blob: 3bf105a6194c5400684718d0bcc4c56a3744c3a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 The vulkano developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
//> or the MIT
// license <LICENSE-MIT or>,
// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
// according to those terms.
use crossbeam_queue::SegQueue;
use fnv::FnvHashMap;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::mem::ManuallyDrop;
use std::ptr;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::sync::Weak;
use std::thread;
use std::vec::IntoIter as VecIntoIter;
use crate::command_buffer::pool::CommandPool;
use crate::command_buffer::pool::CommandPoolAlloc;
use crate::command_buffer::pool::CommandPoolBuilderAlloc;
use crate::command_buffer::pool::UnsafeCommandPool;
use crate::command_buffer::pool::UnsafeCommandPoolAlloc;
use crate::device::physical::QueueFamily;
use crate::device::Device;
use crate::device::DeviceOwned;
use crate::OomError;
use crate::VulkanObject;
/// Standard implementation of a command pool.
/// It is guaranteed that the allocated command buffers keep the `Arc<StandardCommandPool>` alive.
/// This is desirable so that we can store a `Weak<StandardCommandPool>`.
/// Will use one Vulkan pool per thread in order to avoid locking. Will try to reuse command
/// buffers. Command buffers can't be moved between threads during the building process, but
/// finished command buffers can.
pub struct StandardCommandPool {
// The device.
device: Arc<Device>,
// Identifier of the queue family.
queue_family: u32,
// For each thread, we store thread-specific info.
per_thread: Mutex<FnvHashMap<thread::ThreadId, Weak<StandardCommandPoolPerThread>>>,
unsafe impl Send for StandardCommandPool {}
unsafe impl Sync for StandardCommandPool {}
struct StandardCommandPoolPerThread {
// The Vulkan pool of this thread.
pool: Mutex<UnsafeCommandPool>,
// List of existing primary command buffers that are available for reuse.
available_primary_command_buffers: SegQueue<UnsafeCommandPoolAlloc>,
// List of existing secondary command buffers that are available for reuse.
available_secondary_command_buffers: SegQueue<UnsafeCommandPoolAlloc>,
impl StandardCommandPool {
/// Builds a new pool.
/// # Panic
/// - Panics if the device and the queue family don't belong to the same physical device.
pub fn new(device: Arc<Device>, queue_family: QueueFamily) -> StandardCommandPool {
StandardCommandPool {
device: device,
per_thread: Mutex::new(Default::default()),
unsafe impl CommandPool for Arc<StandardCommandPool> {
type Iter = VecIntoIter<StandardCommandPoolBuilder>;
type Builder = StandardCommandPoolBuilder;
type Alloc = StandardCommandPoolAlloc;
fn alloc(&self, secondary: bool, count: u32) -> Result<Self::Iter, OomError> {
// Find the correct `StandardCommandPoolPerThread` structure.
let mut hashmap = self.per_thread.lock().unwrap();
// TODO: meh for iterating everything every time
hashmap.retain(|_, w| w.upgrade().is_some());
let this_thread = thread::current().id();
// Get an appropriate `Arc<StandardCommandPoolPerThread>`.
let per_thread = if let Some(entry) = hashmap.get(&this_thread).and_then(Weak::upgrade) {
} else {
let new_pool =
UnsafeCommandPool::new(self.device.clone(), self.queue_family(), false, true)?;
let pt = Arc::new(StandardCommandPoolPerThread {
pool: Mutex::new(new_pool),
available_primary_command_buffers: SegQueue::new(),
available_secondary_command_buffers: SegQueue::new(),
hashmap.insert(this_thread, Arc::downgrade(&pt));
// The final output.
let mut output = Vec::with_capacity(count as usize);
// First, pick from already-existing command buffers.
let existing = if secondary {
} else {
for _ in 0..count as usize {
if let Some(cmd) = existing.pop() {
output.push(StandardCommandPoolBuilder {
inner: StandardCommandPoolAlloc {
cmd: ManuallyDrop::new(cmd),
pool: per_thread.clone(),
pool_parent: self.clone(),
secondary: secondary,
device: self.device.clone(),
dummy_avoid_send_sync: PhantomData,
} else {
// Then allocate the rest.
if output.len() < count as usize {
let pool_lock = per_thread.pool.lock().unwrap();
let num_new = count as usize - output.len();
for cmd in pool_lock.alloc_command_buffers(secondary, num_new as u32)? {
output.push(StandardCommandPoolBuilder {
inner: StandardCommandPoolAlloc {
cmd: ManuallyDrop::new(cmd),
pool: per_thread.clone(),
pool_parent: self.clone(),
secondary: secondary,
device: self.device.clone(),
dummy_avoid_send_sync: PhantomData,
// Final output.
fn queue_family(&self) -> QueueFamily {
unsafe impl DeviceOwned for StandardCommandPool {
fn device(&self) -> &Arc<Device> {
/// Command buffer allocated from a `StandardCommandPool` and that is currently being built.
pub struct StandardCommandPoolBuilder {
// The only difference between a `StandardCommandPoolBuilder` and a `StandardCommandPoolAlloc`
// is that the former must not implement `Send` and `Sync`. Therefore we just share the structs.
inner: StandardCommandPoolAlloc,
// Unimplemented `Send` and `Sync` from the builder.
dummy_avoid_send_sync: PhantomData<*const u8>,
unsafe impl CommandPoolBuilderAlloc for StandardCommandPoolBuilder {
type Alloc = StandardCommandPoolAlloc;
fn inner(&self) -> &UnsafeCommandPoolAlloc {
fn into_alloc(self) -> Self::Alloc {
fn queue_family(&self) -> QueueFamily {
unsafe impl DeviceOwned for StandardCommandPoolBuilder {
fn device(&self) -> &Arc<Device> {
/// Command buffer allocated from a `StandardCommandPool`.
pub struct StandardCommandPoolAlloc {
// The actual command buffer. Extracted in the `Drop` implementation.
cmd: ManuallyDrop<UnsafeCommandPoolAlloc>,
// We hold a reference to the command pool for our destructor.
pool: Arc<StandardCommandPoolPerThread>,
// Keep alive the `StandardCommandPool`, otherwise it would be destroyed.
pool_parent: Arc<StandardCommandPool>,
// True if secondary command buffer.
secondary: bool,
// The device we belong to. Necessary because of the `DeviceOwned` trait implementation.
device: Arc<Device>,
unsafe impl Send for StandardCommandPoolAlloc {}
unsafe impl Sync for StandardCommandPoolAlloc {}
unsafe impl CommandPoolAlloc for StandardCommandPoolAlloc {
fn inner(&self) -> &UnsafeCommandPoolAlloc {
fn queue_family(&self) -> QueueFamily {
let queue_family_id = self.pool.pool.lock().unwrap().queue_family().id();
unsafe impl DeviceOwned for StandardCommandPoolAlloc {
fn device(&self) -> &Arc<Device> {
// Note that we could grab the device from `self.pool`. Unfortunately this requires a mutex
// lock, so it isn't compatible with the API of `DeviceOwned`.
impl Drop for StandardCommandPoolAlloc {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Safe because `self.cmd` is wrapped in a `ManuallyDrop`.
let cmd: UnsafeCommandPoolAlloc = unsafe { ptr::read(&*self.cmd) };
if self.secondary {
} else {
mod tests {
use crate::command_buffer::pool::CommandPool;
use crate::command_buffer::pool::CommandPoolBuilderAlloc;
use crate::command_buffer::pool::StandardCommandPool;
use crate::device::Device;
use crate::VulkanObject;
use std::sync::Arc;
fn reuse_command_buffers() {
let (device, _) = gfx_dev_and_queue!();
let queue_family = device.physical_device().queue_families().next().unwrap();
let pool = Device::standard_command_pool(&device, queue_family);
// Avoid the weak reference to StandardCommandPoolPerThread expiring.
let cb_hold_weakref = pool.alloc(false, 1).unwrap().next().unwrap();
let cb = pool.alloc(false, 1).unwrap().next().unwrap();
let raw = cb.inner().internal_object();
let cb2 = pool.alloc(false, 1).unwrap().next().unwrap();
assert_eq!(raw, cb2.inner().internal_object());
fn pool_kept_alive_by_allocs() {
let (device, queue) = gfx_dev_and_queue!();
let pool = Arc::new(StandardCommandPool::new(device,;
let pool_weak = Arc::downgrade(&pool);
let cb = pool.alloc(false, 1).unwrap().next().unwrap();