blob: d6baf1764043ba80366611083d47fb1348298975 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::hal::{BufferDirection, Dma, Hal, PhysAddr};
use crate::transport::Transport;
use crate::{align_up, nonnull_slice_from_raw_parts, pages, Error, Result, PAGE_SIZE};
use bitflags::bitflags;
use core::cmp::min;
use core::hint::spin_loop;
use core::mem::{size_of, take};
use core::ptr;
use core::ptr::NonNull;
use core::sync::atomic::{fence, Ordering};
use zerocopy::FromBytes;
/// The mechanism for bulk data transport on virtio devices.
/// Each device can have zero or more virtqueues.
/// * `SIZE`: The size of the queue. This is both the number of descriptors, and the number of slots
/// in the available and used rings.
pub struct VirtQueue<H: Hal, const SIZE: usize> {
/// DMA guard
layout: VirtQueueLayout<H>,
/// Descriptor table
/// The device may be able to modify this, even though it's not supposed to, so we shouldn't
/// trust values read back from it. Use `desc_shadow` instead to keep track of what we wrote to
/// it.
desc: NonNull<[Descriptor]>,
/// Available ring
/// The device may be able to modify this, even though it's not supposed to, so we shouldn't
/// trust values read back from it. The only field we need to read currently is `idx`, so we
/// have `avail_idx` below to use instead.
avail: NonNull<AvailRing<SIZE>>,
/// Used ring
used: NonNull<UsedRing<SIZE>>,
/// The index of queue
queue_idx: u16,
/// The number of descriptors currently in use.
num_used: u16,
/// The head desc index of the free list.
free_head: u16,
/// Our trusted copy of `desc` that the device can't access.
desc_shadow: [Descriptor; SIZE],
/// Our trusted copy of `avail.idx`.
avail_idx: u16,
last_used_idx: u16,
impl<H: Hal, const SIZE: usize> VirtQueue<H, SIZE> {
/// Create a new VirtQueue.
pub fn new<T: Transport>(transport: &mut T, idx: u16) -> Result<Self> {
if transport.queue_used(idx) {
return Err(Error::AlreadyUsed);
if !SIZE.is_power_of_two()
|| SIZE > u16::MAX.into()
|| transport.max_queue_size() < SIZE as u32
return Err(Error::InvalidParam);
let size = SIZE as u16;
let layout = if transport.requires_legacy_layout() {
} else {
let desc =
nonnull_slice_from_raw_parts(layout.descriptors_vaddr().cast::<Descriptor>(), SIZE);
let avail = layout.avail_vaddr().cast();
let used = layout.used_vaddr().cast();
let mut desc_shadow: [Descriptor; SIZE] = FromBytes::new_zeroed();
// Link descriptors together.
for i in 0..(size - 1) {
desc_shadow[i as usize].next = i + 1;
// Safe because `desc` is properly aligned, dereferenceable, initialised, and the device
// won't access the descriptors for the duration of this unsafe block.
unsafe {
(*desc.as_ptr())[i as usize].next = i + 1;
Ok(VirtQueue {
queue_idx: idx,
num_used: 0,
free_head: 0,
avail_idx: 0,
last_used_idx: 0,
/// Add buffers to the virtqueue, return a token.
/// Ref: linux virtio_ring.c virtqueue_add
/// # Safety
/// The input and output buffers must remain valid and not be accessed until a call to
/// `pop_used` with the returned token succeeds.
pub unsafe fn add<'a, 'b>(
&mut self,
inputs: &'a [&'b [u8]],
outputs: &'a mut [&'b mut [u8]],
) -> Result<u16> {
if inputs.is_empty() && outputs.is_empty() {
return Err(Error::InvalidParam);
if inputs.len() + outputs.len() + self.num_used as usize > SIZE {
return Err(Error::QueueFull);
// allocate descriptors from free list
let head = self.free_head;
let mut last = self.free_head;
for (buffer, direction) in InputOutputIter::new(inputs, outputs) {
// Write to desc_shadow then copy.
let desc = &mut self.desc_shadow[usize::from(self.free_head)];
// Safe because our caller promises that the buffers live at least until `pop_used`
// returns them.
unsafe {
desc.set_buf::<H>(buffer, direction, DescFlags::NEXT);
last = self.free_head;
self.free_head =;
// set = NULL
self.num_used += (inputs.len() + outputs.len()) as u16;
let avail_slot = self.avail_idx & (SIZE as u16 - 1);
// Safe because self.avail is properly aligned, dereferenceable and initialised.
unsafe {
(*self.avail.as_ptr()).ring[avail_slot as usize] = head;
// Write barrier so that device sees changes to descriptor table and available ring before
// change to available index.
// increase head of avail ring
self.avail_idx = self.avail_idx.wrapping_add(1);
// Safe because self.avail is properly aligned, dereferenceable and initialised.
unsafe {
(*self.avail.as_ptr()).idx = self.avail_idx;
// Write barrier so that device can see change to available index after this method returns.
/// Add the given buffers to the virtqueue, notifies the device, blocks until the device uses
/// them, then pops them.
/// This assumes that the device isn't processing any other buffers at the same time.
pub fn add_notify_wait_pop<'a>(
&mut self,
inputs: &'a [&'a [u8]],
outputs: &'a mut [&'a mut [u8]],
transport: &mut impl Transport,
) -> Result<u32> {
// Safe because we don't return until the same token has been popped, so the buffers remain
// valid and are not otherwise accessed until then.
let token = unsafe { self.add(inputs, outputs) }?;
// Notify the queue.
if self.should_notify() {
// Wait until there is at least one element in the used ring.
while !self.can_pop() {
// Safe because these are the same buffers as we passed to `add` above and they are still
// valid.
unsafe { self.pop_used(token, inputs, outputs) }
/// Returns whether the driver should notify the device after adding a new buffer to the
/// virtqueue.
/// This will be false if the device has supressed notifications.
pub fn should_notify(&self) -> bool {
// Read barrier, so we read a fresh value from the device.
// Safe because self.used points to a valid, aligned, initialised, dereferenceable, readable
// instance of UsedRing.
unsafe { (*self.used.as_ptr()).flags & 0x0001 == 0 }
/// Copies the descriptor at the given index from `desc_shadow` to `desc`, so it can be seen by
/// the device.
fn write_desc(&mut self, index: u16) {
let index = usize::from(index);
// Safe because self.desc is properly aligned, dereferenceable and initialised, and nothing
// else reads or writes the descriptor during this block.
unsafe {
(*self.desc.as_ptr())[index] = self.desc_shadow[index].clone();
/// Returns whether there is a used element that can be popped.
pub fn can_pop(&self) -> bool {
// Read barrier, so we read a fresh value from the device.
// Safe because self.used points to a valid, aligned, initialised, dereferenceable, readable
// instance of UsedRing.
self.last_used_idx != unsafe { (*self.used.as_ptr()).idx }
/// Returns the descriptor index (a.k.a. token) of the next used element without popping it, or
/// `None` if the used ring is empty.
pub fn peek_used(&self) -> Option<u16> {
if self.can_pop() {
let last_used_slot = self.last_used_idx & (SIZE as u16 - 1);
// Safe because self.used points to a valid, aligned, initialised, dereferenceable,
// readable instance of UsedRing.
Some(unsafe { (*self.used.as_ptr()).ring[last_used_slot as usize].id as u16 })
} else {
/// Returns the number of free descriptors.
pub fn available_desc(&self) -> usize {
SIZE - self.num_used as usize
/// Unshares buffers in the list starting at descriptor index `head` and adds them to the free
/// list. Unsharing may involve copying data back to the original buffers, so they must be
/// passed in too.
/// This will push all linked descriptors at the front of the free list.
/// # Safety
/// The buffers in `inputs` and `outputs` must match the set of buffers originally added to the
/// queue by `add`.
unsafe fn recycle_descriptors<'a>(
&mut self,
head: u16,
inputs: &'a [&'a [u8]],
outputs: &'a mut [&'a mut [u8]],
) {
let original_free_head = self.free_head;
self.free_head = head;
let mut next = Some(head);
for (buffer, direction) in InputOutputIter::new(inputs, outputs) {
let desc_index = next.expect("Descriptor chain was shorter than expected.");
let desc = &mut self.desc_shadow[usize::from(desc_index)];
let paddr = desc.addr;
self.num_used -= 1;
next =;
if next.is_none() { = original_free_head;
// Safe because the caller ensures that the buffer is valid and matches the descriptor
// from which we got `paddr`.
unsafe {
// Unshare the buffer (and perhaps copy its contents back to the original buffer).
H::unshare(paddr as usize, buffer, direction);
if next.is_some() {
panic!("Descriptor chain was longer than expected.");
/// If the given token is next on the device used queue, pops it and returns the total buffer
/// length which was used (written) by the device.
/// Ref: linux virtio_ring.c virtqueue_get_buf_ctx
/// # Safety
/// The buffers in `inputs` and `outputs` must match the set of buffers originally added to the
/// queue by `add` when it returned the token being passed in here.
pub unsafe fn pop_used<'a>(
&mut self,
token: u16,
inputs: &'a [&'a [u8]],
outputs: &'a mut [&'a mut [u8]],
) -> Result<u32> {
if !self.can_pop() {
return Err(Error::NotReady);
// Read barrier not necessary, as can_pop already has one.
// Get the index of the start of the descriptor chain for the next element in the used ring.
let last_used_slot = self.last_used_idx & (SIZE as u16 - 1);
let index;
let len;
// Safe because self.used points to a valid, aligned, initialised, dereferenceable, readable
// instance of UsedRing.
unsafe {
index = (*self.used.as_ptr()).ring[last_used_slot as usize].id as u16;
len = (*self.used.as_ptr()).ring[last_used_slot as usize].len;
if index != token {
// The device used a different descriptor chain to the one we were expecting.
return Err(Error::WrongToken);
// Safe because the caller ensures the buffers are valid and match the descriptor.
unsafe {
self.recycle_descriptors(index, inputs, outputs);
self.last_used_idx = self.last_used_idx.wrapping_add(1);
/// The inner layout of a VirtQueue.
/// Ref: 2.6 Split Virtqueues
enum VirtQueueLayout<H: Hal> {
Legacy {
dma: Dma<H>,
avail_offset: usize,
used_offset: usize,
Modern {
/// The region used for the descriptor area and driver area.
driver_to_device_dma: Dma<H>,
/// The region used for the device area.
device_to_driver_dma: Dma<H>,
/// The offset from the start of the `driver_to_device_dma` region to the driver area
/// (available ring).
avail_offset: usize,
impl<H: Hal> VirtQueueLayout<H> {
/// Allocates a single DMA region containing all parts of the virtqueue, following the layout
/// required by legacy interfaces.
/// Ref: 2.6.2 Legacy Interfaces: A Note on Virtqueue Layout
fn allocate_legacy(queue_size: u16) -> Result<Self> {
let (desc, avail, used) = queue_part_sizes(queue_size);
let size = align_up(desc + avail) + align_up(used);
// Allocate contiguous pages.
let dma = Dma::new(size / PAGE_SIZE, BufferDirection::Both)?;
Ok(Self::Legacy {
avail_offset: desc,
used_offset: align_up(desc + avail),
/// Allocates separate DMA regions for the the different parts of the virtqueue, as supported by
/// non-legacy interfaces.
/// This is preferred over `allocate_legacy` where possible as it reduces memory fragmentation
/// and allows the HAL to know which DMA regions are used in which direction.
fn allocate_flexible(queue_size: u16) -> Result<Self> {
let (desc, avail, used) = queue_part_sizes(queue_size);
let driver_to_device_dma = Dma::new(pages(desc + avail), BufferDirection::DriverToDevice)?;
let device_to_driver_dma = Dma::new(pages(used), BufferDirection::DeviceToDriver)?;
Ok(Self::Modern {
avail_offset: desc,
/// Returns the physical address of the descriptor area.
fn descriptors_paddr(&self) -> PhysAddr {
match self {
Self::Legacy { dma, .. } => dma.paddr(),
Self::Modern {
} => driver_to_device_dma.paddr(),
/// Returns a pointer to the descriptor table (in the descriptor area).
fn descriptors_vaddr(&self) -> NonNull<u8> {
match self {
Self::Legacy { dma, .. } => dma.vaddr(0),
Self::Modern {
} => driver_to_device_dma.vaddr(0),
/// Returns the physical address of the driver area.
fn driver_area_paddr(&self) -> PhysAddr {
match self {
Self::Legacy {
dma, avail_offset, ..
} => dma.paddr() + avail_offset,
Self::Modern {
} => driver_to_device_dma.paddr() + avail_offset,
/// Returns a pointer to the available ring (in the driver area).
fn avail_vaddr(&self) -> NonNull<u8> {
match self {
Self::Legacy {
dma, avail_offset, ..
} => dma.vaddr(*avail_offset),
Self::Modern {
} => driver_to_device_dma.vaddr(*avail_offset),
/// Returns the physical address of the device area.
fn device_area_paddr(&self) -> PhysAddr {
match self {
Self::Legacy {
used_offset, dma, ..
} => dma.paddr() + used_offset,
Self::Modern {
} => device_to_driver_dma.paddr(),
/// Returns a pointer to the used ring (in the driver area).
fn used_vaddr(&self) -> NonNull<u8> {
match self {
Self::Legacy {
dma, used_offset, ..
} => dma.vaddr(*used_offset),
Self::Modern {
} => device_to_driver_dma.vaddr(0),
/// Returns the size in bytes of the descriptor table, available ring and used ring for a given
/// queue size.
/// Ref: 2.6 Split Virtqueues
fn queue_part_sizes(queue_size: u16) -> (usize, usize, usize) {
"queue size should be a power of 2"
let queue_size = queue_size as usize;
let desc = size_of::<Descriptor>() * queue_size;
let avail = size_of::<u16>() * (3 + queue_size);
let used = size_of::<u16>() * 3 + size_of::<UsedElem>() * queue_size;
(desc, avail, used)
#[repr(C, align(16))]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, FromBytes)]
pub(crate) struct Descriptor {
addr: u64,
len: u32,
flags: DescFlags,
next: u16,
impl Descriptor {
/// Sets the buffer address, length and flags, and shares it with the device.
/// # Safety
/// The caller must ensure that the buffer lives at least as long as the descriptor is active.
unsafe fn set_buf<H: Hal>(
&mut self,
buf: NonNull<[u8]>,
direction: BufferDirection,
extra_flags: DescFlags,
) {
// Safe because our caller promises that the buffer is valid.
unsafe {
self.addr = H::share(buf, direction) as u64;
self.len = buf.len() as u32;
self.flags = extra_flags
| match direction {
BufferDirection::DeviceToDriver => DescFlags::WRITE,
BufferDirection::DriverToDevice => DescFlags::empty(),
BufferDirection::Both => {
panic!("Buffer passed to device should never use BufferDirection::Both.")
/// Sets the buffer address and length to 0.
/// This must only be called once the device has finished using the descriptor.
fn unset_buf(&mut self) {
self.addr = 0;
self.len = 0;
/// Returns the index of the next descriptor in the chain if the `NEXT` flag is set, or `None`
/// if it is not (and thus this descriptor is the end of the chain).
fn next(&self) -> Option<u16> {
if self.flags.contains(DescFlags::NEXT) {
} else {
bitflags! {
/// Descriptor flags
struct DescFlags: u16 {
const NEXT = 1;
const WRITE = 2;
const INDIRECT = 4;
/// The driver uses the available ring to offer buffers to the device:
/// each ring entry refers to the head of a descriptor chain.
/// It is only written by the driver and read by the device.
struct AvailRing<const SIZE: usize> {
flags: u16,
/// A driver MUST NOT decrement the idx.
idx: u16,
ring: [u16; SIZE],
used_event: u16, // unused
/// The used ring is where the device returns buffers once it is done with them:
/// it is only written to by the device, and read by the driver.
struct UsedRing<const SIZE: usize> {
flags: u16,
idx: u16,
ring: [UsedElem; SIZE],
avail_event: u16, // unused
struct UsedElem {
id: u32,
len: u32,
struct InputOutputIter<'a, 'b> {
inputs: &'a [&'b [u8]],
outputs: &'a mut [&'b mut [u8]],
impl<'a, 'b> InputOutputIter<'a, 'b> {
fn new(inputs: &'a [&'b [u8]], outputs: &'a mut [&'b mut [u8]]) -> Self {
Self { inputs, outputs }
impl<'a, 'b> Iterator for InputOutputIter<'a, 'b> {
type Item = (NonNull<[u8]>, BufferDirection);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if let Some(input) = take_first(&mut self.inputs) {
Some(((*input).into(), BufferDirection::DriverToDevice))
} else {
let output = take_first_mut(&mut self.outputs)?;
Some(((*output).into(), BufferDirection::DeviceToDriver))
// TODO: Use `slice::take_first` once it is stable
// (
fn take_first<'a, T>(slice: &mut &'a [T]) -> Option<&'a T> {
let (first, rem) = slice.split_first()?;
*slice = rem;
// TODO: Use `slice::take_first_mut` once it is stable
// (
fn take_first_mut<'a, T>(slice: &mut &'a mut [T]) -> Option<&'a mut T> {
let (first, rem) = take(slice).split_first_mut()?;
*slice = rem;
/// Simulates the device reading from a VirtIO queue and writing a response back, for use in tests.
/// The fake device always uses descriptors in order.
pub(crate) fn fake_read_write_queue<const QUEUE_SIZE: usize>(
descriptors: *const [Descriptor; QUEUE_SIZE],
queue_driver_area: *const u8,
queue_device_area: *mut u8,
handler: impl FnOnce(Vec<u8>) -> Vec<u8>,
) {
use core::{ops::Deref, slice};
let available_ring = queue_driver_area as *const AvailRing<QUEUE_SIZE>;
let used_ring = queue_device_area as *mut UsedRing<QUEUE_SIZE>;
// Safe because the various pointers are properly aligned, dereferenceable, initialised, and
// nothing else accesses them during this block.
unsafe {
// Make sure there is actually at least one descriptor available to read from.
assert_ne!((*available_ring).idx, (*used_ring).idx);
// The fake device always uses descriptors in order, like VIRTIO_F_IN_ORDER, so
// `used_ring.idx` marks the next descriptor we should take from the available ring.
let next_slot = (*used_ring).idx & (QUEUE_SIZE as u16 - 1);
let head_descriptor_index = (*available_ring).ring[next_slot as usize];
let mut descriptor = &(*descriptors)[head_descriptor_index as usize];
// Loop through all input descriptors in the chain, reading data from them.
let mut input = Vec::new();
while !descriptor.flags.contains(DescFlags::WRITE) {
descriptor.addr as *const u8,
descriptor.len as usize,
if let Some(next) = {
descriptor = &(*descriptors)[next as usize];
} else {
let input_length = input.len();
// Let the test handle the request.
let output = handler(input);
// Write the response to the remaining descriptors.
let mut remaining_output = output.deref();
if descriptor.flags.contains(DescFlags::WRITE) {
loop {
let length_to_write = min(remaining_output.len(), descriptor.len as usize);
descriptor.addr as *mut u8,
remaining_output = &remaining_output[length_to_write..];
if let Some(next) = {
descriptor = &(*descriptors)[next as usize];
} else {
assert_eq!(remaining_output.len(), 0);
// Mark the buffer as used.
(*used_ring).ring[next_slot as usize].id = head_descriptor_index as u32;
(*used_ring).ring[next_slot as usize].len = (input_length + output.len()) as u32;
(*used_ring).idx += 1;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::{
transport::mmio::{MmioTransport, VirtIOHeader, MODERN_VERSION},
use core::ptr::NonNull;
fn invalid_queue_size() {
let mut header = VirtIOHeader::make_fake_header(MODERN_VERSION, 1, 0, 0, 4);
let mut transport = unsafe { MmioTransport::new(NonNull::from(&mut header)) }.unwrap();
// Size not a power of 2.
VirtQueue::<FakeHal, 3>::new(&mut transport, 0).unwrap_err(),
fn queue_too_big() {
let mut header = VirtIOHeader::make_fake_header(MODERN_VERSION, 1, 0, 0, 4);
let mut transport = unsafe { MmioTransport::new(NonNull::from(&mut header)) }.unwrap();
VirtQueue::<FakeHal, 8>::new(&mut transport, 0).unwrap_err(),
fn queue_already_used() {
let mut header = VirtIOHeader::make_fake_header(MODERN_VERSION, 1, 0, 0, 4);
let mut transport = unsafe { MmioTransport::new(NonNull::from(&mut header)) }.unwrap();
VirtQueue::<FakeHal, 4>::new(&mut transport, 0).unwrap();
VirtQueue::<FakeHal, 4>::new(&mut transport, 0).unwrap_err(),
fn add_empty() {
let mut header = VirtIOHeader::make_fake_header(MODERN_VERSION, 1, 0, 0, 4);
let mut transport = unsafe { MmioTransport::new(NonNull::from(&mut header)) }.unwrap();
let mut queue = VirtQueue::<FakeHal, 4>::new(&mut transport, 0).unwrap();
unsafe { queue.add(&[], &mut []) }.unwrap_err(),
fn add_too_many() {
let mut header = VirtIOHeader::make_fake_header(MODERN_VERSION, 1, 0, 0, 4);
let mut transport = unsafe { MmioTransport::new(NonNull::from(&mut header)) }.unwrap();
let mut queue = VirtQueue::<FakeHal, 4>::new(&mut transport, 0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(queue.available_desc(), 4);
unsafe { queue.add(&[&[], &[], &[]], &mut [&mut [], &mut []]) }.unwrap_err(),
fn add_buffers() {
let mut header = VirtIOHeader::make_fake_header(MODERN_VERSION, 1, 0, 0, 4);
let mut transport = unsafe { MmioTransport::new(NonNull::from(&mut header)) }.unwrap();
let mut queue = VirtQueue::<FakeHal, 4>::new(&mut transport, 0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(queue.available_desc(), 4);
// Add a buffer chain consisting of two device-readable parts followed by two
// device-writable parts.
let token = unsafe { queue.add(&[&[1, 2], &[3]], &mut [&mut [0, 0], &mut [0]]) }.unwrap();
assert_eq!(queue.available_desc(), 0);
// Safe because the various parts of the queue are properly aligned, dereferenceable and
// initialised, and nothing else is accessing them at the same time.
unsafe {
let first_descriptor_index = (*queue.avail.as_ptr()).ring[0];
assert_eq!(first_descriptor_index, token);
(*queue.desc.as_ptr())[first_descriptor_index as usize].len,
(*queue.desc.as_ptr())[first_descriptor_index as usize].flags,
let second_descriptor_index =
(*queue.desc.as_ptr())[first_descriptor_index as usize].next;
(*queue.desc.as_ptr())[second_descriptor_index as usize].len,
(*queue.desc.as_ptr())[second_descriptor_index as usize].flags,
let third_descriptor_index =
(*queue.desc.as_ptr())[second_descriptor_index as usize].next;
(*queue.desc.as_ptr())[third_descriptor_index as usize].len,
(*queue.desc.as_ptr())[third_descriptor_index as usize].flags,
DescFlags::NEXT | DescFlags::WRITE
let fourth_descriptor_index =
(*queue.desc.as_ptr())[third_descriptor_index as usize].next;
(*queue.desc.as_ptr())[fourth_descriptor_index as usize].len,
(*queue.desc.as_ptr())[fourth_descriptor_index as usize].flags,