blob: 86abe6e8e1a907ed8499530602f676f13a98d117 [file] [log] [blame]
# This file is part of Scapy
# Scapy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# Scapy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Scapy. If not, see <>.
# scapy.contrib.description = NSH Protocol
# scapy.contrib.status = loads
from scapy.all import bind_layers
from scapy.fields import BitField, ByteField, ByteEnumField
from scapy.fields import ShortField, X3BytesField, XIntField
from scapy.fields import ConditionalField, PacketListField, BitFieldLenField
from scapy.layers.inet import Ether, IP
from scapy.layers.inet6 import IPv6
from scapy.layers.vxlan import VXLAN
from scapy.packet import Packet
from scapy.layers.l2 import GRE
from scapy.contrib.mpls import MPLS
# NSH Support
class Metadata(Packet):
name = 'NSH metadata'
fields_desc = [XIntField('value', 0)]
class NSHTLV(Packet):
"NSH MD-type 2 - Variable Length Context Headers"
name = "NSHTLV"
fields_desc = [
ShortField('Class', 0),
BitField('Critical', 0, 1),
BitField('Type', 0, 7),
BitField('Reserved', 0, 3),
BitField('Len', 0, 5),
PacketListField('Metadata', None, XIntField, count_from='Len')
class NSH(Packet):
"""Network Service Header.
NSH MD-type 1 if there is no ContextHeaders"""
name = "NSH"
fields_desc = [
BitField('Ver', 0, 2),
BitField('OAM', 0, 1),
BitField('Critical', 0, 1),
BitField('Reserved', 0, 6),
BitFieldLenField('Len', None, 6,
adjust=lambda pkt, x: 6 if pkt.MDType == 1 else x + 2),
ByteEnumField('MDType', 1, {1: 'Fixed Length',
2: 'Variable Length'}),
ByteEnumField('NextProto', 3, {1: 'IPv4',
2: 'IPv6',
3: 'Ethernet',
4: 'NSH',
5: 'MPLS'}),
X3BytesField('NSP', 0),
ByteField('NSI', 1),
ConditionalField(XIntField('NPC', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.MDType == 1),
ConditionalField(XIntField('NSC', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.MDType == 1),
ConditionalField(XIntField('SPC', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.MDType == 1),
ConditionalField(XIntField('SSC', 0), lambda pkt: pkt.MDType == 1),
ConditionalField(PacketListField("ContextHeaders", None,
NSHTLV, count_from="Length"),
lambda pkt: pkt.MDType == 2)
def mysummary(self):
return self.sprintf("NSP: %NSP% - NSI: %NSI%")
bind_layers(Ether, NSH, {'type': 0x894F}, type=0x894F)
bind_layers(VXLAN, NSH, {'flags': 0xC, 'NextProtocol': 4}, NextProtocol=4)
bind_layers(GRE, NSH, {'proto': 0x894F}, proto=0x894F)
bind_layers(NSH, IP, {'NextProto': 1}, NextProto=1)
bind_layers(NSH, IPv6, {'NextProto': 2}, NextProto=2)
bind_layers(NSH, Ether, {'NextProto': 3}, NextProto=3)
bind_layers(NSH, NSH, {'NextProto': 4}, NextProto=4)
bind_layers(NSH, MPLS, {'NextProto': 5}, NextProto=5)