blob: 5252073c776810382041b76e5fe7ba048049278c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 The vulkano developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
//> or the MIT
// license <LICENSE-MIT or>,
// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
// according to those terms.
use crate::buffer::BufferAccess;
use crate::command_buffer::submit::SubmitAnyBuilder;
use crate::command_buffer::submit::SubmitCommandBufferBuilder;
use crate::command_buffer::sys::UnsafeCommandBuffer;
use crate::command_buffer::CommandBufferInheritance;
use crate::command_buffer::ImageUninitializedSafe;
use crate::device::Device;
use crate::device::DeviceOwned;
use crate::device::Queue;
use crate::image::ImageAccess;
use crate::image::ImageLayout;
use crate::render_pass::FramebufferAbstract;
use crate::sync::now;
use crate::sync::AccessCheckError;
use crate::sync::AccessError;
use crate::sync::AccessFlags;
use crate::sync::FlushError;
use crate::sync::GpuFuture;
use crate::sync::NowFuture;
use crate::sync::PipelineMemoryAccess;
use crate::sync::PipelineStages;
use crate::SafeDeref;
use crate::VulkanObject;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::error;
use std::fmt;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Mutex;
pub unsafe trait PrimaryCommandBuffer: DeviceOwned {
/// Returns the underlying `UnsafeCommandBuffer` of this command buffer.
fn inner(&self) -> &UnsafeCommandBuffer;
/// Checks whether this command buffer is allowed to be submitted after the `future` and on
/// the given queue, and if so locks it.
/// If you call this function, then you should call `unlock` afterwards.
fn lock_submit(
future: &dyn GpuFuture,
queue: &Queue,
) -> Result<(), CommandBufferExecError>;
/// Unlocks the command buffer. Should be called once for each call to `lock_submit`.
/// # Safety
/// Must not be called if you haven't called `lock_submit` before.
unsafe fn unlock(&self);
/// Executes this command buffer on a queue.
/// This function returns an object that implements the `GpuFuture` trait. See the
/// documentation of the `sync` module for more information.
/// The command buffer is not actually executed until you call `flush()` on the object.
/// You are encouraged to chain together as many futures as possible before calling `flush()`,
/// and call `.then_signal_future()` before doing so. Note however that once you called
/// `execute()` there is no way to cancel the execution, even if you didn't flush yet.
/// > **Note**: In the future this function may return `-> impl GpuFuture` instead of a
/// > concrete type.
/// > **Note**: This is just a shortcut for `execute_after(vulkano::sync::now(), queue)`.
/// # Panic
/// Panics if the device of the command buffer is not the same as the device of the future.
fn execute(
queue: Arc<Queue>,
) -> Result<CommandBufferExecFuture<NowFuture, Self>, CommandBufferExecError>
Self: Sized + 'static,
let device = queue.device().clone();
self.execute_after(now(device), queue)
/// Executes the command buffer after an existing future.
/// This function returns an object that implements the `GpuFuture` trait. See the
/// documentation of the `sync` module for more information.
/// The command buffer is not actually executed until you call `flush()` on the object.
/// You are encouraged to chain together as many futures as possible before calling `flush()`,
/// and call `.then_signal_future()` before doing so. Note however that once you called
/// `execute()` there is no way to cancel the execution, even if you didn't flush yet.
/// > **Note**: In the future this function may return `-> impl GpuFuture` instead of a
/// > concrete type.
/// This function requires the `'static` lifetime to be on the command buffer. This is because
/// this function returns a `CommandBufferExecFuture` whose job is to lock resources and keep
/// them alive while they are in use by the GPU. If `'static` wasn't required, you could call
/// `std::mem::forget` on that object and "unlock" these resources. For more information about
/// this problem, search the web for "rust thread scoped leakpocalypse".
/// # Panic
/// Panics if the device of the command buffer is not the same as the device of the future.
fn execute_after<F>(
future: F,
queue: Arc<Queue>,
) -> Result<CommandBufferExecFuture<F, Self>, CommandBufferExecError>
Self: Sized + 'static,
F: GpuFuture,
if !future.queue_change_allowed() {
self.lock_submit(&future, &queue)?;
Ok(CommandBufferExecFuture {
previous: future,
command_buffer: self,
submitted: Mutex::new(false),
finished: AtomicBool::new(false),
fn check_buffer_access(
buffer: &dyn BufferAccess,
exclusive: bool,
queue: &Queue,
) -> Result<Option<(PipelineStages, AccessFlags)>, AccessCheckError>;
fn check_image_access(
image: &dyn ImageAccess,
layout: ImageLayout,
exclusive: bool,
queue: &Queue,
) -> Result<Option<(PipelineStages, AccessFlags)>, AccessCheckError>;
unsafe impl<T> PrimaryCommandBuffer for T
T: SafeDeref,
T::Target: PrimaryCommandBuffer,
fn inner(&self) -> &UnsafeCommandBuffer {
fn lock_submit(
future: &dyn GpuFuture,
queue: &Queue,
) -> Result<(), CommandBufferExecError> {
(**self).lock_submit(future, queue)
unsafe fn unlock(&self) {
fn check_buffer_access(
buffer: &dyn BufferAccess,
exclusive: bool,
queue: &Queue,
) -> Result<Option<(PipelineStages, AccessFlags)>, AccessCheckError> {
(**self).check_buffer_access(buffer, exclusive, queue)
fn check_image_access(
image: &dyn ImageAccess,
layout: ImageLayout,
exclusive: bool,
queue: &Queue,
) -> Result<Option<(PipelineStages, AccessFlags)>, AccessCheckError> {
(**self).check_image_access(image, layout, exclusive, queue)
pub unsafe trait SecondaryCommandBuffer: DeviceOwned {
/// Returns the underlying `UnsafeCommandBuffer` of this command buffer.
fn inner(&self) -> &UnsafeCommandBuffer;
/// Checks whether this command buffer is allowed to be recorded to a command buffer,
/// and if so locks it.
/// If you call this function, then you should call `unlock` afterwards.
fn lock_record(&self) -> Result<(), CommandBufferExecError>;
/// Unlocks the command buffer. Should be called once for each call to `lock_record`.
/// # Safety
/// Must not be called if you haven't called `lock_record` before.
unsafe fn unlock(&self);
/// Returns a `CommandBufferInheritance` value describing the properties that the command
/// buffer inherits from its parent primary command buffer.
fn inheritance(&self) -> CommandBufferInheritance<&dyn FramebufferAbstract>;
/// Returns the number of buffers accessed by this command buffer.
fn num_buffers(&self) -> usize;
/// Returns the `index`th buffer of this command buffer, or `None` if out of range.
/// The valid range is between 0 and `num_buffers()`.
fn buffer(&self, index: usize) -> Option<(&dyn BufferAccess, PipelineMemoryAccess)>;
/// Returns the number of images accessed by this command buffer.
fn num_images(&self) -> usize;
/// Returns the `index`th image of this command buffer, or `None` if out of range.
/// The valid range is between 0 and `num_images()`.
fn image(
index: usize,
) -> Option<(
&dyn ImageAccess,
unsafe impl<T> SecondaryCommandBuffer for T
T: SafeDeref,
T::Target: SecondaryCommandBuffer,
fn inner(&self) -> &UnsafeCommandBuffer {
fn lock_record(&self) -> Result<(), CommandBufferExecError> {
unsafe fn unlock(&self) {
fn inheritance(&self) -> CommandBufferInheritance<&dyn FramebufferAbstract> {
fn num_buffers(&self) -> usize {
fn buffer(&self, index: usize) -> Option<(&dyn BufferAccess, PipelineMemoryAccess)> {
fn num_images(&self) -> usize {
fn image(
index: usize,
) -> Option<(
&dyn ImageAccess,
)> {
/// Represents a command buffer being executed by the GPU and the moment when the execution
/// finishes.
#[must_use = "Dropping this object will immediately block the thread until the GPU has finished processing the submission"]
pub struct CommandBufferExecFuture<F, Cb>
F: GpuFuture,
Cb: PrimaryCommandBuffer,
previous: F,
command_buffer: Cb,
queue: Arc<Queue>,
// True if the command buffer has already been submitted.
// If flush is called multiple times, we want to block so that only one flushing is executed.
// Therefore we use a `Mutex<bool>` and not an `AtomicBool`.
submitted: Mutex<bool>,
finished: AtomicBool,
unsafe impl<F, Cb> GpuFuture for CommandBufferExecFuture<F, Cb>
F: GpuFuture,
Cb: PrimaryCommandBuffer,
fn cleanup_finished(&mut self) {
unsafe fn build_submission(&self) -> Result<SubmitAnyBuilder, FlushError> {
Ok(match self.previous.build_submission()? {
SubmitAnyBuilder::Empty => {
let mut builder = SubmitCommandBufferBuilder::new();
SubmitAnyBuilder::SemaphoresWait(sem) => {
let mut builder: SubmitCommandBufferBuilder = sem.into();
SubmitAnyBuilder::CommandBuffer(mut builder) => {
// FIXME: add pipeline barrier
SubmitAnyBuilder::QueuePresent(_) | SubmitAnyBuilder::BindSparse(_) => {
unimplemented!() // TODO:
/*present.submit(); // TODO: wrong
let mut builder = SubmitCommandBufferBuilder::new();
fn flush(&self) -> Result<(), FlushError> {
unsafe {
let mut submitted = self.submitted.lock().unwrap();
if *submitted {
return Ok(());
let queue = self.queue.clone();
match self.build_submission()? {
SubmitAnyBuilder::Empty => {}
SubmitAnyBuilder::CommandBuffer(builder) => {
_ => unreachable!(),
// Only write `true` here in order to try again next time if we failed to submit.
*submitted = true;
unsafe fn signal_finished(&self) {
if self.finished.swap(true, Ordering::SeqCst) == false {
fn queue_change_allowed(&self) -> bool {
fn queue(&self) -> Option<Arc<Queue>> {
fn check_buffer_access(
buffer: &dyn BufferAccess,
exclusive: bool,
queue: &Queue,
) -> Result<Option<(PipelineStages, AccessFlags)>, AccessCheckError> {
match self
.check_buffer_access(buffer, exclusive, queue)
Ok(v) => Ok(v),
Err(AccessCheckError::Denied(err)) => Err(AccessCheckError::Denied(err)),
Err(AccessCheckError::Unknown) => {
self.previous.check_buffer_access(buffer, exclusive, queue)
fn check_image_access(
image: &dyn ImageAccess,
layout: ImageLayout,
exclusive: bool,
queue: &Queue,
) -> Result<Option<(PipelineStages, AccessFlags)>, AccessCheckError> {
match self
.check_image_access(image, layout, exclusive, queue)
Ok(v) => Ok(v),
Err(AccessCheckError::Denied(err)) => Err(AccessCheckError::Denied(err)),
Err(AccessCheckError::Unknown) => self
.check_image_access(image, layout, exclusive, queue),
unsafe impl<F, Cb> DeviceOwned for CommandBufferExecFuture<F, Cb>
F: GpuFuture,
Cb: PrimaryCommandBuffer,
fn device(&self) -> &Arc<Device> {
impl<F, Cb> Drop for CommandBufferExecFuture<F, Cb>
F: GpuFuture,
Cb: PrimaryCommandBuffer,
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
if !*self.finished.get_mut() {
// TODO: handle errors?
// Block until the queue finished.
/// Error that can happen when attempting to execute a command buffer.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum CommandBufferExecError {
/// Access to a resource has been denied.
AccessError {
error: AccessError,
command_name: Cow<'static, str>,
command_param: Cow<'static, str>,
command_offset: usize,
/// The command buffer or one of the secondary command buffers it executes was created with the
/// "one time submit" flag, but has already been submitted it the past.
/// The command buffer or one of the secondary command buffers it executes is already in use by
/// the GPU and was not created with the "concurrent" flag.
// TODO: missing entries (eg. wrong queue family, secondary command buffer)
impl error::Error for CommandBufferExecError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn error::Error + 'static)> {
match *self {
CommandBufferExecError::AccessError { ref error, .. } => Some(error),
_ => None,
impl fmt::Display for CommandBufferExecError {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
match *self {
CommandBufferExecError::AccessError { .. } =>
"access to a resource has been denied",
CommandBufferExecError::OneTimeSubmitAlreadySubmitted => {
"the command buffer or one of the secondary command buffers it executes was \
created with the \"one time submit\" flag, but has already been submitted in \
the past"
CommandBufferExecError::ExclusiveAlreadyInUse => {
"the command buffer or one of the secondary command buffers it executes is \
already in use was not created with the \"concurrent\" flag"