blob: 6456200c77bc8a21e5fe897e92ce8aeb09957800 [file] [log] [blame]
//! The CXX code generator for constructing and compiling C++ code.
//! This is intended as a mechanism for embedding the `cxx` crate into
//! higher-level code generators. See [dtolnay/cxx#235] and
//! [].
//! [dtolnay/cxx#235]:
//! []:
mod error;
mod gen;
mod syntax;
pub use crate::error::Error;
pub use crate::gen::{GeneratedCode, Opt};
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
/// Generate C++ bindings code from a Rust token stream. This should be a Rust
/// token stream which somewhere contains a `#[cxx::bridge] mod {}`.
pub fn generate_header_and_cc(rust_source: TokenStream, opt: &Opt) -> Result<GeneratedCode, Error> {
let syntax = syn::parse2(rust_source)
gen::generate(syntax, opt).map_err(Error::from)