blob: 958b008708686ed9349adebbe9c9b0f58ed95320 [file] [log] [blame]
## This file is part of Scapy
## See for more informations
## Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <>
## Copyright (C) 6WIND <>
## This program is published under a GPLv2 license
SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol).
from __future__ import absolute_import
import struct
from scapy.compat import *
from scapy.volatile import RandBin
from scapy.config import conf
from scapy.packet import *
from scapy.fields import *
from scapy.layers.inet import IP
from scapy.layers.inet6 import IP6Field
from scapy.layers.inet6 import IPv6
# crc32-c (Castagnoli) (crc32c_poly=0x1EDC6F41)
crc32c_table = [
0x00000000, 0xF26B8303, 0xE13B70F7, 0x1350F3F4,
0xC79A971F, 0x35F1141C, 0x26A1E7E8, 0xD4CA64EB,
0x8AD958CF, 0x78B2DBCC, 0x6BE22838, 0x9989AB3B,
0x4D43CFD0, 0xBF284CD3, 0xAC78BF27, 0x5E133C24,
0x105EC76F, 0xE235446C, 0xF165B798, 0x030E349B,
0xD7C45070, 0x25AFD373, 0x36FF2087, 0xC494A384,
0x9A879FA0, 0x68EC1CA3, 0x7BBCEF57, 0x89D76C54,
0x5D1D08BF, 0xAF768BBC, 0xBC267848, 0x4E4DFB4B,
0x20BD8EDE, 0xD2D60DDD, 0xC186FE29, 0x33ED7D2A,
0xE72719C1, 0x154C9AC2, 0x061C6936, 0xF477EA35,
0xAA64D611, 0x580F5512, 0x4B5FA6E6, 0xB93425E5,
0x6DFE410E, 0x9F95C20D, 0x8CC531F9, 0x7EAEB2FA,
0x30E349B1, 0xC288CAB2, 0xD1D83946, 0x23B3BA45,
0xF779DEAE, 0x05125DAD, 0x1642AE59, 0xE4292D5A,
0xBA3A117E, 0x4851927D, 0x5B016189, 0xA96AE28A,
0x7DA08661, 0x8FCB0562, 0x9C9BF696, 0x6EF07595,
0x417B1DBC, 0xB3109EBF, 0xA0406D4B, 0x522BEE48,
0x86E18AA3, 0x748A09A0, 0x67DAFA54, 0x95B17957,
0xCBA24573, 0x39C9C670, 0x2A993584, 0xD8F2B687,
0x0C38D26C, 0xFE53516F, 0xED03A29B, 0x1F682198,
0x5125DAD3, 0xA34E59D0, 0xB01EAA24, 0x42752927,
0x96BF4DCC, 0x64D4CECF, 0x77843D3B, 0x85EFBE38,
0xDBFC821C, 0x2997011F, 0x3AC7F2EB, 0xC8AC71E8,
0x1C661503, 0xEE0D9600, 0xFD5D65F4, 0x0F36E6F7,
0x61C69362, 0x93AD1061, 0x80FDE395, 0x72966096,
0xA65C047D, 0x5437877E, 0x4767748A, 0xB50CF789,
0xEB1FCBAD, 0x197448AE, 0x0A24BB5A, 0xF84F3859,
0x2C855CB2, 0xDEEEDFB1, 0xCDBE2C45, 0x3FD5AF46,
0x7198540D, 0x83F3D70E, 0x90A324FA, 0x62C8A7F9,
0xB602C312, 0x44694011, 0x5739B3E5, 0xA55230E6,
0xFB410CC2, 0x092A8FC1, 0x1A7A7C35, 0xE811FF36,
0x3CDB9BDD, 0xCEB018DE, 0xDDE0EB2A, 0x2F8B6829,
0x82F63B78, 0x709DB87B, 0x63CD4B8F, 0x91A6C88C,
0x456CAC67, 0xB7072F64, 0xA457DC90, 0x563C5F93,
0x082F63B7, 0xFA44E0B4, 0xE9141340, 0x1B7F9043,
0xCFB5F4A8, 0x3DDE77AB, 0x2E8E845F, 0xDCE5075C,
0x92A8FC17, 0x60C37F14, 0x73938CE0, 0x81F80FE3,
0x55326B08, 0xA759E80B, 0xB4091BFF, 0x466298FC,
0x1871A4D8, 0xEA1A27DB, 0xF94AD42F, 0x0B21572C,
0xDFEB33C7, 0x2D80B0C4, 0x3ED04330, 0xCCBBC033,
0xA24BB5A6, 0x502036A5, 0x4370C551, 0xB11B4652,
0x65D122B9, 0x97BAA1BA, 0x84EA524E, 0x7681D14D,
0x2892ED69, 0xDAF96E6A, 0xC9A99D9E, 0x3BC21E9D,
0xEF087A76, 0x1D63F975, 0x0E330A81, 0xFC588982,
0xB21572C9, 0x407EF1CA, 0x532E023E, 0xA145813D,
0x758FE5D6, 0x87E466D5, 0x94B49521, 0x66DF1622,
0x38CC2A06, 0xCAA7A905, 0xD9F75AF1, 0x2B9CD9F2,
0xFF56BD19, 0x0D3D3E1A, 0x1E6DCDEE, 0xEC064EED,
0xC38D26C4, 0x31E6A5C7, 0x22B65633, 0xD0DDD530,
0x0417B1DB, 0xF67C32D8, 0xE52CC12C, 0x1747422F,
0x49547E0B, 0xBB3FFD08, 0xA86F0EFC, 0x5A048DFF,
0x8ECEE914, 0x7CA56A17, 0x6FF599E3, 0x9D9E1AE0,
0xD3D3E1AB, 0x21B862A8, 0x32E8915C, 0xC083125F,
0x144976B4, 0xE622F5B7, 0xF5720643, 0x07198540,
0x590AB964, 0xAB613A67, 0xB831C993, 0x4A5A4A90,
0x9E902E7B, 0x6CFBAD78, 0x7FAB5E8C, 0x8DC0DD8F,
0xE330A81A, 0x115B2B19, 0x020BD8ED, 0xF0605BEE,
0x24AA3F05, 0xD6C1BC06, 0xC5914FF2, 0x37FACCF1,
0x69E9F0D5, 0x9B8273D6, 0x88D28022, 0x7AB90321,
0xAE7367CA, 0x5C18E4C9, 0x4F48173D, 0xBD23943E,
0xF36E6F75, 0x0105EC76, 0x12551F82, 0xE03E9C81,
0x34F4F86A, 0xC69F7B69, 0xD5CF889D, 0x27A40B9E,
0x79B737BA, 0x8BDCB4B9, 0x988C474D, 0x6AE7C44E,
0xBE2DA0A5, 0x4C4623A6, 0x5F16D052, 0xAD7D5351,
def crc32c(buf):
crc = 0xffffffff
for c in buf:
crc = (crc>>8) ^ crc32c_table[(crc^(orb(c))) & 0xFF]
crc = (~crc) & 0xffffffff
# reverse endianness
return struct.unpack(">I",struct.pack("<I", crc))[0]
# old checksum (RFC2960)
BASE = 65521 # largest prime smaller than 65536
def update_adler32(adler, buf):
s1 = adler & 0xffff
s2 = (adler >> 16) & 0xffff
print s1,s2
for c in buf:
print orb(c)
s1 = (s1 + orb(c)) % BASE
s2 = (s2 + s1) % BASE
print s1,s2
return (s2 << 16) + s1
def sctp_checksum(buf):
return update_adler32(1, buf)
hmactypes = {
0 : "Reserved1",
1 : "SHA-1",
2 : "Reserved2",
3 : "SHA-256",
sctpchunktypescls = {
0 : "SCTPChunkData",
1 : "SCTPChunkInit",
2 : "SCTPChunkInitAck",
3 : "SCTPChunkSACK",
4 : "SCTPChunkHeartbeatReq",
5 : "SCTPChunkHeartbeatAck",
6 : "SCTPChunkAbort",
7 : "SCTPChunkShutdown",
8 : "SCTPChunkShutdownAck",
9 : "SCTPChunkError",
10 : "SCTPChunkCookieEcho",
11 : "SCTPChunkCookieAck",
14 : "SCTPChunkShutdownComplete",
15 : "SCTPChunkAuthentication",
0x80 : "SCTPChunkAddressConfAck",
0xc1 : "SCTPChunkAddressConf",
sctpchunktypes = {
0 : "data",
1 : "init",
2 : "init-ack",
3 : "sack",
4 : "heartbeat-req",
5 : "heartbeat-ack",
6 : "abort",
7 : "shutdown",
8 : "shutdown-ack",
9 : "error",
10 : "cookie-echo",
11 : "cookie-ack",
14 : "shutdown-complete",
15 : "authentication",
0x80 : "address-configuration-ack",
0xc1 : "address-configuration",
sctpchunkparamtypescls = {
1 : "SCTPChunkParamHearbeatInfo",
5 : "SCTPChunkParamIPv4Addr",
6 : "SCTPChunkParamIPv6Addr",
7 : "SCTPChunkParamStateCookie",
8 : "SCTPChunkParamUnrocognizedParam",
9 : "SCTPChunkParamCookiePreservative",
11 : "SCTPChunkParamHostname",
12 : "SCTPChunkParamSupportedAddrTypes",
0x8000 : "SCTPChunkParamECNCapable",
0x8002 : "SCTPChunkParamRandom",
0x8003 : "SCTPChunkParamChunkList",
0x8004 : "SCTPChunkParamRequestedHMACFunctions",
0x8008 : "SCTPChunkParamSupportedExtensions",
0xc000 : "SCTPChunkParamFwdTSN",
0xc001 : "SCTPChunkParamAddIPAddr",
0xc002 : "SCTPChunkParamDelIPAddr",
0xc003 : "SCTPChunkParamErrorIndication",
0xc004 : "SCTPChunkParamSetPrimaryAddr",
0xc005 : "SCTPChunkParamSuccessIndication",
0xc006 : "SCTPChunkParamAdaptationLayer",
sctpchunkparamtypes = {
1 : "heartbeat-info",
5 : "IPv4",
6 : "IPv6",
7 : "state-cookie",
8 : "unrecognized-param",
9 : "cookie-preservative",
11 : "hostname",
12 : "addrtypes",
0x8000 : "ecn-capable",
0x8002 : "random",
0x8003 : "chunk-list",
0x8004 : "requested-HMAC-functions",
0x8008 : "supported-extensions",
0xc000 : "fwd-tsn-supported",
0xc001 : "add-IP",
0xc002 : "del-IP",
0xc003 : "error-indication",
0xc004 : "set-primary-addr",
0xc005 : "success-indication",
0xc006 : "adaptation-layer",
############## SCTP header
# Dummy class to guess payload type (variable parameters)
class _SCTPChunkGuessPayload:
def default_payload_class(self,p):
if len(p) < 4:
return conf.padding_layer
t = orb(p[0])
return globals().get(sctpchunktypescls.get(t, "Raw"), conf.raw_layer)
class SCTP(_SCTPChunkGuessPayload, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ShortField("sport", None),
ShortField("dport", None),
XIntField("tag", None),
XIntField("chksum", None), ]
def answers(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, SCTP):
return 0
if conf.checkIPsrc:
if not (( == other.dport) and
(self.dport ==
return 0
return 1
def post_build(self, p, pay):
p += pay
if self.chksum is None:
crc = crc32c(raw(p))
p = p[:8]+struct.pack(">I", crc)+p[12:]
return p
############## SCTP Chunk variable params
class ChunkParamField(PacketListField):
def __init__(self, name, default, count_from=None, length_from=None):
PacketListField.__init__(self, name, default, conf.raw_layer, count_from=count_from, length_from=length_from)
def m2i(self, p, m):
cls = conf.raw_layer
if len(m) >= 4:
t = orb(m[0]) * 256 + orb(m[1])
cls = globals().get(sctpchunkparamtypescls.get(t, "Raw"), conf.raw_layer)
return cls(m)
# dummy class to avoid Raw() after Chunk params
class _SCTPChunkParam:
def extract_padding(self, s):
return b"",s[:]
class SCTPChunkParamHearbeatInfo(_SCTPChunkParam, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ShortEnumField("type", 1, sctpchunkparamtypes),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="data",
adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+4),
PadField(StrLenField("data", "",
length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len-4),
4, padwith=b"\x00"),]
class SCTPChunkParamIPv4Addr(_SCTPChunkParam, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ShortEnumField("type", 5, sctpchunkparamtypes),
ShortField("len", 8),
IPField("addr",""), ]
class SCTPChunkParamIPv6Addr(_SCTPChunkParam, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ShortEnumField("type", 6, sctpchunkparamtypes),
ShortField("len", 20),
IP6Field("addr","::1"), ]
class SCTPChunkParamStateCookie(_SCTPChunkParam, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ShortEnumField("type", 7, sctpchunkparamtypes),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="cookie",
adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+4),
PadField(StrLenField("cookie", "",
length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len-4),
4, padwith=b"\x00"),]
class SCTPChunkParamUnrocognizedParam(_SCTPChunkParam, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ShortEnumField("type", 8, sctpchunkparamtypes),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="param",
adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+4),
PadField(StrLenField("param", "",
length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len-4),
4, padwith=b"\x00"),]
class SCTPChunkParamCookiePreservative(_SCTPChunkParam, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ShortEnumField("type", 9, sctpchunkparamtypes),
ShortField("len", 8),
XIntField("sug_cookie_inc", None), ]
class SCTPChunkParamHostname(_SCTPChunkParam, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ShortEnumField("type", 11, sctpchunkparamtypes),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="hostname",
adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+4),
PadField(StrLenField("hostname", "",
length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len-4),
4, padwith=b"\x00"), ]
class SCTPChunkParamSupportedAddrTypes(_SCTPChunkParam, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ShortEnumField("type", 12, sctpchunkparamtypes),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="addr_type_list",
adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+4),
PadField(FieldListField("addr_type_list", [ "IPv4" ],
ShortEnumField("addr_type", 5, sctpchunkparamtypes),
length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len-4),
4, padwith=b"\x00"), ]
class SCTPChunkParamECNCapable(_SCTPChunkParam, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ShortEnumField("type", 0x8000, sctpchunkparamtypes),
ShortField("len", 4), ]
class SCTPChunkParamRandom(_SCTPChunkParam, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ShortEnumField("type", 0x8002, sctpchunkparamtypes),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="random",
adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+4),
PadField(StrLenField("random", RandBin(32),
length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len-4),
4, padwith=b"\x00"),]
class SCTPChunkParamChunkList(_SCTPChunkParam, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ShortEnumField("type", 0x8003, sctpchunkparamtypes),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="chunk_list",
adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+4),
PadField(FieldListField("chunk_list", None,
ByteEnumField("chunk", None, sctpchunktypes),
length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len-4),
4, padwith=b"\x00"),]
class SCTPChunkParamRequestedHMACFunctions(_SCTPChunkParam, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ShortEnumField("type", 0x8004, sctpchunkparamtypes),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="HMAC_functions_list",
adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+4),
PadField(FieldListField("HMAC_functions_list", [ "SHA-1" ],
ShortEnumField("HMAC_function", 1, hmactypes),
length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len-4),
4, padwith=b"\x00"),]
class SCTPChunkParamSupportedExtensions(_SCTPChunkParam, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ShortEnumField("type", 0x8008, sctpchunkparamtypes),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="supported_extensions",
adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+4),
[ "authentication",
"address-configuration-ack" ],
None, sctpchunktypes),
length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len-4),
4, padwith=b"\x00"),]
class SCTPChunkParamFwdTSN(_SCTPChunkParam, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ShortEnumField("type", 0xc000, sctpchunkparamtypes),
ShortField("len", 4), ]
class SCTPChunkParamAddIPAddr(_SCTPChunkParam, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ShortEnumField("type", 0xc001, sctpchunkparamtypes),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="addr",
adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+12),
XIntField("correlation_id", None),
ShortEnumField("addr_type", 5, sctpchunkparamtypes),
FieldLenField("addr_len", None, length_of="addr",
adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+4),
IPField("addr", ""),
lambda p: p.addr_type == 5),
IP6Field("addr", "::1"),
lambda p: p.addr_type == 6),]
class SCTPChunkParamDelIPAddr(_SCTPChunkParam, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ShortEnumField("type", 0xc002, sctpchunkparamtypes),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="addr",
adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+12),
XIntField("correlation_id", None),
ShortEnumField("addr_type", 5, sctpchunkparamtypes),
FieldLenField("addr_len", None, length_of="addr",
adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+4),
IPField("addr", ""),
lambda p: p.addr_type == 5),
IP6Field("addr", "::1"),
lambda p: p.addr_type == 6),]
class SCTPChunkParamErrorIndication(_SCTPChunkParam, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ShortEnumField("type", 0xc003, sctpchunkparamtypes),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="error_causes",
adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+8),
XIntField("correlation_id", None),
PadField(StrLenField("error_causes", "",
length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len-4),
4, padwith=b"\x00"),]
class SCTPChunkParamSetPrimaryAddr(_SCTPChunkParam, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ShortEnumField("type", 0xc004, sctpchunkparamtypes),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="addr",
adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+12),
XIntField("correlation_id", None),
ShortEnumField("addr_type", 5, sctpchunkparamtypes),
FieldLenField("addr_len", None, length_of="addr",
adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+4),
IPField("addr", ""),
lambda p: p.addr_type == 5),
IP6Field("addr", "::1"),
lambda p: p.addr_type == 6),]
class SCTPChunkParamSuccessIndication(_SCTPChunkParam, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ShortEnumField("type", 0xc005, sctpchunkparamtypes),
ShortField("len", 8),
XIntField("correlation_id", None), ]
class SCTPChunkParamAdaptationLayer(_SCTPChunkParam, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ShortEnumField("type", 0xc006, sctpchunkparamtypes),
ShortField("len", 8),
XIntField("indication", None), ]
############## SCTP Chunks
# Dictionary taken from:
0: 'Reserved',
1: 'IUA',
2: 'M2UA',
3: 'M3UA',
4: 'SUA',
5: 'M2PA',
6: 'V5UA',
7: 'H.248',
8: 'BICC/Q.2150.3',
9: 'TALI',
10: 'DUA',
11: 'ASAP',
12: 'ENRP',
13: 'H.323',
14: 'Q.IPC/Q.2150.3',
15: 'SIMCO',
16: 'DDP Segment Chunk',
17: 'DDP Stream Session Control',
18: 'S1AP',
19: 'RUA',
20: 'HNBAP',
21: 'ForCES-HP',
22: 'ForCES-MP',
23: 'ForCES-LP',
24: 'SBc-AP',
25: 'NBAP',
26: 'Unassigned',
27: 'X2AP',
28: 'IRCP',
29: 'LCS-AP',
30: 'MPICH2',
31: 'SABP',
32: 'FGP',
33: 'PPP',
34: 'CALCAPP',
35: 'SSP',
37: 'NPMP-DATA',
38: 'ECHO',
39: 'DISCARD',
40: 'DAYTIME',
41: 'CHARGEN',
42: '3GPP RNA',
43: '3GPP M2AP',
44: '3GPP M3AP',
45: 'SSH/SCTP',
46: 'Diameter/SCTP',
47: 'Diameter/DTLS/SCTP',
48: 'R14P',
49: 'Unassigned',
50: 'WebRTC DCEP',
51: 'WebRTC String',
52: 'WebRTC Binary Partial',
53: 'WebRTC Binary',
54: 'WebRTC String Partial',
55: '3GPP PUA',
56: 'WebRTC String Empty',
57: 'WebRTC Binary Empty'
class SCTPChunkData(_SCTPChunkGuessPayload, Packet):
# TODO : add a padding function in post build if this layer is used to generate SCTP chunk data
fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 0, sctpchunktypes),
BitField("reserved", None, 4),
BitField("delay_sack", 0, 1),
BitField("unordered", 0, 1),
BitField("beginning", 0, 1),
BitField("ending", 0, 1),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="data", adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+16),
XIntField("tsn", None),
XShortField("stream_id", None),
XShortField("stream_seq", None),
PadField(StrLenField("data", None, length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len-16),
4, padwith=b"\x00"),
class SCTPChunkInit(_SCTPChunkGuessPayload, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 1, sctpchunktypes),
XByteField("flags", None),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="params", adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+20),
XIntField("init_tag", None),
IntField("a_rwnd", None),
ShortField("n_out_streams", None),
ShortField("n_in_streams", None),
XIntField("init_tsn", None),
ChunkParamField("params", None, length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.len-20),
class SCTPChunkInitAck(_SCTPChunkGuessPayload, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 2, sctpchunktypes),
XByteField("flags", None),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="params", adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+20),
XIntField("init_tag", None),
IntField("a_rwnd", None),
ShortField("n_out_streams", None),
ShortField("n_in_streams", None),
XIntField("init_tsn", None),
ChunkParamField("params", None, length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.len-20),
class GapAckField(Field):
def __init__(self, name, default):
Field.__init__(self, name, default, "4s")
def i2m(self, pkt, x):
if x is None:
return b"\0\0\0\0"
sta, end = [int(e) for e in x.split(':')]
args = tuple([">HH", sta, end])
return struct.pack(*args)
def m2i(self, pkt, x):
return "%d:%d"%(struct.unpack(">HH", x))
def any2i(self, pkt, x):
if isinstance(x, tuple) and len(x) == 2:
return "%d:%d"%(x)
return x
class SCTPChunkSACK(_SCTPChunkGuessPayload, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 3, sctpchunktypes),
XByteField("flags", None),
ShortField("len", None),
XIntField("cumul_tsn_ack", None),
IntField("a_rwnd", None),
FieldLenField("n_gap_ack", None, count_of="gap_ack_list"),
FieldLenField("n_dup_tsn", None, count_of="dup_tsn_list"),
FieldListField("gap_ack_list", [ ], GapAckField("gap_ack", None), count_from=lambda pkt:pkt.n_gap_ack),
FieldListField("dup_tsn_list", [ ], XIntField("dup_tsn", None), count_from=lambda pkt:pkt.n_dup_tsn),
def post_build(self, p, pay):
if self.len is None:
p = p[:2] + struct.pack(">H", len(p)) + p[4:]
return p+pay
class SCTPChunkHeartbeatReq(_SCTPChunkGuessPayload, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 4, sctpchunktypes),
XByteField("flags", None),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="params", adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+4),
ChunkParamField("params", None, length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.len-4),
class SCTPChunkHeartbeatAck(_SCTPChunkGuessPayload, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 5, sctpchunktypes),
XByteField("flags", None),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="params", adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+4),
ChunkParamField("params", None, length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.len-4),
class SCTPChunkAbort(_SCTPChunkGuessPayload, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 6, sctpchunktypes),
BitField("reserved", None, 7),
BitField("TCB", 0, 1),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="error_causes", adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+4),
PadField(StrLenField("error_causes", "", length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len-4),
4, padwith=b"\x00"),
class SCTPChunkShutdown(_SCTPChunkGuessPayload, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 7, sctpchunktypes),
XByteField("flags", None),
ShortField("len", 8),
XIntField("cumul_tsn_ack", None),
class SCTPChunkShutdownAck(_SCTPChunkGuessPayload, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 8, sctpchunktypes),
XByteField("flags", None),
ShortField("len", 4),
class SCTPChunkError(_SCTPChunkGuessPayload, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 9, sctpchunktypes),
XByteField("flags", None),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="error_causes", adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+4),
PadField(StrLenField("error_causes", "", length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len-4),
4, padwith=b"\x00"),
class SCTPChunkCookieEcho(_SCTPChunkGuessPayload, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 10, sctpchunktypes),
XByteField("flags", None),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="cookie", adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+4),
PadField(StrLenField("cookie", "", length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len-4),
4, padwith=b"\x00"),
class SCTPChunkCookieAck(_SCTPChunkGuessPayload, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 11, sctpchunktypes),
XByteField("flags", None),
ShortField("len", 4),
class SCTPChunkShutdownComplete(_SCTPChunkGuessPayload, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 14, sctpchunktypes),
BitField("reserved", None, 7),
BitField("TCB", 0, 1),
ShortField("len", 4),
class SCTPChunkAuthentication(_SCTPChunkGuessPayload, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 15, sctpchunktypes),
XByteField("flags", None),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="HMAC",
adjust = lambda pkt,x:x+8),
ShortField("shared_key_id", None),
ShortField("HMAC_function", None),
PadField(StrLenField("HMAC", "", length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len-8),
4, padwith=b"\x00"),
class SCTPChunkAddressConf(_SCTPChunkGuessPayload, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type", 0xc1, sctpchunktypes),
XByteField("flags", None),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="params",
adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+8),
IntField("seq", 0),
ChunkParamField("params", None, length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.len-8),
class SCTPChunkAddressConfAck(_SCTPChunkGuessPayload, Packet):
fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("type",0x80, sctpchunktypes),
XByteField("flags", None),
FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="params",
adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+8),
IntField("seq", 0),
ChunkParamField("params", None, length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.len-8),
bind_layers( IP, SCTP, proto=IPPROTO_SCTP)
bind_layers( IPv6, SCTP, nh=IPPROTO_SCTP)