blob: 63bfc3d1e303987b249e87478ad68e22b0661a48 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017 The vulkano developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
//> or the MIT
// license <LICENSE-MIT or>,
// at your option. All files in the project carrying such
// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
// according to those terms.
use crate::buffer::BufferAccess;
use crate::command_buffer::DynamicState;
use crate::descriptor_set::DescriptorSetWithOffsets;
use crate::pipeline::input_assembly::IndexType;
use crate::pipeline::ComputePipelineAbstract;
use crate::pipeline::GraphicsPipelineAbstract;
use crate::pipeline::PipelineBindPoint;
use crate::DeviceSize;
use crate::VulkanObject;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::ops::Range;
/// Keep track of the state of a command buffer builder, so that you don't need to bind objects
/// that were already bound.
/// > **Important**: Executing a secondary command buffer invalidates the state of a command buffer
/// > builder. When you do so, you need to call `invalidate()`.
pub struct StateCacher {
// The dynamic state to synchronize with `CmdSetState`.
dynamic_state: DynamicState,
// The compute pipeline currently bound. 0 if nothing bound.
compute_pipeline: ash::vk::Pipeline,
// The graphics pipeline currently bound. 0 if nothing bound.
graphics_pipeline: ash::vk::Pipeline,
// The descriptor sets for the compute pipeline.
compute_descriptor_sets: SmallVec<[(ash::vk::DescriptorSet, SmallVec<[u32; 32]>); 12]>,
// The descriptor sets for the graphics pipeline.
graphics_descriptor_sets: SmallVec<[(ash::vk::DescriptorSet, SmallVec<[u32; 32]>); 12]>,
// If the user starts comparing descriptor sets, but drops the helper struct in the middle of
// the processing then we will end up in a weird state. This bool is true when we start
// comparing sets, and is set to false when we end up comparing. If it was true when we start
// comparing, we know that something bad happened and we flush the cache.
poisoned_descriptor_sets: bool,
// The vertex buffers currently bound.
vertex_buffers: SmallVec<[(ash::vk::Buffer, DeviceSize); 12]>,
// Same as `poisoned_descriptor_sets` but for vertex buffers.
poisoned_vertex_buffers: bool,
// The index buffer, offset, and index type currently bound. `None` if nothing bound.
index_buffer: Option<(ash::vk::Buffer, DeviceSize, IndexType)>,
/// Outcome of an operation.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum StateCacherOutcome {
/// The caller needs to perform the state change in the actual command buffer builder.
/// The state change is not necessary.
impl StateCacher {
/// Builds a new `StateCacher`.
pub fn new() -> StateCacher {
StateCacher {
dynamic_state: DynamicState::none(),
compute_pipeline: ash::vk::Pipeline::null(),
graphics_pipeline: ash::vk::Pipeline::null(),
compute_descriptor_sets: SmallVec::new(),
graphics_descriptor_sets: SmallVec::new(),
poisoned_descriptor_sets: false,
vertex_buffers: SmallVec::new(),
poisoned_vertex_buffers: false,
index_buffer: None,
/// Resets the cache to its default state. You **must** call this after executing a secondary
/// command buffer.
pub fn invalidate(&mut self) {
self.dynamic_state = DynamicState::none();
self.compute_pipeline = ash::vk::Pipeline::null();
self.graphics_pipeline = ash::vk::Pipeline::null();
self.compute_descriptor_sets = SmallVec::new();
self.graphics_descriptor_sets = SmallVec::new();
self.vertex_buffers = SmallVec::new();
self.index_buffer = None;
/// Compares the current state with `incoming`, and returns a new state that contains the
/// states that differ and that need to be actually set in the command buffer builder.
/// This function also updates the state cacher. The state cacher assumes that the state
/// changes are going to be performed after this function returns.
pub fn dynamic_state(&mut self, incoming: &DynamicState) -> DynamicState {
let mut changed = DynamicState::none();
macro_rules! cmp {
($field:ident) => {
if self.dynamic_state.$field != incoming.$field {
changed.$field = incoming.$field.clone();
if incoming.$field.is_some() {
self.dynamic_state.$field = incoming.$field.clone();
/// Starts the process of comparing a list of descriptor sets to the descriptor sets currently
/// in cache.
/// After calling this function, call `add` for each set one by one. Then call `compare` in
/// order to get the index of the first set to bind, or `None` if the sets were identical to
/// what is in cache.
/// This process also updates the state cacher. The state cacher assumes that the state
/// changes are going to be performed after the `compare` function returns.
pub fn bind_descriptor_sets(
&mut self,
pipeline_bind_point: PipelineBindPoint,
) -> StateCacherDescriptorSets {
if self.poisoned_descriptor_sets {
self.compute_descriptor_sets = SmallVec::new();
self.graphics_descriptor_sets = SmallVec::new();
self.poisoned_descriptor_sets = true;
StateCacherDescriptorSets {
poisoned: &mut self.poisoned_descriptor_sets,
state: match pipeline_bind_point {
PipelineBindPoint::Compute => &mut self.compute_descriptor_sets,
PipelineBindPoint::Graphics => &mut self.graphics_descriptor_sets,
offset: 0,
found_diff: None,
/// Checks whether we need to bind a graphics pipeline. Returns `StateCacherOutcome::AlreadyOk`
/// if the pipeline was already bound earlier, and `StateCacherOutcome::NeedChange` if you need
/// to actually bind the pipeline.
/// This function also updates the state cacher. The state cacher assumes that the state
/// changes are going to be performed after this function returns.
pub fn bind_graphics_pipeline<P>(&mut self, pipeline: &P) -> StateCacherOutcome
P: GraphicsPipelineAbstract,
let inner = GraphicsPipelineAbstract::inner(pipeline).internal_object();
if inner == self.graphics_pipeline {
} else {
self.graphics_pipeline = inner;
/// Checks whether we need to bind a compute pipeline. Returns `StateCacherOutcome::AlreadyOk`
/// if the pipeline was already bound earlier, and `StateCacherOutcome::NeedChange` if you need
/// to actually bind the pipeline.
/// This function also updates the state cacher. The state cacher assumes that the state
/// changes are going to be performed after this function returns.
pub fn bind_compute_pipeline<P>(&mut self, pipeline: &P) -> StateCacherOutcome
P: ComputePipelineAbstract,
let inner = pipeline.inner().internal_object();
if inner == self.compute_pipeline {
} else {
self.compute_pipeline = inner;
/// Starts the process of comparing a list of vertex buffers to the vertex buffers currently
/// in cache.
/// After calling this function, call `add` for each set one by one. Then call `compare` in
/// order to get the range of the vertex buffers to bind, or `None` if the sets were identical
/// to what is in cache.
/// This process also updates the state cacher. The state cacher assumes that the state
/// changes are going to be performed after the `compare` function returns.
pub fn bind_vertex_buffers(&mut self) -> StateCacherVertexBuffers {
if self.poisoned_vertex_buffers {
self.vertex_buffers = SmallVec::new();
self.poisoned_vertex_buffers = true;
StateCacherVertexBuffers {
poisoned: &mut self.poisoned_vertex_buffers,
state: &mut self.vertex_buffers,
offset: 0,
first_diff: None,
last_diff: 0,
/// Checks whether we need to bind an index buffer. Returns `StateCacherOutcome::AlreadyOk`
/// if the index buffer was already bound earlier, and `StateCacherOutcome::NeedChange` if you
/// need to actually bind the buffer.
/// This function also updates the state cacher. The state cacher assumes that the state
/// changes are going to be performed after this function returns.
pub fn bind_index_buffer<B>(&mut self, index_buffer: &B, ty: IndexType) -> StateCacherOutcome
B: ?Sized + BufferAccess,
let value = {
let inner = index_buffer.inner();
(inner.buffer.internal_object(), inner.offset, ty)
if self.index_buffer == Some(value) {
} else {
self.index_buffer = Some(value);
/// Helper struct for comparing descriptor sets.
/// > **Note**: For reliability reasons, if you drop/leak this struct before calling `compare` then
/// > the cache of the currently bound descriptor sets will be reset.
pub struct StateCacherDescriptorSets<'s> {
// Reference to the parent's `poisoned_descriptor_sets`.
poisoned: &'s mut bool,
// Reference to the descriptor sets list to compare to.
state: &'s mut SmallVec<[(ash::vk::DescriptorSet, SmallVec<[u32; 32]>); 12]>,
// Next offset within the list to compare to.
offset: usize,
// Contains the return value of `compare`.
found_diff: Option<u32>,
impl<'s> StateCacherDescriptorSets<'s> {
/// Adds a descriptor set to the list to compare.
pub fn add(&mut self, descriptor_set: &DescriptorSetWithOffsets) {
let (descriptor_set, dynamic_offsets) = descriptor_set.as_ref();
let raw = descriptor_set.inner().internal_object();
let dynamic_offsets = dynamic_offsets.iter().copied().collect();
if let Some(state) = self.state.get_mut(self.offset) {
if (&state.0, &state.1) == (&raw, &dynamic_offsets) {
self.offset += 1;
*state = (raw, dynamic_offsets);
} else {
self.state.push((raw, dynamic_offsets));
if self.found_diff.is_none() {
self.found_diff = Some(self.offset as u32);
self.offset += 1;
/// Compares your list to the list in cache, and returns the offset of the first set to bind.
/// Returns `None` if the two lists were identical.
/// After this function returns, the cache will be updated to match your list.
pub fn compare(self) -> Option<u32> {
*self.poisoned = false;
// Removing from the cache any set that wasn't added with `add`.
/// Helper struct for comparing vertex buffers.
/// > **Note**: For reliability reasons, if you drop/leak this struct before calling `compare` then
/// > the cache of the currently bound vertex buffers will be reset.
pub struct StateCacherVertexBuffers<'s> {
// Reference to the parent's `poisoned_vertex_buffers`.
poisoned: &'s mut bool,
// Reference to the vertex buffers list to compare to.
state: &'s mut SmallVec<[(ash::vk::Buffer, DeviceSize); 12]>,
// Next offset within the list to compare to.
offset: usize,
// Contains the offset of the first vertex buffer that differs.
first_diff: Option<u32>,
// Offset of the last vertex buffer that differs.
last_diff: u32,
impl<'s> StateCacherVertexBuffers<'s> {
/// Adds a vertex buffer to the list to compare.
pub fn add<B>(&mut self, buffer: &B)
B: ?Sized + BufferAccess,
let raw = {
let inner = buffer.inner();
let raw = inner.buffer.internal_object();
let offset = inner.offset;
(raw, offset)
if self.offset < self.state.len() {
if self.state[self.offset] == raw {
self.offset += 1;
self.state[self.offset] = raw;
} else {
self.last_diff = self.offset as u32;
if self.first_diff.is_none() {
self.first_diff = Some(self.offset as u32);
self.offset += 1;
/// Compares your list to the list in cache, and returns the range of the vertex buffers to
/// bind. Returns `None` if the two lists were identical.
/// After this function returns, the cache will be updated to match your list.
/// > **Note**: Keep in mind that `range.end` is *after* the last element. For example the
/// > range `1 .. 2` only contains one element.
pub fn compare(self) -> Option<Range<u32>> {
*self.poisoned = false;
// Removing from the cache any set that wasn't added with `add`.
self.state.truncate(self.offset);|first| {
debug_assert!(first <= self.last_diff);
first..(self.last_diff + 1)
mod tests {
use crate::buffer::BufferUsage;
use crate::buffer::CpuAccessibleBuffer;
use crate::command_buffer::state_cacher::StateCacher;
fn vb_caching_single() {
let (device, queue) = gfx_dev_and_queue!();
const EMPTY: [i32; 0] = [];
let buf =
CpuAccessibleBuffer::from_data(device, BufferUsage::vertex_buffer(), false, EMPTY)
let mut cacher = StateCacher::new();
let mut bind_vb = cacher.bind_vertex_buffers();
assert_eq!(, Some(0..1));
for _ in 0..3 {
let mut bind_vb = cacher.bind_vertex_buffers();
assert_eq!(, None);
fn vb_caching_invalidated() {
let (device, queue) = gfx_dev_and_queue!();
const EMPTY: [i32; 0] = [];
let buf =
CpuAccessibleBuffer::from_data(device, BufferUsage::vertex_buffer(), false, EMPTY)
let mut cacher = StateCacher::new();
let mut bind_vb = cacher.bind_vertex_buffers();
assert_eq!(, Some(0..1));
let mut bind_vb = cacher.bind_vertex_buffers();
assert_eq!(, None);
let mut bind_vb = cacher.bind_vertex_buffers();
assert_eq!(, Some(0..1));
fn vb_caching_multi() {
let (device, queue) = gfx_dev_and_queue!();
const EMPTY: [i32; 0] = [];
let buf1 = CpuAccessibleBuffer::from_data(
let buf2 = CpuAccessibleBuffer::from_data(
let buf3 =
CpuAccessibleBuffer::from_data(device, BufferUsage::vertex_buffer(), false, EMPTY)
let mut cacher = StateCacher::new();
let mut bind_vb = cacher.bind_vertex_buffers();
assert_eq!(, Some(0..2));
let mut bind_vb = cacher.bind_vertex_buffers();
assert_eq!(, Some(2..3));
let mut bind_vb = cacher.bind_vertex_buffers();
assert_eq!(, None);
let mut bind_vb = cacher.bind_vertex_buffers();
assert_eq!(, Some(1..2));
let mut bind_vb = cacher.bind_vertex_buffers();
assert_eq!(, Some(0..1));