blob: c5ba1e354f4288a98aded45f2541ad088abd59b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 The vulkano developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
//> or the MIT
// license <LICENSE-MIT or>,
// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
// according to those terms.
//! Stage of a graphics pipeline.
//! In Vulkan, shaders are grouped in *shader modules*. Each shader module is built from SPIR-V
//! code and can contain one or more entry points. Note that for the moment the official
//! GLSL-to-SPIR-V compiler does not support multiple entry points.
//! The vulkano library does not provide any functionality that checks and introspects the SPIR-V
//! code, therefore the whole shader-related API is unsafe. You are encouraged to use the
//! `vulkano-shaders` crate that will generate Rust code that wraps around vulkano's shaders API.
use crate::check_errors;
use crate::descriptor_set::layout::DescriptorSetDesc;
use crate::device::Device;
use crate::format::Format;
use crate::pipeline::input_assembly::PrimitiveTopology;
use crate::pipeline::layout::PipelineLayoutPcRange;
use crate::sync::PipelineStages;
use crate::OomError;
use crate::VulkanObject;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::error;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::fmt;
use std::mem;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
use std::ops::BitOr;
use std::ops::Range;
use std::ptr;
use std::sync::Arc;
/// Contains SPIR-V code with one or more entry points.
/// Note that it is advised to wrap around a `ShaderModule` with a struct that is different for
/// each shader.
pub struct ShaderModule {
// The module.
module: ash::vk::ShaderModule,
// Pointer to the device.
device: Arc<Device>,
impl ShaderModule {
/// Builds a new shader module from SPIR-V bytes.
/// # Safety
/// - The SPIR-V code is not validated.
/// - The SPIR-V code may require some features that are not enabled. This isn't checked by
/// this function either.
pub unsafe fn new(device: Arc<Device>, spirv: &[u8]) -> Result<Arc<ShaderModule>, OomError> {
debug_assert!((spirv.len() % 4) == 0);
Self::from_ptr(device, spirv.as_ptr() as *const _, spirv.len())
/// Builds a new shader module from SPIR-V 32-bit words.
/// # Safety
/// - The SPIR-V code is not validated.
/// - The SPIR-V code may require some features that are not enabled. This isn't checked by
/// this function either.
pub unsafe fn from_words(
device: Arc<Device>,
spirv: &[u32],
) -> Result<Arc<ShaderModule>, OomError> {
Self::from_ptr(device, spirv.as_ptr(), spirv.len() * mem::size_of::<u32>())
/// Builds a new shader module from SPIR-V.
/// # Safety
/// - The SPIR-V code is not validated.
/// - The SPIR-V code may require some features that are not enabled. This isn't checked by
/// this function either.
unsafe fn from_ptr(
device: Arc<Device>,
spirv: *const u32,
spirv_len: usize,
) -> Result<Arc<ShaderModule>, OomError> {
let module = {
let infos = ash::vk::ShaderModuleCreateInfo {
flags: ash::vk::ShaderModuleCreateFlags::empty(),
code_size: spirv_len,
p_code: spirv,
let fns = device.fns();
let mut output = MaybeUninit::uninit();
Ok(Arc::new(ShaderModule {
module: module,
device: device,
/// Gets access to an entry point contained in this module.
/// This is purely a *logical* operation. It returns a struct that *represents* the entry
/// point but doesn't actually do anything.
/// # Safety
/// - The user must check that the entry point exists in the module, as this is not checked
/// by Vulkan.
/// - The input, output and layout must correctly describe the input, output and layout used
/// by this stage.
pub unsafe fn graphics_entry_point<'a, D>(
&'a self,
name: &'a CStr,
descriptor_set_layout_descs: D,
push_constant_range: Option<PipelineLayoutPcRange>,
spec_constants: &'static [SpecializationMapEntry],
input: ShaderInterface,
output: ShaderInterface,
ty: GraphicsShaderType,
) -> GraphicsEntryPoint<'a>
D: IntoIterator<Item = DescriptorSetDesc>,
GraphicsEntryPoint {
module: self,
descriptor_set_layout_descs: descriptor_set_layout_descs.into_iter().collect(),
/// Gets access to an entry point contained in this module.
/// This is purely a *logical* operation. It returns a struct that *represents* the entry
/// point but doesn't actually do anything.
/// # Safety
/// - The user must check that the entry point exists in the module, as this is not checked
/// by Vulkan.
/// - The layout must correctly describe the layout used by this stage.
pub unsafe fn compute_entry_point<'a, D>(
&'a self,
name: &'a CStr,
descriptor_set_layout_descs: D,
push_constant_range: Option<PipelineLayoutPcRange>,
spec_constants: &'static [SpecializationMapEntry],
) -> ComputeEntryPoint<'a>
D: IntoIterator<Item = DescriptorSetDesc>,
ComputeEntryPoint {
module: self,
descriptor_set_layout_descs: descriptor_set_layout_descs.into_iter().collect(),
unsafe impl VulkanObject for ShaderModule {
type Object = ash::vk::ShaderModule;
fn internal_object(&self) -> ash::vk::ShaderModule {
impl Drop for ShaderModule {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
let fns = self.device.fns();
.destroy_shader_module(self.device.internal_object(), self.module, ptr::null());
pub unsafe trait EntryPointAbstract {
/// Returns the module this entry point comes from.
fn module(&self) -> &ShaderModule;
/// Returns the name of the entry point.
fn name(&self) -> &CStr;
/// Returns a description of the descriptor set layouts.
fn descriptor_set_layout_descs(&self) -> &[DescriptorSetDesc];
/// Returns the push constant ranges.
fn push_constant_range(&self) -> &Option<PipelineLayoutPcRange>;
/// Returns the layout of the specialization constants.
fn spec_constants(&self) -> &[SpecializationMapEntry];
/// Represents a shader entry point in a shader module.
/// Can be obtained by calling `entry_point()` on the shader module.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct GraphicsEntryPoint<'a> {
module: &'a ShaderModule,
name: &'a CStr,
descriptor_set_layout_descs: SmallVec<[DescriptorSetDesc; 16]>,
push_constant_range: Option<PipelineLayoutPcRange>,
spec_constants: &'static [SpecializationMapEntry],
input: ShaderInterface,
output: ShaderInterface,
ty: GraphicsShaderType,
impl<'a> GraphicsEntryPoint<'a> {
/// Returns the input attributes used by the shader stage.
pub fn input(&self) -> &ShaderInterface {
/// Returns the output attributes used by the shader stage.
pub fn output(&self) -> &ShaderInterface {
/// Returns the type of shader.
pub fn ty(&self) -> GraphicsShaderType {
unsafe impl<'a> EntryPointAbstract for GraphicsEntryPoint<'a> {
fn module(&self) -> &ShaderModule {
fn name(&self) -> &CStr {
fn descriptor_set_layout_descs(&self) -> &[DescriptorSetDesc] {
fn push_constant_range(&self) -> &Option<PipelineLayoutPcRange> {
fn spec_constants(&self) -> &[SpecializationMapEntry] {
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum GraphicsShaderType {
/// Declares which type of primitives are expected by the geometry shader.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum GeometryShaderExecutionMode {
impl GeometryShaderExecutionMode {
/// Returns true if the given primitive topology can be used with this execution mode.
pub fn matches(&self, input: PrimitiveTopology) -> bool {
match (*self, input) {
(GeometryShaderExecutionMode::Points, PrimitiveTopology::PointList) => true,
(GeometryShaderExecutionMode::Lines, PrimitiveTopology::LineList) => true,
(GeometryShaderExecutionMode::Lines, PrimitiveTopology::LineStrip) => true,
) => true,
) => true,
(GeometryShaderExecutionMode::Triangles, PrimitiveTopology::TriangleList) => true,
(GeometryShaderExecutionMode::Triangles, PrimitiveTopology::TriangleStrip) => true,
(GeometryShaderExecutionMode::Triangles, PrimitiveTopology::TriangleFan) => true,
) => true,
) => true,
_ => false,
/// Represents the entry point of a compute shader in a shader module.
/// Can be obtained by calling `compute_shader_entry_point()` on the shader module.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ComputeEntryPoint<'a> {
module: &'a ShaderModule,
name: &'a CStr,
descriptor_set_layout_descs: SmallVec<[DescriptorSetDesc; 16]>,
push_constant_range: Option<PipelineLayoutPcRange>,
spec_constants: &'static [SpecializationMapEntry],
unsafe impl<'a> EntryPointAbstract for ComputeEntryPoint<'a> {
fn module(&self) -> &ShaderModule {
fn name(&self) -> &CStr {
fn descriptor_set_layout_descs(&self) -> &[DescriptorSetDesc] {
fn push_constant_range(&self) -> &Option<PipelineLayoutPcRange> {
fn spec_constants(&self) -> &[SpecializationMapEntry] {
/// Type that contains the definition of an interface between two shader stages, or between
/// the outside and a shader stage.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ShaderInterface {
elements: Vec<ShaderInterfaceEntry>,
impl ShaderInterface {
/// Constructs a new `ShaderInterface`.
/// # Safety
/// - Must only provide one entry per location.
/// - The format of each element must not be larger than 128 bits.
// TODO: could this be made safe?
pub unsafe fn new_unchecked(elements: Vec<ShaderInterfaceEntry>) -> ShaderInterface {
ShaderInterface { elements }
/// Creates a description of an empty shader interface.
pub const fn empty() -> ShaderInterface {
ShaderInterface {
elements: Vec::new(),
/// Returns a slice containing the elements of the interface.
pub fn elements(&self) -> &[ShaderInterfaceEntry] {
/// Checks whether the interface is potentially compatible with another one.
/// Returns `Ok` if the two interfaces are compatible.
pub fn matches(&self, other: &ShaderInterface) -> Result<(), ShaderInterfaceMismatchError> {
if self.elements().len() != other.elements().len() {
return Err(ShaderInterfaceMismatchError::ElementsCountMismatch {
self_elements: self.elements().len() as u32,
other_elements: other.elements().len() as u32,
for a in self.elements() {
for loc in a.location.clone() {
let b = match other
.find(|e| loc >= e.location.start && loc < e.location.end)
None => {
return Err(ShaderInterfaceMismatchError::MissingElement { location: loc })
Some(b) => b,
if a.format != b.format {
return Err(ShaderInterfaceMismatchError::FormatMismatch {
location: loc,
self_format: a.format,
other_format: b.format,
// TODO: enforce this?
/*match (, {
(Some(ref an), Some(ref bn)) => if an != bn { return false },
_ => ()
// Note: since we check that the number of elements is the same, we don't need to iterate
// over b's elements.
/// Entry of a shader interface definition.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ShaderInterfaceEntry {
/// Range of locations covered by the element.
pub location: Range<u32>,
/// Format of a each location of the element.
pub format: Format,
/// Name of the element, or `None` if the name is unknown.
pub name: Option<Cow<'static, str>>,
/// Error that can happen when the interface mismatches between two shader stages.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ShaderInterfaceMismatchError {
/// The number of elements is not the same between the two shader interfaces.
ElementsCountMismatch {
/// Number of elements in the first interface.
self_elements: u32,
/// Number of elements in the second interface.
other_elements: u32,
/// An element is missing from one of the interfaces.
MissingElement {
/// Location of the missing element.
location: u32,
/// The format of an element does not match.
FormatMismatch {
/// Location of the element that mismatches.
location: u32,
/// Format in the first interface.
self_format: Format,
/// Format in the second interface.
other_format: Format,
impl error::Error for ShaderInterfaceMismatchError {}
impl fmt::Display for ShaderInterfaceMismatchError {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
match *self {
ShaderInterfaceMismatchError::ElementsCountMismatch { .. } => {
"the number of elements mismatches"
ShaderInterfaceMismatchError::MissingElement { .. } => "an element is missing",
ShaderInterfaceMismatchError::FormatMismatch { .. } => {
"the format of an element does not match"
/// Trait for types that contain specialization data for shaders.
/// Shader modules can contain what is called *specialization constants*. They are the same as
/// constants except that their values can be defined when you create a compute pipeline or a
/// graphics pipeline. Doing so is done by passing a type that implements the
/// `SpecializationConstants` trait and that stores the values in question. The `descriptors()`
/// method of this trait indicates how to grab them.
/// Boolean specialization constants must be stored as 32bits integers, where `0` means `false` and
/// any non-zero value means `true`. Integer and floating-point specialization constants are
/// stored as their Rust equivalent.
/// This trait is implemented on `()` for shaders that don't have any specialization constant.
/// Note that it is the shader module that chooses which type that implements
/// `SpecializationConstants` it is possible to pass when creating the pipeline, through [the
/// `EntryPointAbstract` trait](trait.EntryPointAbstract.html). Therefore there is generally no
/// point to implement this trait yourself, unless you are also writing your own implementation of
/// `EntryPointAbstract`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use vulkano::pipeline::shader::SpecializationConstants;
/// use vulkano::pipeline::shader::SpecializationMapEntry;
/// #[repr(C)] // `#[repr(C)]` guarantees that the struct has a specific layout
/// struct MySpecConstants {
/// my_integer_constant: i32,
/// a_boolean: u32,
/// floating_point: f32,
/// }
/// unsafe impl SpecializationConstants for MySpecConstants {
/// fn descriptors() -> &'static [SpecializationMapEntry] {
/// static DESCRIPTORS: [SpecializationMapEntry; 3] = [
/// SpecializationMapEntry {
/// constant_id: 0,
/// offset: 0,
/// size: 4,
/// },
/// SpecializationMapEntry {
/// constant_id: 1,
/// offset: 4,
/// size: 4,
/// },
/// SpecializationMapEntry {
/// constant_id: 2,
/// offset: 8,
/// size: 4,
/// },
/// ];
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// # Safety
/// - The `SpecializationMapEntry` returned must contain valid offsets and sizes.
/// - The size of each `SpecializationMapEntry` must match the size of the corresponding constant
/// (`4` for booleans).
pub unsafe trait SpecializationConstants {
/// Returns descriptors of the struct's layout.
fn descriptors() -> &'static [SpecializationMapEntry];
unsafe impl SpecializationConstants for () {
fn descriptors() -> &'static [SpecializationMapEntry] {
/// Describes an individual constant to set in the shader. Also a field in the struct.
// Implementation note: has the same memory representation as a `VkSpecializationMapEntry`.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct SpecializationMapEntry {
/// Identifier of the constant in the shader that corresponds to this field.
/// For SPIR-V, this must be the value of the `SpecId` decoration applied to the specialization
/// constant.
/// For GLSL, this must be the value of `N` in the `layout(constant_id = N)` attribute applied
/// to a constant.
pub constant_id: u32,
/// Offset within the struct where the data can be found.
pub offset: u32,
/// Size of the data in bytes. Must match the size of the constant (`4` for booleans).
pub size: usize,
/// Describes a set of shader stages.
// TODO: add example with BitOr
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ShaderStages {
pub vertex: bool,
pub tessellation_control: bool,
pub tessellation_evaluation: bool,
pub geometry: bool,
pub fragment: bool,
pub compute: bool,
impl ShaderStages {
/// Creates a `ShaderStages` struct will all stages set to `true`.
// TODO: add example
pub const fn all() -> ShaderStages {
ShaderStages {
vertex: true,
tessellation_control: true,
tessellation_evaluation: true,
geometry: true,
fragment: true,
compute: true,
/// Creates a `ShaderStages` struct will all stages set to `false`.
// TODO: add example
pub const fn none() -> ShaderStages {
ShaderStages {
vertex: false,
tessellation_control: false,
tessellation_evaluation: false,
geometry: false,
fragment: false,
compute: false,
/// Creates a `ShaderStages` struct with all graphics stages set to `true`.
// TODO: add example
pub const fn all_graphics() -> ShaderStages {
ShaderStages {
vertex: true,
tessellation_control: true,
tessellation_evaluation: true,
geometry: true,
fragment: true,
compute: false,
/// Creates a `ShaderStages` struct with the compute stage set to `true`.
// TODO: add example
pub const fn compute() -> ShaderStages {
ShaderStages {
vertex: false,
tessellation_control: false,
tessellation_evaluation: false,
geometry: false,
fragment: false,
compute: true,
/// Checks whether we have more stages enabled than `other`.
// TODO: add example
pub const fn ensure_superset_of(
other: &ShaderStages,
) -> Result<(), ShaderStagesSupersetError> {
if (self.vertex || !other.vertex)
&& (self.tessellation_control || !other.tessellation_control)
&& (self.tessellation_evaluation || !other.tessellation_evaluation)
&& (self.geometry || !other.geometry)
&& (self.fragment || !other.fragment)
&& (self.compute || !other.compute)
} else {
/// Checks whether any of the stages in `self` are also present in `other`.
// TODO: add example
pub const fn intersects(&self, other: &ShaderStages) -> bool {
(self.vertex && other.vertex)
|| (self.tessellation_control && other.tessellation_control)
|| (self.tessellation_evaluation && other.tessellation_evaluation)
|| (self.geometry && other.geometry)
|| (self.fragment && other.fragment)
|| (self.compute && other.compute)
impl From<ShaderStages> for ash::vk::ShaderStageFlags {
fn from(val: ShaderStages) -> Self {
let mut result = ash::vk::ShaderStageFlags::empty();
if val.vertex {
result |= ash::vk::ShaderStageFlags::VERTEX;
if val.tessellation_control {
result |= ash::vk::ShaderStageFlags::TESSELLATION_CONTROL;
if val.tessellation_evaluation {
result |= ash::vk::ShaderStageFlags::TESSELLATION_EVALUATION;
if val.geometry {
result |= ash::vk::ShaderStageFlags::GEOMETRY;
if val.fragment {
result |= ash::vk::ShaderStageFlags::FRAGMENT;
if val.compute {
result |= ash::vk::ShaderStageFlags::COMPUTE;
impl From<ash::vk::ShaderStageFlags> for ShaderStages {
fn from(val: ash::vk::ShaderStageFlags) -> Self {
Self {
vertex: val.intersects(ash::vk::ShaderStageFlags::VERTEX),
tessellation_control: val.intersects(ash::vk::ShaderStageFlags::TESSELLATION_CONTROL),
tessellation_evaluation: val
geometry: val.intersects(ash::vk::ShaderStageFlags::GEOMETRY),
fragment: val.intersects(ash::vk::ShaderStageFlags::FRAGMENT),
compute: val.intersects(ash::vk::ShaderStageFlags::COMPUTE),
impl BitOr for ShaderStages {
type Output = ShaderStages;
fn bitor(self, other: ShaderStages) -> ShaderStages {
ShaderStages {
vertex: self.vertex || other.vertex,
tessellation_control: self.tessellation_control || other.tessellation_control,
tessellation_evaluation: self.tessellation_evaluation || other.tessellation_evaluation,
geometry: self.geometry || other.geometry,
fragment: self.fragment || other.fragment,
compute: self.compute || other.compute,
impl From<ShaderStages> for PipelineStages {
fn from(stages: ShaderStages) -> PipelineStages {
PipelineStages {
vertex_shader: stages.vertex,
tessellation_control_shader: stages.tessellation_control,
tessellation_evaluation_shader: stages.tessellation_evaluation,
geometry_shader: stages.geometry,
fragment_shader: stages.fragment,
compute_shader: stages.compute,
/// Error when checking that a `ShaderStages` object is a superset of another.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum ShaderStagesSupersetError {
impl error::Error for ShaderStagesSupersetError {}
impl fmt::Display for ShaderStagesSupersetError {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
match *self {
ShaderStagesSupersetError::NotSuperset => "shader stages not a superset",