blob: fb05b053963de3afc33a59f69a3a6f2df7ab3284 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* Tests for {@link S2Loop}.
* Note that testLoopRelations2() is suppressed because it fails in corner
* cases due to a problem with S2.robustCCW().
public strictfp class S2LoopTest extends GeometryTestCase {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(S2LoopTest.class.getCanonicalName());
// A stripe that slightly over-wraps the equator.
private S2Loop candyCane = makeLoop("-20:150, -20:-70, 0:70, 10:-150, 10:70, -10:-70");
// A small clockwise loop in the northern & eastern hemisperes.
private S2Loop smallNeCw = makeLoop("35:20, 45:20, 40:25");
// Loop around the north pole at 80 degrees.
private S2Loop arctic80 = makeLoop("80:-150, 80:-30, 80:90");
// Loop around the south pole at 80 degrees.
private S2Loop antarctic80 = makeLoop("-80:120, -80:0, -80:-120");
// The northern hemisphere, defined using two pairs of antipodal points.
private S2Loop northHemi = makeLoop("0:-180, 0:-90, 0:0, 0:90");
// The northern hemisphere, defined using three points 120 degrees apart.
private S2Loop northHemi3 = makeLoop("0:-180, 0:-60, 0:60");
// The western hemisphere, defined using two pairs of antipodal points.
private S2Loop westHemi = makeLoop("0:-180, -90:0, 0:0, 90:0");
// The "near" hemisphere, defined using two pairs of antipodal points.
private S2Loop nearHemi = makeLoop("0:-90, -90:0, 0:90, 90:0");
// A diamond-shaped loop around the point 0:180.
private S2Loop loopA = makeLoop("0:178, -1:180, 0:-179, 1:-180");
// Another diamond-shaped loop around the point 0:180.
private S2Loop loopB = makeLoop("0:179, -1:180, 0:-178, 1:-180");
// The intersection of A and B.
private S2Loop aIntersectB = makeLoop("0:179, -1:180, 0:-179, 1:-180");
// The union of A and B.
private S2Loop aUnionB = makeLoop("0:178, -1:180, 0:-178, 1:-180");
// A minus B (concave)
private S2Loop aMinusB = makeLoop("0:178, -1:180, 0:179, 1:-180");
// B minus A (concave)
private S2Loop bMinusA = makeLoop("0:-179, -1:180, 0:-178, 1:-180");
// A self-crossing loop with a duplicated vertex
private S2Loop bowtie = makeLoop("0:0, 2:0, 1:1, 0:2, 2:2, 1:1");
// Initialized below.
private S2Loop southHemi;
private S2Loop eastHemi;
private S2Loop farHemi;
public void setUp() {
southHemi = new S2Loop(northHemi);
eastHemi = new S2Loop(westHemi);
farHemi = new S2Loop(nearHemi);
public void testBounds() {
assertTrue(candyCane.getRectBound().latLo().degrees() < -20);
assertTrue(candyCane.getRectBound().latHi().degrees() > 10);
new S2LatLngRect(S2LatLng.fromDegrees(80, -180), S2LatLng.fromDegrees(90, 180)));
new S2LatLngRect(S2LatLng.fromDegrees(-90, -180), S2LatLng.fromDegrees(-80, 180)));
// The highest latitude of each edge is attained at its midpoint.
S2Point mid = S2Point.mul(S2Point.add(arctic80.vertex(0), arctic80.vertex(1)), 0.5);
assertDoubleNear(arctic80.getRectBound().latHi().radians(), new S2LatLng(mid).lat().radians());
assertEquals(southHemi.getRectBound().lat(), new R1Interval(-S2.M_PI_2, 0));
public void testAreaCentroid() {
assertDoubleNear(northHemi.getArea(), 2 * S2.M_PI);
assertDoubleNear(eastHemi.getArea(), 2 * S2.M_PI);
// Construct spherical caps of random height, and approximate their boundary
// with closely spaces vertices. Then check that the area and centroid are
// correct.
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
// Choose a coordinate frame for the spherical cap.
S2Point x = randomPoint();
S2Point y = S2Point.normalize(S2Point.crossProd(x, randomPoint()));
S2Point z = S2Point.normalize(S2Point.crossProd(x, y));
// Given two points at latitude phi and whose longitudes differ by dtheta,
// the geodesic between the two points has a maximum latitude of
// atan(tan(phi) / cos(dtheta/2)). This can be derived by positioning
// the two points at (-dtheta/2, phi) and (dtheta/2, phi).
// We want to position the vertices close enough together so that their
// maximum distance from the boundary of the spherical cap is kMaxDist.
// Thus we want fabs(atan(tan(phi) / cos(dtheta/2)) - phi) <= kMaxDist.
double kMaxDist = 1e-6;
double height = 2 * rand.nextDouble();
double phi = Math.asin(1 - height);
double maxDtheta =
2 * Math.acos(Math.tan(Math.abs(phi)) / Math.tan(Math.abs(phi) + kMaxDist));
maxDtheta = Math.min(S2.M_PI, maxDtheta); // At least 3 vertices.
List<S2Point> vertices = Lists.newArrayList();
for (double theta = 0; theta < 2 * S2.M_PI; theta += rand.nextDouble() * maxDtheta) {
S2Point xCosThetaCosPhi = S2Point.mul(x, (Math.cos(theta) * Math.cos(phi)));
S2Point ySinThetaCosPhi = S2Point.mul(y, (Math.sin(theta) * Math.cos(phi)));
S2Point zSinPhi = S2Point.mul(z, Math.sin(phi));
S2Point sum = S2Point.add(S2Point.add(xCosThetaCosPhi, ySinThetaCosPhi), zSinPhi);
S2Loop loop = new S2Loop(vertices);
S2AreaCentroid areaCentroid = loop.getAreaAndCentroid();
double area = loop.getArea();
S2Point centroid = loop.getCentroid();
double expectedArea = 2 * S2.M_PI * height;
assertTrue(areaCentroid.getArea() == area);
assertTrue(Math.abs(area - expectedArea) <= 2 * S2.M_PI * kMaxDist);
// high probability
assertTrue(Math.abs(area - expectedArea) >= 0.01 * kMaxDist);
S2Point expectedCentroid = S2Point.mul(z, expectedArea * (1 - 0.5 * height));
assertTrue(S2Point.sub(centroid, expectedCentroid).norm() <= 2 * kMaxDist);
private S2Loop rotate(S2Loop loop) {
List<S2Point> vertices = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int i = 1; i <= loop.numVertices(); ++i) {
return new S2Loop(vertices);
public void testContains() {
assertTrue(candyCane.contains(S2LatLng.fromDegrees(5, 71).toPoint()));
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
assertTrue(northHemi.contains(new S2Point(0, 0, 1)));
assertTrue(!northHemi.contains(new S2Point(0, 0, -1)));
assertTrue(!southHemi.contains(new S2Point(0, 0, 1)));
assertTrue(southHemi.contains(new S2Point(0, 0, -1)));
assertTrue(!westHemi.contains(new S2Point(0, 1, 0)));
assertTrue(westHemi.contains(new S2Point(0, -1, 0)));
assertTrue(eastHemi.contains(new S2Point(0, 1, 0)));
assertTrue(!eastHemi.contains(new S2Point(0, -1, 0)));
northHemi = rotate(northHemi);
southHemi = rotate(southHemi);
eastHemi = rotate(eastHemi);
westHemi = rotate(westHemi);
// This code checks each cell vertex is contained by exactly one of
// the adjacent cells.
for (int level = 0; level < 3; ++level) {
List<S2Loop> loops = Lists.newArrayList();
List<S2Point> loopVertices = Lists.newArrayList();
Set<S2Point> points = Sets.newHashSet();
for (S2CellId id = S2CellId.begin(level); !id.equals(S2CellId.end(level)); id = {
S2Cell cell = new S2Cell(id);
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
loops.add(new S2Loop(loopVertices));
for (S2Point point : points) {
int count = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < loops.size(); ++j) {
if (loops.get(j).contains(point)) {
assertEquals(count, 1);
private S2CellId advance(S2CellId id, int n) {
while (id.isValid() && --n >= 0) {
id =;
return id;
private S2Loop makeCellLoop(S2CellId begin, S2CellId end) {
// Construct a CCW polygon whose boundary is the union of the cell ids
// in the range [begin, end). We add the edges one by one, removing
// any edges that are already present in the opposite direction.
Map<S2Point, Set<S2Point>> edges = Maps.newHashMap();
for (S2CellId id = begin; !id.equals(end); id = {
S2Cell cell = new S2Cell(id);
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
S2Point a = cell.getVertex(k);
S2Point b = cell.getVertex((k + 1) & 3);
if (edges.get(b) == null) {
edges.put(b, Sets.<S2Point>newHashSet());
// if a is in b's set, remove it and remove b's set if it's empty
// otherwise, add b to a's set
if (!edges.get(b).remove(a)) {
if (edges.get(a) == null) {
edges.put(a, Sets.<S2Point>newHashSet());
} else if (edges.get(b).isEmpty()) {
// The remaining edges form a single loop. We simply follow it starting
// at an arbitrary vertex and build up a list of vertices.
List<S2Point> vertices = Lists.newArrayList();
S2Point p = edges.keySet().iterator().next();
while (!edges.isEmpty()) {
assertEquals(1, edges.get(p).size());
S2Point next = edges.get(p).iterator().next();
p = next;
return new S2Loop(vertices);
private void assertRelation(
S2Loop a, S2Loop b, int containsOrCrosses, boolean intersects, boolean nestable) {
assertEquals(a.contains(b), containsOrCrosses == 1);
assertEquals(a.intersects(b), intersects);
if (nestable) {
assertEquals(a.containsNested(b), a.contains(b));
if (containsOrCrosses >= -1) {
assertEquals(a.containsOrCrosses(b), containsOrCrosses);
public void testLoopRelations() {
assertRelation(northHemi, northHemi, 1, true, false);
assertRelation(northHemi, southHemi, 0, false, false);
assertRelation(northHemi, eastHemi, -1, true, false);
assertRelation(northHemi, arctic80, 1, true, true);
assertRelation(northHemi, antarctic80, 0, false, true);
assertRelation(northHemi, candyCane, -1, true, false);
// We can't compare northHemi3 vs. northHemi or southHemi.
assertRelation(northHemi3, northHemi3, 1, true, false);
assertRelation(northHemi3, eastHemi, -1, true, false);
assertRelation(northHemi3, arctic80, 1, true, true);
assertRelation(northHemi3, antarctic80, 0, false, true);
assertRelation(northHemi3, candyCane, -1, true, false);
assertRelation(southHemi, northHemi, 0, false, false);
assertRelation(southHemi, southHemi, 1, true, false);
assertRelation(southHemi, farHemi, -1, true, false);
assertRelation(southHemi, arctic80, 0, false, true);
assertRelation(southHemi, antarctic80, 1, true, true);
assertRelation(southHemi, candyCane, -1, true, false);
assertRelation(candyCane, northHemi, -1, true, false);
assertRelation(candyCane, southHemi, -1, true, false);
assertRelation(candyCane, arctic80, 0, false, true);
assertRelation(candyCane, antarctic80, 0, false, true);
assertRelation(candyCane, candyCane, 1, true, false);
assertRelation(nearHemi, westHemi, -1, true, false);
assertRelation(smallNeCw, southHemi, 1, true, false);
assertRelation(smallNeCw, westHemi, 1, true, false);
assertRelation(smallNeCw, northHemi, -2, true, false);
assertRelation(smallNeCw, eastHemi, -2, true, false);
assertRelation(loopA, loopA, 1, true, false);
assertRelation(loopA, loopB, -1, true, false);
assertRelation(loopA, aIntersectB, 1, true, false);
assertRelation(loopA, aUnionB, 0, true, false);
assertRelation(loopA, aMinusB, 1, true, false);
assertRelation(loopA, bMinusA, 0, false, false);
assertRelation(loopB, loopA, -1, true, false);
assertRelation(loopB, loopB, 1, true, false);
assertRelation(loopB, aIntersectB, 1, true, false);
assertRelation(loopB, aUnionB, 0, true, false);
assertRelation(loopB, aMinusB, 0, false, false);
assertRelation(loopB, bMinusA, 1, true, false);
assertRelation(aIntersectB, loopA, 0, true, false);
assertRelation(aIntersectB, loopB, 0, true, false);
assertRelation(aIntersectB, aIntersectB, 1, true, false);
assertRelation(aIntersectB, aUnionB, 0, true, true);
assertRelation(aIntersectB, aMinusB, 0, false, false);
assertRelation(aIntersectB, bMinusA, 0, false, false);
assertRelation(aUnionB, loopA, 1, true, false);
assertRelation(aUnionB, loopB, 1, true, false);
assertRelation(aUnionB, aIntersectB, 1, true, true);
assertRelation(aUnionB, aUnionB, 1, true, false);
assertRelation(aUnionB, aMinusB, 1, true, false);
assertRelation(aUnionB, bMinusA, 1, true, false);
assertRelation(aMinusB, loopA, 0, true, false);
assertRelation(aMinusB, loopB, 0, false, false);
assertRelation(aMinusB, aIntersectB, 0, false, false);
assertRelation(aMinusB, aUnionB, 0, true, false);
assertRelation(aMinusB, aMinusB, 1, true, false);
assertRelation(aMinusB, bMinusA, 0, false, true);
assertRelation(bMinusA, loopA, 0, false, false);
assertRelation(bMinusA, loopB, 0, true, false);
assertRelation(bMinusA, aIntersectB, 0, false, false);
assertRelation(bMinusA, aUnionB, 0, true, false);
assertRelation(bMinusA, aMinusB, 0, false, true);
assertRelation(bMinusA, bMinusA, 1, true, false);
* TODO(user, ericv) Fix this test. It fails sporadically.
* <p>
* The problem is not in this test, it is that
* {@link S2#robustCCW(S2Point, S2Point, S2Point)} currently requires
* arbitrary-precision arithmetic to be truly robust. That means it can give
* the wrong answers in cases where we are trying to determine edge
* intersections.
* <p>
* It seems the strictfp modifier here in java (required for correctness in
* other areas of the library) restricts the size of temporary registers,
* causing us to lose some of the precision that the C++ version gets.
* <p>
* This test fails when it randomly chooses a cell loop with nearly colinear
* edges. That's where S2.robustCCW provides the wrong answer. Note that there
* is an attempted workaround in {@link S2Loop#isValid()}, but it
* does not cover all cases.
public void suppressedTestLoopRelations2() {
// Construct polygons consisting of a sequence of adjacent cell ids
// at some fixed level. Comparing two polygons at the same level
// ensures that there are no T-vertices.
for (int iter = 0; iter < 1000; ++iter) {
long num = rand.nextLong();
S2CellId begin = new S2CellId(num | 1);
if (!begin.isValid()) {
begin = begin.parent((int) Math.round(rand.nextDouble() * S2CellId.MAX_LEVEL));
S2CellId aBegin = advance(begin, skewed(6));
S2CellId aEnd = advance(aBegin, skewed(6) + 1);
S2CellId bBegin = advance(begin, skewed(6));
S2CellId bEnd = advance(bBegin, skewed(6) + 1);
if (!aEnd.isValid() || !bEnd.isValid()) {
S2Loop a = makeCellLoop(aBegin, aEnd);
S2Loop b = makeCellLoop(bBegin, bEnd);
boolean contained = (aBegin.lessOrEquals(bBegin) && bEnd.lessOrEquals(aEnd));
boolean intersects = (aBegin.lessThan(bEnd) && bBegin.lessThan(aEnd));
"Checking " + a.numVertices() + " vs. " + b.numVertices() + ", contained = " + contained
+ ", intersects = " + intersects);
assertEquals(contained, a.contains(b));
assertEquals(intersects, a.intersects(b));
* Tests that nearly colinear points pass S2Loop.isValid()
public void testRoundingError() {
S2Point a = new S2Point(-0.9190364081111774, 0.17231932652084575, 0.35451111445694833);
S2Point b = new S2Point(-0.92130667053206, 0.17274500072476123, 0.3483578383756171);
S2Point c = new S2Point(-0.9257244057938284, 0.17357332608634282, 0.3360158106235289);
S2Point d = new S2Point(-0.9278712595449962, 0.17397586116468677, 0.32982923679138537);
assertTrue(S2Loop.isValid(Lists.newArrayList(a, b, c, d)));
* Tests {@link S2Loop#isValid()}.
public void testIsValid() {
* Tests {@link S2Loop#compareTo(S2Loop)}.
public void testComparisons() {
S2Loop abc = makeLoop("0:1, 0:2, 1:2");
S2Loop abcd = makeLoop("0:1, 0:2, 1:2, 1:1");
S2Loop abcde = makeLoop("0:1, 0:2, 1:2, 1:1, 1:0");
assertTrue(abc.compareTo(abcd) < 0);
assertTrue(abc.compareTo(abcde) < 0);
assertTrue(abcd.compareTo(abcde) < 0);
assertTrue(abcd.compareTo(abc) > 0);
assertTrue(abcde.compareTo(abc) > 0);
assertTrue(abcde.compareTo(abcd) > 0);
S2Loop bcda = makeLoop("0:2, 1:2, 1:1, 0:1");
assertEquals(0, abcd.compareTo(bcda));
assertEquals(0, bcda.compareTo(abcd));
S2Loop wxyz = makeLoop("10:11, 10:12, 11:12, 11:11");
assertTrue(abcd.compareTo(wxyz) > 0);
assertTrue(wxyz.compareTo(abcd) < 0);
public void testGetDistance() {
// Error margin since we're doing numerical computations
double epsilon = 1e-15;
// A square with (lat,lng) vertices (0,1), (1,1), (1,2) and (0,2)
// Tests the case where the shortest distance is along a normal to an edge,
// onto a vertex
S2Loop s1 = makeLoop("0:1, 1:1, 1:2, 0:2");
// A square with (lat,lng) vertices (-1,1), (1,1), (1,2) and (-1,2)
// Tests the case where the shortest distance is along a normal to an edge,
// not onto a vertex
S2Loop s2 = makeLoop("-1:1, 1:1, 1:2, -1:2");
// A diamond with (lat,lng) vertices (1,0), (2,1), (3,0) and (2,-1)
// Test the case where the shortest distance is NOT along a normal to an
// edge
S2Loop s3 = makeLoop("1:0, 2:1, 3:0, 2:-1");
// All the vertices should be distance 0
for (int i = 0; i < s1.numVertices(); i++) {
assertEquals(0d, s1.getDistance(s1.vertex(i)).radians(), epsilon);
// A point on one of the edges should be distance 0
assertEquals(0d, s1.getDistance(S2LatLng.fromDegrees(0.5, 1).toPoint()).radians(), epsilon);
// In all three cases, the closest point to the origin is (0,1), which is at
// a distance of 1 degree.
// Note: all of these are intentionally distances measured along the
// equator, since that makes the math significantly simpler. Otherwise, the
// distance wouldn't actually be 1 degree.
S2Point origin = S2LatLng.fromDegrees(0, 0).toPoint();
assertEquals(1d, s1.getDistance(origin).degrees(), epsilon);
assertEquals(1d, s2.getDistance(origin).degrees(), epsilon);
assertEquals(1d, s3.getDistance(origin).degrees(), epsilon);
* This function is useful for debugging.
private void dumpCrossings(S2Loop loop) {
System.out.println("Ortho(v1): " + S2.ortho(loop.vertex(1)));
System.out.printf("Contains(kOrigin): %b\n", loop.contains(S2.origin()));
for (int i = 1; i <= loop.numVertices(); ++i) {
S2Point a = S2.ortho(loop.vertex(i));
S2Point b = loop.vertex(i - 1);
S2Point c = loop.vertex(i + 1);
S2Point o = loop.vertex(i);
System.out.printf("Vertex %d: [%.17g, %.17g, %.17g], "
+ "%d%dR=%d, %d%d%d=%d, R%d%d=%d, inside: %b\n",
i - 1,
S2.robustCCW(b, o, a),
i + 1,
i - 1,
S2.robustCCW(c, o, b),
i + 1,
S2.robustCCW(a, o, c),
S2.orderedCCW(a, b, c, o));
for (int i = 0; i < loop.numVertices() + 2; ++i) {
S2Point orig = S2.origin();
S2Point dest;
if (i < loop.numVertices()) {
dest = loop.vertex(i);
System.out.printf("Origin->%d crosses:", i);
} else {
dest = new S2Point(0, 0, 1);
if (i == loop.numVertices() + 1) {
orig = loop.vertex(1);
System.out.printf("Case %d:", i);
for (int j = 0; j < loop.numVertices(); ++j) {
" " + S2EdgeUtil.edgeOrVertexCrossing(orig, dest, loop.vertex(j), loop.vertex(j + 1)));
for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i += 2) {
System.out.printf("Origin->v1 crossing v%d->v1: ", i);
S2Point a = S2.ortho(loop.vertex(1));
S2Point b = loop.vertex(i);
S2Point c = S2.origin();
S2Point o = loop.vertex(1);
System.out.printf("%d1R=%d, M1%d=%d, R1M=%d, crosses: %b\n",
S2.robustCCW(b, o, a),
S2.robustCCW(c, o, b),
S2.robustCCW(a, o, c),
S2EdgeUtil.edgeOrVertexCrossing(c, o, b, a));