blob: 4c0f3c94c2b44bde00375be5c5fa9a11b3be2150 [file] [log] [blame]
//! This library provides a **safe** mechanism for calling C++ code from Rust
//! and Rust code from C++, not subject to the many ways that things can go
//! wrong when using bindgen or cbindgen to generate unsafe C-style bindings.
//! This doesn't change the fact that 100% of C++ code is unsafe. When auditing
//! a project, you would be on the hook for auditing all the unsafe Rust code
//! and *all* the C++ code. The core safety claim under this new model is that
//! auditing just the C++ side would be sufficient to catch all problems, i.e.
//! the Rust side can be 100% safe.
//! <br>
//! *Compiler support: requires rustc 1.42+ (beta on January 30, stable on March
//! 12)*
//! <br>
//! # Overview
//! The idea is that we define the signatures of both sides of our FFI boundary
//! embedded together in one Rust module (the next section shows an example).
//! From this, CXX receives a complete picture of the boundary to perform static
//! analyses against the types and function signatures to uphold both Rust's and
//! C++'s invariants and requirements.
//! If everything checks out statically, then CXX uses a pair of code generators
//! to emit the relevant `extern "C"` signatures on both sides together with any
//! necessary static assertions for later in the build process to verify
//! correctness. On the Rust side this code generator is simply an attribute
//! procedural macro. On the C++ side it can be a small Cargo build script if
//! your build is managed by Cargo, or for other build systems like Bazel or
//! Buck we provide a command line tool which generates the header and source
//! file and should be easy to integrate.
//! The resulting FFI bridge operates at zero or negligible overhead, i.e. no
//! copying, no serialization, no memory allocation, no runtime checks needed.
//! The FFI signatures are able to use native types from whichever side they
//! please, such as Rust's `String` or C++'s `std::string`, Rust's `Box` or
//! C++'s `std::unique_ptr`, Rust's `Vec` or C++'s `std::vector`, etc in any
//! combination. CXX guarantees an ABI-compatible signature that both sides
//! understand, based on builtin bindings for key standard library types to
//! expose an idiomatic API on those types to the other language. For example
//! when manipulating a C++ string from Rust, its `len()` method becomes a call
//! of the `size()` member function defined by C++; when manipulation a Rust
//! string from C++, its `size()` member function calls Rust's `len()`.
//! <br>
//! # Example
//! A runnable version of this example is provided under the *demo-rs* directory
//! of (with the C++ side of the implementation
//! in the *demo-cxx* directory). To try it out, jump into demo-rs and run
//! `cargo run`.
//! ```no_run
//! #[cxx::bridge]
//! mod ffi {
//! // Any shared structs, whose fields will be visible to both languages.
//! struct SharedThing {
//! z: i32,
//! y: Box<ThingR>,
//! x: UniquePtr<ThingC>,
//! }
//! extern "C" {
//! // One or more headers with the matching C++ declarations. Our code
//! // generators don't read it but it gets #include'd and used in static
//! // assertions to ensure our picture of the FFI boundary is accurate.
//! include!("demo-cxx/demo.h");
//! // Zero or more opaque types which both languages can pass around but
//! // only C++ can see the fields.
//! type ThingC;
//! // Functions implemented in C++.
//! fn make_demo(appname: &str) -> UniquePtr<ThingC>;
//! fn get_name(thing: &ThingC) -> &CxxString;
//! fn do_thing(state: SharedThing);
//! }
//! extern "Rust" {
//! // Zero or more opaque types which both languages can pass around but
//! // only Rust can see the fields.
//! type ThingR;
//! // Functions implemented in Rust.
//! fn print_r(r: &ThingR);
//! }
//! }
//! #
//! # pub struct ThingR(usize);
//! #
//! # fn print_r(r: &ThingR) {
//! # println!("called back with r={}", r.0);
//! # }
//! #
//! # fn main() {}
//! ```
//! Now we simply provide C++ definitions of all the things in the `extern "C"`
//! block and Rust definitions of all the things in the `extern "Rust"` block,
//! and get to call back and forth safely.
//! Here are links to the complete set of source files involved in the demo:
//! - [demo-rs/src/](
//! - [demo-rs/](
//! - [demo-cxx/demo.h](
//! - [demo-cxx/](
//! To look at the code generated in both languages for the example by the CXX
//! code generators:
//! ```console
//! # run Rust code generator and print to stdout
//! # (requires
//! $ cargo expand --manifest-path demo-rs/Cargo.toml
//! # run C++ code generator and print to stdout
//! $ cargo run --manifest-path cmd/Cargo.toml -- demo-rs/src/
//! ```
//! <br>
//! # Details
//! As seen in the example, the language of the FFI boundary involves 3 kinds of
//! items:
//! - **Shared structs** &mdash; their fields are made visible to both
//! languages. The definition written within cxx::bridge is the single source
//! of truth.
//! - **Opaque types** &mdash; their fields are secret from the other language.
//! These cannot be passed across the FFI by value but only behind an
//! indirection, such as a reference `&`, a Rust `Box`, or a `UniquePtr`. Can
//! be a type alias for an arbitrarily complicated generic language-specific
//! type depending on your use case.
//! - **Functions** &mdash; implemented in either language, callable from the
//! other language.
//! Within the `extern "C"` part of the CXX bridge we list the types and
//! functions for which C++ is the source of truth, as well as the header(s)
//! that declare those APIs. In the future it's possible that this section could
//! be generated bindgen-style from the headers but for now we need the
//! signatures written out; static assertions will verify that they are
//! accurate.
//! Within the `extern "Rust"` part, we list types and functions for which Rust
//! is the source of truth. These all implicitly refer to the `super` module,
//! the parent module of the CXX bridge. You can think of the two items listed
//! in the example above as being like `use super::ThingR` and `use
//! super::print_r` except re-exported to C++. The parent module will either
//! contain the definitions directly for simple things, or contain the relevant
//! `use` statements to bring them into scope from elsewhere.
//! Your function implementations themselves, whether in C++ or Rust, *do not*
//! need to be defined as `extern "C"` ABI or no\_mangle. CXX will put in the
//! right shims where necessary to make it all work.
//! <br>
//! # Comparison vs bindgen and cbindgen
//! Notice that with CXX there is repetition of all the function signatures:
//! they are typed out once where the implementation is defined (in C++ or Rust)
//! and again inside the cxx::bridge module, though compile-time assertions
//! guarantee these are kept in sync. This is different from [bindgen] and
//! [cbindgen] where function signatures are typed by a human once and the tool
//! consumes them in one language and emits them in the other language.
//! [bindgen]:
//! [cbindgen]:
//! This is because CXX fills a somewhat different role. It is a lower level
//! tool than bindgen or cbindgen in a sense; you can think of it as being a
//! replacement for the concept of `extern "C"` signatures as we know them,
//! rather than a replacement for a bindgen. It would be reasonable to build a
//! higher level bindgen-like tool on top of CXX which consumes a C++ header
//! and/or Rust module (and/or IDL like Thrift) as source of truth and generates
//! the cxx::bridge, eliminating the repetition while leveraging the static
//! analysis safety guarantees of CXX.
//! But note in other ways CXX is higher level than the bindgens, with rich
//! support for common standard library types. Frequently with bindgen when we
//! are dealing with an idiomatic C++ API we would end up manually wrapping that
//! API in C-style raw pointer functions, applying bindgen to get unsafe raw
//! pointer Rust functions, and replicating the API again to expose those
//! idiomatically in Rust. That's a much worse form of repetition because it is
//! unsafe all the way through.
//! By using a CXX bridge as the shared understanding between the languages,
//! rather than `extern "C"` C-style signatures as the shared understanding,
//! common FFI use cases become expressible using 100% safe code.
//! It would also be reasonable to mix and match, using CXX bridge for the 95%
//! of your FFI that is straightforward and doing the remaining few oddball
//! signatures the old fashioned way with bindgen and cbindgen, if for some
//! reason CXX's static restrictions get in the way. Please file an issue if you
//! end up taking this approach so that we know what ways it would be worthwhile
//! to make the tool more expressive.
//! <br>
//! # Cargo-based setup
//! For builds that are orchestrated by Cargo, you will use a build script that
//! runs CXX's C++ code generator and compiles the resulting C++ code along with
//! any other C++ code for your crate.
//! The canonical build script is as follows. The indicated line returns a
//! [`cc::Build`] instance (from the usual widely used `cc` crate) on which you
//! can set up any additional source files and compiler flags as normal.
//! [`cc::Build`]:
//! ```no_run
//! //
//! fn main() {
//! cxx::Build::new()
//! .bridge("src/") // returns a cc::Build
//! .file("../demo-cxx/")
//! .flag("-std=c++11")
//! .compile("cxxbridge-demo");
//! println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=src/");
//! println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=../demo-cxx/demo.h");
//! println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=../demo-cxx/");
//! }
//! ```
//! <br><br>
//! # Non-Cargo setup
//! For use in non-Cargo builds like Bazel or Buck, CXX provides an alternate
//! way of invoking the C++ code generator as a standalone command line tool.
//! The tool is packaged as the `cxxbridge-cmd` crate on or can be
//! built from the *cmd* directory of
//! ```bash
//! $ cargo install cxxbridge-cmd
//! $ cxxbridge src/ --header > path/to/mybridge.h
//! $ cxxbridge src/ > path/to/
//! ```
//! <br>
//! # Safety
//! Be aware that the design of this library is intentionally restrictive and
//! opinionated! It isn't a goal to be powerful enough to handle arbitrary
//! signatures in either language. Instead this project is about carving out a
//! reasonably expressive set of functionality about which we can make useful
//! safety guarantees today and maybe extend over time. You may find that it
//! takes some practice to use CXX bridge effectively as it won't work in all
//! the ways that you are used to.
//! Some of the considerations that go into ensuring safety are:
//! - By design, our paired code generators work together to control both sides
//! of the FFI boundary. Ordinarily in Rust writing your own `extern "C"`
//! blocks is unsafe because the Rust compiler has no way to know whether the
//! signatures you've written actually match the signatures implemented in the
//! other language. With CXX we achieve that visibility and know what's on the
//! other side.
//! - Our static analysis detects and prevents passing types by value that
//! shouldn't be passed by value from C++ to Rust, for example because they
//! may contain internal pointers that would be screwed up by Rust's move
//! behavior.
//! - To many people's surprise, it is possible to have a struct in Rust and a
//! struct in C++ with exactly the same layout / fields / alignment /
//! everything, and still not the same ABI when passed by value. This is a
//! longstanding bindgen bug that leads to segfaults in absolutely
//! correct-looking code ([rust-lang/rust-bindgen#778]). CXX knows about this
//! and can insert the necessary zero-cost workaround transparently where
//! needed, so go ahead and pass your structs by value without worries. This
//! is made possible by owning both sides of the boundary rather than just
//! one.
//! - Template instantiations: for example in order to expose a UniquePtr\<T\>
//! type in Rust backed by a real C++ unique\_ptr, we have a way of using a
//! Rust trait to connect the behavior back to the template instantiations
//! performed by the other language.
//! [rust-lang/rust-bindgen#778]:
//! <br>
//! # Builtin types
//! In addition to all the primitive types (i32 ⟷ int32_t), the following common
//! types may be used in the fields of shared structs and the arguments and
//! returns of functions.
//! <table>
//! <tr><th>name in Rust</th><th>name in C++</th><th>restrictions</th></tr>
//! <tr><td>String</td><td>cxxbridge::RustString</td><td></td></tr>
//! <tr><td>&amp;str</td><td>cxxbridge::RustStr</td><td></td></tr>
//! <tr><td><a href="">CxxString</a></td><td>std::string</td><td><sup><i>cannot be passed by value</i></sup></td></tr>
//! <tr><td>Box&lt;T&gt;</td><td>cxxbridge::RustBox&lt;T&gt;</td><td><sup><i>cannot hold opaque C++ type</i></sup></td></tr>
//! <tr><td><a href="">UniquePtr&lt;T&gt;</a></td><td>std::unique_ptr&lt;T&gt;</td><td><sup><i>cannot hold opaque Rust type</i></sup></td></tr>
//! <tr><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>
//! </table>
//! The C++ API of the `cxxbridge` namespace is defined by the
//! *include/cxxbridge.h* file in You will need
//! to include this header in your C++ code when working with those types.
//! The following types are intended to be supported "soon" but are just not
//! implemented yet. I don't expect any of these to be hard to make work but
//! it's a matter of designing a nice API for each in its non-native language.
//! <table>
//! <tr><th>name in Rust</th><th>name in C++</th></tr>
//! <tr><td>&amp;[T]</td><td><sup><i>tbd</i></sup></td></tr>
//! <tr><td>Vec&lt;T&gt;</td><td><sup><i>tbd</i></sup></td></tr>
//! <tr><td>BTreeMap&lt;K, V&gt;</td><td><sup><i>tbd</i></sup></td></tr>
//! <tr><td>HashMap&lt;K, V&gt;</td><td><sup><i>tbd</i></sup></td></tr>
//! <tr><td><sup><i>tbd</i></sup></td><td>std::vector&lt;T&gt;</td></tr>
//! <tr><td><sup><i>tbd</i></sup></td><td>std::map&lt;K, V&gt;</td></tr>
//! <tr><td><sup><i>tbd</i></sup></td><td>std::unordered_map&lt;K, V&gt;</td></tr>
//! </table>
extern crate link_cplusplus;
mod cxx_string;
mod error;
mod gen;
mod opaque;
mod paths;
mod rust_str;
mod rust_string;
mod syntax;
mod unique_ptr;
mod unwind;
pub use crate::cxx_string::CxxString;
pub use crate::unique_ptr::UniquePtr;
pub use cxxbridge_macro::bridge;
// Not public API.
pub mod private {
pub use crate::opaque::Opaque;
pub use crate::rust_str::RustStr;
pub use crate::rust_string::RustString;
pub use crate::unique_ptr::UniquePtrTarget;
pub use crate::unwind::catch_unwind;
use crate::error::Result;
use anyhow::anyhow;
use std::fs;
use std::io::{self, Write};
use std::path::Path;
use std::process;
/// The CXX code generator for constructing and compiling C++ code.
/// This is intended to be used from Cargo build scripts to execute CXX's
/// C++ code generator, set up any additional compiler flags depending on
/// the use case, and make the C++ compiler invocation.
/// <br>
/// # Example
/// Example of a canonical Cargo build script that builds a CXX bridge:
/// ```no_run
/// //
/// fn main() {
/// cxx::Build::new()
/// .bridge("src/")
/// .file("../demo-cxx/")
/// .flag("-std=c++11")
/// .compile("cxxbridge-demo");
/// println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=src/");
/// println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=../demo-cxx/demo.h");
/// println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=../demo-cxx/");
/// }
/// ```
/// A runnable working setup with this build script is shown in the
/// *demo-rs* and *demo-cxx* directories of
/// [](
/// <br>
/// # Alternatives
/// For use in non-Cargo builds like Bazel or Buck, CXX provides an
/// alternate way of invoking the C++ code generator as a standalone command
/// line tool. The tool is packaged as the `cxxbridge-cmd` crate.
/// ```bash
/// $ cargo install cxxbridge-cmd # or build it from the repo
/// $ cxxbridge src/ --header > path/to/mybridge.h
/// $ cxxbridge src/ > path/to/
/// ```
pub struct Build {
_private: (),
impl Build {
/// Begin with a [`cc::Build`] in its default configuration.
pub fn new() -> Self {
Build { _private: () }
/// This returns a [`cc::Build`] on which you should continue to set up
/// any additional source files or compiler flags, and lastly call its
/// [`compile`] method to execute the C++ build.
/// [`compile`]:
pub fn bridge(&self, rust_source_file: impl AsRef<Path>) -> cc::Build {
match try_generate_bridge(rust_source_file.as_ref()) {
Ok(build) => build,
Err(err) => {
let _ = writeln!(io::stderr(), "\n\ncxxbridge error: {:?}\n\n", anyhow!(err));
fn try_generate_bridge(rust_source_file: &Path) -> Result<cc::Build> {
let header = gen::do_generate_header(rust_source_file);
let header_path = paths::out_with_extension(rust_source_file, ".h")?;
fs::write(&header_path, header)?;
paths::symlink_header(&header_path, rust_source_file);
let bridge = gen::do_generate_bridge(rust_source_file);
let bridge_path = paths::out_with_extension(rust_source_file, ".cc")?;
fs::write(&bridge_path, bridge)?;
let mut build = paths::cc_build();
let ref cxxbridge_h = paths::include_dir()?.join("cxxbridge").join("cxxbridge.h");
let _ = fs::create_dir_all(cxxbridge_h.parent().unwrap());
let _ = fs::remove_file(cxxbridge_h);
let _ = fs::write(cxxbridge_h, gen::include::HEADER);