blob: acd771a02e80ddf74cbc362c0e5f828e0fcd34cf [file] [log] [blame]
## This file is part of Scapy
## Copyright (C) 2008 Arnaud Ebalard <>
## <>
## 2015, 2016, 2017 Maxence Tury <>
## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
High-level methods for PKI objects (X.509 certificates, CRLs, asymmetric keys).
Supports both RSA and ECDSA objects.
The classes below are wrappers for the ASN.1 objects defined in
By collecting their attributes, we bypass the ASN.1 structure, hence
there is no direct method for exporting a new full DER-encoded version
of a Cert instance after its serial has been modified (for example).
If you need to modify an import, just use the corresponding ASN1_Packet.
For instance, here is what you could do in order to modify the serial of
'cert' and then resign it with whatever 'key':
f = open('cert.der')
c = X509_Cert(
c.tbsCertificate.serialNumber = 0x4B1D
k = PrivKey('key.pem')
new_x509_cert = k.resignCert(c)
No need for obnoxious openssl tweaking anymore. :)
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import base64
import os
import time
from scapy.config import conf, crypto_validator
import scapy.modules.six as six
from scapy.modules.six.moves import range
if conf.crypto_valid:
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa
from scapy.error import warning
from scapy.utils import binrepr
from scapy.asn1.asn1 import ASN1_BIT_STRING
from scapy.asn1.mib import hash_by_oid
from scapy.layers.x509 import (X509_SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
RSAPublicKey, RSAPrivateKey,
ECDSAPublicKey, ECDSAPrivateKey,
RSAPrivateKey_OpenSSL, ECDSAPrivateKey_OpenSSL,
X509_Cert, X509_CRL)
from scapy.layers.tls.crypto.pkcs1 import (pkcs_os2ip, pkcs_i2osp, _get_hash,
from scapy.compat import *
# Maximum allowed size in bytes for a certificate file, to avoid
# loading huge file when importing a cert
_MAX_KEY_SIZE = 50*1024
_MAX_CERT_SIZE = 50*1024
_MAX_CRL_SIZE = 10*1024*1024 # some are that big
# Some helpers
def der2pem(der_string, obj="UNKNOWN"):
"""Convert DER octet string to PEM format (with optional header)"""
# Encode a byte string in PEM format. Header advertizes <obj> type.
pem_string = ("-----BEGIN %s-----\n" % obj).encode()
base64_string = base64.b64encode(der_string)
chunks = [base64_string[i:i+64] for i in range(0, len(base64_string), 64)]
pem_string += b'\n'.join(chunks)
pem_string += ("\n-----END %s-----\n" % obj).encode()
return pem_string
def pem2der(pem_string):
"""Convert PEM string to DER format"""
# Encode all lines between the first '-----\n' and the 2nd-to-last '-----'.
pem_string = pem_string.replace(b"\r", b"")
first_idx = pem_string.find(b"-----\n") + 6
if pem_string.find(b"-----BEGIN", first_idx) != -1:
raise Exception("pem2der() expects only one PEM-encoded object")
last_idx = pem_string.rfind(b"-----", 0, pem_string.rfind(b"-----"))
base64_string = pem_string[first_idx:last_idx]
base64_string.replace(b"\n", b"")
der_string = base64.b64decode(base64_string)
return der_string
def split_pem(s):
Split PEM objects. Useful to process concatenated certificates.
pem_strings = []
while s != b"":
start_idx = s.find(b"-----BEGIN")
if start_idx == -1:
end_idx = s.find(b"-----END")
end_idx = s.find(b"\n", end_idx) + 1
s = s[end_idx:]
return pem_strings
class _PKIObj(object):
def __init__(self, frmt, der, pem):
# Note that changing attributes of the _PKIObj does not update these
# values (e.g. modifying k.modulus does not change k.der).
#XXX use __setattr__ for this
self.frmt = frmt
self.der = der
self.pem = pem
def __str__(self):
return self.der
class _PKIObjMaker(type):
def __call__(cls, obj_path, obj_max_size, pem_marker=None):
# This enables transparent DER and PEM-encoded data imports.
# Note that when importing a PEM file with multiple objects (like ECDSA
# private keys output by openssl), it will concatenate every object in
# order to create a 'der' attribute. When converting a 'multi' DER file
# into a PEM file, though, the PEM attribute will not be valid,
# because we do not try to identify the class of each object.
error_msg = "Unable to import data"
if obj_path is None:
raise Exception(error_msg)
obj_path = raw(obj_path)
if (not b'\x00' in obj_path) and os.path.isfile(obj_path):
_size = os.path.getsize(obj_path)
if _size > obj_max_size:
raise Exception(error_msg)
f = open(obj_path, "rb")
_raw =
raise Exception(error_msg)
_raw = obj_path
if b"-----BEGIN" in _raw:
frmt = "PEM"
pem = _raw
der_list = split_pem(_raw)
der = b''.join(map(pem2der, der_list))
frmt = "DER"
der = _raw
pem = ""
if pem_marker is not None:
pem = der2pem(_raw, pem_marker)
# type identification may be needed for pem_marker
# in such case, the pem attribute has to be updated
raise Exception(error_msg)
p = _PKIObj(frmt, der, pem)
return p
# PKI objects wrappers
# Public Keys #
class _PubKeyFactory(_PKIObjMaker):
Metaclass for PubKey creation.
It casts the appropriate class on the fly, then fills in
the appropriate attributes with import_from_asn1pkt() submethod.
def __call__(cls, key_path=None):
if key_path is None:
obj = type.__call__(cls)
if cls is PubKey:
cls = PubKeyRSA
obj.__class__ = cls
obj.frmt = "original"
return obj
# This deals with the rare RSA 'kx export' call.
if isinstance(key_path, tuple):
obj = type.__call__(cls)
obj.__class__ = PubKeyRSA
obj.frmt = "tuple"
return obj
# Now for the usual calls, key_path may be the path to either:
# _an X509_SubjectPublicKeyInfo, as processed by openssl;
# _an RSAPublicKey;
# _an ECDSAPublicKey.
obj = _PKIObjMaker.__call__(cls, key_path, _MAX_KEY_SIZE)
spki = X509_SubjectPublicKeyInfo(obj.der)
pubkey = spki.subjectPublicKey
if isinstance(pubkey, RSAPublicKey):
obj.__class__ = PubKeyRSA
elif isinstance(pubkey, ECDSAPublicKey):
obj.__class__ = PubKeyECDSA
except ImportError:
marker = b"PUBLIC KEY"
pubkey = RSAPublicKey(obj.der)
obj.__class__ = PubKeyRSA
marker = b"RSA PUBLIC KEY"
# We cannot import an ECDSA public key without curve knowledge
raise Exception("Unable to import public key")
if obj.frmt == "DER":
obj.pem = der2pem(obj.der, marker)
return obj
class PubKey(six.with_metaclass(_PubKeyFactory, object)):
Parent class for both PubKeyRSA and PubKeyECDSA.
Provides a common verifyCert() method.
def verifyCert(self, cert):
""" Verifies either a Cert or an X509_Cert. """
tbsCert = cert.tbsCertificate
sigAlg = tbsCert.signature
h = hash_by_oid[sigAlg.algorithm.val]
sigVal = raw(cert.signatureValue)
return self.verify(raw(tbsCert), sigVal, h=h, t='pkcs')
class PubKeyRSA(PubKey, _EncryptAndVerifyRSA):
Wrapper for RSA keys based on _EncryptAndVerifyRSA from crypto/
Use the 'key' attribute to access original object.
def fill_and_store(self, modulus=None, modulusLen=None, pubExp=None):
pubExp = pubExp or 65537
if not modulus:
real_modulusLen = modulusLen or 2048
private_key = rsa.generate_private_key(public_exponent=pubExp,
self.pubkey = private_key.public_key()
real_modulusLen = len(binrepr(modulus))
if modulusLen and real_modulusLen != modulusLen:
warning("modulus and modulusLen do not match!")
pubNum = rsa.RSAPublicNumbers(n=modulus, e=pubExp)
self.pubkey = pubNum.public_key(default_backend())
# Lines below are only useful for the legacy part of
pubNum = self.pubkey.public_numbers()
self._modulusLen = real_modulusLen
self._modulus = pubNum.n
self._pubExp = pubNum.e
def import_from_tuple(self, tup):
# this is rarely used
e, m, mLen = tup
if isinstance(m, bytes):
m = pkcs_os2ip(m)
if isinstance(e, bytes):
e = pkcs_os2ip(e)
self.fill_and_store(modulus=m, pubExp=e)
self.pem = self.pubkey.public_bytes(
self.der = pem2der(self.pem)
def import_from_asn1pkt(self, pubkey):
modulus = pubkey.modulus.val
pubExp = pubkey.publicExponent.val
self.fill_and_store(modulus=modulus, pubExp=pubExp)
def encrypt(self, msg, t="pkcs", h="sha256", mgf=None, L=None):
# no ECDSA encryption support, hence no ECDSA specific keywords here
return _EncryptAndVerifyRSA.encrypt(self, msg, t, h, mgf, L)
def verify(self, msg, sig, t="pkcs", h="sha256", mgf=None, L=None):
return _EncryptAndVerifyRSA.verify(self, msg, sig, t, h, mgf, L)
class PubKeyECDSA(PubKey):
Wrapper for ECDSA keys based on the cryptography library.
Use the 'key' attribute to access original object.
def fill_and_store(self, curve=None):
curve = curve or ec.SECP256R1
private_key = ec.generate_private_key(curve(), default_backend())
self.pubkey = private_key.public_key()
def import_from_der(self, pubkey):
# No lib support for explicit curves nor compressed points.
self.pubkey = serialization.load_der_public_key(pubkey,
def encrypt(self, msg, h="sha256", **kwargs):
# cryptography lib does not support ECDSA encryption
raise Exception("No ECDSA encryption support")
def verify(self, msg, sig, h="sha256", **kwargs):
# 'sig' should be a DER-encoded signature, as per RFC 3279
verifier = self.pubkey.verifier(sig, ec.ECDSA(_get_hash(h)))
return verifier.verify()
# Private Keys #
class _PrivKeyFactory(_PKIObjMaker):
Metaclass for PrivKey creation.
It casts the appropriate class on the fly, then fills in
the appropriate attributes with import_from_asn1pkt() submethod.
def __call__(cls, key_path=None):
key_path may be the path to either:
_an RSAPrivateKey_OpenSSL (as generated by openssl);
_an ECDSAPrivateKey_OpenSSL (as generated by openssl);
_an RSAPrivateKey;
_an ECDSAPrivateKey.
if key_path is None:
obj = type.__call__(cls)
if cls is PrivKey:
cls = PrivKeyECDSA
obj.__class__ = cls
obj.frmt = "original"
return obj
obj = _PKIObjMaker.__call__(cls, key_path, _MAX_KEY_SIZE)
multiPEM = False
privkey = RSAPrivateKey_OpenSSL(obj.der)
privkey = privkey.privateKey
obj.__class__ = PrivKeyRSA
marker = b"PRIVATE KEY"
privkey = ECDSAPrivateKey_OpenSSL(obj.der)
privkey = privkey.privateKey
obj.__class__ = PrivKeyECDSA
marker = b"EC PRIVATE KEY"
multiPEM = True
privkey = RSAPrivateKey(obj.der)
obj.__class__ = PrivKeyRSA
marker = b"RSA PRIVATE KEY"
privkey = ECDSAPrivateKey(obj.der)
obj.__class__ = PrivKeyECDSA
marker = b"EC PRIVATE KEY"
raise Exception("Unable to import private key")
except ImportError:
if obj.frmt == "DER":
if multiPEM:
# this does not restore the EC PARAMETERS header
obj.pem = der2pem(raw(privkey), marker)
obj.pem = der2pem(obj.der, marker)
return obj
class PrivKey(six.with_metaclass(_PrivKeyFactory, object)):
Parent class for both PrivKeyRSA and PrivKeyECDSA.
Provides common signTBSCert() and resignCert() methods.
def signTBSCert(self, tbsCert, h="sha256"):
Note that this will always copy the signature field from the
tbsCertificate into the signatureAlgorithm field of the result,
regardless of the coherence between its contents (which might
indicate ecdsa-with-SHA512) and the result (e.g. RSA signing MD2).
There is a small inheritance trick for the computation of sigVal
below: in order to use a sign() method which would apply
to both PrivKeyRSA and PrivKeyECDSA, the sign() methods of the
subclasses accept any argument, be it from the RSA or ECDSA world,
and then they keep the ones they're interested in.
Here, t will be passed eventually to pkcs1._DecryptAndSignRSA.sign().
sigAlg = tbsCert.signature
h = h or hash_by_oid[sigAlg.algorithm.val]
sigVal = self.sign(raw(tbsCert), h=h, t='pkcs')
c = X509_Cert()
c.tbsCertificate = tbsCert
c.signatureAlgorithm = sigAlg
c.signatureValue = ASN1_BIT_STRING(sigVal, readable=True)
return c
def resignCert(self, cert):
""" Rewrite the signature of either a Cert or an X509_Cert. """
return self.signTBSCert(cert.tbsCertificate)
def verifyCert(self, cert):
""" Verifies either a Cert or an X509_Cert. """
tbsCert = cert.tbsCertificate
sigAlg = tbsCert.signature
h = hash_by_oid[sigAlg.algorithm.val]
sigVal = raw(cert.signatureValue)
return self.verify(raw(tbsCert), sigVal, h=h, t='pkcs')
class PrivKeyRSA(PrivKey, _EncryptAndVerifyRSA, _DecryptAndSignRSA):
Wrapper for RSA keys based on _DecryptAndSignRSA from crypto/
Use the 'key' attribute to access original object.
def fill_and_store(self, modulus=None, modulusLen=None, pubExp=None,
prime1=None, prime2=None, coefficient=None,
exponent1=None, exponent2=None, privExp=None):
pubExp = pubExp or 65537
if None in [modulus, prime1, prime2, coefficient, privExp,
exponent1, exponent2]:
# note that the library requires every parameter
# in order to call RSAPrivateNumbers(...)
# if one of these is missing, we generate a whole new key
real_modulusLen = modulusLen or 2048
self.key = rsa.generate_private_key(public_exponent=pubExp,
self.pubkey = self.key.public_key()
real_modulusLen = len(binrepr(modulus))
if modulusLen and real_modulusLen != modulusLen:
warning("modulus and modulusLen do not match!")
pubNum = rsa.RSAPublicNumbers(n=modulus, e=pubExp)
privNum = rsa.RSAPrivateNumbers(p=prime1, q=prime2,
dmp1=exponent1, dmq1=exponent2,
iqmp=coefficient, d=privExp,
self.key = privNum.private_key(default_backend())
self.pubkey = self.key.public_key()
# Lines below are only useful for the legacy part of
pubNum = self.pubkey.public_numbers()
self._modulusLen = real_modulusLen
self._modulus = pubNum.n
self._pubExp = pubNum.e
def import_from_asn1pkt(self, privkey):
modulus = privkey.modulus.val
pubExp = privkey.publicExponent.val
privExp = privkey.privateExponent.val
prime1 = privkey.prime1.val
prime2 = privkey.prime2.val
exponent1 = privkey.exponent1.val
exponent2 = privkey.exponent2.val
coefficient = privkey.coefficient.val
self.fill_and_store(modulus=modulus, pubExp=pubExp,
privExp=privExp, prime1=prime1, prime2=prime2,
exponent1=exponent1, exponent2=exponent2,
def verify(self, msg, sig, t="pkcs", h="sha256", mgf=None, L=None):
# Let's copy this from PubKeyRSA instead of adding another baseclass :)
return _EncryptAndVerifyRSA.verify(self, msg, sig, t, h, mgf, L)
def sign(self, data, t="pkcs", h="sha256", mgf=None, L=None):
return _DecryptAndSignRSA.sign(self, data, t, h, mgf, L)
class PrivKeyECDSA(PrivKey):
Wrapper for ECDSA keys based on SigningKey from ecdsa library.
Use the 'key' attribute to access original object.
def fill_and_store(self, curve=None):
curve = curve or ec.SECP256R1
self.key = ec.generate_private_key(curve(), default_backend())
self.pubkey = self.key.public_key()
def import_from_asn1pkt(self, privkey):
self.key = serialization.load_der_private_key(raw(privkey), None,
self.pubkey = self.key.public_key()
def verify(self, msg, sig, h="sha256", **kwargs):
# 'sig' should be a DER-encoded signature, as per RFC 3279
verifier = self.pubkey.verifier(sig, ec.ECDSA(_get_hash(h)))
return verifier.verify()
def sign(self, data, h="sha256", **kwargs):
signer = self.key.signer(ec.ECDSA(_get_hash(h)))
return signer.finalize()
# Certificates #
class _CertMaker(_PKIObjMaker):
Metaclass for Cert creation. It is not necessary as it was for the keys,
but we reuse the model instead of creating redundant constructors.
def __call__(cls, cert_path):
obj = _PKIObjMaker.__call__(cls, cert_path,
obj.__class__ = Cert
cert = X509_Cert(obj.der)
raise Exception("Unable to import certificate")
return obj
class Cert(six.with_metaclass(_CertMaker, object)):
Wrapper for the X509_Cert from layers/
Use the 'x509Cert' attribute to access original object.
def import_from_asn1pkt(self, cert):
error_msg = "Unable to import certificate"
self.x509Cert = cert
tbsCert = cert.tbsCertificate
self.tbsCertificate = tbsCert
if tbsCert.version:
self.version = tbsCert.version.val + 1
self.version = 1
self.serial = tbsCert.serialNumber.val
self.sigAlg = tbsCert.signature.algorithm.oidname
self.issuer = tbsCert.get_issuer()
self.issuer_str = tbsCert.get_issuer_str()
self.issuer_hash = hash(self.issuer_str)
self.subject = tbsCert.get_subject()
self.subject_str = tbsCert.get_subject_str()
self.subject_hash = hash(self.subject_str)
self.notBefore_str = tbsCert.validity.not_before.pretty_time
notBefore = tbsCert.validity.not_before.val
if notBefore[-1] == "Z":
notBefore = notBefore[:-1]
self.notBefore = time.strptime(notBefore, "%y%m%d%H%M%S")
raise Exception(error_msg)
self.notBefore_str_simple = time.strftime("%x", self.notBefore)
self.notAfter_str = tbsCert.validity.not_after.pretty_time
notAfter = tbsCert.validity.not_after.val
if notAfter[-1] == "Z":
notAfter = notAfter[:-1]
self.notAfter = time.strptime(notAfter, "%y%m%d%H%M%S")
raise Exception(error_msg)
self.notAfter_str_simple = time.strftime("%x", self.notAfter)
self.pubKey = PubKey(raw(tbsCert.subjectPublicKeyInfo))
if tbsCert.extensions:
for extn in tbsCert.extensions:
if extn.extnID.oidname == "basicConstraints":
self.cA = False
if extn.extnValue.cA:
self.cA = not (extn.extnValue.cA.val == 0)
elif extn.extnID.oidname == "keyUsage":
self.keyUsage = extn.extnValue.get_keyUsage()
elif extn.extnID.oidname == "extKeyUsage":
self.extKeyUsage = extn.extnValue.get_extendedKeyUsage()
elif extn.extnID.oidname == "authorityKeyIdentifier":
self.authorityKeyID = extn.extnValue.keyIdentifier.val
self.signatureValue = raw(cert.signatureValue)
self.signatureLen = len(self.signatureValue)
def isIssuerCert(self, other):
True if 'other' issued 'self', i.e.:
- self.issuer == other.subject
- self is signed by other
if self.issuer_hash != other.subject_hash:
return False
return other.pubKey.verifyCert(self)
def isSelfSigned(self):
Return True if the certificate is self-signed:
- issuer and subject are the same
- the signature of the certificate is valid.
if self.issuer_hash == self.subject_hash:
return self.isIssuerCert(self)
return False
def encrypt(self, msg, t="pkcs", h="sha256", mgf=None, L=None):
# no ECDSA *encryption* support, hence only RSA specific keywords here
return self.pubKey.encrypt(msg, t, h, mgf, L)
def verify(self, msg, sig, t="pkcs", h="sha256", mgf=None, L=None):
return self.pubKey.verify(msg, sig, t, h, mgf, L)
def remainingDays(self, now=None):
Based on the value of notAfter field, returns the number of
days the certificate will still be valid. The date used for the
comparison is the current and local date, as returned by
time.localtime(), except if 'now' argument is provided another
one. 'now' argument can be given as either a time tuple or a string
representing the date. Accepted format for the string version
- '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z' e.g. 'Jan 30 07:38:59 2008 GMT'
- '%m/%d/%y' e.g. '01/30/08' (less precise)
If the certificate is no more valid at the date considered, then
a negative value is returned representing the number of days
since it has expired.
The number of days is returned as a float to deal with the unlikely
case of certificates that are still just valid.
if now is None:
now = time.localtime()
elif isinstance(now, str):
if '/' in now:
now = time.strptime(now, '%m/%d/%y')
now = time.strptime(now, '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z')
warning("Bad time string provided, will use localtime() instead.")
now = time.localtime()
now = time.mktime(now)
nft = time.mktime(self.notAfter)
diff = (nft - now)/(24.*3600)
return diff
def isRevoked(self, crl_list):
Given a list of trusted CRL (their signature has already been
verified with trusted anchors), this function returns True if
the certificate is marked as revoked by one of those CRL.
Note that if the Certificate was on hold in a previous CRL and
is now valid again in a new CRL and bot are in the list, it
will be considered revoked: this is because _all_ CRLs are
checked (not only the freshest) and revocation status is not
Also note that the check on the issuer is performed on the
Authority Key Identifier if available in _both_ the CRL and the
Cert. Otherwise, the issuers are simply compared.
for c in crl_list:
if (self.authorityKeyID is not None and
c.authorityKeyID is not None and
self.authorityKeyID == c.authorityKeyID):
return self.serial in (x[0] for x in c.revoked_cert_serials)
elif self.issuer == c.issuer:
return self.serial in (x[0] for x in c.revoked_cert_serials)
return False
def export(self, filename, fmt="DER"):
Export certificate in 'fmt' format (DER or PEM) to file 'filename'
f = open(filename, "wb")
if fmt == "DER":
elif fmt == "PEM":
def show(self):
print("Serial: %s" % self.serial)
print("Issuer: " + self.issuer_str)
print("Subject: " + self.subject_str)
print("Validity: %s to %s" % (self.notBefore_str, self.notAfter_str))
def __repr__(self):
return "[X.509 Cert. Subject:%s, Issuer:%s]" % (self.subject_str, self.issuer_str)
# Certificate Revocation Lists #
class _CRLMaker(_PKIObjMaker):
Metaclass for CRL creation. It is not necessary as it was for the keys,
but we reuse the model instead of creating redundant constructors.
def __call__(cls, cert_path):
obj = _PKIObjMaker.__call__(cls, cert_path, _MAX_CRL_SIZE, "X509 CRL")
obj.__class__ = CRL
crl = X509_CRL(obj.der)
raise Exception("Unable to import CRL")
return obj
class CRL(six.with_metaclass(_CRLMaker, object)):
Wrapper for the X509_CRL from layers/
Use the 'x509CRL' attribute to access original object.
def import_from_asn1pkt(self, crl):
error_msg = "Unable to import CRL"
self.x509CRL = crl
tbsCertList = crl.tbsCertList
self.tbsCertList = raw(tbsCertList)
if tbsCertList.version:
self.version = tbsCertList.version.val + 1
self.version = 1
self.sigAlg = tbsCertList.signature.algorithm.oidname
self.issuer = tbsCertList.get_issuer()
self.issuer_str = tbsCertList.get_issuer_str()
self.issuer_hash = hash(self.issuer_str)
self.lastUpdate_str = tbsCertList.this_update.pretty_time
lastUpdate = tbsCertList.this_update.val
if lastUpdate[-1] == "Z":
lastUpdate = lastUpdate[:-1]
self.lastUpdate = time.strptime(lastUpdate, "%y%m%d%H%M%S")
raise Exception(error_msg)
self.lastUpdate_str_simple = time.strftime("%x", self.lastUpdate)
self.nextUpdate = None
self.nextUpdate_str_simple = None
if tbsCertList.next_update:
self.nextUpdate_str = tbsCertList.next_update.pretty_time
nextUpdate = tbsCertList.next_update.val
if nextUpdate[-1] == "Z":
nextUpdate = nextUpdate[:-1]
self.nextUpdate = time.strptime(nextUpdate, "%y%m%d%H%M%S")
raise Exception(error_msg)
self.nextUpdate_str_simple = time.strftime("%x", self.nextUpdate)
if tbsCertList.crlExtensions:
for extension in tbsCertList.crlExtensions:
if extension.extnID.oidname == "cRLNumber":
self.number = extension.extnValue.cRLNumber.val
revoked = []
if tbsCertList.revokedCertificates:
for cert in tbsCertList.revokedCertificates:
serial = cert.serialNumber.val
date = cert.revocationDate.val
if date[-1] == "Z":
date = date[:-1]
revocationDate = time.strptime(date, "%y%m%d%H%M%S")
raise Exception(error_msg)
revoked.append((serial, date))
self.revoked_cert_serials = revoked
self.signatureValue = raw(crl.signatureValue)
self.signatureLen = len(self.signatureValue)
def isIssuerCert(self, other):
# This is exactly the same thing as in Cert method.
if self.issuer_hash != other.subject_hash:
return False
return other.pubKey.verifyCert(self)
def verify(self, anchors):
# Return True iff the CRL is signed by one of the provided anchors.
for a in anchors:
if self.isIssuerCert(a):
return True
return False
def show(self):
print("Version: %d" % self.version)
print("sigAlg: " + self.sigAlg)
print("Issuer: " + self.issuer_str)
print("lastUpdate: %s" % self.lastUpdate_str)
print("nextUpdate: %s" % self.nextUpdate_str)
# Certificate chains #
class Chain(list):
Basically, an enhanced array of Cert.
def __init__(self, certList, cert0=None):
Construct a chain of certificates starting with a self-signed
certificate (or any certificate submitted by the user)
and following issuer/subject matching and signature validity.
If there is exactly one chain to be constructed, it will be,
but if there are multiple potential chains, there is no guarantee
that the retained one will be the longest one.
As Cert and CRL classes both share an isIssuerCert() method,
the trailing element of a Chain may alternatively be a CRL.
Note that we do not check AKID/{SKID/issuer/serial} matching,
nor the presence of keyCertSign in keyUsage extension (if present).
list.__init__(self, ())
if cert0:
for root_candidate in certList:
if root_candidate.isSelfSigned():
if len(self) > 0:
while certList:
l = len(self)
for c in certList:
if c.isIssuerCert(self[-1]):
if len(self) == l:
# no new certificate appended to self
def verifyChain(self, anchors, untrusted=None):
Perform verification of certificate chains for that certificate.
A list of anchors is required. The certificates in the optional
untrusted list may be used as additional elements to the final chain.
On par with chain instantiation, only one chain constructed with the
untrusted candidates will be retained. Eventually, dates are checked.
untrusted = untrusted or []
for a in anchors:
chain = Chain(self + untrusted, a)
if len(chain) == 1: # anchor only
# check that the chain does not exclusively rely on untrusted
found = False
for c in self:
if c in chain[1:]:
found = True
if found:
for c in chain:
if c.remainingDays() < 0:
if c is chain[-1]: # we got to the end of the chain
return chain
return None
def verifyChainFromCAFile(self, cafile, untrusted_file=None):
Does the same job as .verifyChain() but using the list of anchors
from the cafile. As for .verifyChain(), a list of untrusted
certificates can be passed (as a file, this time).
f = open(cafile)
ca_certs =
raise Exception("Could not read from cafile")
anchors = [Cert(c) for c in split_pem(ca_certs)]
untrusted = None
if untrusted_file:
f = open(untrusted_file)
untrusted_certs =
raise Exception("Could not read from untrusted_file")
untrusted = [Cert(c) for c in split_pem(untrusted_certs)]
return self.verifyChain(anchors, untrusted)
def verifyChainFromCAPath(self, capath, untrusted_file=None):
Does the same job as .verifyChainFromCAFile() but using the list
of anchors in capath directory. The directory should (only) contain
certificates files in PEM format. As for .verifyChainFromCAFile(),
a list of untrusted certificates can be passed as a file
(concatenation of the certificates in PEM format).
anchors = []
for cafile in os.listdir(capath):
raise Exception("capath provided is not a valid cert path")
untrusted = None
if untrusted_file:
f = open(untrusted_file)
untrusted_certs =
raise Exception("Could not read from untrusted_file")
untrusted = [Cert(c) for c in split_pem(untrusted_certs)]
return self.verifyChain(anchors, untrusted)
def __repr__(self):
llen = len(self) - 1
if llen < 0:
return ""
c = self[0]
s = "__ "
if not c.isSelfSigned():
s += "%s [Not Self Signed]\n" % c.subject_str
s += "%s [Self Signed]\n" % c.subject_str
idx = 1
while idx <= llen:
c = self[idx]
s += "%s\_ %s" % (" "*idx*2, c.subject_str)
if idx != llen:
s += "\n"
idx += 1
return s
# Certificate export helpers #
def _create_ca_file(anchor_list, filename):
Concatenate all the certificates (PEM format for the export) in
'anchor_list' and write the result to file 'filename'. On success
'filename' is returned, None otherwise.
If you are used to OpenSSL tools, this function builds a CAfile
that can be used for certificate and CRL check.
f = open(filename, "w")
for a in anchor_list:
s = a.output(fmt="PEM")
except IOError:
return None
return filename