x80:
l = l << 7
l = l + (ord(s[i]) & 0x7F)
i = i + 1
if i == len(s):
warning("Broken vlenq: no ending byte")
l = l << 7
l = l + (ord(s[i]) & 0x7F)
return s[i+1:], l
We will define a field which computes automatically the length of a
associated string, but used that encoding format::
class VarLenQField(Field):
""" variable length quantities """
def __init__(self, name, default, fld):
Field.__init__(self, name, default)
self.fld = fld
def i2m(self, pkt, x):
if x is None:
f = pkt.get_field(self.fld)
x = f.i2len(pkt, pkt.getfieldval(self.fld))
x = vlenq2str(x)
return raw(x)
def m2i(self, pkt, x):
if s is None:
return None, 0
return str2vlenq(x)[1]
def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
return s+self.i2m(pkt, val)
def getfield(self, pkt, s):
return str2vlenq(s)
And now, define a layer using this kind of field::
class FOO(Packet):
name = "FOO"
fields_desc = [ VarLenQField("len", None, "data"),
StrLenField("data", "", "len") ]
>>> f = FOO(data="A"*129)
###[ FOO ]###
len= 0
Here, ``len`` is not yet computed and only the default value are
displayed. This is the current internal representation of our
layer. Let's force the computation now::
>>> f.show2()
###[ FOO ]###
len= 129
The method ``show2()`` displays the fields with their values as they will
be sent to the network, but in a human readable way, so we see ``len=129``.
Last but not least, let us look now at the machine representation::
>>> raw(f)
The first 2 bytes are ``\x81\x01``, which is 129 in this encoding.
.. index::
Layers are only list of fields, but what is the glue between each
field, and after, between each layer. These are the mysteries explain
in this section.
The basic stuff
The core function for dissection is ``Packet.dissect()``::
def dissect(self, s):
s = self.pre_dissect(s)
s = self.do_dissect(s)
s = self.post_dissect(s)
payl,pad = self.extract_padding(s)
if pad and conf.padding:
When called, ``s`` is a string containing what is going to be
dissected. ``self`` points to the current layer.
>>> p=IP("A"*20)/TCP("B"*32)
WARNING: bad dataofs (4). Assuming dataofs=5
>>> p
<IP version=4L ihl=1L tos=0x41 len=16705 id=16705 flags=DF frag=321L ttl=65 proto=65 chksum=0x4141
src= dst= |<TCP sport=16962 dport=16962 seq=1111638594L ack=1111638594L dataofs=4L
reserved=2L flags=SE window=16962 chksum=0x4242 urgptr=16962 options=[] |<Raw load='BBBBBBBBBBBB' |>>>
``Packet.dissect()`` is called 3 times:
1. to dissect the ``"A"*20`` as an IPv4 header
2. to dissect the ``"B"*32`` as a TCP header
3. and since there are still 12 bytes in the packet, they are
dissected as "``Raw``" data (which is some kind of default layer type)
For a given layer, everything is quite straightforward:
- ``pre_dissect()`` is called to prepare the layer.
- ``do_dissect()`` perform the real dissection of the layer.
- ``post_dissection()`` is called when some updates are needed on the
dissected inputs (e.g. deciphering, uncompressing, ... )
- ``extract_padding()`` is an important function which should be called
by every layer containing its own size, so that it can tell apart
in the payload what is really related to this layer and what will
be considered as additional padding bytes.
- ``do_dissect_payload()`` is the function in charge of dissecting the
payload (if any). It is based on ``guess_payload_class()`` (see
below). Once the type of the payload is known, the payload is bound
to the current layer with this new type::
def do_dissect_payload(self, s):
cls = self.guess_payload_class(s)
p = cls(s, _internal=1, _underlayer=self)
At the end, all the layers in the packet are dissected, and glued
together with their known types.
Dissecting fields
The method with all the magic between a layer and its fields is
``do_dissect()``. If you have understood the different representations of
a layer, you should understand that "dissecting" a layer is building
each of its fields from the machine to the internal representation.
Guess what? That is exactly what ``do_dissect()`` does::
def do_dissect(self, s):
flist = self.fields_desc[:]
while s and flist:
f = flist.pop()
s,fval = f.getfield(self, s)
self.fields[f] = fval
return s
So, it takes the raw string packet, and feed each field with it, as
long as there are data or fields remaining::
>>> FOO("\xff\xff"+"B"*8)
<FOO len=2097090 data='BBBBBBB' |>
When writing ``FOO("\xff\xff"+"B"*8)``, it calls ``do_dissect()``. The first
field is VarLenQField. Thus, it takes bytes as long as their MSB is
set, thus until (and including) the first '``B``'. This mapping is done
thanks to ``VarLenQField.getfield()`` and can be cross-checked::
>>> vlenq2str(2097090)
Then, the next field is extracted the same way, until 2097090 bytes
are put in ```` (or less if 2097090 bytes are not available, as
If there are some bytes left after the dissection of the current
layer, it is mapped in the same way to the what the next is expected
to be (``Raw`` by default)::
>>> FOO("\x05"+"B"*8)
<FOO len=5 data='BBBBB' |<Raw load='BBB' |>>
Hence, we need now to understand how layers are bound together.
Binding layers
One of the cool features with Scapy when dissecting layers is that is
try to guess for us what the next layer is. The official way to link 2
layers is using ``bind_layers()`` function.
Available inside the ``packet`` module, this function can be used as following::
bind_layers(ProtoA, ProtoB, FieldToBind=Value)
Each time a packet ``ProtoA()/ProtoB()`` will be created, the ``FieldToBind`` of
``ProtoA`` will be equal to ``Value``.
For instance, if you have a class ``HTTP``, you may expect that all the
packets coming from or going to port 80 will be decoded as such. This
is simply done that way::
bind_layers( TCP, HTTP, sport=80 )
bind_layers( TCP, HTTP, dport=80 )
That's all folks! Now every packet related to port 80 will be
associated to the layer ``HTTP``, whether it is read from a pcap file or
received from the network.
The ``guess_payload_class()`` way
Sometimes, guessing the payload class is not as straightforward as
defining a single port. For instance, it can depends on a value of a
given byte in the current layer. The 2 needed methods are:
- ``guess_payload_class()`` which must return the guessed class for the
payload (next layer). By default, it uses links between classes
that have been put in place by ``bind_layers()``.
- ``default_payload_class()`` which returns the default value. This
method defined in the class ``Packet`` returns ``Raw``, but it can be
For instance, decoding 802.11 changes depending on whether it is
ciphered or not::
class Dot11(Packet):
def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
if self.FCfield & 0x40:
return Dot11WEP
return Packet.guess_payload_class(self, payload)
Several comments are needed here:
- this cannot be done using ``bind_layers()`` because the tests are
supposed to be "``field==value``", but it is more complicated here as we
test a single bit in the value of a field.
- if the test fails, no assumption is made, and we plug back to the
default guessing mechanisms calling ``Packet.guess_payload_class()``
Most of the time, defining a method ``guess_payload_class()`` is not a
necessity as the same result can be obtained from ``bind_layers()``.
Changing the default behavior
If you do not like Scapy's behavior for a given layer, you can either
change or disable it through the call to ``split_layer()``. For instance,
if you do not want UDP/53 to be bound with ``DNS``, just add in your code:
split_layers(UDP, DNS, sport=53)
Now every packet with source port 53 will not be handled as DNS, but
whatever you specify instead.
Under the hood: putting everything together
In fact, each layer has a field payload_guess. When you use the
bind_layers() way, it adds the defined next layers to that list.
>>> p=TCP()
>>> p.payload_guess
[({'dport': 2000}, <class 'scapy.Skinny'>), ({'sport': 2000}, <class 'scapy.Skinny'>), ... )]
Then, when it needs to guess the next layer class, it calls the
default method ``Packet.guess_payload_class()``. This method runs through
each element of the list payload_guess, each element being a
- the 1st value is a field to test (``'dport': 2000``)
- the 2nd value is the guessed class if it matches (``Skinny``)
So, the default ``guess_payload_class()`` tries all element in the list,
until one matches. If no element are found, it then calls
``default_payload_class()``. If you have redefined this method, then yours
is called, otherwise, the default one is called, and ``Raw`` type is
- test what is in field ``guess_payload``
- call overloaded ``guess_payload_class()``
Building a packet is as simple as building each layer. Then, some
magic happens to glue everything. Let's do magic then.
The basic stuff
First thing to establish: what does "build" mean? As we have seen, a
layer can be represented in different ways (human, internal,
machine). Building means going to the machine format.
Second thing to understand is ''when'' a layer is built. Answer is not
that obvious, but as soon as you need the machine representation, the
layers are built: when the packet is dropped on the network or written
to a file, when it is converted as a string, ... In fact, machine
representation should be regarded as a big string with the layers
appended altogether.
>>> p = IP()/TCP()
>>> hexdump(p)
0000 45 00 00 28 00 01 00 00 40 06 7C CD 7F 00 00 01 E..(....@.|.....
0010 7F 00 00 01 00 14 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .......P........
0020 50 02 20 00 91 7C 00 00 P. ..|..
Calling ``raw()`` builds the packet:
- non instanced fields are set to their default value
- lengths are updated automatically
- checksums are computed
- and so on.
In fact, using ``raw()`` rather than ``show2()`` or any other method
is not a random choice as all the functions building the packet calls
``Packet.__str__()`` (or ``Packet.__bytes__()`` under Python
3). However, ``__str__()`` calls another method: ``build()``::
def __str__(self):
return next(iter(self)).build()
What is important also to understand is that usually, you do not care
about the machine representation, that is why the human and internal
representations are here.
So, the core method is ``build()`` (the code has been shortened to keep
only the relevant parts)::
def build(self,internal=0):
pkt = self.do_build()
pay = self.build_payload()
p = self.post_build(pkt,pay)
if not internal:
pkt = self
while pkt.haslayer(Padding):
pkt = pkt.getlayer(Padding)
p += pkt.load
pkt = pkt.payload
return p
So, it starts by building the current layer, then the payload, and
``post_build()`` is called to update some late evaluated fields (like
checksums). Last, the padding is added to the end of the packet.
Of course, building a layer is the same as building each of its
fields, and that is exactly what ``do_build()`` does.
Building fields
The building of each field of a layer is called in ``Packet.do_build()``::
def do_build(self):
for f in self.fields_desc:
p = f.addfield(self, p, self.getfieldval(f))
return p
The core function to build a field is ``addfield()``. It takes the
internal view of the field and put it at the end of ``p``. Usually, this
method calls ``i2m()`` and returns something like ``p.self.i2m(val)`` (where
If ``val`` is set, then ``i2m()`` is just a matter of formatting the value the
way it must be. For instance, if a byte is expected, ``struct.pack("B", val)``
is the right way to convert it.
However, things are more complicated if ``val`` is not set, it means no
default value was provided earlier, and thus the field needs to
compute some "stuff" right now or later.
"Right now" means thanks to ``i2m()``, if all pieces of information is
available. For instance, if you have to handle a length until a
certain delimiter.
Ex: counting the length until a delimiter
class XNumberField(FieldLenField):
def __init__(self, name, default, sep="\r\n"):
FieldLenField.__init__(self, name, default, fld)
self.sep = sep
def i2m(self, pkt, x):
x = FieldLenField.i2m(self, pkt, x)
return "%02x" % x
def m2i(self, pkt, x):
return int(x, 16)
def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
return s+self.i2m(pkt, val)
def getfield(self, pkt, s):
sep = s.find(self.sep)
return s[sep:], self.m2i(pkt, s[:sep])
In this example, in ``i2m()``, if ``x`` has already a value, it is converted
to its hexadecimal value. If no value is given, a length of "0" is
The glue is provided by ``Packet.do_build()`` which calls ``Field.addfield()``
for each field in the layer, which in turn calls ``Field.i2m()``: the
layer is built IF a value was available.
Handling default values: ``post_build``
A default value for a given field is sometimes either not known or
impossible to compute when the fields are put together. For instance,
if we used a ``XNumberField`` as defined previously in a layer, we expect
it to be set to a given value when the packet is built. However,
nothing is returned by ``i2m()`` if it is not set.
The answer to this problem is ``Packet.post_build()``.
When this method is called, the packet is already built, but some
fields still need to be computed. This is typically what is required
to compute checksums or lengths. In fact, this is required each time a
field's value depends on something which is not in the current
So, let us assume we have a packet with a ``XNumberField``, and have a
look to its building process::
class Foo(Packet):
fields_desc = [
ByteField("type", 0),
XNumberField("len", None, "\r\n"),
StrFixedLenField("sep", "\r\n", 2)
def post_build(self, p, pay):
if self.len is None and pay:
l = len(pay)
p = p[:1] + hex(l)[2:]+ p[2:]
return p+pay
When ``post_build()`` is called, ``p`` is the current layer, ``pay`` the payload,
that is what has already been built. We want our length to be the full
length of the data put after the separator, so we add its computation
in ``post_build()``.
>>> p = Foo()/("X"*32)
>>> p.show2()
###[ Foo ]###
type= 0
len= 32
sep= '\r\n'
###[ Raw ]###
``len`` is correctly computed now::
>>> hexdump(raw(p))
0000 00 32 30 0D 0A 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 .20..XXXXXXXXXXX
0010 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0020 58 58 58 58 58 XXXXX
And the machine representation is the expected one.
Handling default values: automatic computation
As we have previously seen, the dissection mechanism is built upon the
links between the layers created by the programmer. However, it can
also be used during the building process.
In the layer ``Foo()``, our first byte is the type, which defines what
comes next, e.g. if ``type=0``, next layer is ``Bar0``, if it is 1, next layer
is ``Bar1``, and so on. We would like then this field to be set
automatically according to what comes next.
class Bar1(Packet):
fields_desc = [
IntField("val", 0),
class Bar2(Packet):
fields_desc = [
IPField("addr", "")
If we use these classes with nothing else, we will have trouble when
dissecting the packets as nothing binds Foo layer with the multiple
``Bar*`` even when we explicitly build the packet through the call to
>>> p = Foo()/Bar1(val=1337)
>>> p
<Foo |<Bar1 val=1337 |>>
>>> p.show2()
###[ Foo ]###
type= 0
len= 4
sep= '\r\n'
###[ Raw ]###
load= '\x00\x00\x059'
1. ``type`` is still equal to 0 while we wanted it to be automatically
set to 1. We could of course have built ``p`` with ``p = Foo(type=1)/Bar0(val=1337)``
but this is not very convenient.
2. the packet is badly dissected as ``Bar1`` is regarded as ``Raw``. This
is because no links have been set between ``Foo()`` and ``Bar*()``.
In order to understand what we should have done to obtain the proper
behavior, we must look at how the layers are assembled. When two
independent packets instances ``Foo()`` and ``Bar1(val=1337)`` are
compounded with the '/' operator, it results in a new packet where the
two previous instances are cloned (i.e. are now two distinct objects
structurally different, but holding the same values)::
def __div__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Packet):
cloneA = self.copy()
cloneB = other.copy()
return cloneA
elif type(other) is str:
return self/Raw(load=other)
The right hand side of the operator becomes the payload of the left
hand side. This is performed through the call to
``add_payload()``. Finally, the new packet is returned.
Note: we can observe that if other isn't a ``Packet`` but a string,
the ``Raw`` class is instantiated to form the payload. Like in this
>>> IP()/"AAAA"
<IP |<Raw load='AAAA' |>>
Well, what ``add_payload()`` should implement? Just a link between
two packets? Not only, in our case this method will appropriately set
the correct value to ``type``.
Instinctively we feel that the upper layer (the right of '/') can
gather the values to set the fields to the lower layer (the left of
'/'). Like previously explained, there is a convenient mechanism to
specify the bindings in both directions between two neighbouring
Once again, these information must be provided to ``bind_layers()``,
which will internally call ``bind_top_down()`` in charge to
aggregate the fields to overload. In our case what we needs to specify
bind_layers( Foo, Bar1, {'type':1} )
bind_layers( Foo, Bar2, {'type':2} )
Then, ``add_payload()`` iterates over the ``overload_fields`` of
the upper packet (the payload), get the fields associated to the lower
packet (by its type) and insert them in ``overloaded_fields``.
For now, when the value of this field will be requested,
``getfieldval()`` will return the value inserted in
The fields are dispatched between three dictionaries:
- ``fields``: fields whose the value have been explicitly set, like
``pdst`` in TCP (``pdst='42'``)
- ``overloaded_fields``: overloaded fields
- ``default_fields``: all the fields with their default value (these fields
are initialized according to ``fields_desc`` by the constructor
by calling ``init_fields()`` ).
In the following code we can observe how a field is selected and its
value returned::
def getfieldval(self, attr):
for f in self.fields, self.overloaded_fields, self.default_fields:
if f.has_key(attr):
return f[attr]
return self.payload.getfieldval(attr)
Fields inserted in ``fields`` have the higher priority, then
``overloaded_fields``, then finally ``default_fields``. Hence, if
the field ``type`` is set in ``overloaded_fields``, its value will
be returned instead of the value contained in ``default_fields``.
We are now able to understand all the magic behind it!
>>> p = Foo()/Bar1(val=0x1337)
>>> p
<Foo type=1 |<Bar1 val=4919 |>>
###[ Foo ]###
type= 1
len= 4
sep= '\r\n'
###[ Bar1 ]###
val= 4919
Our 2 problems have been solved without us doing much: so good to be
lazy :)
Under the hood: putting everything together
Last but not least, it is very useful to understand when each function
is called when a packet is built::
>>> hexdump(raw(p))
As you can see, it first runs through the list of each field, and then
build them starting from the beginning. Once all layers have been
built, it then calls ``post_build()`` starting from the end.
.. index::
single: fields
Here's a list of fields that Scapy supports out of the box:
Simple datatypes
- ``X`` - hexadecimal representation
- ``LE`` - little endian (default is big endian = network byte order)
- ``Signed`` - signed (default is unsigned)
X3BytesField # three bytes (in hexad
BCDFloatField # binary coded decimal
BitFieldLenField # BitField specifying a length (used in RTP)
Possible field values are taken from a given enumeration (list, dictionary, ...)
ByteEnumField("code", 4, {1:"REQUEST",2:"RESPONSE",3:"SUCCESS",4:"FAILURE"})
EnumField(name, default, enum, fmt = "H")
StrField(name, default, fmt="H", remain=0, shift=0)
StrLenField(name, default, fld=None, length_from=None, shift=0):
Lists and lengths
FieldList(name, default, field, fld=None, shift=0, length_from=None, count_from=None)
# A list assembled and dissected with many times the same field type
# field: instance of the field that will be used to assemble and disassemble a list item
# length_from: name of the FieldLenField holding the list length
FieldLenField # holds the list length of a FieldList field
LenField # contains len(pkt.payload)
PacketField # holds packets
PacketLenField # used e.g. in ISAKMP_payload_Proposal
Variable length fields
This is about how fields that have a variable length can be handled with Scapy. These fields usually know their length from another field. Let's call them varfield and lenfield. The idea is to make each field reference the other so that when a packet is dissected, varfield can know its length from lenfield when a packet is assembled, you don't have to fill lenfield, that will deduce its value directly from varfield value.
Problems arise when you realize that the relation between lenfield and varfield is not always straightforward. Sometimes, lenfield indicates a length in bytes, sometimes a number of objects. Sometimes the length includes the header part, so that you must subtract the fixed header length to deduce the varfield length. Sometimes the length is not counted in bytes but in 16bits words. Sometimes the same lenfield is used by two different varfields. Sometimes the same varfield is referenced by two lenfields, one in bytes one in 16bits words.
The length field
First, a lenfield is declared using ``FieldLenField`` (or a derivate). If its value is None when assembling a packet, its value will be deduced from the varfield that was referenced. The reference is done using either the ``length_of`` parameter or the ``count_of`` parameter. The ``count_of`` parameter has a meaning only when varfield is a field that holds a list (``PacketListField`` or ``FieldListField``). The value will be the name of the varfield, as a string. According to which parameter is used the ``i2len()`` or ``i2count()`` method will be called on the varfield value. The returned value will the be adjusted by the function provided in the adjust parameter. adjust will be applied on 2 arguments: the packet instance and the value returned by ``i2len()`` or ``i2count()``. By default, adjust does nothing::
adjust=lambda pkt,x: x
For instance, if ``the_varfield`` is a list
FieldLenField("the_lenfield", None, count_of="the_varfield")
or if the length is in 16bits words::
FieldLenField("the_lenfield", None, length_of="the_varfield", adjust=lambda pkt,x:(x+1)/2)
The variable length field
A varfield can be: ``StrLenField``, ``PacketLenField``, ``PacketListField``, ``FieldListField``, ...
For the two firsts, when a packet is being dissected, their lengths are deduced from a lenfield already dissected. The link is done using the ``length_from`` parameter, which takes a function that, applied to the partly dissected packet, returns the length in bytes to take for the field. For instance::
StrLenField("the_varfield", "the_default_value", length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.the_lenfield)
StrLenField("the_varfield", "the_default_value", length_from = lambda pkt: pkt.the_lenfield-12)
For the ``PacketListField`` and ``FieldListField`` and their derivatives, they work as above when they need a length. If they need a number of elements, the length_from parameter must be ignored and the count_from parameter must be used instead. For instance::
FieldListField("the_varfield", [""], IPField("", ""), count_from = lambda pkt: pkt.the_lenfield)
class TestSLF(Packet):
fields_desc=[ FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="data"),
StrLenField("data", "", length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.len) ]
class TestPLF(Packet):
fields_desc=[ FieldLenField("len", None, count_of="plist"),
PacketListField("plist", None, IP, count_from=lambda pkt:pkt.len) ]
class TestFLF(Packet):
FieldLenField("the_lenfield", None, count_of="the_varfield"),
FieldListField("the_varfield", [""], IPField("", ""),
count_from = lambda pkt: pkt.the_lenfield) ]
class TestPkt(Packet):
fields_desc = [ ByteField("f1",65),
ShortField("f2",0x4244) ]
def extract_padding(self, p):
return "", p
class TestPLF2(Packet):
fields_desc = [ FieldLenField("len1", None, count_of="plist",fmt="H", adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+2),
FieldLenField("len2", None, length_of="plist",fmt="I", adjust=lambda pkt,x:(x+1)/2),
PacketListField("plist", None, TestPkt, length_from=lambda x:(x.len2*2)/3*3) ]
Test the ``FieldListField`` class::
>>> TestFLF("\x00\x02ABCDEFGHIJKL")
<TestFLF the_lenfield=2 the_varfield=['', ''] |<Raw load='IJKL' |>>
Emph # Wrapper to emphasize field when printing, e.g. Emph(IPField("dst", "")),
ConditionalField(fld, cond)
# Wrapper to make field 'fld' only appear if
# function 'cond' evals to True, e.g.
# ConditionalField(XShortField("chksum",None),lambda pkt:pkt.chksumpresent==1)
PadField(fld, align, padwith=None)
# Add bytes after the proxified field so that it ends at
# the specified alignment from its beginning
Other protocols
NetBIOSNameField # NetBIOS (StrFixedLenField)
ISAKMPTransformSetField # ISAKMP (StrLenField)
TimeStampField # NTP (BitField)
Design patterns
Some patterns are similar to a lot of protocols and thus can be described the same way in Scapy.
The following parts will present several models and conventions that can be followed when implementing a new protocol.
Field naming convention
The goal is to keep the writing of packets fluent and intuitive. The basic instructions are the following :
* Use inverted camel case and common abbreviations (e.g. len, src, dst, dstPort, srcIp).
* Wherever it is either possible or relevant, prefer using the names from the specifications. This aims to help newcomers to easily forge packets.