blob: 7e5fdf4221ada25c7c4a868e3e826394ca732b8a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017 The vulkano developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
//> or the MIT
// license <LICENSE-MIT or>,
// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
// according to those terms.
use crate::swapchain::Swapchain;
/// Represents a region on an image.
/// A region consists of an arbitrary amount of rectangles.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct PresentRegion {
pub rectangles: Vec<RectangleLayer>,
impl PresentRegion {
/// Returns true if this present region is compatible with swapchain.
pub fn is_compatible_with<W>(&self, swapchain: &Swapchain<W>) -> bool {
.all(|rect| rect.is_compatible_with(swapchain))
/// Represents a rectangular region on an image layer.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct RectangleLayer {
/// Coordinates in pixels of the top-left hand corner of the rectangle.
pub offset: [i32; 2],
/// Dimensions in pixels of the rectangle.
pub extent: [u32; 2],
/// The layer of the image. For images with only one layer, the value of layer must be 0.
pub layer: u32,
impl RectangleLayer {
/// Returns true if this rectangle layer is compatible with swapchain.
pub fn is_compatible_with<W>(&self, swapchain: &Swapchain<W>) -> bool {
// FIXME negative offset is not disallowed by spec, but semantically should not be possible
debug_assert!(self.offset[0] >= 0);
debug_assert!(self.offset[1] >= 0);
self.offset[0] as u32 + self.extent[0] <= swapchain.dimensions()[0]
&& self.offset[1] as u32 + self.extent[1] <= swapchain.dimensions()[1]
&& self.layer < swapchain.layers()
impl From<&RectangleLayer> for ash::vk::RectLayerKHR {
fn from(val: &RectangleLayer) -> Self {
ash::vk::RectLayerKHR {
offset: ash::vk::Offset2D {
x: val.offset[0],
y: val.offset[1],
extent: ash::vk::Extent2D {
width: val.extent[0],
height: val.extent[1],
layer: val.layer,