blob: 0095666f5a5bc4b070e2c09a56a83b3568e7428c [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::error::{Error, Result};
use crate::gen::fs;
use crate::paths;
use std::path::{Component, Path, PathBuf};
use std::{env, io};
pub(crate) fn write(path: impl AsRef<Path>, content: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
let path = path.as_ref();
let mut create_dir_error = None;
if fs::exists(path) {
if let Ok(existing) = fs::read(path) {
if existing == content {
// Avoid bumping modified time with unchanged contents.
return Ok(());
} else {
let parent = path.parent().unwrap();
create_dir_error = fs::create_dir_all(parent).err();
match fs::write(path, content) {
// As long as write succeeded, ignore any create_dir_all error.
Ok(()) => Ok(()),
// If create_dir_all and write both failed, prefer the first error.
Err(err) => Err(Error::Fs(create_dir_error.unwrap_or(err))),
pub(crate) fn relative_symlink_file(
original: impl AsRef<Path>,
link: impl AsRef<Path>,
) -> Result<()> {
let original = original.as_ref();
let link = link.as_ref();
let parent_directory_error = prepare_parent_directory_for_symlink(link).err();
let relativized = best_effort_relativize_symlink(original, link);
symlink_file(&relativized, original, link, parent_directory_error)
pub(crate) fn absolute_symlink_file(
original: impl AsRef<Path>,
link: impl AsRef<Path>,
) -> Result<()> {
let original = original.as_ref();
let link = link.as_ref();
let parent_directory_error = prepare_parent_directory_for_symlink(link).err();
symlink_file(original, original, link, parent_directory_error)
pub(crate) fn relative_symlink_dir(
original: impl AsRef<Path>,
link: impl AsRef<Path>,
) -> Result<()> {
let original = original.as_ref();
let link = link.as_ref();
let parent_directory_error = prepare_parent_directory_for_symlink(link).err();
let relativized = best_effort_relativize_symlink(original, link);
symlink_dir(&relativized, link, parent_directory_error)
fn prepare_parent_directory_for_symlink(link: &Path) -> fs::Result<()> {
if fs::exists(link) {
} else {
let parent = link.parent().unwrap();
fn symlink_file(
path_for_symlink: &Path,
path_for_copy: &Path,
link: &Path,
parent_directory_error: Option<fs::Error>,
) -> Result<()> {
match paths::symlink_or_copy(path_for_symlink, path_for_copy, link) {
// As long as symlink_or_copy succeeded, ignore any create_dir_all error.
Ok(()) => Ok(()),
Err(err) => {
if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists {
// This is fine, a different simultaneous build script already
// created the same link or copy. The cxx_build target directory
// is laid out such that the same path never refers to two
// different targets during the same multi-crate build, so if
// some other build script already created the same path then we
// know it refers to the identical target that the current build
// script was trying to create.
} else {
// If create_dir_all and symlink_or_copy both failed, prefer the
// first error.
fn symlink_dir(
path_for_symlink: &Path,
link: &Path,
parent_directory_error: Option<fs::Error>,
) -> Result<()> {
match fs::symlink_dir(path_for_symlink, link) {
// As long as symlink_dir succeeded, ignore any create_dir_all error.
Ok(()) => Ok(()),
// If create_dir_all and symlink_dir both failed, prefer the first error.
Err(err) => Err(Error::Fs(parent_directory_error.unwrap_or(err))),
fn best_effort_remove(path: &Path) {
use std::fs;
if cfg!(windows) {
// On Windows, the correct choice of remove_file vs remove_dir needs to
// be used according to what the symlink *points to*. Trying to use
// remove_file to remove a symlink which points to a directory fails
// with "Access is denied".
if let Ok(metadata) = fs::metadata(path) {
if metadata.is_dir() {
let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(path);
} else {
let _ = fs::remove_file(path);
} else if fs::symlink_metadata(path).is_ok() {
// The symlink might exist but be dangling, in which case there is
// no standard way to determine what "kind" of symlink it is. Try
// deleting both ways.
if fs::remove_dir_all(path).is_err() {
let _ = fs::remove_file(path);
} else {
// On non-Windows, we check metadata not following symlinks. All
// symlinks are removed using remove_file.
if let Ok(metadata) = fs::symlink_metadata(path) {
if metadata.is_dir() {
let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(path);
} else {
let _ = fs::remove_file(path);
fn best_effort_relativize_symlink(original: impl AsRef<Path>, link: impl AsRef<Path>) -> PathBuf {
let original = original.as_ref();
let link = link.as_ref();
let relative_path = match abstractly_relativize_symlink(original, link) {
Some(relative_path) => relative_path,
None => return original.to_path_buf(),
// Sometimes "a/b/../c" refers to a different canonical location than "a/c".
// This can happen if 'b' is a symlink. The '..' canonicalizes to the parent
// directory of the symlink's target, not back to 'a'. In cxx-build's case
// someone could be using `--target-dir` with a location containing such
// symlinks.
if let Ok(original_canonical) = original.canonicalize() {
if let Ok(relative_canonical) = link.parent().unwrap().join(&relative_path).canonicalize() {
if original_canonical == relative_canonical {
return relative_path;
fn abstractly_relativize_symlink(
original: impl AsRef<Path>,
link: impl AsRef<Path>,
) -> Option<PathBuf> {
let original = original.as_ref();
let link = link.as_ref();
// Relativization only makes sense if there is a semantically meaningful
// base directory shared between the two paths.
// For example /Volumes/code/library/src/
// and /Volumes/code/library/target/path/to/something.a
// have a meaningful shared base of /Volumes/code/library. The target and
// source directory only likely ever get relocated as one unit.
// On the other hand, /Volumes/code/library/src/
// and /Volumes/shared_target
// do not, since upon moving library to a different location it should
// continue referring to the original location of that shared Cargo target
// directory.
let likely_no_semantic_prefix = env::var_os("CARGO_TARGET_DIR").is_some();
if likely_no_semantic_prefix
|| original.is_relative()
|| link.is_relative()
|| path_contains_intermediate_components(original)
|| path_contains_intermediate_components(link)
return None;
let (common_prefix, rest_of_original, rest_of_link) = split_after_common_prefix(original, link);
if common_prefix == Path::new("") {
return None;
let mut rest_of_link = rest_of_link.components();
.expect("original can't be a subdirectory of link");
let mut path_to_common_prefix = PathBuf::new();
while rest_of_link.next_back().is_some() {
fn path_contains_intermediate_components(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> bool {
.any(|component| component == Component::ParentDir)
fn split_after_common_prefix<'first, 'second>(
first: &'first Path,
second: &'second Path,
) -> (&'first Path, &'first Path, &'second Path) {
let entire_first = first;
let mut first = first.components();
let mut second = second.components();
loop {
let rest_of_first = first.as_path();
let rest_of_second = second.as_path();
match (, {
(Some(first_component), Some(second_component))
if first_component == second_component => {}
_ => {
let mut common_prefix = entire_first;
for _ in rest_of_first.components().rev() {
if let Some(parent) = common_prefix.parent() {
common_prefix = parent;
} else {
common_prefix = Path::new("");
return (common_prefix, rest_of_first, rest_of_second);
mod tests {
use crate::out::abstractly_relativize_symlink;
use std::path::Path;
fn test_relativize_symlink_unix() {
abstractly_relativize_symlink("/foo/bar/baz", "/foo/spam/eggs").as_deref(),
abstractly_relativize_symlink("/foo/bar/../baz", "/foo/spam/eggs"),
abstractly_relativize_symlink("/foo/bar/baz", "/foo/spam/./eggs").as_deref(),
fn test_relativize_symlink_windows() {
use std::path::PathBuf;
let windows_target = PathBuf::from_iter(["c:\\", "windows", "foo"]);
let windows_link = PathBuf::from_iter(["c:\\", "users", "link"]);
let windows_different_volume_link = PathBuf::from_iter(["d:\\", "users", "link"]);
abstractly_relativize_symlink(&windows_target, windows_link).as_deref(),
abstractly_relativize_symlink(&windows_target, windows_different_volume_link),