blob: ef2e5e6e8811c21c4c823e1a1cce914d37526a16 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::syntax::atom::Atom::{self, *};
use crate::syntax::improper::ImproperCtype;
use crate::syntax::report::Errors;
use crate::syntax::set::OrderedSet as Set;
use crate::syntax::{
toposort, Api, Derive, Enum, ExternFn, ExternType, Impl, Pair, ResolvableName, Struct, Type,
use proc_macro2::Ident;
use quote::ToTokens;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap as Map, HashSet as UnorderedSet};
pub struct Types<'a> {
pub all: Set<&'a Type>,
pub structs: Map<&'a Ident, &'a Struct>,
pub enums: Map<&'a Ident, &'a Enum>,
pub cxx: Set<&'a Ident>,
pub rust: Set<&'a Ident>,
pub aliases: Map<&'a Ident, &'a TypeAlias>,
pub untrusted: Map<&'a Ident, &'a ExternType>,
pub required_trivial: Map<&'a Ident, TrivialReason<'a>>,
pub explicit_impls: Set<&'a Impl>,
pub resolutions: Map<&'a Ident, &'a Pair>,
pub struct_improper_ctypes: UnorderedSet<&'a Ident>,
pub toposorted_structs: Vec<&'a Struct>,
impl<'a> Types<'a> {
pub fn collect(cx: &mut Errors, apis: &'a [Api]) -> Self {
let mut all = Set::new();
let mut structs = Map::new();
let mut enums = Map::new();
let mut cxx = Set::new();
let mut rust = Set::new();
let mut aliases = Map::new();
let mut untrusted = Map::new();
let mut explicit_impls = Set::new();
let mut resolutions = Map::new();
let struct_improper_ctypes = UnorderedSet::new();
let toposorted_structs = Vec::new();
fn visit<'a>(all: &mut Set<&'a Type>, ty: &'a Type) {
match ty {
Type::Ident(_) | Type::Str(_) | Type::Void(_) | Type::SliceRefU8(_) => {}
| Type::UniquePtr(ty)
| Type::CxxVector(ty)
| Type::RustVec(ty) => visit(all, &ty.inner),
Type::Ref(r) => visit(all, &r.inner),
Type::Slice(s) => visit(all, &s.inner),
Type::Fn(f) => {
if let Some(ret) = &f.ret {
visit(all, ret);
for arg in &f.args {
visit(all, &arg.ty);
let mut add_resolution = |pair: &'a Pair| {
resolutions.insert(&pair.rust, pair);
let mut type_names = UnorderedSet::new();
let mut function_names = UnorderedSet::new();
for api in apis {
// The same identifier is permitted to be declared as both a shared
// enum and extern C++ type, or shared struct and extern C++ type.
// That indicates to not emit the C++ enum/struct definition because
// it's defined by the included headers already.
// All other cases of duplicate identifiers are reported as an error.
match api {
Api::Include(_) => {}
Api::Struct(strct) => {
let ident = &;
if !type_names.insert(ident)
&& (!cxx.contains(ident)
|| structs.contains_key(ident)
|| enums.contains_key(ident))
// If already declared as a struct or enum, or if
// colliding with something other than an extern C++
// type, then error.
duplicate_name(cx, strct, ident);
structs.insert(&, strct);
for field in &strct.fields {
visit(&mut all, &field.ty);
Api::Enum(enm) => {
let ident = &;
if !type_names.insert(ident)
&& (!cxx.contains(ident)
|| structs.contains_key(ident)
|| enums.contains_key(ident))
// If already declared as a struct or enum, or if
// colliding with something other than an extern C++
// type, then error.
duplicate_name(cx, enm, ident);
enums.insert(ident, enm);
Api::CxxType(ety) => {
let ident = &;
if !type_names.insert(ident)
&& (cxx.contains(ident)
|| !structs.contains_key(ident) && !enums.contains_key(ident))
// If already declared as an extern C++ type, or if
// colliding with something which is neither struct nor
// enum, then error.
duplicate_name(cx, ety, ident);
if !ety.trusted {
untrusted.insert(ident, ety);
Api::RustType(ety) => {
let ident = &;
if !type_names.insert(ident) {
duplicate_name(cx, ety, ident);
Api::CxxFunction(efn) | Api::RustFunction(efn) => {
// Note: duplication of the C++ name is fine because C++ has
// function overloading.
if !function_names.insert((&efn.receiver, & {
duplicate_name(cx, efn, &;
for arg in &efn.args {
visit(&mut all, &arg.ty);
if let Some(ret) = &efn.ret {
visit(&mut all, ret);
Api::TypeAlias(alias) => {
let ident = &;
if !type_names.insert(ident) {
duplicate_name(cx, alias, ident);
aliases.insert(ident, alias);
Api::Impl(imp) => {
visit(&mut all, &imp.ty);
// All these APIs may contain types passed by value. We need to ensure
// we check that this is permissible. We do this _after_ scanning all
// the APIs above, in case some function or struct references a type
// which is declared subsequently.
let mut required_trivial = Map::new();
let mut insist_alias_types_are_trivial = |ty: &'a Type, reason| {
if let Type::Ident(ident) = ty {
if cxx.contains(&ident.rust) {
for api in apis {
match api {
Api::Struct(strct) => {
let reason = TrivialReason::StructField(strct);
for field in &strct.fields {
insist_alias_types_are_trivial(&field.ty, reason);
Api::CxxFunction(efn) | Api::RustFunction(efn) => {
let reason = TrivialReason::FunctionArgument(efn);
for arg in &efn.args {
insist_alias_types_are_trivial(&arg.ty, reason);
if let Some(ret) = &efn.ret {
let reason = TrivialReason::FunctionReturn(efn);
insist_alias_types_are_trivial(&ret, reason);
_ => {}
let mut types = Types {
types.toposorted_structs = toposort::sort(apis, &types);
let mut unresolved_structs: Vec<&Ident> = types.structs.keys().copied().collect();
let mut new_information = true;
while new_information {
new_information = false;
unresolved_structs.retain(|ident| {
let mut retain = false;
for var in &types.structs[ident].fields {
if match types.determine_improper_ctype(&var.ty) {
ImproperCtype::Depends(inner) => {
retain = true;
ImproperCtype::Definite(improper) => improper,
} {
new_information = true;
return false;
// If all fields definite false, remove from unresolved_structs.
pub fn needs_indirect_abi(&self, ty: &Type) -> bool {
match ty {
Type::Ident(ident) => {
if let Some(strct) = self.structs.get(&ident.rust) {
} else {
Atom::from(&ident.rust) == Some(RustString)
Type::RustVec(_) => true,
_ => false,
pub fn is_pod(&self, strct: &Struct) -> bool {
for derive in &strct.derives {
if *derive == Derive::Copy {
return true;
// Types that trigger rustc's default #[warn(improper_ctypes)] lint, even if
// they may be otherwise unproblematic to mention in an extern signature.
// For example in a signature like `extern "C" fn(*const String)`, rustc
// refuses to believe that C could know how to supply us with a pointer to a
// Rust String, even though C could easily have obtained that pointer
// legitimately from a Rust call.
pub fn is_considered_improper_ctype(&self, ty: &Type) -> bool {
match self.determine_improper_ctype(ty) {
ImproperCtype::Definite(improper) => improper,
ImproperCtype::Depends(ident) => self.struct_improper_ctypes.contains(ident),
pub fn resolve(&self, ident: &ResolvableName) -> &Pair {
.expect("Unable to resolve type")
impl<'t, 'a> IntoIterator for &'t Types<'a> {
type Item = &'a Type;
type IntoIter = crate::syntax::set::Iter<'t, 'a, Type>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum TrivialReason<'a> {
StructField(&'a Struct),
FunctionArgument(&'a ExternFn),
FunctionReturn(&'a ExternFn),
fn duplicate_name(cx: &mut Errors, sp: impl ToTokens, ident: &Ident) {
let msg = format!("the name `{}` is defined multiple times", ident);
cx.error(sp, msg);