blob: 594c4d9adcfc1716f3c209e19a46cf57a3879863 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Build definitions for Ruy."""
# Helper for ruy_copts().
# Returns warnings flags to use for all ruy code.
def ruy_copts_warnings():
return select({
"@bazel_tools//src/conditions:windows": [
# We run into trouble on Windows toolchains with warning flags,
# as mentioned in the comments below on each flag.
# We could be more aggressive in enabling supported warnings on each
# Windows toolchain, but we compromise with keeping BUILD files simple
# by limiting the number of config_setting's.
"//conditions:default": [
# Some clang-based Windows toolchains have more warnings in -Wextra.
# TensorFlow is C++14 at the moment. This flag ensures that we warn
# on any code that isn't C++14, but MSVC does not support it.
# Warn on preprocessor expansion of an undefined token, e.g. catching
# typos such as `#ifdef __linus__` instead of `#ifdef __linux__`.
# Not supported by MSVC.
# Helper for ruy_copts().
# Returns flags to use to enable NEON if applicable, for all ruy code.
def ruy_copts_neon():
return select({
# OK to crash old devices that lack full NEON support.
# No need to pass -mfloat-abi=softfp, that is already on.
"//ruy:arm32_assuming_neon": [
"//conditions:default": [],
# Helper for ruy_copts().
# Returns optimization flags to use for all ruy code.
def ruy_copts_optimize():
return select({
# On some toolchains, typically mobile, "-c opt" is interpreted by
# default as "optimize for size, not for speed". For Ruy code,
# optimizing for speed is the better compromise, so we override that.
# Careful to keep debug builds debuggable, whence the select based
# on the compilation mode.
"//ruy:optimized": ["-O3"],
"//conditions:default": [],
# Returns compiler flags to use for all ruy code.
def ruy_copts():
return ruy_copts_warnings() + ruy_copts_neon() + ruy_copts_optimize()
def ruy_copts_avx512():
# In some clang-based toolchains, in the default compilation mode (not -c opt),
# heavy spillage in the AVX512 kernels results in stack frames > 50k. This issue does not exist
# in optimized builds (-c opt).
return select({
"//ruy:x86_64": ["$(STACK_FRAME_UNLIMITED)", "-mavx512f", "-mavx512vl", "-mavx512cd", "-mavx512bw", "-mavx512dq"],
"//conditions:default": [],
def ruy_copts_avx2():
return select({
"//ruy:x86_64": ["-mavx2", "-mfma"],
"//conditions:default": [],