blob: a275f0d3f6924e232d38100a9ecd199def0ba6b8 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import inspect
import random
import readline
import socket
import sys
import time
import struct
import asyncio
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
def encode_position(x: int, y: int, z: int, yaw: int, pitch: int, roll: int) -> bytes:
return (struct.pack('<h', x)
+ struct.pack('<h', y)
+ struct.pack('<h', z)
+ struct.pack('<h', yaw)
+ struct.pack('<b', pitch)
+ struct.pack('<h', roll))
def encode_session_id(session_id: str) -> bytes:
return int(session_id).to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')
def encode_short_mac_address(mac_address: str) -> bytes:
return int(mac_address).to_bytes(2, byteorder='little')
def encode_mac_address(mac_address: str) -> bytes:
return int(mac_address).to_bytes(8, byteorder='little')
def encode_tlv(typ: int, value: bytes):
return bytes([typ, len(value)]) + value if len(value) > 0 else bytes([])
class TLV:
def __init__(self):
self.count = 0
self.buffer = bytes()
def append(self, tag: int, value: bytes):
if len(value) > 0:
self.count += 1
self.buffer += encode_tlv(tag, value)
def len(self) -> int:
return len(self.buffer) + 1
def encode(self) -> bytes:
return bytes([self.count]) + self.buffer
class Device:
def __init__(self, reader, writer):
self.reader = reader
self.writer = writer
def _send_command(self, group_id: int, opcode_id: int, payload: bytes):
"""Sends a UCI command without fragmentation"""
command = bytes([0x20 | group_id, opcode_id, 0, len(payload)]) + payload
def raw(self,
group_id: str = "0",
opcode_id: str = "0",
payload_size: str = "0",
"""Send raw commands with random payload."""
int(group_id), int(opcode_id),
def pica_init_device(
mac_address: str = '0',
x: str = "0",
y: str = "0",
z: str = "0",
yaw: str = "0",
pitch: str = "0",
roll: str = "0",
"""Init Pica device"""
self._send_command(9, 0,
encode_mac_address(mac_address) +
encode_position(int(x), int(y), int(z), int(yaw), int(pitch), int(roll)))
def pica_set_device_position(
x: str = "0",
y: str = "0",
z: str = "0",
yaw: str = "0",
pitch: str = "0",
roll: str = "0",
"""Set Pica device position"""
self._send_command(9, 1,
encode_position(int(x), int(y), int(z), int(yaw), int(pitch), int(roll)))
def pica_create_beacon(
mac_address: str = '0',
x: str = "0",
y: str = "0",
z: str = "0",
yaw: str = "0",
pitch: str = "0",
roll: str = "0",
"""Create a Pica beacon"""
self._send_command(9, 2,
encode_mac_address(mac_address) +
encode_position(int(x), int(y), int(z), int(yaw), int(pitch), int(roll)))
def pica_set_beacon_position(
mac_address: str = '0',
x: str = "0",
y: str = "0",
z: str = "0",
yaw: str = "0",
pitch: str = "0",
roll: str = "0",
"""Set Pica beacon position"""
self._send_command(9, 3,
encode_mac_address(mac_address) +
encode_position(int(x), int(y), int(z), int(yaw), int(pitch), int(roll)))
def pica_destroy_beacon(
mac_address: str = '0',
"""Set Pica beacon position"""
self._send_command(9, 4,
def device_reset(self, **kargs):
"""Reset the UWBS."""
self._send_command(0, 0, bytes([0x0]))
def get_device_info(self, **kargs):
"""Retrieve the device information like (UCI version and other vendor specific info)."""
self._send_command(0, 2, bytes([]))
def get_caps_info(self, **kargs):
"""Get the capability of the UWBS."""
self._send_command(0, 3, bytes([]))
def set_config(self, low_power_mode: str = '0', **kargs):
"""Set the configuration parameters on the UWBS."""
self._send_command(0, 4, bytes([1, 1, 1, int(low_power_mode)]))
def get_config(self, **kargs):
"""Retrieve the current configuration parameter(s) of the UWBS."""
self._send_command(0, 5, bytes([2, 0, 1]))
def session_init(self, session_id: str = '0', **kargs):
"""Initialize the session"""
self._send_command(1, 0,
int(session_id).to_bytes(4, byteorder='little') + bytes([0x0]))
def session_deinit(self, session_id: str = '0', **kargs):
"""Deinitialize the session"""
self._send_command(1, 1, encode_session_id(session_id))
def session_set_app_config(
session_id: str = '0',
ranging_interval: str = '200',
dst_mac_addresses: str = '',
"""set APP Configuration Parameters for the requested UWB session."""
encoded_dst_mac_addresses = bytes()
dst_mac_addresses_count = 0
for mac_address in dst_mac_addresses.split(','):
if len(mac_address) > 0:
dst_mac_addresses_count += 1
encoded_dst_mac_addresses += int(mac_address).to_bytes(8, byteorder='little')
configs = TLV()
configs.append(0x26, bytes([0x2])) # MAC Address Mode #2
configs.append(0x5, bytes([dst_mac_addresses_count]))
configs.append(0x9, int(ranging_interval).to_bytes(4, byteorder='little'))
configs.append(0x7, encoded_dst_mac_addresses)
self._send_command(1, 3,
encode_session_id(session_id) +
def session_get_app_config(self, session_id: str = '0', **kargs):
"""retrieve the current APP Configuration Parameters of the requested UWB session."""
self._send_command(1, 4,
encode_session_id(session_id) +
bytes([1, 0x9]))
def session_get_count(self, **kargs):
"""Retrieve number of UWB sessions in the UWBS."""
self._send_command(1, 5, bytes([]))
def session_get_state(self, session_id: str = '0', **kargs):
"""Query the current state of the UWB session."""
self._send_command(1, 6, encode_session_id(session_id))
def session_update_controller_multicast_list(
session_id: str = '0',
action: str = 'add',
mac_address: str = '0',
subsession_id: str = '0',
"""Update the controller multicast list."""
if action == 'add':
encoded_action = bytes([0])
elif action == 'remove':
encoded_action = bytes([1])
print(f"Unexpected action: '{action}', expected add or remove")
self._send_command(1, 7,
encode_session_id(session_id) +
encoded_action +
bytes([1]) +
encode_short_mac_address(mac_address) +
def range_start(self, session_id: str = '0', **kargs):
"""start a UWB session."""
self._send_command(2, 0, encode_session_id(session_id))
def range_stop(self, session_id: str = '0', **kargs):
"""Stop a UWB session."""
self._send_command(2, 1, encode_session_id(session_id))
def get_ranging_count(self, session_id: str = '0', **kargs):
"""Get the number of times ranging has been attempted during the ranging session.."""
self._send_command(2, 3, encode_session_id(session_id))
async def read_responses_and_notifications(self):
def chunks(l, n):
for i in range(0, len(l), n):
yield l[i:i + n]
packet = bytes()
buffer = bytes()
expect = 4
have_header = False
while True:
chunk = await
# Disconnected from Pica
if len(chunk) == 0:
# Waiting for more bytes
buffer += chunk
if len(buffer) < expect:
packet += buffer
buffer = bytes()
if not have_header:
have_header = True
expect = packet[3]
# Format and print raw response data
txt = '\n '.join([
' '.join(['{:02x}'.format(b) for b in shard]) for
shard in chunks(packet, 16)])
command_buffer = readline.get_line_buffer()
print('\r', end='')
print(f'Received UCI packet [{len(packet)}]:')
print(f' {txt}')
# uci_packet = uci_packets.UciPacket.parse(packet)
# print.pprint(uci_packet, compact=False)
print(f'--> {command_buffer}', end='', flush=True)
packet = bytes()
have_header = False
expect = 4
async def ainput(prompt: str = ''):
with ThreadPoolExecutor(1, 'ainput') as executor:
return (await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(executor, input, prompt)).rstrip()
async def get_stream_reader(pipe) -> asyncio.StreamReader:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
reader = asyncio.StreamReader(loop=loop)
protocol = asyncio.StreamReaderProtocol(reader)
await loop.connect_read_pipe(lambda: protocol, pipe)
return reader
async def command_line(device: Device):
commands = {
'pica_init_device': device.pica_init_device,
'pica_set_device_position': device.pica_set_device_position,
'pica_create_beacon': device.pica_create_beacon,
'pica_set_beacon_position': device.pica_set_beacon_position,
'pica_destroy_beacon': device.pica_destroy_beacon,
'device_reset': device.device_reset,
'get_device_info': device.get_device_info,
'get_config': device.get_config,
'set_config': device.set_config,
'get_caps_info': device.get_caps_info,
'session_init': device.session_init,
'session_deinit': device.session_deinit,
'session_set_app_config': device.session_set_app_config,
'session_get_app_config': device.session_get_app_config,
'session_get_count': device.session_get_count,
'session_get_state': device.session_get_state,
'session_update_controller_multicast_list': device.session_update_controller_multicast_list,
'range_start': device.range_start,
'range_stop': device.range_stop,
'get_ranging_count': device.get_ranging_count,
'raw': device.raw,
def usage():
for (cmd, func) in commands.items():
print(f' {cmd.ljust(32)}{func.__doc__}')
def complete(text, state):
tokens = readline.get_line_buffer().split()
if not tokens or readline.get_line_buffer()[-1] == ' ':
# Writing a command name, complete to ' '
if len(tokens) == 1:
results = [cmd + ' ' for cmd in commands.keys() if
# Writing a keyword argument, no completion
elif '=' in tokens[-1]:
results = []
# Writing a keyword name, but unknown command, no completion
elif tokens[0] not in commands:
results = []
# Writing a keyword name, complete to '='
sig = inspect.signature(commands[tokens[0]])
names = [name for (name, p) in sig.parameters.items()
if (p.kind == inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD or
p.kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY)]
results = [name + '=' for name in names if name.startswith(tokens[-1])]
results += [None]
return results[state]
# Configure readline
readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
while True:
cmd = await ainput('--> ')
[cmd, *params] = cmd.split(' ')
args = []
kargs = dict()
for param in params:
if len(param) == 0:
elif '=' in param:
[key, value] = param.split('=')
kargs[key] = value
if cmd in ['quit', 'q']:
if cmd not in commands:
print(f'Undefined command {cmd}')
commands[cmd](*args, **kargs)
async def main():
# Connect to Pica
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection('', 7000)
except Exception as exn:
'Failed to connect to Pica server\n' +
'Make sure the server is running locally on port 7000')
# Start input and receive loops
device = Device(reader, writer)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
await command_line(device)
if __name__ == '__main__':